HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-18, Page 8'FvY77►vvlvivv►v►v You owe it to yourself to see our Big New Range of Winter oats Itxcluive new fabrics to all wool basket weaves, velours, silver -tips anll gabar- dines, lavishly flu trimmed with mink, muskrat or fox. Choose from black, charcoal, turquoise,. beige. sand, broten of green, Priced to save you many dollars it 7930 to 951.00 QUALITY UNTRIMMED CO AT IS Famous makes in all wool fabrics, chamois interlined and styled right to the current vogue. There's a wide range of best shades in regulars or petites.i. 391.95 to 59=95 Visit our Millinery Bar See the newest winter styles in fur felts, velours, beavers autl feather hats. Priced away below city stores at 2.95 to 16.95 See the New Range of 1�414 05 to 7 4. Q f A eel Car Coats Laminated wools & nylons. popular Hee]; suedes, tweeds, basket weaves and meltons, Lined with insulation, or borg pile, in all colors STE NEW FINE WOOL SLIMS Famous "Highland Queen" fine all wool slims in new subdued plaids, plain ehades. All sizes 1 4.95 Other qualities from 3,98 to 5.95 Stretch slims from 8.95 to 12.95 ART :t R S HUTTON-CLARKE A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the manse in Gran- ton when Mona Irene Clarke ex- changed marriage vows with James Albert Hutton in a double ring ceremony. Officiating was a former 1Valton minister, Rev. W. J. Maines who also performed the marriage of the bride's par- ents 29 years ago. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke, r.r, 1 Walton, sad the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, John Hutton, r.r. 3 List- owel, The bride looked lovely in a hand made imported white french velvet street length gown fasbioned with portrait neckline, elbow length sleeves with rows c8 covered buttons, it featured a midriffed bodice with bands of circle iridescent sequins and a sweetheart motif of sequins, seed pearls and rhinestones, the fall skirt was accented with a butter- fly bow. A crown of iridescent rhinestones and pearls held her tiered elbow length veil of silk illusion. She carried a white bible crested with pink sweet- heart roses and fern tied with white baby ribbon and she wore a strand of cultured pearls with matching earrings, the gift of the groom. A reception was held at the bride's home for the im- mediate families. The bride's mother received wearing a sheath dress of cobalt blue silk faille with a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose a blue printed silk dress witb corsage of talisman roses. The dining room was tastefully dec- orated with pink and white streamers and bells and arrange• nlenis of autltmn flewere. A three etorey wedding cake cell' toted the bride's table with light- ed pink candles on either side, Miss Eileen Williamson, cousin of the brtde and a girl friend. Miss Caro) Robertson, served, (,nests were present from Listo- wel. Exeter and Kitchener. For travelling the bride donned a double knit two piece suit in Royal blue with white feather hat and black accessories and a corsage of shaded yellow murals, On their return they will reside in Listowel. The bride is a grad. nate of Seaforth district high erhool and Stratford Teacher's College and at present 1s on the staff of the Monkton public school. VARNA The October meeting of the United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs, Ronald Taylor last Thursday evening. Group 3 was in charge of Devo- tions and the Study Book. Mrs, Charles Reid led the Devotional period. Mrs. Mervyn Johnston read the scripture lesson. Ml's, Gordon Johnston read a poen: "(.rumble Family" 31rs, Anson Coleman, Mrs. Ralph Stepheesan, Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs, Fred itleCiyntont took the study book "Asia's Rini," Twenty-five members ausw•ered the roll call by handing in an article for the bazaar which is being held on October 27th. A report was read which was prepared by Joan Mc. Clymont on the week she spent at "Five Oaks" and also thanked the ladies for sending her there. Mrs. Gordon Hill conducted the business period, It was decided to hold the Autumn Thaukoffer- ing early in November, Hymn, "Blest be the tie" was sung and Mrs. Charles Reid closed the meeting with prayer. Group 4 served lunch. TUCKERSMITH 'Descendants of John McNaugh- ton and his wife, Mary Airth, gathered at the family home- stead, lot 23, con. 