HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-08, Page 2Teais an Every -day Luxury
STE . .
Black, Mixed or Natural Green.
E 205
How to Use Bananas,
l3Mtnana Pudding., -Sri banana
one-half cupful of eager, one -ha
cupful of milk, one-half cupful
bread crumbs, oneehalf cupful
chopped peanuts, one tablespoonful
cornstarch. Gradually` dissolve th
cornstarch in the milk end mix wi
the banana pulp. Add sugar, the
place a layer of the mixture in the bo
tom of a buttered baking dis
over this some of the mire
bread crumbs and nuts, then add at
other layer of the bananas and a
outer layer of bread crumbs and nut
Sprinlcle the top with powdered sugar
and bake in a moderate oven for about
forty-five minutes. This can be serv-
ed with a lemon sauce if desired.
Banana Sauce.—Four banana
peeled and mashed; two cupfuls o
milk, one tablespoonful of butter, on
tablespoonful of cornstarch, one tabl
spoonful of sugar, salt, The corn-
starch is graodally dissolved in th
milk, and the banana pulp and suga
salt are added. Melt the but-
ter in the saucepan and pour in the
mixture. Cook until creamy,—,R
Stuffed Baked Bananas.emove
only one side of the skit: from large
bananas, then scoop out a hollow in
the fruit. Chop any candied or
preserved fruits, cherries, pineapples,
raisins, etc,, and add a little sugar and
the juice of any of these fruits, or
grape juice can be ,used. Stuff this
mixture into the hollows in the ban-
anas and bake for twenty minutes in
a moderate oven. Serve in the skins
and pour one tablespoonful of orange
juice over each banana.
Banana Omelet. Three bananas
three eggs, one-quarter cupful Aof
bread crumbs and one-quarter cupfu
of sugar. • Peel the bananas and mast
the pulp. Separate the yolks an
whites of the eggs. Beat the yolk
until light;, and add sugar, brea
crumbs, salt and banana pulp, Final-
ly fold in the stiffly beaten whites and
cook in omelet pan.
Lemon and Banana Pie. ---Cover th
outside of a pie plate with rich paste
and prick with a fork. Bake a goldem
brown. When cool remove from ti
and place in the plate. Make fillin
of one cup granulated sugar, one
tablespoon butter, two rounding table-
spoons cornstarch, yolk of one egg,
juice and rind of one lemon, pinch of
salt. Stir, then add one cup cold
water, :?lace on stove and stir until
thick. When cool add two sliced ban-
anas and pour in crust. Cover with
meringue made with the beaten white
of one egg and two tablespoons sugar.
Set in oven to brown.
individual molds which have been eine-
s ed iii old water, When cool set on
If ice and when chilled well turn out and
of eervo.
fo .
of Save the Fats.
e A big waste takes place in many
th households through the failure to
n save and utilize fasts. Not an atom of
t- fat should be thrown out. It is vatu-
s able. To render fat carefully put the
bits in the upper part of a double
It boner. See that the water under it
n' is. really boiling, and as fast as the fat
s• melts strain it into tin pails or clean,
empty cans. The softer fats from
geese, turkeys and-chiekens are good
Or tine cooking, and many other fats
can be used in preparing or frying
e various foods. The dripping should
£ be kept in a warm place. It is cold
e that makes it taste "tallowy."
e- Apart from cooking Chore are many
excellent uses for fats, and one wo-
man writes that she makes her own
Ar •
"I go so far," she says, "as to make
my own candles—some white, some
red, and others yellow or pink, They
add to the warmth of the dinner-
table. Four of these in dainty candle-
sticks around a tiny pot of ferns in
the table centre add greatly to its
charm, and I simply utilize the bits ofy
suet usuallthrown away. A candle
mould costs but a dollar. Ten cents''
worth of wick lasts a long time. Color-
ed candles, to buy, are very expensive,-
and rather difficult to get in good
quality if one lives a long distance
from market. •
For household soap melt six pounds
of clean, rendered fat in a large pan.
