HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-06, Page 4CON$TANNC
- \Ir. Brave Johnson of brand
VeIley who had"spent the summer
mouths with his levee and aunt.
1\Ir. and Mrs. Jack Medd returned
hums to tlrlind Valley and Hasid
and Jiiuiuy Medd spent the past
'week with Bruce. returnin!?• horns
Inti Friday with their patents
who visited with Sir. and Mrs.
Mibi. Juhnsol.
Slr. and Mrs, Oliver Anderson
lieft last week by train to visit
the-fornler's brother at Portland,
Oregon, and will also visit rata.
dies and friends at Vancouver,
askatrltewaal, Winnipeg and
Sault Ste, Marie.
Mr. John Mann and Mrs. Penal
McFarItii, of Goderich visited
last Friday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. (lrlrnoldby. Week-
end visitors at the Grinoldhy-
home ,were Mr. and Mrs, Andrew
GrimeIdbw of Weston, 11r. and
Mrs, Derwaod Elliot of Hamilton
and Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood
and family of Windsor.
While Mr, and Mrs, Jack Don-
ald of Midland, Mich., attended a
coufereni•e at New Hampton, New
Hampshire their sons Robert,
tau. and Barry visited with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
Jamieson, and were all preseat
over the holiday weekend along
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Colson,
Ken and Nancy of (Clinton, and
Dlr. and Mrs. Janes Jamieson of
Goderich at the Jamieson home.
Mr, and Mrs. Sever Pietron and
children. Sandra. Mark and Dan-
utia of Fruitland spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. W, L.
Whyte and family and on Sunday
Mrs. Watson and three daughters
Of Stratford. and Mrs. McCauley
and two children of Windsor were
visitors at the Whyte home,
Mr• and Mrs. Fred. Buchanan
and boys attended the fortieth
wedding anniversary of Mrs,
Buchanan's parents. Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Hart of near Brussels Satur-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mil'son and
daughter of Sebringville visited
with Mrs. Stinson and Bill over
the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Warren and
girls of London spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Mn and Mrs. Donald Buchanan
visited Sunday with the former's
mother. Mrs. Alf. Buchanan who
is still a patient in Victoria hosp-
ital, London.
Dir. and Mrs. Tony Marino and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larkin
and three children, all of Toronto
spent the boliday weekend with
their sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoggart.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken. Preszcator
attended an Anniversary dinner
at the Zurich Hotel on Sunday so
celebrate the 38th wedding anni-
versary of Mrs. Preszcator's par -
pure, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hill
of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Busby of Chat-
ham and Mt s. .slice Lawson of
Clinton visited Saturday evening
Preto,- good
We think so
with Mr. and Slr', Lorne L:tiwa)n.
Mr. Thunk., Brigham Sr. and
ti r.
Ernest 11righaitt and won.
tes uo.t visited Sunday with Mr.
and Sirs. Borden Brown and girit.
Celebrate 2Sih Anniversary
Mr. aid Mrs. Ross Mactlreeor
who oelebretes their 35th wedding
anniversary next Tuesday, Sept.
11, held an anniversary dinner
for their fancily stud friends nit
Sunday. A three-storey cake cep•
toad their table for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor, wiles'
are well known in this area, have
four of a family, Janet, J'h'S.
Percy Hith of near Clifford,
Charles, of Chatham. Agr. Rep. of
Kent County, and Mary and Mar-
garet at hone. Mr, John Fergus-
on of Clifford, brother or Mrs.
MacGregor, was preseat. Mr, and
Mrs, Allan Farnham of Detroit
and Mr, and Mrs. Wm.. Jewitt-
ewittwere also present.
The couple received several
gifts to hale celebrate the ocoa-
sian consisting of a barbecue set,
silver creast and sugar and tray
set. eandwieh tray, Coffee perco-
lator and many others which
show the esteem la which the
couple are held. The community
also wish to extend congratula
tion to Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor
on this 25th anniversary,
Several from the community at-
tended the At Home to help cele-
brate with Mr. aid Mrs. Ephraim
Clarke of Seaforth their Guth
anniversary. The community here
wish to extend congratulations to
Mr, and Mrs. Clarke, who until
moving to Seaforth were resi-
dents near the village,
Congratulations also go out to
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson of
Clinton, who celebrated their
45th wedding anniversary Sunday
at the house of their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Reg. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs, Law-
son were members of this com-
munity prior to moving to Clin-
ton two years ago.
