HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-16, Page 5THE EAFOII'1'1t NEWS. Thursdc , August 16, SUPERIOR SMITH S Foo d Market CARNATION MILK J. 7 large tins HEINZ KETCHUP 11-0z, i 99bottles� C. c1lJ LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 4 20 -oz. tins 49c VAN CAMP BEANS with 57c Pork 15 -oz. tins King Hawaiian Pineapple Juice Cmc 48 oz. tins Minette's Choice Tomatoes �j 4l28 -oz. tins 85c ge. WHITE TISSUE CROSS TOILET 8 rolls 99c KOTEX regular 39c HEAD LETTUCE each l0c AFRICAN ORANGES dozen 45c FRESH CUCUMBERS 2 for • 1.3c CROP REPORT percentage of the remainder is Approximately60%a of the grain lying in the swath or stooked, has been harvested and a large Showers in the past week have slowed threshing operations. 24th Anniversary serving Seaforth and district COME IN AND SEE THE ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS Discounts on Men's Work Shoes, Rubbers, and Oxfords Boys Oxfords and Shoes Some Discontinued lines as low as 3.00 pr, Rubber boots 3.95 pr. AT Jack Thompson's Footwear Service SHOES REPAIRED Goderich Business College 21st Annual Fall Term opens September 4 Senior and Junior Courses approved by the Business Educators' Association of Canada Modern Equipment - Qualified Teachers - Tuition $28 Telephone JA 4-8521 or 7284, Goderich Mgt 111111111111111111111111111111111111N1"11111,11,11111111"11111.1111.11l1111111111111111111111111110111,1111111111111111111111 FIRST MORTGAG FS Farms Residential Commercial The Industrial Mortgage & T rust Company Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Seaforth TOWN TOPICS air. and Ilia, alelviu ilycrman Of Amon emelt Sunday with his 1 l• John Byer - man, 1r. stud .lrs. J tl r 1 n ! y ratan, Air. and Mrs. Jahn Nicol, of Guelph, spent a few days this .week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe 1 1fMn, Thornton and r, id Mrs, rt t . Dd ,.burnt n a Ito -gide, MaKiltop, Mrs. John C. Brough spent a tow clays last week with Mr. and Airs, Alan Ninuno of Toronto. itecent visitors at tete home of Rev, and Mrs. .1. Ure Stewart wore ltev. Clinton Brittain of Grand Omni and airs. Chas. Hooker 1 • Wausau, Wis. Mrs. Raymond Nott and daugh- ter Sally, R.N., of Louden, and Mrs. William Oldfield, have re- turned from a motor trip to Ot- tawa, Montreal, Three Rivers and Quebec City, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Addison and All's. Violet E1gie visited Sunday with relatives at Marton and Hepwor'th., Mr, J, M. McMillan left on Wednesday to visit his son Donald (Sandy) McMillan of Toronto, wlto is in Newmarket hospital in serious condition as a result of a head-on collision Saturday night, Miss Mary Catherine Nigh is spending this week with her aunt and uncle. Miss Agnes Purcell and Father Louis Purcell, Toron- to. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Purcell and Patricia and Mr. John Bennett, of Clairsholm, Alta., and Mr. and Mr's, Thomas Purcell of Callforn- ia, returned borne this week after visiting with members of their family here. Miss Lorraine Maloney, R,N„ of Detrelt, Mich., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Maloney. 1962 CHEVROLET 33DLLAII2, SEDAN, A,T,&R. 1961 OLDS SUPER 4 DOOR HARDTOP 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN 1956 FORD SEDAN ECONOMY SPECIALS 1955 CHI.IVROLJDT COACH 1954 Plymouth Sedan 1953 FORD SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1052 CHEVROLET COACH 475,00 100,00 100.00 100,00 100.00 NO RJASONAI3LE orrirR REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Sates & Serilee MITCHELL SI1AFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 BORN Knight — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 10 to Mr, and Mrs, James Knight, r,r, 2 Bruss- els, a daughter, LaRosa — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 11 to Mr. and Mrs, Benson LaRose, Clinton, a son, Murray — At Scott Memorial Hospital on August 11 to Mr, and Mrs, John S. Murray, r.r, 5 Sea - forth, a son. Munn—At Listowel 1'femorIal Hospital, Aug. 11th, 1962, to Dr, and Mrs, William D. Munn, Listo- wel, Ont„ a daughter. Beuermann Family Gather In Logan , e The 1, .1•, t r m to family gathered at lirltou Bodu's, Kogan Town- ship recently with about seventy present. hast resuits are as and fellows: Gh4s and boys, r , under, raced and all received Bandies; girls 6-7, Delores Beller- man; boys, 6.7, (icon !letterman; girls. 