HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-08, Page 3•
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tt. B10111ONM,
onto- pinnn Mock -CLINTO%
G. 4'4ENRON K.O.
Office eu Albert Street occuped b?
?dr. !toupee.
In Clinton on every. Thursday.
rad on any day for which ap-
pointments are made. Oros
boure f rom 0 a.m to 6 p.m.
A good vault in connection with
the office Office open every
week day Mr. Blooper will
make any appointments for Ur..
Cameron. •
C11Af111'lS 8, .PALU.
Oonvevancer, Notary NOIR.,
Commissioner, Eta.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
DRS. (.1'N'( & DANDIES
Dr. W Gunn, L,!'Z.O,P., L.a.
C.B., F,dia.
Dr, J. C. Gaudier, 11.A., MIL
Duce -Ontario St., Cliotor. rigbb
salts at resideocc, Ratter/Isar" lit..
or' at ii 'spits!.
Special attention gives to die
saxes of the Eye, Ear,, Ni.e
• and Throat. .
Eyes carefully examined .and suit
able glasses preseribed
Oce and residence. o doors west of
the Commercial Rotel, Baron St,
flrfl.R0E- ELLIOTT
Licensed Auctioneer tor the County
of Rural].
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Salt .-Date at T'ba
News•Record, Clinton, or by
caping Phone 13 on 167.
Charges ,noderete and aatisfaotle$
There is a
Cold Day Coming
Why not prepare for it by
ordorlag your winter supply
of Lehigh Valley oat. Notre
borer to the world,
House Phone 12.
Office Phone 3.
We carry a Cpmpletn Stook .of
Stooges Natural Fertilizer, No
better on the market.
We pay at all seasons the highest
market prices for Ray for baling.
American \Feed Corp, .Red Clo•
rer, Alsike. Timothy and Alfalfrt,
1.11w is Your
C cry
Supply 9
To know that Jewelry Stdre
Cutlery is out of the com-
mon class. M least, OURS
.1t. 'carries a distinctiveness--
istinctiveness-an ear of superiority, that
comes from berg made with,
the greatest care and,,at•
moat skill from the highest.
prided materials.
Uoo can use some of thls
Cutlery in your home, you
will be proud of it every
time yon see it on the table.
Carvers,cased, 113 00 up. '
Enivee, Forks and Spoons,
81.00 doz. Up.
Snivee and Forks. steel, white
bandlea, $8.00 doz. np.
Let us show you our cutlery
line Lot us tell' you more
about why it is the most
deeirrblo that you can pat
your money into.
arm rop
Kc ;;+ii"n Vtit ee- a
tt Nuns-Nesord's"
New Ok bil1% Rates
For 1917
News-Reeord and Family Herald and
Weekly Star 1,85
News -Record and Canadian •
Countryman 1,50
News -Record and Weekly Sun . , 1.86
News -Record and Parolee's Advocate 2.60
News -Record and Farm & Dairy1.86
News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.86
News -Record and Weekly Witness 2.36
News Record and Northern
Messenger 1.60
News -Record and Saturday Night3.60
News -Record and 'Youth's Com-
panion 3.25
News -Record and. Canadian sports-
man 3,26
News -Record and Lippincot's Maga-
zine 3 25
News -Record and World 58.60
News -Record and Globe 8.60
News -Record and Mail & Empire3.60
News-Reoord and Advertiser 3.10
News -Record and Morning Free
Press 3.50
News -Record and Evening Free
Press 3.00
News -Record and Toronto Star8.35
Nows•ltecord and Toronto News,3.35
'- If what you want Is not in this list let
us know about 1t. We cansupply you
at less than it wouldcostyou to send
In remitting please do so by Post -
office Order, Postal Note, Express'Order
or Registered letter and address
Publisher News -Record
The (cM.illop Ilintual
Fire Insurance Company
Head office, Seaforth, Ont,
Pre5ideat, James Connolly, Goderioh ;
Viae., James levans, Beechwood ;
Sea. -Treasurer, Thos. B. Hays, Sea -
Directors : George McCartney, Sea.
forth ; D. P. McGregor, Seaforth ; J.
a•. Grieve, Winthrop ; Wm. Rhin,
Seaforth ; A. McEwen, •Ilruoeleld ;
Relied Perris, Flarinolt.
