HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-09, Page 7Rocco"n Pie And Other swell Eats A 1'11u'gi)1 fi: h cla•1cLtil, ta' comlranieti by waters male from the flour of cattail rook. o17i•ned the dinner. The main coulee lee wtis a mixed creole of lido, the vette tables wet e Int (tenni 44'1 nil spikes, milkweed butts, and itay- lily buds cooked with tee ter mushrooms, After muffled wed ginger and mint heaves, the chef was toasted by his guests with dandelion and blackberry wing, chef Euell Gibbons had earned the toasts. Ht believes that it is healthier, cheaper, and more fun to forage for find than to buy 11 in a supermarket, and the din- ner party he and his wife ;ewe in their home in a Glen Mills, Pa., housing development last month was proof of the pudding. The rugged 50 -year-old free - lame writer had gathered all the food from nearby streams, ponds, fields, and roadsides and then 'whipped, up the dinner to vele- brain publication of his hook. on wild cookery, "Stalking the Wild Asparagus," Gibbons started poking up free food as a boy in New .Mex- ico, when he found his first wild asparagus he has foraged in /Hawaii (he is now working on a new book to be called "The Beachcomber's Ilandbeok'•), and he has indoctrinated his wife and two married sons with the forag- ing habit, "It is easier to `10 native' in many sections of the XIS. than in the South Saes," he says. "1have collected fifteen species (of wild plants) that could be used for food on a vacant lot right in Chicago." Getting something for nothing is, of course, a basic human in- stinct. But hunters and fisher, men are about the only people today who indulge the urge at the primitive. food - gathering level, Though Gibbons offers some rare recipes for fauna (woodchuck in sour cream, race coon pie, French -fried carp), his emphasis is on the nation's flora. Included are such old standbys of colonial America as elderberry wine and sassafras tea. Then there are the plants eaten with gusto chiefly by other nationali- ties: Dandelion leaves, relished by Italians; purslane, the sprawl- ing weed prized by both the Per- alans and Indians, and gobo, a domesticated version of Amer- ica's common burdock (whose *Beed roots are often an ingredi- ant in the Japanese sukiyaki), Per all the edibles, common and !,uncommon, Gibbons has found dome use in a variety of fascinat- ing new recipes: Cattail spikes: Cut just before they break through the papery Oheath that encloses them. Husk, boil quickly, smother in melted butter, and eat like corn on the eob. Wisteria blow: Gather wisteria ¢lusters at the height of bloom, Dip in batter made of 1 cup of flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tea - :spoon baking powder, 2 eggs, and % cup milk. Fry in deep fat, heated to 375 degrees, about four minutes. Drain, sprinkle with orange juice. roll in gran- ulated suga,r and serve piping hot. Probably the book's most mod- ern adaptation.of an ancient re- cipe was developed by a Gibbons eon, "the best forager of all." The American Indians used to make a drink rather like pink Lemonade from red sumac by pounding the heads in water, As a short cut, Gibbons' son dumped a basket of sumac heads into the washing machine, covered them with wa- ter, and set the washer to run ten minutes, then caught the water in a big kettle as the wash - €r pumped it out. Strained and with sugar added to taste, there it was: Sumac-ade a la automatic washer, From NEWSWEEK if you want to know how old e woman is, ask her sister-in-Iaw E. W. Howe. WHiRLY-G(RL Feeling as if she could take oft under her own power is Mrs. Rosemary Weidinger. She just won her helicopter pilot's license, making her member No. 41 of the Whirly-Girls, which is an international organization of qual- ified women helicopter pilots. Water From Jordan For Christenings More parents are asking that water from the River Jordan be used for their babies' Christen- ings, these