HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-30, Page 191/1 OLE SERIES, VOL. 84 he Sea I'lloIle 84 orth_Ne ws. SEA1'ORTF.i1 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, A1'(11 ST 30, 1002 11.60 a Yser Golden Weddings Mr. -and Alrs, Ephraim Clarke, Seaforth, who will observe their 50th wedding anniversary next. \'.touches Mrs, 1'Inr.e is the former Sarah :Alberta Coleman, (humbler of the late Air, and Mrs. Thomas C'leman of Tnelcersntith• They were married by Rev. AL'. Osterhout, cif Lentiesbor0, and lived in Hellen until retiring to Seaforth, They reea1l that there were only two automobiles at their wedding fifty ,ears ago. bIr, and Mrs. Frank 0. Allen of Cromarty, who celebrated their iitieth anniversary on Tuesday, Aug. 28th, i4Ir. Allen is a towner Warden of Perth county and server] on Hibbert township council ter 20 years 8e cuuneiller and Reeve Huron -Bruce Bye - Election Oct. 4th George MoCuteheon, reeve of Brussels and 1902 Warden of Ilaren County was last week nom- inated Progressive Conservative eundld.,te for the provincial by- elc_ton in Huron -Bruce riding on Oct:,ber 4th. On Monday Murray Gaunt of Lexrlow was named Liberal can- dilate, Posto£fice Hours For Labor Day Seaforth Posioffice will observe the following schedule for Labor Day. September 3rd: One snail only from East at 7 a.m. One nail dispatched to all points at (1 pan. only. There will be no rural 1(1011 delivery. The wicket. will be open for stamps from 11 a.ni. to 12 noon only. Fortieth Wedding Anniversary Golden Wedding of the Frank C. Aliens Mr, and Mrs. Frank C. Allen of Cromarty eetelrrIlerl their golden wedding anniversary 00 Tuesday at titin week, holding open hon.+e in the afternoon and evening. 011 Sunday a family dinner was. held at the home of their dangh; ter and sondn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moss, Staffa, when they were the 1.00iptente of a 400.day clock from. their children and n mirror set in gold filigree from tate grandchildren. Toasts were given by their eons Anthony and Eldon, and son-in-law Mr. Murray Christie, Among the -guests, from a dist. •(00e on Tuesday were a niece and husband, Mr, and firs. Charles iliddlehi'o, of Owen Sound; te sis- ter of Mi'. Allen, Mrs. Vinlet Quance, liracebt'idt e; and Mrs, Allen's only living aunt, Mrs, Scott Barr, of Burlington, former- ly. of Mitehell. Mr. and Mrs, .Allen were mar, teed shy the Rev. David Ritchie of Cromarty Presbyterian Church on August 28, 1912, at Ole home of the bride, 2;.; miles west of Crom- arty, Mrs. Allen was Mary \Vol• den, daughter of Mrs. John Wore den and the late John Warden, and Mr, Allen was the son of Slr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen. They settled on the Cromarty line, west of the village, where they ventinued to live until retiring to Cromarty 11 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Allen recall that it was a wet summer and the har- vest was still in stooks, It poured on their wedding day. They have a family of two daughters and two sons, Vela. Mrs, Alfred Coss; Margaret, Mrs, ;Uurray Christie, both of Hibbert; .Anthony, of Stratford, and Eldon, on the home faun, Mrs. Allen has one brother, William Warden, of Cromarty. .