HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-06, Page 8i EXTRA SPECIAL SANFORIZED • MERCERIZED :White Shirts 3.95 A regular $5.00 value in seater- ized - mercerized white broad- cloth shirts you'll buy at a glance. Short point collar - two-way cuffs - pearl buttons - deluxe make! A real buy, Sizes 14% to 17x(;+ .. , 3 NEW FOR FALL Sport Shirts Small checks, new stripes, pais- ley and znedallon patterns iu new tapered or regular cut, Novel collars, button down col- lars and pop -over styles includ- ing new fall knits. Sizes S, M, L XL, at 3.95 to 6.95 NEW FALL Cardigans FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Bold stripes, bulky knits and fine orlon and wool blends fea- ture the popular new cardigans for fall. Of course. we have lots of pull - oven too. 7.95 to 12.95 SLIM LOOK Slacks Slime and continentals feature the fall dress pant range in sub- due, checks and plain shades. They're available in polished cottons. cords, wool -blends and "perma-press" all wools, in a wide shade range. Sizes 2S to 30 in slims. Sizes 3S to 50 in regular cut pants. • Cotton Slacks 4.95 to 6.95 Dress Slacks 8.95 to 14.95 UNE D FOR FAL Ladies and Gentlemen 4.4 ANTED The Boys and Girls Committee of the Sea - forth Lions Club need help at once to find leaders for Scouts, Cubs and Guides. Owing to some leaders removing from town and the increased registration there are several vacancies which must be filled to carry on this work efficiently. One hour per week is all that is required. Experience is not nec- essary. WILL YOU VOLUNTEER? Telephone 116. L. P. Plumsteel, Chairman G BOXES I `1 FOAL 2$1.e Your Chance To Receive: • A WATCH C+ ADDED DISCOUNTS * JEWELLERY * SILVERWARE i GIFT CERTIFICATES • CHINA Allstett Jeweliers No Refunds or Exchanges s TRAFFIC STATISTICS Highway trafde statistics for the• counties of Huron, urine; (trey. ;Wellington. Wtlterloo ant), Perth with headquarters in Mount Forest, No. 0 Distriet, for July h'tgtmes in brackets are for the whole province, Motor vehicle accidents 191 O 1 (2,8S9); fatal accidents 12 (81); Persons killed 12 (101); persons injured 00 (1,102); vehicles checked 4.906 (51.827); warnings iseaed 1,851 (24.802); charges Preferred 873 (10.869): registra- tion and permits 19 (303); Been- des, temp. chant, and Operators 81 (712) ; garage and storage 11- eenses 1 (2); defective equip- meat 102 (1.021); weight, load and size 24 (405); rate of speed 352 (4,598); rules of the road 109 (2,233); careless driv'g 72 (846); fail to report accident 2 (67); fail to remain at scene 2 (21); other charges 20 (108); criminal negli- gence 0 (5); dangerous driving 2 (27); fail to remain at scene 3 (44); drive while intoxicated 1 (68) ; ability impaired 16 (244) ; drive while prohibited 7 (105). Uniform strength 143 (1,986). Millsomeasommievas FOR SALE House doors, windows, sealers, soil pipe, quarter round sheets of metal roofing. Apply Clarence Reeves, Seaforth FOR SALE Baby stroller, blue & white, price $5, Phone 120 Seaforth PIGS FOR SALE At W.O. Millson's, fourth farm east of Constance, left hand side, COMING EVENT The monthly immunization cli- nic, sponsored the Health Unit, will commence again on Thurs- day, September 13th, 2.00 - 4:00 p.m, at the Northside United Church, Seaforth ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate auction sale of House- hold effects, John street, iu the town of Seaforth, on Wednesday Sept. 12th, at 1 pail. 3 piece chesterfield suite, wal- nut oval table, needle point foot stool, 6 chairs, Duncan Phyfe walnut table (new), buffet and 6 dining room chairs, book case and writing desk. Frigidaire 4 burner electric stove (like new), kitchen cabinet, kitchen table & chairs radio, 3 furnished bed- rooms, including beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, stands toi- let set new electric heater, 2 mantel clocks, electrolux vacuum cleaner (like new), trilight lamp floor lamins, coffee table, hall tree, number of small tables, rocking chairs occasional chairs, mir- rors, fernery, sword fern. Hall mirror, card table, electric wash- ing machine & tubs, clothes horse camp chairs, quilt boxes, trunks, bed linen 2 quilts, blan- kets, 2 rugs, scatter mats, porch swing, day bed, electric appli- ances, kitchen utensils dishes, pictures, table linen garden tools, step ladder, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash Prop., Estate of late Mr's. Wil- bert Webster. Aust. Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, machinery and furniture at lot 1, con. 18, Grey twp., at the Village of Walton, on Saturday Sept. 15th, at 12.30 pm. sharp: ' Cattle -Durham cow, 3 yrs. old, due in Nov.; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, due in Nov.; 2 Holstein cows, 3 and 4 years old, due in Jan, and April; Jersey cow, 4 yrs, old, due in March; Ayrshire cow, 7 years old, due in March; 2 Durham hei- fers, due in Nov.; 1 dry cow; 5 year-old steers; 2 year-old heif- ers; 3 year-old Holstein heifers; 4 fall calves; 4 spring calves. Hogs -1 young sow bred iu Jan.; 1 sow, bred in August; 1 sow with litter ready to wean; 9 chunks. Poultry -100 year-old hens, Machinery -Case VA tractor, Ford tractor, 1952, with manure loader, 2 furrow plow and cultiv- ator tractor chains (new); New Holland baler with engine; 32 ft. Smoker elevator; 6 it. mower; No. 60 Allis Chalmers combine; 7 ft. binder; New Idea manure spreader (nearly new); Cock- shutt double disk; land packer; 2 furrow International plow; rub- ber tired wagon (like new); farm trailer, rake. 5 section harrows, oat roller, circular saw, 2 unit National milker; Viking cream separator, like new. Massey Har- ris cream separator. 1950 Chevro- let lie ton truck water trough, barn jack, drive shaft & pulleys. 400 ft. plastic pipe, walnut lum- ber, 6 cord furnace wood, 2 ton coal, egg washer chicken feed- ers, brooders and shelters, Furniture - Dining room suite, chrome kitchen table & chairs writing desk, china cabinet, ward: robe, beds. springs, dressers rocking chairs small tables; lamps, refrigerator, 4 burner elec- tric range, chest of drawers, cur- tains, clocks. Other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash, Prop. Ernest Stevens Auct„ Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell NOTICE Apartments for rent in Sea- 1orth area. Farms for sale in adjoining townships, and business proper- ties in the town of Seaforth Joseph McConnell Phone 266 Seaforth Realtor RECEPTION For Mr, and burs, Eric McIntosh (Arlene Hoggarth) FRIDAY, SEPT. 7 Legion hall, Seaforth Ian Wilhee's Orchestra Ladies please bring sandwiches IN ME1VIORht M Jeffery •• Ill lovhn; memory of ft clear liesband father and grand- father, Archil Jeffery, who puce - ell away one year ago Septem- ber 10, 1961. Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, RRelllelllbeanee keeps him near, Lovingly remembered by wile, family and grandchildren CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke wish to thank all friends and neighbors and family who sent cards and gifts and messages in making their 50th anniversary such a happy and pleasant event TENDERS WANTED FOR OIL Tenders are invited for the supplying of the following heat- ing fuel for Seaforth District High School: 1. light industrial oil 2. No. 4 oil Tenders to Se submitted to the undersigned not later than 6,00 P,164„ Monday, Sept. 10. 1962, in a sealed envelope, marked "011 tender". W. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary -Treasurer ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Project No. 60-S-60 TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 1962 SEWER PROGRAMME for the TOWN OF SEAFORTH (This niay qualify as a Winter Works Project) Tenders, sealed in the enve- lopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to Contents, will be received by the Secretary, Ontario Water Resources Com- mission, 6th Floor, 801 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, until 12 noon E,D.S.T., on Thurs., Sept. 13, 1962 for the construction of 1962 Sew- er Programme in the Town of Seaforth. On the same day, commencing at 2.30 p.m. E.D.S.T., the tenders will be opened and read publicly by the Commission's Tender Com- mittee in the Conference Room, 6th Floor. at the above mentioned address. The work consists generally of the supplying of materials and equipment for, and the construc- tion of: 6621 lin. ft, approx. of 8" dia. sanitary sewer 2368 lin. ft, approx. of 10" dia. sanitary sewer 834 lin^ ft. approx. of 12" dia. sanitary sewer including manholes, etc. 876 lin. ft. approximately of 8" dia. sew- age force main, the supplying and installation of a prefabricated un- derground sewage pumping sta- tion together with a motor gener- ator house and appurtenances. Complete tender documents may be obtained from the office of James F. MacLaren Associates, Engineers, 821 Bioor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, on payment of a deposit of $25.00 per set, Each deposit shall be in