HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-09-06, Page 1he Seaforth
PllOri,e 84
Hibbert Barn
Burnec! on Monda
Fire levelled the large L-shaped
barn of Matthew Coyne, 2t
nines south of Dublin, on Monday
nigltt, with the season's crop of
hay, 34 pigs, chickens, some
grain, hammer mill, and other
equipment. A tractor was scor-
Mr. Coyne was milking in the
barn when he noticed smoke com-
ing from the upper part of the
building, He was able to get the
cows out, but the fire spread so
fast nothing more could be saved.
Seaforth firemen responded to
the call, but noticing could be
done, except to prevent the dam -
ea from spreading to nearby
buildings. The brick house with
slate roof was undamaged.
The two barns were 38x68 and
40x60, forming an L.
Mr. Coyne purchased the farm
in 1928 from Nicholas Kelly. The
loss is partially covered by insur-
ance. Mr, Coyne plans to rebuild,
A large crowd gathered from
miles around to watch the spec-
tacular blaze.
Two cars were in collision at
the Main street and Goderich
street intersection at 4.15 Tues•
day afternoon resulting in injury
to passengers and extensive dam-
age to the vehicles. Dave Sim, 20,
driving Neil Bell's 1955 Pontiac
was going west on the highway
when the car was struck by a '02
Chevrolet sedan driven by Fred
Rose of Walton, going north. His
wife, Mrs. Mabel Rose, received
minor injuries, and the daughter,
Bernice Rose, 12, was thrown
from the car. She was taken to
the Clinic where she received five
stitches for injuries to her right
Constable Sam Bates and Con-
stable A, Bowering, OPP, investi-
Damage to the vehicles was
estimated at $1,000.
Durham won the semi-finals of
the Ontario Juvenile Baseball
series, northern division, by de-
feating Seaforth two out of three
Seaforth won the game here on
Saturday 6.5, when Frank Kehn
laid down a beautiful bunt on the
first base line to bring in Tom
Dick, breaking a 5.5 tie.
The third game on Monday was
at Hanover when Durham won
6.0. Jim Dick got a single and
Bob Papple got two singles for
Seaforth's only hits. Durham got
two runs in the first innings, two
in the fifth and two in the eighth.
Durham plays Alliston in the
next round,
This winds up the baseball sea-
son here, with the Juveniles
having won the W.O.A.A. '0'
Carolyn Louise, eldest daughter
of Mrs. Oke and the late Lorne E.
Oke of Exeter and Franklin
Charles Bryans, son of Dr, and
Mrs. W. R. Bryans were married
in Toronto on Saturday, August
25. They spent the holiday week-
end in Seaforth and Exeter and
on Friday evening a reception at
the home of Mrs. Agnes Mason
and Mr. Ron Mason was held in
honour of the newlyweds. The
couple will reside in Toronto
where the groom is on the staff
of Northern Secondary School.
The Seaforth Women's Insti
tute will hold their regular meet-
ing on Sept. 11, at 8.30 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. R. J. Doig.
Roll call will be answered by
naming your four grandparents'
first and last names.
Each member is requested to
bring along a grandmother as a
guest, This is the historical re•
search meeting. .
The speaker for the evening
will be Miss Jean McIntyre.
Lunch, Mrs. Lorne Carter, Mrs,
John McLean and Mrs. McGregor.
Relishes, Mrs. James Keys.
Results of
Life Saving Tests
Saturday, Sept. I, the Royal
lifesaving tests were tried by
eleven swimmers. Successful
swimmers were;
Bronze medallion, Mary Eckert,
Madelynn Smith, Sheila Rowat,
Ann Sills, Bill Teall, Ron Hilde-
brand, Larry McLiwain.,
Award of Merit, Ken Cardin)
and Ken Devereaux and although
Kate Scott and Lynn Nixon were
successful they are under age and
therefore could not qualify for
their award.
