HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-01, Page 7Who's to Blame for the 'THE DRESS BILLS OF ROYALTY High Cost of Food? Asti it may be the farmer, it may be the middleman, it may be the weather --,but clever mind' -°•-you have "AT TgE WARDMIIES Shredded Wheat at the ;5O1FIE mQNARCItie cone. same old price, the same high quality, the one per- fect, complete • food, sup- plying more real nutriment than meat, or eggs, or veg- etables, costing Much less and more easily digested. • Cut out the high -price foods. Eat Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk or create. Eat it for dinner with stewed fruits and green vegetables. A deliciously nourishing ]meal for only a few cents. Made in Canada. .'EVOLUTION OF THE GROCER. "Engrosser" Was First a Dealer in all Kinds of Merchandise. Nothing is so necessaryin any coin- nrpnity, nothing so unescapable as the grocer. It is the first business of the frontier settlement, and it plays the most important role in the business drama of/ any town, One can hardly imagine a city, in any age, in which there were no grocery stores, and yet the institution is a comparatively modern one. Do you know how gro- ceries originated? Only n few hundred years ago cer- tain foresighted tradesmen in France went about the country buying up bar- - gain lots of merchandisb. They bought fire damaged goods, bankrapt stocks, all sorts of commodities. They bought these things "en gros" and made money out of them. The trade was • carried to England, where a plan who bought hardware, thread, furniture, vegetables "en gros," or in large quantities, called himself an "engros- ser." This was later shortened to "grocer," but the term was still ap- plied to the proprietor of a general business. The grocery was a sort of racket shop, like the modern 10 -cent store. Gradually, it appears, the "grocer" found it snore profitable to deal in tea, coffee, spices, fruits and non-perish- able foodstuffs, and he confined his at- tention to these things. He took over the, business of -the "spicer"—and in ••4 ranee the shop we call a grocery is still known as an "epicerie." So far was the original meaning of the term lost sight of that a man who deals ex- clusively in fresh vegetables came to be known as a "green grocer." PETS, INSECTS AND HUMAN. Interests of the • Native Quarter of Japan. In Japan if one will leave the hotel And the tourist office and th$ cocktail - drinkers and go out into the real na- tive quarter; there are enough things to interest any one. One old man passes with his load of crickets, which sing in hot weather and are kept in cages like so many canaries. These gentle creatures make a noise like a squeaky axle and one hid under the -hood of a twelve -passenger car would subject•..the most careful chauffeur to scorn. They are caught with bird- lime and make nice little pets, cheap to buy and not requiring gasoline for upkeep. My rickshaw man is an old fellow whom S hired a year ago and who re- cognized me again. He is low-priced, speaks quite a little English, and has a sense of humor. I have him trained so that if we pass any one at unusual work or go near any novel scenes, he points out these things to me. Ile knows my fondness for Japanese children, who are the cutest tots on earth, with their gay clothes, slant eyes and bobbed hair, and if he sees an unusually bright dress or a fine child, he points them out with a sort Of fatherly pride of race. At two years old the Japanese surpass all other na- tionalities in charm and attractive- ness, and these sober, yet happy little folks look as though they had strolled out of a toysbop:-Christian Herald, Getting Her Own Back. "So the lawyers got about all of the estate. Did Edith get anything?" "Oh, yes; she got one of the law- yers," Four feet four inches is the length of the Russian rifle; it is the longest used in Europe. t Nine pounds is the weight of the Germamrifle, • Before starting the youngsters to school give them a piping hot cup of instant P ostu (1P Interesting Sidelights on the Sartorial Habits of Kings and Queens: The late King spent a good deal more on dress than the present mon- arclf. sell all their left -off garments once a King George ie always extremely. year, A dress agency -in Paris buys well attired, but the difference he- the Queen of Spain's left -off • gowns, tween the dress bills' of father and and ,they have often been resoldin son is aceounted for by the fact that London. whilst the late King ordered dome] A lady in the model -room of a Re - of suits that lie never wore, perhaps, gent Street modiste may be frequentiy more than once or twice, because he seen wearing one of the Queen of ial - King ' il to the mater took a dlt a Ce George never has a suit put out of his wardrobe until he has worn it two or three dozen times. exclud- ingThe Iate Icings dress bills, c x ing the cost of uniforms, ran to about $2,250 per annum. King George's runs to about $750. His Majesty's favorite material is blue 'serge (which is just -now difficult to obtain) or a grey check,,and at the present time, when not in khaki, the King may be most frequently seen in a suit of one or the other material. Soft Shirts Forbidden. obtain a partnership were slim ;ever to' leave the Royal employ; AlphemiOn Fancy Waistcoats. The Kind of Spain its also an ex- t avagantly attired monarda, His dress bills run to about $7,500 per annum, IUs Majesty has a Particular lilting for fancy waistcoats, of which he has always a very Target number in his wardrobe, Seine are of, the loudest pattern; but King Alphonso— oWinga it is said, to a friendly hint frem King lkdward never wears these etartling garments"ivhen in this country. 1n Spain, however, they are considered quite correct and smart. Both the King and Queen of Spain As a general rule the King never keeps more than about a dozen lounge -suits in his wardrobe; the late King rarely had less than three dozen•, King Edward took a much keener interest in dress than King George/ The late monarch would often take a fancy to some material, order two or three suits of it, and then take an equally sudden dislike to the material and order all the suits to be put out of his wardrobe. The late King was not only always dressed himself in the best taste, but he liked others about him to be attired with equal faultlessness. His Majesty would not allow any member of the Household, even his intimate and life-long friends, to wear a soft shirt at Buckingham Palace. White linen was always the rule, and even King George, who thought the rule somewhat unnecessary, never wore soft shirts in London during his father's lifetime. Discarded Suits. King George, by the way, has in his wardrobe half a dozen smoking - jackets, an article of attire that never figured in the wardrobe of the late King. For his smoking-jackeltts his Maj- esty pus from $25 to $50. They are made of a rich, soft material, a blend of silk and wool, are cut double- breasted, and are all of dark colors, chiefly dark crimson, blue and pur- ple. When at work in his private writing -room in the evening the King always wears a smoking -jacket. The tailors patronised by the King have -a dummy figure of his Majesty, on which the clothes are fitted, and usually they are finished without be- ing fitted at all. The King gives away all his left -off clothing, a quantity of which is distributed through the London Needlework Guild, the organisatioh founded by the Queen for clothing the necessitons poor. Five Hundred ureases. Her Majesty's dress bills are the lowest of any queen in Europe, with the.exception, perhaps, of the Queen of Norway. For an ordinary walk- ing -dress Queen Mary pays $31.50; for an afternoon gown never more than $95. The cost of her Majesty's evening -gowns varies from $255 to $340, and she orders from eighteen to twenty evening -gowns in the year. This is in peace -time. Since the outbreak of the war Queen Mary has not even ordered one evening -gown. She spends altogether on dress about $3500 per annum in normal times, which for the consort of a great soverign is extraordinarily low, She usually visits her modiste when she orders a new gown, and is receiv- ed by the manager in a private re- ception -room. As a rule she orders three or four dresses at the same time, and they are fitted on at Buckingham Palace. 'The Queen's robe -room is a large apartment, the walls of which are lined with mahogany wardrobes, capable of holding 500 gowns and dresses. Here are some of the prices paid by the Queen for articles of at- tire other than dresses: Patent leath- er wanting -shoes, $5.20 per pair; brown leather walking -boots, $3.75 per pair; hats from $13,00 to $.8.50; gloves from $1,50 to $5.25 per pair. By far the most extravagantly at- tired Royal lady in Europe is the Queen of Spain. Her dress bills are reputed to run to $25,000 per annum. When in London some years _ago she was taken by a lady in the English Royal entourage to a famous modiste establishment and gave an order straight away for over $2,500 