Put one can of ordinary lye in a
bucket; add a quart of cold water, and
stir with a wooden paddle until the
d lye is dissolved. Remember this will
d boil as the water is added, but let it
stand until it cools. Now pour the
told lye into the melted suet, stirring
all the time. When you have added
the last of the lye stir constantly, but
slowly, for half an hour, or until you
' notice the soap is beginning to set.
11 Then let it stand perfectly quiet over
night and it is ready to cut into blocks
g and dry, You will have about nine
pounds of soap at the cost of the lye,
Cranberry Recipes,
Cranberry Marmalade—Two pounds
cranhonxies, one and one-half pounds
brown sugar, twelve ounces stoned
raisins, juice of one orange, one and
one-half teaspoonfuls of mixed spices
-(cloJes, ginger and eimnamon), one-
half cup vinegar. Pick over the ber-
ries and wash then well, then put
them into an agate saucepan together-
er with the other ingredients. Bring
very gently to a boil and cook slowly,
until the consistency of e stiff mar-
malade. Put into sterilized glasses,
seal and keep in a cool, dry plash,
Baked Cranberry Pudding --One
and oneehalf pounds cranberries, six
ounces stoned raisins, one ounce but-
ter or butter substitute, ono ogg, one-
half pound brown sugar, one-half tea-
spoonful powdered cinnamon, the juice
of one orange, lady fingers or sponge
cake. Linc a greased fireproof dish
with the ludy fingers or sponge cake,
placing them very close together then
fill in with the following mixture:
Stew the berries until quite oft, us.
ing 's little water as possible. Rub
them through a fine sieve. Chop the
rhisins coarsely, add them and the but-
ter to the fruit puree and stir well
together until the butter is melted,
Mix in the sugar, cinnamon, orange
juice and well -beaten -egg, Pour into
the lined dish and bake for tifteem
minutes in a moderate oven. This
looks prettier if covered with a mer-
ingue of stiffly beaten white of egg
and powdered sugar. As some cran-
berries are very much more acid them
others, it is well to taste the puree be
fore putting into the lined dish so that
more sugar can be added, if desired.
Cranberry Pie—One "and a half
pounds cranberries, six ounces. brown
sugar, no ounce cornstarch, three
tablespoonfuls molasses, three ounces
chopped raisins, pastry. Wash the ber-
ries and chop them up, chop the rais-
ins, too, and mix together; then add
the sugar and molasses. Moisten
the cornstarch with a little cold water
and stir into a cup of boiling water,
then pour over the fruit mixture. Cov-
er with pastry amid bake it a moderate
oven. This sante mixture baked in
little three -cornered tarts of pastry
is very good and serves as a tittle
Cranberry Molds --.Twat pounds
cranberries, two pounds brown sugar,
two oranges, four ounces chopped
raisins, four ouncos chopped Lnglieh
walnuts. Wash the berries and cook
them in a half pint of: water togeth-
er with the juice and pulp of the
Oranges and the raisine. When the
ernnberries are quite soft add the
sugar, stirring over the fico until all,
the sugar":un.s tnelled, Then adil thoi
nuts and (tut the mixture inn troll
Useful Hints.
A cabbage should always be boiled
in two waters. .
An excellent cake is made with boil-
ed raisins.
The bone in real lamb chops is
very small and short.
The house fern should not have the
sun shining oo it.
Linen pillow s.ips ere a great com-
fort to an invalid.
A. good and simple dessert is boil-
ed rice and stewed figs.
Graham bread has in it three times
an much iron as white bread.
Hot cornmeal mush with cream is
a very good. winter breakfast cereal.
Excellent gents can be made of oat-
meal whenever one has a cupful of
that useful cereal left,
Left -over fish can bo creamed and
baked in ramekins, This makes a
very attractive supper dish.
