HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-16, Page 4Make 1_ARONE'S your
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t ac
Lit vela trcl
r t d t
e7.en,tie_ ac
i °:y
t I an ele .r t, n -1
rt3lalicite a:
intiaibers 1 the }L.
• Mrs. .'. [ , nb
a sl ue t ry i -eco, a.: It Service P.
Peter's Lithe ar, c h atria \t ill
iq .aox Sa laity afternoon.
€ :•.tire a Baud 'n. 'a
x :Li.; Sedtrers took pain
band .,, a, i iled:ford on
Frilay e.. en
[ a ire ' a. Ahrens.,n
Mt. and Mrs.- Harvey Ahrens. c e
,iitaied ..-?: birthday ta-
d , t i a partY,
Harty is -. recuperating
a, home of Ms daughter. a r.
▪ [I Ras Leeint114i a
afte.rtta 3 c a, _.ed
d hospital t>r a ..Vu month.
Mrs. Tait was mt :he same home
hand they have now returned ,o
here.!heir home
I A s:ag party wags held for
! Wayne Be:ter ••an on Saturdty.
e :air. -Ray Gleet read a
sa:,:thie address and Gary Silo,
dile made :he presentation of an
ocJasional chair and cash- The
a W35 pent in playing
arils. A. buffet lunch was served.
3I7. and firs. Wilfred phrens
4 attended celebrations at Camp
Borden do ton Saturday. :heir sou
Clay:on attended :he army camp
for :he stammer months,
Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mrs,
Chas. Arens_ Mrs, Lavern Wolfe,
Mrs. R. Shaldice. Mt:. R. Buuck.
Mrs, Sibert Hinz from here. were
a:11inig those attending a mise?:
l,aneous shower for Miss Florence
S h.ke, prior to her marriage :o
Mr. [Payne Be -merman. at the
home of Mrs, Raymond Gio'r,
Her is a good buy. It sells reg
lar:y tr Vain1 p:0 V
* Feat ur e
Bornholm on Saturday evening.
M. Ray Beuerntan read a read -
and a mock wedding was
staged by Mrs. Herman Hinz,
One ht:ndre,i shuts of =,i -bond; Mrs. Ray Beuerman. Mrs. Ray
paper a. _ ;s featt:re S(C Wear, Mrs. Ronald Hina and Mrs.
; Gary Sholdice. with Mrs.. Ross
Leonhard: the piano. 3iis_.
890; :ahlke and the green_ mother
• x1.09 Mrs . Benerumn ail were
ywa_ ed b :h:. h•
gill...- -;.. • •_. - A
T l' L
To Hold Reunion*n:,}tti t t with [ :,1
4 '. earner Kerslake ;and n
at SS Goderihh Tp.
_,:• 1R4 - ,Pitt '1� li..it S , a'.
at Waterloo :and +l . and Mrs, ed.
',t , s 1:ownt 4<t*[:,. tab ns .' lista d am. l4 ti' :Shirley -it.
x„ . I:r } -,NY,t hip hatted, Shiriey itr. visiting 'Cita
:.0 1
boys reunloll a :•arida Kerslake this week,
the schoo;,zd, on Saturday 1 t.,ary ;arid Allan :.agar:a� stent ca
anti Sanday. Angus: and 2,1holidays
.t: eler"and aunt. 3r. and Mrs. ROY
attend They say. "Bring rte Ii3zLzaid
:as ane iel a,.tid a jt - r., e,,,,1 ntemhers of the Chap-
lfasitet ":aalilauptera y pee connection front this area at.:
^edt' vel:n and train on Sat-
,..... •
'\el•firi ale„
was held a: :Ile zom.
3 - Rin; Note Books _ •.▪ ._: _:
Miss Mat.
- _r
: .._ ..
t -f.
Text Books
For All Grades
S+.eaferth dr to SI Store
s-a-oses4 — Grit -s
.•eWv-'f . - r� ss _
is Li7
tended a family gathering at the
day evening," home of Mr. and fir.. Wilbert
A a Zuni Lee is sendln: ill'''',,,, r t h a el 11rktou on Sunday.
!ionso ,r ,te students and tea M a farce Kerslake visited for :
Iter but are anxious that -any 4 a t'ew days with Miss Elaine .
one a a' gated in the section . Ross,
should mtensi, Historical iEtthlt5i• air, and Mrs. Will Miller visit -
a1"1 =ctta e$ "1 11 be of di,ptar•, Ied recently with .lir. and 31rs.
Na more stereal will be held at Donald s eott and fatuity,- Goder.
SS 1 because the trustees of the - ich.
school area w' transport all pin. Catherine Scott of Goderieb is
+e s to he new school being built I
a the village of Holme.vii(e- !halidawln: with her •couslli. Deft
}Uta Wallace.
f -lir, and Mrs. henneth Gethke
CROMARTY an Warren of Mitchell. Mr. and
lt andav visitors •ors with 3Ir. and Mrs. John McLeod. Debbie and
Mrs Alex. Gardiner were Mr. and; Mary Lou, of Wailaeeburg. Mr.
