HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-11-08, Page 4District • Fams tyl„„ I1 fairs Stratford, flitch Articles taken to the meet(na fel and i atorth. Miss Gileluist by the various women, egg., but- ter tt11'14, apple alae; cake. prate Heal aprons, twills. lls. centx'V pieces, doilies, pillow slips and plats, were Judged by Mrs:. Fred A. tock of Tanis tock. Clarity is the ttrtze fist wa$ the objective-- that is the prize itst should he clear so that the exhibitor and the judge nxay know excwtly what the director is asking, for in its various classes. asses. Donal a.+ L. Waterston. editor -its -chief. Farmers' Advocate, Lou- don, was the after-dinner speak - eta speaking on -Fairs from an Onlookers Point of View." He sees a definite place for all fairs, lanae and email, bat stated that those in e harge must keep up with the times.. -be up to date, and lyssa some.aiug at their fairs to attract and please all sten and fancies. All officers in the men's sec- tion were re-elected, namely, dis- trite director, Robert W. Camp - hell. RR I. Dublin; associate dir- ector, Earl Dick. Hensall; secy. tress., A. S. Bolton. RR 1, Dub- lin. Provincial hoard members in attendance at the meeting were: James Mair, Brussels, OAAS president; F. A, Lashley, super- intendent of faire, Toronto; Ken J. Reaney, Mitchell, director Class A and B fairs, and Mrs, J. Grtumuett, :eaforth. second vice president. OAAS, women's sec- tion. ElOffICerSl liurtt d that in addition to ape Il' proximateIy 140 feet of exhibits' Mrs: Ivey Coulter, Wit. 2, Mil., placed' its the community centre vt:rten was elected district rep, at. the :eaforth fah'. three north resenta1iVe for Dist l'is't 11 1.Huron- Huron clubs set alp their exhibits Perth h when the. annual meeting: at the Teeswater fair In Ilruee was hold last weelt 10 the ugricul-1 count'. tural colisettat, Stratford: She} Miss I'.ileen lltsion. of Ilny- suc weds Mrs. Joseph Grunmxett, field. who operates Fair Acres R.R. `:', :eaforth. who has held Studio there. spoke an "A Mace that post fair the bast three; t, Only As Fine as ilte Art It years. Prodtues' and had on display Other officers elected were: several posters acquired in Eta, associate representative. .ails, 0pe, Asia and Africa while on Demser Skinner, RR 1 Centralia:special Irving assignments there. (Exeter fair), and setretary-trea- in addition she displayed several sure:'. Mrs. Howard Smith, RR 1, p„siers that had been entered in Listowel. a competition at the Hayfield fail 1':aeh of the 11 fairs in the Mtge e posters. .",d inches high dietrict were represented and rind 21 ix 'hee wide, were along submitted reports oa the ac ivi the line of pablii'ity in nature. ter and pr u re -e of the women's e,,r example. ample. the Winning poster section of their respective fails at 1iyfield was done by alis, 11 and of the junior sections, M. Peck of Hensall, showing it Niue fairs in the district had lyplc'al street corner there, and sponsored the Ethel Brant Mon- bearing the caption "Heilsall, a lure essay competition. These Ph' sant Piaee To Live." It is nine essay's are now being juilg- hoped that several fairs in this ed. with the one winning essay to district will sponsor such a coin - be entered in the provincial eom• petition with the hope that per - petition. laps such organizations as the Miss Mary Lou Black and Miss local Chambers of Commerce will Isabelle Gilchrist, home eeonont- join in the ettort. fists, reported on 4-11 homemak- In addition to being an artist, ing, 4-H agricultural. Junior Fal'- Miss Hessitm is a registered neer and Junior Institute educe- nurse and a musician of note and tional exhibits at the district's is a native of London, Ontario. Notice of inquiry in the matter of The Industrial Standards Act The Honourable H. L, Rowntree, Q.C., Minister of Lebow, has requested Professor Bora Laskin, Q.C,, to inquire into the scope and operation of The Industrial Standards Act R.S.Q. 