HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-10-04, Page 4t
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7o be sure of proper installation, with insulation to Hydro standards,
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itul'. kind Mrs. C'aivin Rigel[,
iusnn laid llt'enda of Desboro
have been visiting at the honle
of her parents. Mr. and Ml's. Aug.
Mrs. Hobert GM and Lynda of
Glencoe spent the week end with
her Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold.
:lir. and Mts. Alvlu Rose of
Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. Chris.
W. Leonliardt for the week end,
Mr, `Pout ,Scott of I -lam lion
lord \V'arr'eri Sholdice of Guelph
at the hours of Mr, acid Mrs.
l'tussoll Sholdice.
Bir. and Ml's. Reuben Buuok
attended the funeral of David
lfopf at Milverton recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherharth
of Detroit with Mrs. John L,
Mr, and Mrs, Dalton :Hinz and
Gerald visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Clarence Green at Teeswatel' on
Bir. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice and.
Paul visited Mrs. Gary Sholdice's
sister, Mrs. Alfred Blow and ;At,
Blow at Agincourt on Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mrs,
Rosina Miller were: Mrs. Alma
Pusbeiherg, Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Pushelberg of Listowel; Mr. and
Mrs, Rudy Helen and Perry of
Sebriugville; Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
Fischer, Keith and Brian of Sea -
forth; Mrs, Rachel Ahrens,
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Drb and
fancily of Milverton; Mr, and
Mrs. Don Rands and Kenneth of
Toronto; Mrs. Levi Rands, Mit-
chell, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
A shower was held at the Com-
munity Hall on Friday evening
for lir. and Mrs, Bruno Braeeker
(Joyce Wilson). Edgar Eliigsen
read the address and Earl Rook
made the presentation or cash.
Mueller's orchestra provided the
music for dancing.
Miss Doris Docking of Staffs
with her sister, Mrs. Henry
Loonhardt Jr, and Mr. Leon-
The TB clinic was held at the
community hall on Wednesday,
The Stewards of tho Christian.
Hoole met in the basement of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church with
Mrs. Manuel Benerman and Mrs.
Lavern Wolfe in charge of devo-
tions. recreation and lunch. Pact-
nr. Brill presented the topic"Tire
Sixth Command." Lloyd Prueter,
the president, was in. charge of
business, It was decided this
group will present a variety tal-
ent night on Nov. 20th at the
community hall. A committee
was appointed to see about
dressing rooms at the church
skating rink. The next meeting
is to be Tuesday, Oct. 23rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Geon.
tiara and faintly attended the
75th birthday celebration of Mrs,
l.eonhat'dt's faller, Toni Clark
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Dill, near Monkion on Fri-
day everting.
At the recent Chamber of Cont
inerce dinner meeting held at
the community hall it was decld•
ed to have It turkey draw In No-
vember. It is hyped the public
will support this cause, so that
the members can carry on haling
dances, etc., where people, young
told older may go, knowing they
are under stlpervisod protection.
The property committee have
beau working on the park
grounds in the picnic area where
trees are growing and grass seed
will' be sown, Russell Sholdice
showed pictures of his trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Benermnn
of London with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman,
Ray 130ntlewles, London, Arth-
ur Dlegel, Ititchener, Clayton
and Robert Ahrens, Waterloo, at
their homes for the week end,
4 --Tali SlaAi°ORTI
Politics Out
County Council ends
Turnabout Custom
Huron county council has voted
to diseontlltlle the tinge -honored
Duston of choosing their warden
n000rding to his poi ti a ati Liber-
al one year, a
If memory Is correct, Blore was
a very practical reason behind
this method. In the long ago,
as much as a whole day was
wasted in jockeying for position
between the two political parties,
before a warden was elected.
To end such useless stale-
Nt'71NS, Thursday, October 4, 1902
Miss Dianne Rannio, nurse•in-
training at Sarnia visited recent-
ly with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Sam Ronnie,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chapman
and Rod visited over the week-
end with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
De Loge in Sarnia,
Mr. Robert Lambie wtto is
undergoing treatment in Wont-
minster Hospital, London. spent
the week -end at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Thomson
of Toronto spent the week -end at
their summer home in the village,
Miss Jean Noakes and friend,
Mr. Walter Anios of London vis-
ited this week with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len
Noakes and family.
Mrs. Edna Corbett was a recent
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George
Parker, Ricky and Cindy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles,
Monica and Greg. of Loudon visit-
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Len. Noakes and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mclwon
spent several days 10 Flint, Mich„
last week.
Mrs. Don Vero of St. Cathar-
ines and Mr, Cameron Henry of
London were recent visitors with
their parents, Mr. . and Mrs.
William Henry,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor were
recent visitors with relatives and
' � . l ►�o 6
tare, ut1
�• F ' u EE WASH' G
6'v0 FR IT 'x '' , YIN G
friends in Underhill.
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Ronnie and
Joanne of Toronto visited recent-
ly with the fornter's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Salo itaunie.
Matas and expedite the county's
hasiiiess it was agreed to let each
party nominate a candidate for
warden, year about.
with four pasties iu the federal
oleetlon this .Brae, the county
councillors may have felt that
the time had come to sOparate
polities from tate wardership.
Mitoheli Cider and
Apple Butter Mill
1iri11 operate Tues., Wed., Thurs.-
and a, ri
From now on tuitidgyl Nov, 23.
Terms strictly Dash
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A 17 -day fully escorted tour by air from
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Tour $161.00 (less than 10,00 a day) all-
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Please write us for folder with full details
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