HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-11, Page 1The Seaforth News
Phone 84
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, O'cto'ber 11, 1962
ghee a Yee,
Seaforth Council Passes Bylaw for Traffic Light
Seaforth town council will as-
sume responsibility and author-
ity for Goderich street from the
Department of Highways, it was
announced at the regular Octo-
ber meeting Tuesday evening,
A letter from the chief survey-
or of the Department was react
by Mayor Daly, The Highways
Department has had jurisdiction
over Goderich street ever since
it became part of Pr'ovincIal
Highway No. 8 about 45 years
ago. It now reverts to Seaforth.
The last portion of the high-
way jurisdiction remaining with-
in the town limits now reverts to
the town, The portion extends
from Coleman street to the east-
ern limit of the town.
The rest of the highway extend-
ing from the western limit of the
town to Coleman street reverted
to the town some years ago.
The department offered to
leave any signs or signals now
on the street, and the town now
will have authority (subject to
usual approval) to instal any
signs or signals the town deems
A bylaw providing for the er-
ection of a stop light at the cor-
ner of Main and Goderich streets
was read and passed by council.
Cost of the stop light is estim-
ated at $1,500, plus $200 for cable
Council discussed a traffic sur-
vey made along Goderich street
in relation to the floiv of vehicles
along the highway.
Recommendations in the sur-
vey for traffic islands along the
highway to guide vehicles, did
not meet with council's approval.
as the street is too narrow for
islands, councillors believed.
Mayor Daly said modern stan-
dard highway signs should be
put up. Councillor Cardno be-
lieved there should be curbing
around the gas stations. Also the
steep grade east of Victoria st.
should be eased, Drivers acceler-
ate to get over the grade and are
going too fast when they reach
the Main st. intersection.
Mayor Daly said he would sug-
gest banning parking on Goder-
ich street from Main to Victoria.
From Main st. vision is obscured
on account of big trucks parked
on this section of the highway,
and drivers can not see if the
road is clear.
Councillor Cardno said the
same applies to the first block
of John street off Main.
Mr. Fred Sloman will address
Hosie and School, Tuesday, Oc-
tober 16th. Mr. Simian, who has
retired in Clinton, has taught
the children in far Northern On-
tario from a railroad car. His
twenty years experience should
make an interesting evening and
all are welcome.
Parents remember the Home
and School skate exchange at the
school auditorium Saturday, Oc-
tober 27th, 2.4 p,m. Children
have been given a notice with
the details for their parents.
The following real estate tran-
sfers were made through the of-
fice of Joseph McConnell, Real-
tor, recently:
The farm of Mrs. Iola. Rich-
mond, lot 8 and 9, 10th con.
Morris Township to Lavern God -
kin of McleiIlop Township with
immediate possession.
The residence of Edward Dav-
idson, in Walton, to Howard
Hackwell, McKillop Township,
possession in November, Mr.
Davidson is moving to Seaforth.
The newly constructed ranch -
type house, owned by Norman
MacLean and Martin Van Loon,
to Mr. Joseph Grummett, posses-
sion in November,
Mr. Harold McCall arrived.
Horne from the West last week.
Mrs, Ernie Dallie, Barrie and
Miss Jean Mills, Toronto spent
the week encs with the tatter's
father, Mr. Earl Mills,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Zoeger,
Linda and Jane of Niagare.-on-
Estimate $25,000
In Unpaid Taxes
Concern was expressed by Sea -
forth town councillors at the re-
gular meeting held Tuesday ev-
ening at the Prospect of the us-
ual volume of unpaid taxes piling
up at the end of this month
wben the second installment on
current taxes comes date,
Last year there had been $25,-
000 in unpaid taxes after the se-
cond payment. Councillors fore-
see tbe sante amount this year,
Councillors wondered if mon-
thly payment of taxes was poss-
ible. Utility bills are collected
monthly and bi-monthly. How-
ever council thought collection
charges on monthly payments
would be sizeable.
