HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-01-18, Page 5January lath, 11917 Clinton News-Rg gird. :Are' we Poing Our S_ "r i'Ttll . Datil'.. .all Tho gm. in the trehhgllos, and , the wives and mothers Orf these men .are the real 1lerees of the war, and ft is foolitll to pretend that any oth. C k however, 0'S ', r work, err . ow argot's, , . can rank with theirs, ,But those of us who are not privileged. to serve ip great tillage must not suppose that we are. relieved Irc ii doing our share, 'i'hore is a temptation, to such as •nannot make the great sacrifices to sink into apathy ,anile make no sac, Afro at alt. Such an attitute should be strictly guarded agaithst. When great things are required, of us we must be £aithtul in great things, and when small things aro required of us, we ,oust be faithful in small things. A small thing now is being asked of every, man in Canada between the ages cif 10 and 05. It is oihl'y to give, conscientiously and carefully, certain simple information required by the' National Service Board in order that the resources of the country -may be so organized as to be used most 'effectively in the pro- -setfo ,'n of the war. The service is so si nple that some magi be tempted through. carelessness or thouglhtles's- files' lie le u' though 1• s to et it B t ti o the , ffi , b'1 service be small, its proper perfor- mance is not only important but es- sential, if we are going to , give our most effective aid In helping to win the war, If we are to win' the war, the efforts of the whole British peo- ples must be concentrated, and this cannot he done unless this informa- tion is accurately given. It is- not given to all of us to perform inspir- ingde d allu k ei; bet of hs can take , ua Care that we leave no duty undone, however small ; and however humble that duty may be. The duty in ques- ticel is a duty which we should all . 'cheerfully perform. Ontario, on the whole, has responded 'well to every Patriotic appeal. This appeal, like PPe PP , the others, is supported by the lead- - ing men :of this Province of both po- Sitical parties. Let us see to it that .once more Ontario makes a pa- triotic answer to a Patriotic ap- peal, Births MORRELL--In I•Iullett, on January 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Morrell, a son. ,FIN,gr1T-In Lower 11'ingham on Jan - 0th, to Mr, and Mrs. Howard Finley, a daughter. CARR -At Kitchener on January 1st to Mr, and Mrs. A, F. Carr, a son. ;DOWSO0 -At Babylon Line, Stotler, on Januarlr 8111, to bir. and Mrs. John H. Dowson, a son. FREE -In Seafcrtli, on January 10th to bit, and Mrs. J. W. Fie, a son, THOMAS -In Blytli, on January 8th to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thomas, a slaughter. Deaths BONE: In Clinton, Jan. 150, M. ]acme, aged 73 years. BRICKEND'L•N-At Peterboro, Jan. 12t1i, Anna Priscilla Matcher,, relict of the late John Brieken- den, in her 84th pear, i3ABB.-In Goderich, on January 11th, Captain William J. Babb, • .in his 77th year. ELGIE.-In Stanley township, on January' Oth, George IOlgie, aged 08 years, p'EAGAN.-In Ooderich, on January 11111, Elislieba, wife of William Feagan. HOLLAND -In Ciodericli, on January ,., 5th, 'John Holland, aged 09 years, Br cel elld.' . . A. very enjoyable tithe .Wes spent a • the regular meeting of the Moll. • t g b ) Circle of the Preshyterign elhatcll 0,1 Thursday last when •an address was read by Miss Madge dlxel~wen enc} Miss Edith Bowen, on behalf of the Circle, presented life Membership cer- tificates to Misses Rielly. Morrison and Mamie Swan, ' 'The presentation was made in appreciation of 'the services of the young ladies as seeretery and treasurer respective- ly of the Society for the f'ir'st two years of its: organi'i tion, :, Holresville Mr, and birs, Walter R. 