days, a British clergy- men states, It has been widely believed for centuries that water from the Jordan has special qualities which confer blessings on adults es well as children who are bap- tized with it. The Duke of Kent, Prince Ed- ward when he was baptized in 1935, was sprinkled with Jordan water at the gold font in the pri- vate chapel at Buckingham Pa- lace. A friend of Princess Marina, then Duchess of Kent, had sent her a bottle full of the water for the Christening. Fifty years ago the water was far more popular than now. In 1910 it was selling in England for 75, a pint. Belief in its peculiar spiritual efficacy is at least as old as the wars of the Crusades, Then many pilgrims were drowned while trying to bathe in the Jordan during very rough weather. A canon once risked his life by climbing the steeple of a church in Northamptonshire to sprinkle a new weather -vane with water which had been brought specially for the purpose from Jordan. Arabian Sheiks Cali This Sport A favorite diversion among oil -rich Arabian sheiks is hunt- ing the oryx, a swift, double - horned antelope that can move at 25 miles an hour for long dis- tances without flagging. The sheiks have often been seen chasing the oryx across the sands of the Arabian Peninsula in jeeps and Cadillacs, shooting them with automatic rifles and sub- machine guns. This is considered great fun. But the Oryx can't reproduce as fast as hunters shoot, so only a fee; oryx were left at last count. The sport is dying, A living legend is also dying. When an oryx is seen from the side, its straight, 2-foot-Iang horns appear to blend into one. This profile apparently helped create the legend of the unicorn Wk,LDING WI',I _- Douglas Deeds of San Diego, Calif., Welded beer cans into these striking conversation pieces. —the mythical beast mentioned in the writings of Aristotle and Pliny the Elder, and celebrated since Biblical times for its fierceness and bravery (male oryx shield their females and young freak attack and have been known to charge headlong into a threatening car). The plight of the Oryx -unicorn has aroused the world's animal lovers, including Britain's Prince Philip. "Some Arabs be- lieve they must prove their manhood by killing an oryx so that they will inherit its legen- dary courage a n d virility," Prince Philip said in a recent New York speech,. "Now this may have made a little sense years ago , , , when . , . the odds were a bit more even, but to- day, when up to 300 car -borne parties go out together to get - brave -quick by mowing down oryx with Tommy guns, the whole thing becomes sheer Idiocy." Early this year, the Fauna Preservation Society of London, with the help of the World Wildlife Fund, organized project "Save the Oryx" and dispatched leathery -faced Ian Grimwood, chief game warden of Kenya, to the Aden Protectorate. After a ten -week hunt with noose and pole, two male oryx and one emale were captured, then lown to a Kenya game farm. Their benefactors now plan to move the trio to a suitable en- vironment such as in the hot, low-lying New Mexico or Cali- fornia deserts. Far from the sheiks of Araby, the oryx herd of three may increase to respec- table size within three decades or so. "Then maybe we can re- turn some to the Arab lands," Grimwood says, "if the Arabs have seen the light by then." There was already one good omen in Kenya last month: The female, conservationists report- ed. may be pregnant. Morley Came Before Manders Among photographers and re- porters in the courtly horse coun- try of Virginia, a gentlemen's agreement discourages publicity about First Lady Jacqueline Ken- nedy and her family. Yet after 4 -year-old. Caroline Kennedy won a blue ribbon aboard Macaroni al a pony shote near Halfway, Va., The Washington Star ran the story plus on -scene photo- graphs of Caroline and her mother. Story and pictures were the product of a Star contribu- tor — admittedly no gentleman -- named