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The Seaforth News, 1962-09-20, Page 8
" F AIR - ,;I ANS" SPECIALS or THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY VISIT B H AT THE FAIR SEE THE BIG DISPLAY OF NEW FALL FASHIONS FOR ALL THE FAMILY -- GET A FREE CHANCE ON A KENWOOD BLANKET -- SHOP FOR THESE SPECIALS BELOW AFTER THE. FAIR "TIL 10 P.M. Wabasso Sheet Sets One Six'It4 sheet with dntoh- col• hrg pillow slips. ore Regular Kell ratite. FAIL SPECIAL SET �.• 42" SIZE Wabass© Pillow Slips Flue -1118 1r' ad count pure -white oil;:. !teenier 1,4e FAIII. SPECIAL PR• .. Pure Linen .Tea Towelling Doautifel, ;ntperted quality in plaaitlN, striuee and checks. FAIR SPECIAL YD. Men's Ribbed Fine Sox wool. Jnr, nylon, Assor- ted plain sliades. All sizes. FAIR SP Ei.'" A ., P Ii. 8 Boys Windbreakers Final clearing of boys' spring weight jackets. b izee S to 18. Regular $2.95 to 7i15. FAIR SPECIAL 2 � a if HENSALL Mr. James McEwen left this week tear Tereuto where he will attend tile= O.c.E, for the comiag t erns. COMING EVENT The Order of the Eastern Star are bottling a Bazaar and Tea on I Thursday. Oct. 4th, at 3 ti clock, in the IOOF hull COMING EVENT L.O.I3.A. euchree will be held as 1 follows: Ott. 15th: Nov. ]Orb; Dec. 17th. COMING EVENT Rummage Sale. October 12, 7 p.m., St. Thomas' Church parish hall. WORK WANTED Any kind of work by the day cr by the hour. Clarence Reeves, Seaforth. CAREER SCHOOLS Watchmaker, Jeweller, Barber- ing. Hairdressing. Ask for pro- sitectus, transportation allowance and benefits, TRANS - CANADA RBA1'T i INDUSTRIES, LTD., Moncton. N.B. Broadcloth and Print Sale Old Colony Tex -made brims and \\'ahasso Cantons Cain - ',ridge Nroad••loilts. Regular Price 09c yd. FAIR SPi':c'1A1, NEW FALL PATTERNS! Flannelettes Printed 54" WIDE Table Oilcloths } Dozens of new p tttc -ns. \\'a- has..o 69c aud 795 quality. • FAIR SPECIAL YD. • 7c Zippered Pillow Covers All smart new patterns, .lust M. FAIR SPECIAL6c YD. i 72" x S4" PURE WOOL SATIN BOUND Kenwood Blankets Four lovely shades, $15.95 value, PAIR SPECIAL 9 EACH � is 2 and 3 PLY { Fine quality white muslin. N Full 42" size. FAIR SPECIAL 88c Mercerized 1 Sanforized Men's White Shirts A grand shirt, 2 -way coifs, short paint collars. FAIR SPECIAL Stewart' Bros. THE BM STORE WITH BIG VALUES IN MEMORIAM Brodhagen—iu loving memory of our father, Harmon Brodhagen who passed away live years ago, Sept. 21, 1957. As a wonderful father we think of you In memories that are fond and true: There wasn't a thing too big or small That you wouldn't try to do for us all. Dear dad, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. —The family. IN MEMORIAM Brown—In loving memory of z dear Husband, Dad and Grandpa, Ted Brown who passed away one year ago, Sept. 21, 1961. Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part. Though God ]las you in his keep- ing, We still have you in our heart. Always remembered by wile Liz, sons:. daughters and grand- children. Wheeling Yarn Light, med., and dark grey and mottled grey, 80" wool, 20% nylon. FAIR SPECIAL Skein Sale, Men's Windbreakers Spring and fall weight., silk lined. All colors and fabrics. Reg. 9.95 to 14.95. FAIR SPEC$I� AL a50 to c BOYS' LONG SLEEVE Knitted Shirts Good range of new stripes. and plain shades. Size 5 to 18 years. SPECIAL 1.95 to 295 CARD OP THANKS 1lrs, W. J. Finnigan and Ronny wish to thank all their friends and neighbours for their help and kind consideration during their recent bereavement. The kind - sees of the minister, the Rev, :or. J. H. Verily wan especially 11/' predated, CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent flowers, treats and cards dui ( ins• my elay In the hospital, Spe- i cut1 Meeks to Dr. Stapleton, nee - sing staff of the hospital and all who helped at Moine.—lira. Glen McClure and Baby. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for their kindness in sending me cards, treats, etc., while recovering from the accident. Their thoughtful- ness and concern was greatly ap- preclated. Thanks to St. Thomas' W.A., Mrs. McGavin, the choir, Rev. Mr. Donaldson, Dr. Brady, Dr. Mellitus, Dr. Moore (Mitchell), and all who helped at the time of the collision. — Peg. Coombs. For Sale To close estate, 125 acre farm on highway; barn 96x00; 4 bed- room house; over 100 acres work- able land. This property is priced at least 55,000 below present val- ue in order to effect quick sale. Mortgage money available, New 3 -bedroom ranch style home in Egmondville; large lot; low