'Cole and two children of Winnipeg are visiting with the parents of tubs, Cole, Mr, and Mrs. W. Mulholland,. The Coderich Township Telephone System will hold their annual meet- ing in Holmes' hell on Friday af- ternoon of this week at two o'clock. l-roo8do t" oad Mr. H. Peacock has disposed of his One hunined acre faro), together with etocic and implements,' to Mr. Loren Tyndall 0f HuIlett, Possession. osst on• vi11 be given March 1st. ale. Peacock in- tends retiring from the farm ' and will probably wove to'C'linton. It is needless to say that Mr. end Mrs,. Peacock Will be much missed by their neighbors on "Tile Road", -Mrs. W. Stanbury and Mrs,e• •m teethe have been under the care of a physician for some days and a num- ber of others 'in the vicinity are suf- fering from severe colds and grippe. Mrs, Fred Pepper spept the week- end in Seaforth as' the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lepton. - The .League meets next week at the home of 111x, henry Peacock, Miss Jessie Aikenhead, teacher in Baird's school, obliged Be vho was a. to undergo an operation for appendicit- is, is improving as well as could be expected. Mrs. McLaren is sup- plying for her for the time being, Neighbors and friends had a nice little surprise party for itir. and Mrs, L. Glen at the home of Mr, Malcolm McEwan on -Tuesday even- ing of last week ,aprl- presented them with a handsome leather chair. Af- ter the presentation the evening was happily spent in the social 'dance. Mr. Jos. Shipley bad the misfortune to lose a valuable horse• last weelc, Miss Ethel Lane has been visiting her sister at Lucan. Rev, J. A. Robinson of Clinton ad- dressed the League on Tuesday week, taking for his subject, "Mis- sions". His address was ,ouch en- joyed. The meeting was at the home of Olr, A. Wiltse this week, Mrs. Peacock being in charge, TIU0 ANNUAL MEETING OF TTIE Holmesville Cheesy and Butter Co, will be held in Holipes' Hall, Hol- . mesv1110, on Saturday, Jan, 20th, at 2 o'clock, p.01. bit. Thompson, Dairy Instructor, of Atwoad is ex- pected to be present and give an address. -W. H. Lobb, President, G. P. Gould, Secretary, -72-1 APPLICATIONS FOR 'itFICE, - Applications addressed to the un- dersigned and ,narked "Application for Office," will be received up to six o'clock, pan., on Friday, Feh. 2nd,, 1917, for the following posi- tions : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Constable, etc;, Tax Collec- tor, Night Watchman and Assistant Constable, Cemetery ,Superintendent and Pouadkeeper,-D. L, Macpher- son, Clerk,1 72--8, IIp'13iis. AND PIGS FOR ' ALi .Eigliteee good Leicester .Owes, 10 lamb, and ten lit Ole p,ge for sale. - Apply A, E, Matheson, :tettfortb, oe phone 17 on 160,. Clinton, 71-2 VVANT18P NORSE IxIDI;S, , )3111pr Skun, Can,Mmr , or ani other Furs, -James Steep, Licensed to deal in Pure, -64 400TION SALE' OF COWS AND Young Cattle -The undersigned has received instructions 1:e sell by public auction at lot 47, Maitland eon , Foclerioh Township, on Tneeday, Jan, 80th, at1,80 p. in, the following, Thorirbred Shorthorn cow -7 yes old, No. 97881, due March Mb. thorobred heifer. rising 8 years, time up now, pedigrees will • be produced for her and the calf, springer due Jan, 2,ith, Springer due Feb.4tb, high grade Durham cow due March 7th, choice grade Denham cow due ,March 13th, grade Durham cow due Feb.14th,. choice Holstein cow due aleroh 12th, :f cows due in April and May, 2 cows to freshen in Oet,,,millcing well now, •Young; cattle •1 heifers risieg:3 yrs, 10 good steers rising 2 yrs. Sale will be conducted indoors, Accommoda- tion : for horses, Guarantee -Any cow represented to be Incalfmud proving not to be one month from day of sale can be returned and your uote or money refunded. Terms -six montes credit on apprdvedoint notes oradiecountof 0, per annum' for cash. -W, H, Lobb, pro. prietor, T. Gundry, auctioneer.. AUCTIOM SALE OF FARM STOOK, .implements, hay, grain and house. hold effects, on Wednesday, January 24111, on lot 9, con. 3, township of Stauley, at '1 o'clock p,m., the fol- lowing. Horses -team general pur- pose, driving mare good to work sin. gle or double, driving horse rising 8 good to work end reliable for women n to drive, driving filly rising 2 jet bide{. Cattle-6newly calved cows each with calf at foot, cow due about time of sale, cow due in -March, 2 cows due in Ayril, cow due in May, 2 COWS due later, fat heifer 8 yrs, 2 fat calves 11 months old, 6 calves, 1brood sow, about 60 hens, lmple- ents- m bMax well binder, with sheaf carrier. 