HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-08, Page 4Clinton, News -Recoils
PebruartI 14th
Choice Designs in
Hear to
Post Cards
'ou sale by
A. T. Uoope
Telegraph and Ticket Agent,
Clinton, Ontario
News -Record means News -Leader.
The Canadian Pacific Railway offers
O'ram Camp Borden we went to
tett connection is made for Florida,
via Cinoinatti and Atlanta, Ga.,
Jacksonville, Florida, is reached sec-
ond morning after leaving Detroit,
The Canadian Pacific -Michigan Cen-
tral Route will be found the ideal
line to Chicago, where direct connec-
tion is made for Ole Southern Stat-
es. New Orleans is reached second
morning after leaving Toronto. The
Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car ser-
vice between Toronto, Detroit and
Chicago is up-to-date in every par-
ticular. Connecting lines also oper-
ate through sleeping and dining cars.
Those contemplating a trip of any
nature will receive full information
from any Canadian Pacific, Agent or
W. 13. FIoward, District Passenger
'Agent, Toronto,
Special Fares now to effect to le -
sorts In Florida', (loggia, North and
South 'Carolina, Lottislana and oth-
er� Southern States, and to Der-
nnida and Ole West Indies,
RI,iTURN LIMIT MAY 31st, 1.917
1?or full information write to
Union ,Station;
Toronto, Out,
J. RANSI+OfiD ch .SON,
Uptown Agents, Clinton.
Phone 07.
b' 1
The five hundred muscles in the
human body depend on pure and rich
Mood for their health and contrac-
tile energy which is the ability to
labor. If they are given impure
blood they become enfeebled, the step
loses its elasticity, the arm its ellio
iency, and there is incapacity! to per-
forin the usual amount of labor.
What a great blessing Hood's Sar-
saparilla has been to the many toil-
itig thousands whose blood it has
made and kept pure and rich 1 This
Medicine cleanses tate blood of all
humors, inherited or acquired, and
strengthens and tones the whole sys-
tem. It is important to be sure that
you get Hood's Sarsnpari'.la when
you ask for it. No substitute for it
is like it,
and if you have thin hair -if you are
bald -do not miss seeing Aorenwen'1's
Exhibit of Human Hair -Goods for
ladies and gentletnen at the Ratten-
bury House on Wednesday, . l lebruary
1401i. The display will include La-
dies' Switches, Coronet and Fancy
Braids; Transformations, Pompa-
dours, Waves. Chignons, Bangs, and
for bald men toupee and wig struc-
tures that will benefit the health and
appearance. There is no charge for a
News -Record means News -Leader,_
Dry Goods
Conch et Co.
PHONE 78. -
Ready to -
"Viyella" Fitinnel
The World's Favorite Fabric
for Night and Day Wear
This is the only guaranteed unshrinkable"f1a:lnel
on the market, Suitable for ladies blouses, night
dresses, dressing jackets, men's shirts, children's. dresses,
pyjamas, night shirts and underwear, 31 inches wide,
colors white, cream, black, navy with white stripe and
white ground with colored stripes, Price 70c yard
Sold only at This Store. .
We also opened up this week several hundred yds
of light and medium grey flannel, 27 to 29 inches wide
Prices 40, 45, 50 and 55 cents a pard
Flannelette Blankets L95 pair
Seventy-five pairs ;Flannelette XBlankets,,best
quality, largest size, white with blue border, white with
pink border, grey with blue border, grey with pink
border, Very Special Price $1.95
Scotch Fingering Yarn 1.55
Fifty spindles of good quality I Scoteh5Fingering
Yarn, mid grey and black, 3 and 4 ply, $1.55 pound,
Factory Yarn $1 pound
Twenty spindles of good quality Factory Yarn, 3
and 4 ply, colors light and dark grey, black, white and
black, plain white and red, $1,00 a pound
Your choice of any Cloth Coat in the Store
Half the Regular •Price.
25 per cent off all Furs,
A Good Showing,
The November, 7)eeenlilor and Jan
eery shipments of the Field comforts
and hospital supplies• 'forwarded to
Hymen hall were'shipped from Clod-
el'loh, Clinton, 1313ttll, 13russcle and
'l'here are shill societies doing
splendid work where reports have
Mit bben forwarded to the. Secretary
of. the Ilfiron Comity War Contingent
Association aril are therefore not 'In
eluded in this grand total, The .see -
eatery will be pleased to receive suoi
in the future, •
Jean rtton, l+lxeter, corresponding
Secretary for. Huron County ll',C!,A.._
1' . T. 0, Hamilton, God bell,
4C'lifiton Shiliplug (.'en ter.