Agents : Alex, Leitch, Clinton ; J, W.
Lao, Goderioh ; .1d, Fltncfley, Sea.
tortb ; W. Chesney, Egmondviile ; R,
S. Jarmutit, Brodhtigen.
Any money to bo paid in mai bo
paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
or at Cult's Grocery, Goderioh,
Parties desiring to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to '
any of the above officers address 1 to
their respective post office'. Losses
inspected by the director who lives
'.ire nearest the 508110.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Cflintott Station as follows:
Going East, depart 7,8.5 a.m.
It it 1,
2.68 p.m.
Going West, depart 1.2.45 p.m.
" ar. 61.82, dp, 81,45 p.m.
n' " depart 11.28 pan,
Going South, dr, 7,88, dp, 8,06 pan.
Going North, depart 0.40 p.m,
�ee �s see
We are now ready to show
you a beautiful stock of Christ-
mas Goods.
Ebony Brushes, Mirrors and
Manicure Pieces and Sets.
Ivory Brushes, Mirrors, Mani -
euro Pieces and Sets, Jewel
Cases, Hair Receivers, Trays,
A new stock of up -to -!'late
Gillette Auto Strop and Ever -
Ready .Safety Razors and Shav-
ing Brushes.
Kodaks. and Albums, Pack-
age Perfumes in a variety of
pleasant odors.
Beautiful news goods at the
Recall Store
W, S . H. Holmes
clondueted by. Professor Henry' G. Bell.
The object of thls new department is to place at
the °ervice of our farmer readerspractical and author!.
tative Information that 'will help them to secure 'the
best possible crops of every sort,
le your coil as fertile as it should be?. Does the
partial failure of some crop puzzle you? Are yoli using
the varieties of seeds best adapted to your soil and
locality? Would YOU like some practical andscientific
advice on the adaptation and use of manures? Are
You losing hard.earned money through peat or blight?
The expert advice of Professor Bell is made avail-
able to you free of charge timoutth this department. Professor Bell le
particularly fitted ,for this work, as he has. made a life study of soles and
crops, He is a graduate of the Guelph Agricultural Collage, and for a short
time taught in that splendid institution. From there he went to the Iowa
Agricultural College as Assistant Professor .of Farm Crops, later on becom-.•
Ing Professor of Agronomy at the University of Maine and. Superintendent
of the University Farm. He is the ,author of a large number of articles on
agricultural subjects.
Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In care of The Wilson
Publishing Compnay, Limited, Toronto, and answers will appear In this
oolumn in the order in which they are received. As space is limited it Is
advisable where immediate reply is necessary that a stamped and addressed
envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be nailed
Being the Second of a Series of Five Articles Specially Written
by G. Bell, Agronomist.
Many farmers are just now bus-
ily planning crop rotations and the
definite areas of the definite crops
which they purpose growing next
summer. Not a few are consider-
ing the question of , spring wheat.
Many of those who have not gown
this crop are studying the. chances for
possible returns, for money invested
in It. Those who have already grown
acreages of spring wheat are interest-
ed in any suggestions as to how the
yield per sere can be increased, es-
pecially Se under the present enor-
mously increased demand for food cer-
eals. Food must be produced in
greater quantities in 1917 if severe
slPurtega is not to be felt by a large
percent of society. There is no guess
tion about it. The London Statist,
in a recent issue declares that on ac-
count of a shortage of feed, there is
an under -supply of over a million pigs
in the sties of Englund, resulting in
scarcity and dearness of pork, bacon,
harp and sausages. Even Ontario's
figures show a relative shortage in
the production of meat animals over
years gone by. The shortage of food
of every and all kinds must be felt, and
everything that can be done to spur
up the acreage 'yields of the food
cereals will accomplish just that much
to help solve the great and general
problem of food shortage.