1 waggon, flat hay rack, pair sleighs, gravel box, gang plow, walking plow, Massey Harris bean cultivator. ilea harvester, fence weaving machine, Coleman jack set carriers for cutting box, Ofinton fanning mill, root pulper, cement pig trough, wheel barrow democrat waggon, top buggy nearly new, 2 cutters, 2 buggy poles. pair shafts, bay fork, 2 cars, sling rope and pul- leys, 2 neck yokes. Eaton Improved Cream Seperator nearly new 050 lbs, capacity, set heavy team harness, with brass mountings, team harness, 2 set single heelless, sap pan, about 100 sap buckets and steles, a quantity of hay, oats. turnips, seed beano. red clover seed, and about 25 lm. of pota- toes, some oil cake meal, lard press 'and sausage filler comhined, side- board, glass clipboard, dining room table, bedstead, mattress, 1 stand, large sota, 2 lounges, kitcheu chairs. Grand Jewel cook stove with reser- voir, stove pipes, holler, Singer sew- ing machine, Dominion sewing ma- - chine, 2 hanging lamps, 2 large kit- chen lamps, bracket. lamp, some carpets an. 'ether email articles too nnmerous to mention, Teeing -All soros of $10 and ender cash, over that amount 9 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, hay, grain, roots and potatoes cash, a discount of 4 cents on the dollar allowed off. for cash. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm,- Robt, Morrison, prop, T. Brown, auc tioneer. 72-1 Dissolution of Partnership. -Having decided to dissolve part- nership, all accounts owing this firm must be paid by<Feb. 3rd. Seeley &' West The Story Of 1916 THE business of the London Life Insurance Company showed continued remarkable progress in 1916. The new business written, entirely in Canada, was $2,000,000 greater than in the previous year ---a gain of 18 per cent. The increase in business in force was $3,000,000 greater than in the previous year ---making the total in force at 31st Decem- ber 11916, 20 per cent greater than at the end of the previous year. The following comparative statement shows the progress • for the past ten years: 1906 1911 1916 Insurance in Force $10,376,413 $20,237,984 $41,715,817 insurance issued 3,387,774 7,309,183 13,036,445 Total Assets2,100,394 3,589,797 6,975,763 Policy Reserves 1,901,815 3,278,616 6,294,974 Income 543,660 959,194 • 1,973,780 Policies in Force 66,025 99,627 151,544 The Company's action in waiving all restrictions as to Active Service tmdei policies issued prior to the declaration of war has meant a very considerable additional strain, which however, has been fully met out of the earnings of the Company, in addition to the amount required to maintain the present liberal profit scale. Quinquennial distributions of profits in 1917 will be larger than ever. Actual Results exceed Estimates by nearly 40 per cent in the London Life Insurance Co. Head Office, London, Canada Georgie D. Roberton, General Agent, Clinton MONEY LARGE S7Jb pF mousy, somewhere' ineeiiiire part of teWn, Finder will be liberally re - w >tiby vtillinb ,tthis oipcO 70 THE ANNUAL MEETING 0'F THE M , bars of the MczCillo 1 Pllo ' J1t- en 1 euranee Company will be held in the 'Town hall. Seaforth, 011 Fi:i- day, Feb, 2nd, 1917, et a n'elfelc, p,m. The business will be to re- ceive the annual statement and an- ditor's report, the election of thee. direotars and other business which would be'oonsidered fol; the benefit of the Company, The retiring dir- ectors are James Connolly, Robt. Perris and 1i'il'liam Rinu, who are eligible for re -election, -James 00n- nolly, President, Thos. hays, Sec- retary. -70, MEETING, OF TUE HURON COUN- ty- Council. -The coimcil Of the cor- potation of the County of Huron will meet in the ecrincil chamber, in the Town of Goderieh, on Tues clay the twenty-third day of the present month, et three o'clock: - W. Lane, C'1erk, Dated January 8117, 1017, 71-2 FOR SALE: 14 STORY, FRAME leouso in the Village of Bayfield, with acre of land attached contain- ing stable, Good Well and' orchard on places: Also eight, acres in oue block on the oppsite side of the street. Will be .soli separately. or together to suit purchaser, For particulars apply to the executors -Mrs. Ii, Darrow or Mrs:: John Davison,Bay fields -08. FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2fr miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Mul- lett totenshlp, On the premises are a bank barn . r i0a60 with stone stab- ling underneath and 11r storey ,8- roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soli. This feria is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to-Joha Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -G000 location on William street, near the Model school, Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy, -14. FOR SALE CHEAP, -CHICKEN House and Fence, on. my property, I•Iigh street. Apply' to -:C, Haw- kins. 71-2, NOTICE• -SAVING DTS•1'OSED . or our Coal and Wood business all ac- counts owing the firm must be paid at once,-br. 100. Forbes. -70. ANNUAL MEETING OF TILE BAY - field Agricultural Society, for the purpose of hearing the report, elec- ting officers and the -transaction of other `business will be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, at two o'c1o;k un Wednesdajr, January 17th.