HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-11, Page 8V!VTVV,® CAR COATS SUBURBAN COATS PARKAS and JACKETS MADE TO A HIGH STANDARD OF QUALITY, BUT PRICED AT FIGURES YOU'LL LIKE ! Choose from new laminates, Heek suedes, corduroys, heavy cords, all wools We've got every kind and quality in a Wide range of shades, including iir'own. olive, black, bine, grey, winter' white. Lined With .Borg wool fleece, quilted or wool Don't buy a winter Jacket anywhere, until you've seen= our big range and cheek our low prices for quality. name banns melees 14.95 to 29.50 See our big range of BOYS' CAR COATS at low prices Boys' sizes S to 18 come in a big range of nylon laminates. cords, nylons and wools in the same range of cosy linings as found in men's. Zipper front, button front or parka hooded styles in a big shade range. All high quality coats at 10.95 to 29.50 EWART ' S WALTON Master Kenneth Hulley of Kin - burn spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Waterloo visited over Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundee. Mr. Gerald Dressel of Toronto epent the week -end with Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mrs. Ferne Patterson is at present visiting Mrs. W. Broad - feet. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ennis spent WRITE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IN THE LEFT CORNER; and help speed your mail! Just follow these four points to faster mad service every bmeyou address an envelope: 1 Use full and correct risme of person you're writing to. Use full and correct address with Postal Zone Number ,n Canada's six 'Zoned" titres. Write your own return address Aand Postal. Zone Number ,n r v upper left corner of enve;one. ids 4 Write legibly. pe'laCi' z �b w! F6r 4 • Tbanksglving weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Ennis, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid at- tended the Hodgins -Ryan wed- ding at Lucan on Saturday and spent the week -end with friends in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Barrie visited at the Manse over Thanksgiving. Messengers will hold their monthly meeting next Sunday morning in the church basement. Bible Study will commence next Sunday evening in the schoolroom of the church at 8 p,m. when the book "The Word and the Way" will be studied, beginning with the first chapter, "What Is Religion." Mr. and ;firs. Gary Colyer and son of Thorold spent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley, Brenda and Mary spent the week -end with Mrs. Art. Bewley and family at Willowdale, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Baan vis- ited with relatives in Trenton, Brampton and Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. Martin Baan received word last Tuesday of the death of his father in Holland. lir. and Mrs. Jim McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Heather visited relatives In Detroit over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs, Jim McDonald, Mr, and Mrs. Don McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald attend, ed the Krauter-Dervar wedding in Listowel Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon. The October meeting of Grey Township School Area No. 2 was held at the home of the chairman. Wilfred Shortreed with all members present. After having the September minutes read, adopted and carried by the school board, the following ac- counts were presented for pay. meet: Jack Hood School Sup- plies, Stratford $221.85; Cities Service 00 Co., Listowel, $34; Brussel,, Coal Yard for fuel oil, $56.10 Crawford& Hetherington, legal neeonut, $20.05; 5. Baker, compensation 'Jolley, $111,4(1. IN MENOP.1AM Holland -1u iu loving memory of Benedict Holland who died Oce sober 901. 1939. 