The Seaforth News, 1962-10-25, Page 11
he Seaforth News
Phone 84 Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, Oetaber 1962
$1.50 a Yeez
The danger of war this week
has not ceased any special activ-
ity at the office of Duron County
Emergency Measures Co -Ordin-
ator, T. M, MacDonald, at (toder-
Inquiry by The Seaforth News
on Wednesday revealed that no
new instructions had been re-
ceived at the office this week.
Mr. MacDonald was at Exeter
en Wednesday. Various mestinge
are being held but all were
scheduled before the present
Cuban crisis arose.
At a meeting held in Seaforth
in September, Mr, MacDonald
outlined to the town council and
others, that the chief role of
Huron County in the event of
trouble could be expected to be
that of a refugee centre, Plan-
ning was to provide emergency
care of an influx of displaced and
homeless, persons from the large
population areas.
On Tuesday President Ken-
nedy of the United States signed
a proclamation for the stopping
and searching of all ships ap-
proaching Cuba. He charged that
the Russians are arming Cuba
for nuclear missile attack on the
'United States, after repeated
assurances that defensive arms
only were being installed.
With the threat of a sudden
nuclear war, many local people
have been quietly studying the
shelter possibilities of their cell -
The death occurred of Mrs. J.
Ross Murdie in Victoria hospital,
London, after a long illness on
October 19th in her 66th year,
Her maiden name was Margarita
S. Moore, daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. James Moore, of
Mildmay, Ont. She was educat-
ed in Toronto and in early life
was a book keeper, She was mar-
ried in Grace Anglican Church,
Toronto, and came to McKillop
in 1930, later moving to Seaforth.
She was an active member of
Northside United Church, and of
the Order of the Eastern Star,
Seaforth. She is survived by
her husband, Mr. Murdie. A son,
Frank A. Cassan, died in a Jap-
anese prison camp, Aug, 9, 1945.
The funeral took place on Oc-
tober 22nd from the G. A. Whit-
ney funeral home, Rev. J. C. Brit-
ton officiating, Burial was in the
Maitland Bank cemetery, Pall-
bearers were Sam Scott, Frank
Roberton, Cliff Broadfoot, Clar-
ence Walden, Robert McKercher,
Harvey Travis, The flowerbear-
er5 were Eldin Kerr, Ross Gord-
on, Arnold Lamont, Ed Pryce,
Gordan Papple, Robert Campbell.
The Afternoon Auxiliary Mis-
sionary meeting of First Presby-
terian Church was held in the
church hall on Tuesday after-
noon, During the business period
it was decided that gifts for the
Ieuronview Christmas fair be left
at the home of Mrs. J. L. Bell' as
soon as possible.
The program for this meeting
was e. 'thanksgiving service in
commemoration of the 850 anni-
versary of the auxiliary. The ser-
vice, "The Passing Years" was
introduced by Airs, W. J. Thomp-
son, who also read the scripture
lesson, The Voice of the Auxil-
lacy, also the characters, Faith,
Love. Fellowship, Service, Pos.
sessions and Gratitude, were ta-
ken by Miss 13. Campbell, Mrs.
J. B. Russell, Mrs. C. MacKay,
Mrs, W. E. Butt, Miss J. Fraser,
Mrs. 3, McGregor and Mrs, E.
Geddes, Mrs. J. Cairns sang a
solo, "Others," which was fol.
lowed by prayer by Mrs, J. L.
Bell. The closing hymn and the
benediction by Mrs. Thompson
brought to a close an impressive
anniversary and thanksgiving
The boiler it the town hall is
undergoing repairs this week, A
new plate is being made at Loc -
don and will be fitted on the boll,
er. Eleetric heaters are being
used to heat the offices until
repairs) are completed.
The power grader the town
bought at Milton arrived, last
Thursday. The old machine was
taken back to Milton.