Ontario, with over 14,500,000 acres
of cleared, cultivatable land, has an
acreage of a little less than 119,000
acres of spring wheat. This is not
one acre per farm. The yield of
spring wheat over the whole province,
varies between 18 and 19 bushels per
acre. Now, there is reason to be-
lieve that with a little expenditure of
labor, and with a little carefulplan-
ning, it would be possible to consid-
erably increase the acreage of spring
wheat to the substantial profit of the
burner, and to the benefit of the in-
habitants of this province, and to the
whole Dominion, The following few
suggestions are offered :
(1) Get seed of a good variety, and
then sow good quality seed. Possibly
no one in Ontario has a better specific
knowledge of relative varieties suit-
able for growing under Ontario con-
ditions than Prof. C. A. Zavitz of On-
tario Agricultural College. Prof.
Zavitz, after testing a number of var-
ieties for a number of years at
Gnelph, and after having members of
the Ontario Agricultural & Experi-
mental Union test 24 varieties of
' Constipation --
the lane of old age
is notto be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For gentle,
but sure laxative, use
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, They
stir up the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen the
stomach and bowels just •
like nn internal bath.
Woman's best friend,
Prom girlhood to old nee,
these little red health re -
[diners are All unfarlin
o clean, healthy, Mince!!
ei:amaeh, Take a
Chamberlain's Stomach..
Tablet at night- and the
sour titamdli anti fer-
mentation, and the
headache, have all
seri* by morning.
All drug:data, 2.;c,,
or by mail from
Chamhartals Msdiale
Compsn'?, Toronto I.
Havoc Wrought by 'Explosion of Gas
Maio in Basement.
A despatch from Chicago says 1-
Fmty persons are believed to he dead
and ns many are injured its the re-
sult of a' gas explosion find tut that
wrecked a tenement. building at 1(15-20
West 14th Pince, in the heart of the
. West Side early on Friday. Injured
persons and resideuts forced front
their h011ree seantly ela:d, suffered
Miserably dna temperature of 10 de-
grees below rer0, and the cold hinder-
ed the work of Brennen and rescuers,
News- Record
CL.1'N'1'ON, ONTAR10,
Terns or subscription -$1 per year,
is advituCE; .1.50 may be charged
It not so paid. No paper diseon.
tinned 6161111 all arrears are paid
triiless alt, the option or the pub.
fisher. The date 1.0 whteh every
subscription is paid is denoted ou
11111 label.
Advertising hates --- 'Transient ad.
vortiserneut5, 10 cents per non.
palish line for first ihseriion and
4 cents por line for each S1 b8e•
• eluent insertion.Small advertise -
meets not la exceed one inch,
such as "Lost," " Strayed," or
"ntnlan," oto„ ltlserl.ed eters .tor
30 cents, and each subsequent in.
sortlen 10' cents.
t'.nmm uiniea.tioins iu(0nded for .pub.
lite:l3on must, its u guorellt.ea of
geed faith, bo.aceonipani0d by the
name of tete Writer,
G. L. IIALl>,
1'; op) actor,
spring wheat throughout the province
of Ontario, comes out in favor of -two
varieties; first, Marquis, and second,
Wild Goose.
When Marquis wheat was tested out
in 24 places in the province, it was
found to yield a little less than 20
bushels per acre under actual farm
tests. This variety was produced
some years ago by Dr. Saunders sof
the Dominion Experimental Farms,
Ottawa. It is a comparatively short -
Kasen variety and produces grata of
high -milling quality. Altogether it
has proven one of the most popular
varieties throughout the province.
Farmers who wish to locate iced of
this variety will do well to write the
Dominion experimental farms, Ot-
tawa, and the Ontario Agricultural
College, as well as to consult seed
lists of well established seed compan-
In preparing the seed, the fanning
mill should be used liberally, Iran out
all the broken, light and diseased
kernels and 1.350 none but good sound
material for seed. Like tends to
beget like in the plant kingdom just
'the same as in the animal kingdom.
