HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-01-04, Page 8r CLINTON, ONTARIO WIN TERM CLINTON, ONTARIO WIN rJR TiERM begins Wednesday,! January Mrd, 1997 If you cannot attend day school, you may take a course 1n Shorthand, Typewriting and Boolzkeeping by attending Night Classes Classes Monday and Wednesday Terms i1"ioder ite; You have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course sometime --DO IT NOW • Learn More to Earn More Positions Guaranteed to Students. B. F. WARD, B,A. ..Accts„ Phone 20S, Principal 1 1 A Happy New Year to one and all Small Profits PIu Phone 25 steel POS More • Business I AGENTS -SEMI -READY_ CLOTHING, NEW IDEA PATTERNS 1 1 We wish our friends and patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year One of the stepping stones to prosperity will he found in the purchase of your footwear needs from FRED. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE STORE 1 A Beautiful Art Square lends a'eharm to the room. It has other advantagoe al- so, bel ugeasy to clean, easy to remeye. We have a I; present an excellent ebow- �,00 ing of fine rugs including Brussels, A.xmtasters, Wil- We il - Loos, etc„ that we have rived at attractive prices. Wewnulctbemostpleased s \ �,: �\/$e ,%/�,. • to show them to you,,a, :t JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 '` Phone IttgR. 28 The ewsRecord For Nei, Well Executed Joh Werk. 1:ir(tQln News- Record Januar y 4th' JOT We wish you a. very Prosperous New Year ,end join you in hoping that in 191.7 a glorious victory to our arms may bring about a wholly satisfactory and lasting' peace Tim W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Always the Best Miss Helen Rodawa'y left Friday for ter school at Havelock.. M •s. F. French is spending a few veeks with friends at Centralia, M , Ed, Shepherd was tip from Tor- . onto spending the New Year with ds mother. ,,, Miss Daisy Copp ..of Meaford has been spending the mid -winter vaca- tion at her 110m0 in town. Miss Jennie LIolmes of Sarnia bas been visiting her sister, Mrs. il,,b. Beaten, during the holiday season. ReV, W. T. and Mss. Cleft of Strat- ford were guests at the Amine of Mrs. R. J, Cleft on New )'ear's Day, Miss Madge Yates' of Listowel was the guest for a few days during, the holiday period of Muss Marion Gunn, Mrs. J, Seeley and children wore guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. 11. Epps of Varna during the holiday period' _Miss Annice BartIifl of the nursing staff of the Victoria hospital, Lon- don, spent New Year's at her home in town. Mr . and Mrs. E,'J:. 13rotvn of Petrol - ea have been in town during the holiday period visiting relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Tierney of 'Toronto University was the guest for a few days last week of her grandmother, Mrs. M. Thompson of Albert street, Mr. and Mrs. .A. Torrance and little daughter of Flint, Mich,, have been visiting at the home of the former, that of Mr. and Mrs. John Tor- rance. Mr, and Mrs, Fred. F. Gillies and little Miss Marion of Waterloo were New Year's guests at the parental home of the lady, that of Judge and Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. C. C. Rance left yesterday for her haine in Toronto after spend- ing the past week with friends in town, Her son, Mr. T. Bance, was up for a day or so also, Mr. Phoenix returned last week to Hamilton after spending tlfe Christ- mastide as the guest or Mrs. R. J. C1uf, Mrs. Phcrnix and little R. J. are retraining for a longer visit, iYliss Beatrice Greene returned yes- terday to Toronto to resume her musical studies after having spent the mid -winter vacation with Mrs, (Dr,) 'Thompson and other Clinton friends. Mrs. J. Wagoner and daughter, Hel- en, of Youngstown, N. Y., visited over the Christmastide with God- ertch. and Clinton friends, While here they were the guests of the. C'antellon and Cook families• Miss Marion Hibbs, who has been snaking munitions in 'Toronto for the past • tails months or so, was home for a few days during the holiday period with her rarenta, Mr, and Mrs, IT, J. Hibbs al Gml- erich township. Mr. Harr)] Bunt returns today to Galt after spending the. mid -winter vacation as the guest of his niece, Mrs. W. I-lantlriyn. Me, Hunt is al- ways glad to get hack to the old town for a little visit and 110 has many old friends here who are al- ways pleased to welcome him. • lire. Armour and two daughters, Misses Mately and Eileen, were in town last week calling on old fri- ends. Mrs, Armour and .family have been making thetas home in Ilbtroit for seVer11.1 months past and, prefects to enjoy life in the City of Straits, though they have not by any meats gone !mole upon the land of -their birth, Miss Mai - do 'Mak entering apolt a course of training as a nurse very short- ly, Mr. 5 Eagleson of Milton, North Dakota, who has been visiting