With school commencing Tues-
day morning all school children
were happy. Mrs, Livingston,
teacher of S.S. No. 3 Hallett will
again be busy with 43 pupils;
four new beginners starting,
namely, Kathy Dalton. Judy Hav-
erkanp, Gary Buchanan and
Kevin Jewitt; Paul Buchanan and
Iiarvey Hoggart and Tena Watn-
mes will start into Grade 9 at the
Seaforth District High School
and we wish them all a year r.f
success, -
Miss Laura Hoggart, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoggart left
for London to start the Fall term
on Sept. 4 at Beal Tech„ London.
We think that among the
?12 top bulls listed in our
sire catalogue you'll find
just the one you want for
your herd; to increase milk
production, beef production
or sale value of offspring.
Why not talk it over with
your local technician "?
For service or information
phone 7,3(1-1+.31) a.m.
6-8 Saturday evenings
to Clinton. fir 3441.
Seaforth 1)13,
or for long ilistance
Zenith 940:-,1
ARE FellEirr
The local branch of 1\'otneu's
[esthete held their regular meet-
ing on Tuesday which took the
fora of a picnic held in Mitchell
Iteereattonal Park, About 25
members attended and report an
enjoyable afternoon.
The regular July W,I, greeting
teatut•ed a group of members ate
rending the Shakespearian Festi-
val play, The Tempest.
Mrs. -A. Whetham presided at
the picnic business meeting and
Mrs. Beth flutters road the finan-
nest report. Correspondence. was
read and the minutes adopted.
The tables were set and a delic-
ious upper prepared. The next
in .till O will he livid on Sept. 1t
Arrangements arc, beim; made
o euudurt a Ch last Inc IIihhe=r
have occupied the Cromarty
Township to take place in Dublin Sinnse for several years, have
moved to Staffa to reside in tate
United Church parsonage. On
Wednesday evening the people of
the village met at their home and
presented .them with a farewell
gift. We are sorry to lose such
respected citizens.
Mies Doris Schwartz of Credits
on was a guest with Mr. and Mrs.
.flex. Gardiner over the weekend.
Sc•hoals reopened on Tuesday
with Miss Chesney of Seaforth, as
teacher at S.S. No. 5, .and lire
little girls, Nancy Allen, Debbie
\Vallate, Lorraine Laing, Caroline
Walker and Stewart as Jew
Mr. David Kemp of lttaffa is the
new teacher at S. S. No, 7.
Mis.. Margaret Jean Russell be-
gins her teaching career as•jun-
iur teacher in the public school
at Rostock.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Laing were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Riehl and family of
Sebringville on Thursday and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Chessell and family,
-Stratford, on Saturday.
Mrs P.. Laing. Maryln and Mar-
garet. Mr,. Gordon Laing, Lor-
raine. and Da: -id, Mrs. T. Laing
and Mre. T. L. Seott attended a
shewer fer Miss Margaret Jel'fer-
Frank Evens. r. on ionday evening at her
Mrs E. Jordi.- Ti t tvninrr,,
with her daa Mrs Tyndeli.
Mrs. May Seeberry.
in it -m.101 thla month.
Mr. and Sire (h,aries Friend
Magi fatuity ila\a' returned from tt
nruutls , laeanon at Lions Head.
Slits Elizabeth Webber, Loni
on, Mrs. Ellett Collins, Detroit,
with Situs stry O'Cotmell.
-Hiss Jeanne Melady, daughter
of Sir. and airs. Edward ;tlelady
of St. Columban, has been award-
ed a aloe Student Aid I3ursar'y,
Type A. by the Ontario Depert-
tnent of Education; Miss Melady
received this award because of
her high seholastic Standing in
Grade ?II at Dublin Continuation
Misses Ina Scott and Alice
Walker of London spent the holi-
day weekend at their respective
Wallace and
Mr. and Sirs. John \ a
Debbie spent the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott, Essex.
Susan Elliott returned hone with
Miss Connie Sorsdahl of Mitch-
ell spent a few holidays last week
with M. and lirs, Alex. Gardiner.
