HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-27, Page 1YAWS 20, jOSZ me Attention isions ht 696W ,ETON aeon Res, 605 .A, M.D. ;eon Seatorah NARY M-, V.S. i., V.S. .M., V.S. 9forth :ametrlat forth Mon„ 0 to Thur. ova HU -2-7010, 9 to 9,89 ges %te 640 mmerMINIAIMPOI Iler Cil lel oil )YL IRT e. 28,6 of E rth 1g LTD. ted Is 311 my 12 D Orth for you r for and spar- fach- mith 1. a of 'iced ings tinct ond. ying te, (dg. •o Dee Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 84 Phone 84 SBA11`OBT1i, ONTAItio, Turns }AY, 016PTIIINH;1LR 27, 1962 ,ut oW GRAND CHAMPION —' Deputy Minister of Agriculture Elerett Al.Biggs is ohown making Ute award to Grant Hoogtns, Kirkton, Grand Chempiau Showman et the Seaforth Fair, for his Queen's Guinea nominated steer which will represent Huron Conray at the Royal Winter Fair Has Refugees Would eafor t' ���Flock to This Area Successful Show Overcast .skies and cool weath- er following heavy rains lowered total admissions at Seaforth fair, according to officials. There watt a big entry of exhibits both in- door and outdoor, to make the fair one of the most successful. At the Thursday night opening Mrs. Bruce Coleman of Seatorth was declared champion cook and Mrs, Wesley Heimpe], Wroxeter, champion seamstress. On Friday the fair leas opened by Everett M. Diggs. deputy tn'.n- ister of agriculture, who was in- troduced by Hon. Charles Mac - Naughton. Others who spoke were Elston Cardiff,. M.P., Gor- dan Papple, president; Mayor E. Daly, Harold Pryce, vice presi- dent, and D. H. Miles, agricultnr- al representative. 'With three major livestock shows, livestock exhibits, the 1.H club competitions, and races, all going on during the afternoon the scene lit front of the grand stand was a busy one. Entertainment was - provided by the high school girls trumpet band and -McKillop Squarettes. REBEKAHS MEET The following were declared elected to office by acclamation at Monday night's meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge:Noble grand, Mrs. George Campbell; vice grand, Mrs. Peter Malcolm, rec. secy., Miss Jean Scott; fin, secy., Mrs, James Rose; areas., Mrs. Joseph Grnmtnett; trustee, Mrs, Roy McGonigle. Mrs. Chas, Reeves. N.G., presided. The officer's will be installed on October 22nd by Mrs. Marg- uerite Crawford of Brussels, D.D.P. far Huron District 23 and ber installing team. Further plans were made for a banquet on October 10 in honor of Carl C. presser, Riverside, Grand Master of Ontario, TOOF, and Alan Campbell, Seaforth; D.D.G.M., for Iluron District, The October 8th meeting will he dispensed with as it fair on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Ed. Andrews displayed a beautiful quilt donated to tate C.P.T. committee by Mrs. Charles Smith of Peterboro. Tickets are to he sold on the quilt with a draw to be made at a tater date. DRAW WINNERS The following were the winners of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary fall fair draw: Mrs, Russell Sproat $25, Mrs. J, Broadfoot Market st„ handmade purse, !firs, Lyle Racho, handmade wal let. The draw was made at the fall fair on Friday afternoon. To Receive $96,000 Grant from County A grant in 1063 of 596,000 to Scott Alemorial Hospital was authorized at the September :0881011 of Huron County commit last week. This grant is based on 48 beds at 82,000 per bed for con• su'uction of a new hospital. In requesting a grant, the hospital hoard stated that subject to completion of necessary tin• arcing, construction could get under way in the spring of 1063, and it campaign for •funds will commence in November. BREAK-IN On Monday morning it was found someone had pried open the rear door at the high school and the door to the principal's office. Nothing was disturbed or missing, as far tts can be deter- mined. The only clue is large footprints which indicate there was only one person. 