HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-01, Page 5February Isr, 191' Sultlnmelr<hill 'slit Women's Patriutice Seniety will naMfat the Bouts of Mr, W. 14.• k3ali oe `l'1 r•s hos altereoun riot.. Gablas ForMembers of Ca- owners Expeditionary Force in France Tne Department of Militia end De- fence reports that considerable ipolay and confusion fregaentlyi results ^through iinpreyerly addressing in earn of the War Ofice, Loudon, cable messages intended for officers and •' inert serving with the Canadian • Exe poditionary Force in France. No ar- rangements exist for the forwarding of such inestiages from London by 'tolegrapb, and it 1s therefore neees- siat'y in all sucb Cases to send them nn by post, All cable massages intended for members of the Canadian Expedition. my Force in France .may elike , tele- grams for others) be sent from 'Can- ada addressed directly to prance, the addresses of such " messages, ix addition to stating regimental num- ber, name, trait, , etc:, to bear the wealeseaariadians,France." These' mess which' may be sent at tife fellnecessarily rates, are net necessal y £or- • warded by telegraph in the final stages of their transmission In • France, and may be subject to some Slelay. Tiie foregoing dens ' not apply to messages which may be sent at the • special nem -minimum Week -end Letter rate to soldiers, sailors and nurses serving with the Canadian Expedi- tionary Force tn France. Such nes- sages which shild be addres- sed 01 ail eases, are forwarded by -post ;from England by the Telegrapli Company, and should not, therefore, ' be directed in care of the War Office, London. Quebec Gives A Million Dollars The grant at one million dollars to the Canadian Patriotic Fund for 1917 by the Quebec Legislature is a most cheering indication of the value placed- on the work of the Fund by the Government of Sir Lerner Gouin, and may be taken as an evidence al- so of the growing realization in the province of what demands the war is • snaking on our wealth in money. The 04 -41.11M -Legislature is making a grant of the same size, and there is a tendency on the part of all the Provincial Governments to aid this meritorious work. Quebec raised more money iii 1916 than was needed to make provision .for her own families, and the surplus was devoted to the Western Provin- ces, where enlistments were above the average. It is prceiable that a similar condition will arise in 1917. Holmesville Mr. W. S. Lawrence of Ottawa and. Mr. Ed. Johnson of Jnnetkip were calling on old friends in this vicin- ity. The former was a popular school teacher in this village while Mr. ,Johnson was the first clieese 1nakor in the Hq.mesvflie factory. !Their old friends are glad' to have their hearty 'shake hands and, also to see them both looking well. 14Ir. and Mrs. McIntosh of Sask., Cousins of Mrs; Lewis Tebbutt, have ' been visiting at their home .on the Maitland, over the week -olid. 'Our ,teacher having recovered from lier recent attack of grippe, has op- enedup the sonnet again alter hav- ing been closed a week, Marriages YU'NGi3LUT—BROWN.—In Hallett on January 24th, by Rev. C. 0, Kaine, Elsie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Brown, to Edward Yungblut, son of Mt. Frederich Yungblut, all of Hullett township. Births • KYLE,—At Parr Line, Hay, on Jan, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, a -son. Deaths NIAYNARD. In Wiitghatu, on Jan. 21st, Mary A. Maynard, reliet of the late William Maynard, of Lis- towel. • t"rROVES.—In Wingham, on January 17th, Levenia Hart, wife of Jahn F. Groves, in her'40tli year. Coderich Township At their meeting in OitOon, on Meetlay the Black Knight Preoehtoa':y pushed the following resolution c"1'o elir Knight (Aimee, Hayfield, Opt,, • D a n e t SIP Knight and r thor • --- ar tai 1} o Whereas, our Heavenly Father, infin- ite iu wisiom and Mercy,` has called unto Himself Mrs, Currie and, Miss Daisy Currie, mother and stator, re- spoeti vely, of our' esteemed Sir Knight And brother, Russel Currin, to wlaout we are closely united by bonds of brotherhood and love, and • Whereas, our hearts go out to hien in this hie hour of alllietion and sur. row, and we feel keenly the loss tbat he has suffered, tbeeefore, be it Resolvecl, that; we, the members of the