HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-01-04, Page 5Os lit ry 401, 1917 - Clinton News -Record - seer up, We'll be � Home Next Year 1'1w following letter was reeelvotl by Mrs, Levy of town from her Otto, who is England ;tnd who roeeiv- -e11 an .unexpected visit, from his bro. titer;, who has served in the trel1ch4 ,est "Mitley ('amp'. Dear Mother::—Just , a few litres to let you know that Norulnn was ..down to see Jne.. 1 was sitting In the canteen and Q110 of the toys Dame in and. said 'there's a fellow ' wants to see you' and when I'wont into 1110 room It was Norman, well I' never was 110 surprised In my life,' So he stayed with me that . night and the next morning lie got me a • pass for three days and we wont up te. London and we certainly did have lane fine time, There was ,another fallow with him front Godericlt but ,1 can't think of his name now. We, had our pictures taken together,'' 13ut Norman kept them all, at least 1 forgot to get some from hits. But 110 suis is looking well and, ho is a t,tiserporal now and the other follow was a sergeant. They were up to 1 attal t: see the 131Ft B ,.. ornclille to h lion, at least he came that way from France and. met .all the Clinton boys, Norman went hack to llraueethe day sl came home. But I haven't Beard from ]rim since, .Well mother I sup- pese you are getting ready for >nias I suppose Martha and Matt will be home. Well, cheer up, mother, we will• all be home Next Xmas as per: iistcaI.. I got a Xmas card from Lucy today and also one from Lyda and • some other fellows in Toronto and I got a letter from 1Mes. Mc1{eard, my • old boarding misses. I Jtave made up lily mind to go to Scot- land for Now Year's. I am going to Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Well, Mother, I think this is all the news - -for this time, Hoping to hear from you soon. Your Loving Son, Gr, JOHN JOSEPH LEVY: Mitley, Camp, Milford Surrey, England, was marked by dovotiou and the u't- Most Sincerely ; aS a mem anti tri end he Was true and given to lin slatI g service forottos May. 11 e rest in peace and tnay Klod groat kiln eternal life and light. The funeral Wednesday =as held ���e a N Y meaning at nlne-thirty 0210Glt, his successor at 5l. Merit s1 C1axk Mills, the. Rev, Henry Curtis Whe'don, reed the Oillee of the Burial of the Dead, and at ton -thirty celebrated the holy Communion as a special memorial, '1'he interment was made 111 the at- 101110on in the Walworth-Kilty plot in the Burlington cemetery. Friends were present from Bridge- water, Paris •and Clark 111111s, to testify: to the very high :]lection for the .deeeased," Bayfield The following la the report of the Senior Department of the Bayfield School for Novernber and December, Sr, 0—L, Woods, 75; F. Elliott, 75, N. Heard, 74; M. King, 02. Tr, 5-01, Baker, 08, Sr. 4—Et. 1)rehman, 501 S. King. 58; S1, Currie, 52; IL Weston, 51, R, Mc- Donald, 48, H. Baker, 46; M. Howard, 89. Jr. 4—J. Drehmann, 77: J. Woods, 76 I+ Erwin . 75; A. Copeland. 75. F. , Jewett,74 E Gemeinhardt 70; C. Gemeinliaadt 68: N. Gemeinharclt 00;''. L. Elliott, 59; 11, Harrison, 56 Sr. 3—A, Rickards 96: L. Elliott 74, R. Davidson, 55, G. Blair 58: N. Touts 51; W,-Pi'kes', 40; W. Brown; 35.- Dean 35:1)ean Geddes, teacher, Death of Rev. T. S. Kilty The following copied from a recent issue of The West Winlyleld (N. Y.) Star, refers to the passing of a na- tive of Clinton, a member of:a fam- , eWell-1cnown and highly, esteemed here ; "The Rev. Thomas Smith Kilty entered into 'rest Monday morning at four o'clock, after- a severe and pain - full illness covering more Chao Dight weeks. Friday last Dr. Grant of Utica and Dr, 17airbenk performed ant ophra- tion to relieve an abcess which had to relieve an abcess which had trou troubled him, but he was too weak to endure the last test. Ile gave up this life only after a gallant strug- gle against Manyandsevere dieic111 ties. 191r. Kitty was born in C Muton, Ontario, Canada, June 22n,1, 1864. Educated in the schools of Clinton in early lite he removed`to Michigan. Ile had desired to study. for the ministry in the church, but an at- tack of illness forced hint for: some time to give up his aiut and ambi- tion. After regaining his health he began his theoic+gical studies in De- troit. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Davies in 1904 and served sov- ral perishes in the state 'of Mini- . gam .1\ bout 1006 he removed to this state and ministered theparishes gt and ministered to the parishes at Morris and West Burlington, Bishop Doane of Albany ordained him priest in 1008. From 1909-11 he was rec- tor of St. Mark's church, Clark Mills. 