13111 Flood, one of the caretakers, made the discovery when he went to work at 7.30. Police were notified and Constable Stun Bates investi- gated. VARNA Anniversary services were held in the Gutted Church last Sun- day. A large congregation filled the church morning and evening. Many former members were pre- sent at both services. The pastor, Rev. Murdock Morrison had charge of both services. At the morning service his sermon was on "Genuine Christianity" and the evening sermon was " The Second Birth." The Bayfield trio composed of Miss A. Westlake, bliss L. Talbot and Miss R. West- lake, sang twice at the morning service and the Varna choir sang the anthem "Sweet Hour of Pray- er." -During the evening service Miss Mildred Morrison sang "There is a new day dawning," Miss Carol Taylor and Miss Ann Stephenson sang a duet "IIe Knows it all." The choir sang an anthem "God is my King," Mrs. Robert Stirling presided at the organ. - Rally Day services will heheld in the Varna and Goshen United Churches next Sunday with the Sunday School officers in charge at both services. The United Church Women are holding their annual supper in the basement of the church on Thursday, Oct, 4th from 5 to 8 p.m. NINE EN`rRIES -- The running race at Seaforth Pair altrected nine entries, shown here lining up for the start. Gail Johnston of Blyth (1n white, centre), came first, and se.eond place was worn by Frank McChn'e Warlock) What MS10101'es are neeesary to be prepared for the unlikely case of a nuclear bomb blast in Ontario or -Michigan, "That 10 for you to decide," said T. Al MacDonald, emergency measures co-ordinator for Huron County at 8 gathering in the town hall Mcut- day evening. Huron County's part would lie to provide food and shelter for thousands of refugees who would come unannounced along the highways. Seaforth would be a check point for those enterin,, the county on No. 8 highway. Fall -out would offer the g'cn`- est hazard in the county; nuclear bombs are too expensive to use on any target in a rural area. Fall -out is debris or dust car- ried up by the blast which be- comes radio active. Air. MacDonald showed movies of a preliminary evacuation of the city of Denver, also of the first atom bomb blast's destruc- tion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Members of Seaforth council and representatives front the townships were present. Meyer Edmund Daly - introduced Mr, MacDonald. LONDESBORO Mr. Fred Prest received a let- ter recently from his daughter in Rook Creek, B,C., saying that ner husband who is with the Forestry Dept. shot aTemale cougar which measured over 6 feet from tip to tip. He also sighted two of her kittens. The Predatory Animal Inspector told him if he could de- stroy the kittens he would be in line for a handsome reward. The general meeting of the TIC.W met on Monday evening. The president opened the meet• ing with UCW's Purpose, repeat- ed in unison. Mrs. Pipe acted as secretary owing to the absence of Mrs, Geo. Wright. The presi- dent expressed the sympathy of the community to the family of the late Mrs. Josiing who had passed away on Monday. A cont. inittee was elected to make en• quiries into a memorial gift from the family of the Late Mrs. Jennie Lyon in memory of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lyon who had been faithful workers in the Sunday School and all church work, The Social Cour ,gave their report. The treasurer is authorized to pay a]1 bilis. The next general meeting will be held in the evening of the 4th Monday, Oct, 22 Mr, and NIrs. Harry Dunn spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber of Exeter. Mrs. Ruth Meyers and -son Jack spent Thursday with friends in the village, Mrs. Arthur Clark who has been a patient in Clinton hospital the past few weeks was taken last Wednesday to Victoria hos- pital, London for further treat- ment. We hope she will soon be on the toad to recovery. Miss Margaret Morrow, Lions Head, is at present a guest with the Gaunt family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngbint spent Wednesday with cousins in IJespeler, Mrs. Geo, Neale and daughter of Kirkton spent Sunday with her brother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnston andfamily who have been resid- e1119 of the village for the past 5 months left Friday for Trenton to continue his studies at the air strhool there. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain were Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Leitch of Cons. tnnce.' lir, and Mrs, It Strati ban of Goderich, and Mt', and :Mrs, Jos, Shaddick. :Mrs. Mabel Scott visited over the weekend with het' daughter, Air. and Mrs, Allister Iiroadtoot, also hiking in the Seaforth Fair, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shadtlick over the weekend wore Ilr, anti Mrs, Frank Itstabrook of Seattle. BUILDING PERMITS Building permits issued by Building Inspector Harold Malan- eyn Keith Hutt, addition, Centre and W. William et„ 5300; Mel. Acheson, dwelling, Coleman st., 58,500. *1,60 n Xeer Four Tenders On Storm Sewer • McLean Foster 1'ctustrttetion of St. Marys were the lowest tend- er, at 511,037,26 for the North Main Street stone sewer. Tend- ers were opened by Seaforth cttMonttttdeilaat ty night Speciat meeting on There were three other hid. dors: Hagerty Construction, • of Ingersoll, 516,200.26; Tasoione Contractors. Toronto, 512,132.53, turd Alcan -Colony Ltd.,. Toronto, 516,391.35. The tender of McLean Foster Construction was aecepted by council subject to the approval of the County of Ifllroti, Ontario 17epartment of Highways and MecLaren Associates engineering firer. The tender promised com- pletion in four weeks. The sewer is part of the devel- opment road project on North Main street,. PUC Announces Revised Rates Approval has been received by the Seaforth Public Utility Cont - Mission for their application to supply house heating energy as part of the normal residential service, with all consumption being billed at the approved resi- dential retail rates. This will mean dispensing with a separate meter at a special heat- ing rate. The new arrangement will be considerably cheaper. The commission also announces approval for an all -electric rate of 1,1 cents gross per kilowatt hoar for all energy sold to resi- dential customers using all- elec- tric house heating and electric water heating supplied through the residential service meter. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Penning- ton of Veteran, Alberta, visited recently with former friends and acquaintances at Staffa and Cro- marty. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wallace Carlingford and Mrs, Hattie Blacklock of Sebringville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- George Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller and Mrs, Grace Scott visited on Sttn day with Mr. and Mrs, E. Grahm of Avonton, _Miss Caroline Christie is at- tending Western University, Lon don as a first year student. Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. M. Latu- ond, Mrs: Sadie Scott and Mrs. T. Laing attended the Sectional meeting of Stratford Presbyterial at Avonton Presbyterian Church on Friday night. Air. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and children of London spent the w k e sed with theirr pa ants, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGhee. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ramsey and children of Listowel spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hulley, Mr. John Jefferson of Fullerton township has purchased the manse property formerly belong- ing to the Cromarty Church con- gregation, and with Mrs. Jeffer- son has taken possession. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Jefferson to our midst, Miss Marlene Dow has taken a position in the office of Stacey Bros. creamery in Mitchell. Mrs, T. L. Scott was Presbyter- ial visitor at, the Evening Auxil- iary meeting of the Presbyterian Church at Monkton on Wednes- day evening. The Sunday School joined with the congregation for the Rally Day service on Sunday morning. The printed program was follow- ed, with the minister, Rev. J. 0. Boyne as leader. Scripture les- sons were read by Bonnie Jean Miller and Bobby Templeman, Diplomas for memory work were presented to several of the junior pupils by the S. S. Superintend- ent, Mrs. T. L. Scott, The junior choir led in the singing of hymns and sang a special number. The theme of the service was "I Build My Church" and the ad- dress was ably dealt with by Mr. Boyne. The act of commission- ing the Sunday School teachers and leaders was also performed by the minister, KIPPEN The third meeting of the Stan- ley Sallies 4-H Club was held at the hone of Mr's. Eileen Consitt on Sept. 19th. Marilyn Keys was nominated press reporter. Their topic was vegetables in :veal planning, and they demonstrated with baked potatoes. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 3rd, Mr, and Mrs. Hank Binnendyk attended the I3oggarth.Ashard wedding Saturday afternoon at Sunrise Baptist Church, London, A birthday for one year rid Michael Binnendyk, son of NIr, and Mrs. Hank Binnendyk was observed Sunday at his ]conte un t'.r. 2 Kippen, Those present in- cluded the grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. :Harry Binnendyk; a sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Vennonta and family of Burlington, Sirs Jerry Vennema and fam- ily of Burlington visited over the week end with the latter's par- ents, Mr, and NIrs. Harry 131niten- dyk, Mrs, Jaynes Love and daughter, Blaine, of Zurich visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Har- old Jones, Former Minister at Walton Anniversary 13", I I I,11 I 131111,111,113,13,13, t„t 1 1111111 11,11111,11t11t 11nt1111111111..1„1111111,' Sunday, Sept., 2.3.rd was a memorable day at •ftu11"9 Milted Church, Walton, when the 511111 anniversary of the erection of the present church buildiug 5205 Bele. brand Rev It. c, 1h121ev,o'_1ci of Iitnktey united Church, Htanll- ton, ,1. former minister of ,Walton was guest preacher at both ser- vices. At the morning ,,entice the auditorium of th1, church and the Sunday School rooms filled to capacity when former Members and adherents ,01.11rn:-d To join the congregation in wee. Ship and song, Rev, Mr, lI irlewood nomment• td 00 the passage of time, Point— ing to the tremendous changes which have taken place daring the past fifty years, He contract- ed this with the unchanging• beliefs of the church, streeting throttghattt the sermon that the most significant function of the church is the proclamation 01 the word of God. The church Was again filled at the evening service when Rev, Mr, Hazlewood chose his '.ext front James 2, verses 17 and 20. "Even so faith, if it hath not works is dead, being alone. For as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also.” He compared the faith of otic forefathers with the lack of faith today, A larger per- cent of the people are attending church at the present time than ever before but where is the enthusiasm and fervor of 50 years -ago. Rev. W. J. Mashes of Granton, formerly of this charge offered the evening prayer. A dumber of former utenibers who sang in the choir about fifty years ago were invited to assist. Special anthems were rendered under the direction of Rev, A. Higginbotham with Mrs. H. Brawn at the organ and Mrs. Jack Bryans at the piano. A male quartette composed of Rev, Mr. Higginbotham, Graeme Craig, Don McDonald and Brian Traviss sang in the -morning and in the evening Robert Houston replaced Brian Traviss. The church was beautifully de- corated with fall flowers. After both services the ladies served 1r� e g`$"r, . quaJit ti's never been easier fo own a Fine t ULOVA watch. Here's your big chance fo go back -to -school with a quality timepiece that can be warn with pride because it is made with pride/ CONCERTO 17 jewels, Shock - resistant. Unbreakable main- spring. Modern youthful styling. Bulova precision quality throughout, 637,50 SENATOR The executive look —top level in performance but not in price. 17 jewels, shock resistant. 539.95 DOLLY MADISON A graceful round case beautifully blended with sparkling expansion bracelet, 23 jewels, In yellow or white. Also with black dial. 559.50 JET CWPPER Rugged as all outdoors —17 jewels, self- winding, certified waterproof*, shock resistant. 549.95 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth a buffet htncheau to the cungre- gation \vhen a real time of fel- 1ta,nun1101,111,1tuttla,t,,,,,nmuennnunuununnluuunu”n",,,,muunnn„1,,,,1,,,,1"mnnunuunnnu5 lowship was enjoyed. Many of friends renewed acquaintances and reminisced of bygone days, many of whom were present at the opening of the church in 1012. Guests attending the morning and evening services from a dis- tance were: Mrs, Percy Spencer, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Miss Virginia -Bette, Detroit, Mich.; Nh'. and Mrs. J. A. Finlayson, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Jas. Clark, Shoal Lake, Manitoba; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grainger, Wallace - burg; Mr. Wallace Shannon and Kathy, Sarnia; Mr, and firs, Bruce Walters and family Sarnia, Mrs, Ruby Dundas and Caroline, Glencoe:, Mr. Russell McAllister, Toronto; Mr, Earl Coutts, Toron- to; Mrs. Peter B. Gardiner and Vera, Toronto; Mr. and lairs. Harry Maude, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Keu Rutledge„ Toronto; Mr. and Airs. J. B. Nelson and Janet, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ennis, Hamilton; Rev, and Mrs, R. G. l-Iaziewood, Hamilton; Mrs., D. S. Lawless and Dianne, Burlington; W, Martin, Middleport; Mr, and Airs, Geo. Hibbert, Ingersoll; Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brant- ford; Mr, and Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo; Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. John McGavin and family, Owen Sound; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Myrtle, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Krieg, Preston; Mrs, Dela Murch, Preston; Mrs, Mabel Allen, Saskatoon, Sask.; Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Ennis, Cathy and Beth, London; Mr, and Mrs. Dav- id Allison, London; Miss Mary Shortreed, London; Mr, and Airs. H. Hoegy, Preston; Mrs, R. D. Harrison, London; Mrs. Errol Habkirk, London; Mt'. and Mrs, Ilat'vey Bryans, Mr. and Mrs. Armon' Dundas, Lucan; Mr, and Mrs. Armand, Kernick, Liman: Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Liman; Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Rae and fam- ily, St. Paula; Mr, and Mrs, Don- ald Gray and family, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. David Hackweli, Stratford; Mrs, Robert Hazle- wood, St. Marys; Mr, and airs. John E. Watson, St. Marys; Ah'. and Mrs, Thos. Watson, London; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Maier, Lon- don: Nir, and Mrs. Joltn McArth- ur, St. Marys; Mrs, Alden Mc. Gavin. Kitchener; bit'. and Mrs, Floyd Jenkins, Norwich; Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Maines, Granton; Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Marks, Exet. or: Mr. and Alts, Jas, Ritchie, London; Mr, and bit's, Tom Mose, Milverton. Many others attend- ed from Goderich, Clinton,Wing. ham. Listowel, Blyth, Brussels, Seuforth, Dublin, is'thel, Unities - horn, B3ttevale, A:tauct'ief, .lIitcit- ell, Cranbruok, 13roeefield, Brod- hagen, d John Fawcett, London, Mr. and 40th Anniversary of Mr's. Steve Holland, Brantford; y Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein, Detroit. with Mrs. John Holland, and airs. Holland has taken up residence in the home recently remodelled by Peter Maloney. •and Mrs. Ed. Dean and daughters, Sarnia, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Batters and children, St. Thomas with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mfrs. Kenneth Staple- ton, Galt. Bobbie Stapleton, Kit- chener; bliss Joanne Stapleton, London with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Costello and daughter, Toronto and :air, and Mrs. Danny Costello and c'hil- dr'en, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss Pearl O'Rourke, Dundas. with Mr. and NIrs, Clayton Looby, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Blonde, Chatham and Mr, and Mrs. O'- Neil, Windsor with Mr, and :firs. Joseph Sbea, Jerry Stapleton, London with Carl Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Evans and children, Chippewa with Mt'. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Carpenter were at Preston, Airs, Tont Kelly and Miss Nora Iielly, Blyth with Miss Monica B•vrne, DUBLIN Miss Lydia Jordison. Termite with Mrs. Elsie Jordison, - Miss Elizabeth Byrne. London with Mr. and Airs, Haroid M:'ttgh- er. Mr. and airs. Pet Mathews. Mrs. Lou Mathews and Maty Lint, Detroit with Air, anti Mrs, Mich, 591 Nagle and relatives, ibit'. Frank Rowland, Oakville with Louis McGrath, bit', Eddie holland -and David, Settrboto with Mr. and MrI+. Geo, Holland. Mr, Con, holland, Mr. and Mrs. The September meeting of the Dublin Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, ,nos. Dorsey with Mrs. A. Whethaut presiding. Roll call. was answered by the display of vegetable hats created by each member,. Minutes were read by :NIrs. T. Butters, substituting for Mrs. H. Britton, A motion was passed to start a tend for gifts. fines for not an- swering the rot] call to be used for this purpose as well as con- tributions and the proceeds of special sales. All WI members were asked to consider "Electric- al Safety” as the special topic for study this year. 