HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-11-08, Page 2y7TyTIVVVVVY V yYVTTY7TVTTT This Jockey Wcas Too Ohedion!st When Jack Price, an tnlpredite • table horse trainer from Miami; learned that Europe's richest• race was to be run an grass over a distance of lbz miles, he promptly entered Carry Back, his predictable Celt. After all, reasoned Price, four - year - old Carry Bark, the 1961 Kentucky Derby and Preaknees champion, had never won on grass and had never won at 11-s miles, "What have I got to lose?" said Price, putting up the $1,000 entry fee for last month's $231,000 Prix de 1'Are de Triomphe in Paris; Next, Price had tohire a jockey, He chose a 48 -year-old Australian. earned Arthur (Sea - hie l Ereaoley, a f•lrmer Prix winner and this year's leading jockey in Breglarid, who knew all about the foiling. clockwise course and the start from behind a net. Urfo rireately, Breasley knew nothing about his wiry brown moved -and he didn't care much, either. Breasley rade Carry Back eely once before the big race and on race day washed down his t t -hour lune!: whit champagne. While more than 45,000 epode - tors were settling in their seats at the Lo act snip track, Breas- ley received d <1 , final -and first -1nert c cions I dent want you takieig foolish said- Price. "I'd like to wet. cut the horse is nl('re it t'( t et. 1 cant tell you exactly how to ride him. That's what }et i'e there fyr, If. there's any trouble, keep him on the outside." After the start, with Carry Back, a 6-1 second choice and a heavy sentimental favorite. well up among the loaders of the 24 - horse field, Breasley politely took his mount off the pace. Later, around the final turn, Breasley foedishly swung far too wide and lost nearly fifteen lengths, Carry Back finished a disappointing tenth behind nine Frecith horses, almost six Lengths behind Soithkoff, the winning 40-1 ion gshet. "Carry Back might well have won -if- I hadn't fol- lowed your instructions so care- fully," Brassie;• obediently told Price afterward. "I could have broken through on the inside, but I thought if I'd disobeyed you, you'd have been: annoyed." Price wasn't annoyed; he was speechless. The next day, he boldly challenged the first five ,finishers to a special. race ($25,- 000 $25;000 entry fee, winner take all, over the sane course). When only the owner of runner-up Monade accepted, the race was canceled,. and Price still seethed. "We lost through a combination of bad racing luck and a stupid ride," he snapped, "I could throw a 130 -pound bag of feed on Carry Back, -and he'd do as well as he did under Breasley." A lady t e a e h e r, somewhat plump in figure, had been lec- turing her young class on birds and their habits, 'Now, children,' she invited, 'can anyone tell me anything a little bird could do that I couldn't"' A little boy put his hand up. 'Please, Miss,' he said, 'take a bath in a saucer.' OPENED DOOR -- Rear door of twin engine airliner hangs from one hinge after stewardess. Francoise deMoriere, 29, plummeted to her death when the door accidentally opened and air suction pulled her out Metal tray sucked out of plane, which was approaching Hartford, Conn., is shown stuck to a stabilizer (arrow). When All London Was Afraid Not every taxi crusing Lan - don's hundreds of square miles is as innocent as it appears at first glance. Not all are even taxis, as the Flying Squad discovered. In the autumn of 1951 West End police stations were burden- ed with calls reporting a spate of robberies. The thieves broke into houses and flats in the early hours of the morning. They worked expertly and left no fingerprints, Also they were agile at climbing and swift in forcing entry. "It's damned uncanny," said one Flying Squad officer at a conference, where it was presum- ed that the robberies were car- ried out by only two men. Police on the beat were warn- ed to keep a sharp lookout for anything that happened in the districts where the robberies were reported at the tinges the thieves were operating. That "anything" was very for- cibly underlined by station ser- geants before patrols left on duty. Still the phoned reports and emergency calls came in. One time from a house in a quiet avenue lined with trees, another from a flat on the sec- ond floor o4 a modern luxury block. The thieves were quite impar- tial in the platter of whose prem- ises they patronized so long as the pickings included valuable e, wn.;. furs cr jewellery. Flying Squad cars patrolled Mayfair and the West End. Radio traps were laid. Detectives and uniformed police spent dreary hours watching and waiting. Still the thieves gave no sign of showing up where they might be expected. Weeks went by. The number of