11 is only a grave but It still needs care For the one we love lies sleeping there, Soule may forget you Benny, since you are gone But we will never forget yea no matter how long. --alwaye remembered by Daddy, .lam, Brothers' and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the staff and nurses of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don and friends for cards and treats, also for help at home, --Rasa Broadfoot, CARD OF THANKS I want to express my appreci- ation and thanks to the doctors of the Clinic and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and visitors and those who sent cards, to the auonymous blend donors who made my blood. transfusions pos- sible and those who went to Stratford and who helped in any way to assist getting the blood, and all who helped to make my stay in the hospital successful, -Sam Whitmore. COMING EVENT Wednesday, Oet. 24, Euchre, St. James' School Auditorium, sponsored by Catholic Women's League. Prizes and lunch. COMING EVENT Annual fowl stepper at Walton United Church will be Nov, 7. TO RENT Newly decorated house in Sea - forth; living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and three piece bath- room. Apply at Baker's Green- house, Seaforth, FOR SALE General store and dwelling in the village of St, Coltunban, re- cently remodelled with self -serve equipment. Frank Williams, phone 41x2 Dublin. FOR SALE Girls winter coat with fur col- lar; color blue; size 8; like new, One green plaid skirt, size 7, and one pair lined wool plaid slims; all in good condition. Phone 7933 Seaforth. TEACHER WANTED Music Supervisor for S. S. 13 McKillop. Apply to W. J. Mc- Dowell, Sec.-Treas., r.r: 2 Sea forth. FOR SALE John Deere 101 semi -mounted corn picker and a saw dust burn- er for furnace. Francis Hicknell, phone 64r11 Dublin, COMING EVENT A homebaking sale sponsored by Seaforth WI on Sat„ Oct. 20th at. 3 p.ni. in F. Kling's empty store (Daly's). Clearing A lotion Sale Oa Saturday, Oct, 20111 at 12.30 pan, Of Cattle, Irnpleiuents, Feed & Poultry laguipn ent is McKillop lownehip at lot 13, con, 3, Sal uforttilesh: east and 11.1 north of Sea.. Censisting of Cattle: 1 Durham cow, due Feb, 1; 1 black caw, due Feb. 5; 1 Holstein Caw, cite Feb, 111 1 holstein caw, due Feb. 26; 2 Holstein heifers, due March 14- 10; 1 holstein cow, due Mar. 9; 1. Holstein cow, due Mar, 2S; 1 Holstein eew, due April 10; 1 Holstein cow, due May 11 1 Hol- stein cow, due May 16; 1 Gum- mier cow, due May 20; 1 black COW bred Sept. 1; 2 Hereford steers, 800 lbs.; 4 black Hereford steers, 300 lbs.; 2 Holstein heif- ers, 114 year's old; 1 black Idere- ford heifer, bred In Aug.; 10 spring salves, Hereford and Hol- stein anis. Implements; 1 John Deere tractor, No, 40, with lights, start- er and pulley; 1 John Deere 2- furrow for 3 point hitch; 1 John Deere bean puller; 1 John Deere scraper for 3 point. hitch; 1 9Ie- Corntiek 10 ft, spring tooth cul- tivator; 1 7 ft. Coeksbutt cultiva- tor; 1 set 4 section diamond har- rows; 1 rubber tire wagon and Rat rack; 1 McCormick manors spreader; 1 double disc 14 plate Fleury Bissell; 1 10 -ft, Fleury 13is- sell packer; 1 McCormick side rake; 1 McCormick hay loader; 1 Case 7 ft. binder; 3000 Ib, scales; 1 McCormick mower; grain grinder and belt; 1 paint sprayer and electric motor; 1 Surge milker and pipe line for 19 cows, 2 units; 3 100 -gal, drums and stands; 1 ell conversion unit for furnace, 1 steel water tank; 12 milk cans, 1 electric brooder for 500 chickens; quantity lura. ber new and used, Hay -2,000 bales good mixed hay, and a Trost of other articles to be found on a farm, No le - serve, the proprietor is giving 1111 farming. Terms cash. Vincent J. Lane, Prop. J. L, Ryan, Auctioneer, Auction Sale Auction sale of Household Ef- fects in the Village of Walton, Saturday, Oct. 20th at 1 p.m. at the Walton station, Heavy duty 4 -burner electric stole, refrigerator, good condi- tion; RCA. 