HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-13, Page 8ENJOY THE LUXURY OF PURE WOOL, SATIN -TRIM KENWOOD MANK 1T1_! at a Very Special Price BIG DOUBLE BED SIZE 72 x 84 COLORS ROSE, BLUE, CEDAR, GREEN Once a year only, we are able to purchase a quan- tity of these regular $15.95 Kenwood Blankets at a good discount These are packed in polyethene bags instead of the usual Kenwood box, but are the sante high quality,. heavy weight, satin bound blankets that sell regu- larly at $15.95. Don't hiss this special! WHILE THEY LAST ....I2.95 NEW, HEAVY WEIGHT, SATIN TRIM NYLON BLEND, CHECKED ESMOND BLANKETS This is a big 72x84 Heavy Weight Nylon Blend, Fully 'washable, satin bound blanket, in a smart overehecked plaid pattern. Individually poly- ethene bagged for gift giving. SPECIAL... -...... 6e95 STEWART BROS. for their ueeeeagee in song; the. pallwrerers. flower sent baking andlfI ladies Mende who h o helped at twine; to Dr.. Malktte, Dr. heady, Dr. Oakes, etuf'f of Clinton Public Hospital and the Whitney funeral home.. HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring Clover honey. 22c lb, September Golden honey 20e lb. hi your own eontuiners, 1 113 Comb honey, cartons Fisc, Wall- ace (toss Apiaries Clearing Auction Sale Farre Stock, implements etc., at Lot 26 Con. 10. Grey 'township, six miles east of Brussels, on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at ane o'- clock. Cattle -7 Holstein cows, minding' and retired; 1 Holstein cow, dile in October; 7 holstein cow, due in November; 4 Itoe stein heifers, clue in October; 7 Hereford and Durham heifers, with calves at foot and i'ebred; 9 Durham and Hereford heifers, clue in Jan, and Feb.;l two-year- old Holstein heifer, due la April; 1 open Holstein heifer; 3 year- ling Holstein heifers; 2 Charlais Holstein yearlings; 5 Holstein steers, about 1,000 lbs.; 2 Fall Holstein calves; 3 Spring Hol- stein calves; 1 purebred Holstein bull, 2 years old. Pigs -2 York sows, due time of sale, Implentents — David Brown tractor, 950 Implematic, 2 years old, less than 1,000 hrs. work, completely equipped; Freeman loader; John Deere 3 -furrow fly• clraulic plow with trip standards (new); John Deere 12 disk grain st and fertilizer drill; 3 -point hitch co cultivator; double diso; four sec- le tion drag harrows; three -section spring tooth harrows; Jolin Deere One Way Disk; Allis Chalmers in No. 60 Combine with scour clean J and pick-up, equipped with new type grain and straw decks; Mas- F sey Harris binder; McCormick in Deering power mower, 7 foot out; steel laud roller; post hole dig- f ger with 12" auger (new); buzz 1b eaw; rubber tired wagon, come piete with stock rack;ry„ 21 -unit Sot; 8 colony house 12x12; milking machine (2 years old); r 1 -unit Universal milking mach- s ane; 18 milk cans; 1 milk strain- H er;pile scrap iron; pig crate; pig feeder; 2 pig troughs; chicken C feeders; range shelters; rubber r tired wheel barrow; ensilage F cart; 30 ft. endless belt; 16 ft, 4" C grain sager; 1,e lt,p. motor; iron sugar kettle; water trough. 2 Household Effects — Library o table; dining room suite; 1 dress- � er and stand: 8 storm doors; 8 s rocking chairs; several odd chairs; sewing machine; paint sprayer: lamps, quantity of dish- es; other articles too numerous to mention. Terns—Cash. Proprietor--Lesiie Lake, ex. 3 Brussels, Auctioneer'—Harold Jackson. Clerk—George Powell. Estate Auction Sale COMING EVENT (iron)) 1 of Northside • Cavan United Church Plc holdieg n Un- real• tied tea ill the Ietsentcnt of the church on Oct, 27 FOR SALE 14 good Pigs about 3 weeks old. Ted Vcat Dyk, 11112 Seaton)). lileoue 610•`1..4 R..SAL A good bunch of extra strong York chunks, A. 11. Dodds, phone S61r13 TWILIGHT LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon ar- rived home last week after a two months vacation with their daugh- ters in the West. Mrs. Wm. Griffith is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. We hope see will soon he much improved. The Cheerio club met last Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen with 15 ladies present. .A good programme was enjoyed and a sociable hour was then spent, followed by lunch. Mrs. McGill in- vited the club to her home for the October meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yungblut spent Sunday in Arkona with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Curts. Tbere will be no service in the Londesbobro church on Sunday. Everyone is invited to join in the Constance anniversary services. Two carloads from the village attended the School of Christian Fellowship and Bible Study held at the Summer School Camp last Saturday. Rev. Higginbotham