HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-01-18, Page 8.' '.' Setooll of Cornnoeric 1 CLINTON, ONTARIO • WIN rL R TERM begins Wednesday, January 3rd, 191' 7:f you cannot attend day school, you may take acourse in Shorthand, Typewriting andBookkeeping by attending Night Classes Classes Monday and Wednesday Terms Moderate, you have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course sometime -DO IT NOW Learn More to Earn More Positions Guaranteed to Students, B. F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts., Phone 205. Principal _ ASOMMiell Lathes ai1tles Two New BOOKS 1 Clinton News., Re Fragments from dance The war reduced to grim and grue- some absurdity; the fun cif the war by ono who has been through it, and shows what he has seen, and heard; and fell —and laoghed at, BINDLE: 25,000 copies sold in a few months, Some of the words said about it are, "Bindle will twist. 'a smile rrom the wryest month." "lt snakes us grrrg le quietly and con- tinuocisirv'\ "A delicious piece of fooling,' Both above aro good to send to the boys at the front or in the hospital. They will help the efforts of the reed- it;al rnen, Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Always the Best 4.95 During the next two weeks it is our aim to turn every ladies or child's mantle now in stock into cash— In order to do this we have simply ignored the regular prices of these goods and are marking them at prices that must mean a quick clean-up of every garment. As an extra special. we have put in one lot, about 15 Ladies Coats that originally sold at from $10 to $15 and have priced the lot, choice $4 95. Also some Children's Coats at 1.93 up— We are also cleaning up at big Price Reduction a lot of odd lines and broken sizes of winter goods which we positively will not carry over for another year. Phone 25 1umstee1 Bros Businese Small mo- p.. I AGENTS—SEMI: READY' CLOTHING, NEW 'IDEA PATTERNS Bois' Shoes If your boy is hard on his shoes, bring him here ! We have had shoes built to stand the abuse the average boy gives his shoes. Parents who teat our Boys Shoes find that it requires less money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they buy the sort of shoes we sell I Gun Metal, Box Calf, , and Uris Leathers Inside and Outside Stays to Prevent Ripping Solid, Durable Shoes, but not Clumsy 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 According to size. FRED. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE,STORE 0% ITu�nnmI8111111iuteintew i1(Initry, III d17f �Ih,. Mr. Oliver Johnson. of Gocierich was in toWu on Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Robinson is spending a few weeks at her parental home 3n Markdale. Miss,Jenuie Holmes left on Satur- day for a' visit with friends in. Brantford. Miss Morrow of Goderich was 'the guest of Miss Margaret Walker ov- er the week -end. Miss 5Iape1 Muff was in Lgndonfor a few days last week visiting Miss Kathleen (durum. Miss Ida Walkinshaw returned home last week after spending a couple of months in Detroit. Mrs. F. McC'artnep of Goderieh is visiting this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. 'Walken, Mrs. Bert Fremlin spent the week- end as the guest of Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Jones of Bap3eld. Miss Bessie Sloman returned to New York last week after visiting at her home in town for a few weeks. Miss Irene Keller returned to her home at Stratford on Saturday af- ternoon after a fortnight's visit with friends in town. Mr, and Mrs. John Broadbent • of Thornhill, Man., are guests at the home cf the former's sister, Mrs, Edward Carter of Princess street.' Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto has been .in town this week, coming up to attend the funeral ,of Mrs. Tay- lor's mother, the late Mrs. Brick - mien. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook returned Iasi, week to their home in Pitts- burg,,,Pa•, after a short visit with friends and relatives in town and vicinity. Miss , Ruby Monaghan, who has been visitng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Monaghan, for the uast month, returned to Detroit on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cole of Winni- peg, who have been visiting at Sea - forth and Hohnesville during the past loitnight, have also visited Clinton friends. Mrs, J. K. Fairfull and Misses Dor- othy Cantelon and Florence Cun- inghanre went to London on Fri- day last. --Miss Cuninghame re- mained over until Saturday. Mrs. N. A. Phtoenis and little son returned to their ho ae in Hamil- ton on Friday': after spending sev- eral weeks as' the guest of the former's mother, Mrs. R. J. Cluff, Mrs. E. Rollaway, who has been in Chicago undergoing surgical. treat- ment for the past fortnight, is now getting Com; splendidly, though it Will be several weeks before she is Male to return home. Mrs. J, Butler:' and Miss Vim Me - Court have been aver from Detroit during the past week, having been called home on account of the illness and subsequent death of their daughter and sister, the late Mrs. Jos, lteynelds, Pte. H. S. Chapman of the 216th Battalion, The Bantams, Toronto, was in town over the week -end vis- iting his ntunerous friends here. "Chappie" iooks well artd as if soldiering agreed with rain,, 14e expects that his battalipn will 'go overseas in, the course ciOi a month or. so. T. W, Stone, of .Rssex, a member of the Princess Pats, arrived home this week on sick leave. He was wounded in the 1511 arm in Sep- tember last and has been in hospi- tal ever since. Ole will now remain until sufficiently recovered to re- turn to the front, This young roan is ,a brother of Miss A. Stone of the Clinton School of Cormnerce. Mr. Ci, F, Brickenclen and M.r. Ar- thur Brickenden of Louden were here this week attending the funer- al of the former's mother Md the latter's grandmother:, lir, A. Brick - Olden left London at 6.15 Monday morning, coming by way ,of Strat- ford, and did nob reach Clinton until 2.30 p.in. This was the first day of the new schedule and trains were a bit late, a.� A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to the room. 1t has other advantages al- so, l.so, being easy to clean, 'easy to remove. We have at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels, Axmineters, Wil• tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you., JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone IPWa. 28 The 1ewslleeord For 1ea, Well Execuited Job Work. ,iitttnu ry. t 1017' rs Fri es 1: ,.>: if s ' , �• Ferbaps Santa Clans Mit LIiug lon A Warm Coat or a Set of Furs. • Then here's your opportunity to buy them for yourself --and save liberally on, the purchase. Now that Christmas festivities and gift -buying are largely of the past, we may turn our attention to the practical comforts of life, and what more time 1 subject than the warm coat and furs that every one requires for the next four months ? WOMEN'S AND MISSES COATS AT CLEARING PRICES A special purchase from a leading manufacturer, as well as several splendid clearing lines from our own stock, makes a fine opportunity to secure a warm, stylish coat at very much less than the regular price. This sea- son's attractive styles are all represented. CHILDREN'S COATS REDUCED r.'r o Every coat, included in our'assortment for children, has lost a generous part of its original price, Smart styles and pretty materials, if1 BEAUTIFUL FURS AT 1-4 TO 1-3 LESS THAN REGULAR The fur section has a wonderful assortment of handsome furs at extraordinary price -reductions, And you may choose with perfect confidence whether you know anything about furs or not. Our many years of experience as dealers in fine furs, will safeguard your buying. • FUR COATS Are all reduced in price, and the.eomfort of a fur coat. is unsurpassed by any other -garment, OUR STOCK OF FUR NECKPIECES AND MUFFS includes all this season's smart styled and unequ.tlled values. Handsome Canadian Mink, Black Fox, Sable, Blue Wolf, Persian Lamb, Marmot, Etc., email rey resented, and every piece marked in plain figures, Come in and let us show you what extraordinary values we are offering. Women's Store Dry Goods, I3ouseFurnishings phone 67 Nest to Royal Bank fien's Store Custom Tailoring and phone 103. Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Londesboro. The "Hard Time" Serial held on Friday night last, under the auspices of the Red Cross Satiety, was a great success, Mr. Fingland received word this week from France that his son, Mur- ray, had been wounded. We hope it is not seriously. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon spent Sunday in Blyth with the latter's brother, Mr. Ben Mason, who, we are sorry to learn is 'very 111, Mr. and Mrs. Millar spent Mondau with Morris township friends. A umber of young people from arct'nd here went to Clinton Tuesday night to skate, We are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. H. Manning still continues very 111. Mr, A. Barry Riley has purchased the house where Mrs. W. Riley lived. Mr. W. Hiles is to live in the house vacated by H. Riley. Mr. Jas. Woodman is working in au automobile factory' in New York, where his family expect hi time to meas, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lyon from the west are visiting friends in Londes- boro and vicinity. La grippe is the order of the day. The Londesboro branch of, the Wo• men's Institute intend holding a so- cial evening in Foresters' hall on Saturday evening of next week, the 27t1i. There will be a display' of the articles to be sent to the soldiers and a'pro;ram or music, games, etc. The admission fee will consist of a cales of soap, plug of tobacco, cake of milk chocolate, or anything suit- able.- to uit- able-to include in the parcels to the soldiers. Everpnne will be made welcome, (intended for last week,) Ivirs, William Weymouth and son have returned to their home'in Wood- stock. Mfrs. Albert Weymouth accom- panied them. Rev. James Abery has; -returned to Toronto after being called home for the funeral of Mr. Knox. Mr, John Scott had the misfortune to loose one of his One fat cattle on Tuesday. I!Liss .Elsie Millar has returned home after spending a rnoltth with cousins in Port Colborne. Mrs. 0, Ruddell and Mrs. Cl. Rob - orlon had the misfortune' to bo thrown from their cutter, while com- ing home from Clinton one days last week, when the horse ran away, butt nothing serious happened. Miss Minnie Lyon is spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs. E. Dew- ar or London, Mt. Col, Fingland will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian ohtrrclt on Sunday} next in Mr. Abrey's absence. Special meetings are being eonth'- tted Vile week in the Methodist elfuteh, Mrs. Raine was called ,to Blyth on. Sunday night on account of the i11 Hess of bit mother, Mrs, Mills. , Goderich Township k. tic d for last wee (Ince k ) Council met according to 'statute on Monday. The 'following members made the necessary declaration of of- fice and property- qualificatiuts : W. H. Lobb, reeve ; Geo. Holland, D. A. Lindsap, Oswald Ginn, and George Vanderburg, councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and condrnted. The road commissioners were appointed to the following rood divisions : No. 1, Geo. Vanderburg ; No. 2, Oswald Ginn ; No. 3, 'D. A. Lindsay ; No. 4 and 8, George Hol- land ; No. 5, W. H. Lobb, On motion of councillors Lindsay and Holland Bp Law No. 1; fixing the salaries of township officials as read was passed : Clerk, $105 ; Treasurer, $85 ; Assessor 060, ; C'o'leztoC, 080 ; Auditors, 05 each. