HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-30, Page 7Rubbing Out German Measles .Nur most youngsters, Gentian measles is nothing worse than a three -clay rash and a week off from school. But to an unborn child, the usually mild rubella. virus can be vicious: Babies born to mothers infected during the first month of pregnancy stand a BO per cent chance of congenital heart defects, cataracts, deafness, or mental retardation. Soon such dangers may be a thing of the past. Two researchers at the Nation- al Institutes of Health, Drs. John L. Sever and Gilbert M. Schiff, last month announced a major step toward wiping out the threat with a vaccine. After more than s' year of experimenting, they bad isolated the rubella virus. The NTH team first tracked Blown the virus — which has eluded researchers for decades— M throat washings from infected Army recruits and children. A two-step test proved it was rubella: First, they knew that a tissue culture infected with rubella can - snot be further destroyed by an- other virus called Coxsackie A-9. When they added Coxsackie A-9 to their presumptive rubella cul- tures, the new virus failed to spread. But this wasn't enough proof, since other viruses also block Coxsackie A-9, As a double check, the re - Searchers injected blood serum (from persons just recovered from German measles) into some fresh rubella virus cultures, If rubella viruses were aotualiy there, they would be killed by antibodies in the convalescents' blood; then Coxsackie viruses, when a d d e d, would spread through the tissue cultures, "That's just what happened," said Dr. Sever last month. "Then we knew we had rubella," Because German measles is a Mild disease, the lab -grown virus itself could be used to "vacci- nate" chlidren or young women pimply by producing a full-blown ease. The NIH investigators are ateveloping vaccines made from weakened or killed rubella vir- uses for use wherever a wide - Spread German measles epidemic weight threaten pregnant women. r A good listener is usually Hinking about something else, al Stebbins. WATER SPORT -- Linda Reed pulls on swim fins before go- ing underwater for a look be- low. SAFE AT HOME —, Dave Dardle, 22, of San Francisco farm club, the Salem Rebels, walks toward home plate with his bride, Vickie Beard, 20, in ceremonies held in Salem, Va, Don't Waste Time On Mongrel_ Dogs by Henry P. Davis Assuming that all dogs possess the hunting instinct to some de- gree, is it possible to start a puppy of mongrel parentage at an early age and turn it into a satisfactory hunting dog? That is a debatable question. One might try out 50 mongrel pups before he got one showing any degree of promise at all, and even then his chances of success would be mighty slim — even if the trainer made a full-time job of it. By the time the young mongrel had reached the age of 11/z years he would, at best, only have begun to learn something about hunting. Even then he might decide such activity was not to his liking. In the meantime, the trainer would have had to purchase a pile of fairly expensive food on a worthless dog, have worn out his shoes, clothing, and his pa- tience. That's not for mel This is not to say that no mix- ed breed will ever make a satis- factory hunting dog. There are individuals that do rather well. In fact, I've seen a few myself and hunted behind them with reasonable satisfaction. But, with the exception of two mongrels that were pretty fair rough-and- tumble dove retrievers and sev- eral little mixed-up terrier types that had a world of squirrel hunting savvy, all were in the category of trail hounds. I am confident that the best coon dog I ever hunted behind was a cross between a purebred hound and an old-fashioned farm shepherd. Undoubtedly the best squirrel dog I ever saw was a small terrier type of very mixed parentage, named, of all things, Colossus. He was owned by a tenant farmer down South. This little dog had an uncanny technique all his own. He never ranged far from his master, but he merely quietly flitted through the woods making hardly a sound. Occasionally, he would look up into a tree, after sniffing its trunk. If he sat down and wiggled his stub tail vigorously, you could bet your bottom dollar at least one squirrel was topside in the branches. The hunter would quietly move to the oppo- site side of the tree. Usually, the squirrel would move around to the side next to the clog. A sharp yap from Colossus would send it scurrying back to the other side in view of the gunner and in gun range --- a great squirrel dog indeed. Attempting