Dolores Phillips, who also sold a set of pictures to the Associated Press (for S500), Tell- ing how she rejected the First Lady's request that the pictures be withheld from publication (Mrs. Kennedy: "Please, you know how I feel about Caroline about publicity" Mrs. Phil- lips: "I feel differently-. I have a job to dee enterprising news - woman Phillips said afterward: "I wouldn't dream of violating her privacy at Glen Ora But when she corned out of those walls, she's anybody's game •' "When does a boy become a man?" asks a raeder, When a woman ran make him believe anything sire says, Polities were more popular in the days when candidates hand- ed out cigars instead of promises of Utopia. "Children need education after they have left school," says a headmaster. True, they must learn that they dost know ev- erything, CLASSIriD BOYS' CAMPS CAMP KAWARTHA Boys 4.14 YRS. 2 -WEEK PERIOD, 550 JULY lelutti 14 available. JRtiy 15•July 29 full. July 30 -Aug, 11 available. Complete Y.ALC.A, camping experi- ence. Write for brochure to Camp Dt. rector, Y,MC.A., Peterboro, Ont, Books OLTSTANDINO BOOK51 Canadian TTravel and Adventure Stories Free s-100, AdelaidesStreetrt'o t ian Office. Ta To - pronto 1, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL on Hwy. 11, 1, mile from Coent- rane has 15 modern units newly bulit, well Tarnished. Lose down payment, ideal for young couple. Apply, West., way Motel, P.O. Box 1309, Cochrane. Ont BUILDING Ft Suitt sale Or lease Cane kind of business. Approximately 5,2(0 eq it sening space with about the same for storage,. ,Air conditionedwill remadet to suit tenant, Situated be• side nest office and across the street 1nfnrntnationrcont a Ted Roberts. more eat SCA. Ont. COINS AND STAMPS JUST relcased June 0 edition of "Cash Great Your Canada, ned St tesuCoins". 56 pages. 50& Now paying $11.011 for Cdn 1923 cents: for 1925 cents 07.00. For Cdn. 1940 dimes 84.25, Countless others The C,ttidebnok of Cdn. Coins, RevisedeSPrintinr90 `�ill April tr 1962 s, with (Mast pr(res collectors will pay for Canadian coins in all conditions, 61.50, REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT -,�—'WINNIPEG, MANITOBA COUNTER TOPS PRE�J•'r�Y.:ifEla Formica COUNTER TOPS Ready to instal. Ideal for KITCHEN COUN'fc`RS, BATHROOM VANITIES, ete, Any size in your choice of patternn and colour. Price per run -6 On ring font QUIM\ V LUMBER -- GE 2-1161 1 MAITLAND AT THE C.N R ] LONDON, ONT. ENGINES — NEW & USED WISCONSIN Heavy Duty AIR Cooled Engines For New Engines For First Cia5s Parts Service For First Class Repair Service For Used Engines E. P. ABEY Limited 444 Wharncliffe Rd. 5„ London GE. 2'7597 PAPER DRESSES $250! Some of the classier shops around the country will be of- fering a dress line of unusual possibilities — and impossibili- ties — this fall. It will be avail- able in 35 models, starting at 589, but the one shown last month by Beverly Hills (where else?) de- signer Louis Margliano was a skintight black number priced at $250, All the models are "sculp- tured" in folds, and if the folds come out the dress becomes transparent; it's 90 per cent cel- lophane (the other 10 per cent is satin lining). The fragile frock can be worn only until it needs pressing. Then the sculpture comes out of the paper. "This," says Margliano, "is a line mainly for people with money who want to impress other people with money." FARMS FOR SALO. o,t'UU. 200 acres, tirYlned wolf hydro, OM and burn. Write T. I'. Willett, 5.0 3, New Liskeard, MI 7.4777 10U -acre farm for sale gond buildings and water; 1 mile south of No, T Highway in Hastings County, Mermen Township. Apply Charles H. Leonard, RR 3, Marniora, Ont. 91,0510A PROPERTIES FOR SALE_, FLORIDA Orange Grove NEWLY planted, 51,150 pc), acre, t€, Own. Capital gait oppertunitc Excel. lent for retirement income. H. SNORE REAL ESTATE BROKER 4935 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT. ,,.222.2501 FLORIDA REAL ESTATE