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, having re- signed the clerkship, Mr, Adam Can, telon was appointed. Air. Trewartha on retiring thanked the council warmly for their courteous treat- ment of him and they in term . ex- pressed their high 'appreciation of his services and their regret at his retirement. The following are the officials for 1917: Adam Cantelon, Clerk, Clin- ton ; J. 10. Whitely, Treasurer, God- erich ; B. H. Lindsay, Assessor, Goa- erich ; R. 0. Thompson,' Collector, Clinton ; G. P. 'Gould, Auditor, God - oriel) ; ,Iloward Sturdy, Auditor, God- erich. On motion of co 5eillors Lindsay and•Holland Dr. Whitely was appoin- ted Health Officer and John Cox a member of the Board of health.. Fence viewers : Isaac Salkeld. John. Sowerby, George Lafthwaite, CI•. 0. Sturdy, W, F. Hick, Jas. Yuill, Joint Woods, Alfred Na.ftol, John Stew- art, E. IL Wise, CJuy --Ticks, Frank Powell, Jas. Watkins, Chas. Williams and Thos: Churchill. T'ouud keepers : Wm. Mulholland, W. 5'. hick, An- drew McGuire, Geo. A. Cooper, . Isaac Salkeld,,' John Connell. Sheep valuators : C, W. Williams, Robt. Cluli, Geo. W. Sturdy. Pathmasters No. 1—Wm. Neftel. No. 2 -Thos, Amy. No. 8 -Fred Cook, No, 4—Walter Wallis. No. 5—John Porter. No. 6—Thos. Sowerby, No. 7—Victor Elliott. No, 8 ---:Albert Flarriscr:r, No, 9—Robt, Rogers. No, 10—Jos. Wilson. No, 11—Thos, Betties. No, 12—John 'MeGulre. No, 18—Geo. G. Sturdy. No. 14 --Leslie Cox, No. 15—Albert Bond. No, 16—Ona. Hallie. No, 17--103, Treirartita. No. 18—Geo. Connell, No, 18 1. G, , beep, No, 00 --Guy iliefts,.. No. 21—Geo. Cook, No. 22—Herb. Lamphrey. No. 23—Rich. Chambers. No. 24—Andrew Holmes. No. 25—Fred Potter. Net. 26—Geo. Mair. No. 27—John White. No. 28—Jos, Jervis. No. 29—Sam. Merrill. No. 30—Edward Straughan. No. 31—Russel Neal. No. 32—Chris. Beacom, No. 34—Andrew Shepherd. No. 35—Geo. Proctor. No. 36—Sterling McPhail. No. 37—Fred Elliott. No. 38—Wm. Churchill. No. 39—David Easom. No. 40—(i1) Wm. Stewart. No. 10—(W) John McGee. No. 41—John Beacon. No. 42—John Elliott. No. 43—Gee, Elliott. No. 41—Wilbert Crich. No, 45—(N)' John Batkin. No. 45—(S) Wm. Bawden. No. 10—John Perdue. Na. 48—Harry Tebbutt, Ids. *S-1r!enry Snyder. On motion of CouncillcL's Lindsa3r and Ginn the council adjourned to meet the first Monday in February.— Adam Cantelon, Clerk, On January 3rd, L.O.L. No. 300, held their annual miteting for election of officers for incoming year, which resulted as follows : Master, Oliver R. Welsh, Deputy, Milton Steep. Chaplain, Frank Whitmore. Ree. Secretary, Arthur A, Welsh. Fin, -Secretary, Iia'trp Steep. Treasurer, -Robert Hanley. 1). of C.,, Richard Elwood. Lecturer, Cieorge Hanley. Committee, George Shepherd, David Lindsay, Fred Hanley, !earl Han- Jey, b,Tm, Ellwood. Constance. fork (Intended last t4 week.) Mrs. D. Sutherland has been called' to Toronto owing to the illness of her daughter, We hope she will soon recover. Mrs. Cole is visiting her daughter in Clinton, Mrs. Adam Glazier, Mr. Howard, Armstrong is busy re- modeling his !rouse. Mr. Kennedy ie. doing the work. Miss Lois Holmes of Clinton spent a few days as the guest of h e r friend, Miss Mayme Hall, Mr. Wm. liegill was a caller.. in. Blyth one dale last week. Mr. anis Mrs. Albert Morell of near Clinton spent a day with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Wheatley last week. Mrs. Oolelough spent a week or sir as the guest of her mother, Mrs.. Thuell, at Brussels. 1Vfiss Ruth Milson from' the west is. visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mil- son and other friends. Skates Sharpened while yo wait BYAM & SUTTER Senitary Plumbers, Phone 0. Prom 0 SERVE TORONTO UNION STATION 10.45 p.m. Monday, Wednesda3, Friday For Party Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon. Calgary, North Battloford, lucitnonton, Vaueonver, s Pacific Coast points CANADIAN NO,; THERM ALI -Thi 1AY upat • 'Pickets and Berth Reservations from A. T. Cooper, G,N,W, Agent, Clin- ton, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, Go neral Passenger Agent, 88 King St., 0, Toronto, OItt,