Royal Slater Prebepbory, No, 101, G.13,O,11.A„ assembled in session, on ltlonday evening, January 29111, 1917, do extend our heartfelt sympathies to our Sir Knight and Brother and pray that God will give hire strength to sustain him iu tine hour of. double affliction and through "the nights of sorrow." Signed on behalf of the Royal Black Preceptory No, 191, G, B.O-B,A,; Sir Knight W, Moulton, Sir Knight P. Cantolon, Sir Knight D. Mole, Worshipful Preceptor." Aubur Mr, T, H. Snnylio and his family of Ochre River, Manitoba, have re- turned to their home after an ex- tended visit at the home of his mo- ther here. It is fourteen years since Mr, Smylie was home last, He thinks' there is 00 place like the west. Mr. Jahn Clark s indisposed with a severe ..attack of la grippe. Mr. Steen and Miss Eliza Phillips of Yellow Grass, Manitoba, spent a few days at home of her brother, Kr, E. Phillips. Mr. ' and Mrs. Lou Gower gf Dun- gannon spent Sunday with friends at Auburn. Mr. Geo. Lawlor has returned to his home in the -west. One of the pioneers of 7-Iullett town.drip passed. away on Friday last in the person of George Beadle, Sr., whose death occurred at the home of his son, George. The deceased came to Fluron county about fifty }Ears ago. He was eighty-three at , the time of his death. A. family cd two sons and three daughters survive : Mrs. H. Maley, Michigan, Mrs. L. Lawson, Clinton, Mrs. T. Robertson, East Wawauosli, John of Saskatoon, and George of Mullett. Mrs,' Beadle died about fourteen pars ago, The funeral took place to Ball's cemetery. Bagfield ' • The following racey little rhyme was written by a Bayfield lady, who, though blind and obliged to work to obtain g livelihood, sets a good ex- ample by finding time to knit for the soldier boys. Now girls, you stop your footle:g And get right down to work, There is plenty needed doing, No honest girl should shirk. There are mufflers, socks and mittens For the bays far oft in France, And some in dear old England, • And Belgium, too, perchance. No matter where they're stati.tued They are fighting Britain's cause, For freedom, home, and to •ed ones, And virtue's glorious laws. They count no task too heavy, No pain too hard to bear. Where right and justice calls thein They find their duty there. What right have you to fritter The precious hours away, When your fingers should be fixing O'er the wooly* ball of gray 7 bvitii . your euoher, movies, skating, And your whirling giddy dance,- While ance,While year brother's feet are aching On the,blood-stained fields of Franoe7 Come, get your needles ready, And sit right down, to knit, Although• it may be rather slow, You can do your little :bit; There axe plenty Here to help yma If You really wish to know, We'll show you holy to turn a heel, Or make a IKitcliener toe, • There is lots of fun in knitting, IF you only learn the 'trick And when yea prac You will never w —Kath Ste .Helens Mica Edna, Woods' spent the week end in Latoknow, 7Vlise Elizabeth Anderson is home from Ottawa for a visit to 1t9r par eats, Me, David Gibson, Ripley, visited at the ton oLewis a l k r e f Me. I wia Grant fol few days. Miss Hazel Painter attended the. Normal School At•flomo at Steabforcl On 13'riday evening. Mrs, Malmo, mother of Mrs, Aveh, Anderson, died. in Lueknow on Satur da: Worst Was received here of the death of Rev. Goo. MoQuilliau of Grand Valley. Deceased was bora in this township, Funeral on Idanclay at Grand Valley, Miss Pearl Todd spent Sunday with Mies Ethel Anderson. Mrs, Robinson Woods is apending a couple of weeks at bei sister's, Mee. Thos. Oaui�pbell, Stanley. Messrs. Elliott and Jim Miller are sowing wood at present, HUMAN TIAIR PROTECTS AND ADORNS THE BEAD, and if you have thin Bair—it you aro • bald—do not miss seeing Dorenwend's Exhibit of Human Hair -Goods for ladies and gentlemen at.the Mitten - bury House on Wednesday, February ud li. The di • will include La- dies' display it i p Y dies' Switches, Coronet .anct' Fancy Braids, Transformations, Pompa- dours, Waves. Chignons, Bangs, and for bald men toupee and wig struc- tures that will benefit the health and appearance. There is no charge for a demonstration, SALE THE UNDER - signed L H N signed bas beep instructed to sell by public eviction, at lot 47, con, 1 