111 health compelled him to s/yve up his beloved work and soon ...letter he removed to West.Winfield where he has since resided. He leaves to mourn his death his widow, .Jennie Walworth Kilty, and three children, Walworth, Mary and Fleda, his rnotltctt-in law, Mrs. Wal- worth, also brothers and sisters, most oe whom reside in Canada. Asa priest, Mr. Kitty's ministry Hullett Township The following 1s the report of S. S. No, 11 for the fall' term. Sr, L -Win.' Hamilton 74; Agnes Leiper, 72; Alberta Moon, 71; Gertfe Roberton, 70, Jr. 4—Annie Hamiltou. 80: Garman Moon, 05, Gavin Leiper, el. Sr. 8—Pearl Moon. 80 Jr. ;i—Fanny Lee, 45. Sr. 2—Thos. Caldwell, 82; Mary Ross, 70; Margaret MoNall, 54; Russel McNeil, 53 Jr. 2—Mary Slone, 85; Robert Leip. er, 78; James Roberton, 65. lst—Beatrice Fairservioe, Olive Moon, Leonard Caldwell Matilda McNalh Primer -Wm, Tidewell, Wm. Ross Gladys Fairservice; Harry Caldwell. Xathleen Reid, teacher Marriages 'K ERSLAK{E—LYON—In I-Iullett, on December 28th, , Elsie :Evelyn,. daughter of NIr. and Mrs. harry Lyon, to Arthur Kerslake of Ex- eter, ,, —Sr1 NDE11S -- In Mullett �1 US i IN U township; on December 27113, 1016 Agnes Louise Maude, Dilly dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs, 1 L, A. Saunders, to David William Au- __ stin, =GLEN -- 11lacLAREN — At Ivanhoe Farm, Helldal, on- January 3rd, Mary Alice lMacLaren to Edward Glen. AUCTIONS A, L 1';,—TI]1:1-t NDER- signed ban received instructions' to Soli by public auction. a1;" N. W. "ye rthaas n, 110 tovle on Wednesday, January 10113, ,1..80 lam., the following ; • Sheep --entire flick of 80 breeding ewes -14 Lei- ee5ters and 10 Oaforddowns, ,Ali bred to one of Peter Ai:kill's pedi- greed .Oxforddowns rants, Cattle— cow newly calved, 3 years old with calf by her side, cow new calved 0 years old with call by her 81de, springer 0' yrs old in Dalt to Pol- led Angus, springer 5 yrs old int calf to Polled Angus, cow 4 years old due in April, 2 cows 8 years old duo in 'March, 2 sows 4 years old milking well, duo . in Septem- ber, cow 3 years. old, • lilllciug, M- ier rising 3 yrs clue in April, 0 young farrow cows half -fat, three heifers rising, 8' yrs half -fat, two Polled Angus heifers2 yrs, halt -fat, 3 Polled Angus steers 2 yrs half -fat 2 Durham steers rising 3 yrs hall- fet, Durha3n' heifer rising 2 years, half -tat, Grade I -I21010111 1;011, 16 months, ,: old.—'1 erms : Six tnoutits credit on approved joint notes of 4 per cent. 51=1011 off for cash.—N. W. 'f'rewartdia, Proprietor ; 1', Gun- dry, Auctioneer, —70 MONEY L0S'1': LARCiR SUM OF 11101103 , somewhere In centre part of town, Finder will be liberally re- warded by calling at this ,office, -70 WANTED.—GOOD GENERAL SER- I want. Apply to—Mrs, M, D. Me- lt —70-6. The Poultry Show -.Come to the biggest Bird Show ever held in the Clinton Town Hall, Jan, 10th, 1711), and 18111. Birds must be in show room by 2 o'clock Tuesday the 161h. A big feature to this show is the Utility Class for Farmers. This class must consist of 1 male and 3 fe- males of the following -Barred. Rocks White Wyandottes, any variety of Leghorns, and any other variety of Fowl. Exhibitors must furnish their own coops and the entry fee of 10e per bird to cover cost of feed. The Gunn Langlois Co„ through their local man- ager, Mr. N, W.Trewartha, has do- nated $10 in prizes, three prizes in each class, 1st $1,25, noel 750, 3rd 50c. Bring but your birds and win some of this money. Get your entry forins from the Secretary Thomas Watts. Judge—Wm. Carter. '70-1 ANNUAL MELTINCI OF THE t3AY- fleld Agricultural Society, for the purpose of hearing the report, elec- ting officers and the transaction of other business Will be held in the Totten Hall, Ba3'6eld, at two o'clock an- Wednesday, January 17•tli. ' 1-1. MpNaughton, President, A.- E. Erwin, Secretary,- 70-2, IDDLiT0N—FEAGAN—In Colborne township, on December 27111, 1010 Leila Viola', daughter al MMr, and s Mrs. James P'eagan, to John R. Middleton of ('3odcrieli township, BISSI1"l'—JOHNSTON.