When milk boils over on the stove
sprinkle on some salt at once. This
will counteract the disagreeable odor.
Gruel, when properly prepared,
should be a little thicker than cream,
and should be absolutely free from
After putting buttered paper in the
cake pans, sprinkle in, just a little
flour. This will keep themakes from
A little alcohol rubbed on quickly
will clean a dirty window better than
soap suds; ammonia in wash water• is
equally good.
Or The Sunlight of Love
CILOTRB XX,—^(Cont'd).
Mra Ashford hastily composed h
"Only a girl stopping here," 81i
said hurriedly, then, turning to
silent spoctaetor, she said, 'Oo, in
dear, I shall not want von et pressen
and Jessica gladly left the room, wlhi
Jasper, taking her to bo a servan
gave no mora thought to her.
"Now what about a room?" he se
imperiously, as he took off his li
"You shall have the best, sir,"" r
plied Lucy, only too eager to cool]
ato him, "Anything --everything'
have is yours."
"Very kind of, you, I'm surd
yatuied Jasper: "et about it then
Ile' was tired, for he had done
great deal of walking for him, wl
wes accustomed to use his own or h
friend's motor for every joul•ne
great or small, ,Besides ,he had son
how missed Adrien despite his car
and was greatly puzzled slid irritate
He was turning to follow Lu
When there came a sound of footstep
followed by another loud knock at th
door,end a man's comruanding voice
p! Quick here with a light.
Lucy screamed, and .jasper Vermo
turned rnther pals, for Ise instant'
recognised the voice as that of th
man he had'sought to diligently a
that day.' But ho had no dome
Abe discokored just there, so, .seizing ti
frightened woman almost savagely b
the arm, he whispered fiercely:
i one day of his lite he could not account
crier --Pete whole day of which he had
�sworn. to keepsildnt,.
e.' Faster anafester went the great
the car, at a pace tttat'wouj�}d have shock-
y act chauffeur and polleotaatt alike, but
t, Leroy was witless; a women's honor
le and his own were in imminent peril,
t, I Death itwere sweeter than his failure to
id: rt was not much after trine when
ght, the ear rolled into Waterloo Station,
and Leroy assisted his trembling corn -
e. I panion to alight. Wrapped up in
1- Lucy's big coat, aho stood quietly by
ve while Leroy left his ear in the care of
Ian outside porter, then led her appa-
," rently towards the booking office,
•" .Passing through this, they manoeuvred
as to roach the outside, whore a taxi was
to hailed, and the address given.
18 Thankful at their escape, Leroy
Y, stood bareheaded till it disappeared in
0- the throng of vehicles; then he return-.
o+ ed to his own motor as he thought,
unseen and unnoticed,
cY11 Alas, for his vain hopes! Miss
s+ Penelope and Constance, after a long
e day's shopping, had come to Waterloo
on their way back to Barminster. The
sheep eyes of Lady Constance, quick -
t' ened b" love, recognised the figure of
y Adrien from afar; and, malting some
1 exeusos'to Miss Penelope, she follow-
," ed and watched the departure.
She did not recognise the lady, it is
o truo• but she saw sufficient to realise
y• that her worst fears were fulfilled
"You i May let hien in -I knee iiin
But if inn finds out that I am hero,
will toll'John aI1 tt-night; rememb
that. Bide me somewhere where
can see—do you understand? Quick
The knocking ^ommenead agai
and under its cover, Lucy, tremblin
like u leaf, opened a door, the upp
part of which was glazed, and whit
led from the small imam to the kit.
chen. Into this ambush Mr. Vermont
hurried, while Lucy ran to the other
door and threw it epee to admit Ad-
rien Leroy, who staggered into the
room with his dripping burden in h
"I'ni sorry to knock you up," he
said, trying to reassure her, "but this
lady is nearly dead; our boat upset."
