HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-25, Page 2Science Ektkm Ancl ts FOIIIONtiter0 Poi. Many tteadere. !glee l'SVe setenee. fietien. it; also a" kind of tilailuttes. -field 111 ite grip are eiliilesepiter Bertrand. Rut:sell; the poet Cor- tiell astronomer litotne.s. Cleld. Seienee fielion, or eei-fi, Lein defiaed broadly Its :sheet s'teries ,:tot neveis eeneernid, -in the i,lassieal 1 o ILLi. W•b"..1:11e War of tile Worlds," with lien seti• 1UL' dieeeeerIee ittight effeet people tu the Da - • LIu' tI lar atilop,g ume ops .31;pael',1t,u d yutg "1‘'ilen I go out to Toal, 1.•11, a ,•07,01,,,,,ty,.. „,,i, fi ,tutlioe It,ty al. 1 k I tO•W nty W . What is Ow .lepeal that drews at tunated irodieitee of 500,000 to the "-•ion's six sei- isnots -liotiee, mega:Moe mei to the 250 or eo harde'ever enti ••peteeeletek tele, in print': For60111: ..“`....i11.',1;k1 ..1.71011,11SiS, 1,1 a iozlit of o,-,-,r,zpational titteeatn rite bard oere of sei- • • emee feat...led rieidle• eon- •troIled es:eve-met:es whielt oteen TU Bite coi •ti. is "a topieal Line: Itile where al: s,eentiets' e.opert- Dem se.,•,•. teeae ei,,e6teeeet ``... ,.,fl..a•cei,.• of ,teerie seen:: ese,o- et:- Ilse serve sts seurvihe• 1*,•••••,1 for ,deas rem sloe'i eye, Inclebeend .rt, 0 '0 Lied. for overp e• , ,,,, ommn tor me: ,••,. er.te bj lot- tme .1 • eel, • tolly.re.6 *ohm,. .••• .• the e'eat. and Woe:titer -so-•• • teem:- re,•lsel et •". „i "The "elers Peoe*,•••'" • t •rest a er•s" s'...`z -Zs by 0•• ou. the- y sis 11; ,1.11 • Aet ettoaigh e dtron'et 7 , 1 .11711,%1: V.W.1.1. I'eee". • seeienele of et •,- sevett y.f.tee eeme tetieelle se.tee t• et e's 1'Y 417V.I. ▪ slmt.eed • Set- e -to: - ot• - ere: \•--oteeere SAtt•il John Wesiey Was I A Fast Worker NEW MANAGER — Ed Lopat, Kansas City pitching coach, ogreed to o two.yeor Cc-,ntroct as monooer of the Athletics, Succeeding Honk Bouer, who regd. L*st is widening agein," Clarke "Peeple reeliee that the beet seterve-fiet ion writs know %that 'To talking about." Baldis h, t5 -year-old Robert Heinlein, who in 1040 wrote a story deseribing: t h e A-bomb's radweetive fall -out. is a ette.e 01 no."Not a trained ,seientiet himself. he enbeeribee to 00 soi- tett ific jettrnals end eften choke the platie•bitty of his stories with preee,eing seieraiste. S'et-ft subjeitt matter is also widenine1 neempese the men - pity s:i:1.'.s. "The distanee between mattt.i.L0 0 t -h e r plan.:T.s,•• say,: BradA•lary, -is not av between Inen'e left mad right ear." At e extreme. there are ?melee eloilte: tales .ef extrasensory Pere emet•en: at the other. biting tires ma the eserielle-like manner wh•ert tneo xos) fa0Mg SIN'041 Aee oulture. In the tritehnon of "19:4." and Al - dints iluoley'e "Brave New World," tete ttew 'rap -,ef szionoe we6,esee e teeeeeets4 same- ilmes delly, often intagir.atively elways .''it ly every soeio- smentifie problem free sublim- mal advieetteme,' to haw a per- fect 0 r a coteirmeoPmemtgh ehatage eeeitial Tr...17eS. s$ Fzederik Fohl, ane o: the :nesters of. the new eleeeeves. n's .a pity that e:* en: don": read seienee fie- *iett. rugeg k n o w mora -bitying." IN "VHF 'HORSE'S movrx _•- 1.`'Ioneet.. an heese whieh mettected in the Te:e.T.: rt.:1:111.1 treeenatiettel horse sleeve was fit - td tveth teur 4:old :tree*: teeth eat...tete-a:Mg in the event: Bezaese shert time be- •Iere that ewent he had f ,,, a a water ;Mem; ia tiler.eve. knNkial 1".:ne,er's one et the SI5:: geld 1:elt fined ter valeeele pedt.g:ee Stentese eat. The teeth he had lest in an :a:AS ere 07: !Jr.: .."7:111 e7g. 1.77.:1'.e11:0S Cli17'.'