[ire Eli Kneth:el and Mr. Henry' and airs, Thomas Phillips and
Eggert, Ra:tock, and Mr, and Mrs.. John of London. were Sunday r:
Ken Moorehead. Toronto. I-sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eris
Mrs E. Moore is visiting with e Dow.
her son and daughter tndaw. Mr. i Mr. A. J. Gordon Dow has ret
and Mrs. Huh Moine near Lind- 1 urned home from Stratford Gen -
say. I eral hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, of l Mrs. Millie Klea of Sarnie
Brucedeld, and 1r. and Mrs. Fred spent a week with her niece. Mrs.
Diechert and baby daughter of telex. Gardiner and Mr. Gardiner.
Clinton were Sundayvisitors witn .. Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Wilker,
3Ir. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman. Brenda and Barrie. o2 Sarnia, vis•
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hocking of ! Red at the Gardiner home on Fri-
Harriston were week end visitors; day and Mrs, Klea returned home
with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hock , -1 with cheat.
ing, I Mr. and Mrs, Watson Garbett
Miss Joan Faeks of London is; of Mitchell have returned hone
holidaying with her grandparents. !after spending the past week
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gordon Dow. With Mrs, Gordon Dow.
NI Norman Ilo1 n is a}t .
r a Pert} . having t Pdergt>at nu'-'
r,' ,'nl his eye, We are pleased
Legion that his condition .s
Master •t} tr;pelt dat 1,4 L
don is holidaying with li'.� uti `Nti
and aunt. Mr. anti Mrs. Calder
lit hiait;.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and
son fiat of Stratford called no
several Cromarty friends yu
TT Fi.IIFI Baud IrdfoIN
Mr. and :airs. Lloyd Eisler, Vic.
Coria. B t . are visiting their par-
ems, Mr and Mrs. Ted Ltthgow,
and Mrs. (Gladys Eisler.
Mrs. P. Smith. O ha'va, was a
week end visitor with Mr, and
Mrs, W. P, Miller.
Mrs. W. L. 31e ,is visited last
Monday with her utother. Mrs.
John Gibson and other relatives
in [[ roxeter,
Mr, and Mrs.- Edgar McBride
'sited Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Beattie of [Gingham.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Jones and boys Were
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and fa -
PAW of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Lee, Miss
l Agnes Harvey and Miss Della
Harvey of Regina, Sask., motored
to Ontario and visited their coo-
° sins, Nelson Hood and Miss Elea-
nor McKenzie of Brucedeld.
Visitors during the week with
Mrs. E. Dowson included Mrs, J.
I D:twetller of Kitchener. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Franks and Mr, George
Franks of London, Miss Elia
Wright, Guelph, and Mr. Lloyd
Dawson of Seaforth.
1 'FILE Lt AI t)It'I'i1 NEW
lliss Eleanor Pi lea, and o pli
ew, of Winnipeg, Mut., who h� sr•
been visiting trig+tuts tied to -1a
tires. returned home 'en Friday.
lit. and .Ir`v. Cllr i ' Pti,•arar,
of near Mitchell viiit,}d dorsnn tho
week With rho IPptnrrr'. fatilt;r,
Mr. Robert Tltotnion.
dir. tine. Mrs. Andy- Vterjalttltu:u
and family of 'Toronto visited ;t
few days wile Mr, and Mrs_ At
(hie Parsons and faioily,
Mr. and vers. (Gerald Par. itt, oI
Thamesford visited over Sunday
with their parents.
�, 'L hiu tarty, Man; a I sl, 1.943
( ty11I,t+l1I(.ry
At Skaffa Cemetery
Sunday, Aug, 19th
Srtpaknr ni:v. F. J. AOIJLSTON
Mtkr,hnll Leiilon (land In attend.
an CO
a trip?
Enjoy yourself
all the way
—call ahead
for reservations!
It costs so little to phone ahead and make sure—
with Bell's reduced rates on STATION -TO -STATION
calls between point:; in Ontario and Quebec.
The day rates are low , . .
there are bargain rates
after 6 and all daySundayl ELL
Convert to Gas HeatingCheck Your 'Summer Trade-in Bonus' Below:
es a trade-in on your old oil burner or coal stoker when you install
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as scrap aiowanceforyouroldoilorcoalfurnacewhenyouinstall
a modern gas furnace,
50.0as a trade-in allowance for a coal or oit heater now used as your
central heating system .., when you install a modern gas furnace.
$25,00 tradiein allbowance for coal grates when you install a gas convey
AND,i rdsa new gas ,Te ter heater if you install it when you
m c.r:.r?nyo",rhea !r•gsystem togas1
When you convert NOW Natural Gas pays you,
but you pay nothing until October!
S2.95 '_ _._:s - n a gas conversion burner. Or, if you pur-
c - spread payments over 60 months!
1962, So act now!