HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-27, Page 8a SHOP AT STEWART BROS. FOR THE BEST IN. Boys Clothes FALL SUITS Continental styled boys obits with side vents, and slim continental pant in pep. ular charcoals and tow :utile checked patterns. feature our new fall range - - ,ire. 20 to 34. All have two [towers fur extra wear " P.\NT SUITS 19.95 t0 26.50 BOYS SWEATERS t•rallevere.11:71- ky p Ulla . ors Como e,,,rdigans. or hir leaky 1 v e art1igane - • ,we ewe them. all in *.vWe, range of ee, dee. :Sizes or 8 _ 1' years. 2.95-6.50 KIDDIES 3 TO dZ 1.95 cC 2.95 OUR REGULAR PRICES ON .Boys Car Coats ARE UNBEATABLE Don't be mislead by all the city sale elven:ars. because our regular prices are below their sato prices. Chooee from nylons, larnin- etes, corduroys and wools in etr,. parkas. c u'eoats and jackets. Colors are charcoal, olive, brown and grey. Sizes S to LS years. Our low prices: BOYS DOESKIN AND KNiT SHIRTS ,ne,oee from a wide range of long .:roti: ;rtitted trop -over style shirts. r.l •otnr. rational doeskin plaid styles. ...,..s to lb years 1.95 to 2.95 ;;r., oar big ranges of boys Sox, ;>lat`•lts. Underwear, etc. STE STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS WALTON and Mrs. Gordon 1lurray. Mr. .:pd Mrs. Wn1. Murray and Charlie Murray attended the sone ap 1.. ;he late Mrs. David t'ORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Worship li a.m. Rally Day service with Church F.chooi. Dedication of Arnold Westcott �vl.:ri;urie:' Orgenis Mrs. Jas. Stewart 4h(.rrn1 t Mr. Jas. A. Stewart Minister. I cr, J. C. Britton, .A. CAVAN UNITED CHURCH •'. ersiiip 1..3e a.m, 11re allat;on of Elders, C'I:,lreh Scrhool lo.45 a.m. Organist. airs. Oliver Anderson ,..s:r. Iter, J. C. Britton, B.A. Murray of Wingham last Wed- nesday. JIr, and Mrs, Ken Rogerson of Clinton attended the anniver- sary service Sunday evening and visited with the latter'sparents, Mr, and Mrs. E, Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Lawless and Dianne of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Habkirk of Inger- soll and Dr. and Mrs. J. Turnbull, Seaforth visited on Sunday with .1r. and Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull. TUCKERSMITH The regular meeting of the Turner's Church UCW was held in the church basement on Sept. 18th at 8.30 p.m. Twelve members were present, Roll call was an- swered by naming a Woman in the Bible. The president, Mrs. Erlin (Whitmore, conducted the mem; „I"tai„1,1,la"",tt"111111111111,u1"n1111111111111,i1,t11111111`11111,nrnunlaunlutnu,numinn(minr Guaranteed All ::e Hot Water You Neel - Electrically Nov: you can heat water electrically and guar - a2: r e yourself loads and loads of hot water -simply by installing a modern automatic two -element elec- ?rie water heater in the size and capacity that fits w-rtla' falrlily's needs If your present electric water heater has only rine element, how about adding a second element of thr Sallie size for better performance. With low Hydro Flat Rates there'; aro Snereaae in operating Coat, TO r;ET *MORE 01.7T OF LIFE ---- r=I.T THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRECITY TELEPHONE 472 SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 111111110110111,Itlattt111 1,t11ttttIt11111`11111111011111111111,111111111r11n(1111„1111111111010 1111n1111111t111111,1(111111\\ uteetiata the seeretar s report and ear. respondeuee were read by Mrs. \Vin. Rogerson. The topic "Tia \i edding at Cana" was taken by Mrs, ii. Johns. It was decided that visitors meeting" will be held on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 8.1a p.nl. with the ladies from Constance, Igulondviile, Unice - field and Ontario Street Church, c'liuton, to he invited. The speck- er is to be :Miss Westgate of Exet- er, who will also be showing slides. Mrs. Alden erten who is loan to leave the conuunulty was presented with 11 dainty cup and saucer from the members of the LtteW. Lunch was served by the hostess, :Mrs. Stanley Johns.. BLAKE Mr, and firs, Curtis Gingerloh have returned home after tt visit with friends in the United