.7-:72.17.- 77 ea:tng Felee temit ="7.7.1.:6 1,.*:Y years Nel".e. a YoelesItiee letIldog, was tee eemad onnee mi t:p set 1S311 4 - -1.914'1 AFTER ARRAIGNMENT — Ne's.:,n C. sr. P ant New NIreele ate* •I•s L S ,L,efens. se. Wesley's industry was alinot Without parallel. The Mere out- lines of his work ore surrietent to make one gaep with esti:mist:. went.. During his itinerant otht, istry, travelled (most ly on horgebaelt) over n quarter of a million miles (a- (1ietance: equal to nine litnee round the world), preached no less than 52,400 times between 1738• when he re- turned from Georgia, and 1794 when he preached his last sermon eight days before he died. In addition he organized and superintended hundreds of sole - Lies in every part of the kingdom, wrote 233 books and pamphlets • and helped in the writing and: editing' of two hundred more, kept a journal and private short- hand :diary, carried on a huge tiorrespondenee, organized vari- ouo. forms of relief for the poor. and unemployed and had always time to talk or pray with any- one who needed him. "Looking at his traveling the marvel is how he found time to write, and look- ing at his books, the marvel is how he found time at preach." He was always moving and yet in the midst of ceaseless toils, he betrayed no mare bustle than a planet in its course. His mission was too greet to allow time for trifles. Rising with the lark, trav- eling with the sun, he always. acted in harmony with lale. awn - known utteraeces. T h e world Is my parish!" He reap- pears in nearly half a hundred. towns for thirty times and more, while he records forty 'visits each to Santerbury, Bolton, - Chester, Mam:hester, Birmingham, New- castle -on -the -Tyne, over a hun- dred to Kingswood, one hundred and seventy -fire 'to Bristol, and two hundred reeorded visits to Louden. He sent forth preachers to peoclaim the love of religion to every inhabitant throughout the land while he himself regu- larly range.d the three kingdenis and Wales "stirring the stagnant current of human life." His labors in'Ireland were al- most inereelible. All over the isle - he went preaehing every day and eften twee ar thriee a day, not only in Methodist meeting-hot:so. but in taeteries, in -bowling I greens. in assembly rooms, in eseare heesee, in learns. in sloping meadows, in shady orchards, in g:eves and avenues, in linen hails, in elmrehyards and streets - everywhere he had a chanee. 6 We know with certainty that rain- nte as are the details of his j.eur- teals he by no means mentions every sermon that he delivered and every society that he V,aXiied. - From "Zelen Wesley, Friend ef the People." by CEszae Sheme-in. How Cam 1? • By Roberta Lee • Q. Hon can 1 remove some mildew stains from cloth7 • A. Wash. and tv'e•. still damp, nnetterse atete.e nydeogen .11 a Of "A-In.:e :he sleet exp -se to the suet's :aye.. If :he material is cole:ed. test a scrap pieze nheeher . ot* :let the dye be a:lie:tie:I Q. How can 1 remedy a faulty shower head that sprays nater over the shower curtain and on.to nay bathroom float and A CI:: eente.: s tee Isiteiten ben: es" et' slre this er :fee eheiver head and it will d::52 te.0 epateing, .nte a :nate:se...am LI. Please sugeeet a good tray to press .1 Bair 51 men's =wash- able trousers, A. 0::e eafe way .0 te zottee elree ereeeees wete. 8000- ; .t and teese. y :en* ieen on top of thee In tees way. thene's 7-0 need to wait ff.:. the trettserea ire because they haven't eeal:y been steamed A. eeetnan will 1O-ilail.r forgive a husband's past if he tesmes hemi with a present. Business OPPOR.