to develop a mong- rel puppy into a satisfactory gun "ROUND IN CIRCLES These Rome firemen -to -be demon~ strute their physical fitness during a mass exercise of skill that climaxed their training program.. dog is playing a losing game in most cases, The result is never worth the effort, for even if you do have some degree of success, in the end you still have only a mongrel which, cannot reproduce its own kind, Stick to the purebred breeds, and the chances are you'll have a dog of which you can truly be proud, Determine the type of hunting you want to do. Then pick a representative of one of the breeds that has been spec- ially developed for that type 01 hunting, and then concentrate your training efforts on it Do not make a "jack-of-all- trades" out of your dog no mat- ter what breed you select. The Germans for many years have tried to develop all-purpose breeds, and I suppose they have been successful in satisfying their own requirements in their own country, But there are very few of these dogs trained for all-purpose work that can hold a candle to the specialty breeds so 'popular in this country for our own type of hunting. They are good hon- est workers, to be sure, but when a dog has his mind. on ground game when you want to hunt birds, you are both likely to get a little mixed up. Purebreds take up no more room, eat no more food, require no more care. They are much easier to train — and you are not ashamed to show them to your sportsmen friends. Let me add, however, that I've seen hundreds of mixed -breed mongrels called hunting dogs by their owners but with whom it was a waste of time to go afield. The heft of their owners' game pockets was, indeed, proof enough that it does not pay to waste time on training them, "Most Lovable Ham Who Ever Lived" There was never a more pop- ular United States Vice President than befuddled, self - effacing, melon -bellied Alexander Throt- tlebottom. Nominated on the John P. wintergreen ticket in the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning play, "Of Thee I Sing;' Throttlebottom spent the campaign writing speeches (never delivered) in a cave. Once elected — he hadn't really wanted to run, for fear his mother would find out — Throttlebottom went tremulous- ly down to Washington and spent his tenure standing rabbit -shy at the rear of guided tours, try- ing to discover what the Vice President was supposed to do, The nation chortled with damp - eyed glee—not simply at Throt- tlebottom but at the truly im- probable man who portrayed him. As one old friend of Victor Moore said: "There was never a more perfect case of type -casting Though he earned an income as high as $150,000 a year. Moore shyly tiptoed through life with all the wide-eyed gullibility of a sucker who is on the verge of buying the Washington Monu- ment, In a career spanning 70 years, he played in more than 40 motion pictures and scores of stage plays. In 1957, he made his last appear- ance—an eight -minute part in "Carousel" Then, like most Vice Presidents, Moore passed into obscurity, There was no more work. Most of his friends were dead, Three weeks ago, he told stage friend Harry Delmar that he was feeling rundown, and en- tered the Percy Williams Conval- escent Home on Long Island. When Moore died in his sleep last month at 86, Delmar com- mented: "He was the biggest •-•- and most lovable — ham that ever lived." Bapptness—Good health and e. pont memory. ISSUE 33 — 1062 CLASSIFIED E II_.. AGENTS inet clubs, 0tesf4hritierds. Over 3Im including Religious, Everyday and per. el - ties, Prompt service, Norse loredneate. Lague and sanipiea 00 approval Jean' dron Greeting Card co.,1263 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont, ARTICLES FOR SALE "DESTROYER" for use In outdoor toll. ets. Eats down to the earth saves users ncoasE of coast. Price 51100 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products. 922 York Road, Guelph, Ontario ^^ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOODWORK, Shook's mill plant, just started, ambitious person can develop, Reasonfor selling, age. Further infers motion write Box 264, Eganville, Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GARAGE, snack bar and 6 -room house. Rutherford garage in Lambtoncounty, on Hwy 21, 40 miles from Sarnia. Ask. ing price $27,000, Reason Illness, Apply Everest Cox, R.R. 4, Dresden, Ont, THRIVING Town of Amherstburg -- For sale, billiard parlour and snack bar, Has six anniversary tables large turn- over from both billiards and snack bar. Reasonably Priced for quick sale. For information call LUCIEN J. BENETEAU 'Real Estate AMHERSTBURG, OFFICE 136.4371 RESIDENCE, 736.4096 OR WRITE P,O. BOX NO. 189 FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE — Farm land with frontage on the shore of gleaming Lake Erie, Situated between Eagle and Clearville, Talbot Kirkpatrick, Real Estate Broker, Rodney Ontario. ONE of the best farms in the Camp• bellford district. 