HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-25, Page 4BRODHAOEN Mr, and Mrs. Darold Mol quietly observed their 25t1 weld• ing anniversary on Tuesday.. Mrs. Roy Fluolinegarde o1 Stratford with Mrs. Resiite Mil- ler. Mr, and Mrs; Chris, W. Leon- hardt ,spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin hose in Sar- -.Illi. Mr, and Mrs, Jolut Mueller and Ruth Ann . ot Hamilton with her smother, Mrs, Aug. Hillebreeht, Mr. Earl Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McEachern, Teresa, Donna, 'Ralph and Ruth of Tltorn- hill, called on Mr. and Mrs, Rus- sell Sholdice on Saturday, Teresa remaining with her cousin Bev- erley everley until Sunday while the rest visited in Brussels and Walton. Mr, Louie Kahle of Detroit has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eieknteir and other rein, lives, Master Karl Pfeifer has been staying at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ciarenee Pfeifer, rr 2, Monkton. Mrs, Dan Fischer has been con- fined to Stratford hospital, Mrs. Ed Wardell returned from Seaforth hospital after receiving treatment on a dislocated shoul- der. 'rhe sympathy of the connun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer in the death of their infant daughter Linda El- len at Stratford hospital. Mr, Larry Beuerman of Sea - forth, who spent the summer months on the farm of his grand- mother, Mrs, Louie Hillebrecht and Edgar. recently left to at- tend agriculture college at Rid- getown. On Sunday afternoon the fam- ilies and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel of Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. Russell Shold- ice gathered in the basement of the community hall, when Harold and Russell showed pictures of their trip to Europe during the summer. A social time was spent and lunch was served at the sup- per hour. About 100 attended. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer of Kirkton, Miss Marjorie Hod- gert of London and Mr. Ray Ben- newies of London with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Bennewies on Sun- day. On Thursday evening relatives, neighbors and friends gathered at the community hall to celeb- rate with Mr. and Mrs. George •Sienton W1'104,4101104 ea the oecasion of their 49th wedding anniversary, Mrs. Reiman read the address and they 'were, presented with a chesterfield. and chair. Refreshments and lunch was provided and enjoyed by all, Mueller's orchestra played for dancing. On Friday evening a good crowd gathered at the commun- ity hall here to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs, Ed Boyce, Seaforth. On Saturday evening a shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sykes thlartha Hinz) at the same hall. Mrs. Feltz read the address and they were presented with a chesterfield and chair. Clarette'sorchestra played for dancing and lunch was served, Cpl, Dick Watson, who is sta- tioned at Cautli Borden for a 'tow weeks, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe on Sunday. He was accompanied by Ol, Ray Lang. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Waite and grandsons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly at Sebringville, Miss Linda Seherbartli, little daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Seherbarth, has been confined to Stratford hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Brill of Preston visited with their son, Rev, Har- old Brill on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Don McLaughlin and Dale of Kincardine with Wil- liam Riegel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Leonhai'dt and Dale of near St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leonhardt on Sunday. CONSTANCE Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and fancily for Saturday evening dinner were Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence HUI and Mr, and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Cred- iton, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Webb Of Dashwood, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Jennison and Mrs, Olive. Webb of Grand Bend, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Cook of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs. Ron, Preszcator: on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Emery Pfaff and family, Crediton visited with the Preszcatoi family, Mrs, Lorne Lawson visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoag