HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-11-15, Page 4WALTON The autumn tleankettering and Meter tuonthty meeting, of the DOW "of huff's United Church. was -Held Friday afternoon. Nov: p in ,the enures school room, Mrs,' Nelson • Reid cottdlteted .the business 'period "turd Rev: A. 1ligglebothatn 'offered prayer, -The nannies of last meeting were read''by Mrs, Tion 'Bennett and ,Gtankytitt noted by Mrs. T. Dun - des. The. treasurer, Itirs, lieu McDonald gava the report, The ladies nt'o c+ater'ing to the i•Ieretord ilrceders banquet Dec. 4th. balea se the t A.w Ill b petit tl end of November and some suggested articles are used nylons, cloth- ing (but not m'u's)-Ivory or Sunlight soap. toys. The Miessen- gots hitt contribute to the bale lids year. A box will be placed iu the vestibule of the church for used stamps aid will be later gtvet to the Buie Society. Cut stamps eighth Melt margin larg- er dura stamp. The topics of lvnt'- shi1) were left with program. Cott- nllttee to arrange Nominating committee will be Mrs. A. Mc- Deha)d, Ills. Il. Craig, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs. 1). \\ atson, Mrs, N. Reid.. The manse committee will look atter storm doors for the manse. Mr. Gordon Murray was named to help pat on npstair storm windows and the manse committee appoint other helpers. The McKillop group 'was in of the charge a n 1 worship service With Mrs, J. Bosman as leader. time It was sung with Mrs, Al Baan at the piano. 'elle scripture from Epllesians was rend by Mrs. A. Coutts .And the offering receiv- ed by Mrs. Ken McDonald. AIrs, It. Brown rendered a pi;inn in- strmnental and prayer was offer- ed by Mrs. J. Bosman. Rev. Mr. Higginbotham showed a Rim strip in Wider World of Church in Korea, showing us some of their problems and what they are doing with our money that it being tent to them. The meeting closed with prayer. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Maier of London spent the week -end with AIr. and Mrs. Dave 'Watson. Miss Norma Hoegv of Victoria Hospital. London, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy. Mr. and Airs. E. Rttmmerfreld of Sarnia visited with Air. and Mrs, Harvey McClure and family on Saturday-. Airs. Fern Patterson of Sere forth visited with leer sister, Mrs. Waiter Broadfoot for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wn1. Dinsmore of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McBavin and Mr. and Airs. Gordon McGavin over the w e k -end. Miss Yvonne Pollard, 00050-10' training at. Victoria Hospital, London spent the Leek -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pollard. Miss Jean Shortreed of 'West- ern University. London was a week -end visitor with her par- ents. Mo, and firs. Walter Short- day'with Mrs. Fred Ennis,. Messetiters Bold their. 'White Gilt service -,neat Sunday lnortt• ittg at 'II tt,m: ill the eliurchbase- The 'Bible Study' 'lass "hili ltolrl their next Meeting at Mon- ertef United r1nivt+lt next Sue - day evening at $.11 sharp: A very ettceessful fowl supper was held last Wednesday even- ing, Nov. 7, to butt's United Church. During the supper hoar Mrs. here y BrOwn played sac- red organ music with Mies, Jack Brynlie assissting, A# progl'atn was presented in the church and• itoriunl with Rev. A. Higginboth- am acting as chairman. Mr. Bar- rie of Galt played several selec- tions on the bells which proved very entertaining. Mrs, Neil Ale• flavin sang "Bless This House" with Mrs. llarvey Brown 0econt• panying. Two quartette numbers were sung contposed of Rev. A, Higginbotham, (4 ramie Craig, Bob Houston and Brian Traviss, An organ and piano selection by Mrs. Harvey Brown and Airs. ,iaelt Btyans was enjoyed. A. sale of baking was held following the progratlt. Seventeen member's of the YPU of Duff's United Church met in the schoolroom of the church Monday evening with John Baan, Fred Uhler and Audrey McMichael in charge of the worship service. Ruth Ritchie gave the secretary's report. Bob Humphries was eleeled as busi- ness convener.; hill's convener, Audrey Al'Mlehael, A candlelight service was planned for Decem- ber. 1r was decided to sell church calendars. installations