HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-30, Page 4THE SEAFORTH Nkl•N'S Thursday, August 31.1. 11It12 DUB.LiN• Rev. Gorden Dill, London,T Pr . 1 l.ansrtt and Mrs. frank l ill, ltolph hill Stratford, Lou Mae Donald and sot) Gorden. Windsor, with Mr. mut Mrs, Joseph Rey.. \Vl.lt, Michell t &.P,, Now 'York •uul his sister, Mrs, Dr, Coughlie. Pasadena, Calif.. S+ailed on friends here last week. Bev, John Stapleton. t'.1i.1 of Toronto with ,lit'. and Mrs. Wm. Steelman. Mrs. A. 31. laulby. in Clinton, . Mr. end Mrs. Frank Divans in London. Miss Monica Byrne has return- ed from her vacation in Detroit mod Rochester. Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy at St. Thomas' with Mr, and Jits. Maurice Dillon. Victor Dantzer, Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle, 31r. and Mrs, Len Steinbaeh and Rete, London with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, 111. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter, Joseph Klauskopf. ?11r. and M's. Joseph Delaney attended the I1•tttnery-Atcheson wedding at Stratford on Saturday. Joseph Jordan and Pat Jordan in Detroit. 31r, and Mrs, Jolt Wells of Outlook, Sask., with 31r. and Mrs. Dale Anderson, 3Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Malone and family with 31r. and Mrs. Dan Costello. The IVlalones are moving to Winnipeg, Miss Beatrice Maloney is spend- ing a week at the ONE Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Murphy and children, Port Colborne with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kistuer, RECEPTION AND ry DANCE For Mr, and Mr's Herbert Kirkby (Linda Miller) In the Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, AUG. 31st Ian Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies bring lunch Everyone welcome RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs. George Smith tele: Bowman) SATURDAY, SEPT. lst Xurieh Community Hall Desjardine's Orchestra Everybody welcome aseball OBA Juvenile "C" Playdoll•-ns (Northern Division) SATURDAY Sept. 1, 19622 2.3,) P.M. Recreation Grounds SEAFORTH vs DURHAM VANIANMAnnAcwinnotANIN r1i Mrs Gerry Maymen,} 'S3c and Cathy, sleep litter. with Mr. 11,111 3tra Prank My ill+. t 11 t- and frank i t 1 Chippewaoltlr , G anti3, t I w Bill Divans. Mr. and ,Mfrs. Andrew nantze , Loudon ilt their home ]fere, Mr. Millie Dill returned to l.an- silig.,Bich„•with Mr. and 3'Irs Frank 1)111. 31r. and Mrs. Richard Tate. D - trolt, Mr. Joseph McCann. Detco(t with :Platt. hurray. Mr. and ,firs. J•int Newcombe, Dolt credit with 3Ir. and 9Ire. William Stapleton. Mr. and lit,. Ed. Stapleton ;n Detroit with 3Ir. and Mrs. Mac- Donald. • KIPPEN Master Kenneth Jones attend- ed ('lien) .Hiawatha at Goderieh Summer Sohocl lost week, Deepest sympathy from friends and neighbors is extended Mrs. Elizabeth Deitz and family in the passing of her daughter, the late Mrs. 300 Biggar of Namaka, Alta. Miss Cheryl Little of Hensall spent the week end visiting her friend, Miss Heather Reid. i4lr and Mrs. Eldin Kerr of Win- throp throp were Sunday visitors with Mrs. E. Dowson, Sunday guests with Mr.' and Mrs, Harold Jones and boys were 31r, and Mrs. Wm. Jones and fem. ily of St. Thomas. Mrs. Ivan Forsyth has returned home form being hospitalized in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Jim Biggar Passes Mrs, Jim Biggar, the former Mildred Deitz of Kippen, of Nam - aka, Alberta, passed away in Cal- gary General Hospital on Tues- day, Aug. 21st. in her 42nd year, She is survived by her husband, one son, Randy, one daughter, Priscilla, her mother, Mrs, Eliza- beth Deitz, one brother, John, two sisters, Dorothy, Mrs. Toni Munroe; Norma, Mrs. Wm. Cole- man, all of Kippen. Funeral ser- vices were held Thursday, Aug. 23rd from Calgary. A brother, John and sister, Dorothy flew out to attend the funeral. CROMARTY We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen who are celebrating their golden wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker and Alice attended a fancily gathering at the hone of 3Ir. and Mrs. H. R. Currie. Dorchester, on Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs, George Wallace. Mrs, Horton McDougall, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, 3lrs, J. 11. Scott and Ronnie visited on Thursday with Mrs. Gordon Hess at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllraitn and Mrs. John Bell of Toronto and 30.. and Mrs. Will Sillery of Exeter were Sunday evening call- ers with 31r. and Mrs. Will Ham- ilton. Miss Shirley Robinson of Strat- ford is holidaying with 3liss Ruth Ann Coleman. 3Ir. Frank Stagg attended the Houghton fancily reunion at Mit- chell on Sunday, 3Ir. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton and John, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sadler, 3Ir. and firs• Lorne Elliott and fancily, 3h'. and Mrs. Cliff Miller and fam- ily and Mr. and firs, Alvin Wor- den and family attended the Ham- ilton fancily reunion at the Lion Park, Mitchell, on Sunday. OFF SEASON ' ,rrGSI S 1 REG. NOW SELF PROPELLED ROTARY LAWN MOWER 120.1)9 •1-cyc'. 19" Rotary POWER MOWER 55.25 LAWN ROLLER up to 300 lbs 16.98 1 Cu. Ft. RUBBER TIRED WHEEL BARROW 29.95 REI3BER TIRED GARDEN WHEEL BARROW ... , 10.95 41 Fr. ALUMINUM TRELLIS 2.95 ii Ft. ALUMINUM TRELLIS 8.95 7 Ft. ALIJMINUm TRELLIS 5.9 ROLL UP HOSE REEL .......... INSULATED CHILL CHEST .... , . 11.9 FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED 96.00 47.00 14.00 23.95 8.75 2.35 3.15 4.75 9,45 9.50 SILLS HARDWARE planning a trip? It costs so little to phone with Hell's reduced rates calls between points in The day rates are low... there are bargain rates after 6 and all daySunday! Enjoy yourself all the way -call ahead for reservations! ahead and make sure -- On STATION -TO -STATION Ontario and Quebec. ELL +i h 3hrK 'l.t is 'spend'ttl„ this a kat Tor'il.,l inhibition. Master !Weide Sciltt Stade it ho(ilt tl iu • ;it the home of his sister, Mrs. Carlyle 3tetkle. k 301 1 I �a David. John 'aid Alec. spent the week end at Lind- say with, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore curd family. Mrs. 16. Moore who had *pent a few weeks with her soft returned home with them. Master Bobbie Binning. Mitch- ell spent the week end with his grandmother, 3lrs. K. 31cKeller. The church service last SunUay was in Charge of the Gideon So- ciety. Ml. L'.udniore of Exeter oc- cupied the pulpit and brought au inspiring ,nesage and also gave much information Concerning the work. 3Ir. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood rendered two beautiful solo number's, aceompanyhtg them with suitable poems. Guests with 14Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Harper on Monday were Mr. and Mrs.Wm Blo sing, Mrs. M J, Robinson and Luella of Grosse Point, Michigan, and firs. Clara Hackney, Exeter. Harvesting in this area is near- ly completed sad all farmers re- port a bumper yield of grain. The GGIT girls with their lead- er, Mrs, 3'I. Lamond had as their guests at their meeting on Wed- nesday night, the mother' and members of the Women's Mission- ary Society, Mrs. Lamond wel- comed the visitors and the girls repeated their Purpose. Devotions were led by Anna Scott, Carol Amt Dow and Barbara Gardiner, followed with hymn 798. The Bible Study Project "You and Your Church Membership" tool. the form of a question And an- swer period. The offering was re- ceived and Shirley Gardiner read a poem. A playlet "Brothers in Christ" wild presented by Carol Howe, Joyce Kerslake and Boltnie Kerslake. The girls explained their missionary project in Brit- ish (}redia, > g b' commenting 0n the maps 1)141 pictures 01 display. L t t d 4i iaY, They also had a display of crafts, inerts, cushion tops, 0('eW1 mitts and candles, 'There were 12 guests and 10 girls. present. The meeting Closed with hynni 749, ST, COLUMBAN .Puss Karen kale and Miss Patsy McGrath are spending' a week at Our Lady of Louden Camp at Fattshawe, 31r, and Mrs. Maurice Melady, Theo and Jim Melady in Prescott attending the MeladyLeMaire wedding on Saturday, 3Ir, and Mrs. Jim Doyle and falully, and Miss Anne Maloney, London with 141r. and Mrs. Prank Maloney. 