of Walton gave two splendid talks on "The Word and the Way" by Ronald M. Mathers. The weather was ideal for en outdoor net- togetber. Each one felt thatthe AUCTION SALE Auction sale 01 hausehald is in the town of Seafnrti Community Centre, Sept.14th, at 8 p,nl. Davenport & 2 matching ch desk, 2 sideboards, gram- ophone, 2 boort cases, 2 airs, 2 dining room table all glass oval china 2 chest of drawers, 1 dresser wash stand with e top, 3 beds &wash stand Brown child's crib, 2 spring ed mattresses, 1 cook ocks, hall seat & mirror. w g machine, 2 set of oak room chairs, 10 dozen scale sunshine dishes, 2 toilet Piano, Other articles too numerous mention. Terms cash Prop., Harry Palin Auct., Harold Jackson Clearin Auction Sale Auction Sale of farm ock and machinery at lot 24, n, 2, McKillop twp., 14 miles orth and ye mile east of Seaforth on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, at 1 pm . Cattle -4 Holstein cows, rune; 1 Holstein cow, bred in fly; 2 Holstein cows, bred in August; 6 Holstein cows, bred in ebruary; 1 Holstein cow, bred March; 6 Hereford and Hol- sten short keep cattle; 4 Here- ord and Holstein cattle about 600 se 9 fall calves; 5 spring calves, Machinery — Massey Ferguson 5 Diesel tractor, 2 years old, Massey Ferguson mounted 3 fur - ow trip beam plow (new); 4 ection barrows; 13 run Massey arras fertilizer drill;-walking wooken' plow; Cocksltutt hay ase side rake; 7 ft. Massey Har - is semi -mounted mower; Massey erguson heavy duty wagon, new; ockshutt,tractor spreader; 2 - wheel trailer; George White 101 t, spring tooth cultivator (8 yrs, Id); wheel barrow milk cart; 0 eater bowls (new); milk cans; Ingle can milk cooler; hanging hen feeders; automatic waterer; cedar fence posts; electric chick brooder, 500 capacity. Hay and Grain -500 bales of hay; 2000 bus, mixed grain.. Household Effects -3 piece of- fect, at the Friday, airs, writingraln- oii arm cit s (1 round),cab- inet,bed, drmar- ble s. ring fill stove, 2 clasle in dining rs, 1 setsets, us to m g �a.wq mow mono w.•+ ... CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our Wends ane neighbours for their help and kindness, sho'w'n during oar recent bereavement. Also to Rev, H. Donaldson, Dr. Stapleton, the staff and nurses of seat Mem- orial Hospital for their care of my Mother during her long stay there, --H. Palin and Family, COMING EVENT Turkey Buffet Dinner I—The Firepide Fellowship group are holding a Turkey Buffet Dinner in the school hall of First Presby- terian Church on Oct. 17th. Ad- mission $1.50. FOR SALE Cook stove, new Princess Pat reservoir and warming oven. Harvey Craig Walton. FOR SALE 350 Sussex and New Hampshire ode Reds Pullets and Ro ks, starting toland lay. Gordon Wren, Kippen, 26333, Hensall. WANTED Reliable man as Dealer In Tnckersmith, Moltillop and Hul- lett. Experience not necessary, A fine opportunity to step into old Profitable business where Raw- lelgh Products have been sold for years, Big profits, Products furn- ished on credit. Write Rawleigh, Dept. I-364.163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal d.a.i9 ydt OWAm* alarm awe. When Prestnted at the Box Office of Brownie's Drive w In Theatre. CLINTON This Coupon AdmitS the DRIVER Of the Car Only *FREE Any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday er Thursday Night for the Month of September Only. (except on Mon., Sept. 17—Seallorth Lions Theatre Night) day was profitable as well as interesting. Miss Margaret Tamblyn spent the past two weeks with her fath- er.ack. t.3es Frank ed Hollinger and fJTr- onto spent the weekend with Mrs. Towsend. Miss Trudie Eskius has resign- ed her position at the Locker Store -and will go to Toronto shortly. Hiss Joan Lazet will take her place. Trudie has been a very efficient clerk and we wish her every euccess. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fingland of Cochrane and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arbuckle of Ati-- kokan called on Fred Prest an Monday, CARD OF THANKS 1 1 1 The family of the late Mrs. Mrs. Eva E. Stephenson wish to thank their many friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their kind- ness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes, cancer. Gideon bibles, CICS dona- tions, cards and other acts of kindness. Special thanks to Rev. Mr.. 