1960, C,186, and to make such re;ommendations as he may deem advisable, Interested parties are invited to submit written briefs, 100 copies each, to the undersigned not later than December 1, 1962. Publle hearings will be held on the briefs in Committee Room No. 1, Main Floor, Parliament Buildings (Main Baildingl, Toronto 2, Ontario, on December 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, commencing at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on each of these dates, and on such further dates as may be necessary. Parties submitting briefs Will be notified of the orcer in which their submissions edit be heard. L. Haywood, Esq., Inquiry Secretary, Department of Labour, 8 York Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. { BUY A \\• estingloose DRYER NOW and get a FREE! ELECTRIC BLANKET $29.95 Value CROMARTY .Hisses Bonnie and Nancy Kay, daughter's of .air. and alis. Lorne Kay of London. spent the week- end with their aunt and uncle, Miss Nettie 'McCurdy and Mr. Will McCurdy. Mrs, Wnr. Harper visited on Thursday with her mother, lits. Clara Hackney. Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Harold :Mien of alooseiaw. Sask., accompanied by Mr. Lund .airs. Howard Ahiers and taro -,'ns of Toronto were recent visitors with .air. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. R. J. Everett of Banff. Al- berta, was a guest with air. and .\Irs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. E. Moore for a few days last week. Janet, Donald and Margaret - Couper of Mitchell spent - the weekend with .air. and airs, Ger- ald Carey and Mrs. Taylor. airs. Alex. Walker and Kimber- ley are visiting with her parents, at Kirkland Lake. The annual bazaar and tea sponsored by the Ladies Aid and .Marian Ritchie Auxiliary will be held in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon. November 14th• at the hour of 3 o'clock,. The annual Thankofering ser- vice of the Women's Missionary Soeiety was held on Sunday with 1lfOR eliq Box's are giving FREE Electric Blankets valued at S'0.05 with every new or used Dryer sold during the Sunshine Special. Buy now and take advantage of Mrs..' C. Boyne conducting the )vire. MIs Calder Meltaig and Miss Cilian Sppeare assisted with the eeripttu'e reading and Mrs. T L. Scott ,lett in prayer. Mr's. Boyne gave a splendid mission- ary address, using as het'. theme, \\'Icy Missions. The choir sang au anthem, Mr. luxd Mrs, T. Laing visited on Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. Wul, Caldwell of Rrueeheld. airs. L. E. Abbiss of Toronto spent the weekend with her par - exits, 11r. and Mrs. Harold Carey. A Hallowe'en party was enjoy- ed by the pupils and parents of S.S. Ne. 0 Hibbert on Wednesday afternoon, Following a program by the Jr. Red Cross, judging of the costumes took place, 010 games and lunch. Talose winning prizes were Lorraine Laing, Janet Allen and Andy Douglas. 14x. and Mrs, Ales. Gardiner attended anniversary service 10 Knox Presbyterian Church an Sunday and afterward visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Kraemer, tar. Mitchell. Rememlxranee was the thence of the November meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Cromarty Presbyterian Church when they met at the manse in Exeter on Thursday. There were fourteen members and one visit, or present. Mrs. K. McReller presided and opened the meeting with an article from the Record on "Remembrance." Mrs. J. C. Boyne conducted the worship service. The secretary, airs. T, L. Scott, read her report and the treasurer's report was given by 'brei W. Harper. The Last chap- ter of the study book. "Today's Challenge in British Guiana" wile reviewed by Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Harper read the Glad Tidings prayer. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. W. Tiller. airs. C. McKaig con- ducted the business period. Mrs, T. L. Scott favored with a sols "In Loring Kindness. Jesus Caine." In the absence of airs. Gtaee Scott, Miss Olive Speare read an article "Words from the Cenotaph." Mrs. E. Moore gave current events, and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Doyne. Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Sadie Scott assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. The Marian Ritchie Evening Evening Auxiliary Thankoffering meeting was held in the school- room of the church with firs. Robert Laing presiding, and opening with a Harvest medita- tion. The scripture lesson and commentary were given by Mrs. Sam McCurdy, Seventeen mem- bers answered the roll call and several members of the VMS were present as guests. Reports were given by the secretary and the treasurer, followed with the business period. Plans were made for a quilting to be held at the home of Mrs. Carter Kers- lake on November nth. A Thanks- giving topic was given by 'airs. Eldon Allen. airs. Frank Hamil- ton gave a reading "Thanksgiv- ing Meditation.' The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Mrs. Nichol of Listowel was guest speaker and told of the work of the Presbyterian Church and of literature avail- able, airs. Mervin Dow thanked airs. Nichol. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Luneh was served by the committee in charge. Oa October 26th a euchre and erokinoie party was held at S.S. No. z Hibbert school sponsored by :he Junior Red Cross. Eleven tables were in play. high prizes going to airs. Ernest Harburn, Harry Norris Jr.. Mrs. Bob Gar- diner and Edward Kernick. A generous collection to be donated t:y UNICEF was received with thanks. Lunch climaxed a very enjoyable evening. On the fel:awing. Tuesday a Hallowe'en party was enjoyed by t.*.•• p npils whenthey entertained nine pre-sehoolagers . Costumes were-l,Iendid and prizes were won by Joyce Norris. Beth Christie. Helen Christie, Edward Kerotek, Joanne Dow. Nana Dow. Jack rr t t, Ronald and Brenda Gardiner and Linda Haekney. Judges were Trs. Den Johns and airs. Warren Clifford, Everyone enjoyed a tasty tenth served by e senior I,nri- this free gift. This Dryer has three tempera- ture selections with automatic time selector, • TOP LINT COLLECTOR • DIRECT AIR -FLOW DRYING • DOOR SAFETY SWITCH s 1 -TEAR WARRANTY • FREE SERVICE Feature for Feature, Dryer for Dryer, your sure choice is the Dryer by WESTINGHOUSE O X Fuze iii re Phone 43 SEAFORTH The seeded meeting of "One Hundred and Forty-three Lbs, of Meat" was held last Monday night at the home of airs, Wilbur Turnbull with twenty-one ladies present. Tire care of Meat and the cuts of beef. veal; pork and lamb were discussed. Ground ineat was used in various dishes which were afterwards sampled, The Qetober meeting of the ,McKillop Unit was head at the house of airs. David Watson with twenty-five ladies present. Mrs, Jack Bosnian presided, opening with hymn 15, after which Mrs, George Lore led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Norman Sohade from Psalm 100. Mrs. Stewart AlcCall was in charge of the topie front the study book "Signals for the Sixties" waren the last chapter was studied. Airs. Gordon McGavin, Mrs. Thos. Hackweli and Mrs, Win. Dennis were appointed for the nominating committee. Plans were made for the Fowl Supper. Wednesday, November 7. Hymn 445 was sung as the closing hymn and prayer was offered. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Mrs, E. McCreath and the hostess, A successful bazaar and bake sale was held following the meeting. Shower airs. Don Delion, the former Jean Walters of Kitchener was guest of honour at a miscellan- eous shower in the Community Hall. Walton. last Saturday ev- ening. Mrs. R. Achilles was mistress of ceremonies for the evening and presided over the following Program; Duet, Gail Traviss and Sharon Marks: accordian solo, Geraldine Dennis: duet, Nellie Haan and Cheryl Craig: piano solo, Mary Bewley; dunce. Janet Turnbull, Mary Helen Buchanan anci Linda Bryans: piano solo, Glenna