HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-11, Page 4Y v o v O 7
Mr, and Mrs. Michael Connolly,
Ingersoll; Mr, and Mrs. Jolui
Young, Wao(Istock; Mr. and Mrs,
JUn Martina:A, and M. and Mrs.
Forgue Kenny, London, dad their
families. with Mr. and Mrs. Jos,
Mr. and Mies. Pat Murray and
family, London, with Mr. tied
Mrs. Jat nes McQuaid and Mr.
and Mrs, Gilbert Murray.
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Smith
and family, Kitchener with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Purcell.
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan,
Detroit., with Mr. and Mrs. With
Mr. and Mrs. Rea Marcy and
children, Niagara Falls, and Miss
Hilda Kennedy, Londaa with ,Mr.
and Mrs, Auguste Ducharme,
Miss Rita Kennedy, Loudon
with Air, and Mrs. Angus Ken-
Mr. and Mrs, Doe Brady and
Brian, :llettford; Air. and Mrs.
Jos. Sloan, Windsor; Pat Sloan,
Collingwood; Gerald Sloan, Co.
bourg, with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hill, Van-
essa. with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph
1 t kert,
Miss ,loan Dalton, Trenton,
with Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dal-
Air, and .Airs. Joseph Kale. Mr,
and Mrs, Tom Kale, Mr, and Mr's.
Louis O'Reilly and Mr, and Mrs.
1•'rauk Murray in London attend-
ing the Stapleton -O'Byrne wed-
ding nn Saturday.
fir. and Mrs. Culbert Murray,
Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. B, Costello
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan,
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Murray.
\!r. and .Airs. Martin Purcell
:tad '::racily. Kitchener with Mr.
lin, Ret^, L. J. Coughlin perform-
ed the ceremony bird sang the
nuptial mass. The organist wire
Mrs V J. Lane, The bride, Well
in marriage by her father, wore.
a floor length gown of peen de
faille, with bodice fashioned o1
French lace with a Sabrina neck-
line, with long 'lily Point sleeves.
The pleated midriff had two
small haws at the baek. The full
scissor -pleated skirt had a panel
of French lace at the front. and
extended to a chapel train at the
back. A crown of crystals ltald
her tiered, scalloped satin veil of
silk illusion. She carried red
roses with ivy and streamers,
Mrs, Robert Uniac, Alitcltell, sis-
ter of the bride was matron of
honor, wearing a street length
chess of red peau de sole and
matching shoes. The bodice had
a Sabrina neckline .tad short cap
sleeves, The scissor -pleated skirt
bad a large bow at the back. Her
headdress was of white pear de
sole petals with a short veil. The
bridesmaids were Miss Jean
Gethke, London and Miss Mary
Lou Stegner, London. They wore
dresses similar to that of the
maid of honor, The attendants
each carried gardenias with
streamers and Ivy. Pamela Uniac
01 Mitchell, niece of the bride,
was flower girl, dressed in n red
peau de sole with round neckline,
short cap sleeves, a scissor -
pleated skirt and a pleated cum-
merbund with two small bows at
the back. She carried a basket of
White baby chrysanthemums.
The best matt was Robert Uniac,
Mitchell, and the ushers were
Wiiliaul Murphy, r,r. 4 Seaforth contests were held and prizes
and Ray Kemp, London, brother awarded to the winners, An ad -
of the bride. A wedding dinner 1dress was read by Miss Leota
and reception were held at the Krauskopf, and the guest of
Brodhngen Community Hall. honor was assisted in opening
T; b:i•le's mother received the amorous gifts for which she
:tad Airs. Jack McIver and Mr. „nests, wearing a sheath dress graciously expressed her thanks,
.and .Airs. Tont Purcell of beige crepe with matching A delicious lunch was served by
Mr. and Airs. Ken Lane, ;teat- jacket trimmed with lace, brown the sponsors and their assist -
ford ,with Mr. and Mrs. Tom ace,,sorics and a corsage of Tal- ants,
Ismail roses, She was assisted Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stapleton
:air. and Mrs. Albert Cronin, by the bridegroom's mother who and family, (.halt, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. James O'('onnor wore a bine figured jersey dress Jim Newcombe, Port Credit, with
!MIr, and 'Mrs. William Stapleton.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Woods and
family, Miss Kaye Killies, of
Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs, Len
Cronin, and family, Stratford,
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan,
Mr. and Mrs, Samos Kelly and
family, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs,
Wilfred Duffy and family, Wood-
stock, Mr. and Mrs. Syl Ryan and
family, Mrs. Wm, Ryan, Sebring•
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dill-
on and family, St. Thomas, with
Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy.