3, LRS, en Thanksgiving Sunday and mark- ed the centennial of the first Mc- Naughtons in the township. The farm had been purchased in 1857 by Findley Fraser from the Can- ada Company, Five years later, in March, 1392, the McNaught0ns came from near Dundas, origin• ally from Scotland: Mary (Mrs. Wtn. Smith), William, Marion (Mrs, Peter Moore), Elsie (Mrs, Joseph Lake), Margaret, Hate (Mrs. J. Holmes) and John who had remained on the homestead and married Susan 'Turner, Their children and families; Mary (Mrs. Wallace Haugh 0f lirucefield) ; James McNaughton, Kippen, the present owner; Webster, principal of the Oxford -Waterloo Collegiate; Robert, assistant superintendent of ele- mentary education for Ontario; Tena, Brumfield; Ann (Mrs. Clarence Smillie), Henson. and their families gathered for a reminiscence and a very joyous reunion. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Aim RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEAFORTH NENT Bola Tinttrod3nyi nightLae. open. for: St. C'etulnben Turkey Bingo. Further (08(11nhar0 later. " 'COMiNG.EYENT Rttcrve Ot-tobtr 20 d. 21 for the Cosy Grill. Ddlttheil, 26th anniversary special 'Turkey Dinner et same price as day we opened la t937, Diener served 11. amt, to S p.m. Bich day. FOR SALE '17 Ford pickup track.. Ambrose Addley, ICit t'n'ii Six roomedbt0•i R cotta. Main st. in ERmondville t with an modern conveni- ences, New gas farnace, Also a brick building that could be converted to 0 dwelling, else Impro%imately 20x40. An in good stale of repair. Priced for quick sale. Apply to Elmer Stephenson, Egmondhille, or Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna. FOR SALE I8 stock calves, mostly Polled Angus and Herefords, around 4110 lbs, Conlon McGregor, 37x11 Blyth central. FOR SALE 300 Rhode Island Red -Columbia Mork pullets. Arnold Campbell, (35824, Sea - forth. SEPARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of MoKiliop For the earetruetion ant repair according to Engineer's plant;, Profile and speeiaeations will lie received and to be in the hands of the Clerk be 2.00 P.M. October 27 1502. (1) Nolen Drain (closed), to dig lay 0001 backfill 407e lineal feet of 15, 14 and 3-ineh tiro and pipe. 6 catch beshms. Private tile extensions and connections. Fill in and level open ditch, (2) Cuthill Drain: 4564 lineal feet of open work, excavating and levelling spoil bank, 1000 lineal feet 8 -inch tile to dig, hay and backfill. 1 catch. basin. Township to supply tile (less exten- sions) mid pipe within approximately ono mile of work. Contractor to present paid up Workmen's Compensation Cer- tiaeate. A marked cheque for 10 per cent. with a minimum of 9100A0 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed by Jure 1, 1063. Plans. profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J, M. ECICERT, Clerk, Meliillop Twp. R.R. 1 Seaforth, Ont. Township of Tuckersillith CLERICS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 0 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuakersmtth, on the 10th day of October, 11102, the fiat of all persons entitled to vote in said IVIuni- cipality rat Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 200 day of November, 1003. DATED this 18th day of October, 1062. J.I. McINTOSH Clerk, Township of Tuakersotith HELP WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Townships Tuckesmlth, McKillop & Hallett. Tecate well established. Ex- cellent opportunity. Full time. Writs today. Rnwleigh`e. Dent, J-344-189. 4005 Richelieu, Montreal �,� amu NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 p.m, No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted J. I. McIntosh Clerk USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Milton McCurdy, RR1 Kirkton President Timothy B. Toohey, RR3 Lucall Vice -President William H. Chaffe, RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun, 11111 Science Hill Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner, Ri Cromarty Agents: Hugh Benninger, Dub- lin; Harry Coates, R.R. 1, Centra- lia; Clayton Harris, Mitchell. Secretary - Treasurer: Arthur Fraser. Exeter. Solicitors, Mackenzie & Ray- mond, Exeter. We Canadians buy imported manufactured goods at the rate of $235 per person per year. 1'f each of us diverted $100 of this to the purchase of Canadian -made goods, we would help create 60,000 new jobs in Ontario. We are the world's