'Victor television (good); complete bedroom state; 3 cupboards; double bed; single bed; Hoover vacuum cleaner; floor polisher; rug 11x12; washing machine; 2 burner rangette; couch; kitchen suite; table; 4 chairs; ironing board; baby car- riage; pots, pans, cutlery; sand- wich grill; toaster; steam iron; electric clock; record player; small mantel radio; table ramp; dresser lamps; linen, trunks, tools, other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms cash. M. Dronick, Prop. Auet„ Harold Jackson. Clerk, George Powell. Auction Sale Auction sale of Household Ef- fects in the Village of Walton SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE on Wednesday, October 24th at Spy, King, Tatman Sweet, Rus- 1 p.m. set, Greening, Snows, Delicious Medium size piano in Al condi- and cider apples. Phone collect tion, small tables, rocking chairs, HU 2-3214, Fred McClymont & extension table; cupboard; drop Sons, 1 mile south of Varna, head sewing machine; chairs; picture frames and pictures; glass cupboard; octagon pedestal table; hall rack; 3 beds; dress- ers; washstands; mattresses; springs; 4 pair pillows; sectional book case; kitchen cabinet; step ladder; 2 ladders; wheel barrow; 100 ft. garden hose; 2 toilet sets; logging chain; car chains; tools; bag truck; dog kennel; hand sleigh; kitchen utensils; sealers, crocks; bedding; scythe; prun- ing tongs; scoop shovels; ]awn mower; car jacks; saw horse; oil drum; garden tools; Easy washing machine; Wingharn Cla- ssic white enamel stove; Quebec cook stove; Quebec heater; 2 basins. Other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. Ed. Davidson, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. NOTICE Gardens plowed, with Ford tractor. Roy Lawson, ph. 496W GOOD MAN WANTED For established Rawleigh Dist- rict in townships Tuckersmith, McKillop and Hullett. Real op- portunity for permanent profit- able rofitable work. No experience requir- ed. We train and help you - sup- ply full stock on interest free credit. Cd'rite, Rawleigh's, Dept. J -204 -NZ, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. UNIT 4, UCW Unit Four of the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Turnbull, Tuesday, Oc- tober 2. Twenty-four members and guests were present. The meeting opened with the singing of a Thanksgiving hymn. Follow- ing words of welcome from the president, Mrs. B. Vodden con conducted worship period on a Thanksgiving theme. The president, Mrs. Turnbull, conducted the business portion of the meeting. Invitations to at- tend the McKillop Thankoffering in the Presbyterian Church and the Kinhurn Thankoffering were offered for Oct. 18 and 24 re- spectively. The ladies were also reminded of the Thankoffering meeting in their own church on Tusaday, October 23 at 8 p.m, Unit Four is invited to a ba- zaar in the churcb basement Sat., Oct, 27. The bazaar is sponsored by Units One and Five. Unit Four is responsible for help with the toddlers during the church service for the months of October and November. A sched- ule was set up for October, One quilt bad been completed in September. Plans were made to hold another quilting, Detobor 17, at Mrs. Moore's. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read. Roil call was an- swered by telling "something for which you aro thankful," A lin- SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith se Sealed tenders addressed to Mr. Andrew Houston, Road Sup- erintendent, (MR. 3, Seaforth) and designated "Snowplowing Tenders" will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, Octo- ber 15, 1962. The Township of Tuckersmith requires for snowplowing town- ship roads during the winter of 1962-63: Two power graders which are to be equipped with V - type hydraulically operated plows encial report was given, Mrs. N. Bell savoured the gathering with the singing of a Tbankegiving hymn, Rev. and Mrs. U. Stewart, us- ing slides, gave a most interest- ing account of their three weeks with the Indians on the Saugeen reserve, Rev. Mr. Stewart con- cluded the talk by singing a. hymn in the Ojibwey language. A delicious lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. Mrs, Bell expressed the thanks of the group to those who bad taken part in the meeting, Clearing Auction Sate Thursday, October 25t11 Of Varnt, Farm StoolO, Snapl( Inents. Hay and Grain In the Township of McKillop, at lot W }/s 12, Con. 11, on Wed., Oet, 25, at 12.30 P.M. Cattle -12 holstein cows, milk - Ing and due in Jan„ Feb:, Mar. 2 holstein caws due time of sale, 1 Durham cow due time of sale, 11 Holstein heifers 2 years, dos Jan„ Feb„ March. 