HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-20, Page 4NALTON
• T110 regular Sept elnher mee tin,
of Uro} Township ee1oo1 Area
No..3 waa held at the 104111' of tit()
chairman, Wilfred ehurerre,1,
even all memo 44] present: Atter
the August minutes w•ew atluptsd
as read the eellowing motion;
wore moved, seconded and etlrrtod
by Ow Members': •
fiat 1441 11141411)1. the tender 01
Robert Cunningham on Cities
Service inol uit at 15.7 vents per
That we eatgege -Mrs. Alec Shot•
dice ami Mrs, \Vm. iiumphriee as
supply teachers, 10 14( called al-
TIolt a ehitd has to he sax ;roars
01 age by December 31, before he
IA' site inay commaii'' school,
The September meeting of the
Meteil1)p 1;1.001) was hell( Wed-
nesday evening at the flume of
Mrs. \1411. Dennie with 21 Males
present. The president, .111•.+.
Jath 1;)10(00 upend the sleeting;
with hymn -we Plough the Fields
and ~caner'" after whirl player
was offered by .firs. De1n1104 Mr:t.
Cleo. Fox read the scripture pans -
«.e 11'0111 Psalms. Mrs. Leonard
Iteeming was in charge of the
topic. Declining Standards, from
"Sienais for ille i 1.t les" and led
in a discussion. A solo "Sweet
Hour of Prayer" was sang by
Dliss Geraldine Dentate Reports
were made for the Anniversary
luncheon and the dinner forPres-
bytery, Oct. 4, in Walton. It was
decided to hold a miscellaneous
sale at our October meeting. The
closing hymn 558 was followed
with prayer by the leader, Lunch
was served by Mrs. Lorne 110e,
Mrs. George Love and the host-
Twenty-four ladies of the \\'al -
tun Unit of the UCW attended
the September meeting at the
home of Mrs. Ed. Miller, The
president, Mrs, E. Mitchell, open.
ed the meeting with the Call to
Worship and hymn 187. Scripture
from Paul's Epistle to the Roln-
ur,s was read by Mrs. Gordon
Murray. Mrs. Nelson Marks led
the _roup in prayer. 1 -hs. W. C.
llia•kwell ;lave the topic on the
tory of the Coad Samaritan
whi,`h declaimed the Saviour who
fulfilled all parts of the story as
our goad Samaritan. the lesson
benne still appropriate for the
present world. Roll call was an-
nered with a verse from tee,
l•;,k of Provers, "Mrs. Earl ~Cat.
,on will hate charge of the De -
totter t mite.
For the tea and lunch to be
served tollowine the morning
worship a
1 t 311) lyice of the :o• h ann-
n sary of the chur'h, Sundry.
S,etemleet 23rd at 11 a.m, 4(04((1
TO brine a loaf of hte,14
phis enough for their mon hnuse-
bold in eandwichee. also aqua td.
or u001re1, these to he at
. hn4rh by 9.00 a.m. prior to the:
e r v i. ,•. The P1e'ning serviee will
be s p.m. This service 1.311 be
m1 Heel for rte benefit of ment-
he r 11 ,1 finding seatin • space in
411 - 1 tdaoriam of the church Pew.
1.1..)ewood, a former pastor
ea" 1.x: the speaker.
re,e-eine in the scl1001reotu ,n,1
":•:'• n!4(1xlr have been e'ni-
d. our irnvl epimer dere ie
Ladies are t:1
11:1k111 14' ' to 414194( :1"a71 -
PI,. .04.1,:-41' •,`11„1'1411'' !it Datil':
(ler Plans W, .11.11.