Mayor Daly said the town had
a tax prepayment plan, which
could be used in this way. It was.
mostly patronized by finaucial
institutions who consider the 5%
interest rate a good investment,
Town Clerk Hammond report-
ed that 32 taxpayers had bought
prepayment certificates in 1962,
Councillors agreed that mon-
thly payments might corse in the
future, but monthly billing costs
would not be accepted by the
general public yet.
$15,600 Winter
Work on Sewer
The winter work project for
the sewer on North Main street
and north -western part of the
town, has received approval to
the extent of $16,000 Councillor
Flannery told the regular meet-
ing of town council on Tuesday
This meeting had been post-
poned for one clay as Monday
was. the Thanksgiving holiday.
All Members were present. Mayor
Edmund Daly presided.
The Ontario Water Resources
Commission has approved the
contract with the Haggerty Co,
on recommendation of the con-
sulting engineers. There was a
letter from the Ontario Munici-
pal Board approving the expend-
iture not exceeding $209,001 on
the sewer project.
Council expect to have a meet -
ling with the contractor and the
OWRC and get the project under
Council wanted --to check the
unit prices on gravel, Good grav-
el is available here if they use
Kling's gravel. This could be dis-
cussed with contractor before
It was reported that the Hag-
gerty Co. had been sold, but Mr,
Haggerty would remain as man-
ager for six mouths.
'When all the details are ar-
ranged the OW6.0 will issue a
proceed with work order to the
consulting engineers who will
start the contractor at the work.
Council is to have a meeting
with the Public Utility Commis-
sion to arrange for collection of
sewer rates. The PUC is willing
to do this work but wants to
learn just what is required, such
as extra files. The PUC have the
water charges for each user.
Councillor Cardno told council
that in some cases on the Main
street sewer owners were being
billed for tenants' sewer charges,
and in other cases tenants are
being billed direct.
Mayor Daly said some tinges
tenants had moved without pay-
ing the sewer rates. This made a
difference. He suggested the
town's Surplus of $65,000 might
be used to carry the mill rate on
the sewers for a few years.
Council discussed a clause in
Mitchell's sewer bylaw, that ail
premises along the sewer be con-
nected to the sewer within a year
of completion.
Reeve Ball said the OWRC
understands our situation. Phase
No. 1 has been approved. Phase
No. 2 is laid out for a disposal
plant (lagoon),
Council dtseueeed whether the
high school and the new hospital
would use the sewer. The high
school at present has a lagoon,
Council had consulted the in-
surance company regarding it
the Lake, spent 7.'hanitsgiving claim for $110 damages by snow
Town Buys
Road Grader
Seaforth has bought a grader
t0 replace the old grader, which
is being traded, C'ounc'illor Dal-
ton told council at, the council
sleeting Tuesday evening.
He expected the machine will
be delivered Wednesday or
Thursday. The present grader
will be taken back by Ira Mc-
Duff of Milton, the dealer,
The machine coming is a diesel
Austin-Westman, the same make
as the grader the town has been
The town is paying $5,200 for
the machine, less $2,000 allow-
ance for the one traded in. Some
of tbe old equipment is being re-
C. W. L. Plan
Dee. 1 Bazaar
On October 9th the monthly
meeting of the Catholic Wom-
en's League was held in St.
Janes' School Auditorium and
began after a prayer and hymn.
All conveners gave reports,
The parish visitors for Octob-
er are Mrs. John Lansink and
Mrs. Gordon Reynolds.
The annual bazaar is to be on
Saturday, Dec. 1. It was decided
to have a penny sale in addition
to the former attractions.
On October 28th, the feast of
Christ the King, a High Mass is
to be offered for deceased mem-
bers of the Catholic Women's
League of St. James' Parish.
It was decided to hold a euchre
at 5.30 in the school auditorium
on Wednesday, October 24,
On Friday evening, October 26
the graduation class of St.
James' School in 1962 are to be
presented with scbool pins.