311's, Joseph Melady in Chippe- wa with 14It and Mrs, Bill Evans. 1111111.., u1111111111 .qun1111111 lm.1111441111.11111,uu1111 BORN Regele --- in Woodstock Hos- pital Itol nAugust 18t� to r. andMrs. Lloyd legele, Woodstock t r.6, a daughter. le Fanned At Scott Memorial Hospital. on August Sd, 40 141x. anis J11.s, Hart 1r'angrad, Church street, Seafort1L a son. • Wild.- At Scott Memorial Hos- pita!, on August 27, to Mr. and Mrs, John Wild, r.r. 3 liaylleld, a sou.' McClure -- At Scott Memorial Ilospital. ou August 27, to Mr, and 3lrs. Glen McClure, r.r, 1 Sea- forth, a son, Van Loon - At Scott Memorial Hospital on August 28, to Mr. and Mrs, Martie \'tut Loon. r.r. 4 Sea - forth, a daughter. HENSALL Larry MacLean returned home after holidaying with his uncle end ant, :fir. and Mrs, 'Wilson Broadfo0t in Goderich, SCIIOOL HEAIJQUARTE.' S Students and parents will enjoy our "school headquarters" It offers an unique advantage. Text books, binders, pens, paper, clothes and many other items can be had at one stop LARONE'S Seaforth 5c to $1 Store -Stationery -Gifts ,....wma u,u., au...,".,,,m., u,..,,., n....,, un..n,.,,40111181111111111.1...$1, .. n, e.... u....N..,.,,..n„u„n ONTAR..) LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Select Committee on The Municipal Act and related Acts The Select Committee appointed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario ", . , to enquire into and review The Municipal Act of the Province and related Acts, including The Assessment Act, The De- partment of Municipal Affairs Act, the Local improve- ment Act, The Ontario Municipal Board Act and The Planning Act, and the regulations made thereunder, for the purposes of modernizing, consolidating and simpli- fying such Acts and regulations and making such recom- mendations as may be necessary for their Improvement" will continue to hold public meetings in Toronto com- mencing on September 26th. Elected members and appointed officiais of municipal governments, local boards, commissions etc„ groups of persons and individuals are invited to present submis- sions pertaining to the legislation applicable to municipal government. Notice of intention to make a submission to the Select Committee should be sentto the Secretary by September 13th. Notice of the time allocated for appearance will be given as soon as possible. Hollis E. Beckett, q.c., M.P,P., Mrs. H. G. Rowan, C.A., Chairman. Secretary, Box'105, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. (Telephone 365-2241, Loc. 43) TO INSTALL NATURAL GAS HEATING! Convert to Gas Heating... Check Your `Summer Trade-in Bonus' Below: tc 50.00 as a trade'inr oin your old oil burner or coal stoker when you install agasconversion burnerora new designedgasfurnace. $50.00 as scrap allowance for your old oil or coal furnace when you install a modern gas furnace. $50.00 as a ad -in aY orI etusur central heeating systemllowance forwhenacon ou instao!hllaa modernernow ased furnacasyoe. 25.00 trade-in allowance for coal grates when you install a gas convey sion burner. AND $15.00 towards a new gas water heater if you install it When you convert your heating system to gas! 0 4 gym. .�4='s:.Js••t . w is When you convert NOW Natural Gas pays you, but you pay nothing until October! $2.95 monthly is all it costs you to rent a gas conversion burner. Or, if you put-. chase your gas heating equipment, you can spread payments over 60 months! Remember, this offer is good only up to October, 1962. So act now! UNI0N(*) COMPANY R