. a ),.,,41.1` a? F....:.<r
•,p-. 7441 -'1l`: c,
1 5'1Tee tn,. !, in 1 li
1 - t ^n •r
,en -tele. and 1)..n;=
t?at' \1'14f,;111 'lad O111r".'' of
1.;',1 , Stiny and hn
Mrs. 1'11. ?.1411..,r. Mrs. .4
•1.11 'Mrs. F t
71:• Welton t
1'' from their ho 111' ,It
tee }-. Stevens' sele last Stoma
44,h.1 will he y'+il-
.. 1.t - landay leonine. oW-
ie. .t e teary service.
the :erviee in Detre.
i 'hur. h last 'Sunday morn -
A. Higginbotham eon-
Tfaptismal service when
. -4' '4 n, daughter of Mr. and
eat once Flood was bapttz•
R. G. Hazlewood of Sink-
-e letited Church. Hamilton ,ill
1.- 41,(4(;1 minister next Sunday.
at Duff's United Chnreh.
Welter, when the 50th ammeter.
eery c- the erection of the pres-
ent tern'.h building will be (tete-
'--d. There will he two seeviees
et 11 I..tt. and `1 p.m. Many form-
elaieeh. m410110rs are expected
.mr:. :-- this important o'e•:a-
',e1 4.']]). •sC1 be servedin the
7 1 w ll14 the morning i-
l-isl' alter wil 1).?
7 r 1
is the basement and ?at -
al, for '-\'!4l
tommodat o4.
54 'Kenneth Ryan of Kirkland
Lake a- The week -end with his
r n Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ryan end attended the funeral of
his am -le. Hobert Dennis Jelin -
rt I )1111 p on Saturday
2-1 St. r)Inmban Roman
Catheli, ('tntrcb.
Mr. Alvin Stimore has diste..ed
hie f:rna to Mr. Lawrence
1' ))Is
': t'nt'rie leptyter of Strat-
trfofd visited over the wc.e l -end
wit?, her sister. Mrs. Jan \;n1
Vito 414],
elr. end Mrs. Rae Ipl.ol Ie o
New York luted last R d0 ..
d e end Thureday with the lat'
ter's nephews, Mr. Herb. Try .s:
and Mr. Ralph Travies. A gather.
Ins: of relatives was greatly -n-
aly.,l at the home of Mr. 111d
Mrs. Herb Tray.s . Wednesday
evening. .' 0111. Itrpolite had not
been here for fifteen years.
- A successful auction sale- of
stock. machinery and furniture
was held at the farm of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Stevens last Sattne
day afternoon, The farm nae
been purchased by Mr, Gerald
Ryan and Mr. and Mrs, Stevens
have purchased the property of
the late ')Hugh Campbell.
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Maier of
London were weekend guests at
the home et Mr, and Mrs. David
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Kirkby et
Woodstock visited over the week-
end with 114 Frank Kirlthy and
.till. ,tori Mrs. Douglas Kirkby.
Mr. and etre. Wm. 4411114114011 o1.
'edema are spending this week
welt the Corium's. brother, 31)'.
Harold 041011)10n and Airs.Smell-
Mr. and Mrs. Rey Pimlico of
Torten') spent the weelaend w'ith
Alis 1 ted Ennis.
-\fins ('!tare 11ae1 144011. 1,011(10)1,
visited over the tceeeterid With
her parents, 3l:'. anti Mrs. T.
Miss 'Norma Hclegy o4( Vietoua
Hnnvit111, 1,0111100 ellen the week-
en1 with Mr. and eli'8, Clifford
f 1uel;y.
Mrand Mrs. Boris tirttder vis-
iited ill Niagara Falls with 5544. and
Mrs. Douglas Aitelreson, and were
sponsors at the baptism of their
daughter Anne Evelyn Aitcllesuti
at St. Paul, Lutheran ('hurel. •
331'. Dalton Diego( underwent
an operatiUll ea iris knee :1.t the
Stratford General lioepitai 114•st
R.RUCEREho Ilets by Airs. Mervyn Hayter who
also introduced the 1Ie,W nlla81011
Unit Four of the. 1"('W luta 'book, On Asia's • (line. Business
their September netetiug at 41)1 Wai4 e0ndacted by Mrs. 001dou
home 1'if 01's, I''. Weiland, with 29 Hill. Alt teettu1tt041 was acc4pt e.
present. The thence of the meet to visit. the GUs1e11 Petted
1411; :tette 'loo,'❑ tiger, and thee' church art 1111-n on Thursday, 0.1,
K01110nl9 and w 4S 1111411.1' the load- 10, 1'1111ls Were. also Made for the
ershlp of .tors, ll• eleven with a annual supper to be held early in
icuest panel consisting of Sultue October; also the bazaar later 114
lIangll. Jean Alc\alrght(n and
Barbara and Janet Henderson.