Rebekah Officers
Are Installed
Mrs, Marguerite Crawford,
DDP for Huron District Nq, 23,
and her installing staff of Brus-
sels, Installed the officers of 10d-
eiweiss Rebekah Lodge at Mon-
day night's regular meeting, Miss
Jessie Little was deputy mar-
Officers installed were: Noble
Greed, Mrs. George Campbell;
vice grand, Mrs, Peter Malcolm;
rec. secy„ llliss Jean Scott; fin,
secy„ Mrs, James Rose; treas.,
Mrs. Joseph Grummett; warden,
Miss Eleanor Henderson; con-
ductor, Mrs. Alan Campbell;
chaplain, Mrs, Wilmer Cuthill;
musician, Aliss Mae Smith; in-
side guardian, Airs, Harold Hug-
ill; outside guardian, Alrs, Lorne
Carter; RSNG, firs, Annie Har-
rison; LSNG, Mrs, Charles Fel-
kar; RSVG, Mrs. David McLean;
LSVG, Alrs, Margaret Messeng-
er; color bearer, Mrs. William
Miller; JPNG, Mfrs. Charles
Mrs. D. McLean reported that
the banquet served in the Eg-
niondville United Church in hon-
or of the Grand Master I00Ie of
Ontario, Carl Dresser, and Alan
Campbell, DDGM, proved quite
successful, Mrs. McLean and
Mrs, W. :Miller were co -conven-
Mrs. Leslie McClure was nam-
ed social convener for November
and December•. A donation was
made towards the CNIB appeal,
Mrs. Crawford addressed the
meeting on "Opportunity to
Share the Rebekah Way of Life,"
asking all to live by the teach-
ings of the Three Links—Friend-
ship, Love and Truth,
Mrs, Winnifred Edgar and Mrs.
Mac Stephenson of Brussels fa-
vored with a duet. On behalf of
the Lodge Mrs. Charles Reeves
presented Mrs. Crawford with a
gift and on behalf of the degree
team of Edelweiss Lodge, Mrs,
P. Malcolm presented Mrs, Ila
Dorrance, degree captain, with
a gift. Guests were also present
from elonkton. A lunch, conven-
ed by Mrs. D. McLean, was serv-
ereed following the meeting,
Night Mail To
Close at 5 p.m.
Effective October 28, E,S.T„
with the changeover in time from
Daylight Saving Time to Stand-
ard Time there will be changes
in dispatching and receiving the
Please note: Mail will arrive
from the East at 7 am, and
11.35 a.m, From the West at
3.15 and 5.35 p,m.
Mails will close for dispatch
at 11 am, and 5 p,m, going West.
At 2,45 p,m, and 5 p,m, for mail
going East.
Sundays: Only one mail dis-
patched to ell points at 5 p.m,
Please make note of times of
receiving and dispatch to avoid
Mail to be registered must be
at the post office one half hour
before time of dispatch,
A building permit was issued
to Eldon Hulley for alterations
and repairs, $1,000, by Building
Inspector Harold Maloney,
James Slattery, alterations,
$600, former Elder house, corner
James and W. William streets,
Public Utility .employees on
Monday and Tuesday were pump-
ing out the big underground
reservoir at the rear of the town
hall, When it was emptied they
started the task of removing silt
frons the bottom and washing
down the walls,
Seaforth W,I members are in-
vited to meet with Htn'ontlale \t'l
or October 30 at Exeter Legion
hall, at 8.15 ,p,m.
Anyone interested In going
please contact Mrs, James Keys
or Airs. Wilfred Coleman and
transportation will he arranged,
The CGIT of Cavan Church,
Winthrop will bo collecting for
UNICEF on Monday, October 29
at 7 p,m.
To Present Ball
Trophies at Banquet
The Seaforth Minor Baseball
Association plan to hold a ban-
quet on Monday, October 29th at
7 p.m. in the Legion hall. Ar-
rangements are being completed
to have a .guest speaker and a
film following the supper, Other
plans include the presentation of
the Gunnel awards by the Cham-
ber of Commerce for the most
valuable player on each team
and also the Gus Boussey trophy,
donated by Mr. Boussey, for the
most improved player of the
year. It is anticipated, that Mr,
Jin? Inglis, president of the WO-
AA, will be here to present the
champion Juvenile '0' team with
their award.