"Bring her in here, sir," said the
good little woman, her courage and
self-posession returning under the
emergency. ' "She had better com
up to the bedroom, poor lady."
Adrien carried Eveline up the tear
raw staircase, followed by Lucy, tvh
had hastily produced some spirits wit
which to restore consciousness,
"You had bettr fetch a doctor, sir,
she called after' Adrien, as he cam
down again.
Leroy hesitated. Ile knew tha
Lady Merivale valued her roputatio
more than her life. To fetch a doe
tor might save the latter, but woul
most certainly ruin the former: for n
medical span would permit iter to re
turn to London that night, and, i
that case, discovery would be inevit
' Troubled and worn with anxiety, be
1 Adrien had neglected her letter for
the sake of another woman,
eel Jasper waited patiently until the
e. sound of th carriage wheels had died
!„ j away into th istance, then he dame
out of his hicling-place, his face pale,
n' his eyes shining,
erj "Lucy Ashford," be said, sinking
h into a chair, and holding tip one fing-
er in solemn warning, "you may be
asked some day to give an account of
what has taken place to -night. Re-
member this; you know nothing, you
recognised no one—till I give you
is leave. Disobey me, and the story of
your Canterbury trip becomes the
property of the whole world. Pll
proclaim it through every newspaper
in the world."
Trembling and crying, and too
ignorant to realise the absurdity of
this threat, Lucy swore to be silent;
e and then, to her intense relief, Mr.
Vermont changed his mind as to stay-
- ing the night, and announced his deci-
o sion of returning to London,
e On the night of that fateful trip,
when Leroy returned to his chambers,
he found Lady Constance's letter.
e Already tired with the events of the
day, and the struggle in the water,
d this proved an overwhelming blow.
• The thought that he had spent the day
in idle dalliance, when Ile might have
been with the woman he truly loved—
might have basked in the warmth of
her presence, even though she would
never be his, drove him almost to
d madness.
Jasper Vermont, who had followed
d him hack to town by the first train
paced to and fro in the room behin
the shop, regardless of his own drip
ping clothes, whfe Jasper, behin
the little window curtain watched him
sardonically, his lips wreathed in
smile. He was well content with thi
finish of his day's holiday—if such i
might be called; for he knew that h
held Lady Merivale in the hollow o
his hand. She, who had sneered at hi
Position, while yet malting every us
of his services, would in the future b
but another of his puppets; and he
foresaw a goodly profit from the out-
lay of this day's time and money.
Presently Lucy rut down.
"Where's the doctor, sir?" she ask-
ed, "Oh, didn't you go after all?
Well, it doesn't matter, for the lady 1
alive and b "
obtainable, called in at Jermyn Court,
a and found him pacing up and down
s the room more troubled and unhappy
t than he had ever been in the whole
o • course of his pampered, shielded life.
f Vermont listened and sympathised,
sl and stabbed afresh, with his artful
e. accounts of Lady Constance's angor
e at the fancied slight. He was alto-
gether delighted at the way in which
things had turned out, though he did
not know how Fortune had aided him
still more at Waterloo Station.
On the following morning Leroy
received a cypher note from Lady
s Merivale, saying that she had arrived
home safely, and unnoticed; and, with
a sigh of relief, Le tarried his attention
to his own affairs. To Jasper's sup-
reme annoyance, be insisted on going
through a pile of papers which Ver-
' mont had only meant him to sign; and
' to that gentleman's chagrin he act-
ually dared to interfere in the matter
of rents and leases; which proceedings,
naturally, did not tend to make Jasper
feel the more kindly disposed to the
world in general, and Adrien Leroy in
When he had taken his departure,
Adrien ordered the motor, and drove
down to Barminster with the inten-
tion of offering an apology for his
seeming discourtesy. He found all in
confusion and excitement in view of
the coming ball; and, whether by ac-
cident or design, he found it impos-
sible to get a single word with Con-
stance alone.