The mystery prize for the ev-
ening was won by Mrs. Russ
Pringle. After the closing prayer
in honour of Our Lady of Good
Council the meeting adjourned.
Nlrs. James Slattery introduced
the guest speaker, Miss Mc-
Intyre of the staff of Seaforth
High School who spoke on the
subject of the European Common
Mrs. James Devereaux express-
ed for all those present our en-
joyment and thanks to Miss Mc-
any said they could find no cov-
Council agreed to apply for an-
nexation of 25 acres of property
owned by the hospital and locat-
ed in McKillop. This is the front
portion along the highway and
would place the new building
with the town limits. It would
save complications about servic-
ing with utilities. It is understood
Mei' illop has no objection. Ap-
proval would come from Ontario
Municipal Board.
Council agreed to $50 grant to
the girls high school band to at-
tend the provincial plowing
match at Owen. Sound.
Council said they understood
a new roadway would be opened
to the north along the new hosp-
ital property at some future
time. Provision should also be
made for an extension of Duke
street east from Chalk st. to
meet the new road. Duke street
should be outlined easterly so
buildings or obstructions should
not be put in its way,
Councillor Cardno suggested
that traffic should be cleared off
Main street and the street used
as a mall during the Santa Claus
He reported that the insur-
ance company was sending an
Inspector to observe repairs being
made on Thursday. Don Wood is
to tighten up loose rivets in the
town hall boiler.
Council passed a resolution for
the annexation of 25 acres from
McKillop and bylaw for licensing
of trailers in town not in a trail-
er camp. This bylaw will not ap-
ply to empty trailers for sale or
Council gave two readings to a
bylaw for installing it stop light
and signals at the corner of Main
st. and Goderich et. This bylaw
will bo sent to the Department of
Transport for approval. If ap-
proves] council can go ahead with
the installation of the stop light,
Another bylaw read by council
Day with Mr, and Mrs, Doug. plow to fence on Regier proper- was to designate Main street and
Goderich atrcet as through
Ennis, ty on road to dump, The comp- streets,
'Four Highway Mrs. Fingland Is
Accident Deaths Guest Speaker
With tate death of Constant
Illssett at ('ioderich hospital on
Wednesday, the highway death
toll in the area over the tragic
holiday week end rose to four,
Other deaths were Harry E1-
liot. at Staffa Friday night; Al-
vin Dale, of Seaforth, west of
Brucefield, Saturday night; Jack
Huizinga, of Seaforth RR 3, early
Motlday northeast of Goderich.
John Alvin Dale, 55, died end•
denly on Saturday evening in
Clinton Public hospital, following
a. car accident at the turn in the
Varna Brucefield road.
Mr, Dale was returning home
after lshing at Bayfield, and ap•
peered to be unhurt after the ac-
cident. He walked over to the
car he was following, driven by
tris son-in-law. Robert Stanley of
Hamilton, whose ear had also
failed to make the turn. Later
he was sitting in the provincial
police car talking to the officer.
when he complained of severe
chest pains. He died shortly after
arrival et Clinton hospital, ap-
parently from a heart attach.
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Elizabeth Jean Lowery; five
daughters and five sons: also by
his mother, Mrs, John Taylor,
The funeral was steles at the
Box funeral house an Wednesday,
conducted by Rev, J.C. Britton.
The pall bearers were Charles
Pinder, Wm. Miller, Alf Byer -
man, Albert Baker, Jim Monk -
house, Harold Connell. The flower
bearers were Jack Little, Arnold
Dale, Verne Dale, W. J. Dale,
Jack Carter,
Harry Elliott, 28, of Essex, died
from injuries following an accid-
ent Friday night on Perth Coun-
ty road at the intersection of
concessions 6 and 7. His brother
Donald. 31, of Mitchell, was seri-
ously injured.
The accident occurred around
9.30 p.m.
Both are sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Norval Elliott, RR 2 Dublin,
The general condition of Don-
ald Elliott is improving, accord-
ing to word on Wednesday from
Stratford General Hospital. He
has two fractured legs, and a
large gash on the forehead, be-
sides possible internal injuries.