250 acres rich loamy land of which 200 acres are workable. Very modern 4 bedroom home all Wilding!' In good condition, large trout creek, Contact George Airhart. Real. for Campbellford. FARM MACHINERY JOHN Deere forage harvester, blower, 2 wagons. Apply Frank Kistner, RR No. 1, Dublin. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA MOTELS 24 Concrete block units with the roofs, restaurant and swimming pool. Excel. lent location with 7 acres of ground en Hwys, 41 and 441, neer Lake City. Established 8 years. Motel alone gross- ed 550,000 in 1961. Excellent terms, 12 units with coffee shop on Hwy, 19, near Clearwater. Room for expansion, Price $47,000, terms, 6 units, all 1 -bedroom apartments, on Clearwater Beach. Excellent condition. Prise 555,000, $15,000 down. For the best motel buys, contact: GULF Coast Realty, 1988 Gulf -to -Bay, Clearwater, Florida. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE IMPORTED Merchandise sold wholesale and retail, drapshlped direct to you from foreign countries. Write for price list. Eastcoast Enterprise 4111 Colonial Avenue, Norfolk 0, Virginia. How Ccrn 1? By Roberta Lee Q. What can I do when some burned starch has accumulated on the bottom of my iron? A, Disconnect the iron, allow It to cool, then apply some paste silver polish to the starch. Wipe the iron with a slightly damp cloth, and follow with a dry one. It's as simple as that. Q. Some of the Bars Pd like to use for preserving have a musty odor. What can I do about this? A. Fill the jars with cold water in which some baking soda has been dissolved. This will soon freshen them. Wash in hot water and suds, rinse well, and they are ready for use. Q. Row can I eliminate the rather unpleasant odor when cooking shrimp? A. A stick of cinnamon dropped into the water in which you are boiling your shrimp will dispel the smell and still not affect the taste. Q. Can you suggest an effici- ent way of hooking two or more card tables together into one long table for a family gather- ing or picnic? A. This can be done by set- ting the adjacent pairs of legs into snug -fitting tin cans. Be sure to use cans that provide a tight fit for the two legs and that are high enough to keep the lengths of the two legs to- gether. Q. What can I do about a screen door that is sagging and is out of plumb with the door opening? A, Square this screen door with a turnbuckle, procurable at your hardware store. The top of the turnbuckle is attached to the hinge side of the door, and then the wire is stretched diagonally across the door, and the turn- buckle screwed until your door is brought back square: merriest, DIXON'S REMEDY - Fok hiUkt• TIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS THOUSANDS SATISFIED., MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1 25 EXPRESS. COLLECT _._POST'S ECZEMA SALVE t1ANISH thetorment of dry eezelne rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will nut disappoint you itching, scalding and burning size ma, acne, ringworm, Pimples end fool eczema will respond readily to the stainless. Odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 5t. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES WANTED REGISTERED Nurses, also an operat- ing room Nurse. Small size modern hospital, Apply Superintendent Kempf* villa District Hospital. P,0. box 759. Kemptvllle Ontario, MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS MONEY available for .immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and agreements for sale, on vacant and improved property, residential. Indus. trial, city, suburban and country, and summer cottages. Forty years expert. ence, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. Phone, 725.3568 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free ' Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Blear St. W., Toronto Brandies: 44 Ring St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa OF INTEREST 70 ALL BUY Wholesale!! Send 52.00 for our big General Merchandise Catalog, Hun- dreds of brand name items. Money refunded on a 525.00 order. Wholesale Merchandise Buys, P.O. Box 187, West- minster, California. PERSONAL. WHY and How I regained my speech! I was a stroke victim speechless. Write: Hamilton Cameron, M.D., 601 West 119th St., 3LL, New York 25, New York. A modern way to help you reduce. Eat 3 meals a day. Lose pounds and inches fast. Clinically tested Slim -Mint helps satisfy your craving for food — Slim -Mint plan makes reducing easier than you ever dreamed possible. 