Now that the summer is almost
over I would like to express my
thanks to all those people who
have made this such a successful
summer at the pool; Tile Lion
Club, the guards, Anne Troutbeck,
Mary Crich, Joan Teall, Peter
Rowat, Ken Cardno and Tom
Dick, the booth help and Roy Me-
Gonigle, the park supervisor.
Without the help of these people
and that of many not mentioned,
the programme would not have
25th Anniversary of
the Earl Lawsons
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson,
Rattenbury Street, Clinton, were
entertained at the home of their
sou, Reg. Lawson, rail Clinton
on the occasion of their forty.
fifth wedding anniversary on Sun-
day, September 2. About thirty
family guests were served a emor-
gashord dinner convened by their
daughter, Doris Warren of Lon-
don and daughter-in-law, Helen
Lawson of r.r. 1 Clinton.
Anniversary cake was served
after which gifts were presented
by their granddaughters Lynda
and Helen Warren on behalf of
the immediate families. Mr, and
Mrs. Lawson thanked everyone
for their kindness. The conven-
ers were thanked by J. E, Busby
of C.hotham.
Messages of congratulations
were received from Melton and
Victoria; B.C. and a phone call
from Bert Ferris of Provost, Alta.
Out of town guests were Irani
Chatham, London and Lucknow.
A former resident of Seaforth
in the person of Miss Flora Mc-
Donald passed away in St. Mary's
Hospital, London 011 Tuesday,
following a lengthy illness. Miss
McDonald was in her 98th year,
Site was horn in Tuckersmith,
daughter of the late Archibald
MoDonld and Sarah McMillan.
The family resided in Seaforth for
a number of years; later, she and
her sister moved to Detroit. Miss
McDonald returned to Seaforth iii
1944 following the death of her
sister. Sire went to London the
same year and remained at St.
Mary's, London, since that time.
She was the last surviving mem-
ber of the family. The remains
rested at the W. ,J. Cleary Funer-
al Rome until Thursday morning
for removal to St. James' Church,
where Rey. C. Caruana sang the
Requiem High Mass at 10.45 a.m.
Interment took place in St. James'
Mrs, Arthur W. Dick, Seaforth,
wishes to announce the engage.
went of her daughter, Joan
Isobel to Robert Carmen Wright,
son of Mrs. G. W. Wright and the
late Mr. Wright. Marriage to
take place this month,
Sale of the Wilbert Webster
estate residence on John street
by Mrs. Maly Irene Bristow of
Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs. Dor-
othy A. Hendry of Ottawa to Mr,
Thomas Appleby of Seaforth is
announced by the office of ,los,
McConnell. Possession is Oct. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. J0dwtlyd Bergey. The bride wee formerly
Mies Barbara Boyd
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, September 6, 1.962
McKillop Council !Golden Wedding Father Caruana.
!Sets 1962 Tax Rate 'Observed Observed Monday Addresses C.W.L.
AYcliillop council held their reg.
War 111alitllly meeting on Tues..
Sept. 4th at the Oddfellow s hull
Seaforth, with all member's pres-
ent, sleeve 18, Beuerman presided.
The engineer's report from
Ribbert township on the Klein-
feldt miuticipal drain, repairing
and improving, was react and pro -
'visionally adopted.
The tax rate bylaw was read a
first time, The general rate was
set at 11.40 mills on an assess-
ment of $2,760,775. Commercial
and industrial rate is 13.20 mills
on assessment of $18 940.
County rate is 14' mills. and
Seaforth District High Seltool
rate 13.90 mills (made up of 10.99
Mills for maintenance and 2.91
mills for debentures).
A request was made for the
statutory highway grant on
$49,356.32. The road supt, vou-
cher was passed for $2,267.86 and
township accounts $648.57.
Bylaws were passed for refunds
under Provincial Aid on Whyte,
Nash, Love and Campbell drains,
The tender of Looby Construc-
tion Ltd. was accepted at $2,984
for Pryce culvert lot 20-21, con.