the form of two certified cheques payable to the Ontario Water Resources Commission in the amounts of $15.00 and $10.00. Upon the return to the consult- ing engineers within three weeks after the closing date for tenders of complete sets of tender docu- ments in good condition, cheques will be returned as follows: (a) Both cheques will be re- turned in respect of one set of documents only to each general contractor who has submitted a bona fide ten- der, but (h) the cheque in the amount of $15,00 only will be re- turned on the receipt of each other set of tender documents. Each tender must be accomp- anied by a tender deposit in the form of a certified cheque in the amount of $15,000,00 payable to the Ontario Water Resources Commission. Tender documents may be stud- ied without payment at, but may not he removed from, the follow- ing premises: The Consulting Engineers' of- fice (address below) The Town of Seaforth Towis of- fice, Seaforth, Ontario The Toronto 'Builders Exch- ange, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto Metropolitan Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractor's As- sociation, 1470 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, Tenders are subject to a formal contract being prepared and exe- cuted. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all ten- ders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Dr, A. E. Berry, General Manager, W. S. MacDonneil, Commission Secretary. CONSULTING ENGINEERS James F. MacLaren Associates, 321 Moor Street Met, Toronto 5, Ontario TwadaiIT AUCTION SALE Melton sale of household ef• tests in the town of feeafortit, at. the Conununity (`entre, friday, Sept, 1401, at 8 p.m. Davenport .d 3 ]matching chairs, writing desk, 2 sideboards, gram- ophone, 2 book eases, 2 arta chairs, 2 dining room tables (1 round), all glass oval china cab- inet, 2 chest of drawers, 1 bed, dresser & wash stand with mar- ble top, 3 beds & wash stands, Brawn child's crib, 2 spring filled mattresses, 1 cools stove, 2 clocks, hall seat & mirror. Wash- ing machine, 2 set of oak dining room chairs, 10 dozen sealers, 1 set sunshine dishes, 2 toilet sets, small tables, rocking chairs, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Prop., Harry Palin Auet., Harold Jackson CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh- bors, frleeds, relatives and church groups, for their visits, cards letters, Rowers, and treats. Alto thanks to Dr, Stapleton and Dr. Gorwill and all the hospital stair for their kind attention giv- en me in the hospital, They were all greatly appreciated F. Vera McMillan COMBINING BEANS With special bean equipment. Apply at The News Office HELP WANTED Female Help, for factory work. Apply highland Shoes, Seaforth TO RENT Comfortable home all modern conveniences. Goderich street east. Lloyd Hoggarth, Sec., Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth TENDER Tenders will be received until Sept. 15111 for five cords of 12 -in. hard body wood to be delivered to SS No. 1 Mullett by Sept, 80. Ross MacGregor Secty,, RR 2, Seaforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tender for the Construction of a 24" Dia. Storm Sewer Sealed Tenders for the con- struction of a 24" diameter storm sewer in the Town of Seaforth, clearly narked as to content and addressed to the Mayor and members of Council of elle Town of Seaforth, e/o Mr. C. L. Ham- mond, Town Clerk, Seaforth, On- tario, and endorsed "Tender for the Construction of a 24" diame- ter Storni Sewer" will be receiv- ed until 12 o'clock noon EDST on THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1962 The work consists of the con- struction of approximately 987 lineal feet of 24" dia. storm sew- er together with manholes, etc. Drawings and specifications to- gether with Information for Ten- derer, General Conditions and Blank Form of Tender, may be obtained on deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) either at the Town of Seaforth Municipal Offices Sea - forth, Ontario, or at the office of James F. MacLaren Associates, Engineers, 321 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario. The deposit will be refunded upon the return of the said draw- ings and specifications in good condition to the Town of Sea - forth or James F. MacLaren As- sociates within 28 days of award of the contract. Each tender must be accomp- anied by a certified cheque (mark- ed payable to the Town of Sea - forth) or a cash deposit in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the tender price. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, - James F. MacLaren Associates, Engineers, 321 Bioor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario. C. L. Hammond, Esq. Town Clerk, Town of Seaforth, Seaforth, Ontario. Brownie's DRI VEr mIN THEATRE RE Clinton Thurs., Fri., Sept. 6-7 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 10:00 "DENTIST IN THE CHAIR" The Carry -On Gang Hit No. 2 -Shown at 8.30 "JOURNEY TO THE LOST CITY" Debra Paget - Paul Christian (Colour) (Cartoon) Sat., Mon, Tues., Sept. 8-10-11 Hit No. 1 -Shown at 10:00 only "MARINES LET'S GO" Tom Tyron (Color . Scope) War Comedy -Drama Hit No. 2 -.Shown at 8:30 only "Battle At Bloody Beach" Audte Murphy -- Gary Crosby (Scope) (Cartoon) Wed„ Thurs., Fri., Sept. 12-13-14 Hlt No. 1 -Shown at 10.00 only "PARRISH" Troy Donahue - Connie Stevens Adult Entertainment (Colour) lilt No. 2 -Shown at 8:30 "The Fabulous World of Jules Verne" (Cartoon) ALL SHOWS DOUBLE BILLS Please Check Tinges Children under 12 in cars free THI7 SEA.FORTII NEWS Thursday, SOW. 6, 10162 BOX Funeral Home AMBULANCE Prompt and CarefulAltont loh. HoePital Bol Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 596W SEAFORTH CLINIC 7'. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Dr, E. dlnikue Oaice Douro, 1 p.m. to 6 p,m. daily except Wedneeday and Sunday. Eveninga: Tuesday & Thurs, 7.9 P.M. Appointments made in advance am dealrahle MARTIN W, STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Res. 600 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Beafor(ih awasoosemmaxwamemssses SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J, O. TURNBULL, D.V,M„ V.S. W. R. BRYANS, W. 17. DRENNA'N, D.V.M.,11.B, G. E. GALT, D.V,M., V,5. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich $t. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Henri -Seater& daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thar. ova by appointment only. Clinton. HII:2.7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 ®aaaiowas INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Cooking and eating apples. Phone HU 2-3214. Fred MoOly- mont & Sons, Varna. FOR SALE 30 cords hard maple split wood; 6 cords hard maple circular wood, Torrance Dundas, Walton, Ont, Phone Brussels 300W5, FOR SALE New Bean Knlres for sale at Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. FOR SALE In village of Walton, 7 room house; 2 piece bath upstairs and one down; cistern, stable; 2 -car garage, small fruits; lot 132x165; good garden, drilled well. Ed. Davidson, r.r. 1 Walton, Ont. NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. A11 work done by certified watch- makers. FOR SALE 175 Red and Sussex pullets, 5 months old. Phone 37r3 Dublin. DIAMOND RINGS We have a large selection of yellow and white gold priced from $50.00 and up -all rings guaranteed for 1 year against loss or damage to the diamond. Terms available, no carrying charge. Anstett Jewellers. FOR SALE Ready -to -lay pullets, K137 and K 105, Kimber Leghorns. Avail- able from Aug. 27 to Oct. 1. R, J. Andrews & Son, r.r. 3 Seaforth. Phone 600r3, FOR SALE Green corn and other vege- tables fresh from the patch. Am- brose Addley, Kinburn; call even- ings and week ends. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office - Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V.J. Lane, RR 6, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth CECO YEWS Phone 271-5793 MEN AVAILABLE ECOR CENTRE 29 Market Place, Stratford Floor Covering by the Yard or Tile Ceramic or Plastic Tile FOR INSTALLATION THE LATEST MATERIALS iN ARMSTRONG AND DOMINION LINOLEUM Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 2&8 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 WWI 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-11-12 Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " offices and 25 salesmen to serve yon NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ• ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. ma=ssy NOTICE TUOKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from d. to 5.30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted J. I. McIntosh Clerk osienescosediaansma Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONI7 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Dldg. The Seaforth Howe: "Authorized as Second-Olase Mail by the Post Office Do. partment, Ottawa, and for payment of [mango in cash."