States. Mr. parol( Fhilay, Jim, Marg- aret and Emma Jane and blend t ieited with :lir. and firs, Lyle Stokes of Aliso. Craig on Sundry. \It and Mrs. Edmund Erb told ),ar1 Ann accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich• have lett for the -United States where they are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Martin, Penny Sale Held At Dublin Sr. Patrick's C.W.L. Peaty SIt1e draw took place Tuesdey evening in the Par- ish IIall. A program was enjoyed by all. It consisted of pinto selections by Paul Horn, .Dublin, and Dawns Reynolds and .Amt Marie Devereaux, Seaforth. Step donee by Yvonne and Christine Delan- ey, Dublin. Tap dance by Gamma Royn- olds. Square donee by Neil Devereaux, Anne Marie Devereaux, Sohn Eckert, Lynln Bedard, Tom Devereaux, Jane Silts. Billy McCurdy, Terry Knnz, Sea- forth. Whiners of the Penny Sale were: Lunch box, Harold Meagher. Planter 11111 fern, Mrs. Alex Mustard :Brum- field:. Tie her & ruff links, Mr's, .Iien Gil pings, Clinton, Child's carrying ease. Patricia Siler, Seaforth, Double boiler, hlrs. R. S. MacDonald, Seaforth. Glass bowl, Mrs. Joe Dill. Flower vases, )j1's. John Price. Seaford:, Blue doilie, Mrs. 1Joyd McCarthy. Child's play suit, Mrs. Andy Staff let n. PillowIisicnbowl Mrs, Rose John Nagle. Pillow cases, Mt Richard Tay- Kippen. Bridge set. Mrs.. Frerioks. take tin, Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. ('hill's Pyjamas, Mrs. . Dinah Sills, Sea - forth. Ash tray, bits. Richard Taylor, Kippen. Teddy bear, Jean Ducharme. Pillow eases, Mrs. Art -Wright, Sea - forth, Child's skirt, Mrs. Lorne Flana- gan. Child's skirt. Mrs. Waller Carp- enter, Baby blanket, Jean Hildebrand; Seaforth. Relish tray, Danny O'Rourke. Devilled egg plate, Mrs. Walter Carpen- ter. Plaques, Mrs. Lois Hodgert, Sea- forth. Play suit, Larry Hickman, Sea- forth, Bath mat. Mrs, P. Troutbeek, Sentorth. Mat, Lynda Hodgert, Seaforth. Basket of fruit, Mrs, Joe Dill. Salt & pepper, 5100. C15Yton Looby. Red trac- tor, Mr's. Ross Smile, Stage, Cup & saucer. Mrs. Edg+u• Eiligsen, Walton. Canister set. Peter Harvey, Seaforth. Cream & sugar set, Mrs. John Oldfield, Seaforth. Bon bon dish, Mrs. David Schenck, Seaforth. Blanket, Mrs, P. L. Brady, Seaforth, Clothes basket, Mrs. Cullen Russell, Dublin. Pink bridge sat, Helen Nicholson, Egmondville, Towel, Mrs. Louis O'Reilly, Seaforth. Mat, Mrs. Clayton Looby. Pinchers, David Brown. (:lass rake dish, Martin van Bake:. Pyrex casserole, Mrs. Roy Pat- rick, Walton. Cup & saucer, Mrs. Har- old Agar, Seaforth. Butter dish, John Eckert. Seaforth. Throw cushion,Joan Madden, Seaforth. Pillow cases, Miss Mary O'Connell. Child's chair, Mrs. Geo. Hoa, Hensel:. Magazine rack, Miss She - ran Afar, Stalin. Salad plate, Billy Butters. Brown dog & runs. Carl Van - ley, Kippen. T-shirt, Mrs. Seldon Ross, Brucefleld. T-shirt, Ails, Jack McIver, St. Columban. Buick knack corner, Mrs. Frank Kistner•. Red Cushion, Mrs. Mau- rice Ryan, Table cloth, Mrs. Louie Kra - mere. Box of groceries, Mrs. Clayton Looby. Hurricane lamp, Mrs. Matt Mc- Creight, White vases, Mrs. Hugh Me- Gillitray, Mitchell. Pyjamas, Mrs- Geo. Goettler. Winners may pick up their prizes by calling at the rectory in Dublin. OTHER PRIZE WINNERS Pet Show: Best looking cat, Beth Dol - mage, Pat Malone, Linda Mc- Michael, Lee Bell; unusual cat, Robert Newnham, Keith Miller, Maria Willems, Lynda Anderson; rabbits, Danny Maloney, Jim An- derson, Bruce Malcolm, 13111 Boussey; unusual rabbit, Lawr- ence Elliott, Lois Jackson, Gary Bannon, Wayne Coombs; dog, Janet Beattie; Marlene Nash, Barry Gordon, Mary Sills; dog, least resemblance, Michael l3an• non: hest behaved dog, Leslie Becker; fan, pigeon, Brian Me- MiIlan; other pigeon, Arnold van Miltenberg, Pat Murray, Mane Papple; bantams, Elva Becker, IJouglas Keys, Elva Keys; fancy fowl, Elva Becker, Diane Papple, Jim Dallas; unusual pet, Bill Moore, Paul Hoff. Pat Flannery; consol. event, Ross Elliott. Running race: 1st heat, John - bon, McClure, 'Williamson, Muir, Dale; 2nd heat,- Johnson, ale clure, Williamson, Dale, Muir. Calf race, Gerald Armstrong, Doug. McBride, Exeter; James