Tuck- ersmith, (London Road) at 1,80, on Monday, Feb. 1210, the following -2 spring colts agricultural, cow freh in Nov. 7 year old, farrow cow 3 yrs, 3 heifers rising 3 years, steer rising 3 years; 3 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 5 calves, a quantity of seed oats Banner and O.A.O. Flurry walking plow; Mogul gas and coal oil engine 2¢ horse power good as new, cutting box. Perms—A11 sows of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be allowed on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent straight allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Seed oats, cash. Paul Cadieux, proprietor; T, Hen- dry, auctioneer. 74-2 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Charlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liament of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth. of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Huron. in the Province of Ontario, merchant, ou thegrbund of adultery and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 19th day of January, 1017. Margaret Bell Charlesworth, By, her Solicitor, William Thorn burn Witness, A. V. Darnels, Cream Wanted Any quantity of cream handled at highest price for butter fat, Oeeam called for or taken. in the first three days of the week at Holmesville. Yon may see your cream tested for your- self, Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Cream paid for every week PHONE 17 ON 143 L. M. JE RV1S HOLMESVILLE. Dissolution of Partnership.. Notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore existing between Seeley & West will be ended on Feb. 1'Oth,1917. It is necessary that all accounts due this firm be paid not later than Feb, 8rd, 1917, After said date all accounts not then paid will necessarily be col- lected. Peptone having accounts against said firm will please send them in so they eon he settied by Feb, 1010, 1017. ties up awhile Seeley & West ant to quit. 1.\.1 Haynes., Hayfield. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUE'TS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW O SAVE M NEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN bin•A, TMR'NT o►' iiIMAHCit OTTAWA 1�1 Clinton Neura,,Rccnrd THE W, 0, T, (J,, 4Srliili HAVE A sale of hotnc•utade cooking, in the CopueilChamber, On Vi Inv after. noon, Feb, Oth, Proceerie for elle Cocoa Fund for I be soldiers, ' 74.1 FOR SAI E.--TWQ OHOi0I+: COWS, One freshened 1110 other tit ie in March. William J, Vodden, lot 90, can, 14, CIoclerich township, Phone 6 on 157. •--74.2. I WISL-I TO CORRECT A MISTAKE in the Annual.Iteport sent out to the Policy Holders of the ]McKillop Fire Insurauce Co, Tito report reads 'Mr. II, Walters, Horse killed by lightning, $250," Should read, "$150." — ,James Connelly, President; '1'IIE JUNIOR CGIRLS' CLUB 00' .Willis church will have a social er- ening in the lecture room on 'hues- program • danday Feb.Feb• 4th. Musical lunch, Admission 15c. Preceeds air. aid of Belgian Relief Fund. -74-1. MAN WANTED. MARRIED • MAN, fox farm work. Steady employ- ment with good home, one, Iluties to begin March 101,H. Apply—D. A. — 4 Forrester, Clinton, 7 • WANTEDHORSE HIDES, BEEF Bides, Skunk, Coon, Mink, or any other Furs,—James Steep, Licensed ta dual in furs. —64 APPLICATIONS -OFFICE, TI AS FOR )~.IgE — AP Applications addressed to the un- dersigned and marked "Application for Mee," will be received up to six o'clock, p.m., on Friday, Feb. and,, 1917, for the following posi- tions : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Constable, etc., Tax Collec- tor, Night Watchman and Assistant Constable, Cemetery/Superintendent and Poundkeeper.—D. L. Macpher- son, Clerk,,—72--3, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Members of the McKillop Fire In- surance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Fri- day, Feb. 2nd, 1917, at 2 o'clock, p.m. The business . will be to re- ceive the annual statement and au- ditor's report, the election off three directors and other business which would be considered for the benefit of the Company. The retiring dir- ectors are James 'Connolly, Robt. Ferris and William Rinn, who are eligible for re-election.