The Seaforth News, 1962-10-11, Page 27777 77777T7♦77 7►777777777T7.7 Those Russians Have Their Failures Tool At the Veiled Nations Cameral Assembly meeting ill October 1900, Soviet Premier K:hrushchev pounded his fist, called one el the delegates "a lackey," and fi- nally took off his right shoe aid banged it alb his desk. Khrtishehev's behavior was at- tributed to hat inability to Mare • Reit China admitted til tine U.N• and to have dieatenataent debat- ed on his OW'll term. Now the world kao\vs what else he was angry about. On Oct. 10, and again ora Oet. lel, Soviet missile - men aimed giant, Etna' -stage rockets toward the planet Mars some 35 million miles aware Both times. the mighty rockets, wlu. a have I untribhttcd so much. to the plt%s it image e of Soviet scie ltifia ti t lllibility failed. Thee two blemishes on the Sov t seior t fie reputation were repotted last month 1 } Janes E. Webb, chief.. of - the National Aerc nautice and Space Adminis- tration, lie also confirmed what had been reported unofficially On four ether Occasions the So. viet Union had shot for Venus and failed. On Feb, 4, 1961, a Venus probe did get into a parking orbit around earth, but the final firing •stage of the rocket failed to send it on to the planet. Another failure, to Venus on Feb, 12, 1961, involved the breakdown of the spacecraft's communications af t- er it wtis 4.5 million miles out. The last two came during the t,ame week that the United States launched its successful Ivlariner II su'leeeraft, In both cases, the veh:oles were put into parking orbit. The broken pieces are still parked there. From the first, U.S. intelli- gence knew all the details of the "There must be something wrong. We just can't find any fault with each other." early failures. The U.S. decision to hold back its intelligence in- formation was made at the high- est political level—by both the Eisenhower and Kennedy ad- ministrations. The reasoning ap- parently went this way: The U.S. ELINT (electronic intelligence) listens in en Soviet countdowns, tracks climbing rockets by radar, and "cracks" alt objects in orbit with its worldwide tracking net- wott'.. But the Soviet Union should not be allowed to learn how well alt this is done, NASA, on the other hand, had conducted a long campaign against this reasoning. First, it argued that the basic U.S. moni- toring techniques are common knowledge. Secondly, and most insistently NASA argued that its o',vn "fallible" program of hits and misses suffered grievously by comparison with the public image of Soviet perfection. And following the flight of Nikolayev and Popovich, Air Force parti- sans had begun sniping at the Administration in general and at the civilian space effort in parti- cular. As much to quiet domestic cri- ticisms as to correct world opin- ion, the Administration lifted the security lid a little bit. And how did the Russians reaet to this revelation? "We have nothing to say." said a Foreign Ministry spokestr.att in Moscow, "And we rano' understand why anybody ite interested• in this matter." , Fr .v NEWVSWEEK silleaSaaleasaz BACKFIELD iN MOTION -- Although the above looks more like a football game l..an a baseball game It is the latter. Twins' Bob Allison got caught in o run down in Chicago. Defying Danger Under The Ice Killer whales were Jinn Thorne's biggest worry when he first dived through an ice -hole in McMurdo Sound, off Ross Island in the Antarctic, to photograph the effects of a new thermal de- vice for melting thick ice or pre- venting its formation, This American diving expert, with colleague Don Johnson, had to wear a rubberized suit clamp- ed at the wrists and neck and two sets of thermal underwear, then dive through a four -foot hole which broadened bell -like towards the bottom. The aqua -therm was on the end of a fifteen -foot metal pole lowered into the water and fixed to a tripod anchored on the sur- face, Down below it was pitch- black. Thorne felt cold Water seep in through his rubber gauntlets and Inc suit at the neck, which were evidently improperly seal- ed. Suddenly he felt something rub against