A Hibbert district man is re-
ported to have given himself tip
to police in connection with the
Mrs, James Rivers, 98, of Sea -
forth, who cried Saturday in the
hospital here, was buried Mon-
day after a service in the Box
funeral home here. She was the
former Eliza Ann Ashton.
Mrs, Rivers is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Drover of
Seaforth; two Sons, Thorpe of
Seaforth, and Everett, of Tujam-
ga, Calif., nine grandchildren and
11 great-grandchildren.
The pall bearers were Tack
Elmer, Tack Dodds, Ivan Quer-
engesser, Ken Williams, Howard
.Allan. Flower bearers were Nel-
son Cardno, Bill Hodgert, Leon
Bannon, A. Y. McLean.
Seaforth W.I. entertained at
SDHS on Oct. 9th at 8.15, Pres.,
Mrs. James Keyes opened the
meeting. Mrs. Keyes welcomed
the guests, Kippen, Cranbrook,
Brussels, and Walton.
Correspondence was read by
the secretary. A float for the S -C
parade is planner, a home bake
sale for Oct. 20, An invitation to
visit Hurondale on Oct. 30 at 8,15
in Exeter Legion hall.
Tickets are to be sold on a
Xmas cake again this year.
Roll call eves answered by
"somewhere I would like to trav-
el to". This was the P.R. meet-
ing in charge of Mrs. Gordon Pap-
ple. Mrs, Ross Gordon led in com-
munity singing.
Current events were given by
Mrs. R. J. Doig, A hair styling
demonstration for the B & .1 par-
lor in Hensall in charge of Mrs.
Harry Caldwell was much enjoy-
ed. Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. John MacLean and the
meeting closed with God Save
the Queen..A. delicious lunch was
served by the committee and
The following building permits
have been issued by Building In-
spector Harold Maloney: Dune
Hopper, East William 51., repairs
51000. Jim Elliott, rebuilding
front of restaurant, 5600, Clar-
ence Maigne, repairs 5300. Annie
McNichol, sun porch, $400.
The United Church Women
will meet on Thursday evening,
October lith at the Thome of Mrs,
Ronald Taylor for their monthly
meeting. The ladies received all
invitation from the ladies of the
Goshen United Chureh to cele-
brate the 60th Anniversary of
their organization on Oct. 13th.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Barker
and family of Xing City spent
the week end at the horse of Mr,
and Mrs, Fred McClymont.
Mr, Floyd McAsh of Hamilton
visited with his parents 'over
the week 'end.
Mr. and Nit's, Vernon Terry -
berry of Goderich Called on rela-
tives here on Saturday last.
A large group of women ,fttin-
(led the monthly 1:11PVThIg of t,ht
Hospital Auxiliary held t - the
Sltitday School room of First
Presbyterian Church cut r lr -day
evening, Oct. rah.
The meeting opened w;th the
repeating of the Lord's •Prayer.
Mrs. Stapleton. the President,
welcomed the guests tad I110111.
hers. 'The rniuntes were read by
Mrs. J. Cardno and the Treasur-
er's report hJ Mrs. J, (iorwfl],
During the business eeseion, the
President stressed first the
Rummage Sale to be held in the
basement of the public, library,
Oct. 27th, at 2 p.m. and secondly.
the Turkey Bingo to be held i:i
conjunction with the Legion
Christmas Turkey Bingo.
Au excellent report of the John
Fall regional meeting of Regions
1 and 2 held at Victoria IIospit-
al, London, was given by Mrs,
Mrs. L. •Stephenson introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. F. Flag -
land of Clinton. the new Region-
al President of Region 2. hirs.
Fingland inspired the audience
with a stirring message impress•
ing on the members -the object-
ive of having a hospital auxil•
iary. Hospitals are being used
more and more on account of
hospitalization. We should help
in public relations and be ambas-
sadors of goodwill. Mrs, Ping -
land emphasized the place of
women in the world. It is not
enough to exist, We must study,
think of others and do for others.