8-10, Janice Bode; boys 8.10, Neil Beuerman; girls 11-13, Valer- ie Bailerutan; boys 11-13, James 1)iegel; young ladies race, Dale Beuerman; • young men's race, Dolt Diegel; tallest man Lloyd Beuerman; shortest lady, Joan Irwin; balloon throwing contest winners were Ron and Elsie Iieueruran; couples finding part- ner blindfolded, Dale and Denis Beuerman; three-legged race, Dale Beuerman and James Diegel, wheelbarrow race, Dale and Sher - 00 Beuerman; candy scramble for 5 years and under and anoth- er for 6 years to 8. The afternoon games finished with a long awaited ball game. The longest married couple was Mr. and Mrs. George Beuerman The day ended with a lovely supper and a short meeting, Next Year the family will gather at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Beuerman with Mr, and Airs. Ross McTaggart and Mr. and Mrs, Ger- ald Beuerman in charge of sports, DUBLIN Rev. Joseph Killoran and his mother, Mrs. J, Iiilloran, Lundou, also Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Schmidt, Florida, were guests of Mrs. Loretta Schmidt and Miss Monica Roach. Joseph Jordan, Detroit, called on friends here. Mrs. Vera McKay and Mrs. Marcella Feeney and family, De- troit, attended the Clairncont- Horan wedding recently. Misses Sheila and Colleen Ry- an, Sebringviile, with Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy. Mr, and Mrs, Leo Jones and fa- mily, Mactier, Ont., with Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrath. Mrs. M. Vin- cent returned with them, AIr, and Mrs. T. S. Alelady, of Toronto, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Nagle and Linda, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle. Mr, and Mrs, John Nagle and Bernadette in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Nagle in Lucknow. Miss Monica Byrne spent a few days in London with Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath. Miss Elizabeth Weber, London, and AIrs. Boehler, Hamilton, with Miss Mollie O'Connell. James Jordan, Toronto, with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Morrison of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Cleary and children, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Staple- ton, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Fer- gus Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. John Clairmont, Montreal, with Mr. and airs. Fer- gus Horan. Miss Marilyn Holland, Strat- ford, with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger at Owen Sound. Hoegy. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dundas and family of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dundas, Mr.. and Mrs, Edgar Hollinger and Marie of Fruitland have re- turned home after visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Pollard and other friends last week. 'Mr. Malcolm Fraser wes is Stratford last week attending the 4th annual Western Ontario an- tique show and sale at the colis- eum In the fair grounds. Miss Ruth Ann Ennis, R.N„ of Kitchener spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis. Mrs. Fred Kerley has returned home to Toronto after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mr, Gibson Willis and his grade 8 boys have returned hone from a motor trip to Ottawa, Quebec, Montreal and the St, Lawrence seaway last week. The following boys accompanied hien: Bob Shan- non, Jack McCall, Gary McNichol, Jini Bosman. Mrs. Art McCall, who has been confined to Scott Memorial hospi- tal, Seaforth, Is improving. The grandmothers will be the guests of honor at the August Women's Institute meeting to be held Wednesday evening, Aug. 22. Conveners for historical research and current events will be Mrs. W, J. Turnbull and Mrs. F. Wal- ters. Mrs. Lune Scrimgeour of Blyth will give the motto, also a musical number and Mrs. Bryans and Mrs. Wilson will put on a hat show from the Maybelle hat shop in Brussels. Each member is re- quested to bring a grandmother. WALTON 17th and Boundary Unit The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and boundary unit of the i30W of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of AIrs, Geo, Williamson with 13 members and two visitors pres- ent. The leader, Mrs. Cliff Rit- chie, opened the meeting with call to worship. Mrs. D. Buchanan led in prayer and the leader read the Scripture. The topic was "The Ru- ral Church in the Enlarging Com- munity and Mrs, H. Craig read a poem, "Nature Novice," Business was conducted and the meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch, was served by the hostess and the lunch com- mittee and a social half hour spent. Miss Pauline Thamer of London spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Thamer, Airs, Mabel Davidson of Saska- toon, Is visiting with Mr, Ed and Miss Bessie Davidson, Mr. John Ritchie and grand- daughter Ruth Ritchie left Tees - day morning from Melton airport for Zealand, Sask., where they will visit ilte next three weeks with the fo'oter's sister, Miss ,lean Ritchie and Mr, Peter Rit• chis. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Davidsot, and fancily of London spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Roy llennett, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mr's. Lena Davidson re. Lamed home with them, Mimi Norma Hoegy of Kitchen- er is spending her holidays with her pareets, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff week with their (lei 'ter, Vlit, in Telenet). Al'.;uta .bits. Livia„ tom' went last week for a visit w;,h tli it' fronds in London. AIrs, Mabel Scott is ;,pending a two weeks' vaea nie with her son and family in Niagara Falls. O DVILLE G N Mr.. and AIrs. Wm. Seutehmer spent the past week with Mt'. turd Mrs. Toni Seotehnler and fancily of Guelph. Miss Marilyn Bittek of Belmont is holidaying with her cou lei, Miss Della Wallace. A large number 00 people at- tended the sale of household effects of Miss Tennle Bristow nt Saturday. There was brisk bid- ding on a number of antiques and good prices obtained. Airs, Ted Brown and Linda have returned home after spend- ing the past two weeks holiday- ing at Little Falls, Goderich, bit'. and Mrs. McIntyre and son Ned of Goderich visited with Mrs. R. Dalrymple on Sunday. Mr. and Mt's, Robert . Vet'ley, Marian and ,iiia of St, Catharines visited with the former's mother, Mrs, R. Dalrymple and attended the Walff reunion at Lions Park on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Melvyn Cooper also attended the Walff reunion. Mr. W. J. Finnigan is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Little Billie Brower returned home after spending two weeks in Scott Memorial hospital. Mrs. Ted Brown received word that her son-in-law, Mr. Earl Elliott of Dublin had met with an accident while at work. wow the -t"i, liners collatest, Miss Jttnti,ssuac hag been an 11'- ttve member of the ('luiton attti< Id the Huron Brat -mil of the Fed - prated , � s t )tl crated Women T u.hc.t 11• -aria and was presideut ot t group tot' four years. Not confuting her work to that Of school, she had served for 15 years on the board of (Triton Public Library lending her wide Ituowledgc to the job of directing that institution. Miss Jamieson luta 0 number of hobbies, oil painting, atattlp col- lecting, gardening and sewing. Thesis have been of great assis- ttinee to her through the years of teaching, and have corttiufted t0 make her classroom one of iut- er0st to her students, Visitors to the school generally found route• thing of the "project" variety- in process of building, or complete lit her room. For many year's she taught the Grade 7 classes, and more recent- ly had a Grade 5 class. This teacher who has given touch to the youth of the area, plans to retire in town, where she lives with her 90 -year-old Mother, Mrs, Harriet Jamieson at 1.79 Ontario street. •— Clinton News-Reeord. CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs, Paul McMaster of Ridgetown visited last Wednes- day with Mr, and Mrs. George Hoggart and family. Mrs. Frank Riley who spent last week with her daughter and son -ie -law, AIr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and daughter of Ajax re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson. vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and airs. Jack Dodds of London. IAIr. and Mrs, Douglas Riley of Scarboro have spent the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. Stan. Hall of Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hall of Ethel visited Mr, and Mrs, Win, Jewitt on Sunday. Visitors on Tuesday with the Misses Rachel and Pearl McKen- zie were Mrs, John Holland and Cameron, and Johnnie McLean, Mrs. P, Willis and Kathleen of Goderich, Miss Kay Allison of Tnckersmith, and Mrs. E. Brook of Detroit. Mr. Leonard Campbell of El - mire. -mire. visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Airs. Borden Brown and girls. STAFFA Teresa Miller, 5, daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miller, had the misfortune to break her leg last week and is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Len Barr, Toren- to, visited with Mr. and AIrs. Rus- sell Worden and other friends in the community last week, Mr, and Mrs. Eldrid McNicol and Mr. George Miller, London, visited last week with Miss Mar- garet and James Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and fa- mily, Brampton, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris this past week, AIrs. Ernest Templeman spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. A1 - via Cole and fancily, Cromarty. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mt's. Bob Norris and girls were Mr. and 'Airs. Mike Chabonik, Linda and Sheila of Winnipeg; Mr, and Mrs. John Burleigh, Jack- ie and Joan, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman, Londes- borough. At time of writing Mr. Sam Norris is a patient In Seaforth hospital. Mr. and Mr's. Wayne Soloman, Rebecca, David and Elizabeth of Shelheyville, Indiana, visited for a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Miller and family. Mr. Ralph Miller, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller, Debra and David, Kalamazoo, Michigan, vis• Ited with relatives in the commun- ity last week end, Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Miller were Mr. and AIrs. Russell Munro of Hanover. LONDESBORO Harold Beacom, Miss Editit, Mrs. Laura Lyon and Marguerite enjoyed a motor trip to the St. Lawrence Seaway, visiting inter- esting points in Ottawa and Corn- wall, spending the most of last week. Air. and Mt's, Allan Shaddick and family returned last week after spending