HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-23, Page 4♦a•wwv,TT7TTIITT"T-T
Make LARONE'S your
headquarters for
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■,J.3i,ry�1 son% Wayne Bowman and
egahlke at the I etleettl-
er Lutheran Cltureh, :lonkton on
St..faftereeerds at the home ef
the bride's pareuts. Mr. and Mrs.
Saturday' and the dines and, reeep-
lionee .s laid away, the ;pat
thein;:. Mr, Rouistan "oncltttied.
H storical Sketch of Staffs
It le 1,.t known e\ae'tiy whoa
tate Wesleyan Methodist t'hurelt
Sttillo, came into possession of
a hulling around. However. the
earliest record of burials is 1862.
BFet:eti in that year were Mary
1'irake, a child of John Drake Sr .
Elizabeth Butson. wife of John
Butson: and a Kennedy whose
tirs: name is not known.
In 1e63 John Begg and Eliza-
beth Walker were burled, The old
Trustees books reeord a payment
of $4:00 by Mr, Towers on Feb.
21. 1865 for a plot in the cemetery.
On Feb. 13th., 1871 a committee
eotuposed of James Husking.
John Yeo. John Kemp. George
Hutchinson, Robert Webb, A. C.
Jones and \V,\\'. Sadler paid ,'100
for one half acre being the south
east part of the present cemetery.
On Sept. loth, of the same year
on notion of John Kemp and
Robert Norris, A. C. Jones was
appointed to sell lots in the bury-
ing ground, and on Oct. 23rd. A, C.
Jones, R. Hotham and John Yeo
were authorized to execute deeds
for lots. Mr, Pedrick was hired
to stake the burying ground for
the sums of 33. On Feb, 3, 1872,
the trustees paid Charles Tuffin
and Wm. Worden $43.29 for fen-
cing the cemetery.
The minutes of a meeting on
Aug. 13, 1S77 record a motion by
John Kemp and George Hutchin-
son that the price of lots be
raised to $6. On Dec, 3e, 1381 the
trustees laid out a portion of the
cemetery in half lots.
The cemetery was enlarged to
two more times. In 1301 a aim.
nhitteecomposed of WM. W.
Sadler, Hugh Kennedy, Wm.
Butler and Wm. Morrison pur-
chased one half acre from _Mrs.
John -McTaggart for $90, this be-
ing the south west section, In
1927 the northern section was
purchased from the McTaggart
Estate for $225, the committee
being Albert Norris, F. A. Ham-
bley Wni, Sadler, Robt, Sadler
and Joseph \Vorden,
guests at the wedding of the fo"-
The teeth anniversary of Stat
t'etn'tety- was' :narked by a deco
at ion service .1^, Sunday after -
nom when about thio reaktems,
and former residents assembled.
llelttivee tnd friends . phteei e
eowees on graves Before the'
ceremony. T\to graves bear thel
year 1802. one marked Nary
Drake. Febrnary 15.12, and .ti
ether Fannie Butson, wife i'
,t,r1u: Butson. were :he first on
to whit is now the cemetery
southeast corner. John F. Butsot
f Staffa. and hie t'ltildren. Rae. S
and Keith. 3. visited the grave of
Mr. Butson s great -great uncle's •
wife. Mrs, Fannie Butson.
Rev, E. J. Raids:on, a former!
minister ar Staffa. rottducted the t
1Ir. Roateton told the gathering;
that he had been ordained in 1917. i
Staffa was his second charge.
where he came in 192.1 and was
.there for three years,
•'Our minds and hearts are
iooded with memories of other
days," Mr. Roulston said, recall-
ing that so many who had been
wonderful friends have passed on
Here is a good buy. It sells regu• during the 42 years.
Carly for 31.'_'55 1.00
He is now living retired at
Exeter, but such is the scarcity of
ministers. that -he had only miss-
ed conducting services on six
Sundays in the two years or re-
tirement. Among the planes ire
has assisted were Wesley -Willis
Church, Clintons for nine months:
Grand Bend. Woodham. Kippen,
One hundred sheet: of 20hond
paper at this feature 5®G,
price Mr- Roulston made a plea for
2".O sheets
250 sheets
Book Rsdlis. set of S
890 support for the cemetery by famdl-
cv-149 ice and friends, commending the
ey0 people of Staffa on the splendid
manner they honor their forbears
by keeping the cemetery beauti-
ful. The cemetery has a beautiful
location looking over the green
fields of the countryside.