were eon - ducted by Rev, A. Higginbothaut. Alts. E. Mct'reatlt gave a bark - ground talk on the mission study "Christian 'Movement in East Asia." A dm strip on Koren was shown. Games were played and Mutt served by Ruth Ritchie, Mary Helen Buchanan and Alex. llaltwing. The meeting closed with Taps. .Airs..lohn Shannon has return- ed Monte after spending several months with friends and rein; lives its Toronto. BRODHAGEN Ale and Airs. Eli 1111100 quiet- ly celebrated- their 8lst wedding anniversary on Monday. • Alt'. and Aii's. Ed Prueter and Ale and Airs. Philip Rock rtttietly celebrated their 56th wedding an- niversary 00 Tuesday. Air. Henry Rock observed his Seth birthday last Friday. • Mr. Lew Hicks is confined to the Seaforth Hospital. Mrs. Aug:. Seherbarth is con - tined to 5t. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Jonas Dittmer was host to the members of the United Lutheran Church Women of St. t'e-tet s Lutheran Church, at her home last Friday evening. A. shower was held at the. Com- munity Hall last Saturday even- ing for Mr. and Mrs. John Ale- Lentz :Rant Ann :1rickert1, and Miss Phyllis Hintz had a birthday eb:•tttion iu the bull Room of Mt's iiicke and daughter, Julie of hoti4oe visited her sister, Mrs. Harold Workman. and Mr, Work-. Man last week. Rev+ end Mrs. John Arbuckle and family, Walkerton, Alr. and Mrs. Dort Sta telt and. fatuity.. of liitelteeer, Mr. and Mrs.01ilf \\' cod ward and fancily and Mr, and All's. Woodward Sr. of 'Parole to, Mr. and Adrs. Iran Querea- gess0r of Seafortli, Mr. acid Mrs, Bernard Clarence, Stratford, at the house of Airs, Albert Queroti- gt:eser and Alt, .celebrating Alt and Mrs, Bernard Clarence's ludayst wedding anniversary. Mr, Mario Glacomelil and Mr. Donald •A.tu'ens of Hemilton vis- ited his, Chas, Ahrens on Sun- Afr, olid Mrs. Joseph Soper and family of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. L+'rlyn Wilker and MMrs. Wit" kor Sr. and Gladys Wilker of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe an Sunday. Air, and Mrs. Ed. Fischer and boys of Seafortlt, Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Helm and Perry of Sebring- vitle, Alt's. Toledo Beuet'ntan and Alt'. Peter Mhller of Waterloo with firs. Resitia Miller on Sunday, ,hiss Janet Hinz - of Mitchell spent the week -end with Miss Rose Eva Bullet. Mr, and Mrs• Gary Johnston of London with AIr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdiee on Sunday. ,lir. and Airs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl, Mrs. Mary Pfeifer and Air. and Mrs, Clarence Pfeifer with Air, and Mrs, Lloyd Hendrick at Zurich on Sunday, Air. and Mrs, Boris Broder who have been residing with her parents, All•. and Ales. Edwin Rock tor several months have moved to Stratford where he is furthering his education and Airs. T3ruder, Registered Nurse, is nursing at the Stratford Hosp- ital, Born -- In Hamilton. Hospital on October u"lst to Mr. and Airs. Donald Ahrens, Hamilton, a daughter. Colleen Dawn, a sister for Kimberley. VARNA A remembrance day service was held last Sunday in the Uni- ted Church with the pastor, Rev. Murdoch Morrison In charge, The choir under the direction of Mrs. Robert •Stirling sang the anthem. "Faith of Our Fathers." After the service the congregation march- ed to cenotaph where wreaths were laid, Reeve Harvey Cole- man placed one on behalf of the township. AIr. William llcAsh on behalf of the Veterans and Jit•• Charles Pilgrim on behalf of the Orange Lodge. The YPL' of the United Church met 00 Sunday evening with the president in charge. AIargaret Aldington read the Sct'ipture les- son. 22 members answered roll till. Murray Morrison gave the tr'easurer's report, Carol Taylor spoke on "God in Medical Set- owe". er'rice". A social evening is be- ing planted for Saturday, Dec. 1. Miss Mildred Morrison closed the Ails Bessie ::td Ed. Davidson tite hail it '.,' stun., evening. meeting with prayer. Moved v d t,new home in Sea- Mr. 1. t. Its sintered a Mrs. Isabelle Morison of \Va- 1a Monday. em Ittitni. r,,nutrin,1 stitches. in a w -a. Ont spout :he week end at A2^ W. C. F' „ Cathy andfreak .d: , at hock Bros. the home of Fav. and Ats. M. I:.,.. .. .Jt.....:ed on Pu.::-. with tl.. .Fits., 'saw. :11'...s. fit I�� TI R GF au :A DRTNG NS DAi ELECTRICALLY... COSTS LESS THAN St A FULL LOAD TO OPERATE • - - SS5 • 0L..: . c-_ CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOLS BRANDS • nes:- ... .