him. His first thought was: killer whale! But, looking down, he saw that it was only a seal making playful passes at his dangling feet, Four tinges he came up for a new flash -bulb. After the fourth, his fingers could hardly set off the trigger mechanism, But by speeding up the trips to the sur- face he managed to make the necessary observations and finish the roll of film, He and Don, he says in "Occu- pation: Adventure" where the first men to make a working dive under the Antarctic and stay sub- merged for half an hour. Their tests, he claims, showed that the aqua -therm could stop ice forming round piers. Duck and cattle ponds, rivers, harbours could retain open water, and boats — especially small craft — be left safely all winter in water that normally freezes up. Locks could remain operative and even the St. Lawrence sea- way be kept open to world com- merce. Invented by an engineer, George Cross, who accompanied the expedition; it has a submer- sible motor of low horsepower, with specially designed propeller, which can be lowered below the ice and angled towards the sur- face on a compact unit. When switched on, the propel- ler drives to the surface the warmer water which always sinks to the bottom during the winter months, never mixing with the cold. None of the warmth is lost as it passes through the middle layers, so it melts the surface ice and provides open water — or keepe it open if the unit is installed be- forehand. Holes were drilled in the ice around the aqua -therm to mea- sure the rate of ice -erosion as the ice grew thinner, arid it was found that each of the 10 h.p. ONE BAGGER --- Anthony Orlando displays the one foul bali that didn't get away after he made a spectacular snore with fish not during o game at Philadelphia. e`ve's 3 HIGH LIVING — The top 40 floors of the 60 -story Morino City nearing completion in Chicago will house 895 apart- ments. Lower section of the building will house garages, theater, restaurants, shopping centers. At its Chicago River base will be mooring facili- ties for 700 pleasure croft. units was eroding at over four tons an hour. This was an appreciable rate for practical purposes, and prov- ed that the device could do the job for which it was designed, One morning Thorne drove out to inspect, for diving conditions, a hole which the aqua -therm had opened up to a 65 -ft. chazmel. As he approached, he heard a loud whoosh as a killer whale loomed up from the water, spout- ed through his blowhole, then headed down again and vanished before Thorne could get his cine camera out of its ease. Frantically, he threw every- thing he could lay hands on into the water - blocks of wood, piec- es of seal meat. Then he grabbed one of half -a -dozen red flags on poles — indicating dangerous ice — plunged it into the water and waved it, yelling: "Come on up!" And suddenly the whale did, not more than ten feet from him. Even through the camera -viewer he could see the little pig eyes. The deadly -looking, high black dorsal fin flashed in front of him, then the whale dived and dis- appeared. He got his picture. Another day he and a colleague saw a school of penguins in the middle of the channel, leaping in and out of the water in a panic, with the killer in pursuit. Fast as penguins can swim, the whale overtook them and they disap- peared for good, "Luckily," Thorne says, "we had not been spotted by the whale, "Eye -witness accounts tell how they've tipped over large blocks of floating ice, and devoured whole the seals who had climbed there for safety. In the next hour I counted fourteen killer whales." Then the testing had to end because a large crack in the ire made the area unsafe they had enough information to prove the success of the operation. SCORCHER! On a seoreiting hot day oit the French Riviera recently an at- tractive girl was amazed when a young man dashed up to her — and snatched off her hat. It was a new hat and site promptly smacked his face. Teen she asked him for an explanation of his apparent rudeness. He pointed to her hat, It was cmotldering, The sun had acted through. a glass oonament in the hat