HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-04, Page 8OHOOSE YOUR NEW Winter Coat ... N O W Cheese front. o11r new rouge of nil wool coatings and velour coatings iu this seasonet best shades of Rlaek, Charcoal, Gley, Royal, Beige, Brown and Green, Famous makes. - Budget priced 1?N`i'1t11I 11E D COATS 39.95 to 65.00 FM TRIMMED 69.95 to 95.00 COATS One or two piece Imported DOUBLE KNIT Dresses Popnlar English Dou- ble Knit Dresses fn newest one- and two- piece styles - Colors include red, brown, charcoal, black and turquoise. A lovely fall and winter dress at 19.95 to 29.95 Regular or En -and -outer Style F(111 .Arouses New cotton or erne; elou ,_S i11 a wide range of styles to 0 .nit your taste in n.o-t popular whites or prints. Orr 2.98 to 7.95 WST ARRIVED! t�. LLS & SLIMS S LINED OVERALLS FOR 2 to 12 SIZE GIRLS ' 2 to 6x Heek Suede Overalls 2 98 3 to ex Lined Corduroy Overalls ....2.98 4 to 3x Lined Corduroy Slims 3 98 S to 12 Lined Plait; Slims 3 98 i i 1,nnIn111t1a,11111.1111111.1,1111,1tt111111111,111111111111111"1111th[1111111111IIItnn111.11,11n111111,1111111111111111111 NOTICE OF ,r SH T TE d 1� SUNRAY, OCTOBER 7th 1962 2 P.M. TO 3 P.M. (D.S.T.) ALL THE MUNICIPAL TOWN OF SEAFORTH Shut-off necessary to change Main Control Valve Your Co-operation is requested SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION D. SILLS Chairman It, J. BOIJSSEY Manager 0.Fon,nlinllllll1.111,111111111111 I1,1111nt111111tt111111,111tt1a11.till[11 IIIII„111tIIn,11111ttIIIImIlItlI11III11111111u111111 Our Clinton Branch is now supplying Artificial Insemination for GOATS Waterloo Wattle Breeding Association 1 WALTON 17th and Boundary The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Boundary Cult of VOW of Duff's United Church Walton was held- at the home o Mrs. Clifford Ritchie with 15 members answering the roll call. Mi's, Cleo. Williamson presider over `the meeting which was ani saes with a hymn, Mrs. Herbert Williamson read the seriptote taken front psalm 107 and Mrs. Maud. Leeming offered prayer. The -topic entitled Immigration, wee taken by Ml's. E. Uhler and Mrs. C. Hoegy. Meeting closed with a hymn and lttnch, was ser red by the hostess and lunch committee. Mrs. Ken ' Mt:Donald presided over the business portion of the September Institute meeting held in the community hall Wednes- day evening, Sept. 10, Visiting Institutes included Brussels, Int11- ol, Cranbrook and Moncriaf. Sec- retary, Mrs, I3arvey Craig, gave the August minutes, Roll call was a verse from an old school read- er, Correspondence dealt with the Doming Women's Institute :Rally at Bluevale. The sant of $10 wee voted to Care for the earthquake disaster in Iran and the homeless in China from a typhoon. An invitation was ac- cepted frons the Seaforth Branch to attend their meeting on Oct. 9, at 8,30 p.m. Mrs. Margaret Hamphries and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull were appointed as dele- gates to the Bluevale rally. It was decided that the executive ar- range the next meeting which will be Family Night. A progres- ive euchre party was planned for the evening of Oct. 190. with each member inviting two lady guests. Mrs. Clarence Martin was appointed convener for the evening with Mrs, Nelson Marks assisting. Lunch committee, Mrs. Jim Clark, Mrs, Geo. Williamson, Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. Mrs, Nelson Marks and Mrs, Torrance Dundas were co -conveners for Education. Mrs, Dundas read the motto, entitled, "The only thing that is more ex- pensive than safety education is ignorance." Ml's. Marks conduct- ed a game of charades with Mrs, Harold Bolger, Mrs. Alvin Me- Donald, Mrs, Clarence Martin, Mrs. Geo. Love, Mrs. IHarvey Craig and Mrs. E. McCreath'aet- ing as a panel. Mrs. H. Traviss, Mrs. Roy Williamson, Mrs. Ger- ald - old Watson, Mrs. a Vliet Ir., Mrs, S. Humphries, Mrs, Ron