HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-11-15, Page 2Morevs Than given Sharks • I Uie northern coastal waters of 4.ust ilia, dicer seeking peari-bearing oysters toil on the slimy sea bed, in a twilight World a coal reefs and rook caves. This also is the hunting ground of the giant cod . the grouper a fish whieb div arsfiild more sinister and fright ening than even the shark. The drab brown adult group - ens, With their huge heads and stack lips are esnong the ugliest. Of all fish. Often they are more than six feet in length and weigh between 200 lb. and 300 lb. The largest on retard was twelve e feet :Ong and weighed half a tan. • Yet these ugly warriors of the sea, alien young. are one M the most brilliant of the gorgeously coloured fishes of the eorat reels brae'. -l„ y bottled. With black. Over the yeaes. "_many divers have los: their lives to large groupers. Unlike shark's. • group- ers are r.et deterred by a mere burst of bubbles from a dieter's suit. They attastk, relentlessly, and bite off the intruding diver's leg or arm or engulf his hel- met in their great jaws. Not long ago, a diver sudden- ly found himself s:arLrg into two green eyes, as big as saucers, only inches feent Instinet - !yeast, ;he diver froze. He dared not move his Gaud to pull the rope to signal the tender, fath- oms above , or the grouper's jaws would have snapped. The diver sweated it out in his rubber aur. while rhe fish &sewed curiously at rhe glass helmet and sniffed up and down his chest. Perhaps the gr aper did not care for what he found, for he finally turned and swans away with ponderous gravity; only then could the trembling diver signal to the to -der to be pulled up, Groupers have a habit of am- bushing divers from their lairs or stalking them from. behind. rhea charging and engulfing then?. One of the few people who has aseaDed such an attack is ToraStareF.:.,.'. of_ Torres Straits. He had lea;:v scarred arms from beating MI a persistent, savage attack a'oln a big Another uu-y diver was one who was literally caught bend- ing. H_ was gathering etaienial when :he '^.:aster butted him hurledhard. ane Min head firs: .; at.s sea-bed. The sleeken i: -e: stumbled. to his -feet ani saw. thretigh tee o:.7nded water, e huge creeper which had ba_ked away and h::ng _--.e wish gills pulsating, w-ai- - renew the attack_ T e er s not o: ai: . He closet les air valve, and sig- naled desperately to be hauled 1317. i_. Sao:, he Tose so 'oast, that in a rnoinere he was out of the shoresig::ed fish's vision. Theat:temper is a very perm - lar meth with.f =hemmer Soave bait targe hooks. with sting ray orrabbi:. end fasten ends of their line.. to sealee: :en -gallon The hetke then en drags the r' at: gdrmn around un:.- iT,- a.:_auseed. Othees. ;he mere deeing. ese spears. Two -- entet derwater fishermen f :y _^93r5 into a $O') -pa _ -• - -- ..:sur - ba ._ e .. I: _S e ,. dry ere :Y_.. nee: why tat ..a - UP AND AWAY — Jose, the hamster. woits calmly in a homemade spacecraft for the start of an experimental rock- et launch and descent. The cardboard capsule, attached to o cardboard booster by a coat hanger, is launched from the ground. The capsule is car- ried to a box kite by the wind, At the kite, it is jarred loose, n parachute opens and Jose floats safely down. Getting Rid (Maybe) Of London's Pigeons For many years London's pi- geons and starlings have been making a mess of famous build- ings. The problem is, hoe do you get rid of flocks of several hun- dred birds, quietly, effectively and without causing an army of bird lovers to march on Trafal- gar 'Square?? The Ministry -of Works has worried about this for thirty years. Explosives, flashing lights, alarm cads and spiky strips of metal have been tried to dislodge starlings and pigeons, but with little success. Recently however, a plastic jelly has oozed on to the scene and is spreading along afflicted ledges al: over the country. The hordes of starlings that seek a waem roOStin city smoke are leaving and it is causing quite a mutter among the improvised and unofficial dovecotes. The substance doesn't harts the birds but gives a wobbly sensa- tion urder their toes. In fact, they feel they haven't a leg to stand on. This off-putting jelly is called Scarer;ow Strip and has been devised after considerable re- search by the country's leading pest control organization. It is not affected by heat, cold, rain, or anew and can absorb its owe. weight of dirt without be- cOmtint ineffective. Ladders. hydraulic hoists. dee- orators' c.