The 1usiues-t period was euuduy1-
e d by Aire. Brotlie, and t report port of
the general C e W mooting Was
given by etre. V. Hargreaves, All
the (nits are invited to meet
•with us at the C'hlrvil for our.
October meetiug. The \\ or. (tip
Was 1)111101' the leadership 01 :Its,
\\'elland, assisted by Mrs. ele-
Nalt, Blies M eleQueen, Mrs. S.
Wilson and :Ails. S. Broadfoot. A
cunteet was conducted by etre. I3.
\\'allter and etre. 1). Strangilaii
Miss Bonita Ho_egy, d,u4gliter of
Air. a1111 Aire. 11 i1bu4 Siotgy 4111-
tel'tilttied a few friends to a •pal.1.3,
un the occasion of. her 11111 birth-
day last Thursday.
Mr. and 3Irs. 0111, S. Riehl at-
tended the 40th Wedditlg anniv er-
eery celebration of her brother,
Mr. and Mrs. \Vnm. Ney at Sebring.
ville on Sunday.
The sympathy of the communi-
ty is extended to Mt'. fired Herb-
ert and sisters and brothers, in
the death of Mrs. Herbert.
;Mss Joan Muegge, daughter of
.lir. and Mrs. Walter Muegge, is
attending Teacher's College in
Messrs. Clayton Ahrens and
Robert A11rel.ts, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. \\'ilered Ahrens, registered
at Waterloo University on Id On -
Urs. Ed. Jarnluth has returned
Thome from Stratford Hospital tai•
ter undergoing an operation o11 a
broken hip.
Faye Dorothy Wolfe, intent
daughter of 111'. and Mrs. Wilfred
Wolfe Was baptized during the
Al'1'rice at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday 1y Rev, H.
Drill, with 311', and \Irs. Keith
Stephens and -lir. and Mrs. Ralph
Fischer. the sponsors Meng with
Ilse parents, -
Mr. aud \118. Kenneth Smith,
Dennis, Dean, Sheila and Slet'1n
visited with .lir. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Qtleren_t+4eer iii Toronto,
etre. Roslin• eltller returned af-
ter. visiting with Alrs. Toledo
Detterutan in Waterloo and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Chambers in
Prost on.
All'. and Mrs. John Mueller and
Ruth .Inn of Hamilton with -1.1.
mother. Mrs. Aug. 1Iillebrecht for
the week end.
The wedding dinner and merle
tion for (1r. and'Mrs. Iielly 1.11.4(1•
ones.) was held at the cuntmeeity
hall here on Saturday,
A shower was held ,for )l1'. end
Mrs. Flannery 1Aitches0nt On 1,1
day eveniu4 at the Hall.
Airs. Ray Deuernlan remelted
e, London after spending a fee'
'"•k- with .lir. and Mrs, 311(11,111
1••emerman. 01r. and MIs. Ilener•
tem and Mr, and Airs. Me„tin
leen-. spent Sunday with eir. and
ars. Ray le:mermall in Lotxlo7:.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald 0'o"'11
Aid 3111110 of Kitchener au'1
ltd .elrs. Bernard Clarence of
'tratfa)rd will Mrs. .Albert epee,
metesser and
Air. and 0fr' (;len :miner endl )r the winter .ne:ltHs:
tm11y of 1('ih11n. Ail 31;0 t x The leerea t reit of the V'W
!lodger end Mr. Rey n' y Pennet rut 'Chur d -y for the Septe) n -
London. :ter. and 11tH, D.\1.l- ,,'r meeting meth 1;e members an-
"nemof Stratford, Mrs. Ida 114• ; •,verireg the roil rill. M.'014ne gyp.