-011 Decem- ber 22nd, at the . A,shtiedct Pres; byterian manse, Jessie, .youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jeltnston, to Russell Bissett, of Laurier. ICELSO--WtWERS—At Watford, an December 1.10, Agn s Wdison, daughter of Rev. le. 11, and Mrs, Sowers, of Watford, and formerly of tiruceflold, to Charles Kelso, at Port Elgin, Deaths 'C LIIMI3NT-011 December; 28th, at Godericlt, Mrs, 131,11jamin Clement mother of Mrs. Il., PJ: Idodgens, formerly of Clutton. THE ANNUAL MEETING. OF 'PHE Members of the McKillop Fire In- surattce Company will be held in the Town, hall, Sealortit, on Fri- day, Feb, 2nd, 1917, at o'clock, p.ln. The business will be to re- ceive rho annual statement and au- ditor's report, the election of three directors and other business which would be considered for the benefit of the Company: The retiring dir- ectors are James Connolly, Roht, Ferris and William Rhin, who are eligible for re-election,—James Cou- nolly, President, Thos. Hays, Sec - rotary. —70. ,Wiah'1'GA CFlt 4t 81, Paul's 10210 y, Sandwich, on Dee, 20111, Reginald Palmer, son of Ileo. lI P. and - Mits. Westgate, aged 17 1111.0111)0. CARD 01' THANKS. -I WI,SH '1'0 thank the electors of Clietcnt for the generous support accorded hie on Monday and will endeavor to do my best for the n rests of C'l,n- . a interests ton during my terra of office. al- so so wish to thank the mels who nominated me and seconded tiny 110iuinatiail,-111urray McEwan, —70 SOTICI7.--IrIAVING DISPOSED Ole our Coal and Wood business all ac- counts owing the firth must be paid at once.—M. & M. Forbes. —70. TILE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Huron County Spring Stock Show will be held in the council am- ber o nSaturda 3, January 6111. All interested are urged to attend this meeting.—J. Shanahan, President ; McMurray, Secretary. -70-1 FOR SALE.: DEERING 7 -FT. BIN - der with trucks and sheaf carrier. This binder has just cut four crops and is nearly as, good as new. Al- so Chatham fanning still with Nag- ger attachment, selves all good. These articles will he .sold cheap: as the owner has no use for them —J, Percy Cale, Clinton. -70. ROBE LOST.—Int Clinton, on Tues- day evening, a plush cutter oho. Finder please notify—T. Managhan. —00 POULTRY WANTED. — EVERY Tuesday morning. Highest prices paid.—Horner c6 Ings, Varna —60 WANTED. HOUND L 0 S 'l.',-13LAcK A341) White with 'i'un Head. Mies11rg since Sunday, Anyone found sletaht4 ingt nis dog will bo lroseeut d , Information as to his whereabouts gratefully resolved, -,.Mrs, W. J. Coats, olfntoll. r✓09 LOOK.—ON FRIDAY AND SAT(7A1- day, Jan. eth and 611;, there will be at A. Ilooper'S sewing machine store, Albert Street, Clinton, a lady demonstrator who will show to all who wish to conte what can be done on a sewing' machine. Fan - 1 n eye worst a specialty. All the lad- ies elle town and vicinity are in- vited to call on the above trays to see and ask questions, Special quo- , tatious to diose win( wish to pur- chase, - -09-2 11AW I'URS WANTED—BEF0110 selling your furs it will .pay yeti to get my prices, I am paying tip-top prices on all kinds of raw Etas, Prices aro high. Bring in your furs now, Before prices drop, —A. II. Hovey, Clinton. 68-3, FOR SALE, -114 STORY FRAME house In 11ie, Village of Bayfield, with acre of land attached contain- ing stable. Good well and orchard pa place. Also eight acres in one block on the oppsito side of the street, Will he sold separately or together to suit purchaser, For particulars apply to the executors —Mrs, H. Darrow or Mrs. John Davison, Bayfield. —68. Wanted,—Experienced loopers we are paying the highest wages of any hosiery. manufacturer in Canada, eight cents per 'dozen 'for fine gauge hos- iery, Also, free transportation from any town' in Canada, Apply— Monarch Knitting Co., Limited, St. Catharines CANADIAN PACIFIC, DR. W. J. GLANFIELD, M.A., M. T3., Physician, elm, Honor Gradu- ate, Toronto University,lsix years' experience, . Brumfield, Ont. —58-12 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—AN g- roomed house on Princess street. Furnace and bath. Now occupied — particulars W. CWnllyer. Eor Parttet lays ap- ply to W. S. Harland, Rattenbury street, Clinton. . —55 WINTER TOURS IN FLORIDA, ' LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, ETC, • The Canadian Pacific Railway offers Frani Camp Borden the went to root connection is made for Florida, viw Cinoinatti and Atlanta, Ga., Jacksonville, Florida, is reached sec- ond morning after leaving Detroit. The Canadian Pacific -Michigan Cen- tral Route will be found the ideal line to Chicago, where direct connec- tion is made for the Southern Stat- es. New Orleans is reached second morning after leaving Toronto, The Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car ser- vice between Toronto, Detroit and Chicago is up-to-date 'In every par - Neuter, Connecting lines also oper- ate through sleeping and dining cars, Those contemplating a, trip of any eerie full information • nature will to from any Canadian Pacific Agent or W 13, IIowarcl, District Passenger Agent 'Toronto., $IllhI1111111 1110 New Issuekies - I 111111111111111 181 Telephone Book. 91 Copy for the next Telephone Directory, closes on the above date! 4111 Order your telephone nomrso",that your name will be in the new issues 9< Report changes required to our Local Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. WANTED-I-10RSE 31IIDES, BEEF hides, Skunk, Coon, Mink, on: anp other Furs.