HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-11, Page 5'THE S100AIrV '1'H NEWS, Thursday, October 1I, 10040_-5 SHIER'S sunm" rood Market HEINZ KETCHUP 2 11 -oz.. bottles39C YORK FANCY CREAM 3e��C CORN 2 20 -oz, tins PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 19 oz. package �C Pineapple - White -. Chocolate SI-HIRRIFF'S GOOD MORN- ING MARMALADE 24 oz. jar 10 { C TULIP MARGARINE A 9 squeeze bag 2lbs. `� c LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS 9 2 15 -oz. tins 'JOU, SOUTH AFRICAN ORANGES Doz. 49c FRESH CARROTS 1911 3 lb. cello bag CRISP CELERY HEARTS 19eEach9 TRI-COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR THE BLIND HURON COUNTY OBJECTIVE $6000.00 Send your donation to: Mr. E. C. Boswell, Seaforth, Ont. BLAKE Mr. Frank Fillingbam of New Liskeard visited with friends of this vicinity over the past week. Mr. Lloyd McBride and son David of Windsor spent the holi- day weekend at their farm on the Town Line. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Dinsmore and Bob of Windsor spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dinsmore and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dinsmore. Mr. Hughie McBride of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride and Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and daughter, Joanne. Holiday week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and John, and Mrs. Mary Manson and Robert were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson and family and Miss Lea Slutter, BORN Jewitt — At Scott Memorial Hospital on October 9, to Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, r.r. 1 Lon. desboro, a son. 1f NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Worship 11. a.m. Jr. Church School during wor- ship. Sr. Church School 10 a.m, Organist, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart Choirmaster, Mr. Sas. A. Stewart Minister, Rev. J. Cliff Britton CAVANUNITED CHURCH Worship 9,30 a,m. Church School 10.45 a.m. Anniversary of Cavan U.C. will be observed on Sun., Oct. 21st, 11 a.nt„ with Rev, Arthur Higginbotham as guest minister. Organist, Mrs. Oliver Anderson Minister, Rev. J. Cliff Britton 11110. Reception For Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan Friday, Oct. 12th IN WALTON HALL Music by Ian Wilhee Ladies please bring lunch 1962 CHEVROLET SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN, R. 1958 FORD COACH 1957 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN, A.T. & R. 1957 FORD SEDAN 1955 Chevrolet 1/z ton Pickup NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawns 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPIC'. Miss SatUt' Caldwoil of Yau- couver arrived by let Net weak to visit her sister, Mrs. Jtuseeli Sproat and Mr, Sproat. The Misses Blauche Collins, Dorcas MacFarlane and Minnie MtteDonald and Mrs. lien Burn of Tilsonburg visited last week with Itev, and Mrs. J, Ure Stewart, Miss Donelda Adams has pur- chased the residence of Mrs, El- izabeth Weber who Is moving to Stratford, possession to be given October 25th. Mis Helen Davidson of Toronto was a week end guest with her mother, Mrs. A. Davidson, Constable A. Bowering, OPP, is on duty at provinolal plowing match near Owen Sound this week. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Hastings of Bright, Ont., were Sunday visitors at the home of Rev, J, Ore and Mrs, Stewart, Mrs. M. W, Stapleton, Mrs, F. Cosford, Mre. C. Reith, Mrs. A. Sillars, Mrs, G, Bouasey and Miss Gladys Thompson attended the joint fall regional meeting of Regions 1 and 2 of the Wom- en's Ilospital Auxiliary held in the Educational building of Vic- toria hospital, Loudon, on Oct. 3. Miss Lynne MacDonald spent the week -end with her aunt and uncle, Rev, and Mrs, J. Ure Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Williams and family of Whitby spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams, Thanksgiving visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Adams and Donelda includ- ed Mr, and Mrs. Donald McDon- ald and Mrs. Bertha McDonald' of Toronto, who also visited Mr, and Mrs. Alex, McDonald, Mark 30th Wedding Anniversary On Monday, Oct, 8, a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Watson Reid, r.r. 1 Blyth, when the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie, r.r, 