HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-27, Page 515
S, Thursday, September 27, 1942
S111'Pll'S F�aO1�k�
Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon2-73/4 oz tins, .$1.00
Goleien Oevv Margarine 5-1 Ib. pkgs.. ,$1.00
1limar Pure Peanut Butter , .. , 3-16 oz. jars, ,$1.Q0
Kleenex Tissues, 200's or Chubby ......7 pkgs. $1.00
Libby's Pumpkin. 10-15 oz, tins $1.00
Stokely's Fancy Tomato Juice —8-20 oz. tins $1.00
VanCamp's Beans with Pork . .7-15 oz. tins $1.00
Minette's Best Tomatoes 6-20 oz. tins $1.00
Hyatt's Choice Tender Peas , . , , 7-15 oz. tins $1,00
Mount Royal Choice Corn 6-20 oz. tins $1.00
Three Diamonds Fancy Solid Tuna 3-7 oz. tins $1.00
Lee Choice Crushed Pineapple , , 4--20 oz, tins $1.00
Aylmer Choice Fruit Cocktail , • . 4--,15 oz, tins $1.00
Lipton's Soup Mixes r 8 pkgs. $1.00
(Chicken Noodle or Tom. Veg.)
Norfolk Jain 3-24 oz, jars $1.00
(Raspberry & Apple or Strawberry & Apple)
Westinghouse Light Bulbs, 25-40-60, . • . 5 for $1.00
Cigarettes, all popular brands 3 for $1.00
Macintosh Apples , 3 lbs. 29c
Fresh Tender Carrots 3 ib. bag 17c
Fresh Cauliflower, large size each 19c
tun,unmweowui„oen,uioo,mmnon+no,o+wmum,o,uemnnon,m,nnu,o,onmonup,mm11uuu ,
Seaforth Teen Town
SAT , son. 29t
Dancing from 9 to 11.45
Seaforth Community Centre
e an11u1111un11n11r 11uunu11111,111111111111111,,,111111a11numt uuuu,,1111uuu,,u11 u,,,tturuugtum11u n111111p.
An organization meeting for
Junior Boys and Girls will be
told on Sunday evening, Sept. 30,
in the United Church at 7.30 p.m.
Mrs. Jim licMann of Goderich
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Oesch and family,
The Industrial
Mortgage & Trust Company
Contact our Representative:
Phone 334 Seaforth
1958 PONTIA.0 SWAN, R.
1955 Chevrolet 1/a ton Pickup
Seaforth _Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile
Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541
Sales & Service
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Slurs of
Burlington were glleste ou Tuan.
day with their uncle, Mr. jellies
Sims and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Mrs. Leona Pratt of Londou
spent a few days here last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Morris of
Harrington were visitors t1115
week at tete home of Rev, J. tire
and Mrs. Stewart,
Mrs. Wesley Real of Willard
Hall, Toronto, VMS a recent vis-
itor at the Monte of Rev, and Mrs.
J, UI'e Stewart,
Rev, and Mrs, S. Ure Stewart
were Tuesday visitor's last week
with two members of the for-
mer's family, Mrs, Lloyd Christ -
nee and Dr. Kenneth G. Stewart.
Among the visitors last week
in London at sessions of the
General Council of the United
Church of Canada were Rev. J.
Lire and Mrs, Stewart, who also
visited at the houses of former
Seaforth residents, Mr. and Airs,
Fred Parsons and Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Stevens.
Acke—At Scott Memorial Iios-
pital, on Sept. 19, to Mi'. and :Mrs,
Omer Acke, Mitchell, a daughter.
Kale—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital 00 Sept. 22. to air, and airs.
Thos. Kale, r.r. 5 Seaforth, a
McClure—At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Sept. 24 to Mr. and
Airs. Donald McClure, Seaforth
r,r. 1, a son.
Snowdon --At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Sept. 24, to Mr. and
Mrs, LeRoy Snowdon, Seaforth,
a daughter,
Riley—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital on Sept, 24, to Mr, and Mrs.
Stanley Riley, r.r. 2 Dublin, a
DeCorte—At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Sept. 25, to Air. ,and
Mrs. .Cornellus DeCorte, a son.
Finlaysou---At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Sept, 20, to lir. and
Mrs, Cary Finlayson, r.r. 3 Wal-
ton, a daughter,
Mrs, Robe Johnston of Gland
Valley visited recently with her
mother, Mrs. James Medd.