Spencer Jeffery, of Staffa, read
Ilan historical sketch of the cem-
etery. Music was provided by
I Mitchell Branch, Royal Canadian
Choose in leather and know id Legion band with 22 members.
-will last. Black, brown, green.; The back of J. A. Sadler';
red 54 a to $ 12 s truck was used as a platform for
98 he service. In his opening r•:-
marks Mr. Roulston said he had
1 'etd Riitgless +once spoken from a truck near
Ridgetown and on that occasion
Binder Ihe _poke tot,
On Jan. 27, 1902 a sale of lot*
was held at the parsonage.
had been told if Clean up bees have always
long, the trurfi would drive of been a part of cemetery care, In
This is excitingly practical Er- with hint, 1331 a bee was held about the
erwthing you need for classes Mr. Roulston used Hebrews 12:
goes with you in this 0 as,1-2 as his text: Messrs. Klein"). Webb, Smale. Gul-
neTv binder tet were appointed. to examine
Wherefore seeing, we also are
3 - Ring Note Books .lnhpassed about with so great a and repair ground and fence: 19113
first week in June; in 1590
Tie's' le rd -covered honks
d abuse while protecting'
val,,mi4le notes. 98 to
wT li rtrayed
.,ch'__1d : when yo11
e. lea ... ? rode at
-..tc -.. ace
ext Books
For All Grades
Laro e
Seaforth 5c to $1 Stare
STATtON'ERY •- v r S
"Everyth,oe Po- See00 •
e•toud of witness•4 let us lay
aside every weight. and the sin
which doth so easily beset us, and
let ns run with patience the race
that is se: before us."
The previous chapter. the 11th.
is ..:i made up with the doings cf
great men by faith. Abraham,
Moses. Isaac, Joseph. etc. The
"-h clta!::er says: "Let us lay -
wide -very weight. and let us
run w•:'b Ire,.ence the race-" It is
till. 05 ilp with the miss
who have zone before -"the cloud
t witnesses."
Mr, Rouletf,n gave verat ,
fr.,ni modern life to 11,1,•
St. Paul's exhortation "Let
tts lay aside r. :•y weight, -
:ng his audience :hat as a ;t•oung.
man h. ,:k 3 to run.
.. run,:ive nailes every
.,11 ro,i -aria_
_... .-•.ei,� : _using -h.
.._, a :1).1,3 i._0 ..
- . , . - ._f endurance
sahl he had o.f.e
,r_.. ... .,,_
Rev, R. L. Wilson, E. D. Hiitchit:-
sou and W. Sadler were named to
cut weeds, level ground and re-
pair fence: and in 1910 the sec-
retary and chairman were in -
`:meted to notify all interested
parties to come to a clean up on
an appointed day.
No doubt the biggest clean up
was !It 191.. when Cyril Verhey'e
was, engaged to plough, work.
Level and reseed the cemetery for
the sutra of 00000. At this time Mr.
James Howe was engaged as
On June 15. 1931 it was morfd
1)y \Ani Jeffery and seconded by
ir. Brute that the care of the
.itfa Cemetery be delegated to
the following - committee': jos
Worden. Albert Norris, R. A.
Sadler. • Ft•ancie- Hambley .'ad
Wee Sedier. It was reeved by F.
rt'itr: ., and _clmded bySpeJa
-• !hal! isoOlml:tet, 1,s
4fyrn.t :t' deterIili:ie rules
.nd t•e_n:,,ion. regardiner
-Le Cemetery.
A: he pres_tat time the Ceznet
:ry Boardmust'pat :n trust Pt
east 35 c nts per oaat• foo: fir
-._, the land they _e:e for burin:
:„,lots. and the interest ,rf tha:
phoney i, used for upk-r-p of t..
Gus Stalilke. r.r. 2 Gadaltill. Mr.
Clare French was the soloist and
lir. Ray Ben?rman, usher.
litre. Rachel Ahrens spent last
welt with Mr. and Mrs. Donald.
Ahrens M Hamilton and the week
end with her sister. Mrs. Hinz in
Guelph, and on Sunday the sisters
a11d brother of llrs. Hiuz cele-
brated her birthday with her at
the home of her daughter, Mr*.
Don Barber and Mr. Barber of
The wadding dinner aud.reeell-
tion for Mr. and Mrs. Suilth tree
Bowman) was held at the Com-
munity Hall on Saturday.