Fit. Sgt. Leonard and Mrs,
Theedoi with their family, Rich-
ard, Barbara, Sheila end Robin
from Lac St. Denis, Quebec,
accompanied by Dirs. Elmer Col-
quhoun of Clinton, visited an Sun-
day with Mrs. Sadie Scott and
Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace.
Mrs. Theedon is the former Isabel
Colquhoun, They are bein trans-
ferred to Red Deer, Alberta.
Mrs, Herman Hoste and child-
ren are visiting with relatives at
Miss Dorothy Scott has gone to
London to take a course in hair
Mr. Herb, Walker of Markdale
visited on Saturday with Mr. and
airs, Otto Walker and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Walker,
Mrs. L. E. Alias of Georgetown
spent the holiday weekend with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Janet and Donald Couper of
Mitchell and Barry Cock of Geor-
getown spent a few holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack McGhee,
Jackie and Judy, of Loudon spent
the week end with their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGhee and
Mr, and Mrs, Otto Walker.
Danny Rhode of Mitchell spent
a few holidays with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs, McGhee.
DA'. Kenneth Walker was hotne
from London for the holiady week
Mr. Alex. Walker has purchas-
ed the Houghton property in the
village and With Mrs, Walker and
daughter Kimberly has taken
possession, They moved their
household effects from London on
Mrs, Hazel DeForge who visit-
ed for a month with her sister,
Mrs. Eva Colquhoun and other
relatives, left on Sunday to return
to her home in Winnipeg. She was
accompanied to London by Sirs.
Colquhoun and Jean, Mr. and Mrs.
Cary- Findlayson, Mr. and Mrs. T.
t'olinhoun, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Scott, Anna. Agnes and Frances
and Mr, and Mrs. J. -NI. Scott, Run-
nie and Barbara Meikle. They
visited in London at the home of
a cousin Miss Willa Dow and en -
enjoyed d a picnic dinner together.
Mt and Mrs. Harald Carey who
clan is Baden. also Miss Giend;:t i Mrs. Harold F`.ti &e n, lion and
Stiller at Sobr•ing\ilka ilavid, all of Logan with Sir. and
Master Donald 1 lligsen spent a t Mrs. Ken t liu•aten recently, Mete-
weclt with tits cuttstu, Gary Elly;. tiredly.' Ken's birthday.
sett itt Windsor,,
:Mss Kathy Leonhardt, tdamgh• members of the Fmleretiuu of
Mr ; anti* .i .s. Harold Elligaen ter of :lira 4110; Mrs. Ross Leona Agriculture leihl iu Toronto ,1is
spent the week end in Windsor 1, ardt celebrated her tilt birthday Herbert Arbuckle, e r„rury of
With Dlr, and Mrs. Carl Elligsen. with a Party on Tuesday' the Ontario Federal ion a plaint it
Donald E arena returned home [ rsdt' of with Mr. and Mrs. La- t gave
with his parents. warn Wolfe were: 11r. sad .firs.
Sir. and Mrs.. Dalton Ilinz at- Dun Wolfe, Leaden, Mrs. J'ntte
tended the Elmira Fair on Satter- Heiserman, Detroit, Mr. Bernie
day and were guests of DA's. Wit- Leader, Camp Borden. airs, Rob-
fred Klinkman. ert Robinson and lag, Mrs. Sicily
11r, Gerald Hinz and Miss Phillips of Timmins.
Frances Workman visited in Dire, Everett Nichol and Jerry
Brampton with Sir. and ,Mrs. Glen of Harrow and Mr. Robert Nlehol
Brieknau. of Brussels with Mr, and Mrs,
Sir, and Mrs. Edward Scher- Lloyd Pfeifer.
berth Jr., Janet and Susau atten-
ded the weddhtg or her brother, HURON FEDERATION NEWS
WS, !1'h�ersriny, September 5
• ;.ata result was 1t tie, tlized to the atuiount. or $'2,000,-
At a reeen' meeting of the
Priv ie Edward 1 1;t)ul far•niers
t a..tii •111'., p„1 ton freight haslet'
mice ' l'e' , I ut it .tai $ d3e,0U0,
John Koohler to Miss Audrey
Eurig at Blount Forest on Friday,
blr, Ford Dickison flew from
London on Monday on a business
trip to Three Rivers, Quebec.