DUBLIN IMrs. Martin Klinkhamer, Mary
M. and Mrs. Glenn Butters,Margaret and Don spent the
London, with Mr, and Mrs. Tont week end in Chicago with Mr,
Butters. and Mrs, Clayton Hill.
MN. John Robinson at Duudrts,
with whom he had resided slam
retiring front the fat'ui. His wile
Predeceased him in 19443 Ile was
e faithful member of St. Pat-
rick's Church, Dublin and of the
Holy Nellie Society, He is surviv-
ed by tour sons: Jack, 'William
and Joseph, Loran Twp., and
Pat of Hamilton, also Baur Baugh -
tors, Mrs. (Margaret) Denomnne,
Mrs, (Dorothy) Robinson and
Pearl O'Rourke, Dundas, and
Mrs. (Katbarlee) Looby, Dublin,
The funeral wee held front the
residence of Clayton Looby, Duo -
lin, in St, 'Patrick's Church on
Monday morning. A Solemt4.Re-
(Nem Mass Was ' offered with
Rave R. Durand as Celebrant,
Rev. J. Coughlin, St, Columban,.
as Deacon and Rev, Dr, Ftouikes
as Sub -Deacon. ROY, Father He -
hoe, Dundas, nand Rev, Father
Moylan, S.F.M„ Toronto, were in
the sanctuary. Mrs, John Nagle
presided at the organ ant John
Van Epman was soloist, The pall-
bearers were Jack McCarthy,
Joseph Shea, Wilfred Krauskopf,
Louis liruxer, Harold Meagher,
James Delaney. Burlal took place
In St. Patrick's Cemetery, Dub-
A miscellaneous shower spun-
sored by Miss Leota Kranskopf,
Miss Marion McLaughlin, Miss
Louise O'Rourke in lienor of
Miss Catherine Feeney was held
at the home of Mrs, Nick Krans-
kopf, About forty ladies assem-
bled to extend felicitations to the
prospective bride whose mar-
riage to Theodore J. Melody 1s
an event of this month. Various
ship." [vers, A. Coutts took the and Mrs. Ray McDonald gave a
topic on Stewardship "All than
we have iuut are," She stressed
the four baste principles et
Stewardship (1.) God Is the only
true owner and giver of alt
things (2)All that Possess WO
hold as a trust front Him (3) We
acknowledge our trusteeship, by
returning a worthy portion (4)
We shall render to God an ac.
count of our administration,
Throughout the discourse quest-
ions were asked and a very In-
teresting discussion followed.
Hymn 350 "Take My Life and
Let It Be" was sung, Mrs. Reid
expressed her appreciation to the
ladies of the church. who so gen-
erously gave of their time and
helpful labour throughout the re-
decorating of the church base-
ment and all who so willingly
helped on anniversary Sunday,
Minutes of the last meeting were
given by Mrs, Ron Bennett and
the correspondence and thank -
you note read by Mrs. T. Dundas,
Au invitation was accepted from
Burns Church to attend-. their
bazaar and tea in the Londesboro
Hall Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 30,
commencing at 2.30
It was decided that Mrs, M.