and family and with Mrs. ,,,,,1111,1111 unN 1111 n11,11un,,1111111111numu,uw„11 n"N111111111111„11111111"1111uu 11n 11u11n 11"1111,1111nA` Northside United Church 85th Anniversary SUNDAY, OCT. 28th, 1962 Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. S.T. REV. C. D. McLELLAN B.A., B.D., D.D. Asst. Minister of First -St. Andrew's U.C., London, as Guest Minister 11,00 A.M. "STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD” 7 P.M. "WATCH YOUR STEP" Special musical numbers by the Choir at both services Organist - Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart Choirmaster - Mr. J. A. Stewart Minister - Rev. J. Cliff Britton, P.A. 311e, m m„11„1111,,,,,,,,,,,11,11,11„11,,,11„11„11,,,,,",1111111111111111111,111411.1111111101114101 llllllllll 11111111113111 TS PAT �=}r Final date for yment of n of Seaforth taxes is CT .Ist, lelizabath' Joltn of Newmarket: Mie. 'Annie Medd is visiting with her sister, , Mrs, Araoid Miller of IGeeteriele Telvltship, Mr, and Mrs. Rose' MaeGredor and girls vlslted Sunday with Mn Charles MacGregor, assistant Age Rep, at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Jewitt,, iOle, and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, Mr, awe Mrs. Wnt. Jewitt, Mr, and Mrs. Logue Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank litley, attended the Londesboro United Church an- niversary services on Sunday when Rev. H. Snell was special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Adams and Mrs, Mae Adams, Mr, and Mrs, Ron, Preszcatoi' and Mr. and Mrs, Howard Presz• cater and fancily visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fox of Point Clark, it being the occasion of the 23rd wedding anniversary of Mr, and. Mrs, Fox. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Bor. den Brown and girls on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, George 'Vitals and family and Mrs, Sarah Brown of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Brown and family of near Walkerton; Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Lamont and girls of near Elmwood; Mr. and Mrs, Beige Nog'uchi of Guelph, iVtr, Minto Moore, Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Bradbury, Weston visited with Mr, and Mrs. Robe Grimoldby Friday after the funeral of their father, Ml'. Janes Moore, at Clinton, Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Lawson were Miss be at the November. meeting. The roll call is' to contain a verse with peace in 11. Aft invitation Crone Burns' Citureh to attend their Bezaitr and Tea at Londesboro hall, on October e0 at 2,30 p.nt. was ac= opted, The meeting closed with all repeating' the Lord's Prayer, Miss Bessie Davidson who is tttel'tng to Seaforth wits present- ed with a gift from the group. Mrs, E. Mitchell had charge of the Bible Study, Those serving lunch were the hostess, Mrs, Mac Sltolttice, Mrs, Ron Bennett and Mrs. R, Achilles. The Walton Women's Institute sponsored a card party in the community hall Friday evening when eaoli member had the Priv- ilege rivilege of inviting two ladies as guests. Court whist was played with Mrs. Clifford Ritchie winning the high prize and the low prise went to elm. Allan Campbell. Mr's, Jack Gordon was winner in a draw for a luncheon set, The door prize was won by Mrs, Eva Dougan; lucky cup, .Mrs. D, A, Rann; gift box, • Mrs, Stewart Humphries; most buttons on their dress, Mrs, Jos, Ryan; most articles in purse, Mrs, Edna McDonald, Mi•s, Clarence Martin and Ml's,. Nelson Marks were in charge 01 theands and Mrs, Jint Clark convened the lunch with Mi's, Geo, Williamson, Mrs, Ernie Stevens and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr., assisting, Institute Fainily Night will be held Friday evening, Oct, 26 in Mary Tuner, R'inghant, Mr. the Community Hall when the Harold Turner, Goderleh, Mr executive will be in charge and and Mrs, Fred Elliott, Clinton, all members will assist with the and Air. and Divs. John Turnerlunch which will consist of sand - of T ttckersmith, wiches and tarts. U.CW. Meets Coloured slides on Canada will The members of Constance be shown by Mr. Uerald_Dressel COW assembled in the basement 01 Toronto and progressive of the Church last Wednesday euchre will be played, afternoon for the October regular The course "143 lbs. of meat meeting. tins. Whyte opened the held their first meeting Wednes- meeting assisted by Mrs, Reg, •day evening at the home of Mrs. Lawson, who also acted as sec- T. Dundas. Anyone still interest- retary iu absence of Mrs. Riley. ed in taking the course notify Miss Wilma Dale gave her re- Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull or Mrs, T. port on her visit to Alma College Dundas, as a delegate in August. Mrs. Y.P.U. (Reg. Lawson took the worship The YPU niet in the church service and Mrs. 