:.'r and Mrs. Mabel Hannon of 414(1( with 1141 tiro of hymn 1111;
Mitchell well Air. and Mre. Nor- nd etre. Dora 4hobtuaok ;ave
he scripture passage. etre. (Tiny
and her committee eeecee 11111011.
Please scan the papers Miriam
the next 111011111 and clip out :1l1
interesting teferem•ee 1.0 11)101
11(11.iects and developments. \1'e
wall plan to display' these at toe
October meeting,.
'1'lle 13rncefield 1)(111' held their
Septeillber meeting in the church
basement on Tuesday, Sept. 401,
The meeting Wae called to order
by the president, Mrs. W. Broad -
foot. Devotional period was con-
ducted by Bit's. J. Broadfoot and
leirs. G. Richardson, witli Miss M.
McQueen at the piano. Mrs. E,
Thompson, seeretat'y, read the
minutes of the last meeting aud
took roll call which was answered
by a favorite hymn. Treasurer's
report was given by Mrs, H. Tay-
During the 511111184/ three lead-
ers of ehllrc'h young people, 1411'6•
J, I3ongheu, Mrs. F. BIoUregor and
Mrs. e. Broadfoote attended the
Training College at Alma College,
These ladies gave very interest-
lug and informative reports of
their training programme which
included the basics for teen-age
groups leadership, adult Christ-
ian education, and Bible study
Correspondence was read by
Mrs. H. Berry and Mrs. .1, Broad -
foot. I110110ti0ne recelve4 front
Iiaylield for Thursday, Oct, 4t11,
and ane from Unit 4 of Brnce-
11o1d 1'C\\' for Wednesday, Oct. 10
were discussed and accepted,
Mrs. L. Wilson rate a report of
the Meeting for FCW held at
Loudesboro in May when true
theme -was The Light Shines 011.
Mrs. L. Ariauo Was in charge of
the programme lent on by teat 4,
titled "Where Are We." A short
soviet hour followed when lunch
w.1S served by Airs, Triatbnei' and
her committee.
lot Bruc•etield ('(ti) Pack here
started their second season. Meet-
ing, etre held e11 Mondays, et 7
p.m., i11 the 1 rncedeld United
(')1(14111)1 basement.. Boys 'between
the ages of ti and 11 are invit9d
to attend, Cub Park i, under. the
',eldership of 1'. .1. \\'ellum' awl
L, Arian),
A Scout Troup is also being
formed and meet 041 Fridays, in
the church basement. Mr. 0.
Proadfoot, ,T. Donnas, and t
.10re1' Swats are presently look -
tis; after and training the Troup,
the month, Mrs. A. J. Mustard
gave ,1 very interesting and he
£Ul'nlative talk of her 1'eeent trip
to 1511441x11(1 and Scotland.
The Seetanlber meeting of Unit
Four of the United Church Wont.
en was held at the home 0f Mrs.
McNichol and Bliss Annie Mc-
Nichol, on September 4th, Airs.
Bowering led the devotional por-
tion of the meeting, Mrs. J. 0.
Turnbull, president, conducted
the businese. The ladies were
notified 0f a Workshop on the
United Church study curriculum
to be held at the Summer School
at eloeericlt on September S.
The United Church Women
have been invited • to join the
Presbyterian Women at their
Barbara Kirkman meeting, Tues.
day, Sept, 25, at S p.m, Plans
were made for a quilting Sept. 13
and 19.
The roll call was answered by
relating "the most pleasant ex-
perience of the summer," Minutes
of the June meeting were read.