worth of dresses, subsequently apologising for the smallness of the order. The wardrobe -rooms of tie Queen of Spain consist of three large apart- ments, fitted with dustproof ward- robes, and capable of holding alto- gether 1,500 gowns, and they to e ttseally filled. Queen Enn'w "Brei+ser" The Queen of Spain's chief dresser has a salary of. but $1,500 per, annum, a merely nominal sum, but she makes at least another seven or eight hint - tired a year more out of commissions from the tradespeople seeking the Queen of Spain's custom. This is quite well understood by her Royal mistreesl of course, and the dresser's commission is regarded as par,'t of her • salary, • The dresser is also largely interest- ed in a milliner's establishment in Pavia, largely patronised by the Queen of Spain and other Royalties, out of which the ditsser draws an income of probably not lest than $5,000 par annum. She is lob known to all the vli se'establisfuiionte (rie the eIn onldlot sit School teachers, doctors and food experts agree on two oints--that they child -needs a hot drink, and that the drink shouldn't be tea or coffee. 1-J'osturn fills, the need admit - ,ably and its very extensive use among thoughtful parents, ;]coupled with the child's fond - ;tees for this fiavory, nourishing ;food -drink, show• how completely' Idt meets the requirement. ".There's a Reason" on change in price qualify, or size of nsrka;9o. ' Spain's afternoon -gowns, of which the original cost in Paris was $307.50. In London it probably fetched $52,50. The dress bilis of the King andd Queen of Norway are lower than those of many well-to-do middle-claas people. Royal Simplicity Tho Queen of Norway, except on ceremonious occasions, which are few at the Norwegian Court, habitually wears .a tweed dress. of the plainest out; and her Majesty's dress bills in the year do not total $750 altogether. .As a matter of fact, the Queen of Norway sometimes purchases dresses at a dress agency in Paris. Her Majesty also has the services of a very skilful dresser, who can alter or remodel a dress when it has been so long L. the Royal wardrobe that it is becoming out of date, The King of Norway's tailors' bills run to about $200 for ordinary lounge -suits. Uniforms bring up his dress bills by about another $800. His ordinary wear when at his own Court is a tweed knicker-suit and soft shirt and collar. The Norwegian Court is the quietest and least ex- travagant in Europe. The Royal Household consists of but ten officials and twelve servants, and of the of- ficials only three are resident. The others are in attendance only on oc- casions of ceremony. The King and Queen of Norway dine at the homely hour of '7.80, and the meal rarely consists of more than three courses.— London Answers. HOW TO CURE ,STOMACH TROUBLE The Common Cause is Lack of Blood—Therefore You Must Build Up the Blood. There is the most intimate relation between the condition of the blood and the activity of the stomach. The blood depends upon the stomach for a large part of its nourishment; while every act of digestion, from the tine the food enters the stomach and is as- similated by the blood needs plenty of pure well -oxidized blood. The mus- cles,glands and nerves of the stomach work only according to the quality of the blood. The most common cause of indiges- tion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only does impure blood weaken the muscles of the stomach but it lessens the product of the glands of the in- testines and stomach, which furnish the digestive fluids. Nothing will more promptly cure indigestion than plenty -of pure blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the safest and most cer- tain blood -builder. A thorough trial of these pills gives a hearty appetite, eerfcct digestion, strength and health. Here is proof of the value of these pills in cases of indigestion. Mr. Dan- iel Dexter, Liverpool, N.S., says: -- "For several years I was a great suf ferer from indigestion. I was great- ly troubled with gas on the stomach which caused disagreeable sensations. I was also frequently troubled with nausea and vomiting, which were very distressing. As a result of my trouble my appetite almost completely failed. and what I did eat caused me constant pain. I was continually doctoring but did not get any benefit, and had about made up my mind that I would suffer for life. One clay a 'friend asked me why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and while I had not much hope of a cure I decided