greatest importers. Contrast our yearly total With that •of other countries: • Americans spend $35 per capita on manufactured imports ... - The British spend $75 , . . • Wt t Germans spend $60 , . . Canadians spend $235 per person pct. t carl if these expenditures in Ontario on import- ed goods could bee -reduced by $100, we would still be amongst the world's greatest importers. If that $100 were diverted i o Can- adian goods we Iroufd add $600,000,000 to our economy and help create 60,000 new jobs! To accomplish this, the consumer must become "label conscious"; it is the sum of all our day-to-day purchases which can add up to the success or failure of our economy. Whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported product, he or she should ask, "ls there a Canadian equivalent?" For in most cases there is a Canadian product that is as good or better. The marc money we spend for things we make, the more prosperous the people of Ontario will be! "l (` GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO . % TRADE CRUSADE MORE OPPORTU WTY The symhol of progress and opportunity for the people and industries of Ontario. wane Auction Sale of Land Property Sale L-0717 Approximately 4/5 of an acre or land, situated at rt. Lot 5, Concession 1 num Bttrrey, 'Townahip et Ribbert, lega t8f Iia P�rth. Located . In the V11 Sale will take place on the prolter'ty at: 2,00 P.M. Local Thne Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1962 TERMS: "Cosh" at time of sale. Further information may be obtained Oram t The Auctioneer, Mr. Harald Jackson, Seaforth, Ontat'io, Telephones Seaforth 474 or Department of Highways, 380 Seekut.on Street, London, Ontario. Telephoner 451-3480. Sala subieot to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT 01.` HIGHWAYS ONTARIO NOTICE Will combine clover, special equipment. James O'Sullivan, RR 4 Seaforth Estate Auction Sale Estate Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household effects at lot au, con. 8 Tuckersmith, two., Saturday, Oct. 27th at 12 o'clock sharp. 1% miles cast of Brumfield an Mill Road, or 4 miles west of Seaforth on Mill Road. CATTLE. 11 Durham cows. 6-2 year old Durham heifers. 8-1 year old Dur- ham stems. 2-1 year • old heifers. 12 Durham spring calves. PIGS. 3 sows bred & due time of sale, 11 chunks. MACHINERY, Oliver 88 standard tractor. I/10--0 tractor, row crap, fully equipped uitlt scuffler and bean puller. Mnmure loader. 3 furrowtractor plow. Tractor disk. 9 ft still tooth cultivator; robber tired spring tooth cultivator. Steel toiler. 4 ft tnowor, New Idea 'man- ure spreader on. rubber. Farm wagon, hay rack, steel grain box, snow blade. Diamond harrows, IIIC side rake, 7 ft tractor mower. 2000 Ib scales, fanning mill, 2 wheel trailer with rack. Mersey Harris binder. While grain separator. Case combine with motor. Gehl ham- mer trill, drive belt. Massey Harris 13 disc prover fertilizer drill. 2.. single units Universal milking machine, Viking FOR RENT Two bedroom house: oil fern• ace; available Nov, let. Thorpe Rivers, FOR SALE A Holstein heifer and a pure bred Jersey heifer due to freshen next week. Gordon Elliott, Bruce- Plaid, 94131, Seaforth. FOR SALE 4 Hereford stockers, around 700 139, .1'llono 859r21 Seaforth, Lol'l10 Lawson, 50 pigs eight ght week old,. Ken Beattie, 834,6, Seaforth, FOR SALE 160 acres choice land: 120 acres under cultivation or in hay, 30 acres open bush or 11)n ur0. Drilled wall, Clone to schools, churchee, and milk route, On county road 2 miles from No, 8 High- way. Buildings and fences fair•. Vete suitable for stock rowing or grain. Contact: J. M. Nagle or Jos. Shea, Dublin, Administrators, Estate of Wm. Danlzer, or McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth Auction Sale Auction sale of HeuseliOld Ef- fects iu the Village of Walton, Saturday, Oct. 2011i at 1 p.m, at the Walton station. Heavy duty 4 -burner electric stove, refrigerator, good condi. tion; RCA Victor television (good); complete bedroom shite; 3 cupboards; double bed; single bed; Hoover vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; rug 9x121 washing machine; 2 burner rangotte; couch; kitchen suite; table; 4 chairs; ironing board; baby car- riage; pots, pans, cutlery; .sand- wich grill; toaster; steam iron; electric clock; record player; small mantel radio; table lamp; dresser