HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-30, Page 5SNAl'`t)Wl'll NEWS
`I'hera.lay, Angled Ile, 1942
Food Market
."..,,,..�,.. ,...,. , �.
Rose brand nd S eeti ed Q c
jar Q
Pickles 16 a �!oz
KAM 12 oz tin
PEAS 2 15 - oz tins
BEEF 12 oz tin
NIBLETS 2 14z tins
2 al ,
Strawberry Jam 24 oz jar
Heinz Vegetable & Tomato Soup deal 6 tins
South African Oranges
i a
Garden Fresh
Green Onions 2 bunches
CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs, Win. Jewitt and
family and Mr. and Mrs. John
Constance United Church will Jewitt and girls visited Sunday
open Per Sunday Service, Sept, 2, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball
at 3 o'clock, and Sunday School and fancily or Aubura.
at 2 o'clock, After a month of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Fox of
holidays, RaY. and Mrs, Funge Point Clark and Mr. and Mrs,
and family return front the East Ronald Preszcator were Sunday
Coast where they have been vis- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. How
icing the latter's parents and 0th- and Preszcator.
er relatives,
Friends and neighbours were
aorry to learn that last Saturday
evening, Miss Rachel MacKenzie
waa taken to Scott Memorial Hos-
pital by ambulance. Her condi-
tion is very much improved at
time of Writing.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Woods and
infant daughter Michelle Joanne,
Of Ajax, arrived Tuesday to spend
a few days with the latter's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Riley.
Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. Ed-
gar Brigham of Hanover, Mrs.
Gordon Fisher and Miss Audrey
Fisher of Toronto visited Tuesday
with Mr, and Mrs. Borden Brown
and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngblut and
Mrs. Fern Kennedy of Clinton
spent Sunday with the t'ornter's
cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Henry
YoungbIut of Stratford.
NIT, and Mrs, Gordon Beacom,
Miss Edith, Mrs, Laura Lyon and
Marguerite visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs, George Neil of
NIr. Peter Brown of Riverside
was 0 visitor in the village au
Mrs. Harry Allen of Saskatoon
was a weekend visitor With Mrs.
I3ert Allen.
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11r. and \Ire. A. 1 7rot1 atid
daughters of Montreal ,t1'' speed.
tog 1hei1' holidays at ;he home of
\its. JaInes 1 Scot 1,
among those front a distance
who 'ttteuded the funeral mf the
late Mrs, Sanibel Webster were:
Mr. and Mrs. Southwell.
wa; Mrs. Palmer, Pettrboro; Mrs,
Thompson, $carboro, Mrs. lad,
Holland, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs,
Lawrence Webster Beanisvilie;
Mr, it W. 3
mt 1 Mrs. 1 1. 1 tigr,5 Clawson,
\rich,; Mr, tail Mrs, W. Sage, l3ir-
minghaltt,..vlich.; Mr, and Mrs.
Harry lOyre, Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs, Willis Dundee
returned onSaturday after emend-
ing two weeks' holidays in the
Maritimes and New England
t t hot of 'T t t
Visitors at the ate 1 t. a i l
Mrs. Janes G, Ciu'noehan last
weekend were Mr. and Mr's. Wm,
Geddes, London, and Miss Marg-
aret Clark, Port Elgin,
11'11', and Mrs, Jack Stevens and
two children of London are visit-
ing Mr, and Mrs, Milton Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs, A, Richardson,
Mr t to Mrs. T. Pethick,London,
on a
Mr's, Cr, Eisler, Stratford and Mr.
W, Berwick, Goderich visited Mr.
and Mrs, W. P. Miller on Sunday.
ifeatatt.d a jeweled lave neckline
end Slight train. Iler sbnt1iur
lone; it veil His he.la in ltlactl watt
a jeweled Itu,tandh site tutu
i i
yusciulo ItOngnet of ud 13011.01'
'fiutus ruses with stephanotis.
,flies Sheila McCann, sisier of the
bride, as maid of Minor , aria))
gowned le la street -length dress
The Senior WMS of First Pres-
byterian Church held their' Aug-
ust meeting at the home of Mrs,
J. W. Thompson, Tuesday, Aug,,
28, Miss Campbell, president,
opened the meeting, Mrs, J. B.