fo do so. I had only taken a few boxes, however, when I found they were helping me. Very gladly then I continued the use of the pills, and in less than three months I was as web as ever I had been, able to eat a hearty meal, and to feel that life was again worth living. I had also been troubled from time to time with attacks of rheumatism, and the use of the pills cured this as well as the in- digestion. It is now over a year since I took the pills, and in that time I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Willianms' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or may be 'had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. To Every Woman Who IS Pain Mrs. "Williams Says Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Suffered for Two Terre, but Three Ilexes of Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Her a New Wonsan. Adamsviile, I{ont Oo,, N,I;,, Jan, 20th (Special.)—"I can recommend Deeld's Kidney Pula to every woman who suffers, So says Mre. Williams, a well-known and highly respected ltuly residing here, Mrs: Williams was a sufferer for two years till she used Dodd's Kidney Pills. She found in them quick relief and '" complete cure. That is why she is so enthusias- tic in her praise of them. "My troubles started with a cold," Mrs. Williams states, "I never neem- ed to get over the effeets of it. I had cramps in my muscles and my joints were atiif. There were dark cirefes under my eyes which were puffed and swollen. I had a bitter taste in my mouth and 1 suffered from severe headaches, "I felt heavy and sleepy after meals and had attacks of neuralgia. heart fiutterings and Tlreurnatisnr were soon added to my troubles. I took just three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I cannot be too glad that T olid so," Every one of Mrs. Williams' symp- toms was a symptom of kidney dis- ease. That' is why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Fashion Fads Each day unfolds something new in the world of fashion, for many inter- esting novelties catch the eye of those who observe the • women of fashion, from whose apparel may be gleaned every little detail and item of inter- est which create the atmosphere of good style. Some of the new collars' are large affairs rolled high at the back and low in front. These have been given the demure name of monk collar, and one is illustrated in the sketch. Some- times they are fastened with little buttons and loops at the front, or the closing is made invisible. They are usually made of satin or the,new figur- ed silks to contrast with the dress ma- terial: The loose side panels on skirts, with large pockets on each side, are also recognized as one of the newest style notes. in skirts. The panels being loose flap about in the wind, often dis- closing a bright lining of -contrasting material on the reverse side. From the front, these side panels seem at first to be nothing but the familar Bead to Find Out. "A man came into my store .the other day," said the druggist, "and handed tee seven prescriptions to put up. " 'Those, I see, are all for the cure of a cold, T remarod to him dasual- ly, The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: "I would say that I do hot know Of a medicine that has stood the test of time litre MINARD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators," Twenty times between 1910 and 2000 Fleeter ' fans within the month of March, 96o8 19N.11?�.'9 WONI)Ell 17I. FEATS, Can•Cltnil in Ally Position to the Smootitest •Qbjeets, That amine out pass over snob sharp instruments as a rtiaor's edge without the slightest harm has been elemonetrated by a Fronch seientist,I The snail wailts with the whole under- surfaee of his body, and it fa provided ' With means to lubrocate the road onj which it travels,. A. peculiarly com+ plea system of muscles enables it to cling in any position to the smooth- est objects. In lifting itself over the razor's edge it clings with' the hind part of its walking surface to one side of the blade and extends the ford part and bends it down over the other side. Then it draws itself over gradually and without exerting any pressure upon the edge of the blade. It could not, however, crawl ,,along the sharp edge of a razor or knife, It is a fact that while the common snail has lungs, heart and a general circulation, being in every respect an air -breathing creature, it is, neverthe- less, able to live indefinitely without inhaling the least bit of air, Experi- ments have clearly demonstrated