Mrs. Lindsay presented the
study book. The topic was "Ful-
filling our duties as Church mem-
bers." She pointed out that each
Christian has inescapable 1'eepon-
sibilities where he lives, works
and worships. The Meeting was
closed with the Mizpali benedic-
A delicious lunch, prepared by
ithe. 13611 and Airs. Bowering, was
served at the conclusion of the
lire. :Vary Crawford who :las
''teen living at the West, Coast for
he past three years has been re-
iew:ng 011(11 It '] an.•ee 111 the
age (1nr1111 the past Creek. She
i.,ken a position in Lou -.Aon
The Women's Hospital Auxil-
iary to Scott Memorial Hospital
held the first meeting of the year
at the nurses residence on Sept.
11. • Mrs, M. W. Stapleton, presi-
dent, opened the meeting with
the Hospital Auxiliary player.
After the minutes of tete last
meeting,' were read tate annual re-
ports of the different committees
were given• The secretary's re-
port showed eight regular and
one dinner meeting were held.
Two conferences for Region No.
took place in.Woodstock and
Ingersoll. The five major money-
making malting proveet • s Taga
))' y.
Rummage Sale, Turkey Draw and
Peony Sale,
A history of the Hospital Auxil-
iary is being compiled and the
historians Would accept any iufor-
mation that anyone might here
in order to complete their Liles.
A membership drive took 1)1.413
in May which resulted in 2544
associate members and 41 actfce
members - to help in Auxiliary
Work. Of this number 30 associ-
ate and 12 active members 4(4e
A shower Was hells for -lung
i. euerman, prior to her 1114.14114.44141
,0 314. Bertlie Lerner. at the elm -
11000 11x11 club room on Monday
ord gave 0 reading on talents, A
hanky o 1 e•ar d was received from
;Ir,. W. Brumley. The social cent-
nittee reported that a fowl slapper
n emnn• s being planned for Oct. 5. Mrs.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. La- ;tanley Lyon gave a most inter -
veru Wolfe were! Mr. and :um stfn4 account of their trip to
Clifford W1(15011 of Centralize Mrs. • Iueen Charlotte Islands where
Henry Koch and Peter Robertson, .heir daughter Vera is stationed.
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Michael piano sole was ('0411111)0 4 1)1)
Connolly. 0ebrmleville .\Liss lean air Elgin Josling.11rs. Neville
Robertson. British Columbia, and prbes then introduced the Rudy
Richard and Margaret Robinson emit, Asia's Rim. etre. Edwin
'f Sutton and visited their broth- ,Vood gave a resume of the etudv-
er. Robert Robinson at the Wolfe took, The Word and The Weer
3Ir. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter are
011 a -trip to Northern volute.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tiffin of Toie
onto attended the funeral of Mrs.
Fred Herbert and visited with
Air. and Mrs. Frank Eicknteir and
Pr'd Herbert.
3Ii'. and Airs Sant ('lark of Alit -
4t 811 and Mi., Wes, Mulford.
Debbie and Steven of Stratford
with 3Ir, and Mrs. Gary Shoid•ce
an Sunday.
Mrs. Douglas Aitche1)041, [1.14114
end Anne of Niagara Falls with
her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Edetan
Rock this week.
air. Lew IIicks has been under
the doctor care. and Is t1nAal•
ese1114 at his home.
Mr. Clare French is Principal of
eloukt0n Public School.
A shower was held for Martha
Hinz prior to her marriage to
Ray Sykes, at the hall club room.
A. -number of boys from here
attended a farewell party for Roy
P u tmau -at the Bornholm Hall
on Saturday evening, prior to his
leaving for Calgary. ary. Roy was pr•?'-
sented with suitable gifts.
eta, and Mrs. Harry Tait vislt-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lemont
at Norwich for the week m111(
Harvest Horne Service will be
held at St.. Peter's Lutiu.4rl.
(1111re(( on Sunday at 11 0'1(01:.
An organizational meeting of
the (GIT of Cavell Church, Win-
throp, will be held on Monday.
Sept. 24th at e pan., 1t the home
of Margaret 111((4(41. All girls, ago
12 to 17 are invited.