An aeroplane flew into the vil-
lage, operated by Dir, Stewart
Simpson or Glencoe on business
with Mr. Ford Dickison, The
plane landed in the Held owned
by Chris, W. Leonhardt.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oroucher 0t
Newfoundland visited Mrs. Ernest
Eliigsen recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kehler of
Mount Forest with Dir, and Mrs,
Edward Scherbarth Jr. on Tues-
Rev, and Mrs, John Arbuokle
and boys of Walkerton with Mr's.
Albert Querengesser.
Mr. and Mrs• Gordon Bach and
girls of London with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Pruetet',
Mr. and DIrs, Wayne Beuerman
of London with Mr. and Mrs,
Manuel Beuerman.
A shower was held at the Com-
munity Hall here on Friday ev-
ening for Mr.: and Mrs. Robert
French (Hilda Vook). Mrs. Ron-
ald Hinz read the address and
Mrs, Jos. Snaith made the presen-
tation of cash. Lorne Mueller's
Orchestra provided music for the
dancing and lunch was served.
The wedding reception for Mr.
and Mrs. John McLeod (Ruth Ann
Strickert) was held at the Com-
munity Hall on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rose of Sar-
nia, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Steiss of
Mt, Clemens, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Reid of Forest with Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt.
DIr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt
and Mrs. Ross Leohardt attended
the funeral of Mrs, George Jacob
in Kitchener last Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Rock of
Detroit with Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr. Clayton Ahrens, Miss Will-
ow Morris of Sebringville, Mr. and
DIrs. Paul McCool of Mitchell,
Miss Donna Balnbour, Teviatville,
Jim Regele, Mrs. Mabel Hlgger-
son, Mr, Harry Proctor, Mr. and
and Staffa on October 4.
.list Marie Kra»skopl, narrate
,a. with her another. Mrs, Cagier.
ue Krauskopf.
.lir. and Mrs. l;e ald Jordan and
family. Sarnia called on friends
hete hest lve'k.
Miss Ruth ,t,n Brown, Egmont'.
yule. 1,111 and Barbara Chambers.
'Vineham with .lir. and Mrs. Doug
Joanne hoettler, Marion. Looby
and Kathleen Stapleton spent a
week at Our Lady of London
Camp at Faushawe Lake.
Sir, and Mrs. McCann. Toledo
with .lir. and Mrs. DI. ,T. Nagle
and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton.
-lir. and Mrs. Martin Brick and
eon. Paul, Detroit with Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney.
Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf in
Woodbridge with Mr. and Mrs.
John Krauskopf•
Billie Cook, Long Branch, with
friends here.
Mrs, Lloyd McCarthy and Sun
Keith, Miss Leona Krauskopf in
Pontiac. Mich.. with Mr. and Mrs.
Matt. McCarthy.
Mr. and .sirs. Fergus Stapleton
at Clairmont with SIr, and Mrs.
H. Pugh.
Mrs U. Mayream and da eh
deep- River. with Mr. and :,
Colorado, with STre Rey and Mr, Lorne Dittmer of
IT,:,,nt, with :,Ir. and Mrs. Jonas
Lr.:d ... rs J. P : and :qrs. Lawrence Messer-
.,hmidt of Detroit with Sir. and
:,Ir,. Nnraan Bennewies.
Sir. and Mrs Harold Grove Sr..
end Ir. and hire. Harold Grove
Jr.. Roger and Marlene of De-
troit with Mrs. Elizabeth Rock.
Sir. and Mrs. Glen Bennewies
end Wanda ,f Windsor with Mrs.
,Inti. L. Iiennew'ies.
air. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie and
family of Detroit with Mr, and
Wilbur Hoegy.
:Ir, and Mr Oscar Elligsen
and family of Kitchener with Mrs.
Er ee at F Bi'eett.
Raiser of Mitchell wth Mrs.
Chr . Ahrens
Kenneth Ahrens and Roy Hen -
''1111411 spr.nt a few 'lays at Am.
erl'y 1Roi h recently with -Mr.