Baan order fifty boxes of Christ-
mas cards. The autumn thank -
offering meeting and regular
UCW meeting will be held Fri-
day afternoon, Nov, 9, at 2 p.m,
The annual turkey supper and
Program to be held Wednesday
evening, Nov, 7, was planned
The program will consist of a
program of Bells by David Barrie
of Galt, also local talent, Door-
keepers, Herb. Treviso, Jack
Bryans, Bill Dennis, Murray Ben -
is. Alvin McDonald, Neil Mc -
Gavin; calling numbers, Rev. A
Higginbotham; taking tickets,
Mrs. A. ITigginbotham and AA's,
Maud Leering; Mrs, H, Brown
to look after the printing of the
tickets. Anyone who hasn't join-
ed the row can still be a char-
ter member by joining before the
end of this year•. Presbyterial
United Church Women 1s the
proper name of our Presbytery
and Ronnie. and •Afrs, James Mc-
' Quaid in Midland,
11,'v, Thomas 'McQuaid, St,
.Marys, and his mother, Mrs.
Mary McQuaid, London, Mr. and
Mrs, Ben Flannagan and Mr, and
Mrs. George Vivian, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane,
Attending the Deanery meet-
ing of the C.W.L. at Hesson were
Mrs. Albert Cronin, Mrs. Nora
Maloney, Mrs. Vincent Murray,
Mrs. John Moylan and Mrs.-Ed-
ward Melady.
The October meeting of the
local council of the Catholic WO -
men's League was held in the
parish hall on Tuesday evening
with 35 members present. The
president, Mrs. Albert Cronin,
presided. A letter was read from
Father Flaherty. The member-
ship convener, Mrs. Nora Ma-
loney. reported 93 paid up mem-
bers. Plans were made for the
bazaar to be held Oct, 24, with
Mrs. Stephen Murray and Mrs.
Frank Williams named as gener-
al conveners. Conveners for the
various booths were appointed. A
continuous rosary will be said
by members on Thursday, the
opening day of the Ecumenical
Council, c Nits.r
C onHi gave a re-
port of the Deanery meeting held
in Hesson. A prize, donated by
Mrs, Frank Hicknell, was won
by Mrs. Angus Kennedy.
An interesting part of the ev-
ening was a talk given by Rev.
Father Moylan, S.F.M., telling of
his mission work in the Philli-
bines, and the life of the people
there. Lunch was served by the
committee in charge.
Malone -Kemp
White gladioli and red zinnias
decorated the altar of St. Colum -
ban's Roman Catholic Church on
'Saturday, Sept. 22, for the marri-
age of Miss Audrey Joyce Kemp,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
n mp. Mitchell, and Alfred Jos-
t pit Malone, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Malone, r.r, 2 Dub -
with black accessories and a
corsage of red roses. For travel-
ling the bride changed to a
three piece brown knit suit, with
brown and white accessories, and
a corsage of white baby chrys-
anthemums. After a honeymoon
spent in Northern Ontario, the
young couple will live at r.r. 2
Dublin, Guests at the wedding
were from Stratford, London,
Detroit, Teeswater, Mitchell, Sea -
forth and St. Columban,
Mrs. Catharine Feeney, Mr,
and Mrs, Cyril Murray, Itt'. and
Mrs. Frank Maloney, Kitchener,
Mr, and Mrs, Andy Dautzer, Lon-
don with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell
and daughter, Frank IIubbs, To-
ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Len Nagle,
Linda and Bob, Stratford with
AIr. and Mrs, Michael Nagle.
Mr, and Mrs, Kahne, Chatham
with Mrs. Alice Coyne and rela-
Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Gnr-, Lives.
don Costello, Toronto with Mr. AIr. Carl Stapleton, Mr. and
and Mrs. Dan Costello. Gordon Mrs• Len Gaffney, Smith's Falls,
Costello has been transferred attended the Stapleton -O'Byrne
from Toronto to Kingston, wedding at London, Saturday.