9. Other tenders were; Gordon
Gibson & Sons Ltd. $4,550; Bruce
McDonald $4,150,30; 0, A, Mc-
Dowell Ltd, 93,836,
Clarence Regele was authoriz-
ed to repair the Dillon Drain on
lot 11, con. 6.
The following grants were
made: $25 to Huron Plowmen;
$300 to Seaforth Agricultural So-
ciety; $15 to Walton library;
$150 to McKillop Federation of
Agriculture; $250 to McKillop
Farmers Union; $50 to East Hur-
on Agricultural Society.
The road superintendent was
authorized to erect cattle crossing
signs on side road 20-21 con. 4,
in front of R.M. Scott's buildings.
Council adjourned to meet Oct.
1st at 1,30 pan, at Ocldfellow's
Schools Opened
on Tuesday
Enrolment at Seaforth Puhlio
School on Tuesday was 829, a de-
crease of 15 from the close of
school in June, but 3 higher than
the previous year. There is no
change in the stair this year.
At St. ,Tames' Separate School,
enrolnteut on Tuesday was 193,
which is 20 above last term.
There is one new teacher, Mrs.
Mary Smith, in Grade 2.
Grades 6 and 7 will use the.
multi-purpose room as a class-
Besides the Sisters, staff mem-
bers include Grade 2, Mrs. C.
Smith, Kippen r.r. 2; Grades 4
and 5, Mrs. John Maloney, Sea -
forth r.r. 5; Grades 6 and 7, Mr.
J. R. McQuaid, Seaforth r.r. 5.
Lions Resume
Dinner Meetings
On Monday next the Seaforth
Lions Club resumes its dinner
meetings after the summer Ile
cess. Club revenues will be in.
creased by the payment of mem-
bers dues and meals which are
payable in advance. Reports of
various committees on their sum-
mer work will be received as to
the Lions Park and Pool, the An-
nual Carnival, the Boy Scouts,
Cubs and Guides, and other ac-
Just as the School Boards ex-
pect increased attendance upon
school opening the Group Com-
mittee in charge of Boys and
Girls work expect a large increase
of registration in the various
troops and packs. The Committee
would like to start a Brownie
Pack for girls eight to eleven bat
the problem of finding leaders
arises. That is why the Commit-
tee is advertising for help. Eight
assistants are needed immediate•
ly and four more if the Brownie
Pack is formed.
The Committee points out that
experience is not necessary
though very welcome.
The Seaforth Merry Maidens
4-1I Homemaking club's first
meeting, dressing up vegetables,
was held at the home of our lead-
er, Mrs, W. L. Whyte on Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with ten
members present,
The election of officer's was
held: Pres., Elizabeth Carter;
vice pees., Linda Nott; pianist,
Elaine Dale; press reporter, El-
aine Brown.
The next meeting will be held
on Thursday at 7.30 at Mrs, John
Cook book, recipe files and food
guides Inc health were discussed.
as well as vegetables for family
health and gardening. Each one,
is to bring a vegetable to the next
A 1061 Ford sedsn, owned by
Win. Trapnell and driven by Mrs.
Trapnell, was in collision with a
1958 GMC pickup truck owned
by H. Marquardt, rat. 2 Mitchell,
at 4 p.m, Saturday. The accident
occurred on Main Street when the
Marquardt truck was pulling out
from its parking place into the
line of traffic, The right front
fonder, also headlight and bump.
front fender, headlight and bump.
c -r of the Trapnell ear were dant.
aged along with the left front
fender and bumper of the truck.
Damage was estimated to $225,
Chief Hutchison investigated,
A Seaforth couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Ephraim Clarke observed their
golden wedding on September 3.
They were married in Tucker.
smith on the Coleman farm by
the Rev. J. H. Osterliout, The
bride was formerly Sarah Alberta
Coleman, daughter of the late
Thos, Coleman and Mary Agues
Troyer, both of Tuckersmith
township. Mr. Clarke is the only
son of the late Wm. Clarke and
Harriett Coates of Hallett.