-aiz_, scaffolding and steeplejacks have been used to spread the jelly around, The main se .,..g company, Ren- tOk`.i Laboratories Lti., which alio devel.sped the repenent, have even h _h- a re !red fire engine. with a :Hat. . rn:ab:e :adier from. which a roan applies. tho jelly Lem a .caulking gen. S_s -: strip has bee used p::he-ex Gager Covent Garden 07era a H:,_st. St. Pan - CAVES IN — One -block area In downtown San Froncisc4 Was blocked off as result of r&n-coused save -ins on sit* of view Federal Court Building. eras Station, and on hotels, town halls, churches, banks, post office's, department stores and other prominent buildings. It's even beenused on a lighthouse in the Orkneys! In Kent, fainters thought op the idea of making records of bird noises, and playing them back very loudly to frighten off birds that were filching their craps. It didn't frighten the birds. but residents are complaining be- cause of the horrible noise'. in America, birds seem to have a special aptitude for getting themselves sucked into air-condi- tioning intakes of large office blocks with disastrous cense- quences for the Circulation pumps. Falcons and monkeys have been trained to catch pigeons in New York but the monkeys soon became as big a nuisance as the birds. ,Bird -starers range froth whistling novelties and revolv- ing beacons to acetylene explod- ers and exploding shotgun shells. Should Convicts Have A Chance To Work? In North Carolina, reports Time Magazine, 306 convicts are released each morning and re- turn to prison at night. In the daytime they hold regular sobs ar barbers, mechanics, eooks, secretaries and farmers. They pay for their prison room and board. and their transportation. The remainder of their earnings is divided between their families and a trust fund to be paid each prisoner when he completes his term. This program for rehabili- tation has aroused nationwide interest and approbation, in Oregon, Circuit Judge Val Slopes of Marion County was constrained recently to rule that Oregon law forbids use of penitentiary innlatas in direct competition with private enter- prise. The opinion was in the moot case at the greenhouse at Danimaseh State Hospital, com- pleted by convict labour when the Board of Control voted 2 to 1, with Gov, Hatfield opposed, to use prisoners rather than to call for new bide This Building Trades Council of the AFL-CIO brought action against inmate labour, and may seek to pre- vent use of convicts to build the women's prison - a project for which the Legislature provided no `''.indd. If Oregon's archaic, union - sponsored law should be inter- preted literally, the AFL - CIO might also challenge the use of prison inmates on prison farms, in prison kitchens and libraries, in shops and other institutional work. Idle prisoners become un- ruly prisoners. Convicts denied work .earn no skills to contri- bute to their rehabilitation. The taxpayers would foot the addi- tional costs of convicts in idle- ness when there is state work to be done. But the element of productive work in rehabilita- tion is the most important con- sideration. The North Carolina program of daytime employment of pri- soners in the normal channels -of enterprise goes farther than the majority of the Board of Control approved in the Danunasch case. where the job was for the state. - The Oregonian. Using Up Those Green Tomatoes 016 -fashioned gree. tomato 711 a neat is surprisingly easy to ke, and n -.ay be cathed or f. ezen for making holiday pies says Janina M. Czajkowski. ex- te :on mateitionist for the Uni- versity :ni- ve ty of Can neeticut, who rec- or:eme^.ds it as a thrifty way to use the green tomatoes gather- ed before the frost, and plena/ell 'windfall" app:es. To rr.alse approximately five pines or green tomato n-.incenneat try this recipe: GREEN TOMATO _MINCEMEAT 3 quarts chopped green tomatoes (about 20 medium sizes 11§. quarts pared, chopped tart apples !about 8 medium size 2 cups raisins 1 cup currants 1v cup diced candied citron. lemon. or orange peel 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 14 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground cloves 2 teaspoons salt (aboutr 3 cups firstly packed brown sugar cup vinegar 14 cup lemon. juice Cnn:bine all ingredients in a large heavy pan. 'Omit cloves if you pian to freeze rrtncen:eatl Cook mixture slowly until it is tender and thick. Allow about 2 hours. Stir frequently to pre- vent sticking, To can, pour boiling mixture into hot, sterile jars and seal promptly. To freeze, pack mincemeat into freeaer jars or oontainars, ternember to allow head space for ,expansion. Seal and freeze gcomptly, ARTICLES FOR SALE blcs2IRMADE daft eiotites. Gift boa of ten $2.05 Satisfaction guaranteed If C.O.D. enctose'206 for mailing. Enclose length and wolel of dotl.Mrs, Scrim. ;hew,. Boa 551, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. AGENTS 4FTER Years of work an inventorper• Meted a machine for threading email needles. An eye saver for as little as 51. We are bolting for ambitious dlstri. butors. No capital required. Good prof- it. Write to Iris 10736, 107 St.. Edmon. ton, Alta. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR sale • Thriving grocery business in the beautiful Georgian Bay town of afeaford, THIS business is located on the main street and has an annual turnover of llsutkequipment on request,S ostock CONTACT Murray Riness, represente. Box 693, Medford' Ont., ph nReo660state. GENERAL store 40' x se' plus garage and gas pump In Bartle district. $45,000. turnover. Summer business catering to s wealthy cliental. Fabulous neat turn- over. Modern equipment. adequate stor- age space. Winterized living quarters. $12,000. dorm..' Owner will defer pay ments till spring opening. Work 7 months and Spend the winter in Florida. Inspection invited. call Alice Worthing• ton, Stroud 21 R 23, J. A. Coutts & Co., Realtors, 5 Owen Street, Barrie, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW INVENTIONS NEW PRODUCTS - MONEY WE develop, finance IDEA HU 9.4443. BOX 154, POSTAL STA. "10' TORONTO I2 Write SCOPE UNLIMITED FOR SALE LOCKER storage & butcher equipment. 234 Keeprlte Steel Lookers, waxing tank, 2 Defiance computing scales frozen food counter, Hobbart meat. grinder '31a H.P. 1, Berke! meat sUeer, Berke) power saw, shelving, meat block, kettle stove. Griffith smoke house, Na- tional cash register, Beatty pressure. system. Esso oll burner, Gilson furnace, Write Box 347 Tavlsteek, Ont. BOATS BUILD A BOAT THIS winter with a Leavens fibreglass hull and save half. Clearing boats, motors. trailers. Leavens Boats, 3230 Dutferin St., Toronto 19, Ont. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR SALE SCOTCH Pine - Well pruned 4' to 8' trees on Highway fila Sprucedale, On- tario. n- tIC,Ontario. F. taJohn C. Peddle, Spruce - CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED CHRISTMAS trees, nice, fun, busby. No. 1 balsam, spruce; also No. 1 Scotch pine, Puny pruned. Reasonable. Write. price and iva information to William H. Thaw, 879 Nash Rd., North Tone - Wanda, N.Y. DOGS FOR SALE ALL my own breeding. Black & Tans - 2 iemates • 1 male, Iso yrs, beauties, females $30.00. males 540.00. Reg Bluetick pups 2 males, 2 femrles, n 4 months. Sire Vaughaand Pilot breeding. Dams side strong in Old Drum breed Bred for coon, will make good deer GrffoxddogSym 530.00 each. lioWatford, Ont., RR No. 3 Dad! Don't Bother Heating Baby's Solite As a leading pediatric re- searcher, Dr. Emmett Holt of New York university -Bellevue Medical Center has tackled many problems in infant nutrition. But recently he decided to find the answer to a simple question that has bothered him --and alilliors of mothers -for years. Does a baby's bottle really have to be warm? Dr, Holt and Mies Apo iorda Adams of the U.S. Public Health Service fed premature infants formulas taken straight from the ice -box and found that they thrived just as well as infants white bottles were warmed to body temperature. "They slept as well, ate as :ouch, and gain- ed weight just as fast," said Dr. Holt last month. Cold feedings. the NYU pedia- trician noted, could save busy mothers 100 hours warming baby fora:ulas. "With 2.7 million botse-fed babies a year," he said, "that's 400 million. hoers for U.S. housewives." Q. How can I remove shoe- leather Ieather stains from light-colored stockings? A. A tablespoonful of borax in your washing water should help considerably. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 23 CAN Woods bulk milk earner. Uelt• man vacuum pump and pipeline, all to near new*manioc. an Russell Miller. Route 1, Markham, Ont. FARM HELP WANTED WANTED: man for large dairy fawn, Must be fully experienced. Modern house, or good home Niagara district. State wages. John Roslyn, RR. 1 Stevensville, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE North West of Toronto 25 ACRES of good fertile farm land, et mile from pavedhighway, within 35 Miles of Toronto City Ball, 6500.00 per acre. ,Also 50 acre farm 521.000,00 full Roberts,eArea Code 416,ECHerry s. 15205, James e, Gilbert Realtor, 1495 Kipling Avenue N., Rexdale, onterio. 400 ACRE dairy farm. 70 registered Alai steins, machinery. Near Ottawa. Two houses Hydro,water houses and barn, One house fully modernized. Ideal for. Tartners. Box 255, 12316th Street, New oronto. Ont. DAIRY FARM Must be sold to settle estate. 230 ems. 185 plowable, two tractors and truck. AU power machinery Modern borne and barn Two silos. 