Miss Monica Byrne spent the Mr. Tim Regan, Agincourt with
week end in Hamilton with Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Holland;
and Mrs, Robt. Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. K. Holland, of
Among those attending the Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, John Paw -
funeral of Thos. O'Rourke on cett, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Monday were Mr. and Mrs. John John Holland,
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Den- Mrs. A. M. Looby, Mr. and
omme and Miss Pearl O'Rourke, Mrs. Jos, Looby, Mr. and Mrs.
Dundas; Mrs, M. J. O'Rourke Louis Looby attended the Nes-
and son Joseph, Detroit; Mr. and bitt-Trott wedding at Ottawa on
Mrs. Pat O'Rourke, Hamilton, • Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf, Mr, and Mrs. George Coyne
Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J. P,
Mr. Leo Holland and son Billie
of Windsor with Pat Maloney
and relatives.
Mrs. Harold Meagher. Mrs.
Joseph Stapleton, Mrs, Clarence
Looby, Mrs. Tom Butters attend.
ed the Deanery meeting at Hess -
on on Wednesday,
Former Logan resident, Thos,
O'Rourke, died on Friday at
the hone of his daughter,
A step -
nye minute talk on the climate
of the Maritima,
Final plans were Made for the
TB clinic in. the hall on Oot. 4
and 10 with twelve ladies volun-
teering to help,. A letter was read
regarding the rummage sale of
the Seaforth hospital auxiliary,
Mrs, Carter Kerslake read a let-
ter she had received from the
lustitute's adopted child in China
and it was decided that everyone
would bring a gift to the next
meeting with Mrs, Tom Laing
and Miss Olive Speare to look
after packing the box and send-
ing it to the child tor Christmas,
Miss Vera Hambley and Mrs,
John Templeman were named as
leaders to attend the training
school on Window Treatment to
be held in Stratford, Oct, 23 and
24. It was decided to have a
Hallowe'en party on Oct, 30 in
Stafne Township Hall, inviting
Walton. and Avonton Institutes
to attend, Committees were nam-
ed tot' sante.
The meeting closed with the
Queen, followed by a dainty
lunch served by Mrs, Gerald
Agar, Mrs. Russell Worden, Mrs,
Johnny Miller and the hostess.
The Staffa United Church Wo-
men. held their regular meeting
Wednesday evening in the
church with Thanksgiving as the
theme. Mrs. It, D. Sadler was in
charge of the worship service
with scripture taken by Mrs. Ed,
Dearing followed by meditation,
Mrs, R. D. Sadler and Mrs,
Ross Seale favored with a duet.
Mrs. Arthur Kemp was In charge
of a film "The Sound of a
Mrs, A. H. Daynard presided
Lor the business. An invitation
was accepted from the Roy's
United Church Women to attend
'their meeting on Oct, 19, Mrs,
Leslie Miller led in a sing -song
and it former member, Mrs.
Robert Vivian, Mitchell, was pre-
sented with a gift in appreciar
Hon of her work while with
A social hon' was enjoyed
over lunch prepared by the
with Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Brown
at Kinkora,
Mrs, Jos. Shea and Mrs. Fer-
gus Horan attended the Deanery
meeting at Hesson,
The death occurred on Ont, 7
in Edmonton, Alberta, 01 Lyall
Jordan in his 57th year, He was
a son of the late Mr,- and Mrs,
William Jordan of Hibbert. He
lived in Western Canada for
about 32 years, He is survived
by thre brothers, Patrick and
Joseph, Dublin, James, Toronto,
and a sister, Mary, Toronto. The
funeral service t ook place in
The October meeting of the
UCW of Duff's United Church,
Walton was held in the church
schoolroom, The president, Mrs.
Nelson Reid occupied the chair
and opened the meeting with the
Steward's Prayer. Hymn 374 "Wo
Give Thee But Thine Own" was
sung with Mrs. Wilbur Turnbuil
et the piano. Air's. Andrew Coutts
was In charge of the Devotional
Period, AIrs, Wm. Dennis reed
the scripture taken from the 12tic
chapter of St, Luke, verses 13 to
31 prayer followed, by Mrs.