Following their marriage they
farmed on Lot 5, Con. 5, Hallett
township until they retired to
Seaforth six years ago., Both Mr.
and Mrs. Clarke enjoy good
health and are members of North
Side United Church, Seaforth,
Mrs, Clarke has two sisters,
Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan, Wayne,
Michigan, and Mrs. Cecil Oke,
London, and two brothers, Frank
of Ripley and Russell of Tucker.
smith; one sister, Mrs. Geo.
Johnson died 17 years ago.
Mr, Clarke has ane sister, Mrs.
Howard Armstrong, Hallett. Mr,
and Mrs, Clarke have a family of
three: Viola) Mrs, Lorne Lawson,
Hullett; (Doreen) Mrs. Stewart
Dolrnage, McKillop, and Ellwood
of London. There are live grand-
Open house was held on the
afternoon and evening. Receiving
the guests were the family, Miss
Pauline Doitnage looked after the
register book, assisted by Misses
Lorraine and Karen Talbot in the
afternoon and Glenda and Mary
Lou Johnson in. the evening. The
living room and dining room
were decorated in gold and white
gladiolus, and the dining room
table with a white linen table
cloth centered with a five tier
anniversary cake.
Pouring tea in the afternoon
and evening were Mrs. Myrtle
Carnochan, Mrs. 8 -toward Arm.
strong, Mrs. Cecil Oke and Mrs,
Russell Coleman. Mrs, Frank
Colmeen invited the guests to the
tea room. Serving the guests
were Mrs. Stwerat Dole, Mrs.
Ellwood Clarke, Miss Eileen Dol -
mage, Mrs. Ernie Talbot, Mrs,
Geo. Hoggart, Mrs, Gordon John-
son. Assisting in the kitchen
were airs. Milton Wiltse of Clin-
ton, Mrs. Sid. Gemmell, Mrs. Mil-
ton Stewart, Mrs, Willis Dundee
and Miss Norma Jeffery. Con-
gratulations were received from
Premier John Roberts, Prime
Minister John Diefenbaker, the
Governor General, and Mr, Mac -
Naughton, and a telephone call
from their nephew, Mr, Gordon
Carnochan, Homstead, Florida.
Guests from a distance were
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farnham of
Detroit; Mrs, Myrtle Carnochan,
Wayne, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Hanna of Mitchell. Guests
were also present from Walton,
London, Clinton, Ripley, Blyth,
Mt. Brydges, Edmonton and Chat-
The Chamber of Commerce will
organize for the Santa Claus par-
ade at a meeting at 8 o'clock,
Tuesday evening at the town hall.
The September meeting of the
Red Cross Society wil be held in
the library rooms at 3 p,m. Fri-
A building permit has been is-
sued to Clarence Montgomery for
a verandah at his residence,
North Main street, cost $250, by
Building Inspector H. Maloney.
The building permit for Charles
Pinder as reported last week
should have read $400, for s, bath-
'A' pack cubs will hold their
first meeting Monday, Sept. 10,
at 7 pan., at the town hall.
'B' pack meets Wednesday,
,Sept. 12, at 7 pan., at the town
The scouts meet Tuesday at
their regular time.
Miss Eleanor Keys and Mr.
Kenneth Papple represented Hur-
on County on the Eastern Ontario
and Quebec bus trip sponsored by
the Junior Farmer Association of
Ontario, Two buses lett Kitchen-
er on Aug. 19 and returned Aug.
25, taking representatives from
each county in the province. A
very enjoyable trip was reported,
Complete Sales
At the regular meeting of the
Tuckersmith township council on v
Sept. 4th, the sale of any property
held by the township in lieu of
taxes was completed, with the ili-
al two lots being sold.
Two tile drainage loans were
considered, one being provision•
ally passed and the second was
passed for payment,
The Interim Subsidy for roads
is to be applied for, from the De-
partment of lIighways.