'Wilmer Gloush- with sixteen members present. er read the scripture lesson, Mrs, The worship service was conduc- Borden Brown took the Bible ted by Donna Smith assisted by study. Business natters were='is- Ruth h Ritchie. June Him unbolt• cussed andvitt ag last minute plant am and Mary Helen Buchanan. fall thankotfering meeting the A study was made 01 the right made for Oct. 24th. The c' d wren tee in charge to bring in tlrmon the g ways to worship in ry society arch and meetings and the of officers at the NovembPn "John Wenuette of individual worship. ing. The ladies had accepted an invitation to Turner's on Oct. 25 at 8.15; also to the Burns bazaar and tea held in Londesboro hail on Oct. 30th. The closing hymn was sung and Mizpah benedic- tion was repeated, WALTON The first meeting for 1962.63 of the CG•IT was held in the Sun- day School Room on Tuesday evening, October 16 with twelve members present. The olticees for the coming year are: President, Nellie Baan; Vice Pres., Alexins 1V[lliamson; Secretary and press reporter, Sherrill Craig; Lunch committee, Linda' Traviss, Wenda Humph- ries; games committee, Mary Bewley, Glenna Houston. Mrs, Neil McGavin took the first chapter of our Mission Study book "Four from Moon- beam.” Shirley Bolger conducted the Worship Service including hymns, Bible Reading and Pray- er. The Benediction was given and the meeting closed by sing- ing Taps. The leaders are Mrs. Neil Mc - Gavin and Miss Shirley Bolger, Walton Unit Mrs. Mac Sholdice was hostess to 29 members of the Walton Unit of the UCW for their Oc- tober meeting, Mrs. E. Mitchell presided, us- ing the hymns "The Lord is My Shepherd” and "What a Friend we have in Jesus" throughout the meeting, Mrs, Ron Bennett led the group in prayer, followed by the Scripture reading taken from Deut, 8, by Mrs. Walter Uewley, Meditation "Privileges we In- herit" was given by the leader, A Thanksgiving topic "A Crown of Goodness" given by Mrs. Earl Watson stressed our dependence on heavenly powers for the abundance of our harvest while we watch and wait, These are possessions to be shared. Secre- tary and Treasurer reports Were gluon, Our fowl supper is to be held November 7th. The Thanksgiving meeting will be Nov, Dtb, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. There is to be a film at this meeting, Copper Captains, Mrs. Finlay- son and Mrs, J, Clark will be in charge 01 the copper contest to The 1962-63 slate of officers was elected as follows: Presi- dent, Donna Smith; Vice Presi- dent, Bob Houston; Secretary, Ruth Ritchie; Treasurer, Linda Bryans; Pianist, Mary Helen Buchanan, Plans were made for the Huron YPU Rally to be held in the Walton Church, October 28. It was decided that the regular YPU meetings will be held the first and third Mondays of each month, Committees for the No- vember meetings were appointed. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge, Geraldine Dennis, Donna Snaith, Bob Humphries. The Walton Branch of the Can- adian Bible Society will meet in the Walton United Church on Friday evening, November 2nd at 8.30 p.m. Mr. J. C. Thompson, District Secretary, will address the meeting' and present the latest filmstrips on the work of the Society. All interested per- sons are encouraged to attend this meeting. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Roe, of Rockcliff, Illinois, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. lilr, and Mrs, A. Coutts visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Coutts, Toronto, Mrs. F, II, Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Ennis spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Ennis, Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Porter vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. La- mont or London on Sunday, ST. COLUMBAN Jack Moylan in Brooklyn, N,'4. visiting his daughter, Sister Donald Marie, Mrs, Rita Stapleton, Colling- wood, with Mr, and Mrs. ,Toseplt Kale. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor spent the weekend in Detroit, Mr, and Mrs, Jinn Mantoux and family, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, V. 3, Labe, :Nur, and Mrs, T. J, Murray and family in Meaford with Mr. and Mrs, Don Brady, Mee. Margaret McMillan and son son ,Tack, Flint, with Mr. and Ml's, William McMillan, Mt, and Mrs. Auguste Du• c11a•me in London with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Ducharme, J KIPPEN On Octoberr 1011i the 4-1•1 Stan• lay Sallies was held at the home 01 Mee. Eileen Corvette -Tine meet- ing opened with the 4.0-1 pledge. The roll oail was answeredby a vegetable we lnatle at house, Wendy Jones read the minutes' and the topic was Carried leech. es. Wendy Jones and Marilyn Keyes made peanut butter and Carrott sandwiclies, and Nancy Collettt, Cwenuetlt Hendrio'k made chopped hang with pine. apple and cream cheese sand- wiches. T1te meeting closed with the Queen, On Oct, 17111 the 4-11 Stanley Sallies held their .meeting at the house of Mrs. H, Hendrick, The meeting opened with the 4H pledge. The roll call was answer- ed by giving a raw vegetable we could take to school or work. Nancy Consitt read the minutes and plastic covers given fol' the record books, The topic was "vegetable and salad," The. next meeting is to be held Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. The meeting closed with the Queen. U.O.W. Meeting The United Church UCW held their October meeting in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, Oct, 9111, with 26 ladies present. Mrs, Ilarold Jones was in charge of the meeting. Mrs, Aleve, Me Murtrie took the worship and Mrs. Bert Faber read the topic Of study, Mrs. R, Engle gave a reading. Plans and preparations were discussed, and committees set up for the November bazaar, The hostesses were Mrs. Morley Cooper and Mrs. Jos, Lostell, On Sunday, Oct, 14th the f01 - lowing children received the rite of Holy Baptism; Bradley Mich- ael, ichael, son of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Mann; Bradley James, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wayne McBride, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair, Marie and Joan attended the Sylvester-Gaudeppe wedding at Sudbury Saturday afternoon, Miss Joyce Hood spent a re- cent week end in London, the guest of her cousin, Dianne Perkin, Mi•. John Heath, Fredericton, N.B„ brother of Mrs. Peterson, and Mrs. Stanley Heath of Thainesville, visited Friday with NIr, and Mrs. Peterson. Mr, Burke and some friends are enjoying a few Bays noose hunting in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and Sharon attended the Moore - McBride wedding on Sat., Oct. 20 in Janes Street Church, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Beath of Thamesville visited Saturday with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Mrs, R, Peterson and family. Mr. David Cooper of Western University, London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dalryin- ple, Bonnie and Betty of Bruce - field, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E. McBride and Sharon. Mr, and Mrs. Peterson of Kip. pen visited Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. Douglas Heath of Sarnia, attending a re- union of the family. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited Sat- urday afternoon with Mrs, N. Long and a sister, Miss Janet Doig at Clinton, later visiting Mr: Long' who is a patient in Strat- ford General hospital. NIr, and Mrs. Wm. Franks of London and Mrs. David Kilpat- rick of London visited during the week with Mrs. Rowson. Anniversary services Sunday at 11 a,m, and 7.30 p,m, in St. Andrew's United Church were well attended. Rev, Edgar Rouls- ton ot Exeter, the guest speaker, delivered inspiring sermons and the church was attraotive with. autumn flowers. Special music was rendered by the choir under the leadership of Miss Jean IvI- son. Mi', Leslie Pierson of Clin- ton as guest soloist was accom- panied at the organ by Mrs. Lobb of Clinton. HENSALL The members of Amber Rebek. ah Lodge are bolding an after- noon toa and bake sale in the lower lodge hall on Saturday at 3 p,ni, � Skatin Friday, Oct. 26 8 to 10 25c and 35c Saturday Skating 2 to 8,3D 10c and 25c )Wednesday, Oct, 31 Skating 8 to 10 25c and 35c 4— •TkTl7 SF,AFORTH NJSWS, Thursday, October 25,• 1062 DUBLIN Q.W.L. Supper The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in tJie form of a pot luck supper, cit Tuesday evening is St, Patrick's 'Parish Hall with 65 in attendance, The President, Mrs, Harold Meagher, opened the