ADD YEARS TO YOUR LIFE IN NEW LUXURY 00.0? APTS. Designed for carefree Florida living. Spacious 3. & 415 rooms with 1 or 2 bath, from '2,95 pith full monthly maintenance from 542.05, Price incl. central air cond. bet wain -to -wan tar. pettng, alt electric kitchens with mica cabinets, swimming pont, puttin . gre •n, shuffleboard, Fireproof solmUproef construction 2 elevators, gardens and waterview. "Desirable residential area; walk to largest shopping center in Florida, Houses of worship, golf, ocean nearby. For free brochure write Fior- ldian Arms email Apts., 140(1 NE 1T0 ht , North \ilaml Beach. Fla. FOR SALE -- MISCELLANEOUS $$$ SAVINGS $$$ 25 different American spin east fishing lures 511 95,. reg. 522 70 World re. pawned batters portable transistorized tape recorder 534.95, reg 049.50 Rat-. teryleas rechargeable flashlight 05.95. Superb, utter' razor 514.95 Amazing new pocket lighter, men, ladies 52.95. 7 day money hack guarantee. Postpaid. Dealers Interested send 51!10 for par. titulars Ontario residents add 31 sales tax Send cheque or money order. Trans Canaan World Traders. Box 217 Station 0, Toronto 18. HEARING AIDS CAN'T HEAR WRITE CANHEAR" REG. Order direct Morn wholesaler Aids de. signed to sell for three, cost you lee. than one hundred. ONLY $39.50 FOR OUR SPECIAL One fun year written guarantee Write now, welt help you if we can. We have no salesmen, Canadian Hearing Elec. Ironies "Canhear", 24 Catherine Street, Smiths Falls, Ontario. HELP WANTED MALE CONSTABLES AND CADETS MINIMUM QUALIFICAT(ONY AGE 17 TO 35 HEIGHT -5'9" WEDUCATION - 60 GRADE le APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 01540 STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Priddy, 8. a.m, to 4 p.m. HELP WANTED X-RAY TECHNICIAN Position open after August for Regis- tered Technician, Consideration given to student graduating this fall. Fully accredited hospitaL Attractive location, Write now for details: Administrator. Leamington District Memorial Hospital, Leamington, Ontario, 5 "Does hard work show on a girl's hands?" asks a reader. Yes, in the form of an engagement ring. THE WORLD'S LARGEST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OPEN AUG. 17 TO LABOUR DAY SEPT. 3 "The Showcase of The Nation" HIGHLIGHTS EVENING GRANDSTAND SHOW "CANADIANA '62 :r :r GIGANTIC FIREWORKS FINALE _; WIN A NEW CHEVROLET BEL AIR --- 14 FREE CARS --•-• ONE EACH NIGHT AT THE GRANDSTAND r:;-, THE THREE STOOGES STAR IN GRANDSTAND "MATINEE FUN - FEST" -` >.= NEW "BETTER LIVING CENTRE" QUEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING AND THEATRE .:7 VETESCOPE '62 e:ere, WORLD'S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL BUILD - NG :T;:, INTERNATIONAL SHOPPER'S MARKET SPORTS EVENTS AND DISPLAYS <':-'.- BIG GREAT LAKES TUG BOAT CHAMPIONSHIP RACE MAGNIFICENT 90 -PIECE NORAD BAND WORLD FAMED 15 -MILE C N E. SWIM ":: SKY-H,GH THRILLS ON THE MILE -LONG MIDWAY 1 szazionameseaezzattatatsriarrzna CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Toronto, Canada Fri. Aug. 17th to Labour Day Sept. 3rd (Not open Sundays) W. P. FREYSEN:.= President HIRA',' n ,Y,,cC.ALLIJM Gen. Mcncger MAIL COURSES CAREER echuel, w n,1, roPair and yuldotnee work, barba rNig end bate• dressing Ask for pr,sl" rtus and tranlpertetlo7p allowane 1'ran5•Can• ado Beauty Industries I.td., Mengton, 14.14,. �,_...... MEDICAL ;pX-114'T WAIT .-.- E7'EkY 5jFFE(?ER On FHCI;MATiC FAIM OR NEI PITT IXO"t',, r El,'td'( MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect POSTS ECZEMA SALVE RAhla.ti ea t rl. ei a ,:r cczett:A r is 1 1 1 1 tro bits. P14s iannia vii1 4 F O(02 oat .5, p I t' a eelen , ,11 1 1 l r +ne at. fill! p- 1l'LS, 011,1,0 t r 1 1 9 of huts or d,b,,!x of k the,,,, Sent Post Free n0 R1C_iut of Price PRICE- 53 50 PER JAR POST'S REPAEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue Soot Toronto NURSES 23454710 REGISTER? ED NURSE A:40 Certi firer, Nursing Assistant OTI'I, 71,4 r r: e1 :1 15"tar . r. thug?,sI f ;li,<a I1,ase phr1� MRS. 0. CARTER 921.3106 43 WELLSLEY E. TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN • BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great t fn>P rtl nn Learn am Hairdr to Pies -am d r.ni,fro l.r , ):, goad 1212755. 