Leonard Leeming. A solo was
rendered by Airs. Jan Van Vliet
Sr„ with Mrs, H. Brown accom-
panying. Mrs, Doug Ennis read a
poem, entitled "Kitchen Steward.
4 't'Ut 897AFoivrH NIOWS, Thursday, Oetebol' 11
accompanied by Mr, and lilts. Al -
bort Keys of I9xoter attended
the dedication of tate new stud,+
eats residence of the United
Churclt at University of West-
ern Ontario gronrrds en Sunday
A miscellaneous shower was
held at St. Andrew's United
Church, Kippers on Monday ev.
erring, Oct. 1, honoring Miss Lola
Schwartz of Guelph, daughter of
Nth. and Mrs, Jack Schwartz at
Hillsgreen. The affair was arran-
ged by Mrs, Keith Love and the
programme consisted of a sir>„ -
song led by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot;
a contest by Miss Marion For-
rest and a very delightful in-
strumeutal by Mrs. Gerald Mot't-
att; Mrs, Emmerson Anderson
and Garry showed slides of their
trip to Arizona which were most
interesting. LOIS wasthen invit-
ed to the platform and an ad'
dress was read by Marion For-
rest atter which lovely gilts
were presented, A dainty lunch
was served In the Sunday School
room and a social hour enjoyed
by all. Lois is a recent graduate
of Guelph General Hospital.
Mrs, Richard Taylor, r,r. 2
Kippen recently won a bridge sot
in a penny sale which was spon-
sored by the Catholic Women's
League of St, Patrick's Church
at Dublin,
smith, on their leaving the sec-
tion tor. town. Alt the recipients
very fittingly replied thanking
everyone. A delicious lunch was
served and a social half hour
Kippen Bast W.1,
October meeting of the W.I.
will be held at the home of Airs.
Ross Chapman With Mrs, Jamas
MaoNaughtoit as eo-Hostess Ott
Wednesday. Oct. 17th., at 3.30
p,m, The toll call is bring a'
cookie recipe and bring a dozen
cookies to sell. Current events of
1901.62 by Mrs, Robert Kinsman,
Motto, View the past with pride,
the present with faith, and the
future with practice, by Miss
Margaret McKay, Contest by
Alr•s. Alex, MacGregor and a talk
on St, Andrew, Mrs, Kinsman.
The lunch committee, Mrs, John
Sinclair, Mrs. Ross Chapman,
Mrs, H. Finlcbeiner, Mrs. W,
Caldwell. The ladies are remind-
ed to bring their money tor tete
bus trip to the Royal A\tinter
Fair on Nov, 1, Leaders Train-
rag School for "143 lbs. of meat"
will be held in. Hensall Oct, 19
and 17 at the Legion Hall
Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett,
Toronto and Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Divine of Dashwood visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love
Any group that has finished Hostesses.
their book "Signals for the Six- Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Norris over Thanksgiv-
ing were Mr, and Mrs, James
Norris and children, Brampton;
Mrs. Anthony Breit and Richard,
Montreal; Mr, Eric Norris, OAC,
Mrs. Ernest Templeman and
Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman
and family attended a family
gathering at the hone of Mr, and
Mrs. Alvin Cole and family,
Cromarty on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Norris, Patti
and Susan visited with friends in
Windsor over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien
spent Thanksgiving weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien
and family, Flint, Michigan.
The community is saddened by
the death of Harry Elliott, Essex
and the serious injury of his
brother, Donald of Mitchell in
an accident near Staffa on Fri-
day evening. Harry leaves his
wife, the former Shirley 'Wallace
of Cromarty; four children, his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Norval
Elliott, Starla; Donald and a
Jeanette. Funeral e al services
were on Tuesday at Lockarts
Funeral Home with burial in the
Staffa Cemetery.
ties may get in touch with Mrs,
Higginbotham for new study
material. A letter was read from
Rev, Mr. Gilbert, a former min-
ister, who is United Church
Chaplain at Westminster Hospit-
al, London, expressing his re-
grets at not being able to attend
anniversary services.