taxes. Small down payment, balance in monthly payments; mortgage will be arranged. Joseph McConnell. REALTOR Seaforth HONEY FOR BALE I Time is getting short to have tem pails illlea with clover honey >?c; Sept. Golden honey 20e, in your own containers. Take advau- I Lige ou Fair flay to have your pails MINI with honey, 'Wallace Ross Apiaries, Seaforth, FOR SALE Cider press, 4 gallon size. Also a two wheel trailer. Picone 558W, \'illiam Hoegy. FOR S Allis Cltahuers "9AL0E combine, with pickup $195. '50 Ford coach with excellent motor $50; also '48 Ford one ton truck parts and 1950 to 1953 Ford, Chev„ Pontiac, Dodge parts cheap. P110118 275W1, Hensel). FOR SALE 15 ft. cedar strip boat and trail- er. Angus MacLean, FOR SALE Holland grown bulbs in a vari- ety of colors, tulips, hyacinths, crocus, paper white narcissus and daffodils, Baker's Greenhouse, your Garden Centre, Seaforth. FOR SALE 45 yearling steers and heifers; also 60 calves to feed on gain for the winter. Carl Dalton, phone 69\V Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres; 95 acres tillable, 45 seeded, 30 acres fall wheat, bal- ance ploughed, All land has been soil tested by OAC. Six miles to Mensal' grain markets, situated right in the bean bolt. A supply of bay and straw in Barn for in- coming occupant. Bank barn is 80x40; a barn 32x32; hen Louse 22x12; driving shed 50x20; hydro, silo, spring half way back farm lane tor watering stock; 7 -roost insul-brick house, newly decorat- ed throughout; bathroom; built-in cupboards; hot and cold water on tap; furnace; milk route and high school bus pass gate; close to church and school. Immediate possession. Apply owner„Wallace Ross, Seaforth, 136.3. en water trough; milk strainer; 2 milk pails; Va hop. motor, Hay and Crain -1200 hes, ullx- ed grata; 2.000 bales mixed hay. Other articles too nuneroen to mention, Household Infects - Dining room suite sofa; 2 couche,t; 2 reeking chap's. Property ---At the sante place, 3 p.m„ the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve hid 1f not previously sold; bank barn; implement shed; large hen house; frame dwelling with all 111000511 conveniences; good water supPly. Immediate possession. 105i down; balance in 30 clays. Chattels --Cash, Plop ,Tames Davis. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, George Powell. CLEARING Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of Prop- erty, farm stock, machinery, hay, grain and household effects et lot 24, con. 5, Morris twp., 1 tiz miles west of Brussels on county road, Monday, Sept. 24, at 1 p.m. , Cattle -10 Hereford yearlings, approximately S00 lbs.: 10 Angus Yearlings approximately S00 lbs.; 1 Holstein steer, approximately 1,000 lbs. Poultry -750 year-old hens; 250 pullets purchased in April. Machinery ---John Deere M tractor, fully equipped; Allis Chal- mers Model 18 tractor; John Deere tractor manure spreader, on rubber; International wagon on rubber and rack; John Deere tractor disc; 8/ ft. International spring tooth cultivator; mower; harrows; horse cultivator; Case 4 bar side rake; seed drill; roller: lawn mower; John Deere mount- ed 2 furrow plow; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder; cattle feeders; chick- en feeders, extension ladder; 2 stepladders; fanning mill; metal troughs; electric fencer; molasses barrels; ahuninnm wheel barrow; brooder stove; 30 ft. endless belt; egg washer; 6 egg baskets; wood - Oen we try to be a little more human about it Back in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsome people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin Mouth; Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read!). The banker today is as human as •you are, and just as businesslike. Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You'll find that. The Bank really has the people who make the happy difference in banking! A TORONTO -DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: THE SAAV;INGS AACCOUIMT This is the first account most people open at The Bank. .And for the wise ones, it is the last that is closed. Not too many yeaxs ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all where you deposited money and paid it out almost immedi- ately by cheque. Today, the Personal Chequing Account does the job --and the Savings Account should be used for Savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save. for the rest of your life, Open a Savings Account at The Bank! 4 Where people mune the difference W. C, MOORE, Manager - Seaforth Branch • av CLEARING Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of term stock and equipment to be con ducted at the premises, lot 17, con, 13, McKillop Twp., one mile south and two miles east at Walton on Thursday, October 4, at 1,30 pont. d.s,t„ consisting of; Livestock—S head of stock cows ranging in age froln 3 to '7 yrs., ring calves; steers, 800 to bred; 8 r900d 1 eslbs.; 2 heifers, 16 mos. old; 1 Hereford bull, 16 mos. old, Machinery and Equipment — McCormick W 4 tractor, good con- dition; Universal manure loader; Cockshutt 3 furrow plow on Tub- ber; McCormick No, 45 hay baler; Massey Ilarris Clipper combine; Geo, White 7,i' cultivator, power lift; Brantford 6 ton wagon, roll- er bearing; 13' rack; Deering 7 ft. binder; International 6' oil bath mower; International 6' outthrow disc; McCormick manure spread- er; heavy duty trailer, new tires; Cockshutt grinder; Cardinal 19' bale elevator; DeLaval 300 lbs, capacity stainless steel cream sop- arator; DeLaval magnetic pump milking machine with two units; 5"x35' belt; 3"x21' grain auger; 8 sections diamond harrows; six 80 -Ib. milk cans; fanning mill. Poultry Equipment -4 range shelters; chicken feeders; 2 drum type steel feeders; 3 chicken crates; fountains; 2 sectional heir nests, Miscellaneous Tools and Equip- ment -04" Black & Decker elec- tric drill and bit set; two Il-h.p. electric motors; emery wheel and mandrel; 2% gal. hand sprayer; Philco cabinet barn radio; 2 steel drums; milk pails, forks, shovels and many more shall items.. No reserve as proprietor has given up farming. Terms, cash; sales tax will be added where it applies.. Alvin Stimore, Prop. Don S. Dennis, Auctioneer, Nen McFarlane, Clerk. CLEARING Auction Sale A clearing auction sale will be held at Lot 40. Con. 3, LRS, Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles south of RCAF Station, Clinton, and 11/.1 miles east, on Wednes- day, October 3, at 12.30 p.m. Cattle -20 grade Holstein cows. Cows calling at all times of the year, 1.0 to calf this fall. Mostly young, high producing cows. S yearling heifers; 11 heifer calves, most of the herd is by Waterloo sires. Machinery and Equipment - 1954 Cockshutt "30" tractor with live PTO; Ferguson tractor on new rubber; New Freeman load- er; 1957 McRae shredder harvest- er; 20 ft. Forage Harvester box: rubber tired wagon; Ferguson 2 - furrow plow; McCormick -Deering 3 -point hitch mower; New Mea 4 -bar side delivery rake; Massey - Harris 15 -run seed drill with power lift; Case rubber tired wag- on, agon, flat rack and grain box; Fleury -Bisset tractor manure spreader; Fleury-Bissel double disc; Marvel grain thrower with pipes; I-11 3 -drum land roller; I -H 3 -section spring tooth her - rows; 4 -section diamond harrows; 2 -wheeled trailer; M -H 6 ft, bind- er; aluminum wheel barrow: Fleury-Bissel grain grinder: I-II scnffler; 2,000 Ib. Renfrew scaloe 75 ft. endless belt; 150 ft, snow fence; 2 straw pipes; 1S5 gallon gas tank with pump; / h.p. high speed motor; 24 milk cans; milk can cart; feed cart; strainer and pail; 3 steel barrels; quantity of elm planks; quantity of cedar posts; quantity 05 scrap iron; Stewart cattle clippers; 240 ib. scale; Quebec heater; 4 storm windows, 72"x33"; 2 windows 60"a$0"; other items too numer- ous to mention, Terms—Cash. Lunch booth, Proprietor—Alden Crich. Auctioneer—Bert Pepper. Clerk—Prank Falconer. NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. 411 work done by certified watch- makers. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Cooking and eating apples, Phone HIJ 2.3214. Fred McCly' mont & Sons, Varna. A Browale's DRI VEIN THEATRE Clinton 2 BiG HITS EACH EVENING NOW PLAYING Wed., Thurs., Fri, September 19.20.21 Hit No. 1—Shown at 10.00 only "TWO RODE TOGETHER" James Stewart Richard Wldmark, •Shirley Jones (Color) 1.11! No. 2—Shown at 8.30 only "HOMICIDAL" Glenn Oardett Malt Entertainment (A Mystery) (Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY September 22.34 Hit No. 1 ---Shown at 945 only "THE LADIES MAN" AN" Jerry Lewis -- Helen Treubel (Color) Hit No. 2—Shown at 8,30 "IN THE WAKE OF A STRANGER" Tony Wright - Shirley Eaton (A Mystery) (Cartoon) ti TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 25-26 Shown at 8.30 and 10.00 "A WEEKEND WITH LULU” Bob Monkhouse Leslie Philips - Shirley Eaton An hilarious British comedy (Cartoon) Estate Auction Sale Estate Auction Sale of House- hold Effects in the town 0f Sea - forth, corner of James and Will- iam streets, on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, at 