Snider, Brussels; Edwin Kers- lake, Exeter; David Marshall, Kirkton; pony race, Gerald Will- iamson, Johnny Muir, Patsy Me, - Grath, J. Nixon, Grath, Jean Nixon, harness races: Classified pace, Floe, Lornie Rhythm, Win. Ca1d- well, Clinton: Miss V. R. Grattan, Roy Reid, Mitchell; Seaway Bars, J. Bannerman, Stratford; Wayne Brook, Jack Strong, Seaforth; Doctor Hy, N. Williamson, Walt. 011 +200: Atomite, Lloyd Turvey, Exeter; Sandra Hy, X. William- son, Walton; Royal Direct, War- ren Sherd, Seaforth, tied with The Rocket B, Clarence Young, Lucan. Judge -W, J, Harvey, New Hiantburg, Parade-: Tuckersmith No, 3, Mnitille, No. 18, Tuckersmith No, 2, McKillop No. a, Mullett NO. 1. WHI11011 No. 2 Flolds, St. James' , /1lua to Scheel, Hulk tt No, 1, Tuckersmith No, 5, Me- I;inop No. 5, Er--mund.:Me Cubs, Dairy Cattle (ue:n cy: Champion male, Wm. b,rl 13, $ yrs„ Wm ((ale, Ken People; le. (5' cow,- Wm. lido- and 2hc11 baiter. 2 .r Wm, Dale, Ken Popple & a; htiI01• yearling. junior, Wm. Dale, Kilt ?apple 2 & D; I,eife;l' Calf, senior, 44'0, Dale, Ken Pimple, Linda People; .femur. Wm, Dal,, Gai'r'y Addison: Ihanl(ion h'mal a, Wm. hale I herd Lull, h cows, moot p rots, Wm. Dale Ayr Shires: 1hrl1, 1 yr., hull self, el:ampion malt row, 3 ,vos., dry, cow, heifer, heifer, yearling., Jr. & sr„ Ervin Sehaue 1 heifer calf, sudor, E. Selmu,, Edvar Hewett , junior, E. Sebum:, L, Vocnstea, E, Srttus; ehmapion female, herd buil, .^, towo, meta points, E. Srhaus. Medium size0oill R beaiLer.E Coleman. in good rendition, 'form Williams, ea - Dublin. Phone 410. heBulll. SALE foWatsont in tr ,ad condition, reasonable, s'FOR CUSTOM PLOWING Will do custom plowing. Wilfred McQuaid, 4022 Dublht, LOST A large black & white eat. et Seaforth Fair, Iup Hulley, phone 717J4 0 storm wind ws SALE 34", and two 2'6" x 23" Apply to. Roy Lawson, phone 499w• WANTED Middle aged lady desires position as housekeeper, Please enclose details to Box ll, The Seaforth News FOR SALE Allis Chalmers "60" combine, with pickup 6195. '50 Ford coach with excellent motor $50; also '4S Ford one ton truck parts and 1959 to 1913 Ford, Chev„ Pontiac, Dodge parts cheap. Phone 275W1, i-Ietrsall. FOR SALE Holland grown bulbs in a vari- ety of colors, tulips, hyacinths, croons, paper white narcissus and daffodils. Baker's Greenhouse, your Garden Centre. Seaforth. FOR SALE Cider press, 4 gallon size. Also a two wheel trailer. Phone 5881W, William Tloegy. CAREER SCHOOLS Watchmaker, Jeweller, Barber- ing, Hairdressing, Ask for pro- spectus, transportation allowance and benefits, TRANS - CANADA BEAUTY INDUSTRIES, LTD„ Moncton, N.B. PROPERTIES FOR SAT F 00 acre grass farm, good water 041). ply. Hullett 31031, A modern 3 -bedroom home in the village of Egmondvllle, with approxi - nudely 3 acres of lard. Apply to Harald Jackson, or John A. Cardno, Seaforth, Ont. STOCIOR AND FEEDER CATTLE SALE At the Livestock Sales Barn I-IENSALL, ONTARIO Saturday, Oct, 13th, at 1 p.M. 500 Durham. & Hereford Steers rang- ing from 600 to 300 lbs. 160 Hereford Steers & Hereford calves 20 Holstein Heifers For consignment, call Jack Morrissey, 224-0200 Crediton Victor Hargreaves, HU 2-7611 Clinton Mel Graham, HU 2-0008 Clinton 'terms cash Auctioneer: Harold Jackson PA RSONS-BOX Grace United Church, Renfrew, was the setting when Margaret Lois Box and Walter Frederick Parsons, both of Hamilton, ex- changed wedding vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Box, r.r. 2 Renfrew, tend the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred R. Parsons, London, Rev. Dr. E. C. Amaron officiated at the double -ring ceremony. The bride chose a street -length sheath style dress of ivory white organ- za, featuring three-quarter length sleeves and a sabring neckllne appliqued with chantilly lace and sequins. Tho bell shaped over- skirt was edged in matching lace. 1-Ier bouffant -snood veil was held sequin a rose and seq in place by claw headpiece and she carried a cascade boquet of pink roses, white mums and ivy. Mrs, David Morkem, formerly of Hamilton, now of London, was matron of honor, wearing a sheath dress of mauve organza