November Shipment,
Varna Patriotic Society --27 shirts,
13 pr. of •reefs ,Stanley llap'.e Leaf
-07 hospital shirts, 25 pr, of socke
Unity Club -0 flannel shirts, 10 help -
lees shirts,, 6 sheets•, 2 slips,'18 haat
kerchiefs, 29 towels, 72 pr, socks, 1
scarf, 1.0 wash cloths. Young Ladies
of ,South End Goderich township -24
pr. socks, Clinton patriotic Sooicty
-'27 shirts, 22 helpless shirts,. 22
sheets, 63 slips, 102 pr. socks, 8
scarfs, 02 tren'.h towels, 8 wash
cloths. -
December Shipment,
Unity Club -6 flannel. shirts, 10
sheets, 22 pr. soc7s, Varna Patriotic
Society -15 shirts, 0 kit hags. Stan-
ley Maple Leaf -2 flannel shirts, 39
pr. sociis. Bayfield Patriotic Society
-40 PC. socks. South End of Goder-
ich township -6 pr. socks'. Bethany -
10 pr. socks. Clinton .Patriotic So-
ciety -33 flannel shirts, 13 suits py-
jamas, 0 helpless shirts; 80 pr, socks
9 scarfs, 1 pr. wristlets. - Shipment
to Seeour's National, Toronto. Stan-
ley Maple Leaf -19 ilanner hospital
.shirts, 1 pr, socks, 1 quilt. Bethel
Laches' Md -10 pr. socks. Clinton
Patriotic Society -3 quilts, . 2 pr.
January Shipment,
Varna Patriotic Society -24 Cannel
shirts,. 30 trench towels, 9 pr. socks, -
unity Club ---.7 flannel shirts, 2 sults
pyjamas, 15 pr. socks, 1 quilt. Bap.
field. Patriotic Society -40 pr. socks.
Uathany. Society. -26 pr. socks. South
End Godertcb township -6 pr. socks..
Clinton Patriotic Society -18 flannel
shirts, 138 pc, socks, 3 scarfs, 10
sheets, 3 packages of old coact.
Varna Patriotic Societe sent to their
own boys -5 flannel shirts, 5 pr.
socks, 3 scarfs, 2 pr. mitts. South
End of Goderich township Society -
26 pr. socks, 40 bars of chocolate.
8rucefeld - 140 pr. socks, 40 help-
less .shirts, 25 suits pyjamas.
Goderich Shipping Centre.
December, Shipment,
Goderich Red Cross Society - 0
dressing gowns, 6 pyjama suits, 11
day shirts, 90 pr. socks. AshGelcl
Soldier's Aid -16 flannel pyjama
suits, 1 pr, pillow, cases, 00 pr. socks
Delimiller. Red Cross Society -9 py-
jama suits, 0 trench caps, 54 pr, of
socks. Dungannon' Women's Institute
-24 flannellette helpless shirts. 1
licspita!•shirt. Brittania Chapter 1.
O,D,E., Goderich-18 bed sec's, 12
fomentation wringers, 12 housewives,
Goderich Women's Institute -51 night
shirts, 0 llaunellette day shirts, 2
quilts, 12 pr. socks. Leeburn Merl
Cross Worker's Senior Society - 3
flannel1ette helpless shirts, 15 cotton
helpless shirts, 4 pr: pillow cases, 24
pr. socks, Goderich township Patri-
otic Society -54 pyjama suits,' 42 pr,
socks. Sanford Red Cross Society -
126 pr. socks.
January Shipment.
Goderich Red Cross Society- 20
dressing gowns, 24 suits pyjamas, 11
towels, 6 grey shirts, 10 khaki day
shirts, 8 wash cloths, 8 pr, bed
socks, 156 pr, socks, Eenmiilor Red
Cross Society -10 suits of pyjamas,
37 pr., socks. Brittania Chaplet 1.
0.D.E,, Goderich-12 housewives, 20
sponges, 1 helpless shirt, 25 roman-
tations wringers, ,12 pr. bed 'socks.