A donation of an electric clock
from Mr, and Mrs. Hugh John-
ston and family in memory of
their son 'Walter Johnston has
been installed in the church;
also a hytnnary for the pulpit
was presented by the Williamson
girls in memory of their mother,
Mrs. Thos. Williamson.
The meeting was closed with a
pyran and prayer by Rev. A.
The first Red Cross meeting of
Grades 0, 7 and 3 of Walton
School was held on Friday after-
noon, Oct. 5. Carol Shortreed
opened the meeting with God
Save the Queen with Mary Bew-
ley at the piano, Karen Coutts
recited a poem called "Rain."
This was
followed riddles b•
13111 Helinga. Carol Wilbee and
Sherrill Craig sang a duet called
"Ho the Boating," Larry Walt-
ers, Mrs. Toll, Wenda Humph-
ries, Ralph Young, Mary ldewley,
Murray Nesbitt, Nancy Young
and Linda Travis's took part in
the program, Janet Shortreed, Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoggarth and
Keith Williamson, Helen Searle, had a lovely evening party.
Neil McDonald, Cetze Zwep and About sixty members of S.S.
Bill Helinga demonstrated the No. 10 gathered at the school for
Twist. The collection was taken, a presentation to Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Claire Hackwell of Lon-
don spent Thanksgiving holiday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Toni Hackwell.
Mr, Malcolm Fraser and Mr.
and Mrs. Doug, Fraser and fam-
ily visited over the week -end Bell; low, Mrs, Lloyd Riley;
with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Marsh men's high, Robert Drummond,
all and fancily of North Bay. 2nd, Vern Alderdioe; low, Tien
Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge MacKay; travelling lone hand (a
and fancily visited with relatives mouse trap), remained with Bru-
in Walton over the week -end. est Whitehouse. At this time
Mrs. H. Caldwell called Mr, and
Mrs, Al Hoggarth to the front
and while she read the address
Mrs, Alex. MacGregor and Mrs,
Stewart Pepper presented the
newlyweds with a platform rock.
er on behalf of S,S, No, 10 Tuck-
Surprise No. 1—Mrs, Caldwell
then read an address for Mr, and
Mrs, Archie Hoggarth who are
leaving the section, and they
were presented with a lovely
pair of table lamps,
Surprise No. 2 ---Mrs, harry
Caldwell and Jack Caldwell were
called to the front by Mrs, James
•Druntmond and while site read
the address Mrs, Ken MacKay
and Mrs, Robert Kinsman pre-
sented Rena with a step -ladder,
kitchen stool and Jack, a smoker,
On Wednesday, Oct, 3rd abou
thirty neighbours charivareed
Al Hoggarth, newlyweds,
On Friday evening, Oct, 5th,
eleven tables of euchre participa.
ted with the winners being:
Ladies high, - Miss Marion Rob-
erts; ladies 2nd, Mrs, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dundas
and family of Toronto visited
over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Dundas.
Airs, Lloyd Miller was hostess
for the regular meeting of the
Staffa Women's Institute held at
her home on Wednesday evening,
Oct, 3rd, Mrs, Russell Worden
presided and opened with a poen.
on Autum, Roll call was answer-
ed by "something nice about the
person 01 your left."
Mrs. Johnny Miller gave a
beauty demonstration showing
the proper" way of cleansing your
skin and applying makeup, also
choosing the proper colour com-
bination, Bonnie Jean Miller pre-
sented her prize-winning speech
on "Posture and Personality" on behalf of S,S, No, 10 Tucker -
At ToM.rric
Come in and See Them
BOX Furnittire
Phone 43 .. Seaforth