-.till Mrs, Don Ahrens at
lrtit711:1 C.ttta l,e.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks of
To, with Mr. and Mrs. Lea;
Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wolfe
Mie bas attended the e wing- SEAFORTH
ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs.
wed -
Michael Connolly, near Sebring-
t-ilte on Saturday evening,
Siiee Jean :Mueller is again tea -
":i” r,d ..,'na 1 IJ.-tirter
SIr. -.:d ,:r- Jack r"-• and
f.hildren. with Mr. and
Frank Evan
`1r :,nd Sirs .Tr,l:r Krassk.,tYf.
Wonibrithre and Mr. and Sires
Cos'. elle, Kitchener with
:,Ir. and Mrs. Ilan Costello.
Mr. andMrs. Fergus Horan and
1'•r,i in ria, , t,wn 'and Toronto,
,r c. •,d . 'I:- Meyers -Gavin
\p» 52)51Jit: i' -alt r ri, anal
children. Cordon with Mr. to and
Sirs. ,iatk ()Reilly and Lotti;
\Ls- Lerett t. I;arr . Sudburywith lr. and Mi Mitharcl Barry.
liretl:er Srnr..us, :,lentreal with
Mr. and MrsI er an,
;and Mrs. Jos. Lane Ind
children: Seaforth with Mr. and
Mr.,. George t'uyne.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brown of
Clinton Air Scheel have rented
the donne vacated by SIr, Charles
Fee and -family who have mooed
to Ingersoll
lir Nell iSta),ietbn has returnee
from Ottawa and will resume hit
studies at the Ont. Agr. College
Feed grain freight assistance
is a very controversial subject
with many farmers in favor of the
continuance of the freight assist -
mice in Western feed grain, and
others opposed t0 it. At a recent
greeting of the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture Direct -
and reaSolta 1,» h'tl•iiit t. In
freight assistttmett. The purpoao ut
having it way to equalize feeder.,
costs between lltteleen anti \Teat
ern Canada.
Ontario Partneri honour to Ina
amount of r e°00,00e 5 l a. 1'n!ouli
' 5.dn1100
of the $)i a ton 11 t 1t•,ie ,h t :1•
Ontario farmers prusluro ;thrall.
80% of Hieir reed grab) requ[rn-
Quebeo farntnrs henellI lo 111
amount or $7,300,000, 'i'ltey pro
dues only 50% or their reed grain
requirements and vines they aro
a greater distance from 111e West
they are subsidized $7.:111 per telt.
New Branswiek farmers 'fru
subsidized to the amount of $l.
ors a vote was taken on this sub- Nova Scotia farao,re urn snbsi-
11r,t Pdt Columbia f rants are
utb:,nllr.,,d to rite walnut!. of $2,^
1'.,,nd1 5,1 l',trinel't receive
•St, n 1
;•".gpeo� ionrrur+I:hr .ti, un a and
heue0l in 1110 ett''al. or 8450,000.
'10114 add,, tie to $20,000,000
which lint Dominion Government.
1n5,t out :uuuutlly for freight
:t't:ilnlnut,e on wo+astir rood grata.
What doe t Ibis subsidy meati
In produeern clog Ilrower. at
$7,1 per fort the subsidy would
mean $1.30 per bog. Lay Mash at
$8,:1 per toll the subsidy would
!astir $140 per year for a 1,000
tum Hoek.
If Ontario farmers requested
Ilial: lire freight a13Hlitance be dis-
conllnued it would give Quebec
r,u'nun'H till advantage over On -
11100 lemon's In the production of
farm products,
8.30 P.M. SHARP, ON
Adults 75c Children 50c
sm. ®,mw.n...1.9,e win aaemsadaw
Model C1405 Panel
Model 12534 Pick-up (Fleetsidel
ae out .ata .7see ai a,
Chevrolet Trucks earn their keep in jobs of every description—from
hectic city deliveries to rough, off -the -road hauling. Chevrolet takes
it all in its stride, With a choice of eight proven power plants (two
Sixes, four V8's, and two Diesels) ... automatic and 3-, 4-, and
5 -speed Synchro-Mesh transmissions ... single and 2 -speed rear
axles plus 4 -wheel drive ... Chevrolet gives you the versatility you
need for the loads you haul, And as for Chevrolet's economy and
durability ... they've been proven time and again in some of the
largest fleet operations in the country! For the full story on Chevrolet
Trucks, talk to your local Chevrolet dealer. It's a story you should
hear before you invest one penny in another truck!
Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC -TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time.
MOTORS -Phone 541