'Forty milking cows, twelve yearlings, three calves, has tune can contract. This can easily be Increased. Farm is twenty miles north of Cornwall and forty miles south of Ottawa 510.000 down. the balance at 812 interest Contact Mrs. Anna Van Esmond, RR No. 2, Moose Creek, Ont., Phone 20.1.6. FARM EQUIPMENT KRAEMAR FEED TRUCKS HUNDREDS In use. Solidly constructed with heavy wooden base and sides. One. piece 20 gauge galvanized iron bottom and ends Inc joints). Mounted on two 2.75 x 10" semi-solid rubber wheels and one 6" swivel rubber castor. From £ac. tory to You, No Dealers, You make the savings. Two sizes 32" and 26" wide, both 72" long x 36" high. Only 567.50 and 565.00. Casb with order or C.O.D. F.O,B. St. Jacobs, Kraemer Woodcraft, St. Jacobs, Ont. Phone Mohawk 4.2052. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS Reloading Rifle and. Shotgun cases. Quality components, 'lowest prices." Enquiries invited. J. Holmes Gunshop, Box 156, Brighton, Ontario. FOR sale diesel and portable sawmill, diesel suitable for feed mill, botb in excellent condition will sell separately. Reasonable. For detalls contact: Roy Tolcley. Tweed, Ontario. HELP WANTED Medical Laboratory Technldlant Required by 35 Bed General Hospital. ' Attractive working conditions and per. ttona, salary export Reply stating gdatte�avail. able to: Administrator, Sensenbrenner Hospital Ka puska sing, Ontario. HELP WANTED - MALE COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW England's fastest growing trade typographic plant needs men with job shop experience to handle greatly in, creased 'cork load. Good pay, good working conditions. These are perman. eat all -year-round jobs with a real fu• ture for competent, dependable men who can bold their o,vn In a fast move ing operation. WRITE: GENERAL MANAGER Eastern Typesetting Co. 433 CHURCH 57., HARTFORD. CONN. OR CALL COLLECT: HARTFORD 525.6274 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR sale 300 choice Hereford steer: - Yarling in weight from 700 to 850 lbs, Included are 50 from the Church Ranch. Apply Willard Calhoun Dobbinton, Ont, Phone 338W3 Chesley MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGiN OTTAWA 21.25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Posta Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne- ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, Will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price ('RICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto ISSUE 43 1962 NIARSeS WANTED' itI t lliTJ ill Lh toffees 5, e,mtlfied nuns, Ina asalatanto requited for 112 bed lino wee teed anlmy Ar,,,Lemadathlrt Narseee reeklente.. Apply superintendent - KiNCARDINE GENERAL HOSPITAL. Khlasrdlne, Ont. REGISTER..D NURSES 21,144ltlllll;11 hnnuailptely for small mod ern hospital II northern Onterlo.. 14ee . utiddltiteetr�stlinel�i6'ildir115lile'�end ,nrledOtlou and usual flolllticu avellol11e 1tt 761)36 ' ewe community. Salary fellisee to 0422 00 moullllytip to elle 05 allowance to wards Crn , xt " uw h to Smooth Rorkfnns eller itaiafatlmv employment hoe boon estahlb,htd, 1R•aae give tele phone number If Poe/Able. Apple To Personnel Department ABITIBI POWERIMl7EpER COMPANY SMOOTH ROCK FALLS. ONTARIO MENRANO rWOMENR �...BE A HAIRD'RFSSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity !.Warn ltiilr(Ireh int Pleasant dignified prat.. sstnn good Wages. Til0051Srradu tsuceessful Tlluetrated Greatest Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdre'sinq School -058 Bloor sr, W., Toronto Branches 475 Rideau Street Hampton "PATENTS . _ .. CANADIAN patent for We. or novelty. Nationally advertised and sold In ILS, Wanted by every woman- Retails at 91. Write Royal Scot. Waterbury. Conn T'~-- PERSONAL remit euthe worrld! Be preping again ared and re- joice in confident hope. For free liter• ature write Box 811 Brantford Out UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SAGA-PELee. dissove or remove airtfromdthe surt- face but penetrates and retards growth, of UNWANTED - 5,6Granville St., Vancou- ver 2, B.C. PHEASANTS AND WATERFOWL PHEASANT Swateteter'fawi. Eggs-aadult Other Northern Hiltoeach,) Pheasant STAMPS U.S. Used, ARMYUand Americans .352.60. 0. WASHINGTON Bicentennial at 40. R. Shorter, R.D.No.4, Middletown, le Y, ROY 5. WILSON 78 Richmond Street West, Toronto NEW ISSUES KP�N'BNsREIGN IaGBOI, SCOTT MINKUBIIISMA NALMS 9 STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO • PURCI•4ASED • VACATION RESORTS VACATION IN FLORIDA RENT modern 40 ft trailer, quiet park, available October -February. R Cotton. 11 Battram. St,, Thomas. BATTLE ZONE -- Renewed. fighting has broken out be- tween Indian and Chinese troops in India's Northeast Frontier Agency ("X" on right side of map). Each side disputes the other's boundary claims. Earlier this year, clashes were reported in the Ladakh area of Kashmir, also in dispute. China has occu- pied 12,000 square miles here, FALL GUY — Giants' right fielder Marty Aluu dives into the seats- in a futile bid to co,ch a heeler off the bat of Tom Tresh.