• : .0 PO;1 SALL' LOCISIelt storage & Janitor equipmeat. 230 Kees -Ito Steel Loam's, waxing tank, 2 Dentince (entwining scales, troren food vomiter, Honed meat, grinder nee Berkel meat sneer, Becket power saw, shelving, meat block, kettle stove Griffith smoke 1101180, No - 11011111 01110/ register, Beane pressure system, Nem on burner, Gilson fornuce., Write Box 347 Tavistock, Ont. NEW iNveNvioNs NEW PRODUCTS - MONEY NEW IDEAS WE develop, finance and sell. ANY PROFITABLE IDEA HU 9.4443, BOX 154, POSTAL STA. "14" TORONTO 12 Write SCOPE UNLIMITED 13003 FOR SALE 3e011 sale Maltose puppies registered. Front Canadian Champion Sive and Dante 8100.00 and up. E. BellIsle, 990 Roper Ave., Larne Park, Ont. 9110110 CR 0.2759. --- .ALL my own breeding. Meek & Tens- e females - 1 male, Ili, yrs., beautlea. females $30.00, males 040.00. Reg Bluettelt pups 2 males, 2 females, 4 months. Sire Venetians and PIM breeding. Dams side strong in Old Drum breed. Bred for coon, will make good deer or fax dogs 530.00 enoh. Clifford Symington • WatfOrd, Ont., RR No. 3 DAIRY EQUIPMENT 21 CAN woods bulk milk cooler, Hen. num vaeutnn pimip and pipeline. all le near new condition. Russell Miller, Route 1, Markham, Ont. FARM HELP WANTED WANTED: man for large dairy fartn. Must be fully experienced. Modern house, or good home. Niagara district. State wages. John Rouyn, RR. 1 Stevensville, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE .1011 ACRE dairy farm. 70 registered Hol- steins, machinery. Near Ottawa. Two houses. Hydro. water henses and harm One house fully modernized. Ideal for partners. Box 255, 123.1Sth Street, New Toxemic,. Out. DAIRY FARM 31301 be sold to settle estate. 230 acres. 185 plowable, two tractors and truck. All power machinery Modern home and barn. Two 3000. Forty milking cOws. IN% eve yearlings, three calves, has nine can contract This can easily be increased. Farm is twenty miles north of Cornweil and forty miles south of Ottawa. $10,000 down. the balance at 63 interest. Contact Mrs. Anna Van Egmond, RR No. 0, Moose Creek, Ont., phone 20.14-6. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS HITCH IN TIME — band clE-ect.:t ta take -.'eNs fast sfitz-es • hem c' coat arid tro-ses stor-t le, s\-th-order se lee could plcv band at reit. rezn 430T.133.11 came. FARMS FOR Si02.9 04.00 PER acre, 200 aeres. She1001210., large' Muds ban and 6 room luntse, ail workuble, terms. Creemore, 200 nores, solid brick mod- ern house and barn, Fertile level clay 10am with pientreSque river running through property. 1011100 Dietriet-Stone 'tense, 11 roOms, pleneer Vintage-, hydro, OR00/10111 111111111. Lerge modern cattle barns, 150 fertile acres, good bush, two 0902312 wells. Write John Shatn, c/o James 0. Gilbert Realtor, 1495 10911115 Avenue, 01„ Rexdale, Ont. er toll CH 1.5205. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS 0011 Sale diesel and portable sawmill, diesel suitable for feed mill, both in excellent cOnditiOn will sea separate's'. Reasonable. For details coutact: Roy 110(11051, Tiieed, Ontario. . . HELP WANTED 11.10111C111 Laboratory Technician: Required by 65 Bed General Hospital. Attractive working eenditiens and per. sonnet policies. Reply stating qualitice. tions, salary expected and dale avail- able to: senseAndblignuns,trranpitai Kapuskasing• Ontario- )egisiA ered Physiotherapist FOR sparkling new department in 380. bed general hospital' in liewartha Lakes district, Pleasant working eonditions. SALARY in accordance with education and experience. APPLY ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT' PETERBOROUGH CIVIC HOSPITAL PETERB0ROUGH, ONT. HELP WANTED - MALE COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW England's fastest growing trade typographic plant needs men with job shop experienee to handle greatly In- creased work load. Good pay, good working conditions. 'These are perman- ent all -year-round jobs with a real fu- ture for competent, dependable men who can hold their own in a fast mov-• Ing operation. WRITE: GENERAL MANAGER Eastern Typesetting Co. 453 CHURCH ST., HARTFORD, CON,N. OR CALL COLLECT: HARTFORD 525-8276 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE — ..— — CHOICE 200 Hereford yearling steers, around 750 lbs. Kenzie Sweiger, Dobbin. ton, Ontario. phone 8384-1 ChesleY. FOR sale 300 choice Hereford steers varying In weight from 700 to 850 lbs. Included are 52 front the Church Ranch. Apply Willard Calhoun Dobbinton, Ont. Phone 335W3 chesley MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECT, — — POST'S ECZEMA SALVE I BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint von Itching, scalding and burning ecze. ma acne ringworm, pimples and foot eczema. will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless i of how stubborn os hopeless they Seem. I Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3,50 PER 300 POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES REQUIRED immediately for small mod- ern hospital in iorthern Ontario. Ex- eeilem personnel policies and working conditions. Residence acconnuodadon and usual facillti . available it: progres- she community, salary 9345,00 to 0492.02 monthly. 119 to 050 00 allowance to. wards brat ening expenses to Smooth Rockfalls after s.lisfactory employment has been cstablt Please give tele- phone number if possible. Apply To Pe sonnel Department ABITIBI POWER & PAPER COMPANY, KIMITED SMOOTFALLS, ONTARIO SMOOTH ROCK NURSES:, WANUI3) musuituo, r3151000 & oortitteit num- ing assistants required fee 52' bed 000- pitel - 0004 salary Aceenuncelatten -- Nurses' residence. Apply SUPerintendent - KII•ICARPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL Kineardine, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 18E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING. SCHOOL Groot Opportunity Learn nalrdressing PlettSont dignified profession gond wages Thousands of etweessit0 1413900 Gnidunt" Americas Greatest System illustrated catniegue Free Write or Cull Marvel Hairdressing School 355 moor 53 w., Toronto liraneheS 44 King St. W., flunillton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa _ PATENTS CANADIAN patent lin sale or royalty. wNaatnioteusubyy tteveeurti wsuollu%lti ItsetailsinatU$57-. Write Iwo Sent, `Waterbury, Conn, . _ -• PERSONAL JESUS is coining again (this time) to rule the world! Be prepared and re. jOice in confident hope. For free liter. oture write Box 811 Brantford, Ont, UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with SACA-PELCe SACA-PELO is different It dims not dissolve or remove hair troop the stir - face, het penetrates WOO retards growth'. Of 'UNWANTED Ler-Beer lob, Ltd, Ste. 5,. 