The following accounts were
passed for payment: Roads $1
510.07; municipal drainage ac-
counts ;$3,9318.17; advertising and
supplies $00.81, welfare $104.25;
administration $308,52; grants
$700, The meeting adjourned until
I pan. on October 2nd,
11.00 * Year
The opening meeting of the
Catholic: Women's League after
the summer holidays was held on
Steptember 4 in the school audit.
ot'ium. After the prayer to begin
a hymn was sung to the aeeonie
filament of music played by Mrs,
Joseph McConnell.
Mrs. Gordon Reynolds. the pres-
ident, welcomed everyone back
and extended the welcome of all
present to Father C. Caruana.
Mrs. Reynolds spoke of a letter
received from Father Sullivan
thanking the league members for
their spiritual baguet and request-
ing the continuing prayers of all
the parishioners.
Parish visitors for September
were appointed, Mrs. Jim Slattery
and Mrs. Joseph McConnell.
Mrs. Reynolds thanked all GI
conveners and helpers for th
Rectory Tea and especially Mrs.
Harry Hak for her special work
on behalf of the Commn
Breakfast for the St. James'
School graduates this year and
for the Field Day.
Thanks to all members were ex-
pressed to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart
for the enjoyable afternoon spent
as guests at their cottage this
An amount of twenty -live dol-
lars was voted to be sent to
Mercy Shelter' Guild,
After the end of tate business
meeting Mrs. Reynolds introduced
Father Caruana who told of the
Society of St. Paul and the 00.
usual work lie was doing in Aus-
tralia before coining to Seaforth.
Then Father Caruana introduces.'
Sharkey of the Scarbcro
Foreign Mission Society. Father
Sharkey began by encouraging
tate Catholic Women in their re-
sponsibilities to see themselves
as embers of the lay apostolate
and focused the attention of ail
on the coming of the Ecaunenical
Council. He continued to tell of
his owexperiences in China as
a priest of the Scarbor'o Foreign
Mission Society. In the name of
the League Mrs. John Flannery
thanked Father Sharkey for tom.
Ong to speak with us,
A gift was presented to .tics.
Loretta Hewitt and our warm
wishes for her marriage soon,
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Art. Devereaux.
The meeting closed with a pray-
er in honour of Our Lady of (toedCouncil.
Miss Jean Bills returned to
Toronto on Monday after spend-
ing a few weeks with her father,
Mr. Earl Mills.
Mr. John Ritchie and Miss Ruth
Ritchie returned home on Tues•
day after spending the past three.
weeks with relatives .111 Zealandia,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin
left on Friday for Napanee where
they will visit with their son and
daughter-in-law, air. and Mrs.
Fred Martin.
Mr. Alexander Gulutzen return-
ed home on Sunday after spend-
ing the past month at Tillsonburee
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kirkby of
Woodstock spent the week -end
with Mr. Frank Kirkby and .\1:'.
and Mrs. Doug. Kirkby.
Mr. and Airs. Donald Maier of
London visited over the weekend
with Mt', and Mrs. David Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerley, Mar-
garet Ann Kerley and friend of
Toronto were week end guests at
the home of Mrs, Walter Broad -
Air. and Mrs. Charlie Boyd vie-
ited on Sunday with their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mra.
Ted Bergey of Aylmer.
Mr. Jerry l)ressel left on Mon-
day to resume duties as teacher
in Toronto atter returning home
from a motor trip to the WestCoast.
School re -opened in 'Walton on
Tuesday with the following teach-
ers in charge: Mrs. Margaret
Robertson, Sirs. Doreen McCreath
and Mrs. Aubrey Toll of Blyth.
Temporary classes are being held
in the Walton School and base-
ment and SS No. 12 Grey.
Messengers will meet in the
church basement next Sunday
morning at 11.30 rain.
Rev. Taylor of Gerrie will con
duct the service in Duff's United
Church next Sunday morning.
Rev. A. Higginbotham will preach
anniversary services in Gerrie,
MissliVilnia Jackson of Sea -
forth visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Smalidon,
Mrs. Mary Gardiner and Miss
Vera Gardiner of Toronto visited
for a few days last week with .lir.
nd Mrs. Campbell Wey and
ther relatives.