'Verde', Egmondville; Rev. Mr. Morrison. Varna; Mr. Mervin Nott, Mrs. Durst and Mrs. Carter O MOO Browme0's DRIVE-IN THEATRE Clinton 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING NOW PLAYING Wed., Thurs., Fri. September 12-13-14 Hit No. 1—Shown at 10.00 only "PARRISH" TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tender for the Construction of a 24" Dia. Storm Sewer Sealed Tenders for the con- struction of a 24" diameter storm sewer in the Town of Seaforth, clearly marked as to content and addressed to the Mayor and members of Council of the Town of Seaforth, c/o Mr. C. L. Ham- mond, Town Clerk, Seaforth, On- tario, and endorsed "Tender for Ti319 S1oAPOnTkh MOWS 't'hulsdny, September 13, 1002 Troy Donahue - Connie Stevens Adult Entertainment (Colour) Hit No. 2—Shown at 8:30 "The Fabulous World of Jules Verne" (Cartoon) chesterfield suite; 2 table lamps; the Construction of a 24" theme - forks, shovels; other articles too te•Storm until 12 oeeleek willnoobe ree y - numerous to mention. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1962 No reserve; farm sold. The work consists of the con- Prostruction of approximately 987 Prop.—Russell —Case, —Russell Pringle. lineal feet of 24" dia. storm sew- er together with manholes, etc. Drawings and specifications to- gether with Information for Ten- derer, General Conditions and Blank' Form of Tender, niay be obtained on deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) either at the Town of Seaforth Municipal Offices Sea - forth, Ontario, or at the office of James F. Maclaren Associates, Engineers, 321 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario. The deposit will be refunded upon the return of the said draw- ings and specifications in good condition to the Town of Sea - forth or James F. MacLaren As- sociates within 28 days of award of the contract. Each tender must be accomp- anied by a certified cheque (mark- ed payable to the Town of Sea - forth) or a cash deposit in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the tender price. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted: Estate Auction Sale of House- Auctioneer—Harold Jackson. hold Effects in the town of Sea- Clerk—George Powell. forth, corner of James and Will• Clearing Auction Safe Jain streets. on Wednesday, Sept. b 26th, at 1 p.nt. Of Livestock, machinery and 4 walnut antique chairs: studio furniture at lot. 1, con. 18, Grey couch (like new) ; platform rack- twee, at the Village of Walton, on er; rocking chairs, walnut tables, Saturday. Sept. 15th, at 12.80 pm. large oil painting 24x36 inches. sharp: antique picture frames; electric Cattle—Derham cow, 3 yrs. old, lamps; floor lamps; piano stool; due in Nov.; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. walnut whatnot; cushions, scat- old, due in Nov.• 2 Holstein cows, ter mats; rug 9x12; 2 furnished 3 and 4 years old, due in Jan. and bedrooms; spool beds, dresere; April; Jersey cow, 4 yrs, old, due chest of drawers; wardrobe, drop in March; Ayrshire cow, 7 years leaf table; 6 antique kitchen old, due in March; 2 Durham 1301 - chains; arm chair: sideboard; fees, due in Nov.; 1 dry cow; 5 glass cupboard; Westinghouse year-old steers; 2 year-old heif- frig.; 4 burner electric stove; ers; 3 year-old Holstein heifers; Finlay kitchen range; washing 4 fall calves; 4 spring calves. machine; White drop head sew- Hogs -1 young sow bred in ing machine; couch; kitchen Jan.; 1 sow, bred in August; 1 stool; antique china; coloured sow with litter ready to wean; 9 glass; jardineres; vases; 2 toilet chunks. sets; clocks, bedding; table linen, poultry -100 year-old hens, kitchen utensils; garden tools; Machinery—Case VA tractor, coal oil lamps; trunks; crocks, Ford tractor, 1952, with manure sealers, canned fruit; step ladder, loader, 2 furrow plow and cu tier - ladders, verandah swing; quant- ator tractor chains (new); New ity of dry wood; pine fruit cop- Holland baler with engine; 32 ft. board; pails, tubs, congoleum Smoker elevator; 6 ft. mower; floor covering. Other articles too No. 60 Allis Chalmers combine; numerous to mention. 7 ft. binder; New idea manure Terms—Cash. spreader (nearly new); Cock- Prop.—Estate of Late . Mee. Shutt double disk; land packer; William J. Elder. 2 furrow International plow; rub- Auctioneer—Harold Jackson, tier tired wagon (like new); farm Clerk—George Powell. naversary CONTINUES AT t it Jewellers CISTL JEWIELLERY UOv RAH Aivh OXES furvt�tl�e BOX Funeral Horne AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all oceaafone Phones: Day 43 Night 090W Sat., Mon., Tues. September 15.17.18 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9.45 only "X - 15" David MacLean, Chas. Bronson The story of the X-15 rocket ship (Color - Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 8.80 only "GUNFIGHT" Jimmie Brown (Cartoon) trailer, rake. 5 section harrows, oat roller, circular saw, 2 unit National milker; Viking cream separator, like new. Massey Har- ris cream separator. 