—James Con- nolly, President, Thos. Hays, Sec- retary, —70. FOR SALE. -1h STORY FRAME house in the Village of Bayfield., with acre of land attached contain- ing stable. Good well and orchard on place. Also eight acres in one block on the oppsite side of the street. Will be sold separately or together to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to the executors Mrs. H. Darrow or Mrs. :John Davison, Bayfield. —68. FARM FOR SALE. — 190 -ACRE farm for sale, 2a utiles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50180 with stone stab- ling underneath and 11" storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar, Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; Will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. •For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. NOTICE.—HAVING DISPOSED OF our Coal and Wood business all ac- counts owing the firm must be paid at once, M. & M. Forbes, —70, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy. —44. FOR SALE—TFII7 PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gandier, including house, office, bdrn and -two lots. Will be : sold separately or • together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer kit- chen.—Apply to Dr. 'Gandier. —40. CANADIAN PACirlc WINTER TOURS IN FLORIDb,, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, ETC. The Canadian 'Pacific .Railway odors Tram Camp Barden we went to root connection is made for. Florida, vhs Cincinatbi and Atlanta, Ge., Jacksonville, Florida, is reached sec- ond morning after leaving Detroit. The Canadian PaciflcMichigan Cen- tral Route will be found the ideal line to Chicago, where direct ronaee- tion is made for the .Southern Stat- es. Now Orleans is reached second morning after leaving Toronto. 'Cho Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car ser- vice between Toronto, Detroit and Ghieago is up-to-date in every pat. -- Molar, Connecting lines also oper- ate through sleeping and dialing cars. Those contemplating a trip of any nature will receive fall information from any Canadian Palk Agent or W. 11, noward, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. JdoCORMzal AGENCY, wz RAVJ taken over the eireney for the 141p- Corntlok Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, Where I will keep on hand a full lino of implements, repairs, twine, o. o An order r tr 0m Y0 u will receive prompt attention,— Wilson Elliott. .,•49 CREAM WANTED. DAIRYMEN having eroam to sell write to tie for Dans, We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pays the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man.' Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburu may Ieave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans ;and give us a trial. Patrons in the vioinite of Varna may' deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont. 011 SALE OR TO RENT,—AN 8 - roomed house on Princess• street. Furnace r 1 d ur an bath. Nowecu 'od 6 pI by W. Collyer.—For particulars ap- ply to W. S. Harland, Rattenbury street, Clinton, —55 XOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice, Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We gall T a antes togood dowork. I m r d pr rypa a to French n h D ry Olean Ladies Suits, Gout's Suite and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's lawelory Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —55 FOR SALE A demoorat wagon, buggy, , set light double harness, and a drag saw outfit, Buffalo robe in good condition, set single harness used only a few times. For prices and particulars apply to W. R. TOWETT. Box 80, Bayfield, or phone 5 on 174 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning andweighed, tested and paid for. while you wait. Also all kinds bf live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMM1IRHILL,: BIRTHDAY GIFTS +sem Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen ()lecke, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8•day Mantle Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and 'mahogany. Manicure: Sets, Cut Glow, Silverware Spectacles of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and look around, you are under no obligation to buy, R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Optician and Jeweler DessertforDinner Are you looking for something to make Dessert for Dinner if so we can supply you with Quality Goods for