that any or all of the usual life conditions may be removed in the case of the snail without terminating its existence or indeed impairing its functions. The snail retreats into its shell on the ap- proach of frosty weather, and causes the opening or mouth of its shell to be hermetically sealed by a secretion of silky' texture absolutely impervious to. air and water. In this condition, therefore, it .is plain that the little creature is deprived of three of the four elements of life—air, water and. nourishment. • GUARD THE BABY • AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stom- ach and bowels working regularly, Itis a recognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and good-natured. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Lucid. Asked to define. the word "deficit," a youngster replied: "It's what you got when you haven't got as much as if you just had notbin." The young fellow who is willing to do a little more than his share is go- ing to he the mon that later on the shirkers will say is getting .more than his share "'Yes; he returned, 'wild of theb cured by code last winter, but I'be bagged if I cad rebeber which wud. " Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. "Flurry up, Tommy!" called mamma. "We're late, Are your shoes on?" "Yes, mother; all but one!" Mulligan: "1 sent a cheque to that fund, but, I don't believe in parading my charity." Casey: "Well ?" Mul- ligan: "So I signed a fictitious name to it." ''When Your Eyes Need Care Dee brucine Eye Medi cine. No Smarting—Feels Flue—Acts pnieldy. Try It for Red, Weak, Bore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine Is compounded by our Ocuilsts--not m ',Patent Med!?elnee—but used in successful Physicians' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 1100 per Bottle, Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 150 sad bee. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Muriao Ora Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv. When a man marries for money his wife never gets her money's worth. Minard's Liniment Caren Distemper. An epidemic' of thrift and economy is sweegiug over Canada. The man who contracts it, will find it has been no misfortune, during the adjustment days often the war. With New Monk Collar and Loose Panels. tunic which appears quite often in the new dresses showing the narrower underskirts. Another treatment of side panels appears in some shirts where the panel extends to the lower edge of the skirt, is attached there, and falls softly over the edge inpuffed or draped effect. Puffed all around in incitation of the Turkish trouser effect, are some of the shirts of evening dresses, In the supple taffetas and silver tissue cloths, dresses in this style are extremely graceful, the skirts devoid of any trim- ming whatever and the bodices fitting' rather snugly in contrast. The bodices are in reality hardly more than deep) bands suspended by straps of ribbon over the shoulders. Sleeves there are none, unless the bands across the up- per part of the arms are so called. In outer styles of evening dresses, how- ever, sleeves begin to be more fav- ored than they have boon for some time. The flowing Sleeves which form a kind of drapery reaching almost to the edge of the skirt is a style with great charm, These patterns maty be obtained from your local McCall Dealer or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, ,Toronto, Ontario, Dent "W." 35lnard'a Ltnimont (lures Diphtheria. ITelp Wanted, "Oh, doctorif I could only die," sobbed the patient, "I'm doing my best tor you," re- plied the physician. Thirteen kittts on the surface and sixteen submerged is the speed of the B class of British submarine. Itiaard'ti Liniment Cures Garnet iu!Iowa, The soul of a Piano is the Action. Insiste on the" OTTO ' H1` QS,rI�,t..'MYr- PIANO ACTION kateral end houranea society !lint Vehicle its members la accordance vdth tlyt ntsin Government Slaudard, $Ick and ei.ie pl o Authorized��l4e,al:tnInrnaSbersend charter lodeos in cvaryf'rovince la Gonads. mtsrerelyCana3lan, ode. sound and scone•: it!baso is no local lode, of Chosen Friend. in your diptnot. apply direct to any ef'ebe following offcerat Dr.J. N.E wards P '3 M.. W Manlove, e 1?. aw . Grand and Councillor, Grand l'wcordm, W. P. ilemphell, 1. H. Den, M.D., CreedOraonirer, ' Grand Medical ra, i HAMILTON • ONTARIO Upwardt TRIAL FUMY GUA11AISIED CREW & SEPARATOR ASOLm PROPOSITION to send new, well made, easy running. Dertoct akiuuning separator for only b1696. Closely skins warm or cold to1l1e. Mskes heavy cream. Bowl n eanttarp mama], orally cleaned, D,lYorent from Capacity ,ssshines. Soo our reassy Ido stilly Payment Man 3hIpmcnlo made promptly from Winnipeg, Man.,ronto, OM. and Se. ]aha. w, 6, Whether dairy is largo or mmoll,'wrlto for handaome free catalog and easy payment plan. MEW( SEPARATOR CO. Res 320s eninbrid¢e, N. T. The deepest rivers flow least sound. trMPIitFAIhYMr frp;s AMAIN rPt ol'r'1T-MAItttN.0 tows MICU JOG illfioes Por mile in food Ontario towns,. 