If you plant weak immature seed, you
handicap the future of your crop just
as much as if you select the calves
of wreak immature cows, and expect
to build up a good healthy dairy.
(2). The next point in increasing
wheat yields is to 'look after the plant -
food supply. The soil is nature's
great store -house. It is from this
that most of our farm Drops get the
foods which build up wheat, oats, bar.
ley, corn, apples, potatoes and other
plant products. In early spring, be-
fore the temperature of the soil has
increased to any appreciable height,
the growth of thy microscopic Wain
the soil, or bacteria, is very slow, and
as a consequence not much soil mater-
ial is broken down into such ferny that
it will dissolve in the waters of the
soil or the root Nices, and can be tak-
en up into the plant. I1 is just at
this time that 11 little available plant -
food gives the tiny sprouting seed a
vigorous start, making it possible for
the resulting crop to reach out and
make use of plant -food that to a weak-
er crop would be unaveable. Two
hundred Io three hundred pounds of a
well balanced fertilizer has been
know to increase wheat yields from 40
to GO%. Not only does it increase the
total yield, but it materially improves
the quality of the resulting wheat. Tho
fc.rtili..ei should be of an analysis to
u'e1-e up for the weaknesses of the
soil, and to suTply a proper balance
of plantfood most needed by the erop.
For instance, for •a grain crop, the
fertilizer should emphasize phosphoric
a^id, as well as supply n fair amount
of nitrogen, a_ ammonia, and potash.
Necessarily, tender present conditions,
tine supply of potash in fertilizers will
be loin, yet experiments of many of
North American experiment stations
$0 Per Cent. of Population in 'Large Towns Suffering Fro�►a
Disease Cattsetl by Inordinate Eating of Jam.
A. despatch from Amsterdam gays:
Germany's difficulties have been in-
creased by the paralysis of. coal trans-
port, There is abundant indication
that the frost is occasioning intense
suffering and inconvenience, Thor-'
is plenty of coal, but a deficiency of
railway, river and road transport, The
Munich military authorities ordered
all schools closed owing to the difficul-
ty 0f supplying fuel. Also the
university, technical sebool,.tbeatres,
meetings and recreation halls.
German rivez'S' are frozen and trans-
port on the Rhine, is at a standstill,
Many Dutc(nnen are returning to
Holland, being tunable to exist in Ger-
many. From one I hear the situation
is very bad. Rhine barge smuggl-
ing, until lately a valuable source of
food supply, has stopped though large
quantities of provisions are still smug-
gled by hand.
The Telegraaf learns from the east -
Bad 1,1,001?cl -that is, blood that is
wlpura 1Inp00etIst,d1 811161 81118
pale, -ie responsible ter more Oil.
moats than anything else.
1t affects overt' organ and function,
In some cases it causes catarrh; 121
others, dyspepsia; in others, rheunia-
ern frontier' of IXollnnd as a result op.
inferinetion furnished by Germans of
various social positions living in dif-
ferent parts of.,Gormany that priva-
tion has reaehed an unexampled de-
gree. Taxation has enormously in-
creased, especially in Cologne, Ham-
burg, Berlin and Frankfurt,
Lecturing Wednesday at Berlin Dr,
August Moeller, member of the Com,.
mittee on War Provision offices, estimJ
eted that a full ration was available
for only thirty-nine of the fifty mil-
lions of rho population filet serving in
the field. This report, published in
the German prose, obviously slid not'
magnify the seriousness of the situa-
tion, The Telegraaf's correspondent
says 60 per cent, of the population in
the large towns are suffering from
cramp in the stomach and jam disease,
which reveals itself by a skin eruption,
Clue to the large quantity of jam con-
sumed in default of other food,
arable humidity in the atmosphere, If
the crop has been given a good, vigor-
ous start, and the season is at all
normal, 'it will be past the flowering
stage by the middle of Juno; in fact
the kernels of wheat will be pretty
well''' i'nied so that the ravages of an
attack of rust will not leave nearly
so serious results on the crop as on
a crop that has not had the early start
and is not so vigorous, This is found
to be the case on such crops as cab-
bages, tobacco, sugar beets, and the
For a study of the climatic and soil
conditions of Ontario, it should be pos-
sible to produce good crops of spring
wheat well up into New Onttu'io.