The McNichol reuuiou was held
at the community park on Sun-
Cemetery Decoration Service
will be held this Sunday, Aug. 20
at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Tom Scott of Brampton
with Warren Sholdice on Satur-
Mr, and Mrs, Ross Leonhardt,
Kathy and Kim were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kahle, Mitch-
ell on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs,
Leonhardt were sponsors at the
baptist) of the infant son. Greg-
ory James, of Mr. and Mrs. Kahle
at Grace Lutheran Church,
Mr, and Mrs. Chris, W. Leon-
hardt spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Matthies, Tavistock,
Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser,
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice
and Beverley were guests of :lir,
and Mrs. Harold Diego! at their
cottage at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Air. and Mrs, Gary Sholdice,
Paul and Mark with Mr. and Mrs,
Donald Horner and Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Clark, Kitchener on Sun-
Mrs. August Scherbarth is con-
fined to her home with a leg in
jury suffered in a fall.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of
London visited her mother, Mt's.
Elizabeth Rock,
Mr. Lorne Wolfe and boys witn
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
Mrs. Rosena Miller is visiting
her great granddaughter, _firs.
Rudy Hehn and Mr. Hehn and
Perry, near Sebringville,
Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Miss
Margaret Deyell and Janie Ander-
son of Toronto visited Sunday
with Mr. W. R. Cooper.
Mr. Lorne McBride is spending
a few days at Honey Harbour.
Master Ronnie Littleton re-
turned ]tome from a short vaca-
tion with his aunt and uncle 111
Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin of Thames
Road has been appointed teacher
for next year at 5s 14 Stanley tp,
-hiss Barbara Gridzak holiday-
ed last week with her grand-
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wat-
son of Centralia.
Miss Carol Menard of Windsor
is residing with her sister, Mrs.
Russell Faber and Mr, Faber.
The Misses Gwenneth Hendrick
and Wendy Jones spent last week
at the United Church Canip, God-
erich. and enjoyed a nice holiday.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Riley and
girls visited Sunday with the:r
son-in-law and daughter. Mr. aol
:Irs. Lewis Gingerieh. Bayfield_
Karen and Kathryn Hendrick
,njoyed :a,: week with their
-randparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sar
tel Hendrick. Exeter.
Sunday ,nests with air. ;and
\.: s. W. L. Ma Included t1 r.
and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison of
Thomas and Mrs. Ed Cudnto^e
o: Vauc ..erg also Mr. Mars.:...,
Stewart of Seaforth.
Mrs. Nelson Hood returned on
Sunday fr-tnt a month's ia.:a.--.n
W;1).r 1'e=. Joyce ,
ass week with her cousin. Diana
a. Y:,_,-... ._.,tory,
_ !nom hirnself
Mr. a:_1 -_, :d'1) >a -".:,:it.
I ;:kin of London.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. N.
stI_ Friday were Mr, and Mrs.
J,:.: Burnett. Toronto, Mrs, Flo:,
3e- :. y-. ,n:3 _...e Ducker. Southampton Beach.
1I i:_ and Mrs. John C. Doi; t.0
±:raid Rapids. -Mich,. and Miss
• - .•.r Fred :•._t,:.,, Ja°.:ei Doi; of Clinton called
3I 1)a...IP..-..- .:n ...fed
z .:: _.. wi_L
.�.1 ... "•s :. .. »..,',:,:_:....
.. _
..... z?...,... Thr....
Mr. -.Vesley
_ 3 ........,. -. -1,-... , t i. -,_ the t ,_ret•
3 . i Mrs.
::. t t ;•e
L R Eke.,,
T n 3.30
1 Mrsyr t., ' a l":} r s 'L'*.a.s ..
i.. _:a LaneKy' _Z:r
Mt spent the week end with her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ewer.
on Kyle and JinM.
Mr. and Airs. Itou Littleton tad
iauuty attended the Diamond
Wedding celebration of Mrs,
I ittleton patents, Mr. and Mr;
Freeman Slathers Nil Saturday at
Mount Carmel.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
spent a few days recently with
lir. and Sirs. Campbell Eyre at
Eekford Camp, Restoule.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt at-
tended the McRorie plenle at IP -
wash last Wednesday.
Mr. Wm, Dale is at the CNE
showing cattle this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Tien Reid and fain-
ily of Loudon spent the weekend
with 11r. and Mrs, Luther San-
Mr. and -Sirs, Frank Riley left
Sunday to spend the week with
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Woods and
daughters of Ajax.
,Sirs, Win. Dale spent last week
end at Goderich with her mother,
Mrs. T. McMichael.
Mrs, Thelma Bromley of Kitch-
ener visited Sunday with her
father, Mr. Janes Dale.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Lawson on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson of Sea -
forth, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Will-
is and Susan of Kitchener, Mr.
and Mrs, Ken Johns, Vancouver
and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Cole.
man, Varna.