\Mr. Allen has three brothers and one sister, Wilson Allen, 92, of 1nd11ury; Harold Allen, of Moose - jaw, Sask.; Stanley Allen, Edmon- ton, Alta,; :firs, Violet. Qnauce, tlracebridge. AIr. Allen served on Hibbert township council for about 20 years, being Reeve for six years and Warden of Perth county in 1963. Mr, and Mrs. Allen are members of St. Mary's Anglican Church, •Dublin, Observe Their 410th Anniversary 1Ir. and firs. James 0. Car- nochan, Tuekersmith, observed their fortieth wedding anniver- sary last Saturday. They were married Sept. (1, 1922, by Capt. Pl. \V. Edwards, assisted by the Rev. R. F. Irwin, at the home al the bride's parents Mn Harpurhey: Mrs. Carnochan is the former Elizabeth A, Wankel, daughter of the late August Wankel and Ellen Townsend. Her husband is the son of the late James Carnochan and Jane Gray. They have farm- ed on the Carnochan homestead, cleared in 1832, since their nntrriage. Mr, and Mrs. Carnoch- an have three sons, James, Win- nipeg; John, Seaforth; Kenneth, Tucltersinith; a daughter, Ruth, died in 1948. There are also nine grandsons and a granddaughter. The occasion was marked by a dinner attended by their immedi- ate fancily at the Little Inn, Bay- field, followed by an "At I:Iome" at the home of their son John, where their many friends and neighbours called ou then. Guests were present from Port Elgin, London, Gorrie, Fordwich, Blyth, Goderich, Michigan, Mani- toba and Stratford. During the day telephone calls were received from their son James in Winnipeg and sisters of the groom, Miss Ann Carnochan •and Mrs, Ella Kirkby; Los Angeles, Calif. Durham Here Saturday Afternoon JUVENILES PLAY'SATURDAY Seaforth Juveniles will 111501 Durham at the recreation ground here on Saturday at 2.30 pin., in the second game of the Ontario semi-finals, Unable to get the range of the Durham pitcher the boys lost in the first gage. A third game, if necessary, will bo pinyed at Durham next Sunday. FUNERAL OF W. J. SHANNON The funeral of the late William James Shannon was held on Fri- day afternoon, conducted by Rev. D. 0. .Fry. The pallbearers were George Wheatley, Mas Scott, Ken Stew- art, Scott IIabkirk, Francis Hick• anti and Ross Gordon. The flowe'bea'ers were Jim Hogg, Art Henderson and Wilfred Drag - el'. FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Clarke, ,Tames street, Seaforth, wish to invite all their friends and neigh- bors to open house on the oc- easion of their fiftieth wedding tinniversa]'y, September 3rd, from 2 to 5 pen, and 7.3e to 9.30 11,111 No gifts please. ENGAGEMENT The engagement Is announced of Audrey Joyce? Kemp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 5, Kemp, Mitchell, Ontario, to Alfred Joseph Malone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Malnnc, r,r, 2 Dub - ,lin. Ontario. 'Th( nma'riage will take Peace of September 22, at 'The- fortieth au)fVPrsary of 'Me. and Mrs. Japes C. C'arnoc'ltnn of 111.30 a.m., in SI, ('ohnnh(n Rolu- Tuther'stoith ceps observed on 10(11'6ay, Mrs. eareeehaot 114 the an Catholic ('hut'ch, St, Cutout' former Elizabeth Wankel i ban, Ontario. Logan Farm Hand Found Dead The badly decomposed body of Thomas Frederick Brackpool, 42. \v115 1'nund an Tuesday about 1 p.nl. by Carl Hillebreeht, Logan township in his bush, 114 miles east anti south of Hrodhagen. The de0eaSed was a native of England and a war pensioner. Ile had lived for many years in the Brodhagen district, working on various farms, • He had not pee0 seen for tate past six weeks when he was stay- ing at the neighboring farm of Wilfred 1-1i11ebrecht, llis dis- appearance had caused 110 alarm because he was accustomed to going and coating unannounced. Carl Ililiebrecht told The Sea - forth News 01( Wednesday he went back to the bush after lunch on Tuesday to see about wood. He found the body sitting against a tree. The flesh was rotted away front the finger buttes, with the facial tissues and hair leaving almost a bate skull. Mr. 11111e- brecht was able to identify the remains. Provincial police were summon- ed. Dr. i41.eLantiross of Mitchell is coroner. The remains were taken to Stratford and later to Toronto for examination. it is understood that Carl Hillebreelit turd 1411100 Bode were working in the wood- ier on Monday within 00 feet et the remains and did- not see the body, Winthrop