a month in the West with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook spent Sunday with the Ross Mill - sons in Sebringville. Mr, and Mrs, Don Snell of Wat- erloo and Mr. and AIrs. Willows Mountain spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Alex. Wells. Mrs, Robt, Fairservice and Ann spent a day recently with friends Jn Strathtoy. Mrs, Mel Kingston of Elmwood visited with AIrs. Bert Allen on Saturday. Visitors over the weekend with the Robt, Fairservices were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Malt', Air. and Mrs. Joe Krebaunt of Detroit, Isabel McLeod, Mrs. Dayman and Win. ale Draper of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Knox left on Saturday to attend the funeral of a cousin, Wm. Knox at Brough- am. They are also spending a BLAKE Miss Evelyn Ducharme and Mr. Peter Jeffrey spent a few weeks holidays at Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Clarke and Teddy of Ottawa visited with Air. William Clarke. Mr, Lloyd McBride and David of Windsor spent the week end at their farm on the Town Line, Air. William Landsborough of Clinton visited Monday witb Air. Harold Finlay, Jim, Margaret and Emma Jane. Mrs. John McBride and Palsy daughter have returned home form Clinton hospital. Misses Margaret and Emma Jane Finlay visited Tuesday ev- ening of last week with Misses Doreen, Phyllis and Marjorie Ducharme. Miss Margaret Finlay has re- turned home after spending two weeks holidays with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hendrick and Elaine, VARNA AIrs, David Pett and family of St. John's, Newfoundland, are vis- iting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Beth Barker of King City is visiting at the home of Air. and Mrs. Fred MoClymont, Word was received last week of the death of Mrs, Lorne Epps of London, a former resident of the village. A number from here attended anniversary services in Bayfield United Church on Sunday. Mr, George Simons is taking the services in Varna and Goshen Un- ited Church this month while the pastor, Rev, M. Morrison is on ho- lidays. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Melady, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Miss Mary Malone. Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Malone and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney, and Peter Maloney, Kitchener, and air, and AIrs. Pat O'Rourke, and children, Dundas. with Air. and Mrs, Peter Maloney. AIr. and Mrs. John McQuaid, of St, Thomas, and Brother Joseph, Toronto, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Doyle and children and Misses Anne and Helen Maloney, London, with Mr, end Mrs, Frank Maloney. H ENSALL Mr. and AIrs, Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann returned home from a three weeks vacation et Burks Falls. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Chapman spent the week -end visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, air. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Master Rod Chapman accompan- ied them home following a week's vacation in Toronto, 1711' and Airs. (10010'' Parker lit eentpatry with Air. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor, Vttt'nt1, spent the weeko nd at Bauble Hoath. AI thirdon ' Mrs, [ Vickers ,urd liana l i ily of Newmarket are holidaying tit with the l'ortnet s sisters at -s. -. Bert Honor' 'and Airs. Peter ale - Naughton at-Schade View, Lake Harem Mims 1''hyllls Dougall of Toron- to .pent the week -end with lust father. Air, W. R. Dougall and Mr. and b'it's. (iSOt'ge Walker and SODA LAKEF IEW CASINO Grand Bend DANCING Every Saturday LIONFIT, THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra LIONS HOLIDAY BALL FRIDAY AUGUST 17b TWIST NIGHTS EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY (except Fri. Aug. 17th) "THE CRESCENDOS" EDNA JAMIESON RETIRES Miss Edna AI. Jamieson, who has completed 44 years of teach- ing. closed the door on her class- room in Clinton public school on Juue 29 for the last time. She has taught here for the past 24 years, Miss Jamieson has contributed much to the education of children in town, and before that in SS 6 Huhlett, SS 10 McKillop and SS 6 Tuckersmith. She came to Clinton public school hi 1928 and taught fa the old school on Ontario street, moving to the new one an Percival street when it opened in 1052. Bore in Hallett township she graduated from SS 1 Hallett, then from Clinton collegiate institute, and froth Stratford normal school ON BETTER USED A CLEANOUT OF USED 'LE V7SI0\ SETS Wide Variety of Sizes and Models At Ridiculously Low Prices ! Slashed To Clear ! 17" Admiral Portable 17" Admiral Table Model 21" Admiral Console Model, swivel base 21" Motorola Console 21" Halicrafter Table Model 1961 — 23" Admiral Console, the famous Okanagan. Model 21" Westinghouse Console Model 21" TELEVISION FROM $99.00 A Wide Array of Used Refrigerators 1S ALSO ON OUR LIST FOR CLEAR -OUT See a Size to Suit Your Needs at BOX Furniture Phone 43 Seaforth