nteetiue with the League Prayer. The see. rotary, Miss Dorothy Dillon, read the minutes 01 the previous meeting. Mrs. Tom Butters gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. Fer- gus Horan moved the meeting be adjourned. Following the meeting titers was a euchre held,, with Mrs, Janes J. Krauskopf and John Van Geffen winning the prizes, Rev. Don Benninger, C,S,B., of Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger, Tont holland and J, Casper, of Windsor with Matt, Murray. Mrs, Jane MacDonald, Goder- ich with Mrs. E. Jordison, Rev. H, F. Feeney, 0,11„ of St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, with his mother, Mrs, Kathleen Feen- ey. Mrs, Rita Stapleton, Coiling- wood with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton and relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Billie Feeney and daughters, Kitchener with Mrs, Nicholas Ktattskopf. Mrs. Gus Denomnte and .Mich- ael, Mrs. John Robinson, Dor- othy, Frances and Judy with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby and rel- atives, Hugh McMillan, a corner resi- dent of Tuckersmith, passed away suddenly at his home in Dublin, Friday, Oct, 19. He had been living retired in Dublin the past three years, and was a for- mer employee,of the Boshart Co. of Seaforth for two -years. He was in his 56th year and was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McMillan and received his education at Seaforth Schools, He is survived by a sister, Sister. Mary Frances (Mary) of St. Joseph Community of Haney, Br. Columbia; a nephew in Flint, Michigan, and a niece in Califor- nia. The remains rested at the Burke Funeral Home and the Requiem Iligh Mass was chanted at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, at 9.30 a.m. on Monday by Rev, R. Durand, Rev. Dr, 3, B. Ffoulkes was in the Sanctuary. Mrs. John Nagle pre- sided at the organ. The pall- bearers were ,Toho McCarthy, L. Morris, Ray McKinnon, Cecil Pullman, Robert Patrick, John McKay. Interment took place in St. James' Cemetery, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, T. K. Patten of Lucan called on friends at Dub- lin on Tuesday. PLAN HURON BRANCH A meeting to plan the organiz- ation of a Iiuron county branch of the Canadian. Mental Health Association was held in Clinton town hall on October 15th. Rep- resentatives were present from several centres in the county. Mr. Ralph E. Smith of Goderich was chairman of the meeting, Mr. H. W. Curtis Smout, field representative in Western Ont- ario for CMI3A, explained the or- ganization and structure of the association at the national, prov- incial and branch levels. Tine aims and objects of the associa- tion, particularly at the local lev- el, were outlined. Plans were made to have a public meeting during November to take further steps toward or- ganizing this unit for £'Iuron county. REMEMBER Hospital Auxiliary Rummage l �� �a t~ Saturday, Oct. 27th AT 2 P.M. in Seaforth Library Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Hats, Shoes & Purses Children's Clothing Furniture and Bric-a-brac RAY SQUIRE Superior Maintenance Cleaning Service Also pointing and repairing brink and plastering, Caulking windows etc. ISABELLA STREET Box 335 Seaforth GROUPS 1 AND 5 of United Church Women of Northside & Cavan Churches are holding a TEA, BAZAA., 8e BAKE SALE ,in the Basement of the church SAT., OCT. 27th Dressed Pork SUPPER ORANGE HALL, SEAFORTH Thursday, Nov. 1st SUPPER SERVED 5 TO 8 P.M. Sponsored by Orange Hall Property Committee Adults 91.00 Children 50c 111111111101.1.1.., Get Get all Get all the Get all the information ... and he:p speed your mail Just follow these four point. to faster mail service ever: timeyou address an envelope: 1 Use full and correct name o person you're writing to, Use2 full and correct address with Postal Zone Number In Canada's six "Zoned" cities. 3 Write your own return address and Postal Zone Number in upper left corner of envelope, 4 Write legibly. 4 • * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE KEEP INSUREDS Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. Always keep your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. KEEP INSURED( The Family premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Ton your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. KEEP INSURED! Follow carefully the instructions on the I back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO d 0 r a L p