Mrs. Tena Roland of Toronto
islted a few days with lir. and
tiYrs, Ed. Miller.
A false ttlarnt sounded on Tues-
day afternoon when the fire siren
wail inadvertently sot oft from
the home of a fireman while tele•
phone adjustments were made.
The Thrifty Kippenettes held
their first meeting on their new
protect, 4-11 Clubs Dressing Up
Home Grown 't'egetablee, on
Monday evening Sept. 3rd. in the
No..1) Seltool, Eighteen members
jellied for Otte new project, The
off; try are as follows; President,'
Diane ,toll; secretary, Lois Mc-
Lachlan: press reporter, Joan Sin-
clair; 'Manist, Inane Forrest
leader's, Mrs, Oreille Cooper. Mrs.
Rena. Caldwell,
. The topic 00 011r tii'ot meeting
was good food for everybody, in
which we dieeussed the different
vegetables and their fend value.
The next meeting will be held on
Sept. 10 at the home of Karan
Sarathe from 7 to 9 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Bell and family
,,tlt,t,llltlstt,t,A„ ,nn,n 1 „„Un,ltnn,nnell, 11 uluslllitlt„11tnt1nt11111111,1,ttt I ttttt1111111111ey
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Stela. Women's Institute held
their annual commtinity picnic at
Seaforth Park on Wednesday,
Aug. 29, with around sixty in at-
tendance. Lunch committee - for
the event was Mrs. W. Glanville,
Mrs. Torn Laing and Mrs, Gerald
Agar. Picnic lunch was enjoyed
at 12.30, followed by sports. The
sports committee was Joyce Kees
lake. Kaye Wordtu, JIta'gare
Mallace, Sharon Agar. Results t f
the races, etc. Pre-school, Mar
Jane Templeman; girls 11 to 11
Geraldine Teutplenen; boys ti -l0.
Ronnie Miller; girls 10 and over,
Karen Serums; minute race, Sir.
Tour Laing, honeymoon race, Mrs.
Roy MacDonald and ('after Kerte
lake; soap relay, Russell Word.
en's team; balloon relay, Karen
Sararas'' team; rhubarb race, Ger-
aldine Templeman's tenni; ques-
tionable contest, Mrs. Carter
Kerslake; guessing articles in
box, Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mrs.
John Templeman; oldest lady
present, Mrs. Mary Miller; oldet
gentleman present, Mr. Lyle -Bor-
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Jei'ry
and Bob Templeman enjoyed a
holiday at Jamestown, New York
and the Toronto exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Daynard,
Heather and Eleanor Kemp have
returned home after enjoying a
motor trip to the East coast.
Mrs. Ernest Templeman spent
a few days at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Alvin Cole, Cromarty.
.lir. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, tit
Exeter visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and lir.
and Mrs. John Templeman and
.lir, and firs. Caruer'otr Vivian
(Ind Carol Ann and Miss Vert
Ilamhley holidayed title past week
at Grand Bend.
Bob Doupe, Itirktot, lute been
holidaying this past week with
Itis aunt and. uncle, Mr, and Sirs.
Russell Miller.
Erie Norris, son of lir, and .Mrs.
Sam Norris has returned .o
Guelph for Iris third year at the
.fir. and- Mrs. Harold Carey,
Cromarty have moved into the
manse in Staffs this past week.
Mrs, Margaret Kemp has re-
sumed her teaching duties at S.S.
No. 3 Hibbert this year and David
Kemp is teaching at S.S. No. 7
Misses Sharon Agar, -Pat Drake,
Janie Parsons , Mary Dearing,
Staffs; Pauline and Joanne Stap-
leton, Dublin; Geraldine • Denitis
and Anne Achilles, Walton, spent
last week holidaying at hayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman
visited over the weekend in Ham-
ilton and attended the wedding. o;
Mr. Bowman's nephew on Samir
day afternoon.