A new cottage has been erected
on a lot. at the south corner of
3011 11 Pethltks farm, Winthrop by
Mr. and 31rs Norman Norris of
Toronto. Mrs. ?)orris Is the for-
mer Lavadt "tieing.
which will also be used at our
1leetings. A social cup of •tea was
-erred at the close.
Mrs. Lily Webster spent the
'ast week visiting with her Aster-
n -law. 3Irs. Charles Govier in
Port Colborne.
Mr. Alex. Wells attended the
steam -threshers reunion held at
•the museum near Stratford on
Miss Margaret 1LcCool spent a
week recently with her brother,
Mr. Jas. licCool.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen and
fancily accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Anderson and fautily
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Jackson of Ridgetown on 44004,,.::.
Mr. Keith _ellen is a student at
the UAC in Guelph this 581)4)10)1.
Mr. Wm. Griffith has gone to be
with his son. 3Ir. and Mrs. Cecil
Griffith of Guelph white Mrs.
Griffith is in hospital.
314. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson
and family attended a wedding in
Guelph on Saturday.
Anniversary services will be
held in the United Church next
Sunday. September 23. at 11 a.m.
and 7.3e p.m. The pastor, Rev.
Murdock Morrison will have
charge of both services,
Word was received last week
of the death of ,lir. ,Milton John-
ston of Hamilton, a former reel.
dent of Stanley tewitship.
Mrs. Addie Willis is at present
a patient in Clinton Public Hos'
Rev. M. Morrison and Rev. A.
H. Funge of Londeshoro exchang-
ed pulpits last Sunday.
The Varna United Church Wo.
Men met for their September
meeting at the home of Mrs, An.
sou Coleman. Devotions were
from Dublin.
311'x. le, 11, Cosford gave a rep01t
Olt the tuck cart. and stated how
811ccess011 it lied been end ettpec1'
ally tllll,lkea those McBee who had
bellied during the 8111111114(1'.
Other reporte were, given by
ale Buying t'0111111ttlee (the TI'e11e-
eyelet; repo(') W111 8(1pw the 11111'-
('1114144)1) of the yl.arl; the ( 0rres-
ponciin:; See4etar1, :Mystery Box;
The first major project of the
year \v111 be the annual Rummage
Sale to be. hold on Octo1)er 27th
111 the Public Library.
The Tl etteu1'el''s report is as
Bank 1)01, Sept. 1, 1901...9725.11
Tag Day 141.59
Fees 13.73
Collected fees lesseiate)., 15,50
Collection 41.54
Rummage Sale 208.50
Turkey Draw' 118.40
Donations 2.25
Gingham Dance 191.00
Penny Sale , . , . , 518.28
Interest on eiydro Bond 45.00
Bank Interest 20,00
2,19 7.32
Provitlolal A411110tton fees.$ 25.11
Convention 84.00
Bursary 12;1.00
Turkeys (Draw) 15.12
Christmas gifts, (staff and
Patients/ 78,10
International 11osp. project 25,15
Settee & chair for hospital 220.00
Wool, baby tenon (bootees)
Oxygen tent 023.15
Purchase of Bond , 507.03
Baby mug 5.611
Gingham Dance, 81,25
Advertising 93 33
Secy supplies .. .. , ... , 7,30
Miscellaneous 17.99
Hank balance 255.01
The Ladies Guild of St. Tho-
mas Anglican Church met for
the opening meeting of 1116 fall
season at the home of the presi-
dent, Mrs. J. R. Spittal. Mrs,
Spittal read the gospel from St.
Luke, followed by the collect and
prayer. Members held a lively
discussion of ideas for programs
for future meetings, and plans
were matte for the October rum-
mage sale. Harold Meir's offer of
a refrigerator for the kitchen in
the parish hall was gratefully ac-
cepted, A collection was made
for the bazaar Christmas tree,
The offering was received. Mrs.
Spittal served lunch and memb-
ers enjoyed a social Hour.
From The Seaford News
September 1922
Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Bullard and
son Edward motored to South
Bend, Indiana, where Mr. E.