over taffeta end her boquet was in matching shade with tiny white mums and ivy, Dr. Paul MacKenzie of Mon- treal was hest man and guests were ushered by Mr. Wayne Box of Renfrew, brother of the bride, and Mr. Howard Ferguson, of Thamesford. Mrs. Howard Fel. gnson, Thamesford, played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Elmore Keys, Varna, aunt of the groom, as she sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding Prayer." The wedding dinner, held in the base- ment 01 the church, was served by friends of the bride. The tables were beautifully decorate - ed with white and pink stream- ers and pink roses in rose howls and the four tiered wedding cake. A reception followed in the even- ing in Horton Hall where the bride's mother, wearing a navy blue and white sheath dress with navy accessories, received the guests. The groom's mother chose a teal blue satin faille sheath and black and white ac- cessories, Both mothers wore a corsage of pink Delight roses. The young couple left later for a short honeymoon in New York State. For travelling the bride wore a three piece grey and white suit with red and white accessories. The bride is a grad- uate of Ottawa Teachers College and the groom of London Teach- ers College, The couple will make their home in Hamilton. Guests were present from Cornwall, IIensell, Varna, Ottawa, Mont- real, London, Thamesford, Toron- to and Sudbury. Rummage Sale St. Thomas Parish Hall Friday, Oct. 12 7 P.M, AZAA The Order of the Eastern Star are holding their annual Bazaar THURSDAY, OCT. 4TH at 3 o'clock Including baste stile, novelty table, and afternoon tea Everyone welcome RECEPTION • For Mr. 13111 Mrs. Ken McClure (Marlon Turner) Friday, October 5 At Seaforth Community Centre Good Music Ladles please bring lunch CcUI)ll''.1A4 a l The family of. the late Hubert Johnson wish to extend to their friends and neighbors their deep appreciation for spiritual offerings, flowers and sympathy cards, as well as neighborly nets of kind - nese extended to them during their recent berenvement--Mm. Jessie Johnson and Mlchnel, CARD OF THANKS I would 1111e to c thank all my for friends and neighbors r send 0 ing me tie cards, treats and patient visits while I was a tient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also to the nursing d staff, an to the doctors of the Seaforth Clinic. McMillan fclMillan br A. CLEARING Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock and equipment to be con- ducted at the premises, lot 17, con. 13, McKillop Twp., one mild south and two miles east of Walton on Thursday, October 4, at 1.30 p.m, d,s,t., consisting et'; Livestock -S head of stock cows ranging in age from 3 to 7 yrs., all bred; 8 Hereford spring calves; 7 steers, 800 to 900 lbs.; 2 heifers, 16 mos, old; 1 Hereford bull, 16 mos. old. Machinery and Equipment - McCormick W.4 tractor, good con- dition; Universal manure loader; Cockshutt 3 furrow plow oil rub• ber; McCormickcCormick No. 46 hay baler; Massey Harris Clipper combine; Geo. 'White 7/' cultivator, power lift; Brantford 6 ton wagon, roll- er hearing, 16' rack; Deering 7 ft. binder; International 6' oil hath mower; International 0' outthrow disc; McCormick manure spread- er; heavy duty trailer, new tiros; Cockshutt grinder'; Cardinal 18' bale elevator; DeLaval 800 Ibs. capacity stainless steel cream sep- arator; DeLaval magnetic pump milking machine with two units; 6"x35' belt; 3"x21' grain auger; 3 sections diamond harrows; six SO -lb. milk cans; fanning mill. Poultry Equipment -4 range shelters; chicken feeders; 2 dram type steel feeders; 3 chicken crates; fountains; 2 sectional hen note. Miscellaneous Tools and Equip• ment-t/" Black & Decker elec- tric drill and bit set; two laeh.p. electric motors; emery wheel and mandrel; 24 gab hand sprayer; Philco cabinet barn radio; 2 steel drums; milk pails, forks, shovels and many more small items.. No reserve as proprietor has given up farming, Terms, cash; sales tax will be added where it applies,. Alvin Stimore, Prop. Don S. Dennis, Auctioneer, Ken McFarlane, Clerk. FARM FOR SALE 1'_3 acres, clay loam, good buildings; rook water; 7 room, haul 'lek house, 0(1 modern conveniences; water pressure In house and barn; 4Aanile front school and church 7 miles south 01 Daehwotal. Charles Reeler, r.r '. 