breakings and enterings mounted. The circulated list of goods sto- lent grew longer, Each week the report on the drive against the phantom crooks showed a blank. And London's wealthy men OLD TIMER—Jean Mauriocourt, 4, compares 45 -rpm record with two -foot disc on her grandmother's ancient nickelodeon in Clevelond. Little Judy Gatins, 2, can't reach quite high (enough to wind it, Nickelodeon, which once entertained cur. tamers in a corner saloon in the 1390s, can play 30 minutes Without rewinding. Metol discs turn once every 21 minutes nd ploy pretty tinkling music, were frightened that they would be next on the thieves' list. Detective -Sergeant Bird w a s given the case. He went through all the re- ports, and like other detectives who had studied them found nothing that offered the sugges- tion of a clue. Suddenly he felt a growing excitement, He flicked over the reports again, this time looking for one mention only, He found that mention in a fair proportion of them, In one case a householder told the police he thought he had heard someone moving about, but had decided it was only a taxi he saw from the window moving down the street. In another case a man on the beat Saw' a taxi turn a Corner about the time a burglary was committed in the next street. Sergeant Bird reported his find to his superior. "I think thieves are using a taxi for their getaway, sir." At s bre'i1 cont-rar-e cid Fly- ing Squads hands vetoed any suggestion that the taxi could be one regularly employed for hire. "Would be too risky," they said promptly. "Besides, no driver would jeopardize his livelihood by hiring out regularly to crooks and waiting around to pick them up„ In the opinion of the men who knew all about the users of Lon- don's streets after dark any taxi employed as a getaway car would be an obsolete -one. "There are plenty of them about," they pointed out, "Any private citizen can buy an old taxi that's no longer licensed as - a hackney carriage and use it as a private car with an ordinary road fund licence. That's quite legal." But late at night anyone seeing such a vehicle would naturally assume it was a taxi. Not even a policeman on heat I would give it a second glaLce, •according to Leonard Gribble in "Tit -Bits". However, such a taxi might still have its meter and flag. But it would not be registered with Scotland Yard, and so would not be issued with hackney carriage plates. These are white plates fastened to the rear of taxis ply- ing in the London -area, and are quite distinctive by day. A week passed by and on a day in N'rv- ember, when visibility in the Thames -side streets was not very good, a Flying Squad driver found what he was searching for. A taxi that looked like a pre- war model was driving through Limehouse, in the heart of the East End. It had a meter with the Flag turned down, to show that it was engaged and not at that moment for hire. But when the Squad car nosed in behind it there was no hack- ney carriage plate on the taxi's rear, The Squad car swung out of the traffic, gonged the taxi, and the driver had to stop. He jumped out but found his retreat cut off. He doubled his fist and swung it at the first plainclothes man to come for him. "We're police officer's, and we-" But the taxi's driver wasn't listening. He threw himself at his captors. There was a hard strug- gle for ane furious minute, and then he was overpowered and handcuffed. One of the Flying Squad men opened the door of the taxi. On the leather seat was some of the stolen property. The taxi driver, whose name was Sid, was taken to the new Limehouse police sta- tion, Sid was a barrow boy with a police record that included es- capes from both a Borstal insti- tution and Wormwood Scrubs. He was a tough Cockney with a shrewd head that he used tor beating the law when he could, He became the first inmate of g cell in the new police station, This didn't impress him for he *seeped, He was free with empty pock- ets, Sid's shrewd head told him ARTICLES FOR SALE HOMEMADE Boil clothes, Gift box of ten 92.00 Satls£aetfon guaranteed. If C.O.D.cacSenodl.Egta asmailing. Scrim- shaw, Box $51, Dartmouth,'Nova Scotia, BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES CAB business In thriving Western On. tarto town of 4,000 'L cabs, radio equip- 9221Bth Sheet $5,000„ nto sOnBox l. 256 NEW INVENTIONS NEW PRODUCTS - MONEY NEW IDEAS WE develop, flounce and sell. ANY PROFITABLE IDEA HU 9.4447, BOX 154, POSTAL STA. "K" TORONWrite SCOPE UNLIMITED FOR SALE LOCKER storage &. butcher equipment. tank, K2epDefial te ceelcomputing waxing frozen food eQunter, liobbart meat grinder (114 H.P. 1. Berke) meat slicer, Berkel power saw, shelving, meat block, kettle stove. Griffith smoke house, Na• tional cash register, Beatty pressure system. Esso on burner, Gilson furnace. Write Box 347 Tavistock, Qnt.