Bullard is attending college.
Biiss Evelyn Adams is attend-
4--:Iltl'. SISAI''QR`Pll NEWS, Thursdlly, September 20,
Ing normal 414()1)1)( Ll London,
111 Mentor, It. !Bristow; A, ('411')1
and 11. tllu'rows are upending
denied e01lege in Toronto.
lteid Edmunds and Fred Arelti,
bald are attending normal sellout
111 Toronto.
A gang of 1'0wtllee passim;
through 1411)1)041 t 1l1'ew statute
through two of Mrs. elitle1''1 141111-
dows. She Is a widow lady (1[1'144
alone. They also broke Mr. Atm
Kenzio's show Wind0ly.
Weddings: Wes Isabel Woods
and Rev. II. U. E. Crosby; Matilda
Nigh and Peter llick111111; (tether.
ire Reid and frank Marshalt
From The Seaforth News
September 1937
St. 00104111an won 4110 Stelae
5116011 Cap in the 11111'011 Football
Rae J. Watoolt, London business
1411141, Wilt) brought to Scott Mom•
oriel hospital in critical condi-
tion after Ills left leg was turn
off In a collision between a car
and motorcycle on the Varna
Road at Brumfield.
A number of Bayfield friends
gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Black, Tuckersmitil,
and surprised thein with a cup
and saucer shower.
St. Columban
WED., SEPT. 26th
Cards 9 P.51.
For Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Breaker
(Joyce Wilsm))
At the Brodhagen Conituunity
Everyone welcome
Ladies please bring lunch
(Jean Dolmage)
Ladies please bring lunch
1'ho 'u14cc4su1U11 i.ltdlos' (.'111
hold their meeting at the home
of 241r3.1'I'hatio 1''1111. 1Mlt1 12(4'1(1
preeelii, and two 4111)1(111'4(, 3'Ir'i.
Ertel! fief off 118 pr0sld0nt. The
secretary's report was read by
Airs, Slllery, and 111(4 tr'easurer's
sopor( by 2411'44, O'Brien. It wag
(heeded_ to have a booth to wall
hot dogs, Coffee andpie at Aid -
(v1 Cticla'8 su11 on October 3 etre.
((dell gave a couple of ('0)144ste
wino'. wore enjoyed by all. A
lovely ((4114(1 was served by the
h tittles,
Worship service at 11 am.
Jr, Church School during w0r.
Sr. (Thumb School at 10 a.m.
Rally Day., -Sept, 30111.
Or41101111, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart
Choirmaster, Mr. Jots. A, Stewart
Minister, Rev, J. C. Britton, B.A.
Sunday, Sept. 23
11. A.M. 7.30 P.M,
Rev. Ross Crosby, B.A.
Minister of St, Mary's United
Church for the nasi 11 years
President of the London
Conference of the United
Church of Canada
Special Music at nom services
At the close of the evening
service, Rev. Mr, Crosby will
show pictures of the Holy Land
and lunch will be served
The .Annual Anniversary Turkey
dinner will be held o1) Wed.,
Oct, 24
Mr. Lyle Hammond, Organist.
and Choir Leader
On disi lay at Seaforth Fail'
Thursday Evening, Sept. 20. Friday, Sept. 21 1
Also Saturday, Monday, Tuesday. Sept. 22, 24,
Friend &. Whetham's Store Dublin
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 8,30 P.M.
Where juniors Reign Supreme
1 K
- Clubs
Outstanding Livestock Exhibits
Huron Holstein Black and White Show
Perth - Huron Jersey Club Parish Show
Ontario Regional Hereford Show
Official Opening
2 p.rn. Friday
Everett M. Biggs
Deputy Minister
of Agriculture
Parade of
EVENING • Floats -- Bands • School Children
$8,300.00 Prize Money Offered
• •
Local Talent Programme
See what local businesses have to offer the Buying Public
Midway in Operation
Adults 50e Children 25c Cars 25c
Elementary School Children in Parade -'- FREE