20 yearling calves, Holstein and Hereford. Intpleliients•--1 1962 Ford tree- tor. reetor. starter., lights, three point hitch with super -six loader, NEW. 1 1950 Ford tractor with &tarter on new rubber, 1 19411 Dodge Iia tan truck with stock rack and tarp, 1 2 -furrow Coek- shutt tractor plow for 3 point hitch. 1 13 -run fertilizer DMC: Deering drill with tractor hitch. 1 91,81, 7 ft, power mower. 1 Mc- Cormick hay louder. 1 McCorru- icic side rake. 1 rubber tire wagon and new flat rack. 1 Dearborn 12 plate double disc. 1 S•drutn land roller, 1 set 4 section 61001006 narrows, with pole, 1 McCormick No. 200 manure spreader on rub- ber, 1 sleigh and Sat. rack. 1 Dear- born 7 ft, cultivator on rubber for 3 point hitch, 1 snow blower, new. 1 scraper, rubber tired wheel barrow. 1 electric hautnrer mill with 3 hip: motor. 1 chop box, 1 32 -ft. extension ladder, new. 1 fan mill with la hp. motor. 1 sunbeam skil saw, new, 1 set of Ford tractor chains. 2 rolls new snow fence. 1 200 gal. gas tank and pump. 1 steel water tank, 1 bench vice. 4 electric fencers. 3 electric motors, 1/,4 h.p, 1 walking plow, bag truck, Poultry Ectaipment - 4 range shelters. 2 colony houses, 2 elec- tric brooders, 0 large pert feed- ers, Number chicken feeders, wa- terers, 400 Heningai's hens; lay- ing we1L Dairy Equipment -- 1 Delaval mincing machine, 2 trait, pipeline for 28. 1 4 -eau spray milk cooler, 15 mitis cans. 1 Renfrew cream separator. 1 1 -can milk cooler. 1 milk can truck. Feed -1300 bus. nixed grain, oats and barley. 150 bus. of Rus- sell oats, 2400 bales of mixed hay. Quantity of cut straw in barn. 1 bag of timothy seed. 10 bags of potatoes. 1 good set of team harness and collars and top. 1 good collie dog, 20 cords of dry wood; cedar post and some lubber. Quantity of angle iron. 1 hay car, ropes and pulleys. Property - Consisting of 125 acres of good land. 25 acres brok- en, the balance in hay and pas- ture, On the property, barn 44x 60 with good stabling on stone foundation, new steel drive shed 26x60 on cement wall, 5 room frame house with good basement, covered with red instil brick sid- ing, 'water on. pressure in house and barn. Hydro throughout. This is a model farm, well drained and fenced, close to town and school. School bus and milk truck pass gate. Also - Forks, shovels, log chains, pails, tools, cross cut saw and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -On chattels, cash. On property, 10% day of sale, balance 30 days. Proprietress, Mrs, Jessie John- son. Auctioneer, Joseph L. Ryan AUCTION SALE Jaybee Hereford Farms 6th Production Sale of Registered Herefords at the Farm., 5 miles south of Seaforth, or 3 miles east of Kippen, on Friday, October 12, commencing at 1 o'clock D S T, featuring 37 head: 27 Bred Females - 24 of these are Alberta born and bred to Real Silver Prince, which we purchased at Calgary Bull Sale in 1959. He was the top selling bull of the sale and season. 10 Serviceable - Age Bulls -Six of which are Advance Registry Tested carrying Government bonus of 20%, with rate of gain up to 3.38 pounds per day while on test, Eight of these bulls are sired by Real Silver Prince. Write for catalogues. Stanley Jackson, Proprietor, Kippen, Ont. Telephone Seaforth 072r5. Auctioneers: W. S. O'Neil, Percy Wright, Edward Elliott. of 8' minimum width and a hyd- ciraulically operated wing. All equipment and tender prices are subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all requirements, carry public liability insurance and Workman's Compensation. The tender must state the fiat rate Per hour (no stand-by time). A11 work is to be done under the su- pervision of the Road Superint- endent uperintendent and the Dept. of High- ways. Tenders to be considered on Oct, 15, 1962 at 8.45 P.M. The lowest or any tencler not necessarily accepted. J. I, McIntosh Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith rrr Brownie. s ' DRI VEWJN THEATRE Clinton 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING Friday and. Saturday October 12 and 13 HIT No. 1-8hown et 8.30 only "CATTLE EMPIRE" Starring Joel McCrea and Gloria Talbot (Color - Scope) HIT No. 2 -Shown at 10.00 "THE BRAVADOS" Starring Gregory Peck and Joan