-_. v X5s- • 34;1 se S. • 2 -'YEAR a.:ORAV'VEE ▪ A '.OP '� 3At,1.'r BLANt(cr • CONVER,:BLE CONTouREo CORNERS • CAN BE W'ASFIED ANO DRIED AUTOMATdCALLY '1'29.951/AWE!! 1 t5 IS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL NOV, 3RD TO DEC.I5TH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SEAFOI2TH CROiMARTY :Week end visitor's with Air, and Alt's,, Otto Walker were- Air. aitd .'Airs. Jack McGhee,. Jackie, Jady, of Leedott, Mr,.'and, Mrs. H. 1t. Currie, Tainda aed'Joalne of Dorohestett and hit's, Jaek 'Cur. rid and son Blair 'of• Winnipeg, hit'. John Wallace, MOt'garet and Debbie, accompanied. by Mr, and Alts, Norval puititt, State, visited in Essex on Sunday with Mrs. Harry Elliott and family, Airs. \Vallnoa returned 1101110 af- ter visitiug With her daughter, hire. Sadie Scott aid Mr. Lind- say McKellar visited o11 Sunday tvitit M7'. and Mrs, Horten. Me - Dougall, Mrs. Grace Scott spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. Met'viu Dow, Carol Ann and Brian attended the Royal Wiutel' Fair 011 Satur. day and spent the week end with Mr. and airs. Bert Fry at Bramp- ton. AIr, Fuld Bill's. Wes Stafford• of Shedden spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulley and family. Guests with Mr. and Airs, Keith AleLareit during the week end were Miss Wanda McLaren ac- companied by Aries Norma Park - house and Mrs. Par'khouse of Ha- miltotl, Ail'. and Mrs. Stephen Kendrick *and children of Wind- sor. m Cr tsar YPS PI'S 0 0.. t Members f 3 who attended the YP night at Listowel. on Saturday were Alite Walker, Joyce Kerslake,. Carol Howe, David Scott, John Seat, Bob Templeman and Gerald Scott. On Sunday night Cromarty Young People had as their guests the Exeter group and local unit- ed Church young people. Rev. A. H. Daynard of Stafte was guest speaker. Mrs. Norval Elliott is visiting this week with Mrs. Harry Elliott and family in Essex. Air, and Mrs. John Hocking rind Jim visited recently with Mr. and Airs. E. 'Brooks and fam- ily at Brampton. - Mr. Lien McKellar is spending the week at. the Royal Winter Fair.• ,lir. and Mrs. John Jefferson and Miss Laura Jefferson, lir. and Alt's. R. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Laing were in attendance et the reception held for 111•. and Ait's, Norman Jefferson in Rttsseldale hall Friday night. The CGIT girls with their lea- der, Mrs. M. -Lamond sponsored a miscellaneous shower an Tues- day night for Miss Marlene Dow, bride -elect of Saturday. .Airs. T. t1.. Scott led in a sing song and Mrs. Lamond conducted a con- test. Mrs. Gerald Carey favored with a reading. An address was read by Laura Chappel and Bren- da Dow -and Janet Allen present- ed gifts in a decorated basket. Ann Scott and Shirley Gardiner assisted in unwrapping the gifts. Marlene glade a suitable reply, delicious lunch was served by 111e girls. The ladies of the LTCW of Mun- ro United Chut'ch stet at the home of \It's, John Jefferson in the village on Wednesday for their November meeting. Several Cromarty ladies were guests at the meeting. Jatues Westlake. son el Mr. and Mfrs. Arnold Westlake. who has been stationed at the RCAF so:ation at Trenton. was chosen .7.s one of the ground mechanics 1 o:co ui'any a flight of six Da- k+its aircraft to India as part of the Canadian government's .mi Lary assistance in India's border war with Communist China. The planes left Trenton last week. A;:'. and firs. Atex. Gardiner sited on Tuesday with Dr, and s A. N. Atkinson of Wingham. Sunday visitors with AIr, and Mrs. Gardiner were Mt'. and .Mrs. E.t:i Eggert and Murray- and Mr. and Alt's. Gordon Knechtel of Rostock and Miss Edith Srydon of Milverton. SQHQLARSHIP WINNERS Scholarship Mutters annouu' eed its the Qeintnelteetttetit ort Friday night were; Ahtntnl (1244) Jean' MoNaught- ou; Students' Cowlell ($25) Cath- erine i)citeet; Legion ($50) Ro. bent Sharp; Doniittlon-Provincial (University $500) Jean