Russell, sec., read the minutes
and roll call was answered by 18
ladies, Treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. McGregor and the
offering was received and dedicat-
ed by Miss Campbell. Mrs. Butt
took the devotional part of the
meeting. Scripture reading was
by Mrs. Chas. MacKay. Topic for
the day was "Set Apart , Sent
Out" ,presented by Mrs. Butt,
assisted by Miss Campbell, Mrs.
Butt closed the meeting with
prayer, A social halt Hour was
spent and hostess and helpers
served a delicious lunch. Mrs.
Butt gave the courtesy remarks,
A double ring ceremony took
place in First Presbyterian
Church, Seaforth, Saturday after-
noon, August 25, at 3 o'clock,
when Karen Marie Awde, daualt-
ter of Mrs, H. Novakowski and
the late Nir. E. Awde of Delhi,
became the bride of Hugh Grant
Chesney of Tillsonburg, eon of
'Mrs. J W. Hart of Stratford and
the late Hugh M. Chesney of
Tuckersmith. Rev. Douglas Fry
officiai:ed, White candelabra and
standards of white and pink
gladiolus decorated the church, -
The bride, given itt marriage by
Mr. Z. Van Gotheni of Delhi, was
dressed in white peau de sole
with lace bodice embroidered
with seed pearls; scooped neck-
line and lily point sleeves, full
gored skirt with unpressed pleats
at hack cascading to a chapel
train. Iier headdress in shape of
small crown of seed pearls held
her shoulder length veil or double
silk illusion in place, Her bridal
bouquet was red rose buds anal
white baby mums.
Maid of honor was Miss Dor-
othy Dunn of Delhi, wearing a
dress of medium blue satin with
overskirt of white lace; beaded
coronet held shoulder length, veil
to match; her flowers were red
and white baby mums.
The organist was Mrs, M, R.
Rennie and the soloist, Mr. Ken-
neth Willis, sang "Wedding Pray-
er" and during the signing of the
register, "I'il Walk Beside You,"
Bir. Glenn Chesney, Seaforth,
brother of the groom was grooms-
man. Ushers were Mr. Jack
Awde, Delhi, brother of the bride,
and Mr, Garfield Baker, Seaforth,
brother-in-law of the groom.
A reception and dinner were
held at the Commercial Hotel
dining room. The bride's mother
wore a dusty rose lace dress with
three quarter length matching
coat, beige accessories, corsage Of
yellow rosebuds. The groom's
mother wore a royal blue sheath
dress with black accessories and
yellow rosebud corsage,
Guests were present front
Rochester, N.Y., Kitchener, Wind-
sor, Simcoe, Fort Erie, Delhi,
Tillsonburg, Clinton, Stratford
and Sarnia.
The young couple are spending
their honeymoon in Haliburton
Highlands. They will reside in
For travelling the bride wore a
three piece linen suit in beige
with accessories to match, her
corsage was yellow rosebuds.
Prior to her marriage the bride
was guest of honour at a number
of events. The Bell Telephone
staff of which she is a member;
Mrs, Van Gotham, entertained at
her summer hone at Turkey
Pontt; girl friends of the bride
presented her with a Miscellan-
eous shower in Delhi; Mrs, Glenn
Chesney entertained at her house
in amour of the bride and presen-
ted her with a miscellaneous
'shower; Mrs, J, Walker Bart
entertained the bridal party at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gar
Baker after the rehearsal, when a
buffet supper was served to about
twenty guests.
of fait -pink silk 00001(50. 'The
artist; featured pleated inserts ;11
the (routtold a matching Pleated
c€unnterbltn{i with bow trim, Her
headpiece as of matching pinkk
silk petals with pearl trine and
she carried a cascade bouquet of
white carnations and blue -tinted
l'ineechlo pompon r:hrysantbe-
muins: Bridesmaid was Miss; 1S.a
oxine alcl'aun, hride'a sister,
gowned in limegreen nylon over
taffeta, fashioned with puffed
sl+eves awl full skirt, (temple -
'limited large bow atthe
u l) €ted with a e
w tilt, She wore a leatching
powered fieadptoce and carried a
cascade bouquet of white carna-
tions and ,ptnk-tinted Pinocchio
chrysanthemums, Susan McCann,
bride's sister, was flowergirl,
dressed in white flowered nylon
over taffeta. The full skirt was
fashioned with acailoped pawls
and she Wore a snatching dower
headpiece, She carried a basket
or pastel flowers. Best }anon was
Jerry Eckert, Owen Sound, and
ushers were Michael Eckert, Dub-
lin and Charles McCann, bride's
Mother. A dinner was held at
the Tali T Steak House, where
the bride's mother received the
guests in a moss green lace
sheath dress with matching jack-
et and hat. She wore beige ac-
cessories and a corsage of pink
Sensation roses. She was assisted
by the bridegroom's mother,
wearing a brocaded dress with a
sheath jacket in mink shade and
champagne accessories, and a
corsage or yellow Lestra Hibbard
roses. For traveling on a laoney-
moon in Southern Ontario, the
bride chose a royal blue lace
sheath dress, matching hat and
off-white accessories. The couple
will reside at Kitchener.