Bennett and Mrs. Wm. Humph- ries. Guest speaker was Mr. Don Grieve of Clinton, Associate Ag- ricultural Representative of Hur- on County. In opening he asked questions regarding the safety program. From the farm accid- ent survey in 1959-60 there wore 890 accidents, 9 fatalities, 13 per- manent inluries and 233 tempor- ary injuries in Huron County. There are more accidents in the house than the rest of the farm, most in the kitchen. Activities associated with accidents: Mot- oring, field work, children at play; tools and equipment, power machines, etc. A film "Safety Everywhere, All the Titre" wee shown, The speaker was thank- ed by Mrs. T. Dundas who pre- sented hin'i with a gift on behalf of the Institute. Community sinn- ing was led by Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr, with Mrs. 11. Traviss at the piano. Slogan for September were given by Mrs. T. Dundas, Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Ron- ald Bennett, Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs. Geo. Hibbert, Mrs, A. Coutts, Mrs. E. McCreath, Mrs. Geo, Love, Mrs. ,Jim McDonald. The UCW of Duff's United Church held their September sleeting in the church basement last Wednesday evening, Mrs. Roy Williamson had charge of the meeting and opened with call to worship and hymn "Come Thou Almighty King." Mrs. Jack Bryans accompanied at the piano. The scripture taken from Acts was read by Mrs, Ethel Hackwell followed by meditation by Mrs, Allan McCall and prayer by Mrs, Harvey Brown. Mrs. E. Mitchell and Mrs, H. Traviss sang a duet. A skit entitled. Bus In- cident, took (he form of a piay to introduce discussion on Pre- judice. Those taking part were Mrs. J, Clark, Mrs, W. Bewley, Mrs, le. Rockwell, Mrs. E. Wat- son, Mrs, M. Leeming, Mrs, G. Watson, Mrs. R. Achilles, Mrs, T. Dundas and Mrs, N. Reid, Mrs. Walter Bewley led the group in discussion on prejudice, Hyinn, "In Christ there is no East or West" Offering was taken follow- ed by offertory prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. R. Bennett and adopted. Thankyou note and correspond- ence were dealt with by Mrs. T. Dundas. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ken McDonald. A Kipper meeting was arranged to look after the planning of a menu for the men's presbytery to be held Oct. 4. A committee was ap- pointed, consisting of Mrs. G. Mc - Gavin. Mrs, 'D, Watson, Mrs, J, Bryans and Mrs. H. Traviss to look after the arranging of a pro- gram for the annual fowl supper to be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 7. Rev, A. Higginbotham spoke on the Dynamic Christian Fellowship meeting sponsored by the Huron Presbyterial 1JCW at Goderich Sumner School, Sept. 8. The theme was The Word and The Way, The instruction part in the horning was on Religion. What is Religion and What Does it Mean The afternoon session dealt with the Christian Church, 'What Church is and how it lite in and how it works in the church. This is the volume of study for the church groups this winter, The Fall Thankojl'ering will be held during our regular meeting in November, `It was decided to paint the church parlour and a committee of Mrs. 1I. Craig, Mrs, C, Ritchie and Mrs. 0', Martin were appoint- ed to Iook after getting paint and assembling help, Plans were made fez' the 80th:anniversary of the chervil, Sept 38. A buffet lunch will be served after the Morning service for anyone wish- ing to renew old acquaintances and visit with friends and rola- tions. Each family will bring'. a loaf of bread made into sandwich• es and enough for their own e nl- ily extra, also a pan of squares. It was left with Board of stew, eras to arrange 4t loudspeaker to accommodate anyone in the base- ntent and grounds during the ser• vire. Ml's, R. Williamson react a poem, Kind Father. Hymn "Sav- iour Breathe an Evening