Air. and Mrs. Arthur Snlale.
Helen, Marvin, Elizabeth and L'ob
attended Toronto exhibition and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
3rcuks and family, Brampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake.
Brenda and Crag enjoyed a mallei
trip along the; St, Lawrence Sea-
Mr, mad Mrs;. Charles f l e e end
1ntil? 4tr'ec-te tie spent ;he
ee'lcend with Mr, and :1ii 110e'
;male and fanaiy.
Wee -Rend rd visitors with Mee
')rake Sr, were Mc. and Mrs. Jit:
McKellar' and U+11. London; 81r
ind Mr Tann Kay 000 family
Sarnia, Mlr. mud hlrs. Pete 1'id
and B711. Galt. and Mi st'
Mrs. Pete Pldgaon Jr, acid dough
ter, Galt.
Air. and. alrH Gerald Agar :the
Gail silent the weekend at slay
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pearson and
son of Owosso, -Mich., visited last
week with Harold and Edith Bea-
Miss Beth Thompson left un
Monday for her school at Dyer's
Bay, near Lions Head.
Hiss Viola Stafford of St.
Marys visited last week with her
t aunt, .11rs. Rebt, Watson, hiss
Stafford and Mrs. Watson also
v visited with the latter's sister,
,, Mrs. Arthur Hoy of Goderieh.
Of 11(1131011. MUSS.. Hpc111.1 the w'e'.e),
with Mr, 11113 Mrs, John Sinclair
and attended the hell reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Living-
stone and daughter, Kathy Ann
of Loudon were weekend visitors
Iwitit lir. and .Mrs. Harold Living-
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox of
Stouffville spent the holiday week
end with Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Sirs. John Shannon of Walton
spent the weekend with Mrs, Bert
Mrs. Sadie McDonald of Walton
spent a few days this week with
Mrs. Alex. Wells, also with her
niece, Miss Edna, McDonald, R,N.,
Of Clinton, visiting with the lat-
ter's sister, Airs. Isabel Ellis of
Sudbury during last week,
Rumor has it that three of our
eligible young bachelors have
been caught in the matrimonial
web. but more of this in the near
future, however we wish them
the very hest.
Mr. Hughie McBride, London,
spent the holiday wek-eud with
air. and Airs. Roy McBride and
Air. and Mrs. John McBride and
daughter Jo -Ann.
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd McBride
and Michael of Windsor spent the
holiday week -end at their farm
on the town line.
Mr. and Mrs, James Dinsmore.
Bob and Ron, of Windsor were
week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mee. Thomas Dinsmore and 13r.
and Mrs. Janes Dinsmore of
ll r. Jerome and John Corriveau
of Zurich and Mr. Andrew Corra
veau of London spent the week-
end in Midland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrick
and Elaine and Miss Margaret.
Finlay visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. John .McBride
and ,To -Ann, Mr. and Mrs . Roy
McBride and Hughie.
Week -end visitors with Mr,
Clarke were Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan and Billy of -
Mr. and Alrs. Jack Metady and
Mr. and Mrs. LeMaire, 'Prescott,
with Mr. and Airs. Maurice Mel-
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Rafferty and
family, Brantford, with Mr. and
Airs. Angus Kennedy,
111'. and Mrs. Greg. Morris of
Pent Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Morris and Miss Anne Morris,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Torts
Mir. and Mrs. Martin Purcell
and children, Kitchener with Mr.
and Mn. Jack McIver and • Mr.
and firs. Thomas Purcell.
Mr. and Mrs, Pat Murray and
family, London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Mick Ryan, Kitchener with Ah'.
and airs. Gilbert Murray.
Mr, and M114, 31m Whaling of
Stratford with Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs, ,Jos. Sloan Wind -
stn' and Mr. and Mrs, Don Breda*
anti Urian, Mentor(' with Mr. inid•
Mrs. James Storm.
Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Benny and
family and Air. and Mrs. Jiro Mar.
rinan end family, London with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connolly,