Mrs. Eckert was honored at
several showers prior to her mar -
marriage. A dinner party was
held at the hone 0f Mr, D. L.
Laliberte, 05 Louise St., Stratford
at which the bride's fellow em-
ployees presented her with auntie
evens gifts. Mrs, Keith Kelly,
Kitchener, was hostess to a mis-
cellaneous shower and Mrs. Eck-
ert was presented with an elec-
trical gift by her employers,
Merlyn Joan McCann and
James Bernard Eckert exchanged
wedding vows in St. Joseph's
Roman Catholic Chiu'oh, Rev.
J, L, O'Rourke officiated at the
ceremony in a setting of White
gladioli and pink carnations, The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
11rs, Leonard McCann, 133 Rebec-
ca St., and the bridegroom, who
lives in Kitchener, Is the son of
Mrs, John Anthony Eckort, r,r. 1
Dublin, and the late Mr, Eckert.
"Ave Maria" and "1icunaculate
Heart of Maly" woes slang by
Keith Kelly, Kitchener, with ma
gam accompaniment played by
Miss Lucille Rousseau, Given In
marriage by her rather, the bride
chose a nylon gown with lace
inserts over organza. The dress
llrodltai eat liana Ala i0"
0115 and Flag Bearers took part
111 the band tattoo at 5t, Mares
on lariday evening.
Cemetery Decoration Set vie'st
were held at St. Peters Lutheran
Church on Sunday afternoon. Rev.
t 'Low was in char t.
!ia ales of Waterloo t,
in the absence o1; Pastor Brill.
The Bi•odhagen Band 1110700 ,1c
hymns for the open air service
and other musical numbers prior
to the church service. The Junior
choir sung during the service,
Flowers adorned the altar of
the church in memory of William
L. Qtiereugesser who puma away
Your years ago, August 22, They
were placed by his wife and fam-
ily, A basket or flowers wee in
the chancel in memory of Mrs.
ltudollth Fischer who passed a-
way fifteen years ago, They were
placed by her husband and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Chris Leonhardt
received word of the death of
Mrs. George Jacob in Kitchener.
blaster John Bennewies, elder
5011 of Mr. and Mrs. lldward Ben-
newies received n broken leg in
an accident at his pareuts' farm.
Mrs. Ed. Jarmnth Yell at her
home on Sunday and fractured
her hip. She is confined to Strat-
ford hospital.
Mrs. Jack Walker, Debbie and
Karen of Listowel with Mr, and
'Mrs. Fred Kistnar,
Relatives of Mt. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Hillebrecht of California ga-
thered in the club room of the
community hall hereon Friday
evening tor a social get together.
The wedding reception for Mr.
and Mrs, R. Dill, nee Dohnage,
was held at the community hail
en Friday evening.
Mr. Mervyn Leonhardt has pur-
chased the plumbing and heating
business from Mr. Ford Dickison
and will conduct the business
from his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin. Bennewles
of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Scherbarth of Detroit, Mrs. El-
wood Smart of Windsor, Mrs, Pet-
er Kraus of Ruthven, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Bennewies, Seaforth,
with their mother, Mrs. John L.
Mrs. Georgina Anderson and
Donna of Windsor accompanied
Mrs. Smart and Mrs, Kraus and
visited at the same home and
with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wurd-
Bir, and Mrs, Wm. Besserer of
Kitchener and Rev, Hauser of
Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Wardell on Sunday.
Mrs, Ruth Boyd of California
has been visiting her mother,
Mrs, Ed, Jarmnth and brother,
Mr, and Mrs, George Jarntuth.
Miss Carol Wilson of Neustitdt.
was holidaying with M0, and
Mrs. Henry Leonitardt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer and
family of Seaforth with Mrs, Rob-
ina Miller.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Deer of Au-
burn and Mrs, Ed. Brodhagen of
Stratford with NIr, and :firs, Hat -
old Mogk.