Wins H F A Semi -Final Winthrop defeated Goderieh to 1 in the second garde of the semi-final series in a game played at Winthrop Wednesday night, Aug, 22. John Hoven and -Kim :McClure scored the goals for Winthrop. Winthrop now awaits the winners of Centralia RCAF and Clinton RCAF for 'tlie final series for the Stephenson Trophy. Winners of draw were Jack Bry- ens, Walton, 14Irs. Alex, Dennis, Walton and Hugh Flynn, T.,ondes- 1)or'o. DROP TWO GAMES In the second game of the La- dies Softball finals, Ilrussels de- feated Winthrop by a score of 7 to 1. During the first four innings the game was close as neither teeth showed too much power. In the fifth and sixth innings, Brus- sels showed their strength and scored Live runs to salt the gauge away. A. De Vries 01111 best at bat for Brussels with a double and a single, L. Iir3'ans Avila best for Winthrop with 'a double and -two singles, Brussels 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 7 Winthrop 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Batteries: McTaggart, Coultes; Williamson, Elliott. The third game of the series will be played in Brussels on Fri- day, Aug. 31, at 8.30 p.ni. BOLTON -PHI LPOTT - A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed in Grove Park Mission, Brom- ley, England recently, when Rev. 0. Giddeu united in marriage Ann Philpott. and :Malcolm Russell Bolton. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mrs. E. Kirk, Bournemouth, England, and the -groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Russell T. Bolton or r,0, 1 Seaforth. Given in marriage by her cous- in, M. K. Taylor, the bride chose n. floor length brocaded satin gown with full skirt falling away to a long train. The fitted bodice featured- a scoop neck and lily - point sleeves, A white coronet held her shoulder length veil and she carried a shower of red roses and lily of the valley. The little was attended by Miss Sheila Ow- en of Wales, and :Miss Brenda Andrews of London, England, wearing identical street length dresses of pale blue poplin and a headdress of yellow roses; they also carried a ehbwel' bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Denise Phillipa of London, Eng., was flower girl, wearing a street length yellow poplin dress with a circlet of scabius and carried a pcisy of seabitts. Mr. Allred Rowe was grooms- man and guests were ushered by Mr. Pete' Phillips. - Mr. George Vincent, the organist, played tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Mrs. Tradie 'Black as site sang "Great is thy Faithfulness." A reception was 1101(1in the Grove Pnrk Mission Hall follow- ing the ceremony, For a wedding trip to Cornwall and South \Vest England the bride travelled in n pale turquoise sheath ensemble of embossed linen with matching coat and white accessories. 011 their return they will reside in Markdale, -Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Bolton attended the wedding, CAR RECOVERED A Pontiac sedan owned by Tem Wood was Ii10 0ered Saturday nal 1 p.m, by local police. The vehicle was reported missing at 2 a,lh, it was spotted by Couslable A. flowering while of patrol half (1 111110 west of No. 4 highway at the Clinton RCAF station. 111' cru' \V1(5 tnnda1nageci, The ear 10118 stolon from the front. of Mr. Wood's residence, on West William street. A ueilshirn' noticed 50(11(one around the ear and untitled bar, Wood, By the time he got, opt the ea' 1011$ gon1'. He and Constable Bates cruised around town for a time but were tumble to find the car, Swimming Season Ends at Lions Pool A4ondtty. A 1. , saNef 1111 11962 eon pet it?'i.c s7F•i11,111'( a: this area. fiix tewLs •w(1re . ' rented in the awe 1 a nis pal 1: patine. 