Bless- ing" was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. A. iligginbam, Tllo. Sotheptember meeting oe the Messengers was held Sept. 9 in Duff's United Church basement. The meeting opened with hymn "'Faith of Our Fathers" with Kar- en McDonald at the piano and Carol Wilbee gave the Call to Worship, :Hymn "Just As I Am" was sung followed by Maryanne Wildfong reading the scripture from psalni 100. Debbie Virey led in prayer. The leader, Mrs, C. Bewley gave a brief talk on the whole Christian church. Sherrill Craig and Karen Coutts presented the offering and Carol Wilbee dedicated it with prayer. Barbara Bryans read the minutes of the last meeting, The business was conducted ,by Carol. The date of next meeting is uncertain, so ntembet's will watch for announ- cement in church. Helen Searle will play the piano; Douglas Wey will read the scripture and Neil McDonald will lead in prayer. The children went to their classes with the following leachers in charge, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs,, N. Marks, Mrs. Roy 'Williamson and Mrs. W. Bewley, Meeting closed with hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers." All repeated the Mizpah benediction. ADDITIONAL FAIR WINNERS Hoary Horses Clydesdale: Brood mare with foal. C. Halliday, L. Munroe; fool of 100:, C. Halliday; filly or gelding, two years old, and one year old, E. llteLeod, Percher'on or Belgian: Filly or gelding, two years .old, 3. L. Dinsmore, Al Dtllra- more; ane year old, J. L, Dunsmore. Wagon chess: Foal of 1062, L. M. Munro; filly or gelding, 3 years, A. IGiill & 2nd, two years, A. Knill & 204; one rear, L. M. Munro, W. McIntosh. Harness Class: Light draught team, C. Halliday, E. McLeod, L. Munro; Per- eheron team, 0. Bestard, E. Schweitzer, 0. Bestard Belgian team, 0. Bnnm';r- mim, Len Bok, 0. Bannerman ; Heavy draught team, C. Halliday & bad; 9100 epeoial, C. Halliday, 0. Bannerman, 0. Bestard, A. Knill; best 3 horses, C. 1Ialli- day, 0. Bestlud, 0. A. Bannerman, A. Knill, E. McLeod, E, Schweitzer. Len. Bolt, Ken Brown, L. Densmore, L. M. Mucro; best handled colt, horse, C. Halli- day ; four horse hitch, C. Halliday, 0. Bestard, Jack Fitch, 0. Bannerman. Light wagon: A, Knill, J. Fitch, ISen. Brown; wagon teats, 3. Fitch, 0. Dan- nor'man, A. Knill; single wagon, A. IUilll, J. Fitch, 0. Bannerman, J. Fitch, A. Iinitl, IC. Brown. Carriage team, Wallace Munro, Embrn roadster team, W. Munroe, S. Curley, Mr's. Curley ; single carriage horse, W. Munroe & 2nd; W. Lingelbach; single roadster horse, W. Munroe & 2nd; G. La alt S. Carley, \V. Murray, W.' Munroe; gentleman's road race, G. Gal- hrnith, S. Curley, W. Munroe, Mrs, Gur- ley; lady driver, Mrs, Munree, Mrs. S, Curley. Judge -Elmo M. Pritchard, Lucknow. Beef Cattle Butcher oaks; Bruce MacGillfaray, Hodgins Bros„ Rodger Keifer, Ken Black; baby beef, Ken Black, Hodgins Bros., Wilbur Turnbull, B. MacGillivray, W. Turnbull Aberdeen Angus: Bull, 2 yrs. Bruce MacGillivray, Harvey Campbell; 1 yr., 13. MacGillivray, H. Campbell, Hodgins; bull calf, senior, Campbell, MacGillivray ; junior, MacGillivray, 1, 2, 3; Hodgins, Campbell; champion bull, MacGillivray; cow 3 yrs., MacGillivray & 3rd; Hodgins, Campbell; heifer, 2 yrs., MacGillivray, 1, 2; Campbell, Hodgins 4, 5; heifer, 1 Yr.. Campbell, 1. 