'Members are asked to have all buildings in- spected by hydro rep. Airs. Edna I3tu'cltill was appointed as the Tweedsmuir Curator. The orgutt• ization of the T.13, Clinic to be held at St: Patrick's Parish Hall on Oct. 4, 2 to 5, was discnsied. Canvassing is now underway, .airs. 11. Aikens gave gardenine hints. Mrs, C. R. Friend and 11,s, T. Butters were presented with Institute Pius as thanks for thele work at Homemaking c'iub lead.. ccs. Mrs. T. Butte's. gave treasur- er's re lsuer's report. Mrs. P,, Alltens gave to paper on agricultural clasaiti-- 1'atlnin and judging at fall fairs, \ fashion parade of vege.ttble hats wee held. Aire. J..11111 ssin- ning first prize A sale of punts donated b5 :Mars. 1 Aikens loon place. proceeds t0 go to gift feed, Master John and Miss Patricia McGrath entertained the group 521110 $coral e'ualknt. dtne,• numbers. Lunch was served by Mrs, T. sinaninson, Mrs . Stratton, firs. J. horsey and bis, C. Friend, PAINTING HYDRANTS The fire hydrae are being - repainttd this WO -11 itr brifii;ir.t ' d ty glo" colors wni1h show ftp brightly at night when SP-unlhiet- eti: St. Columban Couple About sixty friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mr. and Airs. Peter J. Hicknell, Mc- Killop, 'Wednesday evening, Sept. 19, to honor them on their 40th wedding anniversary. Mrs, Ilick- nell, the former Tillie Nigh, is the daughter of Mrs. Nichol, Clin- ton and the late Mr. Luke Nigit. Mr, Hicknell is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. n s Auguste Hicknell. They have a fancily of three sons and two daughters, Leo and Peter of the teaching staff, Kitchener; Francis on the home farm; Mary, Mrs. Maurice Hainan, Belgrave and Agnes, airs, Clive J. O'Neill, Kirkland Lake. The evening was spent in euchre, prizes to Mrs. Peter Maloney, Lewis Coyne, Mrs, Clarence Maloney, Clarence Maloney. John L. Malone read an address and Lewis Coyne presen- ted a vacuum cleaner to them. Rev. Father Coughlin was pres- ent, and congratulated the honor- ed guests, and gave his blessing to all present, Leo Hicknell and Peter Hicknell Jr. expressed thanks and appreciation 00 be- half of their parents. A delicious lunch was served by neighbours and friends. The previous Satur- day their fancily pais] Mr. and Mrs. Hicknell a surprise visit and presented a chrome kitchen set, with a turkey dinner complete with an anniversary cake served from 1t. They were also given a spiritual bouquet by their grand- children. Nir. and Mrs, Tom McIver, Tor- onto, and Miss Marion McIver, Reg. N., Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver. Jint Nolan. St. Thomas, with Sirs. Elizabeth Nolan. Mt'. and Mrs, Jinn Doyle and i.antily, .London. with Mr, and :Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mrs. Frank Murray, 17etrcit with Mr, and Mrs. Auguste Du- eher'un'. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Malone, Windsor, with Mr. and NIrs, Torn Morris, and attended the Malone - Kemp wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 1ili Kinttaltan and family, St, Augustine with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. Jos, Murphy is in St. Joseph's ITospitttl, London, suffering from a 1reeta red leg, received in a ear ;evident on No, 8 Highway, .tear his home'.. cele* Sunday morning, 'William McIver is a patient in- Seat nScott Memorial Hospital. BRODHAGEN Mr, and Mrs. Jonas D111.1 un' accompanit'd air. and Mrs. 1,0*,'ne' (Milner of Toronto to Florida for tt w weeks. Master David Muck of Milv-er- tou spent a few days with his -grandparents-. Mr, and Mrs, Rea - ten 1 ttirc'k. 51i.', i(911(1' Scroll of Monkicn has been visiting with her traawll- parents. iNt and 'Mrs George F. litrellr, lltu'th returned to Marble Rock, Iowa afttrattend- ing the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Fred Herbert, and visited other rt:! itavl s. I iodhtigen (land played for the parade at Listowel fair on Tuos- ay anti Mitchell fair Wednesday,-