Stir, and Mrs, Hector Kiugswell
and family of Clinton spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc-
Itwain and Mary.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. RegLawson were Miss
Nancy McFarlane, Clinton and
Mr. and Mrs. Turner an George,
Miss Muriel Dale is spending a
few holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale after
completing a Summer course at
Master Brian :Merrill, Clinton
is spending a few days with ,lir.
and Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Misses Jean and June Falconer
are holidaying this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Lawson.
Misses Wilma Dale and liargor-
et MacGregor are -attending Alma
College this week,
The Centenary Decoration Ser-
vices were held in Staffa Cemet-
ery on Sunday afternoon, Aug, 19.
A good crowd was in attendance,
Rev. E. J. Roulston was guest
speaker for the afternoon and
Spencer Jeffery gave the Histor-
ical report. Mitchell Legion Band
was in attendance.
Mr, Sam Norris is at present
a patient in Victoria Hospital,
Kay Worden Is at present :en-
joying a Junior Farmers bus trip
to Eastern Ontario, visiting King-
ston, Cornwall, Montreal, Quebec
and Ottawa.
Elizabeth stale, Brenda Kers-
lake, Shirley Robinson, Carol Viv-
ian, Joanne and Fay Templeman
were all guests of Margaret Wor-
den on \Wednesday.
Rev, and Mrs. A. H. Daynard,
Heather and Eleanor Kemp are
enjoying a motor trip to the East
Mrs. Pearl Francis and Jane of
Stratford visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mlrs. Arthur Kemp.
Mrs. Wilfred Annie, Joan and
Audrey, Zion. visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Ernest Templeman.
Weekend visitors with Fay-.
Joanne and Bon Templeman were
Carol Vivian. Margaret Worden
Kenneth Annis.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Norris and girls and
Mrs. rs. Sana Norris and Eric were
,.,. and :ars. James Norris, Doug-
iudy -and Garry, Brampton;
, Mr. and Sirs. Jim Lyall, Agin-
•eourt .and Mr, and Mrs. Tony
,L' sit and Richard, Montreal, lira.
Tony Brett anti Richard and Mrs.
Ji:a 1.y7a11 remained for a week's
31r. and Mrs. Gerald Agar and
fanhf!,7. Barbara Spence and Dar -
cepa Templeman are spending
this wek at a cottage at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O'Brien,
.ha:oa, Mickiel, Shawn. have r,'.
tanned home to Flint. Michigan,'
after holidaying for three weeks
with Mir. and Mrs. Walter O' -
:.en and 3Ir. and Mrs. 1221.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien
spent the week end at Ronde:tu
Park _ .. Lake, Erie,
SI:. an'l .I.\Weber 5141 family
st,et.t Sundaywitth Mr. and ,Air,
_-.a.i, •,:.k:e and family. lir.
3 Mrs, Allen Sreekle and Paul.
r d \i abed MrS., Ire tliw
Mr. and Mrs.. Emerson Erb and
id 11 . and Mrs,Tn ',
JJ.1-. Steck._ and faintly of Pa.it•
visited Sunday evening w:th
4 '1'lil 1-ll•,•AJ''oIt'rJi Ni':Wh
2111', and Mrs. Joolait atouklu and
Mr. anti Mrs. I.ioyyl Jeffrey of
Windsor spout the wwe.k end with
Mrs. Lco11 Jeffrey and boys,
'Baster Michael t"lirt'ivettu l;
spending a few holidays In Lthn•
dots with his states' find brotlwl'-
Mr, Harold Finlay, Jini anti
Margaret visited with Itlr. and
, 'I'iuu.i.lay, Aut,u:;1 ib, 1952
31r t wl"nitr+ 1-0U.l•klrl,
Mr, .ttul MV.0, 0341:4 t laky, ttnd
Toddy and Mrs, Clut'koa yi;tyt•,
1•tlizthr1h, hit t0 00'uruaul to t);,
taw'a after spe ndinat 11, low• hutt-
days with Mr. William t larked,
MIss Ruth and 314144ter Ray.,
mond Wa+bs+r aro *Instating holt.
wilh 111011' ltrti)d.ptu'Onty, Mt.
11,1111 ,Aire.. 111.41)0)-i4toehlo and
(Vtalktltnr ptsrmittiug)
Thursday, August 23rd
1.15 p.m. to 2.15 p.m. (D.S.T.)
Railway Street
Mill Street
Jarvis Street south of Railway street
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