McNaugh- ton, Robert Sharp; Grade XIII (5100) Gisela Dorranee, Con- stance Eckert, Jeanne Alelady, Jean Shortreed; Atkinson Foun- dation ($600) Jetta McNaughton; Bruce Scott Memorial ($500) Nelson Ball, Catherine Eckert, Jean McNaughton, Robert Sharp, \\'omen's Hospital Auxiliary ($125) Dorothy ilcyes; Elizabeth Scott t$100) Garda Christensen, Eleanor treys, Sandra McGonigle, Brace Millet', June Munn, Shirley Repien; The Lt rone Bursaries, $50 each ter Grade X111, Gisela Itorranee, Louis Devereaux,. ST. COLUMBAN Mrs. Joseph Malady in t\Find, sor with Mr, and Alt's. Tont Holland: Miss Luella Moylan, IK.itohen- er with Mr. and Airs, John May. Ian, Mt', and Mrs, W, J. Pinnsonault of Windsor with ilii. and Ait's, Jack McIver. Jack Malone, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. J, L, :Malone. Airs, 0. Steinbach and child- ren, Teeswater, with Mr, and Mrs. Louis McIver. - . s c Airs, Adrian Pine, John, Leo and Carol, Brighton, with Mn, John Delaney and Mr. and Mrs, Steve Murray, Air. and Airs, Leo Smith of Guelph with Alt, and Mrs. Al- bert Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray in Windsor with Air. and Mrs. Ger- rard Marchand, Mrs. Tom Duchene°, London, visited Air. and Airs. Auguste Ducharme. At a card party and social evening in the St. Coluntban parlslt hall -on Thursday there were 17 tables in play. Prise winners for tate cards were Mrs.' Vincent Lane, Peter Jordan. Mary Ellen Doyle and Michael Doyle. The lucky chair prize went to Vincent Maloney. Lunch was served, followed by music and dancing: The November meeting of the local council of the Catholic \\'omen's League was held In the parish hall on Tuesday evening with 21 members present. The President. Mrs. Albert Cronin, presided. Reports by conveners were given. Ladies caring for the altars for November are Mrs. Dominic. Murray and Mrs, Peter McLaughlin. Eacli member is asked to donate a tea towel to the kitchen at the hall. Donations were voted to the following: School of Christ, Diocesan Edu- cation Fund, Bursary for Educa- tion to the Priesthood, Diocesan Reserve Fund. Veterans' Christ• etas Fund. Our Ladies' Mission- aries, and Christ the King Cul aural Foundation. Arrangements were made for a social events„ to be held on Ft, Colutnban's Day in the parish hall. The mys- tery prize donated by Mrs. An- gus Kennedy was won by AIrs, James O'Connor. UNIT 4 MEETS Th Nov rnlhe: meeting of unit 4 of the United Church was held et the bone of the presid- ent, Mrs... John Turnbull. Meet- ing was opined with a Rontenr brunt-, day hymn followed by strayer. TI1e roll call was answer- ed by ways to• lead to world puce. The topic of tate evening was taken by Mrs. Britton on Christ- ian Education. showing there is a part for everyone in the work of the church. The business Period was eon. ducted by the president and plans were made for the Christ - 31a11 meeting. Jane Boehart l'en- 4-7`517 SEAT'''ORTH NMWS, Thursday, Novetnbtll' 15,;1002 tiered - a few eeloctions on the guitar. Mt's. Cuthill conducted the deYotiottal period of the meeting .oil Remembrance day. Lunch was served by Mrs, Had' soft 0011. Mrs. I'Iuteltinsotl and a social time followed. SALDIVAR-D0LMAGE Bouquets of white eht'ysautlae- nlus formed the setting In Cavan United. Church, Winthrop, for the wedding of Juno Elizabeth Dol - mage and Edmund Robert Saidi- var, The bride is 'lie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dolmage, r.r. 1 Londesbot'o, and the bride- groom wlio lives at r,t. 1 Varna, is the son of ivdntund Saldivar, Vallejo, Galif., turd the lute Mrs. Saldivar. Rev. Clifford Britton officiated at the double -ring core, motty. Miss Emily Collins of. Clinton played triditional music and provided organ accompani- ment for the soloist, MIse Myrtle Collins, Clinton. Givatl in mar- riage by her father, the bride was gowned in white brooaded taffeta which featured a peplum and tnatahing bows on the skirl. back. A waistleugth nail of nylon tulle was attached to a crown ttnd she wore a drop necklet, a gift of the bridegroom, Tho bride carried a white Bibls crested with red roses and white ribbon streamers. She was attended by Miss Judi