In preparing for this banquet
to honor the champion team and
also to do something for the
players who participated during
the baseball season, the associa-
tion is offering $150 in cash prizes.
The executive in charge of ti-
cket sales request all players to
make complete returns Monday
night at the banquet, In the
meantime the public is asked to
support minor baseball in Sea-
forth by buying a ticket during
the next few days. Your support
is needed.
Silver Wedding of
McKillop Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce of lIc-
Iiillop were honoredby their
friends and neighbors en Friday
evening at Brodhagen community
hall on the occasion of their sil-
ver wedding anniversary, ,During
the evening they were presented
with an automatic dryer by Rus-
sell Pringle and Gordon McKen-
zie. The following address was
read by Con Eckert:
Dear Ed and Mary,
Some years ago, thought a hand-
some lad. A campaign for me
must be had. So down the road
one starry night, He travelled
not far from his own home light.
A girl he found with 'rosy
cheeks, with the gentle words she
so often speaks, With smiles and
laughter and lovely looks, And
the knack that makes her the
best of cooks.
So off he went when his work
was done, To call on one named
Mary ,'Iunn.
This was the girl to be his
wife, That he would cherish all
his life. And Mary looked for
Edward Boyce, To come for her
in his Rolls-Royce, 'Twas not the
roads with their many bumps,
That made her heart take those
happy thumps.
'Twas dashing Ed and a certain
question, That Mary answered
with no hesitation, So married
they were in nineteen thirty-sev-
en. And who would ever be near-
er to heaven ?
They made their home on
Concession three. Good neighbors
they were to you and to me.
A beautiful home, they accom-
plished together. A' wonderful
business for all kinds of wea-
ther. A happier couple you never
did see, And there was Joan in
the family tree.
More there were. But well 1 Oh
shucks! These new additions
were gravel trucks. And so to-
night we gather here, To join
with you in the best of cheer,
Your silver wedding to celebrate.
And wish you all that you do
rate, May your blessings be un-
told, As the' silver turns to gold.
Please accept from us this gift.
And we'll be balk for• the fiftieth.
Signed on behalf of friends
and neighbors.
Ladies' Night At
Malloch Chapter
The officers and companions of
Malloch Chapter, Seaforth held
their annual Ladies' Night in the
parish hall of St. Thomas' Anglic-
an Church an Tuesday evening,
October 23.
The arrangements for the ev-
ening were tender the clirectipn of
Orville Oke, Allister Broadfoot
and Keith Sharp.
A short program included a
toast to the ladies by the Rev.
Cliff Britton, replied to by Mrs.
Cannon Rowcliffe, and remarks
by Very Worshipful Companion
Ray Robinson of Mitchell, Dist-
rict Superintendent.
After a turkey, dinner Mr.
Elmer Lorene and Mr. John
\iode1nnd showed pictures of
their recent trip to Europe. The
remainder of the evening was
spent playing court whist, Ladies
winning prizes were Mrs, John
Scott, Mrs, Dave McLean. Mrs.
Emerson Kyle and Mrs.. John
Bach, Gentlemen winning prizes
were Mr, 1311I Dalrymple and Mr,
Jim Dolg.
Announce Fairs Plan
District Annual
Appointments A.ppo ntments
Charles B, Stewart, General
Manager of the Robert Simpson
Co. Ltd hes tweeted the post of
Honourary Cluilrman of the See -
Honorary Chairman
forth Community Hospital Build-
ing Fund it was announced by
K. Bruce MacMillan, Campaign
"We are indeed greatly pleased
to have Mr. Stewart with us on
this great community enter-
prise," said Mr. 1IacMillan, "and
it shows that our plans for the
new hospital have widespread in-
terest and approval."