- D. H. MpNaughton, President, A, E. Erwin, Secretary: 70-2. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 80 IN THE 7111 con., Goderioh township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stone loth - ' dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to -Mrs, Pet- er Cautelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. -48. MCCORMICK AGENCY, -1 HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention, - Wilson Elliott. --43 FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY .ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier, including houeo, office, barn and two lots, Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting .throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer ktf:- chen.-Apply to Dr. Gandier, -40: CANADIAN PAC' '1F i c WINTER TOURS IN FLORIDA, -• LOINS IANA, MISSISSIPPI, ETC. The Canadian Pacific Railway oilete Frani Camp ' Borden eve weat to reef connection is made for Florida, via Cinoinatti and Atlanta, Ga., Jacksonville, Florida, is reached sec- ond ,Morning after leavilig Detroit, The Canadian Pacific -Michigan Cen- tral Route will be found the ideal line to Chicago, where direct' connec- tion is uhade for the Southern Stab - 01, New Orleans is reached secoiul morning after leaving Toronto. The Dining, x'arior. and Sleeping Car ser- vice, between 'Potento, Detroit and Chicago is up-to-date in every pare titular, Connecting linos also eke - ate through sleeping and dinleg care, 'those contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full inierination from any Canadian Pashto ,Agettt Or W. B. 7lowarsl, District Passenger' Agent, Toronto-. STRAYED. FROM LOT r 21, CoN, 0, Ixullett, ,a yearling heifer With a mark our dewlap, suitable re- wara will to paid for Infor nati n leading to its recovery, -,Thos, Tighe, 'R, R. NO. 11, Clinton. Phone 18 on 1405. .-50 CREAM WANTED.- DAIRYMEN having cream to Nell write to us tor vans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par, We pay, the high- est market paiees gonsistent with am' honest test, Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, .sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those" in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream. with Mr. Bail who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial, Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros, Store and it illi be taken care of there -Tire Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ant. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -AN 8 - roomed house on Princess street, Furnace and bath. Now occupied by W. Collyer. -For particulars ap- ply toW. Harland, Rattehbur y street, Clinton, -55 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED,. Rya - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice, . Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes: We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, , Gent"s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing 'thin including m Sweats S ars, ore. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 FORSALE A heavy wagon, in good condi- tion, democrat wagon, buggy, set light double harness, straw cutter and a drag saw outfit, Buffalo robe in good condition, set single harness used only a few times. For prices and particulars apply to W. R, JOWETT. Box 30, Bayfield, Or phone 5 on 174 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMIiRIIILI., BIRTHDAY GIFTS Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks,- Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8 day Mantle Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and mahogany. Manicure Sets, Cut Glass, Silverware Spectacles of ail kinds and Repairs. Drop in and look around, you are under no obligation to (My. R. H. JOHNSON, • Issuer of Marriage Licenses., Optician and Jeweler Cleanliness is a Necessary Evil We now enter into another year and we hope it will be a banner .year for all, and one resolution we should make, is to begin, if yoa do not al- ready, Patronize Johnson's 9a Co.'s Quality Store We are endeavoring to give a special every week. Our special for this week is a necessary'artiele and does what alllike bo be -that is clean Pure Lanuclry Soap 8 bare for 25o Other helpers for the washing are Toro Tablets 6 for 20e Maths NoRub 6for ,,,.,,,., 25c Soap Chips 2 for 26e Llighest Market Trice for Produce Johnson Sc. Co. The Store of Quality. Photo earn prdtthptiq; attended to. FOR SAL13;--xi0IJsr) ON RANT l]1 - :bury strget formerly occupied by the lateMtiig, Wal, Murrey. Ap. Ply. to 0, D. Mc Pabg art, -32 GIRLS ANTEO WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT, TO A FEW MORE KNIT- Tuns, 'CTC. APPLY AT ONCE., Clinton lnton Knitting Co. LIMITED. LIlIEDDl P .TDY ANTED oe„i We are prepared to handle' all kinds of live. poultry. he ig I3 st market. et, Highest tl price paid, -Phone 14 on 100.. Special prices for fat hens W. MARQUIS Don'! W�rr9 1 About the high price of grain and feed for your flock of hens, as eggs and poultry are expected to be corres- pondingly high this comiug season, • • Now is is the time to order your Prairie State incubator "Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will elo the work better and cheaper. Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers. Get an Incubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm CLINTON. THE CONNED STORE Live and Let Live A NOURISHING_ AND ECONOMICAL &Beans Pork Do you knout we are selling Large 2 -lb" cans- of Pork 'and Beans . j a 1 stA at only C Also good B. 0, Salmon at 10c and 15c per tin, j9. T. O'Neil Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards, '4'e are again prepared to pay highest spot cash prices for kinds of logs, in bulk or by thousand, either in the bush or livered in our yards, the all the de, We also handle all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc.: If in the market for any of the above items 11 will pay you to tel- ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD Head Office I3RUCEFIELD. We have added a stock of New Groceries and Can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other linea to be found in a grocery store, • We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage, All kinds of produce taken in ex- change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospitals BREAKFAST► Start off the morning these cold winter days with a breakfast food that is both nourishing and heat pro- ducing. You'wilifind these qualifications as well as real food economy in Titson's, Quaker, Purity and Robinhood Oats These brands are from the best Westhrp Oats and the special process of preparation retain its full nourish- ing qualities, l+'ree front hulls and veay quick cooking, Highest prices for Butter and Eggs • E. E. HUNNLEORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE 101111 DHDEH for some of our Western Oats, which we Slave just received and we will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of oats, It you wishto secure some of these Oats, place your ol'd'er early as they are going fast. We always have a full stock of Mohr alsd Feed, We Jenkins & Sonr F1.0TJJR AND FEED, Phone 100, Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Eleeator4 Res1denoe phone 0-1424 It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a Furnace or have any Plumbing done this year you will save money, bat getting prices at once. rhe THOS. HAWKINS. 191 The BigStore Stanfield's Underwear -the best Underwear made blue label underwear for men, all sizes, $2 per garment Red label " $L75 per garment Stanfield's underwear for ladies, heavy 1-1 rib, wlthouta doubt the warm- est, nnderevear made, at $1,50 per garment 500 pairs Overalls, blue with stripes or black, regular $1,75, until Monday morning $1,49 Bull Dog or leeabody's--Tate two best known brands, 6 Sheepekin.lined Coate, 1 Sheepskin -lined Coat tco$dutoy,h for$d 0 8 worth $8 for $5.49 Special for Saturday 4 pounds of knee for. 25e, reg 8c per lb Ladies and Gents Mothers, 1'ogntar 59e for 25e J. Oa Lounsbery LONOI,Bl3ORC) The liig stone with little pt`ideat