rel- atives and friends at .tiayfcld for the past week or, so, gave The News -Record a pleasant, call last week, He calve in to renew his sub and to say while he had been wall Froin this vicinity for so - many pears that he just Couldn't i It 'h N s- ec rd 0's 1 a wtLin t The aw rt n a, t 0 o .s • etch wilt kept frith well t in t t t the old 11010o cominitnfty, 'T'i'e Newsaltenord appreciates its ateueeli Wendt), 11 ale P Per fps Santa, lags .Didn't r ring lion Ain, Coat or a Set of Furs. Then here's your opportunity to buy them for yourself --and save liberally on the purchase. Now that Christmas festivities and gift -buying are largely of the past, we may turn our attention to the practical comforts of life, .and what more timely subject than the warm coat and furs that every one requires for the next four months ? WOMEN'S AND MISSES COATS AT CLEARING PRICES -- A special purchase from a leading manutacturer, as well as several splendid clearing lines from our own stock, -makes a fine opportunity to secure a warm, stylish coat at very much less than the regular price. This sea- son's attractive styles are all represented, CHILDREN'S COATS REDUCED Every coat, included in our assortment for children, has lest a generous part of its original price, Smart styles and pretty materials, BEAUTIFUL FURS AT 1-4 TO 1-3 LESS THAN REGULAR The fur section has a wonderful assortment of handsome furs at extraordinary price -reductions, And you may choose with perfect confidence whether you know anything about furs or not. Our many years of experience as dealers in fine furs, will safeguard your buying. FUR COATS Are all reduced in price, and the comfort of a fur coat is unsurpassed by any other garment. OUR STOCK OF FUR NECKPIECES AND MUFFS includes all this season's smart styles and unequl.11ed values, Handsome Canadian Mink, Black Fo Sable, Blue Wolf, Persian Lamb, Marmot, Etc., are all Ie,yesented, and every piece mafked in plain figures, Come in and let et' show you what extraordinary values we are offering. Women's Store :. Dry Goods, HouseFur'nishings phone 67 Neat to Royal Bank lien's Store Custom Tailoring and phone 103. Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Goderich Township The municipal contest in Go;lerich township on Monday last was one of the most interesting for years, Two good men were up for reeve, W. H. Lobb, who had held the position for two years, and John McClure, who some years age filled the office with equal success. The contest was pret- ty close but when the ballots came to be counted Mr. Lobb was found to have been elected by a ma,;ority of 0ftpdour. There were eight in the field for the council and the co.itest was keen throughout the day. All wore good men, but as only tour •could be elected four had to be left at home., The following will com- pose. the cclancil board for this year of grace : W. H. Lobb, reeve, un:l Oswald Ginn, George Holland, D, A. Lindsay and George Vanderhurglt, counciilars. The, following shows the voting by subdivisions : For Reeve 1 2. 8 4 5 6 Lobb 31 30 40 88 07 33-272 McClure 57 46 62 20 4 20-218 Majority for Lobb -54 For Counoillnt•s Holland 18 36 45 42 74 40-255 Lindsay 47 15 87 58 47 111-220 Ginn 48 65 24 28 51 12-223 S'aaulea- burgh 51 27 50 Sterling 22 10 50 Falconer 65 30 28 Harrison 91 7 45 Cox 51 17 21 21 20 18 113 11 10 18 20 6 48 30-184 24-10fl 7-151 11-110 18--131 The following is the result of the Christmas examinations held in 5,5, No. 11 : Sr, 4th -Elsie Ferguson 031 Ruby Churchill 571, Pearl Churchill 517, Francis Powell 500, Bruce Hol- land 419. Jr, 10-0-lot.n Ferguson 178, Clifford Castle 115, Howard Currie 340. Sr. 2nd—Elmer Trick 471, Oliver Ferguson 311, L a 11 r n Currie 288, The best spellers for the month are : Sr. 411t—Elsi( Fer- guson : Jr. 4tli—Glenn Pcrgusoa Sr. 2nd --Eimer Trick, — )muni 1)01111, Teacher, 11'hc Young Ladies' Patriotic So• clary will meet. next Wednesday af- ternoon at the home of Airs. /' B. Middleton, Stsnleg Township School sretion No. 1 held their an. natal meeting, The trustees, Mr. ,Gloms Mr, M. Nfeillwen, and 141r. hir- Gregor, are to be congratulated on the interest they have taken in the comfort of the teacher and children. They had tine school raised and a basement put Muter and a new fur - mice n Installed a i al ed to burn either rail or wood, The retiring trustee, Nir, rico. Gregor, was re -appointed, Nir. Me. 1 kt wen as e( oho ratepayers to 00c0pt his resignation. Ile had served in that C a acity for fort -n o e years. r s rt u, l Will and after a veto of appreciation and rte et 1 10 pay Londesboro. Capt. E. and Mrs. Dewar and lit- tle sou; Donald, of London spent the 'Christmas and New Year's holidays with the Iatter's mother, Mrs. Jos. Lyon. Mr. and Mos. James Woodman spent the holidays with their son, Leslie of Tilsbury, :Miss 5, Brogden and Misses E. and