In addition to 1Ir. Stewart's
appointment it was also announ-
ced that Mr. Wilson Berry, Pres-
ident of the guarantee Trust
Company has accepted the ap-
pointment of Honourary Treasur-
er of the campaign, and the fol-
lowing persons have accepted
the posts of Honourary Vice-
Chairmen: Reeve Rudolph Baer, t
Logan; Reeve W. N. Ball, Sea- b
forth; Reeve Dan Beuerman, a
McKillop; Elston Cardiff, M.P., 1
Brussels; Mayor Edmund Daly, r
Seaforth; Reeve Earl Dick, Hib- r,
bert; Arthur R. Ford, London;
Mrs. Harry Greb, 'Waterloo; p
G. R. Johnston, Brockville; ti
Reeve Tom Leiper, Hullett; K
Elliott M. Little, Quebec City; e
Warden George McCutcheon, b
Brussels; Hon. Charles Mc-
Naughton, Exeter; Hon. 3. \Vaido
Monteith, Ottawa; Arthur P.
Reid, Toronto; Reeve Elgin
Thompson, Tuckersmith.
\ r ;rrte rntiltg program is beiltg
ptiliart,a for tlte" 511011111 meeting
of 111r fairS of District 8 (Perth,
Huron), to be field this year in
the Coliseum, at the :Stratford
fair grounds, on October 31st,
The women's section will ,meet
in the -beard room on the ground
floor with registration at 1(1 nen.
Representatives of the W0111.
011'0 sections of the fourteen
lairs concerned will be expected
to give a brief report of their
19112 fall fair, highlighting what
they tried that was new and with
what success. A brief report of
all junior activities is asked for
also, to include schools celeinent•
Pry, and high;,. 4-H clubs and
Junior Farmer competitions, Also
tiny other way in which the jun-
lors participated in their fair—
parades, calf races, pet show,
Following routine business and
reports, and the election of
ai'fieers. an interesting speaker,
Miss Eileen hessian of Bayfield,
will address the meeting, using
as her topic, •.A Place is Only
as Fine as the Art it Produces,"
A special speaker is also to
address a point noon luneheon
meeting of the men's and wolu-
e1l'tr sections in the coliseum.
In the afternoon plans are to
have an expert judge and past
president oe the O,A,_A,S. judge
0 number of articles (baking and
sewing) brought to the meeting
for that purpose. She is being
asked to emphasize clarity in our
prize liste. This is to be follow-
ed by a Question and Answer
and Discussion period.
Delegates to the meeting are
asked to bring in the prize-
winning essay at their fair, with
a certification front the teacher
that it is the work of the pupil.
District officers in the women's
section are: District representa-
tive, Mrs, Joseph Grnmmett, r.r,
2 Seaforth, (also second V.P. of
0.A,A,S,)1 associate representa-
tive, Mrs, Roy J. Coulter, roe 2
Milverton; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth,
Other district officers are: Dis-
0101 director, Robert Si'. Camp.
ell, r,r, 1 Dublin (Seaforth fair),
ssociate director, Earl Dick, r,r,
Cromarty (Hensall fair), sec-
etary-treasurer, Arthur Bolton,
r, 1• Dublin (Seaforth fair).
James Mair, r,r, 5 Brussels, is
resident of the Ontario Associa-
on of Agricultural Societies and
enneth J. Reaney, r,r. 3 Mitch -
11, is a director on the provincial
oard for Class A and B fairs,
Mr, Joseph McConnell, Realtor,
reports the sale of the following
properties: The 50 acre farm
owned by Mervin Lane, on the
6th con. of Tuckersmith Town-
ship, to Maurice Melady, of Hib-
bert Township, Possession in No-
The 3, W. Thompspon resid-
ence, Adana Street. Seaforth, to
Melvin Neil, Seaforth, immediate
The Fall Thankoffering of the
UCW was held Oct, 23rd. Mrs.
Neil -Bell. president welcomed
the members and opened with a
poem "Take our lives, 0 God"
and spoke in view of the world
situation. We bole ahead with
]tope. -
Miss Gladys Thompson pre-
sented Life Membership Certifi-
ertif -crates to Mrs, Frank Storey from
Unit 2 and Mrs. Ure Stewart. a
birthday, gift from her husband,
Rev. -Um Stewart. Moth Firs.