3; .MacGillivray 2, 4; Hodgins; heifer calf, senior, John Rine, MacGillivray 2, 3; Campbell; junior, J. Rinn, MacGillivray Campbell 4, 5; cham- pion female, Campbell; herd, also 3 animals, MacGillivray, Campbell, Hodg- ins. Most points, Bruce MacGillivray. Shorthorn ; Bull, 2 yrs. WilburTurn- bull; 1 yr., W. Turnbull; senior bull calf, James Smith; junior bull calf, W. Turnbull; champion bull, W, Turnbull, James Smith; cow, 3 yrs., W. Turnbull & 2nd ; heifer, 2 yrs., Oscar Keifer, W. Turnbull and 3rd; heifer 1 yrs., James Smith, W. Turnbull and 3rd; senior heifer calf, W. Turnbull & "nd • Edgar Wightman, Oscar Keifer; junior heifer calf, W. Turnbull & 2nd; champion female, 0. Keifer, W. Turnbull; herd, W. Turnbull & 2nd; 3 animals, W. Turnbull & 2nd. Most points, W. Turnbull. Judge --L. 3. White. Dual Purpose Shorthorns; Bull under 2 yrs, John Keys & 2nd ; dry COW, young cowSheen, John Keys; heifer, 2 yrs.. reifer calf, 1 yr., under 1 yr., John Keys & 2nd. Slv'opshiredowns: Aged ewe, Ray Comfort, I and 3; Emke Bros. 2 and 4; shcarling ram, Fred Gurney, Ernke, R. Comfort, 3 & 9; ram iamb, Gurney, 1 & 4 ; Comfort 2 & 3; ewe, Emke, Gur- ney, Comfort 3 & 4; shearling ewe, Com- fort, 1 & 4, Gurney, Emke- ewe lamb. Gurney 1 & 4, Comfort 2 & 3;. pen, Gur- ney, Comfort 2 & 4; Emke; best ewe, SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith.. Sealed tenders addressed to Mr. Andrew Houston, Road Sup- erintendent, (R.R.3, Seaforth) and designated "Snowplowing Tenders" will he received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, Octo- ber 16, 1062. The Township of Tuckersmith requires for snowplowing town- ship roads during the winter of 1962-63: Two Mower grader's which are to be equipped with V - type hydraulically operated plows of 8' minimum width and a hyd- draulieally operated wing. All equipment: and tender prices are subject to approval of the Dept, of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all requirements, carry public liability insurance aucl Workman's Cons; ensta (loll. The tender must state 111e flat tato per hour (no stanch -by title), All work is to be dote under the su- pervision of the Road Superint- endent and the Dept. of High- ways. Tenders to be considered on Oct, 15, 1062 at 8,45 P.M. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. I. McIntosh Clerk Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith Ensu; best ram (furney. O't.;d Strike Bive., Cyrus Lowden, Deset horned 1'. 1.1 Dearing. Cheviot; - Vance Pay. Rola.Brown. h.'euthdowna; Lala: Bros„ t, Lowden, A ` aunts; -A.1 tsv, er. L 1 8eleester, James It L, basil, Emke. Suffolk: - ltuy Comfort,. Smite Bros. llampsldres, Smite Bros. 1. Lowden, Currialale, Emke Bres. Cotswold; Aged ram, James It. E. Snell 15. O. Jamieson; shearhn^ ram, owe, J 11. E. Snell, 11. U. Jamieson 2, 3; ram limb, Snell, Jamieson sheaoling awe, J. 1t, E. Snell, 1 & 2 C 11, U. Jamieson, ewe l;mb, Jamiesuu, 1, •r, Snell 2, 3; pen, Snell, Jamieson; beat ewe; ram, 3. 12, E. Snell. Pan Market Lambs; Smite Brea,,0, Lowder, Vance Day. Judsa--D, Ross McTavish, Eggs Adult. Brown, Mrs, John Oldaeld, Eurl Papplt Jim Popple, 3 & 4; while, Ittt'a. W. Coleman, Sten Coleman Mrs. Bruce Coleman,Mrs, W. Haugh; tray, Mrs. W, Coleman, Clearing Auction Sale Clearing Aachen, Sale of Ftu'in Stock, Machinery, Poultry Equipment end household Effects at lot "0, con. 12, Hibbert twp„ half mile East of Chisel- lrarst or 41;1 miles East of Howell or 1/4 South and 3 miles west of Crom- arty, on Wednesday, October 10th, at 12 p.m, Cattle -28 Hereford steers, approxi- mately S03 lbs. Machinery --- 1 ton International truck, stock and grain box; John Deere B tractor with power cylinder; John Deere M tractor, scuRler and plow; John Deere 6 ft, combine with motor; John Deere 13 ran seed drill on r'ubber'.; John. Deere springtooth cultivator; John Deere hey baler, twine tie; John Deere bate elevator, 48 ft. with 19, h.p. motor; John Deere 2 furrow tractor plow; John. Deere side rake; Farmhand manure loader; Case binder, Cockohutt mower; land roller; land packer; 4 section harrows; Lets grain grinder; fanning mill; 21 inch grain auger with motor; rubber tire farm wagon with hay rack; manure spreader; weigh scale it ton); 33 ft. extension ladder; bag truck ; root pulper; 2 wheel trailer, forks, shovels, chains. Poultry Equipment -Automatic chick- en waterers; chicken feeders; egg wash, 000.; 5 