J, Mains of London, spent the holidays with their parents here, Mr, Durkee Atchison of 'Lloydmin- stor, Sask,, ,;Bent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. C. Ruddell. The "White Gifts" sel"'vtce, held in the Methodist .church on Christmas Sunday morning, was very beautiful, each member of the. Sunday school giving some little gat to be used as each class desired, The Christmas. tree hell on Christ- mas night in the Methodist church was 0 great success, an excellent program being rendered by the Stun - day school scholars. The proceeds a- mounted to $78.85, half of which is to go to the Tied Cross,. A very pretty wedding took place at "Spring Creek Farm," the home of bir. and Mrs. Harry Lyon, on Thursday last, when their second. daughter, Elsie .Evelyn, was united in marriage with Mr. Arthur Kers- lake, of Exeter. The bride who was given away by her father, entered the room to the strains of the wedding march played by her sister, Miss Ida Lyon, tak- ing her place under 011 arch of ever- greens. She was unattended an l looked very pretty in a gown of ivory satin with lace trimmings. She also carried a. bouquet of rnrnatiots and mui(lemt hair fern. The eerelnoty was performed by. l.ev. C, 1', Keine, and was witness- ed by about seventy five guests, re- latives of the contracting parties. A.t the conclusion of •Ihe ceremony Lite bride and groom led the wap 10 the dining room, where the wedding dinner was served. The count looked very dainty with its decorations of pink and white, Amid, showers of confetti aid goad Wishes Mr, and Il rq, Kerslake left on the four train for London and 5ttro• ra.. Best wishes go with the happy mu - plc for a long, happy and pros; er- ous life, Mr, 1i. Longtime and two chil- dren of London visited. his fattier for 0001' New Year's, Mrs, Richardson a1n'1 her fi011 of t.ottd(1i, spent their itolidlays at Mr, John 'W,' Cartwright's, .7 • c s'rr le n Sa'- 14rt. O, 1.at n bo ft a t y um day teething for Delhi to spetul New f'ear's holidays With itis par - mita. A Hood thanks for his services they apttoin- my subsoripti0lt to The Nam -manta ted Ales„ McTwen to rill his pla-•e for one year. lit adv-1.1t14e.91 Constance. On Manday evening, December elev- enth,. Ileen, youngest daughter of Mr. Robt. Clark, passed away after an illness of some duration. She was only, ten years of age. S11ee was buried in the Maitland cemetery. Among the floral emblems was' one from the Sunday school, and Mr. and ilirs, C. McGregor and Son, wreaths ; flowers wore sent in by Miss Hall and Brother, and Miss Thelma Dale, and Miss Stephenson's class. She leaves to mourn her loss lather, Mother, Sister and two bro- thers. Mr, Percy Taylor of Warton and Mrs. Samuel Pollard and Son, atten- ded the funeral of Miss Ileen Clark, On Monday morning, December eighteenth, lir. Daniel Sutherland passed away after a lingering sick- ness. He leaves to 11100131 his loss his wife, one son, Campbell, at home, ono daughter, Mrs. 5. B. Kindy, of 'Toronto. IIe was one of the charter members of C. 0. F, The members attended the funeral and, held services at the grave in alditlaud cemetery on Thursday af- ternoon. Mr. Will Hall of Lon' on spent the Xmas vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. 1). Tudor spent X- mas with the latter's parents at Clinton. bir. and airs, Anderson ani child- ren of the west are visiting the la- dy's parents, lir. and Mrs, James Mann, Sr, Mrs. Wm. i3ritton and children spent Xmas holidays with her par- ents and obiter friends at Warwick, .fit- 11flIl11n erhlill Services have been suspended in St, Peter's church until further no- tice. St. Helens Miss Pearl Webster of Toronto, Normal was home for 'her Christmas holidays. • Will Rutherford shipped a carload'. of cattle to the Toronto market re- cently, Win. McQuillian delivered a spats of horses to W. Walkerton last week, Messrs. ;Arnold and John Dar. boar of Erie spent their Christmas. holidays with friends around St, Helens, Mr. Janes Anderson of tit. 'Phom- as was a guest for a few i.a;,s at the home of Mr. W. J. Todd, The Christmas Tree and entertain• went in St, Helens was a great 0(11' - Cess. The hall was packed and a gcud program was given. A pleosing feature was the presentation t, he. pastor, Rev. John Little, of a purse. Skates Sharpened while you wait BYAM & SIUTT1I Smeltery Plumbers, Phone 'a, .t ro.122 tom LEAVE TOHONTOANION STATION 10.45 p.m. Monday, Wednesda3, Friday icor Parry 90,131(1, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Poet; Wil I late, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, lA C (l aruNorth BaLtictnr1 lnonton, Vancouver, St Pacific Ccas points CANADIAN NO Di ERN All THE WAY Tickets and Berth Reservations from A. T. Cooper, G.N.W, Agent, Clin- 115, Toronto, Cot. ton, of write to It• Ia• N'airbairn, General Passenger Agent, 68 King St.,