(To be continued).
"Thank Heaven!" ejaculated Leroy
'%She says she doesn't need one."
"I understand,' replied Adrien, "Ie
she well enough to sit up, or move?'
"Yes, sir—at least,she says so,'
answered Lucy, "She is changing
her clothes for some of mine, sir; and
she says that if you get a carriage—"
Adrien nodded.
"I understand," he said again. "Is
there aninn near here where I can hire
"Alt, yes, sir," replied Lucy. Site
quickly directed him to the tiny river
hostel not .far off, end Adrien disap-
peared. ,
Had it not been for the grins pres-
sence behind the door, whom, in her
excitement, she had nearly forgotten,
Lucy would have wished John to borne
home quickly; as it was, she trembled
at every fresh sound as she went up-
stairs again to her patient.
By means of that most potent magic
—gold, Leroy quickly procured a car-
riage, old and dusty, but a veritable
thing of beauty in sudh a strait as
this. Ile meant to get to Bampton
nd from there use his otwt motor. Tire
nstened back to the little shop, and,
ummoning Lucy, sent her up with a
"Tell the lady," he said quickly,
I have a carriage waiting, and if she
strong enough, we can start at
The news acted like a tonic; .for in
marvellously short time Lady Moen
ale, vale but resolute, canto down.
lairs into the little sitting -room.
She was: wrapped up in shawls, and
long cloak covered her from heat] to
cot, Too upset to speak, she mo-
oned with her hated to Adrien to
pen the door; and, laying a ten -pouted
ole on the table, he said a few words
thanks to Lucy, then led the unhappy
euntese to the carriage,
No SO01101' had the horse rktrted
tan her calmness gave way. She
(wend bee face with her hands and
urst into tetu's,
"Adrion," 'tie sobbed, "I ant ruin -
"No," old Leroy reassuringly,
you are safe, now. This man is
rsed ten pounds if he reaches
ami on in half an hour, My motor
wa ting there. I myself Will drive
u to Waterloo Station; there you
n get a. taXi without attracting tom,
tendon, and you will reach home ,Y
ten. our husband will think
• stayed to dine with Lady Rose,"
"But you—you!" sho wailed, "Will
u premise=
"1," leo said, with a laugh of sewn
her doubt of him, "This day of
y life is yours; vane wilt ever, ]tear
omehowitWasspent,sect you
ow it, "
"You swear 7"
"I give you ihr word," he said
inply. "I can give no sero»get• oath
an that."
Lady Merivale saute buck with a
n of relief, '
Alas! Leroy did not pattce to reflect
at, let hapl,en what might, there was
Cultivation of Herearee Boosts Wild
Supply in Forests - s
Tye cultivation of the Herne species a
of the rubber tree bus added nota lit- f
ale to the pressnt-clay widespread use ti
of rubber, o
The production of cultivated rubber, tt
virtually a negligiblocmantity in 1900, o(,
]tad grown to about T30,000 pounds by
1903. By 19/0, 8000 tons of rabbet u
were shipped front plantations: 1912, e
30,000 tons; 1915, 93,000 tons, and 1t
1916, 100,000 tons (eetininted), Thet
cultivated rubber, which coulee Win. ed
enmity from the Orient, forms a ]it- ,,
tie more then half the rubber pro. n•
duction of the world, The other laud ?ix
formerly principal yield of the. guts is
comes from the wild rubber :forests yo
of South and Central Amerieh anti ca
East and West Africa, where a self- at
replenishing and almost inexhaustible b
source of supply exists. y
v yo
Poetic Spelling.
At the age of sixteen Alice Jones
wrought poetic; changes i1t her name,
She signed herself E, Alyssa Jones.
Thus designated, she. entered a neve
Mho), The headmistress asked her
"Alysse Jones," she replied,
"fh,tttic you, said the teacher, "And
hear are you spelling Jones nein`!„
Numerous and Exacting Tasks That
Fill Up Hie Day.