Leeburn Red Cross Workers, Sr., So-
ciety -18 pr. socks, Goderich town-
ship United Patriotic Society -87
suit's pyjamas, 44 pr. socks. South
Hill Red Cross Workers -8 day
shirts', 10 pyjama suits, 5 flaimellette
day shirts, 28 pr, socks, Saltford
Rod 'Cross ,Society -18 day shirts, 1
pyjama suit, 30 helpless shirts, 1.10
pr, of- socks.
Exeter Shipping Station,
Nov., Dee. & Jan,
Women's Institute -73 pair socks.
Centralia --81 shirts, 62 pr., socks,
1 sweater, •
.,,Zion Circle -150 shirts, 45 pr. socks,
Eiimviile and Sunshine ---84 pair of
Kippeu.- 46 shirts, 32 suits py,jatn-
as, 29 pair socks,
Crediton --44 pair socks, 17 wash
Thames Road -52 pyjama suits, 80
pair socks, 19 hospital soaks, 2 pair
Soldiers' Aid Soddy, Exeter - 14
sheets, 48 pillow cases, 5 pillows', 14
towels, 14,sults pyjamas, 16 wash
rags, 3 sweaters, 230 pair soaks, 2
scarfs, 1 hospital shirt,
Farquhar -6 towels, 12 shirts, 30
pair socks.
'Zurich Women's Institute -444 pair
Socks, .1 sweater,
Blake Women's Instituter -18 pair
of socks, 1 411110, 3 doz, handkere
Red Cross Society for November
December and October, sent to Tor-
onto Iced Cress Wareroonic,
snits of pyiatnas, 72 Ilaneel shirts,
102 hospital night shirts, 8.12 pair of
souks, 12 personas ptaperty hags, 12
dressing gowns, 6 wash cloths,. 9
sc;ttfs, 1 trench cap, f pair *Holds
402 towels,
1)ec, and Jan--ToNationel w orrice.
WareimOne, shirts and soelts to the
value' of e688,50 i to CanadianRed
Cross, suppiics, Valued at 8113...70e
Dec. and Jan. -132 pair soaks, 2
cfoz, hospital shirts, 19 suits, pyjanl
es,.19 dpz.towols, 8- scarfs',. 15 de%,
hand towels, 2 liolpiese.. shirts, 66.
suits of tronoh eenthInatfon6, 8 tied
slips, r _
Bl)'tli Shipping Centre;
f)ecember and January,
'Moncriffie Red Grose Sowing Ole,
cle-07 pair' welts, 26 helpless shirts,
28 suits pyjamas,
Walton Rad Gross Union -17 day,
shirts, 8 helpless shi.res,. 23 pyjama
sults, 52 bath towels, 148 pair socks
00 hand towels, 89 flannel shirts, ,1
Ladies' Aid of Burns' Church,, Hui-
lett, 18 pair socks.
Girls' War Auxiliary, 131yt19 - 00
ties, 90 Turkish towels,
D.A,M,I,D.K. Club, ilullotO, 14
pr, socks, 1 p -r, hospital socks, 2
rolls of bands e•
g s, 1 scarf,
Blyth Red Cross Society -81 flannel
shirts, 102 pr, soaks, 1 pr. wristlets,
1 sleeping cap, 1 bundle old linen, 3
January 26th(, 1917
Nes. Fitton, Secretary, Huron Coun-
ty C'.W C.A., Exeter, Ont.,
Dear Mrs. Fitton-
1'ottr letter just to hand and it
gives use pleasure to accede to your
req uest.
We at headquarters are indeed
pleased at the outcome of the feder-
ation of the different Red Cross_ So-
cieties- in tha"County, thereby great-
ly slinplilying our work here. We
consider your output in quantity and
quality moving quickly along to the
perfection mark and congratulate• you
on the measure of successes already
Most Cordially,
S. 13, Wright,
Aging President.
WS a Real Life Preserver When the
Animal Turns Turtle.
The king crab uses his tail for a life
preserver. Probably you can't imagine
what a sea animal wants of it life
preserver. IL yon watch this creature
long enough, either along the beach
or in an aquarium, you'll find out. 13e's
get a shell on his back and a long,
d'piny tail that looks as if it could be
need as a weapon of defense. .
Sometimes the king crab gets turn -
eel over on his back. His feet are ani
curled up in the shell, so he can't
(Much anything with them, therefore
;kheea he's on his back he's helpless.