When we consider that this crop does
not take any attention through the
growing period, and that a bushel and
a half of seed on well prepared hind
should give an abundant seeding, it
seems quite logical to advocate the
wider' sowing of this valuable cereal
in the spring of 1011. Wheat prices
itrc bound to be high and for a long
time food products will be scarce. It
is therefore to the financial advantage
of every farmer who can spare a few
acres for spring wheat, to give the
ground thorough preparation, supply
an abundance of suitable balanced
plantfood, and get first-class seed of 9
seitable variety. -
'1°4 neer iteleaf
Castrate all inferior or grade buck
lambs early.
An eighty -pounce lamb is big en-
ough for market.
Exercise is important with the ewes
and the coaling lamb crop.
To get a good growth o£ wool, we
must feed liberally. Narrow feeding,
narrow margins of profit,
If fed properly, a sheep Might to
gain from one-quarter to one-half
pound in weight every day.
Exercise can be encouraged on fine
days by putting feed at some distance
from the sheep quarters.
If any weeding is to be clone, you do
it. Don't let the meat man take his
pick and leave you with the culls on
A narrow doorway et' gateway is a
menace to sheep that must be driven
through it. Let all gates be wide.
Buttermilk runs a close race with
skimmed milk as a pork grower,
Soaking corn ten or twelve hours
heats grinding. bots cheerier, too.
Every drop of skimmed milk you
give to' the hogs they turn into good,
sweet meat.
The colder the weather tlae more it
cc ats to make pork. hustle the hogs
along and save expense,
A bit of ensilage is relished by the
best of hogs, told there is meat in it.
Hogs'fed on corn -meal, with linseed -
meal, or middlings will not take so
much feed and turn it into fat, as
they will if 'feed ` on corn -meal and
dlcimmed milk.
Wood -ashes and bone -meal double
the strength of the hog's bones. They
also stave in the amount of other feed
One great trouble with the hcg busi-
ness of this country is that it has been
looked upon as a side show. Let's
bring it over Into -.the big tent; then
it will mean more to us.
Give the colt industry a boost, and
llioidentally boost yourself a bit.
Horse breeders may well take
courage by what has been going on in
the world for the past year or two.
Horse men say that they can't get
horses enough. Every farmer• may
put in an extra lick in this business.
When the great need is for heavy
horses, it is like barking up the wrong
tree to breed ponies. Watch your
felling 00 otherwise abusing a horse
will make him sweat worse than a hard
day's work. Wears him out, and you,
too Quit it.
When a horse won't eat ,just after
coming in from a day's work, you have
stuck to your job too long. Doesn't
pay you nor the horse, either.
An old horse wa5 braced up and
made thrifty by soaking cut hay in
diluted molasses. Soak in a tight
box from one feeding to the next,
A despatch from -London says :-
Government appeal is about to be
made to women to help the land work-
ers to secure the necessary food pro-
duction. At least 100,000 land work-
ers are wanted,
To the min outside every lova: looks
like a first love.
(Ism; and All still others, weak, tired,
languid feelings incl worse troubles,
It is responsible for run-down
conditions, and is the most coiufnotl
cause of disease.
flood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest
purifier and enricher of the blood the
10001d has ever known. It has been
wuuderfally successful in removing
scrofula and'other humors, increasing
the red -blood corpuscles, and building
np the whole system, Get it'today
British Food Ministry iiisues an
Appeal to the
A despatch from London says :---
The Food Ministry has issued a public
appeal to the nation to limit the con-
sumption of bread to four pounds, of
meat to two and a half pounds and of
sugar to three-quarters of a pound
weekly per head.