3 Lueknow, was celebrated. The bride was the former Irene Car- ter, daughtor of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Carter of Landes - bore. The home was tastefully decorated with wedding bells and autumn Rowers. The beautifully decorated wedding cake graced the table for the turkey dinner, After the reading of many greeting cards a short program was given and a projector was Presented to the happy couple. A few games of court whist were played and the projector used in displaying many scenic and fatn- ily pictures. UNIT 3, UCW The October meeting of Unit 3 of Northside United Church Wo- men was held at the home of Mrs. Tom Wilbae. The president, Mrs. Talbot opened the meeting with a poem, "Speak Gently." The Lord's Prayer was said in unison. Twenty members answer- ed the roll call and two visitors were present. The business per- iod was conducted by Mrs. Tal- bot. Several invitations to the unit were read and members were reminded of the ba- zaar being held by units 1 and 5. Mrs, Knight and Mrs. Christie were in charge of the devotional program. A chapter of the study book was outlined by Mrs, Knight, Psalm 65 was read to- gether and Mrs. Christie closed the meeting with a prayer. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Art Wright and Mrs, Austin Matheson. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Moore, Elaine, Neil, Donald and Wayne of Lindsay were week end guests with Mt'. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson of Exeter and NIr, and Mrs. Mal- colm Lomond and daughter Tra- verse of London were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Lam. end. Mt', and Mrs. Herman Hoste have bought a farm near Sea - forth and with their family have taken up residence in their new home. Week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Glen Tuffin of Rondeaa Park, Mrs, R. Hulley, Bobby, Sandra and David of Winthrop, Sacicio and Judy McGhee of Lon- don and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cur- rie, Linda and Joanne of Dorch- ester, Mr. Gerald Carey, accompanied by his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ha. cold Carey, ars spending this week with Mr, and Mrs. Arms- trong in Montreal Mr. Jiut Chappel of Geraldton spent Thanksgiving week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Filmer Chappel, Mrs, Jonah) 1"ist:her of Guelph is visiting with her brother, Mr. Russell Butter. Mr, Ed. Kay of Port Arthur and daughter, Mrs. Juhustou of Clinton, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Mt'. and Mrs. Len Harris. Far, either. and Mrs, Elizabeth Mar - gen .02 Toronto, visited on Satur- day with Mr, and Airs, Keith Mc- Laren. Mr. Barry McKinnon of Ottawa spent the week and with Itis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ma Kinnon, Mt', and Mrs. Sant McCurdy vi- sited on Sunday with Mr, and Mr's. Will Kay, Loudon, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Gardiner visited relatives In Toronto on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs, R, Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and Lor - ratite and Mr, and Mrs, John Jef- ferson were guests at the Jeffer- son -Beards wedding at Anderson ;Ousted Church on Saturday, Ler- rattle was an attendant at the wedding. Misses Ina Scott, Alice Walk- er, Dorothy Scott and Carol Howe of London spent the holi- day week end at their respective homes. Mr, Hugh Scott was home front Guelph for the week end. Several members of the family of Mr, Harry Norris visited their father on Sunday. Week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson were Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson Jr. of Sault. Ste Marie, Miss Ina Jef- ferson, London, and Mr. William Riugler of Detroit. Guests at the home of Mr, and 11Irs. Frank Allen during the week were Mrs, Violet Quance of Bracebridge, Mrs, Frances Sanders of Toronto, and Mrs, Ross Taylor of Toronto. A large gathering of friends and neighbors met in Cromarty school on Friday evening to ho- nor Mr. and Mrs. Ilerman Hoste and family upon their departure front this neighborhood. Euchre was enjoyed, followed with a short program consisting' of mus- ical numbers on violin by Eldon Allen, accompanied by Mrs. Har- vey Dow; humorous readings by Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Dow. The following address was read by Calder hlcKaig and the guests of honor were presented with a floor lamp and matching lamps by Wesley Russell and Harvey Dow. Jean Dow .presented the daughter with a gift. "Dear Herman and Christine: It was with regret that we learn- ed of your departure from our community. We will miss you as you were both willing to lend a helping hand whenever needed. We hope you will be happy in your new home and as a token of our respect, we present these gifts." Mr, and Mrs. Hoste each made a suitable reply. A bountiful lunch was served by the close neighbors. The Thanksgiving meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the Sunday school room with members of the Mar- ion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary as guests. Mrs. M. Lamond presided and the Thanksgiving program in the Glad Tidings was followed. Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. C. McKaig, Mrs, W. Harper and Mrs, R. Dodds. Mrs. Bert McIntosh of Motherwell was guest speaker and told of the origin of the Women's Mission- ary Society and also spoke of her work in the Presbyterial. She closed her remarks with a poem, "Unaware." Mrs. T. L. Scott fa- vored with a solo, "Building," and conducted a Bible quiz. She also gave her impressions of the new Ewart College. The mission study lesson was reviewed by Mr's, Calder McKaig. Miss Olive Speare gave a reading "The First Thanksgiving." Prayers were led by Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mrs. T. Laing. A social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. J. M, Scott and Mrs, John Wallace as hostesses. don, Mich., visited a few days with Mrs. Dowson and other t'ul- atives. Mrs, Eldin Kerr of Witt - throe was a visitor on Thursday. Mr. Fern McLean of Toronto visited bir. and Arra. Wilfred Mollls and some relatives during the week. Mr, Norman Long was admit- ted Monday to Stratford General Hospital for surgery and his friends wish him a speedy return home. On Friday evening, Oct. 5th, S.S. No. 9 entertained at a ntts- cellaneous shower honoring Miss Rita Lane, bride -elect of Satur- day, Oct. 13th. She is the daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Lane, r,r, 4 Seaforth. A programme con- sisted of sing -songs, contests, a solo by Pam Patrick and a read- ing by Mrs, Art, Finlayson, The address was read by Marjorie Papplo, and gifts were presented by Pam Patrick and Barbara Gemmell. Rita thanked everyone for the gifts. Lunch was served, Miss Marlene McLachlan of London was the guest of her Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wrn. Mc- Lachlan over the holiday, Mrs, Margaret Johnston of To- ronto spent the week end visit- ing Mr, W, R. Cooper, Mt', and Mr's, Emmerson Ander- son and family and Mrs. Mize - both Anderson are holidaying with relatives in Marlette, Mich, Mrs, Myrtle Kilpatrick is a guest of her niece, Mrs. Eldon Jarrett and Mr, Jarrott. Mrs. Alice Keen of Stratford visited Sunday with Mrs. Dow - son. Mr, and Mrs. Einar Mousseau and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Faber. and Kevin attended the Thiel - Glen wedding Saturday at 2.30 p.m. at the Church of God, Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Thomson and Mr, Robert Thomson attend- ed the Priestap-Markle wedding Saturday at 3 p.ut. at St. Pauls Church, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Thomson and family visited Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey of Seaforth, KIPPEN Mr. Garnet Smallcombe of Guelph and formerly of Hettsall visited Wednesday with Mt'. NIr, Robert Thomson. It is fifty years since Mr. Thomson had seen him. Mr. and Mrs, W, L, lVlellis and a sister, Mr's. Edward Cudmore of Vancouver spent the holiday week end with Mr, and Mrs, Clar- ence Hutchison of St, Thomas, The Misses Mary Ann Green- field and Dianne Perkin of Lon- don spent Thanksgiving weekend with Miss .Toyce Hood. Mr, and bars, Gordon Wren vis- ited over the -holiday with their daughter and sou -in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Smith at Grimsby, iVlr. and Mrs, Edward Sheffer and their two grandohildren, Joyce and Paul Sheffer of Dry, EGMONDVILLE EGMONDVILLE U.C.W. Mrs, Ed Boyce, president of Eomondville 11,C,W., opened the meeting on October 3rd by