Collins (Color . Scope) (Cartoon) Closing For The Season ! Reason: Freezing Thanks for your kind Patronage See You Early Next Spring - LORNE & STEPHEN BROWN and STAFF COMING EVENT Bazaar and bingo, Oct. 24111. St. Coluntbau Hall FOR SALE Two bunches of good strong York pigs. A. R, Dodds, lot 32, con. 7, McKillop, WANTED Wanted, woman for cleaning. Apply Sept., Scott Memorial Hospital FOR SALE Heater, a little bit of lumber, storm windows and windows, fi inch pipe, soil pipe, 1 round, Clarence Reeves For Sale Homes, farms, business and income properties. Properties For Rent Large brick residence, near Public School, Available Nov. 1st, Large brick home, one block from Main Street, gas furnace, modern kitchen. Available Oc- tober 15th. Joseph McConnell REALTOR 19 Victoria Street Seaforth Telephone 266 NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. A11 work done by certified watch- makers. FOR SALE Good Cheer cook stove, burns coal or wood. Also '47 Ford pickup truck. Ambrose Addles, Itinburn. TENDERS WANTED Township of McKillop Tenders will be received by the under- signed until 2 p.m., Friday. Oct. 12, for snow removal in McKillop Town- ship winter of 1062.63. Giro description of equipment and price per hour. WILSON .LITTLE Road Supt. Seaforth R.R. 1 FOR SALE Holland grown bulbs in a vari- ety of colors, tulips, hyacinths, crocus, paper white narcissus and daffodils. Baker's Greenhouse, your Garden Centre, Seaforth, STOCKER AND k'L+EDER CATTLE SALE At the Livestock Sales Barn HJNSALL, ONTARIO Saturday, Oct. 18th, at 1 P.M. 505 Durham & Hereford Steers rang- ing from 600 to 8o0 lbs. 150- Ilereford Steers & Hereford calves 20 holstein Heifers For consignment, call Tack Morrissey, 234-0200 Crediton Victor Hargreaves, HU 2-7611 Clinton Mel Graham, HU 2-0008 Clinton Terms cash Auctioneer: Harold Jackson MUST SELL SINGER SIG-ZAG in beautiful wood cabinet for $61.20 still owed, or take on pay- ments of $7.13 per month. Does fancy stitching, no attachments needed. Use your old machine as down payment. Dealer, Write Box F, The Seaforth News. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office - Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • Alt Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, eta.) is also available AUNTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J, Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Lendesbero; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth THIO SEAFORTII MOWS 'l'ltursday, October 11, 1962 BOX Funeral Hoiue AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Iles, 605 JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A„ M,O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5.W Seaforth SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TU1INBULL, D, V.M„ V,S. W. R. I3RYANS, D.V,M., V,S. W. a, DRENNAN, D.V.M„ V,S, G. E. GALT, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except loon„ 9 to 6.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12,30 PM. Thur. aril by appointment 0111Y. Clinton 7311-2-7010. alsove Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 0 0o 6.50 Auer INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAT WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Rtes. 2&8 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth VIM Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WiLFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont, " offices and 26 salesmen to serve you NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Bitsil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of yellow and white gold priced from 350.00 and up -all rings guaranteed for 1 year against loss or damage to the diamond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett Jewellers, Mitchell Cider and Apple Butter Mill Will operate Tues., Wed„ Thurs. and Friday From now on until Nov, 23. Torras strictly cash Fred Hennick & Son Proprietors Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in .Taclison Aluminum Bldg. The Seaforth News: "Authorized a. Second -Close Mab by the Poet Oitioe De- pertment, Ottawa, and for payment of Postage in eesh."