1 p.m. 4 walnut antique chairs; studio couch (like new) ; platform rock- er; rocking chairs, walnut tables, large oil painting 24x31 inches. antique picture frames; electric lamps; floor lamps; piano stool; walnut whatnot; cushions, scat- ter mats; rug 9x12; 2 furnished bedrooms; spool beds, dresers; chest of drawers; wardrobe, drop leaf table; 6 antique kitchen chairs; arnt chair; sideboard; glass cupboard; Westinghouse frig.; 4 burner electric stove; Finlay kitchen range; washing machine; White drop head sew- ing machine; couch; kitchen stool; antique china; coloured glass; jardineres; vases; 2 toilet sets; clocks, bedding; table linen, kitchen utensils; garden tools; coal oil lamps; trunks; crocks, sealers, canned fruit; step ladder, laddOfersd, verandah oosw; nt- ityn'y wd; pine ingfruitquaoup- board; pails, tubs, eongoleum floor covering. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. Prop.—Estate of Late Mrs. William J. Elder. Auctioneer—Harold Jackson. Clerk—George Powell. J5E S)6AFO1;T*1 NI1IWS Tlturstlay; September 20, 7.962 Clearing Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock and machinery at lot 24, con. 2, McKillop twp., 1/ miles north and / mile east of Seaforth on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, at 1 p,m. Cattle -4 Holstein cows, bred in June; 1 Holstein cow, bred in July; 2 Holstein sows, bred in August; 5 Holstein cows, bred in February; 1 Holstein cow, bred in March; 6 Hereford and Hol- stein short keep cattle; 4 Here- ford and Holstein cattle about 000 lbs,; 9 fall calves; 5 spring calves. Machinery — Massey Ferguson 35 Diesel tractor, 2 years old, Massey Ferguson mounted 3 fur- row trip beans plow (new) ; 4 section harrows; 18 run Massey Harris fertilizer drill; walking plow; Cockshutt hay loader: Case side rake; 7 ft. Massey Har- ris semi -mounted mower; Massey Ferguson heavy duty wagon, new; Cockshutt tractor spreader; 2 - wheel trailer; George 'White 10i ft, spring tooth cultivator (3 yrs. old) ; wheel barrow milk cart; 6 water bowls (new); milk cans; single can milk cooler; hanging hen feeders; automatic waterer; cedar fence posts; electric chick brooder, 500 capacity. Ilay and Grain -500 bales of bay; 2000 bus, mixed grain.. Household Effects ----3 piece chesterfield suite; 2 table lamina; forks, shovels; other articles 0.00 numerous to mention. No reserve; farm sold. Terms ---Cash. Prop.—Russell Pringle. Auctioneer—Harold Jackson. Clerk—George Powell, BOX Funeral Home AIVIBULANO Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Do. Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res, 605 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures + Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages e Churches, Schools, Malls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, failing objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: James Keys RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RBA Sea - forth; Wm. Leiner, Jr„ Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, q.4., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W SemerMb SEAFORT-H VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TTJRNBULL, D.V.M., V.S, R. BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. W, 0. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. G. 12. GALT, D,V.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 0 .Ani to 12.80 PM. Thur. era by appointment only. Clinton 1111-2-7510. above Hawkins' Rdwe, Mon, 9 to 6.10 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 Be warmly contented. with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 28'8 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 `blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. offices and 25 salesmen to serve you See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith aid Welding Shop, Brumfield.. DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of Yellow and white gold priced from 550.00 and up—all rings inst guaranteed sthe diam sordamage toond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett. Jewellers. NOTICE TUCKERSMITI1 MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5,20 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted J. L McIntosh Clerk Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE MOND 75 SEAFORTII Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. Ths Seaforth Nowa: "Authorized as Second -Mao Mall by the Poot Oftledot of partmont, Ottawa, and for p5501n poetics° in 05014."