read- ing part of Psalm 46. The devo- tional period was opened with prayer by Mrs, L. Strong after which she took the topic, Record of Faith. Mrs. D. Wallace read the Scripture from Romans 14, and Mrs. Strong closed with prayer. Mrs, Bruce MacGregor was pianist. The roll call and minutes were read by Mrs, Keith McLean who also read a letter et thanks from Mrs, Eva Kerr for flowers she had received. In- vitations were read and accepted from the following churches: McKillop branch of Seaforth Presbyterian Church, to attend a thankoffering W.M.S. meeting in the church on Oct. 18, when Rev. Mr. Fry will be speaker: Turner's Church visitors day at 8 p.m, on Oct. 25, when Miss Westgate will be guest speaker and show pictures of work among the Eskimos; Kievan United Church at 8 p.m. on Oct. 30th, when Rev. Mr. Whiting of Hazel- ton, B.C., will be guest speaker. The members were reminded of the bazaar and asked to make use of remnants which had been received. The members were re- minded about open house at Westminster College on Oct. 7, Mrs, Jas. McIntosh read the treasurer's report and the offer- ing was received and dedicated, Mrs. Norman MacLean spoke of a conference of teen agers at Five Oaks from Dec, 27 to 31. In this connection a motion was made that the • U.C,W. help fin- ance expenses to send two or hree of our young people by sup- porting any efforts that might e made to raise extra money, A * LnRoNr;5 Check over our complete assortment of Children's Winter Wear t. SNOW SUITS JACKETS CAR COATS, ETC. KIDDIES SNOW SUITS 1 to 3X and 4 to 6X sizes JACKETS AND CAR COATS, ages 7 to 14 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND SLEEPERS CAPS, GIRLS WINTER HEADWEAR MITTS AND GLOVES CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS ,t LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STORE STATIONERY -- GIFTS Friday night is shopping night in Seaforth Plea was made for helpers to work with the group of Messen- gers, The purpose of Bible study in the U,C,W, groups was explain- ed by airs. Bores. The Bible is God's word •and it is important that we know what the word of God is, One function of the lT.C.W, is Bible study. A discus- �® REMINDER Last installment of 1962 Town of Seaforth Taxes is due on Oct. 31st sten about Bible study was taken by bit's. D, Wallace, Mrs, K. Mac- Lean, Mrs. Rny Meflonigle and Mrs. Preston Dallas, The Bible should be read individually and in groups, and discover new id- eas, We may make use of the different translations. Some well known Bible vlerses were ex- plained by the panel. The meet- ing was closed with a hymn fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs, Boyce. Ladies of group 4 served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. WINTHROP The Messengers of Cavan Winthrop will meet in the school roost of the church on Saturday, Oct, 13th. at 2 p.m. The CGIT of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will meet Monday. October 15, at 8. p.m, at the home of Miss Faye Little, Rummage Sale St. Thomas Parish Hall Friday, Oct. 12 7 P.M. Relatives, Friends and Neighbors are cordially invited to a SOCIAL EVENING Honoring Mr, and Mrs. Steve Murray On occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary BRODHAGEN Community Centre Saturday, Oct. 13 DANCING BRODHAGEN COIVIMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Oct. 12 Desjardines Orchestra Admission 75c Euchre In Orange Hall Monday, Oct. 15 Sponsored by the Orange Lodge EVERYONE WELCOME Silo I, nloaders Bunk feeders and stable cleaners should be installed as soon as possible.. Cold -weather conditions delay installation and costs more money. Our special factory offer only lasts till Oct. 21st. Phone HU 2-9822, and we will give you further particulars. Jonathan E. Hugill AND SONS Highway 8 west of Seaforth N e 4 4 4 A 3 111111111111111111111111111111.11,,,,,11.111.111"11111mm1111mm1111"11.111u111muuu"1111111111.11111n111111111111m11111111111.11111111111,1111111111111m11111111111.11n11u11,11111111T FIRST MORTGAGES Farms -- Residential Commercial The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company ESTABLISHED 188e Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Seaforth lulltnmall 1111111111111,111111111111111111111111111.01111111111.011101M1 lllllllll /111A11.131111N10§ 4 4 '1