lamps; linen, trunks, tools, other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms cash. M. Dronick, Prop. Auct„ Harold Jackson, Clerk, George Powell. Auction Sale Auction sale of Household Ef- fects in the Village of Walton on Wednesday, October 24th at 1 p.m. Medium size piano in Al condi- oeam sepntxttor; eleat lc raft.12 it !.tion, small tables, rocking chairs, Massey Harris power take or.' awather, extension table; cupboard; drop head sewing machine; chairs; picture frames and pictures; glass cupboard; octagon pedestal table; hall rack; 3 beds; dress- ers; washstands; mattresses; springs; 4 pair pillows; sectional book case; kitchen cabinet; step ladder; 2 ladders; wheel barrow; 100 ft. garden hose; 2 toilet sets; logging chain; car chains; tools; bag truck; dog kennel; hand sleigh; kitchen utensils; sealers, crocks; bedding; scythe; ante- ing tongs; scoop shovels; lawn mower; car jacks; saw horse; oil dram; garden tools; Easy washing machine; Wingham Cla- ssic white enamel stove; Quebec cook stove; Quebec heater; 2 basins. Other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. Ed. Davidson, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. steel stabling. 1800 cutting box, exten- sion ladder, steel wale*• trough, puma lack, 8 drive belts. Chain saw. HAY: 1300 bates, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: TV aerial. Coleman oil space heater, table, chairs„ bedroom furniture. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. C'nProprtney„ Estate of Late George Mc - Aust., Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell Clearing Auction Sale Thursday, Octobor 25th Of Farm, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay and Grain In the Township of McKillop, at lot W;h 12, Con. 11, on Wed., Oct. 28, at 12:30 P.M, Cattle -12 Holstein cows, milk- ing ilking and due in San„ Feb.. Mar, 2 Holstein cows One time of sale. 1 Durham cow due time of sale. 11 Holstein heifers 2 years, due Jan„ Feb„ M8rch. 20 yearling calves, Holstein and Hereford. Implements -1 1962 Ford trac- tor, starter, lights, three point hitch with super -six loader, 'NEW. 1 1250 Ford tractor with starter on new rubber. 1 1949 Dodge % ton truck with stock rack and tarp. 1 2 -furrow Cock- shutt tractor plow for 3 point hitch, 1 13.2'un fertilizer McC- Deering drill with tractor hitch. 1 M.H. 7 ft. power mower. 1 Mc- Cormick hay loader. 1 McCorm- ick. side rake. 1 rubber tire `Wagon and new flat rack. 1 Dearborn 12 plate double disc. 1 3 -Brum land roller, 1 set 4 section diamond harrows, with pole. 1 McCormick No, 200 manure spreader on rub- ber. 1 sleigh and flat rack. 1 Dear- born 7 ft. cultivator on rubber for 3 point hitch. 1 snow blower, new, 1 scraper, rubber tired wheel barrow. 1 electric hammer mill with 3 h:p: motor. 1 chop box. 1 32-31. extension ladder, new. 1 fan mill with 14, lip. motor. 1 sunbeam skil saw, new, 1 set of Ford tractor chains. 2 rolls new snow fence. 1 200 gal. gas tank and pump. 1 steel water tank. 1 bench vice. 4 electric fencers. 3 electric motor's, 14 11.p. 3. walking plow, bag truck. Poultry Equipment — 4 range shelter's. 2 colony houses, 2 elec- tric brooders, 6 large pen feed- ers. Number chicken feeders, wa- terers, 400 Heningars hens, lay- ing we1L Dairy Equipment --- 1 Delaval milking machine, 2 unit, pipeline for 28. 1 4 -eau spray milk cooler. 15 milk cans. 1 Renfrew cream separator. 1 1 -can nlillt cooler, 1 milk can truck, Feed —1300 bus, mixed grain, oats and barley, 150 has, of Rus- sell. oats, 2400 bales of nixed hay. Quantity of tut straw in barn. 1 bag of timothy seed. 10 bags of potatoes, 1 good set of team harness and collar's and top. 1 good collie dog, 2(1 t'ot'de of dry wood; cedar post and some lumber, Quantity of angle iron. 1 hay car, ropes and pulleys, Property — Consisting of 126 acres of good land. 25 ttei'es brok- en, the balance in hay and pas- ture. On the property, barn 44x 60 with good stabling on stono foundation, new steel drive shed ?Axle on cement wall, 5 room frame house with good basement, covered with red instil brick sid- ing, water lin pressure in house and barn. Hydro throughout, This is a model farm, well drained and fenced, close to town and school. School bits and milk truck pass gate. Also Forts, shovels, log chains, pails, tools, cross cut saw and a heat of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—On chattels, cash, On property, 10% day of sale, balance 