"Lights.out" had sounded about anM
. hour before, though there was an il-
lumination et the Q,.s stores. Hav-
ing ventured to open the door, I found
the quartermaster poring over a led-
ger, surrounded by piles upon piles of
papers, Army forms, indent forms,
and several other forms, the purport
and multiplicity of which I could not
"You see," he explained, "a large
number of recruits came in to -day,
and I must enter up all they have been
fitted tip with, and order more to re-
The following clay I found him busy
with about twelve •'fatigue men, rush
ing hither and thither with boots,
socks, trousers, tunics, kit -bags, equip-
ments, rifles, and the dozen and one
things required by a. recruit. A rush-
ing, tearing morning it proved to be.
The different things were all put out
in little heaps for onch man to carry
away in a kit -bag,
In the afternoon recruits arrived,
and then than struggle began, One
wanted traitors shorter,.,attother targ-
or boots, a third smaller shirts, and
so on, until at last the crowd dispers-
ed, the noise (ceased,land the Q.M. was
nt liberty.
Yee, et liberty to got on with his
roams of writlrig, mitt voluminous eor-
t�espondaltcdl Who will say that this
matt is not a hero wor•kieg from early
morning 'till late at tight?Aviator's Cantsi'a,
Aft au tom atically-operaLed canes
that a Frenclnttan .has inveinerl e�t-
ablcs an aviator to melte n ron't.in.
tour picture of 1110 miles of 1110
c.arilt's sulttitcc es ire flies above, it,
. iia. y
1. -he Mendart '
IN 'Mt.., Alt: 0 r rah. r;.t 11•14asr 1"- 5.a 4a,.re q ,rr.r
Refugees Who Have Hidden Gold and
Other Precibus Things From
The Hans.
To be possessed of property' woe
thousands of pounds, if only one ha
it handy, and to be at the same tim
doubtful where the money is to corn
from for the next day's food and lod
ing, is a painful predicament.
There are hundreds of persons s
placed in Loudon and Paris to -day
They are refugees—persons who, he
fore the first overwhelming rush o
the Germans, sweeping all before it
heathy buried their treasures in hid
ing-places and fled to safety.
Money advancers in London an
Parih have been distracted by a new
species of business proposed to them
--the making of advance% on or th
buying outright of hidden gold an
silver or jewels, the most treasure
possessions of their owners, now ly
big concealed in places where the own
ors have no chance of getting at them
says London Answers.
heavy Risks.
It is an immensely speculative busi
ness, one of the -risks of which nigh
well deter any but the most venture-
some souls taking any part in it. But
the profits, if the story of the treasure -
owner turns out correct, and if the
Germans does not discover the trea-
sure beforehand, will be enormous.
One of the first results of peace will
be the setting out to Belgium and to
the now -occupied parts of France of
hundreds of little mysterious parties
to. search for the buried treasure
Syndicates of adventurous souls have
been formed to deal in these hidden
fortunes. Will they be found in the
places indicated on the maps and de-
scribed by the concealers? If they
are, many dealers in gold and silver
ware, many snappers -up of rare gems,
will reap a wonderful harvest.
A widespread feeling. of loam was
spread amongst these speculators
some time back by the notes that the
Austrians had discovered the hidden
treasure belonging to the famous
monastery of Detchuni, in New Serbia,
It was, perhaps, the richest monastery
in Eastern Europe.
they wnercontenfo would rabhidden when
- Li' 1 tYi9 � TAKE
the owners found thomsclves obliged {t, � i�
to fly entered his cunning brain, They
could not be carried away, Where
are they?