Dessert, Extra Nice Prunes for Pies or Sauce 2lbs for 25c Cooking figs 10c per ib, Good cooking apples always on hand Rice, Tapioca, Cornstarch, rte, all make asplendid Dessert for dinner at this time of year. Magnolia Peas, Corn and Tomatoes are of the highest Brands, New stock of Catsup, Sweet and Mixed Pickles (In bulk or bottle) 11, P, Sauce and Olives all add zest to the ap- petite, 2 large cans of Pork and Beans for 25c Try our leader in ac Soap, 8 bars for Ai highest Market Price for ?rodent, Johnson & Co. Tho Store of Quaiity Motet orders pramptIY, iitteuded 40. port $A1,4,—IIOIJSE QW RATTRN= bury street formerly occupied by the late. Mfrs, Wnt, Murray... Ap- ply to G, A. lVloTaggar•t.. --32 GIRLS WANTED ! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A' FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY: AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMI'T'ED. LIE PORT( LTY WIC NTEO I , •�•ss '.Ve are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid,—Phone 14 on 106. Special prices for fat hens W. MARQUIS Doo'i erry 1 • About the high price of grain and feed for your Hock of hens, as eggs and poultry are expected to he corres- pondingly high Ibis corning season. Now is the time to order your Prairie State Incubator Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get year chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers. Get an Incubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. TELE CORNER Live and Let LSTOREivt .m TELEPHONE Your Oroceiy Wants to our STORE Weare always glad to have you visit our storein doing your purchas- ing so we may personally select your goocte and so we may become better ac gp_ainted with you and your needs, When von find it more convenient to telephone, however you can depend on rte to look after your orders iu a man- ner that will please you. CALL 45 And you will have your order taken, packed, and delivered in a satisfactory manner, We appreciate your phone trade. Highest prices for Butter and. Eggs • • E. E. HUNNIPORD LIVel AND LET LIVE GROCER. PNCE YOUR ORDER tor some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will charge you no more than if they Were just the ordinary grade of oats. I1 you wish ta secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a fell stook of Flour and Feed. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND F31ED, Phone 199. MIighcst prloos paid for C3rant and Wool, 'Gllavator, t'febide fee 9310110 9-142, FEAO}ESf A BARGAIN FOR YOU We are selling thls week, 'large luseiaus dried Peaches at only 10 cents per lb. These are away below whole- sale price and will nob last. long. Just the thing for pies. W. T. O"I!1 Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, er Coal and Cement Yards, Wo are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of legs, in bulk or by the thousand, either in the bush or de- livered in our yards. We also handle all kinds of L ogs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada anada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials,' Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc. If in the market for any or the. above items it will pay you to tel- ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD head Office BRUCEFIELD. We have added a stook of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas,. Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines. to be found in a grocery store.; We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We well appreciate a share ot your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex- change xchange for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Nest the Hospital. Plumbing, Heating andl Eavetroughing. Get our prices on your 1leiL4 season's eavetrough order now.- and save money. Agent for Hecla Furnacess THOS. HAWKINS. SiFijoover Rowland's Hardware:' PHONE 53, The BigStore; 5 lb. Good Green Tee, for 91,50 2 Cans Pumkin for pies 26c 1 Big et, Bottle Mixed Pickles 26e 8 Cans Comfort Lye 21c 8Pkgs, Corn Flakes 25a 90 lbs Potatoes Home Grown $2,7teg These are Beauties 2 lb Box of Perrino .Dairy Crettaiesa Sodas i8o The 18 iuest Blscu i t made Salmon Trout in Heine IOc per lb Lake Herring hi Brine 80e Doi. Je 0. Lounsbel y LO N Di ,SBO RRO .. The big store with little ps'i es