'Tito hest puoTu) and interontlne of all buain9eson, pall intorm"ttien en .epplleetlon 10 Wiason ]publishing Coal. pony, 03 West Adelaide Street, 'Toronto, MPOPLAAVfirOILS I'1140IOa FOR irANCYyroRK, K71 assorted eoiers, largo b0noh, '00(t! poen-atm, Win, Ironies. 15 Urltton ave„ Sydney, N.S. d'iA3.1C3535, I'TUMoRS, LQMPS, R'i'b„ • internal and external, mired With, out pain by our home treatotoot, Write Us before too late. err, CullmanMedfcui Cp„ Limited, Cu111npwood, Ont, BOOK ON DOG DISEASES. And ]low to Feed Maned free to any address by Ibe Author ]l, CLAY GLOVER CO., lee, 118 West 31st Street, New .York To FAR.z All Over the Country Remember the Car Shortage If You Wait Until the Last Minute To Order Out Your Fey tilizer You Might Get Left! IA WANTED F THE '1 Canadians wanted for the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve for immediate overseas service, Only men of good character and good physique accepted. Pay $1,10 Minimum per day—Free Kit. $20.00 per Month Separation Allowance. Experienced men from 38 to 45, and boys from 15 to 18 accepted for service in the CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS for defence of the Coasts P 7' Apply to COlvIMODORE &MMUS JARVIS r y iZ Naval Sacroiliac Officer, Ontario Area g e 103 Boy Street, TORONTO, or ,.,.a'. Dept. of the Naval Service OTTAWA '• Bigger Yields, Better Crops and Increased Profis The big reason for the growth in the consumption of fertilizers lies in the fact that commercial fertilisers increase profits wherever properly used," says a government bulletin. If your land is losing its available fertility you eau easily build it up and increage your profits by using es FERT1LjZERS They will give your crops a good start, stimulate growth and increase the yields. Evan it your are getting good results from your lands, Harah-Davies fertilizers will produce still bigger and batter crops. They are prepared from blood, bones, trimmings, etc., in just the right proportions to supply the plant food your soil lacks. Let our exports help you select the correct fertilizer for your own par- ticular arttoular deeds, Write for our free fertilizer booklet and bulletins. Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto, 'here's honey I Your Stump Land ore shoulders, lame back stiff neck, all pains and aches yield to Sloan.'s Liniment. Llo not rub ft. Simply apply to the sore spot, it quickly penetrates and relieves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the shin. Keep a bottle handy for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, toothache, neuralgia, gout, lumbago and sore stiff' muscles. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. And $1.00. ` Y soil Gp 1v FIRST pull out the stumps, then pull out the profits. Change your barren stump lends into cultivated fields. Stop pay- ing taxes on worthless land. Clear it; do it the quickest, easiest and cheapest way. Get the money from underyourstumps witha One Mit Siam Puller' youstump is bl power.Nosat 1 It ]rives a giant's 1 t; enough, no root deep enough, to resist it. Horses are unnecessary. Your honey brick unless the - Kirstin pulls stumps from your land. Ten days° trial. Ili, THE LARGEST i'IRERkooF RIdO •T ttl rG t" Mal THE WORLD illi Tito Spirit of America at play: Magnitddo hstd Clteerfulnono AND/MOAN Ezia5r dFlttt8f,o7gkll),SY 7Pr.,e.t7 D, tf White, Proof, S. W. Mott, IWO. IMMDMMenattssisninicatants wa, Canadian Sand lot, ,,auug, 0800 ri °;,tie se f,Inn1Te,,n Free Ci2tdoit « Enrta. ant, Soo Ito pictures of stomps it bas pulled; road the let- .°� !nestssend toward 161e froth the farmers who have bought lftredna, '• ]Mea nook on Land Learn how the Kirstin Free Service gives all the 4s Ciouloir. information you need about land clearing, Dont ,p° buy 9 palter Lentil you ate this book. 4, Hartle - - .....,.»•t A. S. XrROISfN, OAx1ADIA1Y CO, i '°, ll# 8326 bonuia 'IA.°'tows.... . .......... au t Oto, Mario, Oat, ' .• 4 ... "e R ir.D, or P.C. nee ..... .....d r...,........«