The Food Controller says that after
consideration of available stocks and
the probable need of future supplies
the situation requires that heads of
families should endeavor to limit
household consumption to this basis.
He adds that these items will natural-
ly be supplemented by other' food pro-
ducts, but that the effect of the sug-
gested restriction will reveal itself
through the returns available to the
Food Controller and that the nation is
placed upon its honor to observe the
proposed conditions.
"Only thu€s," the Food Controller
adds, "can the actual situation be ade-
quately met and the urgency of the
situation admits of no delay in inform-
ing the country what is demanded of
it. Compulsory rationing involves
elaborate machinery and ought to be
avoided as long as possible. Mean-
while to meet the contingency that re-
tiorting •may become necessary, the
needful machinery for it is being or-
ganized so that it may be ready if
A -despatch from London says :-
"The burden on my shoulders is over-
whelming," said Premier Lloyd
George, in responding to a municipal
welcome at Criccieth, Wales, his home,
on Friday, "but I am confident that
with the united efforts of us all and
with the justice of our cause, we shall
confound the devices of the wicked
Most men are slaves to -day to the
favors they bogged yesterday.
French scientists have demonstrated
that the vapors of iodine and bromine
pass through thin glass, even at ordi-
nary temperature.
Under this heading will appear each week a new department of Ques-
tions and Answers on subjects of general interest to women.
The department will be conducted by a woman of wide experience, well
qualified to offer helpful advice and counsel to our women readers regard-
ing the problems which confront there In their daily life.
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this
department. Initials only will be published with each question and its
answer as a means of Identification but full name and address must be
given in each letter. Write on one ride of paper only. Answers will be
mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed.
Address all correspondence -for this department to Mrs, Helen Law, 23
Castle Frank Road, Toronto.
have shown that material aught 11s in r..g f tar" . §fix' tart. crop yields have been brought about
by the judicicus application cif plant -
food containing only nitrogen and
phosphoric acid.
Not only does the plantfood imnreve
the immediate wheat crop, but if tete
wheat is seeded with 'clover and timo-
thy, it almost insures a good catch of
this following erop, It is significant
to note, in connection withfertilizing
wheat, that in the state of Maine,
where climatic conditions are some -
What similar to those of Ontario, and
tvl.ere spring wheat is grown in rota-
tion with potatoes and clog:er, farm-
ers are getting a yield exceeeding 26
bushels ter acre. There seems good
reason to believe that if careful at-
tention is given to soil preparation,
bnlni cing e f plantfood and proper u5e 1 -
of selected seed, it should bo an easy
metier to produce 25 to 30 bushels
per acre of geed quality spring wheat
in Ontario this coming winter.
! Speaking generally, the yield of
spring wheat is diminished on a00011nt
of the attacks of rust and other dia-
1 cores, In controlling many disease
Iof some crops, it is possible to ac-
complish considerable by spraying, but
I this is not possible when it comes to
the control of the destructive rust cli5-
e050' of spring wheat, which annually
does so much damage throughout the
great western area of Canada anti 1110
iUnited "States. In considering dis-
0115e control, it is well to keep in Mind.
that to some extent the same laws
i govern the plant kingdom as
I govern the animal kingdom, Those
animals that are least susboptible to
disease are the ones that are vigorous
and healthy. They are naso those
animals that have proper living wait.
eneral observation of growing
crops has lend to the conclusion that
t130 proper preparation of soil and bal-
ancing 0f 919114100d clo a great deal t0
combat plant diseases,
The rust 'clisoas0 flourishes during
the month of June, where temperature
is highest and there is usually consid-
jLIKE rr?
I Wm Do -
1 -10N1 MUCH DID
, lT cos,- ?
' Va8t1"j BUCKS,
- \810W t _..
1'HAl'tS A 1.01'
1 .
1 KNOW ToMM"1 DEAR, Buie