1950 Chevro- let % ton track water trough, barn jack, drive shaft & pulleys. 400 ft. plastic pipe, walnut hum- bee, 6 cored furnace wood, 2 ton coal, egg washer chicken feed- ers, brooders and shelters, Furniture — Dining room suite, chrome kitchentable& chairs writing desk, china cabinet, ward: robe, beds, springs, dressers rocking chairs small tables; lamps, refrigerator, 4 burner elec- tric range, chest of drawers, cur- tains, clocks. Other articles too numerous to mention, No reserve, farm sold, Terms cash. Prop. Llrnest Stevens Anet,; Harold ,Jackson Clerk, George Powell James F'.-MacLaren Associates, Engineers, 321 Blom' Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario. C. L. Hammond, Esq. Town Clerk, Town of Seaforth, Seaforth, Ontario. IIUR.ON COUNTY C OUN Cil. SEPTEMBER SESSION The Iltu'on County Council will meet on Friday, September 21, 1062, at 10:00 A.M. for one day only, for the September Session of County Council. Notice of any documents or de- 1,utations must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than TnesdaY, September 18th, 1902. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont. Support—Seaforth tions Theatre Night Monday, Sept. 17 SEAFORTH CLINIC e. L. Brady. M,D„ Semen Dr. E. Haiku% Office Hours, 1 rm. to 6 p,m. dNly except Wednesday and, Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday' 8r Thum. 7-9 p.m Appointments made In advance aro desirable MARTIN W. STAPLETON PhY.ICIan and Surgeon Phone 90 Res. 605 JOHN A. GORWILL, 13:A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon phone 6-W Seaforth 1 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC 3.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V•M., V.S. G. E. GALT, D.V.M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth Wed., Thurs„ Fri. September 19-20-21 Hit No. 1—Shown at 10.00 only "TWO RODE TOGETHER" James Stewart Richard Widmark, Shirley Jones (Color) Hit No. 2—Shown at 8.30 only "HOMICIDAL Glenn Cordett Adult Entertainment (A. Mystery) (Cartoon) John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W„ Seaforth Phone 791 Hoare—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.90 PM. Thor. erg by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010, above Hawkins' lichee, Mon. 9 to 5.10 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 WORK WANTEP Work wanted by the day or hour. Clarence Reeves, Seaforth, COMBINING BEANS With special bean equipment. Apply at The News Office DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of yellow and white gold priced from 550.00 and up—all rings guaranteed for 1 year against loss or damage to the diamond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett Jewellers. HELP WANTED Female help, for factory work. Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Cooking and eating apples. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred McOly- mont & Sons, Varna. NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. All work done by certified watch- makers. Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W TO RENT Comfortable home all modern conveniences. Goderich street east. Lloyd Hoggarth, See., Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Tlie McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office — Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings o All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halla Extended coverage (wind, a smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth .Ladies and Gentlemen 4! WANTED 1► The Boys and Girls Committee of the Sea- forth Lions Club need Help at once to find leaders for Scouts, Cubs and Guides. Owing to some leaders removing from town and the increased registration there are several vacancies which must be filled to carry on this work efficiently. One hour per week is all that is required. Experience is not nec- essary. WILL YOU VOLUNTEER? Telephone 116. L. P. Plurnsteel, Chairman AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2M We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 emeseraramosonelliallaul 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " offices and 26 ealeamen to terve poo NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines, Basil O'Rourke, Blaekemith and Welding Shop, Brumfield. ,� ... '.errs• NOTICE TUCEERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted J. h McIntosh Clerk ▪ Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHON17 '75 SEIAFORThi Office in Jackson Aluminum1315g• ommadae The Senforth News: "Authorleed: as Second-01ass Mall by the Poet Ottlae Da partment, Ottawa, and for payment of Postage . In cash."