0odcrl(b, V'111i:.l,alll and Seaforth toweled lite northern team: Stratford, Merys aed. Mitchell formed. lite southern team; each town (1d 13 swine meal, The dual score: :g,5 f(1( than south and AI, 1o, 31:1 401111 -.1(21r13 indicates the ralvezeree o2 swim timing year-round al the Stratford , "T" as 11(011} tlettercl, :=t, Mares and 1Iitchell ewieim(:ra do, Red Cross Examinations The August "Red cress" r- t,-', inations were heel F2eday, \ !0, 24. The (.aull0(1 wee ars Kee Engelstad pi ('i:01 1l, Succesafui ce:nu;dans keret Seniors - Nemy :10 oft, llontgnmery, Peter Bill MacLennan. -Lions Senior - i enk Semi, Intermediate - jam, ' (111is11, Diane l'initlyson, halt, Newnh.;m, Janet Turnbull, ',;ray Ana lune. Juniors - John Rem ..*00th:, Iloutemniller, Petri Etae, AIM a Robertson, Jean r cl -11(1, 1121100 ileue'nan, Ann •.: (.111) 1', Ross . Huff. Elizabeth 0lna e, Stewart McLean, Jack Stltpiet(.11, Ken ltn:'- sell, Bill Pou --ey,• Paul Muir.. Heginnera :Marg. Eckert, Ann \\ itbes Katialen Stapleton. Pee-' ale Krauskopf,1,nn Gibson Poe. 1111 11((11-;;0 .11-1 Randall, liar-- go Wells. :, 1)1 111 0' Patterson, Carol ' Glanville, Janet Lloyes, Elizabeth McLean, Gall Brown, e;eor"ette 138001, Jane 1,,,':-sto.r,eid , Sandra Coleman. Water Show Everyone 1e i, 1e:1 tl attend the water show t ('1' pool tins Friday evening'1"' 31'1, at ueenn1111,11ee1au11u,ne11e11n111nun(1111111111u11nwuunouun11u111111111n11u111111u11u1111111111e11unu p.m. The show sieved mit. lie too e lengthy tons permitting Friday Junior Farmers ; Two Dale Animals 111.1110111.11 0,4P.M "AM pHin„1111.1111m,ne11,,11,n1.0.4v„11u,.,au1111111n,11111I11111111111{ Back To School . . with a Smart New \u(,' s•t:t r de •e,::v'• r -;:I i.r eery happy 111 1)111011 fa school with ,3 J ?It; ;^. ,..., 111 1( 11( St;van!_`e'S:. \4,s1:0. 1 I 7J 1(0, ladies or gen[ $12.96 & up flea end .lie , I. 0) 1, '• latii11 '11' gods$19.96 & ftp 1c1:, ee;I,,- 110 '•,-nls 829,95 & ill) Sheaffer Pens Sheaifer Cartridge Sellout I'en0 Sheatf( r 51(1(1 r,1- F'il3 Pens Shecffer feel Point I'o'ns $1.49&1(p. 1.96&up 1,00 & up Also e con p tt- iiuc• of Sheaffer cartridges & ball-point refills as Weil ns ":„1e rials. Parker and Eveesharp refills Girl+' Kano. S. D. H. S. Rings ee Boys' Rings SAVA JEV: 1 .: EPA' GE0'S GIFTS FINE CHINA Seaforth 5'5,75 night shoppers `e attend. The Show- will include stater ballet:: diving, life saving skills and a demonstration of water polo. This promises to be a very enter- taining evening and we hope to see many of you at the pool on Friday, Royal Life Saving Now that the Red cross nv)- gramme has been eomlileted for this year We turn (m0 attentin1l to life sevi11g. Instruction has been held for the past week and the exams are to by held Satur- day at 9.30 (1.111. Mrs, Mary Harvey - will be the examiner for both the bronze neditliou rife saving test and the the award of merit. • Close of Pool • The pool will close officially on Sept, 3; however. weather permit- ting the pool may open the Mer - u:011 of Sept. 4 and succeeding afternoons of that week. • MRS. SARABEL WEBSTER 1II's. Farabel Webster, 79, wid- ow of Wilbert Webster, died On Friday, August 24, at Scott Mem- orial Hospital. She was the for- mer Sarabel Daley of Seaforth. Surviving are two step -daughters, Mrs, Charles (Mary) Bristow, of Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs. Colin (Dorothy) Hendry, Ottawa, The funeral was held at the G . A. Whitney Funeral Home on Mon. day afternoon. Interment was in Maitland Bank Cemetery, - The pallbearers were Harold Cudmore, Mervin Codrnore, Go' - don ..Cudmore, Edgar Cudmore, Robert Watson and Eldon South- well. The dowerbearers: Robert Joynt, Scott Hawthorne and Ernest Geddes. MRS. CHARLES LOVETT The death occurred hi SL Jos- eph's Hospital. London on Thurs- day, August 23, of Mrs. Charles Lovett, beloved wife of Mattes