30 days. Proprietress, Ml's, Jessie John' son. Auctioneer, Joseph L. Ityan Clearing Auction Sale On Saturday, Oct. 20th at 12.30 pan. Of Cattle, Implements, Feed & Poultry Equipment, in McKillop township at lot 13, con: 3, 2% miles east and 114 north of Sea - forth. Consisting of Cattle: 1 Durham cow, due Feb. 1; 1 black cow, due Feb. 5; 1 Holstein cow, due Feb. 11; 1 Holstein cow, due Feb. 26; 2 Holstein heifers, due March 14- 19; 1 Holstein cow, due Mar. 9; 1 Holstein cow, due Mar. 28; 1 Holstein cow, due April 10; 1 Holstein cow, due May 1; 1 Hol- stein cow, due May 10; 1 Curn- sey cow, due May 20; 1 black cow bred Sept. 1; 2 Hereford steers, 500 lbs.; 4 black Hereford steers, 800 lbs.; 2 Holstein heif- ers, 1% years old; 1 black Here- ford heifer, bred in Aug.; 10 spring calves, Hereford and Hol- stein cross. Implements: 1 John Deere tractor, No. 40, with lights, start- er and pulley; 1 John Deere 2- furrow for 3 point hitch; 1 John Deere bean puller; 1 John Deere scraper for 3 point flitch; 1 Mc- Cormick 10 ft. spring tooth cul- tivator; 1 7 ft. Cockshutt cultiva- tor; 1 set 4 section diamond har- rows; 1 rubber tire wagon and fiat rack; 1 McCormick manure spreader; 3. double disc 14 plate Fleury Bissell; 1 10 -ft. Fleury Bis- sell packer; 1 McCormick side rake; 1 McCormick hay loader; 1 Case 7 ft. hinder; 3000 lb. scales; 1 McCormick mower; grain grinder and belt; 1 paint sprayer and electric motor; 1 Surge milker and pipe line for 10 cows, 2 units; 3 100 -gal, drums and stands; 1 oil conversion unit T1iIA S17AFORTI3 NEWS Thtt1'stlaY, Weber 18, 1962' fessereeiessee'seesselcersesealeseeleveffealea. *seems 13021, Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Hod Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 595W MARTIN W.STAPLETON Phyalolan and Surgeon Phone 90 Res. 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D, Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforial SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J, 0, TURNI3ULL, D.V.11I., V.S. W.11. BRYANS, D,V.M.,V.S, W. 0. DRENNA N, D,V.M„ V.S, G. E. GAS,T,. D,V,M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours--Seaforth daily except Mon,. 9 to 5,80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur. evfl by appointment only,. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.04 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 384 Res. 640 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Iles. 2&e We write. all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen RR6 Sa1AFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED hicINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. ' offices and 15 salesmen to serve you Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 AIMINAsPialaiMMIMONAINNOWN Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil Or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAT WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHOND 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. AMINO NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seatorth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separr ators and Viking Mincing Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. DIAMOND RINGS for furnace, 1 steel water tank; We have a large selection of 12 milk cans, 1 electric brooder yellow and white gold priced for 500 chickens; quantity lune from 950,00 and up—all rings her new and used, guaranteed for 1 year against Hay -2,000 hales good mixed loss or damage to the diamond, hay, and a host of other articles Terms available, no Carrying to be found on a farm, No 10- charge, Anstett Jewellers, serve, the proprietor is giving up "'1 farming, Terme earn' 0, Mitchell Cider and L. t J. Lane, Prop, L. Ryan, Auctioneer. Apple Butter Mill NOTICE Will operate Tues., Wed„ Tliurs. Prompt watch repair service at and Friday Ali work opposite post office. Flom now on until Nov, 23, All k done by certified Watch. makers. Terms strictly cash Fred Hennick & Son Proprietors SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE SPy, Xing, Tatman Sweet, Rue- sct, Greening, Snows, Delicious and eider apples, Phone collect HIT 2-3214, Fret] McCdymont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna, The Seaforth Nowa: "Authorised as Seeond-Claso Mall by the Poet Oftice De- partment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage Itt cash.”