The voice of women should be
heard, One letter written on any
vital matter may not seem im-
portant but, if one member in
each auxiliary wrote, it would be
a challenge to formulate Policies.
Our church should come first,
hospital next, followed by other
organizations. Wands • of appreci-
ation .were expressed by Miss B.
Grieve,. Mrs. C. Coombs delight-
ed the audience with the beauti-
ful solo "I Forgive." A social
half hour followed.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Wm. Dale show
ing their Guernseys at the
Championship Show at Simcoe
Oct. 2, won the Senior Grand
Champion Female Ribbons, also
the lst Reserve Jr. Champion
bull as well as 1st dry 2 yr. old
and 1st dry 4 yr. old.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods
Debbie and Michelle, Ajax, spent
the holiday weekend with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Riley. Mrs. Riley returned
with them to spend the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley
of Scarboro.
Mr: and Mrs. John Whyte, Jeff-
ery and Andrea of Oshawa, and
Mr. and MTs. Frank Van der
Molen and Paul of Kitchener
spent the Thanksgiving weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Whyte.
Mrs. Dolimore of Toronto
spent the holiday weekend with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs, Don Buchanan and
Mr, and Mrs. David McNeil,
Geraldine and Kathy of Ganan-
oque spent Thanksgiving week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. James Dale spent the week
end with his daughter, Mrs. T.
Bromley of Kitchener,
MIr, and Mrs. -Allan Pfaff and
family of Crediton visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Preszcator and family. Miss
Glenda Pfaff who had been visit-
ing returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth and
Mr. John Ferguson, Clifford visit-
ed Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Ross MacGregor and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale, By-
ron spent Sunday with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Dale.
Mr. and Mrs, Reg, Lawson vis-
ited Sunday* with Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. Warren and girls of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dale and
girls had Thanksgiving Sunday
evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Gloushc r, 'Blyth,
Guests for Thanksgiving din-
ner Sunday evening with Mr, and
Mrs, Charles Dexter Were Mr,
and Mre. Win, Jewitt and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Dow'son
and girls of Varna and Mr. and
Mrs. John Jewitt and girls and
Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt and
Thanksgiving weekend geode
e gift -quality Watch!
Now's the time to purchase
that Xmas Gift Buiova, Use our
Layaway Plan—pay as little as
61 if you wish and we'll keep it
for you till Xmas 1
jewels, self-winding,
certified waterproof",
shock•resistant. A
modern blend of case,
dial and expansion
band in stainless
steel. Also with char-
coal dial. $59,95
Youth and beauty are
captured in this 17
jewel watch with
beautifully matched
expansion bracelet.
FIRST LADY In a bur-
nished tear -shaped
blaze, 23 jewels. Tu-
bular expansion bra.
celet, In yellow or
white. ' $59.50
Other. smart Bnlova Watches as low as $ 29.95
Caravelle Watches thy Bulovaj as low as $ 19.95
Westfield Watehes •is low es..12.95
11111l 11111111111111 ti I t 1111,1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111-1111) l l l l i 1111 l 111111111111111111111111111,1111 M I"
with Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. Grim-
oldby were Mr, and Mrs. James
Attwood and family of Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McVittie of
Chatham and Mr, and Mrs, Ken
Betties and sons of Winthrop.
Sympathy is expressed to Mrs.
Alvin Dale and family of Sea -
forth on the sudden passing of
her husband. Mr. Dale was well
known in this community and
his home was on the farm now
owned by Mr. George Mcliwain.
Owing to the funeral of Mr.
Alvin Dale, Wednesday after-
noon, the regular meeting of the
Constance 'C.C. Women is post-
poned until Oct. 17.
The Messengers of Constance
17.0. assembled in the basement
of the Church Saturday after
noon with their Leader, sirs.