London, formerly of Seaforth, in her 581h year. Formerly- Cecilia Agnes ,Zones she was a daughter of James Jones, London. fo'met'13' of Seaforth, and was born end educated fn 0141041 and later was a practical -nurse. She was nar- ried et Clinton on June 30, 11137, Besides her husband and father she is survived by three daugh- ters and three sons, Margaret, 0enevie e, Carl, Janles, Thomas, of London; Mary, Mrs. Joseph 0rumnlett, Seaforth. The funeral took place Saturday morning from the Box Funeral Home. Sea- fo'th, to St, James' Ronan emb- olic Church for Requiem Mass. Rev, Charles Caruana officiate(. Interment was in St. James' Cemetery. The pallbearers were Thongs Lovett, Carl Lovett, Jaynes Lnv. eft, Charles Johnson, W111, Holm- es, Joseph Grummett. TRACTOR TAKES DiVE 1 tractor fell clown the embank- ment at the new Grieve's bridge north of Seaforth, while being towed. front Walton • to - Seaforth for engine 019010s behind Stewart \IcCall's truck. The tow chain apparently wnnnd 'in to a rear wheel of the track and the trac- tor toppled down the ;_rade strik- ing the b,id I,• breaking a 1arge. (e5hing onthe fr1nt: of - the machine. • PAVING STARTED Pa vinic t ,, t t .11 road with black top 91; 1111.111.050(101 from 1 litcsl `C, om Road ehle detours .1.)v,: b' :')r , onstrn eft ln'0pa'.:tc „ to M) tinting three new- bridges 1net,,ce•'a ' (''2' ilr • and Leadbnry, WIN AT AVLI''ER Alclei109 it,,Optaratcs wan first prize at Ay(to•l fair Fgdale. 111ue,' c0111.p01(1(01 last week, There were sae 1rt1. rcmpetiug. Wood- I stock placed second, Win Trips Mr. Larry Wheatley of r.r. 1. Dublin has 'heel, awarded a Trav- elling Scholarship from the On- tario Junior Farmers to attend the 11012 R.l T S,A, conference at Cedar Lakes lamp, Ripley. West Virginia. Larry is one 4l' four Ontario Juniors who will be attending this conference frog September 11 to le, Mr. Wheatley presently the Ilnron County Director of the Junior Fanners Assoclation of 0100010. Mr. Bob Fothering_htttu of r,r. 3 Seaforth has been awarded the Junior Farrier trip to Washington and New York which will talte plate the latter part of Septem- ber. This award is trade to the person having the 1liglhest, com- plete score in the Huron County Seed and Live Stock Judging Competitions. 11r. Fotheringham has always been (active Mu 1-1-1 programs serving ars a 4.1-1 leader this year. He also Is President of the Seaforth Junior Farmers. ST. COLUMBAN Friends and neighbours gather- ed at the hone of 111`. and Airs. Jack Moylan- on Saturday even- ing to honor then on. their 25(11 wedding anniversary. Mrs, 110y - Ian, the former Mary Lane, is the daughter of the late Mr,.51Yd Mrs. John Lane, and -lir. Moylan is the son of the lane 31r, and Mrs. Tylomas Moylan. They were nlat'- 'tied in 1937 hi tit. C0lumbales Roman Catholic. Church ch by the late Rev, Father Dantzer and have made their hone of the falsity faun in 31rKillop Town- ship. They have a fainly of two sons and three daughters: Sister Donald Marie (Catharine, of (11e Maryknoll Sisters at Baltimore: Donald, Luelle, Jean and Gordon, Rev..frank Ainylan, S.F.M., i1 brother, is at present home. on leave from the missions in the Phillipine Islands, An address of ean(0r(11ala1io110 and good (wishes was tend by Raymond Murray. and presentations were trade of a chrome kitchen suite and 11 china dinner set. of behalf •1f neighbours and friends; a plat- form rocker from the family. and other gifts of silver from rela- tives. The e5eling (('115 1111001 1a verde and dancing, Regulenl High Mass wits sant; on Friday morning• fur Edward O'Sullivan who died in Stratford 1105(0tatl on Tuesday, Rev, L. .1. Coughlin Iwas the celebrant. Pres- ent in the sanctuary were Mon- signor Harrigan, St. Marys, Rov. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe, and Rev. Francis Moylan. 51-',11. The Pall- bearers were Joseph \Wilds, ,Tach McConnell, Louis Morris, Steele en Cronin, Gerald O'1lcarn and James (1'llearll. Burial followed in St. Columban ('mastery. Rev. John Stapleton, C.S,B„ of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kele. Gordon Kennedy, Miss Mary McGrath. Toronto, and Miss Rita Kennedy, London with Mr, and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. rnl and 310. and Airs. Leo Il(ckneil ]t1 Kirkland Lake with Ayr, and Airs, C. 3; O'Neill. Air,and lyre James Sloan. Mr. I and Airs. T. J. Murray, Pat 1010,111 and Jones Sle an in Windsor on 1 0atnrdal, attending- the Sloan Anderson wedding. -\lass Marion AMelvc'r. Reg. N., 2(1 ('(1 with air, and Airs. \\'i111(11(4 Al el t(' Air. anti 11rs. J. \'oil, Kitcholer :old Ah', unci 3>''o. 'foo, 1)llclul1anr, Landon m 1i U_, 11(1 ryes. ,ku nsh' li)r'tlnrl,r, lir, ;aid 11;'?, (.:t,,tr(i 1111,1:111 ;Itrd b( , ._,-, "Iii. .arae t Airs. 1,to \t•tr y. . . CNE Champions • 311w, A4`1n, Dale of Clinton 1%1%1, was the only Guernsey Breeder to have two animals in the aisle of ('hampions" at: the CNE this week, The two I)alevista herd sires, U 1levist a N. Peerless" and. "1(0111(1310. Brigadiers Sparkler" 1'011 the Preserve Jr.. Champion, and Reserve Sr, Championship ribbons and were among the eight Champion Guernseys which re- mained at the CNl, this week on display, the remainder of tate 1,1112' left flu' lair lust 1'ridey. 11r, 1l ale also won Srd on Jr. heif- er and •(111. all Sr, heifer, Another otic smutting win was on "Dalevista Golden (now" " who Played Oth. in the 0Iron 11 eon - tested div -cow (lass, "flow" is the d,(1(1 of "Sparkler" hull and. grand -dam of 1111 heifer c''alvee. on 1(01' she 0.150 hay a /;CA of 145 for milk and 138 for fat. Al- together the herd Nott 10 ribbons on the li cattle exhibited. Thirty- six other Guernsey Breeders had entries at the I'VE. Alr, Lawrence Taylor returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Missouri and Michigan states and while in St, Louis, Lawrence enjoyed meetings and sightseeing. behind the scenes of business and manufacturing buil• dings and hospitals and here he was able to watch an entire oper- ation. In Michigan he enjoyed at. Leadership camp, lectures on dif- ferent. fields of business. This educational trip and high honour was won by Lawrence during his year's course at OAC, Guelph, Mr. and Airs. Frank Riley re- turned home after spending the past week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Woods and family of Ajax, Miss Debbie 'Woods returned with her grandparents for holidays, \'Iiss Sylvia Sanderson, near Blyth spent the week end with her friend, hiss Joyce Brown. Mr. Gary Jewitt returned home o1 Monday after spending' a week visiting lit 11nnitoba, Miss Esther Merrill of Clinton spent last Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Airs, Lorne Lawson, 31r. and 31)'s. Ken I'reszclat.or and family e11 Sunday visited with. Ail'. and Airs. Allan Pfaff and oth- 00 relativesat 1're diton. ,lint and Linda remained for holidays and David returned honer with his parents, .11r. and Airs. Lorne Lawson visited Sunday with Mrs. Effie Stephenson of Seaforth gild MII', Bill• 101 l'pb(l'lI 11111 Mrs. Bari Harvey and daughter'. Marie, of (Word Centre visited Monday with Mr. anti Mrs, Meer. Law sou, Form Organization For Huron Riding 7.'he1 H1n'nn young Liberal Aosoeial1011 1"1)13 101'1111(1 at 1110 tvnnnlhnty venire, Sea fort lr ,n Tuesday night. This association will john 1,1l of the present '1)1bs together as w'011 as 1101nd111;1 new ehtbs. Fifteen teerl rep esentatives of club, were present from 1e north, p 01,1110, ('redt)O) and Centralia to ,•I(•rl an eX(,elltiw(r to 5(.11'0 in office 101111 the :