Mr. and Mrs, George Eickmeir.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eickmeir of
Mitchell with Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
man Bennewies,
:lir, and NIrs. Gordon Dickison
and Mrs. Joseph Dickison of
Teeswater with Mr. and Mrs.
Ford Dickison.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gibb, Sha-
ron and Linda of Glencoe with
NIr. and Mrs. 0Iarold Smyth. hlrs,
Gibh and Lynda remained for the
Misses Kathy and Betty Lock -
ridge of Watford with their coe:.
Inc. Phyllis and Wayne Ahrens.
:airs. Leonard Maekke, Ann awl
Marion Stanek of Detroit, Jit, and
Mrs, Earl Erb of Milverton wii1.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe.
Mr. Wayne Wardell spent last
week in Detroit with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Paull.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell
at the same hone on Saturday.
Wayne accompanied them home.
NIr, and Mrs. Ed. Kressler of
Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. Rus-
sell Sholdice on Sunday.
Mrs, Bruce Sawyer and Robbie
of Mitchell' visited with Mrs.
Gary Sholdice.
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Beuerman of
London with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Manuel Beuerman,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval 'Whitfield
and Linda of St. Catharines with
her brother, Russell Sholdice and
Mrs, Sholdice.
Miss Julie Jackson of Stratford
with her sister, Mrs, Chas. Scher-
barth and Ntr. Scherbarth.
alt, and Mrs. Edwin Rock and
Jane spent a few days with their
daughter, Mrs. Doug. Aitcheson
and Mr, Aitcheson, Niagara Falls,
Visitors at the home of Win.
and George Diegel on Sunday
were Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Suehr-
ing and Mrs, Ida Brunner of Se;
bringville, Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Snaith, George Young, 01r, and
Mrs. Ross MacLean and familly of
Stratford, Bir. and Mrs, John Old-
field and family of Seaforth, air,
and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milver-
ton, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Hinz
and Rodney of Logan, NIr, Arthur
Riegel of Kitchener, Miss Esther
Wicke, Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Don
McLaughlin and Dale of Kincar-
NIr. Clayton Ahrens has return-
ed from Army Officers cadet
training at Camp Borden.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice
and Beverley and Mr, and Mrs.
Gary Sholdice at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Gus Stahlke, Gadshiil on
Sunday evening visiting air. and
Mrs. Wayne Beuerman.
Mr. and. 'Mrs, Warren Snyder of
Florida flew from Florida and
landed on the farm of Kenneth
Snaith, across the road from Mr,
and rift's, Edward Scherbarth with
whout they visited, Mrs, Snyder
is a sister of Mrs. Scherbarth.
Master Alvin Hicks is holiday-
ing with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph
Hicks in Toronto.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, L.
Bennewies on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Priestap and
family of Sebringville, Mr. and
Mrs, Theodore Nowank and ram -
fly of Brunner and hir, and Mrs,
George Rose of Fort Erie, Mr.
St, Joseph's R, C. Church, Strat-
tratiford was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Saturday morning,
August 25, when Geraldine Marie
Atchison, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Leslie Atchison, 208 Huron
St., Stratford, became the bride
of Frank J. Flannery, son of Mr.
and Mrs, John Flannery, Dublin,
The ceremony was preformed
by Rev, J. L. O'Rourke, P.P.
The bride was given in marri-
age by her father, She chose a
floor length gown of silk organza
which featured a square neckline
of lace trimmed with tiny pearls,
and with lily point sleeves, The
bouffant skirt was appliqued with
Calais lace, The tiered satin veil
was held in place by a tierra of
crystals and pearls. She wore
the groom's gift, two strands of
pearls and carried a cascade of
red yuletide roses and stephan-
otis with trailing ivy.
The maid of honour was Miss
Margaret Atchison. sister of the
birds and the bridesmaids were
Mrs. Wilfred Corriveau, sister of
the groom and Miss Marion Will-
emseu, Stratford. They all wore
street length dresses of corn-
flower blue moire taffeta with
bateau neckline, set in sleeves
and a softly pleated skirt with a
self fabric bow belt. Their head-
pieces were nylon mohair pill-
boxes in identical colour with
small petals on the crown and a
small veil trine. They carried cres-
cent cascade pink carnations and
pink demure rosebuds.