—James Steep, Licensed to deal in furs, —04 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc,— T. T. Murphy. —44. FOR SALE.—A HAPPY THOUGI1P Coal Range. Six large 'oven, new copper reservoir. In first class condition. Too large for present use. Inquire at The News -Record Otfice. —67 Sld0TiTl-'1QRNS FQa SAL>a+ 1'BP,1i31i3 young bulls, two reds and a roan, front 11 to 13 months old, sired by a bull from lecord xnilking strain.rain; Geed growth and kind. Cone aed see them or write—E, 1.1. Wise, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 12 on X r 1GJ64. " YOUR CLOTT•IES CLEANED, - RD - Paired and , Pressed and ab the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's olothee. We guarantee to do good work. I am" prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of wooien clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, All . orders promptly at- -loaded to. Rooms over Johnsen's jewelery Store. -Writ, J. Jago. -55 FARM FOR SALE. — 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 23 miles north of Clinton 071 the Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises aro a bank barn 5040 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1Se storey 8 - roomed frame house with good, cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 180 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. —62. STRAYED.—FROM . LOT 24, CON. 6, Hullett,,a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable re- ward will be paid for ,information leading to its recovery.—Thos. Tighe, R. R. No. L, Clinton. Phone 18 on 1,65. —50 8- R SALE Portions cutter like now, heavy wa- gon, in good condition and newly painted, set logging trucks, pair heavy sleighs, democrat wagon, buggy, set light double harness, straw cutter and. a drag saw a;Llit, For prices and particulars apply to W. R. JOwl]T'r. Box 80, Bayfield, or phone 5 on 174. FARM FOR SALE—LOT 30 IN THE 711) non., Godericlt township, con- taining 80 acres all under cultiva- tion : barn 50 x 50 with stonofoun- dation ; small house ; good well. For particulars apply to—Mrs. Pet- er Cantelon, Huron Street, West, Clinton. —48. CLINTON MACHINE SHOP We're prepared 10 re -tut crusher rolls All kinds of machinery repaired circular and cross -cut saws gummed scissors and skates:ground butcher and carving knives ground Satisfaction Guaranteed Seeley &I West 11ToCORMIOK AGENCY.—I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormlek Implements and moved it ' s5 to my place of business, 1110 car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full lino of implements, repairs, twine, ele. An order from you will receive prompt attention.— Wilson' Elliott. —43 Wanted 50 Girls To learn Sewing, good wages while learning. Good operators can make $10 per week. ,Write or apply— The Fred Robinson Man- ufacturing Co., Seaforth Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY_. morning and weighed, tested and paid for, while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T, E. MASON, General Merchant, FOR SALE -TI -IE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gaudier,' including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer IRs- ehen.-Apply to Dr. Gaudier. --10. MISTY VISION FOR SALE.—FIOUSI7 ON MPT9N bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs, Wm. Murray, ,p pY 0, D, MeT igart, —8 2 GIEILS. WANTED ! 