3 Dash -,wood; phone 1030 Dashwa: CLEARING Auction Sale A clearing auction sale will be held at Lot 40. Con. 3, LRS, Tuckersmith Township, lea, miles south of RCAF Station, Clinton, and 124 miles east, on Wednes- day,October 3,at 12.30 p.m, Cattle -29 grade Holstein cows, Cows coiling at all times of the year, 10 to calf this fall. Mostly young, high producing cows. 8 yearling heifers; 11 heifer calves, most of the herd is by Waterloo sires. :Machinery and Equipment - 1964 Cockshutt "30" tractor with live PTO; Ferguson tractor on new rubber; New Freeman load- er; 1957 McKee shredder harvest- er; 20 It, Forage Harvester box; rubber tired wagon; Ferguson 2 - furrow plow; McCormick -Deering 3 -point hitch mower; New Idea 4 -bar side delivery rake; Massey - Harris 15 -run seed drill with power lift; Case rubber tired wag- on, flat rack and grain box; Fleury-Bissel tractor manure spreader; Fleury -Bisset double disc; Marvel grain thrower with pipes; I -H 3 -drum land roller; I -H 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; 4 -section diamond harrows; 2 -wheeled trailer; M -H 6 ft, bind- er; aluminum wheel barrow; Fleury-Bissel grain grinder; I -H smeller; 2,000 lb. Renfrew scales; 75 ft. endless belt; 150 ft, snow fence; 2 straw pipes; 185 gallon gas tank with pump; / h.p, high speed motor; 24 milk cans; milk can cart; feed cart; strainer and pail; 3 steel barrels; quantity of elm planks; quantity of cedar posts; quantity of scrap iron; Stewart cattle chippers; 240 lb. scale; Quebec heater; 4 storm windows, 72"x33"; 2 windows 00"x30"; other items too numer- ous to mention. Terms -Cash. Lunch boot,n, Proprietor -Alden Crich. Auctioneer -Bert Pepper. Clerk -Frank Falconer, NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. 4.11 work done by certified watch- makers. Brownie's DRI V ., .dN THEATRE Clinton 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING THURS, and IFI, September 27-28 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 9.46 only "DON'T KNOCK THE TWIST" Chubby checker Hit No. 2 -Shown at 8,30 only "SCREAM OF FEAR" Susan Strasberg (Adult Entertainment) (Britisb Mystery) (Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY Sept. 29 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 10.00 only "THE FLIGHT11THAT DISAPPEARED" Craig Hill, Paul Raymond (Science -Fiction Drama) T•Iit No. 2 -Shown at 8.30 only "THREE ON A SPREE" Jack Watling (A British Comedy) (Cartoon) W.EEKEEND SHOWS DURING OCTOBER FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 5.6 -DOUBLE BILL Hit No. 1 -Shown at 8,30 only "VOYAGE To THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA" " Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine (Color - Scope) Hlt No. 2 -Shown at 10.00 only "FROM HELL TO TEXAS" Don Murray, Diane Varsi (Color - Scope) (Cartoon) SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW THANKSGIVING SUNDAY October 7 - In Color Clearing Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 17, Con. 8, Morals twp., 154 miles north and 3 miles west of Walton on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, at 1 p.m, Cattle: 3 cows fresh 2 months; 1 cow; 1 cow bred ht June; 1 cow due Oct. 1st; 2 heifers bred March and April ; 1 2 - Year old steer; 3 heifers, 1 year old; 3 steers, 1 year Old; 6 calves. Machinery: W9 McCormick Deering tractor; McCormick Deering ace bottom 3 furrow plow (like new) ; McCormick Deering 15 run power lift fertilizer drill; McCormick Deering drophead hay loader, McCormick Deering 0 ft. mower; Mlassey Harris side rake; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder (like new) ; set of harrows: Oliver 2 wheel reaan'e spreader; Massey Harris rubber tired wagon with hay rack; •Viking electric cream separator (like new); Me0oemiek hammermill (like new; set bench sleighs, woven fence stretchers; 82 foot extension ladder; 24 foot cedar ladder; circular saw and frame; 2,000 " lb. scales; sugar kettle; 10 water bowls; pipe vice; 96 ft. 7.inoh belt; pig troughs, pig crate; chicken orate; ear tag 'punch; grass seoder; slush serener. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Proprietor, Albert Skelton. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson. Clerk: George Powell. HELP WANTED Male; farm; modern equipment; good working conditions; yearly employment for suitable help; 6 day week; 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. This is a good job with good pay for man (age 18 and upwards) ,who likes farm work. B. R. Thomson, r.r. e Seaforth. Phone 6001. WANTED Baby's high chair, in good condition. Siemon rte Wit, Dublin r.r. 8 phone 17r10 YOUNG SOWS FOR SALE 5 blue spotted gilts around 175 lbs. These are from English black sow and Landrace hog; would be good for crossing with either York or Landrace. Wm. Living- ston, 847r31. FOR SALE One girls winter coat with fur collar; blue, size 8 like new. Two plaid skirts: one size 6x; one size 7. One pair winter galoshes, size 1. All articles in real good condition. Phone 7933 Seaforth. FOR SALE Six roomed brick cottage, Main st. in Egmondvillc; with all mod- ern conveniences. New gas furn- ace. Also a brick building that could be converted to a dwelling, size approximately 20x40, All in gond state of repair. Priced for quick sale. Apply to Elmer Steph- enson, Egmondville, or Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna, WANTED SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Heated 3 bedroom apartment; Cooking and eating apples, 2 adults; ground floor preferred, Phone HU 2-321.4. Fred Mealy- Phone 392314, Brussels exchange, wont & Sons, Varna. Ed, Davidson, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insur;, nee Company Office - Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: Tames Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V.3. Lane, 11115, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr„ Londesboro; Selwyn Baiter, Brussels; Harold Squtres, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald 0, Raton, Seaforth T11> S1 Ak'Ult41i I'1J2\VS Thursday, September. 27, 1962 BOX Funeral Horne AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentive Hospital Bed Flowea's for ail oceasione Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. S'TAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth uswistmlielmalwavalasiosmow SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TURNBULIL, D,V.M„ V.S. W. R, BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S, W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V,S, G. E. GALT, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Cptometrlst Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seafortli daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM,. Thur. erg by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 1.50 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oi8 CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 636 W r1s AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 288 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth SONS Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen RR 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-11-12 i Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. egiees and 26 salesmen to serve Jou NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for 'Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Bruce( eld. DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of yellow and white gold priced from $50.00 and up -all rings guaranteed for 1 year against loss or damage to the diamond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett Jewellers. ssessememl NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from d to 5.30 p.m, No wire fencing, old concrete, Or car bodies permitted J. I. McIntosh Clerk Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PRONI7 75 SEAFORTI;I Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. The Seaforth News: "Authorized •e Seeond•Claas Mail by the Post Office ba parlment, Ottawa, and for payment of Postage In cask."