1t1555('5,ra sueeessitil Maryel e,radn te.; Amer, (=realest Illustrated (5,51,,,us r:e Write er 21011 Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Moor Si. W., Toronto Branches.: 44 King St. W., Ha,,altcn 7:1 Rideau Street,. (025.-9 PEPSONAL Receive Erg Mails Free Samples, Cata- logues, Magazines, tae Get listed. P.G. Box 296, Snowden, 3lontrea:, A modern way to help you reduce,-- Eat 3 meals a day. Lase pounds and Dickies fast Clinically tested Slim -Mint helps satisfy your craving tsr :cad — Siim-1kllnt plan makes reducing easier than you ever dreamed nas,ibie_ 522.0, 2 weeks' supple. LYON'S DRUGS, 471 DANFORTH, TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE. CRYSTAL Beach. 7 room noose batt., gas furnace, possession Immediately, Price sees:s.00. SI Lemort, 295 Lan - easter W., Kitchener. SHeroeod 2'5355, SOUTH AMERICAN PROPERTIES FOR SALE Only 51.00 Per Acre 505.ACRE FARM, 9500 LAND where vegetables, toffee, rice, cotton wheat, corn, or almost :anything planted thrives. Excellent cattle coun- try. Streams through each farm.. Plenty of grass. 'Virgin land. New un- improved roads to each :arm. Tile territory jilt opened. Luxated 355 miles northeaet ra Brasilia, which Is newest and (roost modern capital city In. world — in State of Goias. Bra2i1, South America. Net far from new hy- dro -electric piesis. Tocantins River Basin. We have 253 farms to sell at 0500 each, Ilan discoent for cash or terms, 550 down, 326 month Inn flnanoe charges'. A11 land surveyed and staked. Titles guaranteed b7 Gn• mapa Abstract Ltda. Send down pay- ment or full purchase price. to Selig Bros. Real Estate Company Illtensed Real Estate dealers by State of Indi- ana, members pndfanapcdis Chamber of Commerce'. References. most any In- diana bank. Addres-: 42 w' SOutn St Indianapolis 20, Indiana. ME, 4.2320, AT. 3.1256. "10 Acres Land -575 NEAR TOCANTINS POWER PLANT 10 acres of fine £armload In To^amino River Basin neart, ane of world', largest hvdrO•e:ec'rid power plants million k swans,. Located in State of Goias anprrximateIv 155 miles n sr;t; ,.f Brasilia, Brazil, South enterica. Ave have 3.03., farms at this innatior, to sall which are great indnstrtal saes but. for the present, are beir•g offered Only as faun ;aniss z, 7.5, per 'ere '575 for enure 1»•acrefarm, Fully I surveyed and staltel. registered at I Federal Cartorin ")Islet, 5 -err ltnrit- onta. Brazil, South America. Title guaranteed by Gornat'a Ahs-rret. Ltda. You get complete 1:1.te ter ante. 575. Taxes fess than 9':c per year. Send cheque or money order to Stanle;' SeUS, .Selig Brno. Real Estate Ce 'members Indianapa?is c'h<_tn'.%er of C:rnnerce. ll n ed RealReferences,,, to dealers 1; State nanst any In. duns hank. Addles?: 42 I.'. F.,ath St., Indi000eslis 22. 1r ii;ens: 53£, 4-2.321. AT. 5.1.29' STAMPS ROY 5. WILSON 19 Ricin: old SIT ' Wes', Toronto NEA' i�.lt'ES CANADA —& F,?REI'3N 5APNI\ — rI+NS - ECr,T'r -- `.i11NKL'S tijli'f;t8 &. GRO.ES:IA'f ,Z.P_L• ,Ws STOCK PVRCIT,LBED .....---. SICOB^ .—. �. CANADA SILOS {,ia hie rs Hard s4 rk With Tire SILO-MATiC IJNLOADER , E,12 t,:n eyor ,) , •.ra)candpinent F.,,,, f''.47—CTAS ^ Wr Te: CA'•'ADA SILO CO. LTD. i;:;;•:rs•,il. Cert. TEACHERS WANTED — AMALGAMA 20 5,1..;c1 B card rf Cen- tr is t;,r require hist. sail. r. '9lt three Rr nr.2 i - Nrden Wes; PRINCIPAL hi51;5y and ge05• ra SALARY r' i1c(aS sf ndardslis bt r 1 allow an,.e arc "refine t neammodn i'.n r+. -c ' .0 52 rcai rases, APPLY ...1 41, Nerrn U e..t Elver, A i.,eeher f.,r c 4 4 rind 74, f H! -iashuru DUTIES ceannence it Sept. APPLY1 .c ;44v wat - U'15tifica• tionsta: C 1: BLAKELEY, SEC:; TREAS, CONSECON, ONT. R.R. NO 1 fest Ii 29 — 1(1112