Thompson, Londos zo o ,paid of honor, wearing g a sleeveless street -length gown or pink nylon over taffeta, styled with a "V" neckline and gathered bodice. She wore the bride's gift of a drop necklet, and carried a nosegay of white chrysanthe- mums trimmed with blue net and white t•ibbon. Bridesmaids w'er'e Miss Joyce Dolmage, sister of the bride, and Miss Ethel Col. lins, Clinton, They wore gowns similar to that of the maid of honor. Flowergirl, Beverly MB - son o1 ,Milverton was dressed in pale blue nylon with tttatcitittg hat and carried a white ahrys• antltetnmt nosegay with pink and white net and ribbon trim. Geoff Toy Alilson, AMliven on, the ringbearer, carried the rings on a blue satin cushion, The bride- groom was attended by Donald Volland of Hensall, and guests were seated by Ronald Beaton, Ilansall; aitd Neil Dolmage, To- ronto, brother of the bride. A reception vvas held at the church where the bride's mother receiv- I ed the guests Iu it Mose green. In ti over ttill'ottt gown and. bronze corsage. Slit) was assisted by tlt5 brldegroomis grandmother Mrs. Robert Spelr of Varna, wearlug a street -length dress of royal -blue brocaded taffeta and e redruse eoreage, For their honeymoon In northern and cert• tral United States, the bride travelled in a pale blue tweed suit. The couple will reside at t'd'. 1 Varna. BLAKE Mt'. and Mrs, James Dinsmore anti Air, and Mrs. Thomas Dins- more of Zurich are visiting with relatives its Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. ROaben Ginger• telt and family of Ailsa .Craig vis- ited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Curtis Gingcriclt and family of Blake, III 11111'11,1,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 ELiCKRE in IOQF HALL MONDAY, NOV. 26 8.10 P,M, (rood Prizes - Lunch, Adm, 40c Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge 11111111, 111111111111111111,1111111111 11111111111111111111111111,,.1 Skatiuo FRIDAY Door open at 7.45 8 to 10 250 and 35e MAC BOLTON RECEPTION Saturday Door open at 1.45 Skating 2 to 3,30 l0c and 25e SATURDAY NIGHT 8 to 10, 25c & 35e Teen -Town Sunday, Nov. 18tH --- Minor Hockey Meeting - 3 P.M. TUESDAY FIGURE SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14 Skating 8 to 10 25c and 35c * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE R ' 19th lrtkda. ?. KEEP INSURED! Separate premiums are required for your insurance arace n n on. Obtain from now application form at a, bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. .Always keep your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. KEEP INSURED: The Fancily premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. KEEP {I SLJF E@D: Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 Mee STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO 1 The people of Ontario can make a 5600,000,000 present to themselves in one year by reducing their spending on imported goods by 5100 per person. This action on the part of every person in the province would help create 60,000 new jobs. We are the world's greatest importers of manufactured goods. Contrast cur yearly total with that of other colts ries; Americans spend 535 per ;la�ita. The British spend 575 West Germans spend 560, Canadians spend 5235 per person per year on manufactured goods.. If these expenditures in Ontario on imported goods could be reduced by 5100, we would still be amongst the world's greatest im- porters, If that 5100 were diverted to Cana- dian goods wewouid add 5600,000, 000 to our economy and help create 60,000 new jobs To accomplish this, the consumer must become "label conscious"; it is the sum of all our day-to-day purchases which can add up to the success or failure of our economy. Whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported product, he or she should ask, "Is there a Canadian equivalent?" For in most cases there is a Canadian product that is as good or better, The more money we spend on doings we make, the snore prosperous the people of Ontario will be: GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TRADE CRUSADE 1 MORE OPPORTUNITY The symbol of progress and opportunityforthe people and industries of Ontario.