Houston; re:,dirt*: Mrs. Clarence \Martin; skit. airs. Wil- fred Shortreed, Mrs. N. Marks, airs. C. Watson. '.Irs. Allan Mc- Call and airs. R'. Bewley; music- al eontest, Miss Aileen William- son. 4--=iII1!. iyl lak'Olt'1:IT NI,WH, 'ihtte:;4ay Noleuthe'r 8, 1902 iced at the home uf, 111'. and airs, George hove recently. Ail, and Jix's. Frank Dundas and family of Toronto were week elktl guests with the 1'urteer's par- ents, Mr, tttttl lits. Geo. ituaduy. BROEMAGBN On Friday evening Mr alt(' Mrs. Naruinrr ltonnowles, Cheryl and Ray, Miss Marjorie ITodgorl, Mr, and Mrs. a4'lliufd nounowiea and fancily and Mr. and Mrs. Earl lieunewles and family yur. prised Mr, and dirs. Wilfred Drafter (Jean lieunewlion, r.x'. 5 Soafortlt, on the net,asion of their 10th wedding anniversary, The couple were presented with an electric fry plan and it loalher billfold. Skatino FRIDAY Door open at 7.45 8 to 19 25c and 35c Saturday Door open at 1.45 Skating 2 to 3.30 10o and 25c SATURDAY NIGHT 8 to 10, 25c&35c Teen -Town TUESDAY, NOV, 13 FIGURE SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14 Skating 8 to 10 25c and 35c Following the program, i%iiss Jean Shortreed read an address and a number of her former schoolmates presented the gifts. Jean replied thanking all for the lovely gifts received and those responsible for the evening, Miss Ann Achilles had charge of the guest book at the door. A dainty lunch was served. Mr. Norinan Love and Mr. M. Nicholas of Milestone. Sask., vis -1 WALTON Lit Muth E'.' 1. Uf KitChe0- er ;pent 15.' .nd s'_ a ::tad 'Irs. FrankWalter., Mr. laid airs. Bert L e.:dee and A. of West Hill and Mr. and :tit's. llon:Ad Enctis ref fiatnii'. , iv Sunday tit ors at home of 1Ir. and Mrs. Isla .a- I Ennis. Miss Ellen E. Lave ret xrned to the home of Mrs. W. A. Camp- bell at Aries after spending the past few months at the home of her nephew, Geo. Love, GO BY TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR NOV. 9-17 Bargain Fares to TORONTO COACH FARES 6.60 FOR THE ROUND TRIP Going Thursday, Nov. 8 to Saturday, Nov. 17 Inc. Return Limit Nov. 19. For Tickets and Train Service ctyyournearestCanadIan National Ticket Agent. iw-bre I and lnovlug hay llarbor Hhu)) co tate formol' Cooper stone, in rain tMtlscn)ic: 1)10011, oul.uillclnc:lug Illoliday iliorxtilt) JOHN PULLMAN NOTICE ('nails are Wing niadu to form. 0 Western Style Square Dadra Club for Sea- forth and distrlct. Anyone who is Interested of would lake to loads to dance or likes square mincing, folk tlatic- hits, ctn., should colttacl. Brno() Coleman, phone 012x19, or Mrs, Orville 51t»'ey, pinata 810r11, for cul particulars 1 • ...and help speed your mall! Just follow these four points to faster mall service every timeyou address an envelope: 1 Use full and correct name of Person you're writing to. 2 Use full and correct address with Postal Zone Number In Canada's sit "Zoned" cities. 3 Write your own return address and Postal Zone Number in upper lett corner of envelope. 4 Write legibly. P0-62.51 100/11101111446,..... BUYAN ELETRIC CLOTHES NOW .a. r'n YAM ." 'Mewl MPIKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY. .. COSTS LESS THAN 54 A FULL LOAD TO OPERATE! ECONOMICAL 0 FLAMELESS • ODOURLESS • SAFE • PRECISELY AUTOMATIc CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS • SEATTY • CO?"RELD•HAt,1ILTON •Doe NOR •. CORONADO • COW/'41ON • Eatsr's-VtKINS 9t' - 1'i:A100 • aE':ERAL ELECTRIC • L S • NELVIRATOR • LEONARD • MAXWELL • MAYTAG • MCCLARY-EASY • PHILCO^BENOIX • RCA WHIRLPOOL • SIMPLICITY • Simpson's-KENMORE-Simpsona-Sears • TSPEHOR QUEEN •ED A429.95 VALUE!! • • WESTINGHOUSE ,..AND OTHER FINE MAKES Ca -op VISCOUNT • DOUBLE BED SIZE • FULL 2•YEAR GUARANTEE • A TOP QUALITY BLANKET • CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORNERS • CAN SE WASHED AND DRIED AUTOMATICALLY THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS. SYMBOL NOV, 3RD TO DEC.I5TH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SEAFORTH