plastic egg baskets; 3 chicken crates; 2 brooder stoves, Maple syrup Grimm evaporator, 10 ft., 870 bucicets, miles; 200 gal. gathering tank 1 100 gal. storage tank; steel water trough; copper kettle; iron kettle; SO gal. syrup tank; rotary lawn mower; John. Deere tire pump. Grain -1500 bus. Rodney oats. Household Elfeets-Chesterfield suite ; flat top desk; occasional chair; General Electric 9' refrigerator ; Moffat table tap stove; drop leaf table; Clare Jewel cook stove invalid lift beds, sittings, mat- tress; cheat of drawers; dresser, steel bed (like new) Sunnnair mattress ensemble (like. new) ; antique cheat of drawers; add chairs; tables; odd dishes, set Of dishes; chests, trunks, sealer's, quilts, pillows. pictures, wool blankets. mats, clock shelf, storm door, quilting frames, curtain frames, mat frames, antique picture frames, bridge table, flower baskets, toilet sets, Sunbeam mixmaster; electric Smnitaon mixer; floor lamps, table lamps, coal oil lamps, kitchen ware antique dishes, he cards r for carding wool, antique ware, grinder. drapes. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Farm sold. Prop., Lloyd McLean. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, George Powell. AUCTION SALE Jaybee Hereford Farms 6111 Production Sale of Registered Herefords at the Fanln, 5 utiles south of Seaforth, or 3 miles east. of Kippen, on Friday, October 12. commencing at 1 o'clock D,S.T., featuring 37 head: 27 Bred Females - 24 of these are Alberta born and bled to Real Silver Prince, which we Purchased at Calgary Brill Sale in 1959. He was the top selling bull 0f the sale and season, 10 Serviceable - Age Bulls -Six of which are Advance Registry Tested carrying Government bonus of 20%, with rate of gain up to 3.38 pounds per day while on test. Eight of these bulls are sired by Real Silver Prince. Write for catalogues. Stanley Jackson, Pr'opr'ietor, Kippen, Ont. Telephone Seaforth 672x5. Auctioneers: W. S. O'Neil, Percy Wright, Edward Elliott, Reserve ING ENovember 30, for Dublin C. W. L. Turkey bingo. FOR SALE Good Cheer cook stove, burns coal or wood. Also '47 Ford pickup truck. Ambrose Aeltlley, Kinburn. FOR SALE 3 furrow International ace -bottom plow on rubber, like new. Spencer Jeffery, Staffs. Phone llrle Dublin. TENDERS WANTED Township of McKillop Tender'a will be received by the under- signed until 2 p.m.. Friday, Oct, 12, for snow removal in McKillop Town- ship winter of 1002-63. Give description of equipment and price per hour, WILSON LITTLE Road Supt. Seaforth R.R. 1 WANTED Man for profitable Rawteigh business. Good living at start. Write Itewleigh's, Dept, J-369-101, 4331 Richelieu, Mon - tread. FOR SALE Two acres of ensilage corn. Peter Uyl,. r.r, 2 Seaforth. FOR SALE 8 stocker cattle around 700 las, H. Huglll, R. R. 2 Seaforth FOR SALE 16 pigs eight weeks olcl. Phone 865w3. Wm. Alexander, Walton. R.R. 2 FOR SALE 21 inch "Admiral" '67 Tele- vision set in good condition. Rev. J. Ure Stewart, phone 473 w FOR SALE 25 stockers 600 lbs, 25 staring calves, M. W. Stapleton, 60032 Browme s JJRI VEIN THEATRE Clinton 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING Weekend Shows during October FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ootobee 5 -6 -DOUBLE SILL Hit No. 1 -Shown at 8.30 only "VOYAGE to THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA" Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine (Color - Scope) Hit No, 2 -Shown at 10.00 only "FROM HELL TO TEXAS" Don Murray, Diane Varsi (Color - Scope) (Cartoon) Sunday Midnite Only October 7 at 12.05 ALL COLOR SHOW "THE ANGRY RED PLANET" A Science Fiction Thriller in Color "DESERT WARRIOR" Ricardo Montiban (Color) (Cartoon) Next Weekend FRI., SAT. - October 12.12 "CATTLE EMPIRE" and "THE BRAVADOS" FOR SALE Six roomed brick cottage, Main st. in Eginondville; with all mod- ern