11.01. WE IAN cava EMPLOYMENT TO At' PEW MORE IC.NIT- ,' TIERS, ETC., APi')Y AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. LIVE POULTRYIANTED comes with advancing years, but can bo cleared by properly, fitted glasses, Spectacles are our specialty when we fit thorn they give satisfaction. Eyes Examined Free Let me show you how quickly I can de' your repair work, no waiting, work always ready, when you come. Silverware of all kinds 1847 in. defied. A beautiful line of genuine cut glass. No imitation, anything we haven't in stook we will gladly send for,, CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYME'N having cream to sell write to us for cans. Wa supply two cans free. Pay all express chargee wind issue cheques twice each month, cheques pay,ablo at par. We pay, the high-' est market prices consistent with sin honest test. Testing dnho by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and toted on arrival and statotnent returned, Those In the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr, Hall Who will deliver it bete. Write tor cans acid giro us a trial, Patrons in the Vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to 1'3eatty Bros, Store and 11 will be taken cam ist there -"pito Seaforth Cream- ery., Sox '180, Soalortli, Ont. .shy We aro prepared to handle ali kinds of live poultry. h Hig est market price paid.—Phone 14on3,Q • Pullets For Sale, W. MARQUIS for the coming poultry season is 100 tons of Poultry. To ship the above amount will re- quire at least 20,090 chickens 20,000 hens 5,000 ducks 3,000 turkeys 1,000 geese. We are in the market for all your live poultry of good quality, at top prices. Enquire for prices before you sell. It will pay you to give your 'best attention to your laying hens as new laid eggs are expected to reach re- cord prices this winter.. • R. H. JOHNSON, O Jeweler Optician and p w Cleanliness is 'a - Necessary Evil r-- GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. We now enter into another year and we hope it will be a banner year for all, and' one resolution we should make, is to begin, if you do not al- ready, Patronize Johnson's & Oo,'s Reality Store We tyre endeavoringto give aspeoial every week, Our special for this week is a neee5aary article and does What all like to be—that; is clean, , Pure Laundry Soap 8 bars for 25e Other helpers for the washing are Toro Tablets 0for ,.:..... ,.,, 20c Macke No Rub 6 for 25e Soap Chips 2 for... , , . , . , 25e Highest Market Price for Produce s THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live A NOURISHING AND ECONOMICAL siwilwelnew Pork & Bens Do you know we are seism g Large 2-1b cans of Pork and Beano I5 at only C Also good B, 01, Salmon at lac and 15c per tin. W.T. O'Neii Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards. Wo aro again prepared . to pay highest spot cash prices for kinds of logs, in bulk or by thousand, either in the bush or livered in our yards.; the all, the de - We also handle all kinds of I ogs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement,; Dressed Lumber' and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc.. If in the market for any of the above items it will pay you to tel. ophone. F=e Ia JOHN B. MUSTARD Head 011100 BRUOEFIELD. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store.; ,We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stook and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in ex-, change for goods. D. N WATSON Victoria Rt.; Next the Hospital. BREAKFAST Start off the mining these cold winter days.with a breakfast food that is both nourishing and heat pro - You will find these qualifications as well as real food eceuomy in Titson's, Quaker, Purity and Robinhood Oats These brands are from the best Westhrn Oats and the special process of preparation retain its full uonrish- ing qualities, Free from hulls and veey quick cooking. Highest prices for Butter •and Eggs .1111:111;i11.1 1511121111 Johnson & Co. The Stora of Quality, P1otie orders promptly attended to. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE) AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE YOUR ORDER for some of our Western pats, which we have just received and wo will charge you no more titan it they were just the ordinary grade of oats, If 31011 wish to secure some of those Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. Ire always have a full stook of Flour and reed, W. Jenkins. & Son. It Will Pay You to Order Now. Owing to the great advance in the price of all kinds of metals Furnaces are soon to advance. If you are going to instal a'Furnace or have any Plumbing done this sear you will save money, by getting prices at once. 11 Xi I. THOS. HAWKINS. The BigStore A Happy New Year to all. JOL . e ownsel J... . LONDESIORO The bigstof e with little prices Vi,OUII AND FEED. Phone 100, Tligltest 'Aces paid for The sub to The News 4 I Grain and Wool, ,I allove-tor, 04 , 40 std ilea steno 1, Re e phone i ul and is $1 per year,