The little flower girl, Elaine
Heenan, r,r. 5 Stratford wore a
frock of pink nylon over taffeta,
trimmed with tiny rosebuds, set
in lace on the bouffant skirt and
she carried a nosegay arrange-
ment of tinted blue carnations
and blue cornflowers with a
matching head crown. Jimmie
Flannery, London was the ring -
The groom's attendants were
Pat Flannery, Loudon, brother of
the groom, and Icon Murray, Dub-
lin. Tom Atchison and Terry
Ryan ushered the guests, During
the ceremony traditional wedding
music was played by the organist,
Miss Lucille Rousseau and the
soloists ware Larry Lemeuchiek
and Peter Van Het•k of Stratford.
A reception was held at the
Tall T Steak House. The mother
of the bride received the guests
wearing aqua nylon organza oyez
taffeta trimmed with lace a black
ostrich feather hat, and matching
accessories. She was assisted by
the groom's mother, wearing an
autumn brown lace sheath nylon
over taffeta with white hat and
accessories, Both wore corsages
of yellow Elizabeth roses,
Tho couple left on a motor trip
to Western Canada. The bride
travelled in a three piece knit
suit of hunter's green, the over-
blouee having a sweetheart neck-
line with : Channel embroidered
jacket. The small hat was of
metalling green imported mousse
with perky side bow. She wore a
corsage or white feathered carna-
tions and stephanotis,
:The youug couple will reside in
Dublin, .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of
London spent the week enol with
her sister, Mrs, Harold Penhale,
NIr, 01,,r)ld Penhale returned
hone frum Clinton Hospital last
Mr, and NIrs. Leslie Armstrong
and family and Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas Penhale and Ricky spent
Sunday at Detroit, Mich.
and .0t , (;oral',' 1I iier 111(1 I4uda LAKEylEpE
of Witham.
.lir. and \lr-. 1 . Howatt,
Mr, Willows 31000. ,:.'1' Ind Mr.
\\'ill Gorier and Ilr, Lily \Vete
stet' attended the iluunor citn i11
Anbutn in 11011ur of .ills, 11 a ga)•-
tt Jackson by former serlwoluuttes
and pupils,
Mr, turd Mrs. Jim Radford spent
'et' 1 l.' f t)
u w. k a. t a 1 n on 0 motor nip
to the southern States including
Jacksonville, Florida, caning .111
.Vlr. anti Mrs. Doug. Radford of
Niagara 011 the return trip.
1ti s were :terry to hear that
Mfrs, Leslie Reid of the I3tlt con.
is at present it patient in Strat-
ford hospital. We hope for it
speedy recovery.
Ilr, and Mrs. Dare Morrow of
Owen Sound and MIr. and firs.
Will Morrow of Lions head ware
weekend visitors with 11r, attd
Mrs. Karl Gaunt.
The W. I. will hold their Sept.
Meeting oat Wed. Sept. 5th, at 8
p.m. Mr. Harvey Johnston will be
gt1ot speaker, Roil calf, an im-
-provement 1 would like on our
Carni. The programme commit.
tee, Mrs. T. Allen, Mrs. Relit.
Thompson, Mrs, Harvey Kennedy,
Mrs. Jack Medd and Mrs. Jos,
Miss Linda Thompson spent
last week with her grandparents
at Moorefield,
Mr. Ed, Davidson and Miss
Bessie Davidson of Walton visit-
ed with Mrs, Bert Allen on Tues.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook,
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Millsou or Se-
bringville visited with Mr, and
Mrs, Leonard Vodden in Paris on
Sunday, Ronald Voddeu who
spent the vacation with the Shob-
brooks returned home,
There will be service at Hope
Cemetery o Sunday, Sept. 2nd, at
3 o'clock, Mr, Colin Fingland will
be the speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Lyon of
St. Petersburg, Florida visited
week with relatives in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Living-
stone spent last week with friends
in Montreal and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beacom
of Punta Gorda, Florida visited
over the weekend with their cous-
Ins here,
Mr. Gordon and Harold Beacom
and Alex. Wells attended the
Pioneer power reunion near
d his Casa Royal Orchestra
I•"ItiDAY - AUG, net
Admission $1,00
Cautpbellvllle on Saturday.
Mies Marguerite Lyon returned
un Sunday from camping for a
week at Sauble Beach.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Dodds
and family of La Grange Park,
Illinois, visited last week with
cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Shad -
dick and -Jos, Sltaddick,
Miss Linda Moore of Goderieh
spent a few days recently with
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hunking.
School Boys
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