AIr. V,'m, Dale last week indeed
at Tavistock. Stratford and Kit-
chener fairs,
Miss Margaret Mpt7regol' won
Grand ChltnvelOU honors for Jr.
heifer at Seaforth fair and re-
serve champion heifer for the
county in Jr, and Sr. classes.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, 0.5,
Preszcutor and family on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Preszcat-
or and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Fox
and sons of Pt. Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson at-
tended the Turner - McFarlane
wedding on Saturday at Ontario
St, Church chapel at Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt and
family attended the Varna Unit-
ed Church anniversary services
on Sunday and visited later with
Mr. and Mrs. Wnl. Dowson and
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson at-
tended the Varna annivesary ser-
vice Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson at-
tended anniversary service at On-
tario St. United- Church, Clinton,
and later visited Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Lawson.
A miscellaneous shower was
held Saturday evening in the
basement of the church for Miss
Kay Nett, whose marriage to Mr.
Lewis Sorokas of London will be
held this Saturday at Constance
'United Church. The basement
was suitably decorated for the.
occasion. A program of musical
numbers, piano solo, Glenyce
Jewitt: duet, Susanne Dale and
Marion Nott, were enjoyed as
well as several contests. Mrs.
Stewart Dale read an address to
the bride-to-be, who opened the
gifts assisted by her mother, Mrs.
Earl Nott, and sister Linda, after
which site thanked everyone and
lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rock
of Farmington, Mich„ visited Mr.
and Mrs, George Eickmeir and
other relatives and attended the
funeral of his sister, Mrs. Fred
Flowers were in the chancel of
St. •Peter's Lutheran Church tt
the Harvest Houle service on
Sunday from the funeral of Mrs•
Feed Herbert at First Lutlleren
Church, Logan, The following
carried fruit, vegetables, flowers
and grain to the chancel: Susan
Beuerman, Sherry Leonhard;,
Susan Scherbarth, Sherry Hicks,
Sharon Smith, Kathy Leonhardt,
Bonnie Siemon, Lynn Fischer,
Janice Priestap, Joan Gloor, Paul
Beuerman, Wayne Wolfe, David
Elligsen, Robert Elligsen, Robert
Anderson, Douglas Dietz, Robert
Siemon, Dale Wolfe, Steven
Rose, Robert Henderson,
The pupils of our school with
the teacher, Mr. Dunbar marched
at Mitchellfair on Wednesday.
Mrs. W. L. Quereugesser atten-
ded the baptism of Randy Wayne
Ralph, sots of Mr, and Mrs. Don
Itolph at main St. United Church
on Sunday and was a guest at
their home,
Mr, Thomas Powell and etise
Dorothy Marks of Kitchener and
Mr, Clifford Marks of Brussels
with Mr. and Mfrs, Lloyd Pfeifer
and Karl.
NII', and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and
Karl and Mrs, Mary Pfeifer with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purcell,
Mrs, Edith Beuerman of Sea.
forth, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Diegel,
Waterloo and Mr, and Mrs, Gus
Herbert, Logan with Mrs, Carol-
ine Jelligsen; they also visited
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Diegel.
Mr, and Mrs, Bernie Leader
visited Mr, and Mrs, Lavern
Wolfe before leaving for Calgary.
iltr, and Mrs. Jack Robinson of
Sutton visited with their son,
Robert Robinson at the Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Mattison
and Glenda visited Mrs,. Joseph
1)icklsou at '1'eeewater, Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdico
and Beverley and air. and Mrs,
Gary Sltoldlee, Paul and Mark at-
tmeted the Goth anniversary at
Duf'f's (Jutted Church, Walton on
Sunday and were guests of MI',
and ales. David Sholdlce,
Mrs, Jack Sherman and Gary
of Farmington, g 1 Mich„ with M.
- to 1 I
and Mrs. George Ii l'
ge Elcmetr and
attended the funeral of Mrs. IP.
Herbert. Mr. Roger Elckmeir re -
tamed home after spending sev-
eral 010111hs with his grand-
A shower was held at the com-
munity' hall on Friday evening,
for Mr. and Mrs. R, Dill (Dol.
nags), and on Saturday the wed-
ding dinner and reception was
held for Mr, and Mrs. Alfred
Malone (Audrey Kemp).
Air. and Mrs. Dalton Hina vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfi1e
at Dashwood and Mende in Zur-
ich recently.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Russell Sholdlce
end Mr. etad Mrs. Gary S1loidice
were guests of Roe Farms Ltd.
at a dinner and program held at
the Hayward Suburban restau-
rant near Listowel Monday eve.
Mrs. Menheere and son Steven
are residing iu their trailer home
located on the property of Wet.
Mulholland, Mrs, Menheere tea-
ches school at Moncrief. Mr.
Menheere of Toronto visited hero
for the week end.