679 Gram1110 511. Vaneou: ver 2, B.C. AFTER DEATH WHAT? Meaty et 1110680i111'1.103' life revealed. in HEAVEN and HELL, by SWEDEN. 1010,113pp685, 51 IIELEN [MILLER, bUs the story oi her Christian faith. in IlTY RELIGION; ilbs•ary copy Mc puper 5300. Send to Leonard core, Doderch, Out: PHOT OSTAMPS FAVORITE picture? nee copies on. photostarims. For letters cards, oppli- • cations. From soy 01,0 photo, negative. Original returned unharmed, $2.00. Orestes, Box 3143, 55,1 Mateo. Cali - tonna. PHEASANTS AND WATERFOWL PHEASANT breeders 52,115 trio. Other birds, waterfowl. Eggs -adults. 14orthern Pheasant Farms, Hilton Beach, °Mario STAMPS 11.5. Used. FAMOUS Americans at 32.61.1. ARMY and Navy at .30. WASHINGTON Bicentennial at 40. R. Shorter, R.D.No.4, Middletown, N.Y. -------- - ROY S. WILSON 78 Richmond Street West roronto NEW ISSUES CANADA B.0 & FOREIGN RAPKIN - GIBBONS SCOTT - MINKUS • HARRIS & GROSSMAN ALBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED SWINE - CONSIGNMENT SALE "THE Ontario Landrace Swine Associa- tion will hold their 115h Consignment Sale at Brubaeher's Sales Arena Bridgeport, on Saturday, October 20th., at 1.90 sharp. Bred gilts, open gilts, premium boars will be offered. All guaranteed breeders, and government inspected. Catalogues from Mrs. Dorothy Simmons, R.R. No, 1, London, Ont, Telephone 652.3567 TRUCKS FOR SALE ------ -__ "BRAND NEW" 1962 Mobil -Lift Fork - Lift trucks -3,000 and 4.000 pound cap. salty. List prices range from $5,370.00 to $6,045.00. This special offering at 20e1. discount. United Bearing Co. of Cali- fornia, Inc., 766 E. Washington Blvd Los Angeles 21, California. U.S.A. VACATION RESORTS VACATION IN FLORIDA RENT modern 40 ft. trailer, entet park. available October -February. R. Cotton, 11 Battram, St., Thomas. English 'Urged as World Ton- gue.-ifeadline. We wonder if even that would induce some Canadians to take the trouble to learn it. When Skin !toil Drives You MAD Here is a clean 5101810*0 3,5110- trating antiseptic -known all over Canada as •MOONITS EMERALD OXL-that dries riarht in and brings swift store relief from the almost unbearable itching and distress, Its tuition is so powerfully pene- trating that the itching is prompt- ly eased, and -with continued nse your troubles may soon be over. Use EMERALD OIL night and morning as directions advise for (11153 11111 week. It is safe to use and failure Is raro indeed. MOONII'S EMERALD 0021. can be obtainedin the original bottle at any modern drug store. VACATIO VOYAGES, VISIT EUROPE AT 25% LESS *,,fe etei Eee•eet 0., et *teeett-tee eezi.esze entes. te-e• ,:...;*zea*:,-esteCaeatta tm7. - St"J Cf. -7 eteleee•Cie""efe."' 2' se *-',sez...eg o`l'e •2.• Ee•feee set e tee t•iiee teeereo t•• a. 5- O.11- ,tot eet: Ee.e-• At.a-te reess it'eee.-. se .see: PAY LATER See )0er Travel Agent, Corner Soy & Wellington Sts., Toronto Ont, Tel.: 362-2911 CARINTHIA Last sailing:4 ftom Montreal and Quebe OCT. 13 to Greenock, Liverpool NOV. 3 to Cobh, Lo Hovro, Southampton NOV. 113 itt Gteonotilt, L1\004)001 .4f.so fast, frequent sailings Twin New York f FLY CUNARD 000151, resteisv ilnounif 5ER0101. 110 LONDON its N01100ti 0,3,4 ni.itallina ham 01101111, 0001.11.051. 61110/I1531 MIA551I.110 -.1u, s • ,