as it would on a magnifying glass and set it alight. Abominable Snowman A MVIyth. Sir Edmund Hillary, the con- queror of Everest, and leader of an expensively equipped expedi- tion to discover the "Abominable Snowman," no longer has the slightest belief in the creature's existence. "As far as I'm concerned," he said In Montreal recently, "the Snowman is just a myth. In the area supposed to shelter him he exists only in the minds of the natives." Sir Edmund contends that he found a simple but logical ex- plantion for all reports of the Snowman's activities investigat- ed by his team., "We figured," he said, "that the tracks were just tracks made by shall animals enlarged by the sun melting the snow around the" Sirm,Edmund also doubts whetb- er the Chinese really climbed Everest, According to their claims, their mountaineers reach- ed the summit at 2 a.m., when it 'was impossible to take pictures. And instead of planting a flag there, they left a bust of Mao Tse -Tung. More proof is needed, in Sir Edmund's view, before the Chin- ese claim can be accepted, New Zealand's greatest climber loath- es bunkum and brings a hearty, down-to-earth attitude to bear on all his problems. As a friend of his says: "Ed doesn't care a damn for legends or stories, unless they measure up to hard truth." How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I go about clean- ing my all - fiberglass luggage, which is of the type that has no additional covering? A. This type of luggage is cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth. Any scratches can be smoothed out by the careful use of some fine steel wool. Q. How can I freshen raucid b utter? A. This can often be done by breaking the butter up and put- ting it into some fresh milk. Allow it to absorb the milk, drain thoroughly, then wash in cold salted water and work it again into the desired form, Q. How can 1 remove an espe- cially stubborn "press -on" knob from the radio or TV? A. Loop a twisted scrap of strong soft cloth behind the knob, gripping the loose ends firmly in your fingers; Press against the cabinet front with your thumb tips, at the same time pulling firmly on the cloth. The knob should work free without damage to cabinet or knob. AGENTS • •yed'NTS clubs el.. 4x11 l'auadn'a It est t'luliflm tarts 040r 200 11 ,n@ ittttu01t111 th.lbinr, Everyday aced p r. nd earls Wraoh, 1055 and novel It, s Prompt s e v G', For colored cote. 1 ; 110 and samples uu approval feat main Gr;et1m, 1,1'd Co. 11113 King St. P. Hamilton, (1ul. BUSNIESS OPPORTUNITIES CANADA'S largest distributer et hulk type vending equipment and stIPPilcs. will rival a in 111.0 lToronto , r�litn't'tihii Binh 1v„Imlll'P+I h(11111 1. non I1otIou Limited capital needed For tarlhel- parlleulals write 01 \1eud,rnionil Wayne n e 144 i jt5aj229 DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR Side Craft bulk milli (owlet, 22• MID size, 3 v e al'.+ 010. It ,,.0 . iOeillny. 0.11. 1, 'Uuionv111e, out ISSUE 39 — 1962 FARM EQUIPMENT KRAEMAR PEED TRUCKS -17UNDIi1:US in use. Solidly constructed With heavy wooden base and sides. One. piece 20 gauge Galvanized iron -bottom and ends (no joints). Mounted un two 2,75x 10' semt•solid tubber wheels and one 0' swivel rubber castor, From fac- tory to you, No Dealers. You make the savings. Two sires 32" and 26" wide, both 72" long x 36" high. OnLv $07.50 and 505,00. Cash with order' of C O.n,. P.U.R. St. Jacobs. Kraemer Woodcraft, St. Jaeohs Ont, none Mohawk 4.2052 FARMS FOR SALE 50-.ACRI, farm for sale, level land, food buildings with conveniences, 57, 000 down; 6 miles to. Barrie Pranit Sinek, RR2, Rade. sees.. ...,—.. HEARING AIDS DON'T PAY ARHIGHAPR CES FOR Fut Free Information Write "CANHEAR" Reg. 24 Catherine St. SMITHS FALLS, Ont. All Models at Wholesale -- written Guarantees. The Golden Rule is our Business Guide. _ _ _ _ �-LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE LIVESTOCK Aberdeen•Angus Beef Cat- tle, at London. Ontario 110 lots regis• tered breeding cattle 22 bulls and 05 females Selling at public auction sale. October 4th and 5th, sponsored by On• tarla Aberdeen -Angus Breeders Asso• elation. Write for free catalogue to A. C. McTaggart, Sale Manager. 