Miss Barbara Turnbull has re-
turned home after a motor trip
to Vancouver and Seattle.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Byerman and
family returned home on Sunday
from a four weeks' motor trip to
the West Coast and Peace River
Mr. and Mr's. Armour Dundas
of Liman spent the week -end
with Me. and Mrs, Torrance
Visitors at the home or Mrs.
Fred Ennis on Sunday were Air.
and Mrs. Ross Cunningham, Klr-
on and Rickte of Ethel; Mr. and
Mrs, Kenneth Ritchie and Larry
or Eglnondville, Air, and Mrs.
W. C. Ennis and Cathy and ISet11,
Mr. Andy Coatis spent Satur-
day in Toronto visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Coutts and other
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 'Watson,
London visited last week with
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett.
Miss Connie Coutts had rear
tonsils removed in Clinton hosp-
ital last Tuesday.
Mr. and 'Airs, Gordon Reis DO
Goderich, Miss Pearl Tbatner,
Seaforth were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wal.
Timmer on Sunday.
Mr, and Ml's, Douglas Heskn of
Goderich visited with Mr. ted
Mrs. Andrew Turnbull. on Sun-
Rev. E. Nice «f Monkton ulll
conduct the service in Mfrs
United Church. next Sunday i 1 l I
nine at 11.30 a.n1. Rev. A.
Iflgt;tubothanl will preach annl-
versary service at Bethesda of
1 t i Charge.
1 M91 OI
the k
Mrs, Jos. Bewley of Clinton
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Bewley.
Mrs, Gerald Ryan had her ton-
sils removed last week and i$
convalescing at the home of ail
and Mrs, Nelson Reid.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to Rev. and Mrs. A.
Higginbotllanp and family in the
death of Mr. kligginbotltatn's
father last week.
Miss Muriel Schade of Guelph
spent the week-eud with Mr. tied
Mrs. Norman Schade,
4-1,1 G3..UBS AT FAIR
$., forttt 4-11 Dairy Cil( NUN Junior
holstein i)('oiecc 1 mr I'spple 4a11 si,or•
ex. Jim. 1'inlay3,o Showmanship, Mal-
colm, Stewart. Ayrshire, protect, hoofs
V-ecnstra. Gue n u Project, Ih'enna
Dale Welby Stone. Jersey project, Geo.
Townsend. Senior Holstein protect, Mary
Eckert, Amy Stewart, Peurlas Boyd.
Showmanship, Jim Popple. G:uern eY
xvetion Keit Papule aunt with projects;
Wilma Dale, second. Linda Pal)ple, ere:
jersey section.ou, Scott Me ousai
llama County 1 beef shun tins rhl
show: Baby beef utters, Group 1, Doug.
McBride, Charles Seeker, Blunt Mutant.
Group ', Kdw1n Kerslake, Iiuren Pow 11,
Paul Lely, Bob McNaughton; queen'sGuineas, nominated steers, Group 1:
Grant TIodgins, Ken Black, Lila 131ack;
Group 2: Harold Ja race; Ana Wightmnu.
Cecil Cranston, G1wur "; Gerald Smith.
John Wightman, Edward Julute.
Junior heifer calf: Group 1, Murgur-
et McGregor. Robert Sherwood; Group 2.
Sharon bieKenzie, Ronald R. Vincent.
Ivan Wheeler.
Settlor heifer calf : Group 1, 11,5h
Eedy, Murrey Vincent, Larry Balluntyn•;
Group two frill bowman. Grant (5,u1te3,
Ross Wightntan; Grout, 3. 1a,wren,.e
Becker, 13(11 Schade, Peer Kraft.
Inter club competitions, 3 beef ca1555
Blyth.Jlelt'rave clue; 1•urnhet're club,
hayfield club: Dungannon: Bletlt;I3ele
grave elub..
Grand champion sboivntaa, than:
Ilexlvins, If1rktou..
Beef steer. project: Mary. MaGree r,
Harold Jaques,Bob Mel+aughton,. show
Harold uos,
Gr ri Iia Jatjt
man,,1e . Maty Mc orto
Junior heifer puritslt, Margaret. Ma.
Gregor, Sharon McKenzie. Senior heifer
project, Gordon Moylan, Leonard
Swine championships Barbara Turnbull.
group 2, ciao.
for group 1; Com Riley,x, ,up
Townsend, group :3: shawmunakip
champion, Ivan Howatt: reserve, Ken.
For Mr. and Mrs, Ross Crich
at Seaforth Legion Hall
Saturday, Sept. 29th
Music by Norris Orchestra,
Everyone Welcome
0h to be a plumber when
the pipes act up!
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