Earl Nott. The meeting was also
attended by the CGIT Leader,
Mrs. Reg. Lawson. After worship
services the highlight of the day
was the graduation of two
Messengers, Margie Whyte
and Elaine Brown who will be
new candidates for CGIT.
The first meeting of the Con-
stance CGIT was held in the
basement of the church, Satur-
day' evening with their Leader,
Mrs. Reg. Lawson, and ten girls
present. Exercises, discussions
and business were dealt with.
Officers will be elected at the
next tneeting, October 20.
Mrs. Annie Medd, Mrs. Jack
Medd and David Medd attended
the Finch -Lockhart wedding at
the Wesley -Willis United Church.
Clinton on Saturday.
Mn. Anthony Lawson and his
granddaughter, Miss Janet Till -
son of Pickering spent the week-
end with Mrs. Annie Medd and
bad Thanksgiving dinner Monday
with their sister, Mrs. Arnold
Miller and Mr. ;biller of Goder-
ich Township.
Mr, A. Lawson and Hiss Janet
Tillson of Pickering called Mon-
day on Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Law-
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Dale and
Cheryl attended Rocktan Fair nn
Monday, Oct. 8. Mr. ]tale judges]
horses at this fair and a special
feature was a 4 horse hitch in
which there were ten entries.
Owing to Aunivereary services
at Burns Church, Sunday, Oct,
14th, end Londesboro on Sunday,.
October 21st. there will be no
church or Sunday School at the
Constance United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Griinoldby
and Mr, ones Mrs, J. Attwood and
family, orad Air. and Mrs• Arthur
McVlttie visited Sunday with
Airs. Pearl McFarlane, Goder-
A dinner meeting of two coun-
ties of Midwestern Ontario Dev-
elopment Association was held in
Legion hall in Clinton on Wed.,
Oct, 3rd. Warden Walter Gerth
of Milverton brought greetings
from Perth county and spoke
briefly on the subject, "Don't
Sell Yourself Short.' The Ossa
dation President, Mr. Ross Sav-
auge, of Seaforth. outlined the
accomplishments of M.O.D.A. and
appealed for the co-operation of
all municipalities that were not
members. The first speaker of
the evening. introduced by Mr.
Howard Aiken of Goderich,
chairman of Huron zone. was
Mr. G. N. Scroggie, of London, a
member of the Dept, of Public
Works. Mr. Scroggie told of the
work being done on Goderich
Harbor and what it can mean to
the surrounding district,
Mr. Elmer W. Goebel of Strat
ford, General Manager of M.O,
D.A., explained a number of
graphs matte from the Economic
Research and Feasibility Study
being undertaken by the Assoc-
iation, and told of the Industrial
Directory that will be published
late this fall by the Association,
The second speaker, introduc-
ed by Mr. Howard Stacey of Mit-
chell, chairman of Perth Zone,
was AIr. Norman Pearson, town
and country planner, of Hamil-
ton, who suggested joint long-
range planning for Huron and
Perth with a view to being ready
for the touch greater population
iiud industry that would almost
certainly come to this area in the
hear .future. The sleeting was
thrown open and e. lively discus-
sion followed.
Seaforth was well represented
at the meeting by Mayer Ed
Daly. Councillors Angus Mac-
Lean (Huron Zone Vice -Chair -
nein) and Nelson Cardno; and
Town Clerk Lyle itannnrond.
The sudden passing of James
Kerr in his 56th year, occurred
on October 2nd in Buffalo Gener-
al hospital after two days' i11-
ness, tu'carding td word received
by his mother, Mrs, J. L. Kerr
and brothers, William stud Gra-
ham. IIis wife was the hate
LBtian (Buchanan) Kerr. He was
member of Transportation
Lodge No. 8-42 le & A Masons.
The funeral service was held in
Seeger and Seherer's Funeral
Home, Lancaster, N,T., on Fri-
day, October 5, at 2 o'clock. The
minister was the Rev. Roger
Neeb. Interinent in \Villiamaville,