The Boche, keen on the scent of
spoil, has set himself to wont to solve
the mystery. In the wake of his
army bus travelled another little army
of detectives—men from the central
bureau of police in the Molkenmarkt,
the headquaxtors of the Berlin police,
and others from the big pollee centres
scattered throughout the Empire,
Tho duty of these sleuthounds has
been—with the aid of the spies who
ishave -given them information—to
scent out the folk most likely to have
o been in the confidence of the owners
e of treasure that has disappeared, to
g- interrogate them, to threaten, and, if
j needs be, to torture them by placing
o them in foul cells and keeping them
• short of food till they have become
willing to reveal such knowledge as
f they possess. The servant whom :she
spy has denounced as one most likely
- to know the whereabouts of his or her
matter's hidden hoard has been threat -
d ened with death unless he or she be-
Some of these unzurturate ones—the
o servants of once -wealthy persons in
d Belgium—who have escaped and found
d their way to London have had harrow-
- ing tales to tell of the terrible days
they passed while in the hancla of the
, Roche secret -extractor; clays passed in
the very shadow of death, with the
prospect of being shot the next morn-
ing unless they spoke.
A Hidden Crown.
For years the pious had brought the
monastery their presents—precious
stones, ancient gold and silver money,
gold ehadices, sacerdotal vestments
covered.with itlyrilian characters. Even
the Royal crown of Serbia was re-
puted to have been confided to the.hid-
ding-places, prepared by the monastery
when I{ing Peter stopped at Detchani
on his flight before tate rush of his
The secret of the monastic secret
trasury was supposed to be known
only to the monastery superior and
one or two of the oldest monks to
whom it has to bo confided. The
gleam of a stealthily -carried lantern
mysteriously creeping through the
darkness of the night had, it appears,
]leen noted by the keen eyes of a
pee. ant bolder than his kind, and mov-
ed him to brave all the superstitious
terrors surrounding the place int order
to follow it and pry upon its hearers.
The light was that of the monts-
tery treasure -hiders. The peasant
that night became acquainted with a
secret that when the Austrians oc-
cupied the district might ;make him
rich beyond all his dreams by its be-
trayal. Ile spoke, and the monastery
to -day lies spoiled of its possessions,
worth, it is reputed, some millions of
Where Are They 7
With his marvellously perfected
system of spies in every town and vil-
lage the Germans bad, before war was
declarers, made himself well acquaint-
ed with the contents of the vaninus
chateaux and houses of the wealthy
folks along the path he had marked
out for himself. The possibility
that the most costly of the possessions
Confession by Torture.
Would they meet with a late similar
to that of Seckker, the old manservant
of the Antwerp merchant, Blaise? The
merchant was a man reputed to be of
enormous wealth, albeit he lived in an
unpretentious residence, with only
Seckker and his wife to attend upon
hint. There were whispers abroad of
wondrous old cups, dishes, and bowls
of gold ire the gloomy house with the
iron -barred windows in which Blaise
passed his solitary miserly existence.
Around the house were somewhat en-
tensive grounds—grounds that had be-
come almost a wilderness in their un-
cared-for condition.
When the Germans entered Ant-
werp, Blaise had disappeared. The
• mansion was only occupied by Seck-
ker end his wife, who declared they
knew nothing of the treasures that the
Boche agents had reported as lying
there. The most minute search fail-
ed to discover any trace of the coveted
articles. But under the tortures to
which Seckker was subjected be at
last professed to be willing to show
his tormentors where the things were
buried—in a corner of the grounds.
Too Late!
• He led then to the spot with stag-
gering feet. It was all an excuse in
order that Seckker might once more
get out of the dungeon in which he had
been confined and famished, in order
that he might see the sun once more,
feel the air of heaven once more upon
his cheek, and look once more upon
the grass and trees. There was n0'
treasure where he told them to dig,
and the leader of the baffled seekers,
in a fit of rage, drew his revolver and
shot the old man dead-
The speculator lending money on or
buying alleged buried treasure needs
to be a man ready to face sore dieap-
pointment, He is a shrewd person
whom it is hard to deceive. Many
have tried it with "bunkum" stories.