This is where the long tall comes 14
ask life preserver. The ling crab
sticks the point of his tail in the sand
;and lifts himself until he makes an
Ali with his body. Then he swinge
sidewise, back and forth, until with
one final effort be dope himself oval(
right side at last
Along theup Jersey coast they reckon
the beginning of summer by the king
crabs. About the time of the fall
moon In Jane, they say, the ':Ong craI*
cane asp on the sand to lay their
Men sad boys go down on the,
w1t)i wagons and shovels and scoo
up,tbe crabs by the bushel. That th
fedi them to the country,
It Is interesting to know, too, tint
the Indians used to point their atrome
With the sharp, spiny tall of the king
crab. They used the shell for a ladle,
The French have given a name to the
crab -casserole dsh-becanee the shell
looks like a saucepan.
Rough on the Surgeon.
In the ancient life of Mesopotamia
the surgeon failed to occupy the e--
alted position aceorded him in the
present age, end to discourage hila
from making rash operations severe
penalties were fixed in ease of aneatk
ressfnl ones. If the Patient died tilh
surgeon's hands were cut off, In the
ease of a slave he had to replace bioi
With one of eonal value. If tbo slave's
eye was lost he had to pay half the
value o4 the slave. IL a veterinary
surgeon were successful he received
one-sixth of * shekel, but If the animal
died he had to pay one•eietle of *6*
An Ubealved Puzzle of Biology.
It is one of the innumerable pu'aaml
ofbiulogy that the number of eggs
b t -,I Iaye'seefna to have each small
(Menai on the abundance of the sp$,
eit.:A royal tern lays one egg, rarely,
One; a gull three, a sktmlner four to
six. The gull eats the eggs of the other
two, especially of the tern; as far as
we know all have the same foes, yet
the abundance of the birds is in in-
verse ratio to the number of their eggs.
Of course, there Is an explanation, but
we cannot even guess a tit as yet, With
this, as with so many other scientific
questions, all we can say Is, with Ilex -
ley, that we are not afraid to announce
that we do not know, -Theodore
Roo6evett in Seribner's Magazine,
The Way it Gee*.
"ct. mail lives three liven-yotitll,
manhood and age," pbilosophicalty
stated Professor Pate. "Youth is the
Wenn; Iota of' life, when he thinks of
what a heck of a teller he Is going 00 •
be; manhood is the sun at full me-
ridian, when he is satisfied that he is
indeed a heck of a feller; age is the
setting sun, When ho sags around and
brags about what a heck( of a feller
he used to be," --Judge,
Good Match,
"You must he terribly thin," ex.
claimed sister's small brother to the
vislttttg suitor,
"Why. what makes you think sat"
he nuked irr astonlefinient,
"PPermtsa mother told Meier you
would melte 0 good mateh,"--3'Iilladei'
pb.la Ledgoe,
eli'x!iary $th, 1917
Principal repayable 1st October, 1019,
Interest payable half -yearly, let, April and 1st October by.
cheque (free of exchange at any shattered Bank in Canada) at
the rate of Ave per cent per annum from the date of purohaso,
lIoldera of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering
at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash,pay-
ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue at
Canada othor than an issue of Treasury Bilis or other lily/Short
date security.
Proeeeds of this stook are for war purposes only. •
commission A. o mission of one-quarter of one per cont will be allowed
torecognized �l
wed o
z bond an s
g d stock brokers 1
1 b { sof allotmentsmadein
respect of applications for this stool{ which bear their stamp,
For application forme apply to the Deputy Minister of
Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER 785, 1906.
WI a
It is a very well-known fact that paper, ink, type, indeed
everything which goes into the make-up of a newspaper, has
go.ie up very materially in price during the last two years,
So serious has become the situation that nearly all the
daily papers have raised the price of subscription and many
of the local weeklies also have found it necessary to raise
the price of a year's subscription from One Dollar to One
Dollar and Fifty Cents. The publisher of The News -Record
is desirous of leaving the subscription price at the old figare,
but in order to make such a line of action possible it will be
necessary for our subscribers to show their loyalty to the
paper by bringing or sending in their subscriptions promptly.
All arrears must be paid, and every subscription should read
one year in advance by the end,of 1916. This would give
The News-Reeord confidence as showing that its many readers
appreciate our efforts to supply a live, newsy weekly paper at
the old price.
JAM; Ai isle
Low Fares and Through Tickets
Western Canada and the Pacific Coast
To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing
apply to A. T. Cooper, agent, or write to
rc sawtazsi
FAIRBAIRN, General Passenger Dept,,
6S King St, E. Toronto