92.00. 2 wLYON S DRUGS, 471 DANFORTH TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE 100 MILES north of Toronto, on 10 Highway, 190 acres, part of 3 lakes about 30 acres of lake, 1 cottage at the lake with hydro, good fishing, pike, pickerel, black bass. Good beach. An excellent place for cottages and sum- mer resort. Small airplanes can land on farm' 75 acres of working land, 7• room 2 -storey cement block home, barn 56x56, cement floor. Also hydro in all buildings. garage, driveshed and hen. house: 4 miles from highway also open roads all winter. Price $38,000; half cash, Mr. Ted Hines. RR 1, Holland Centre. Ont. PULLETS H & N 'nits chic" started pullets, vac• einatecl dubbed and debeaked for sale at any age from the following hatch - ins dates: May 22nd, 1250; June 15th, 4000; July 2nd, 5000; Aug. 6th, 5000; Sept 10th. 10000. Phone 558, or write Box 581, Logsdon Hatcheries Ltd. Sea. forth. Ontario, STAMPS ROY 5, WILSON 70 Richmond Street West. Toronto NEW ISSUES CANADA 56.C. & FOREIGN RAPKIN — GIBBONS SCOTT MINKU8 ALBU SRRINS & O GROSSMAN CK COLLECTIONS ALSO PURCHASED SCHOOLS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Study this interesting and useful pro tesslon. For free brochure and Charts. conCct: AN. COLLEGE OF MASSAGE 18 Farnham Ave., Toronto 7. TEACHERS WANTED WANTED one Protestant qualified tea cher Inc 1962.63 term, Salary $2,500. Duties to commence Sept. 4. Apply it Lester RDACBFIELD, QUE., R.R. 2, ST, JOHN S.S. requires ode qualifl. rr teaeher for grades 2 and 1 Fiorito':. salary $3,300. Annual Increment $21''l, Allowance for experience up ,o fiv, years at 5200 per year. Apply glean- full particulars to: MR. LEO SVALUTO, RED LAKE, ONTARIO MASS EY Separate School Board REQUIRES TEACHER ENGLISH section. Qualified mr:1 r., female. Grades 3, 4, 5. Minimum increment $200, to maximum s.;,ao, APPLY, stating experience and on:di'i cations, to tMRMASSEMIENNE Y, 0 T., PHONEE161 EC TRAVEL FREE The lot12.c3 Guide Book of Ontario 3S4 erg: s travel Information, special s ,tn,n on North western Ontario, No. 17 131 1, .tack Miners Bird Sanctuary, ct Kingsville Niagara Fails, Ottawa, etc. also free Illustrated colour mol "i Nist;ars k'all• on request . . unite liefh Sinmsen, Mr. Ontario, Travel Department Essex County Automobile chub. Windsor, Or' tarso. • TRUCKS ATTENTION SI. TRUCK OPEWe are featuring a dump truck cleat once sale. Price range 01000 and up. No reasonable offer refused. Buy now and save. Herron Motors, Dixie, Ont. 277-1456, "USED TRUCKS FOR SALE" ATTENTION FARMERS 1954 Ford 6 cylinder. 1 ton truck ohne• sis, completely reconditioned, excel• lent tires, Platform or stake type body Full price $275d. 00. for orchard work, Street, Hamilton. JA. 9-8107 ATTENTION FARMERS & LIVESTOCK DEALERS International R.180 Truck with rebuilt engine, 2 speed axle, 900x20 tires, 14 ft. body with 6.01. 6" high racks. Steel platform suitable for hauling livestock or produce. Full price 0075.00.. Apply 40 mein St., Hamilton. JA. 9.9207, DISCOVERS ACME SKIN REMEDY This clean stainless antiseptic known all over Canada 00 MOONE'S EMERALD OIL, brings sufferers prompt and effective re- lief from the itching distress of many skin troubles—irehing Ecze- ma—Itching Scalp—itching Toes and Feet, etc. 1M0ONE'S EMERALD OIL is pleasant to use and it is so anti., septic and penetrating that mane old stubborn eases of long standtns have yielded to Its influence. I100NE'S EMERALD 0IL it sold by druggists everywhere. A real discovery for thousands who, have found blessed relief. DIZZY RECALLS — As Dizzy Dean, left, and Earl Averill chat, Dizzy recalls an earlier All-Star game — that of 1937. The toe which he holds was broken by a liner off the bat of Averill, then with the Cleveland Indians, which led to the end of the St. Louis Cards ace pitcher's career. Dean changed his pitching motion because of the injury, causing him to permanently damage his pitching arm ........... FERRY STORY — Hydrofoil boat built by the Russians to curry passengers on the Volga River docks in Moscow. The boat seats 300 pwrsrnnr,rs and covers the distance from Gorky to Kazan in eight hours, which Is foster t'i'n t'19 2A -hour trip made by conven- tional boats. Foils, or wings, on each side or i x ci, it lilt high above water.