1 Wellington 51 E., Aurora Ontario. MEDICAL _ POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema Posts Eczema weeping shill disappoint you Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma acne ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless fahowsstubborn on hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto MEDICAL A TRIAL •-- EVERY SUPFi:RER OI RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULI? TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE,OTTAWA. 335 ELGIN, 91,25 Express Celi•xt, NURSES WART -.D REGISTERED NURSES 1'011 monernl duty � end «1,1441W:room. 111 nlltud(s)nnmlba,lfcie�c'tld 4114 dmw APPLY SUPERINTEND NT KINCARDiN5 GENERAL HOSPITAL sees_ OMENRTUN IIE • roeAND ._. 59 A HAIlil311:;..ER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL (10cat Up501111 tt Learn Hultaire0siv Pleasant dignified hrol 0,sii in gum; wages Thousands of „re ce,rul Marvel Graduates Ante'lea's (real":! S\ Oen, Illustrated C l:lacut. free Write 10 ('all School Hairdressing ass Moor St W Toronto Branches 44 King St. tv. Ihunalun 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL "FAMILY PLANNING— WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN," FREE of charge, over 100,000 copies of thls highly informative and thought 1n'o'oking 37.page booklet, covering vir- tually all aspects of httsbnnd•wtfe rola tfonshipshave been distributed to mar- ried couples in all parts of Canada. This booklet has received the 'highest praise from husbands, wives, doctors tenders of the Church, and a world-renowned biologist The booklet is available. FREE, upon personal request by mart only, to any married- eottalc under no, obligation. Write to PRESTIGE IDRUU') PSl0DUCTS LTD., Bug 513, Terminal' "A", Toronto. A modern way to help you reduce. Eat 3 meals a day. Lose Pounds •tuii inches Clinically tested . helps satisfy yucavngooo Slim Mint plan makes reducing easier 11110 Vou eve dreamed possible. 5200 2LYON'S DRUGS, 474 DANFORTH TORONTO AFTER DEATH WHAT? Reality of the Spiritual life revealed. in HEAVEN and HHEI.L, by SWEDEN - e tgyrit ells story at her Christian faith, inMY ELIGION1 library copy .850 paper 55e. Send to Leonard Cole, Goderlch, Ont` PONY AND HORSE SALE PONY And SADDLE HORSE SALE DON'T forget McLelland's pony and saddle horse consignment sale at Beryls — near Kincardine on Saturday, Oct. 13 at 12 o'clock. Elton McLelland, Route 4, Kincardine, Ont. RINGER—Teen-age beauty of the San Blas Islands of Pana- ma displays a pure gold nose ring among other status sym- bols such as saucer earrings, a necklace of coin and large rings on each of her fingers. STAMPS ROY S. WILSON 78 Rttbmond Street West. Toronto NEW ISSUES CANADA 13.C, & FOREIGN RAPKIN - GIBBONS SCOTT — MINIMS HARRIS & GROSSMAN ALBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED TRACTOR TIRES FOR SALE Cash & Carry BARGAINS New FIRESTONE Tractor TIRES Two 9.24 All Traction Champ. $ 79.00 pair Two 10.24 Champion 94.00 Pall' Ground Grip Two 12.4 24 All Traction champ. 119.00 pair Two 12-24 Champ, Ground Grip - 119.00 Pall' ••..••• Twa 10.28 Champion - 94.00 pair Ground Grip Two 12.4.28 Champion Ground Grip 119.00 Pall' .. Twa 70.38 All 139.00 PaIT Traction Champ. Two 12,4.38 ChamP 149.00 pan Ground Grip Two 12.4.38 All 159.00 pair Traction Champ. Four 10.501116 50.00 set truck tires, new 7 .050 each 550x20 tubes—new E. P ABEY LIMITED 444 Wharnellf aRd.. S., London Ont. GE To Relieve Torturing ITCH OF ECZEMA Try This Easy Way Tonight Stop in at your druggist and ask Por 0 small orgintal bottle of MOONE'S BMJSRALD OIL. Apply liberally at bed -time and get real relief In double-quick time. No matter what you may have tried, there's nothing quite like EMER- ALD OIL. Inexpensive and sold at all drug stores. OLD BLACK MAGIC — The beat and the rhythm of a secret society "devil" dancer is re- corded, while the old-time dealer in evil spirits seems interested in modern man's black m-.gic. Dance took place in the district of Mulemo, loc:iled iri Siert,. Leone, West Africa.