� DOGS FOR SALE ALL my own breeding Black & Tans - 2 females 1 male, 11 yrs.. beauties, females 53000. males $40.00. Reg Bluetick pups 2 males, 2 females, 4 months, Sire Vaughans and Pilot breeding. Dams side strong in Old Drum breed Bred for coon will make good deer Or fox. dogs $80,00. each, Clifford Symington Watford, Ont.; RR No. 3 FARM HELP.WANTED WANTED- man for targe dairy farm. Must be fully experienced. Modern house, or good home Niagara district State wages Sohn Ronyn, RR. t Stevensville, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 400 ACRE dairy farm. 70 registered. Hot- steins. otsteins. machinery. Near Ottawa Two houses Hydro, water houses and barn. prertsa1.8tSetale partners Bo2551'13 modernized. Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS FOR sale dieser and portable sawmill; diesel suitable for feed mill, both in excellent condition win sell separately. Reasonable For details (motors: Roc Toktep Tweed, Ontario HEALTFf-.� HEALTH'ML"OYEDI Introduction facilt- ties fur anvotre with special health in- terests. mterests. Singes or families. Details 25c. !Canadian coin accepted!. Western. Inn, 46th Avenue, Oakland .T, California. HELP WANTED - MALE -� COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW England's fastest growing trade typographic plant needs men with lob shop experience to handle greatly im creased work load Good pay, good etarrldssihrealsll all -year-round a fu- ture for competent. dependable men who can hold their own In a cast mot, Ing operation. WRITE: GENERAL MANAGER Easterr Typesetting Co. 433 CHURCH ST., HARTFORD, CONN LLECT: OR FORD0525-8275..,. _ T CONSTABLES AND CADETS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AGE 17 TO 35 HEIGHT -5"' WEIGHT -160 LBS. EDUCATION - GRADE 10 APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN 1ORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday fl a.m. to 4 p.m. TEAR gas pens earn demand!yInB t dol- lars. Just suppl,.the re- tail Rush 55.00 for sample pen free Product ,g 4024 profit details. Newa Newarkard 12, New Ja ?y. there was one place where he could line them. A dog track. There be mingled with the dense crowd. and was quite unprepared for the heavy hand that fell on his shoulder. But Sid had a partner, Jimmy*, who had given the Squad men a tough time in finding him. After learning that the taxi had been "knocked off," he went into hiding with some of the pro- ceeds from the burglaries that had not been disposed of. He left his hiding -place only at night, took scrappy meals, and hardy stayed out long enough to have anyone remember the look of his face. Lying low was the smart thing, If Sid had kept under cover after escaping from his cell at Lime- house police station he wouldn't have been recaptured. Jimmy was still comforted by such thoughts the day the Flying Squad nose(: him out and came calling. He dived into a wardrobe and hid behind some stolen dresses, The door crashed in under the weight of Flying Squad men. Jimmy held his breath in the depths of the wardrobe. Heavy steps crossed the room, the ward- robe door was yanked wide, and there was Jimmy's scowling face over a very feminine garment, "My, doesn't he look pretty,"' said one of the Squad men. A short time later Sid and Jim- my appeared at the Old Bailey. When they left the dock each had been given three years, MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of d'ry eczerna rashes and weeping sktrr troubles. Post's Eczema Salve w161 trot dleappoint You Itching, scalding and burning ecce, ma, acne ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post42Free5on 350' FRER IJAR'f Prloc POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East Toronto MODEL PHOTOS Pii'QT001 Beautiful Kaden (Posed Pleasingly). Set of 8 large crystal clear Pictures, all different,. 9250, Edward Philadelphia 44,}Pennsylvania. CN -275 NAME AND' ADDRESS LABELS 1000 PERSONAL printed' gummed name and address labels in handsome reus- able plastic box. Amazing value 91.00. Pbstpald. Toppaul, Dept. Z.4, 6587 Pearl, Cleveland 30, Ohio. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED nurses & certified nun. Ing assistants required for 62 bed hos. pitel Good salary Accommodation - Nurses' residence. AppIY Superintendent - KINCARDINE aGEdNER I.ine, HOSPITAL Kin REGISTERED I\6.1RSS REQUIRED immediately for small mod. ern hospital in northe n Ontario. Ex conditions. Residence accommodation and usual facilities avail ble In progres. stye community Salary 0340,99 to $422 00' monthly up to 050'00 nllbwance to. wards travelling expen es to Smooth Rockfalls after satistartory employment has been established. Please give tele- phone number tf' possible. Apply To Personnel Department ABITOBI- POWER' &LIMITEPAD'PER CO•MPAN'O smarm. ROCK FALLS, ONTARIO OF INTEREST TO AL' L' Axon= Radiation- Detector 91.00- Pest - paid. Amazing Detector works without any el'ect'ricity or batteries. Ready to, use. Kramer, 1348' Grant Ave., Bronx S6, New York UtS,A, CrPPDRTettimES FOR! MEN AND, WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Frafrdlessing Pleasant dignified profession good. wages Thousands of successful Ofarvel' Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write er Cale Marvel Hairdressing School 3s8 Eroor St, W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St. w., Hamilton 72 Ardent" Street, Ottawa PATENTS CANADIAN patent for sale or royalty. Nationally advertisedand sold In U.S. Wanted by every women Retails at $1 Write Royal Scot, WsterburY; Conn. weft PERSONAL All'I'l101tti invited to eteenet MMS an types (Inelhdhrg Iioemsr far book pub• Ltaation Raasone 710 tornte. titoetweil. Ltd.. llfrae0mbo, ting5Ond loste tepee JESUS Is coming ogals (!labs tame to euro the world: lie wavered and re• ttttrn(1ollooftter•;Mice ewrtu1at1Brantord Cr NEAT Qnlokle Bible Verge F1nderei Over 00 pieet8. Idea! Olt any age. State lerottstmtt, Catholic. ., O'full $1.00'' Box t Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA, 5001 SIVtCA4iNOl Igo harmful drags or pills, Money-lttek guarantee AArrl1reted'', Box $1'8, La .10110, California. UNWANTED HAIR SACH PT 1,G 10 differetnt ILA sloe Ei ue dissolve or remove hair from bite sur !000 but penetrates and retards growth, Lof td. StUNWANTED07HAIR, (11•017010 t55., Venro 0 ver 2, 13.0, _..... _ PROFITABLE OCCUPATiONs 91,000 aierultNOl1 920,090 io 38 months. Never a loss no work selling or plainlycontact. Write today for exciting de. tails. superior. 011 Co„ East Ny. 30, Box' 97, The Dallas, Oregon. • PHOTO STAMPS P%l0'roS's'AMi'S1 Your photogtapll•or negative made into real, Ino stamp' size photos. High gloss, perforated and gmpmed backs, Fast service, Your or- lginol returned unharmed. 1101 Photo, stamps $20u. Toppaut Co„ 6587 Pearl, Dept, Z-3 Cleveland 30, Ohio. PHEASANTS- AND WATERFOWL PHEASANT breeder's $7.110 trio Other birds, waterfowl Enas.odults Northern Phe^sant Farms, Hilton Beach. Ontario RABBITS RABBITS 000 700, steal type, 170 sages and equipment. Movhrr, scut n, PA 25027. Mrs W. F"""". R.R. 1, Pelfer• law. SWINE KAYMOORE Farm. 't,"lish Yorkshires. All foundation stook from top trlbod lines Shur -Gain - Farms and tl'nP•nr Farms Herd Sire Champion or' "3R' Currently offering young semi"'."„” boars and open gilts R.R. No. 1; St,. Agatha, Ontario P',',item..., SH' 5.78813 St Agatiia: 742.3715.. TRAILERS BE at horse wherever tau • rc. New 1902' (,Panuary), x2Pathfinder 8'! tOavep trailer, campplbt'elY modern. Item, betial bed chessterfield; 3tpiece bath, delve' *burner propane. stone. with ovum, Cbleman propane heater with forced' draft and 4' floor vents; 12 cal. holt water Write G S.A.,oLot 71, riohl('e '79 e. Inge,. Trenton, Ontario, .... VACATION. RESORTS VACATION' I'N' FLORIDA RENT modern, Oft trailer, quiet park: 15 6nttrem Stbe'rlttmraa•r•/' R Oshoo, OUT OF TOWN REAL ESTATIS RETREAT TO LEISURE LIVING IN the heart of Florida's bold Coast. sprnsIoaie3eICv2 ortmet, tedstofs. No between Pompano and Deerfield' Beach at beautiful Lighthouse Point, Florida. Spacious 36.2 and 41 rooms with one or two baths, complete with Individual central air conditioning and heat, aB- electric kitchens, elevator, swimming pool, putting green and shuffleboard, and many other features on 6411 acres From $9,900 with low monthly mainten. once For free beautiful colored bro- chure end complete details write to Venetian Park, 2141 N.E. 42 Court Lighthouse Point, Pompano Beach, Florida, ISSU15 44 - 1962 -- OR BRING YOUR RELATIVES TO CANADA Take advantage of Cunard's special round-trip Excursion Rates, Enjoy the most memorable Christmas of your life, Two wonderful weeks of fun in a carefree CUNARDER , ,. Thirty joyful days of reunion with loved ones! The spirit of the season will be with you from the moment you come aboard, Special Yuletide parties ... dancing ... superb food , .. service with a seagoing smile -- ONLY 3 PRE -CHRISTMAS SAILINGS — CARINTHIA From Montreal & Quebec Nov, 3 . to Cobh, Le Havre & Southampton Nov. 23 - to Greenock & Liverpool SYLVANIA Dec. 7 - from New York (Dec. 8 - from Halifax) to Cobh & Liverpool. Regular saltines from New York by Queen Elizabeth d Queen Mary. PAY LATER '•-' SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT ge.168, 7 ere is' !(t tio-nv t 10 CUNARD Corner Bay & Wellington Sete., Toronto, Ont, Tei,, 362-2911