Storey and Mirs. Stewart made
fitting replies. Minutes of the
June meeting and executive were
411111,1111111111,11111„1,1„1111,1,111 Puy, 11,111111$11,111 t111tn Intl„l111111111114111l11111111111111111114111111,1111110,4:
WESTCSACOX Great to give .
Grand to get
Bid &sEl1
Woricl's kc::i known alarm
clack, wu:et tick, ad'bstable
Inud-Melt dere+. Plain or
F-oe 58.95.
Sliding shutter front, easel
back, doses like a clam for
travelling. High impact non-
breakable case. Choice of
colours. Luminous. 59,95
Wide choice of alarm models from $3.95,
Perfect electric clock for
kitchen, den or playroom.
While, Yellow or Nutmeg.
B" diameter, 58.98.
Olher wall models from
Lighted dial glows at night for full
visibility. Drowse sleep selector lett
you choose 5 or 10 minutes extra
sleep. Buckskin Beige with natural
walnut, 512.95.
Other electric alarms from $5,98.
1ui11nn11a111111tta1n utlttna 1m a11111a 1111,111,11,m❑,,x1111111,11111,11111.11,11111.11,11 tttualm 111111111110
read and adopted. Treasurer's
and Card Secretary's reports
were given. Members were re-
minded of the bazaar Oct. 27th,
in the church basement by Units
1 and 5.
(lifts of writing paper, socks
crochet cotton, handkerchiefs,
etc,. for Huronview will be re-
ceived at the ,Unit meetings in
November. Mirs. Wm, Campbell
offfered to take these articles to
Clinton, Dec, 7th.
Mrs, George Addison, Mrs,
Wm, Campbell together with one
to be elected will act as a nomin-
ating committee.
Mrs. Mae Moffatt and Mrs:
Ross Savauge of the M & M
Committee took as their theme
"Refugees," Mrs. Moffatt read
Rev. 7, verses 9 and 10. Hymn 5
was sung, The scripture front
Acts, chapter 7, verses 22 to 28
was followed by prayer by Mrs.
Moffatt, Mrs, Ross Savauge
spoke of the Hungarian revolt of
students, of the work the World
Council of Churches is doing to
bring "Love and Action" to the
many refugees from India, Hun-
gary, Greece, Korea and other
parts of the world. The film
"The Long Stride" showed the
refugees crossing the line seek-
ing help and hones and what the
Church World Service was doing
to• give shelter, food, clothing,
schooling, etc,. to the needy.
Surely as we give we help to
give a home to the homeless.
The offering was received and
dedicated. Hymn 374 was sung
and Rev, J. C. Britton closed
the meeting with the benediction.
Lunch was served by the Social
Seaforth fire brigade was call-
ed to the Clayton Dennis apts.
near N. Main st, on Monday
afternoon when a space heater
threatened to go out of control.
Fire Chief J. Scott reported
there was no damage.
Proceeds of the Boy Scouts
and Cubs Apple Day on Saturday
totalled about 8230.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Westbrook
and fancily of Goderich visited
with Mr. Gustav Bohnn on Sun-
Mr. Harold Finlay, Jim and
Margaret visited Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Harold I-Iendrick
and Elaine of Dashwood.
Mr, and Mrs. William Steckle
andfancily of Bayfield visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginger-
ich on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ginger-
ich and fancily spent the week-
end in Kitchener,
,.. .:> _
Plans for the 5195,000 Seaforth.., Conimnnity i4osplpita ilu ding
Fu id campaign were advanced a further step when the executive
committee held its weekly meeting. Shown examining rbc; cam-
paign time table are, seated front the left, Dr, 1'. L, liru,ly, Mts.
L McConnell..James m s 11. •Scott, Campaign thtuttnan t Bruce Mc.
Millan and A. S McLean. Stnndiug ere 1t, R. Thomson, .1. Fl,
Keating A. E. McConney and W. lee, Southgate,
Other members of the executive committee arc, Il. 8, :Box, J. A.
Stewart, lelre. M. W. Stapleton, J. M. IltMill ,n tare! Jelin Modeland