conveniences. New gas furn- ace. Also a brick building that could be converted to a dwelling, site approximately 20x40. All in good state of repair. Priced for quick sale. Apply to Elmer Steph- enson, Egmondville, or Mrs, Lee McConnell, Varna. FARM FOR SALE 126 acres, clay loan, good buildings; rock water; 7 room, insul brick house, all modern conveniences; water pressure in house and barn; Simile from Separate school and church; 7 miles south of Deslnvood. Charles Regier, r•.r. 3 Dash- wood; phone 1531'7 Dashwood. FOR SALE Cider press, 4 gallon size. Also a two wheel trailer. Phone 588211, 'William Hoegy. FOR SALE Holland grown bulbs in It vari- ety of colors, tulips, hyacinths, crocus, paper white narcissus and daffodils. Baker's Greenhouse, your Garden Centre, Seaforth, NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. All work done by certified watch- makers. FOR SALE Allis Chalmers "60" combine, with pickup $195. '50 Ford coach with excellent motor $50; also '48 Ford one ton truck parts and 1950 to 1953 Ford, Chev., Pontiac, Dodge parts cheap. Phone 2751V1, Hensall. CAREER SCHOOLS Watchmaker, Jeweller, Barber- ing, Hairdressing. Ask for pro- spectus, transportation allowance and benefits. TRANS - CANADA BEAUTY INDUSTRIES, LTD., Moncton, N.B. PROPERTIES FOR SALE - Oa acre grass farm, good water sup- ply. Hullett twp. A modern 2 -bedroom home in the village of Egmondv(le, with approxi- mately 3 acres of land.. Apply to Harold Jackson, or John A. Camino, Seaforth, Ont, STOCKER AND FEEDER CATTLE SALE At the Livestock Sales Barn HENSALL, ONTARIO Saturday, Oct. 13th, at 1 P.M. 300 Durham & Hereford Steers rang- ing from 600 to 300 lbs. 130 Hereford Steers & Hereford calves .50 holstein Heifers For consignment, call Jack Morrissey, 234.6200 Crediton Victor ihrigreaveo, HU 2-7511 Clinton Mel Graham, HU 2-0008 Clinton Terms cash Auctioneer: Harold Jackson MUST SELL SINGER 'ZIG-ZAG in beautiful wood cabinet for $61.20 still owed, or take on pay- ments of $7.13 per month. Does fancy stitching, no attachments needed. Use your old machine as down payment, Dealer, Write Box F, The Seaforth News. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office - Main Street SEAFORTH Insures * Town Dwellings, • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also available AGIONTS: James Kays, RR 1, Seaforth; V. 3, Lane, RR 5, Sea. forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth TIIJS SIOAFORTXI NEWS Thursday, October 4, 1002 BOX Funeral Horne AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Sod Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Phyelclan and Surgeon Phone 90 Res. 606 JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J, o, TURNBULL, D,V.M., V.S. W. 11, ARYANS, D.V,M., V,S, W. G. DRIONNAN, D.VM,, V.S. G, E. GALT,D.V,M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 0 to 5.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. evil by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe. Mon. 0 to 4.00 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Ores. 28-6 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen RR 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " offices and 25 salesmen to serve you NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of yellow and white gold priced from $60.00 and up -all rings guaranteed for 1 year against loss or damage to the diamond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett Jewellers. NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from d to 6.30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted 3. L McIntosh Clerk Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PRONE 755 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. The Smtforth News: "Authorized as Second -Class Mali by the Post Office De. partment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in Cask,"