He is satisfied that his customers have
told him the substantial truth. They
have actually buried valuables where
they state.
But will they be there when he ars
rives? Aro his dreams disturbed by i
nightmares in which, armed with pick
and shovel, he stumbles along in a
pitchy darkness to some place where, o
arrived at last, lie digs with the per- a
spiration meting out of him at every t
pore, and now starts with icy cold at h
his heart at mystcrinue threaton]ng 0
sound around him, and digs and digs
and digs with growing madness claw-
ing at his brain as the catastrophe b
he dreaded becomes more and more
certain, and at last he shrieks aloud:
"Nothing! Noticing!"
French Cuirassiers and Dragoons
Spend Off Time Exercising
Their Mounts.
More than fifteen months have mese.
ed since French cavalry last appeared
on the battlefields of the Franco-Ger-
man front as a mounted force. The
last o,,iasion of their employment in
their real work was September 26,
1915, when a single squadron of hus-
sars crossed the German lines in
Champagne and brought back soma
The French General Staff, however,
has not permitted the, splendid (torsed
regiments (composed of cuirassiers,
dragoons, hussars and mounted rifles)
to remain idle. They take their turn
with the infantry regiments in the
trenches, where they do exactly the
same arduous duty as the foot soldiers
for a period and then return far be-
hind the front to exercise with their
Cavalry Seldom Needed.
Earlier in the war, when fighti -g
was severe on the Yser, the French
cavalry came into touch with the Ger-
mans on several occasions and gener-
ally with success. Trench warfare
along the continuous line reaching
from the North Sea to the Swiss
frontier, with no flanks to turn, has
' rendered their employment on horse-
back impossible
Extracts from. German newspapers
describing the battle. around Sailly-
Saillisel en November 5 and 6 declare
large bodies of French cavalry and
field artillery were massed immecli-
ately behind the front line in the ex-
pectation that the German positions
were about,to be pierced and that they
could then dash tl`uough the breach.
During tine whole of •fho fighting on.
those days the only mounted men seen
anywhere near the field were mi:itary
policemen directing the supply;
columns and the drivers of the horse
transport wagons.
Even the German prisoners who sur-,
rendered as a result of the attacks on
Saillisel end the Saint Pierre Yeast
wood were placed under the guard of
infantrymen, for the ground in the
vicinity is so much broken up that
horses could not march over it-
System of Utilizing Cavalry.
The correspondent later had an op-
portunity of seeing the cantonments of
some French cavalry two days' march
front the battlefields. The chargers
were in excellent condition and the
veterinary surgeons themscly ex-
pressed surprise at the small percent-
age of sickness among them since the
beginning of the campaign. This is
the result of the constant care given
them by the detachment. of men left
behind when the remainder of the
••��nf goes into the trenches. lin.
squadron of each unit is detailed for
duty in the' cantonment while their
comrades are engaged in the fighting
zone. Even the officers leave their
ntotmts behind.
This system of utilizing the cavalry
has been employed for nver a year and
it is unlikely that any change will oc-
cur unless a forward move on a grand
ecale should be anticipated.
He Knows }setter Now,
Grown old in the service of his nurs-
er and mistress, James was a priv-
lened retainer. rte was waiting at a
able one day, when a guest asked for
hell -fork, but
the request was ignor-
d. Then the -hostess noticed the epi -
Ode, and remarked, in a most peremp-
ary manner—!'James, Mrs. Jaren
nsn't any fish -fork; (lecher one at
nee!" "Madam!" came the emphatic
reply, "last time Mrs. Jones dined here
vo lost a fish -fork," James has now
oen relegated to the garden,
What's- the use of wasting a hun-
dred words when ten will express
your meaning?
The wardrobe -rooms of the Queen of
pain consist of three large apart -
lents, fitted with dustproof ward-
obes, and capable of holding alto -
ether 1,500 gowns, and they are
sually filled.
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