HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-08-09, Page 5THE. til'IAF()Il"Pli NI.1\V.E, Thursday. Align.
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SMITII'S Food Market
I lb. bag 71.c
Henley Choice Fruit Cocktail
2 20 -oz. tins
SUPER SUDS with stainless ��
steel fork Giant pkg.
Maxwell House Instant Coffee
6 oz. jar, only C
DEAL All for 70C
12 oz, Smooth Peanut Butter PLUS COUPON
WORTH 15c TO -
9 oz. Orange Marmalade WARDS PUR.
12 oz. Crunchy Peanut Butter OFASBREAD 1 LOAF
Consitt - In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Friday, August 3, to
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Consitt, Varna,
a son.
Nater — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on August 4, to Mr, and
Mrs. John Nater, r.r. 4 Mitchell,
a daughter.
Smith — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on August 7 to Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Smith, r,r. 1 Dublin,
a daughter. ,
Taylor — To Mr. and Mrs. Ara.
Plumbing and
old Taylor (nee Jean Scott) In
Clinton Public Hospital on Mon-
day, August 0, a son, Ronald
Mr, and Mrs. E. Ellis and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy. Cornell of Clinton
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Ml's. Ruth Paisley and Miss
Sharon Skidmore of Toronto were
week -end visitors with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gregory Cornell, 2 year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Cornell fell
off the verandah at his hone on
Monday and fractured his leg. He
was taken to South Huron hospit-
al, Exeter, where he was attend-
ed by Dr. M. Gans.
Mrs. Edne Corbett visited over
the week -end with her son-in-law
and daughter-, Mr, and Mrs.
Archie MacGregor.
Mr. and Mrs, Don MaeLaren of
Closed for holidays Toronto visited over the week-
end with the latter's parents, Mr.
from Aug. 13 to Aug. 18 and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
,mlo+lnl, UIenll„au,w lu„nl,+l,lelwll,Immll,l nnnn,nwin+ulI,n aumimm11111111nnnmunlnmlr,++
G Goderich Business College
21st Annual Fall Term opens September 4
Senior and Junior Courses approved by the
Business Educators' Association
of Canada
Modern Equipment – Qualifted Teachers – Tuition $28
Telephone JA 4-8521 or 7284, Goderich
ll'l1111,1111111 IIi11111i111ll liiii 1111 itlift11llitillliititillilllllll,f
Tenders will be received by the undersigned until
llugust 11, 1962, for the purchase of the Town of
Seaforth weigh -scales, capacity 49,000 lbs. Scales
to be purchased in their present condition and to be
removed at buyer's expense. Inspection of this
equipment may be made any week day except Sat-
urday, from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted
C. Lyle Hammond, Clerk -Treasurer,
Seaforth, Ont.
1954 BUIC1 A.T. & R,
1954 Plymouth Sedan
Seaforth Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
Phone G. FawJn 186 Phone 541
1r1, and .11e,riu..i Sac h +a
llulrt.4 111 n:' oidia.. lea
u ,
dura flsr+r('k ;l alr,�st> of :cls.
and .tlr.i 11 tll+(x? I o
Mr, and Mrs. Jail 11iN 1, and
two tions of Toronto were anesta
of Mr. and 11r<, Wellacc! Ross
over the holiday.
(➢treats of Sunday to hid good-
bye to Air,. Ladle Patterson,
1'raue'a and Randy, as Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Blake were taking
them to Nrlpanee to Mrs. Patter -
son's slater, Mrs. Leland Wann-
maker on then' way to Nova
Scotia: 11r. and Mrs. Witt. Cal -
will, Tommy and Bobby of Lon-
don, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Reaume
of Comber, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald
Blake, Randy, Glenda, Linda,
Ricky and Robbie of IIolmesville,
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Blake of
Holmesville, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley
Roe. Joyce and Dianne of Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Orr of Milver-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Miller,
Kenneth, Keith, Kathleen, David,
Johnny, Marlene, Patsy and Don-
na May, Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs,
Howard Yeandle of Kitchener.
Among those from a distance
who attended the funeral of the
late Mrs, Calvin T-Iillen on Wod-
nesday were her sister Mrs, H. W,
Allen or Saskatoon; Mr . and
Mrs. Harvey Killen and family of
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Cowan and fancily of Midland;
Mr. Leslie Kerr, Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. John Carnochan
and Family are holidaying at Port
Mrs, G. H. Snowdon attended
the Scout camp at Blue Springs
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of
Regina were recent guests of Mr,
and Mrs, P. H. Sproat.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Williams and
family have returned home to
Whitby atter spending two weeks
vacation with Mr. and Mrs,
Michael Williams,
Miss Joan Williams Is visiting
her cousin, Miss Sherry Heaney
at Niagara Falls, Ont,
Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart
have returned home after spend-
ing a couple of weeks at a sum-
mer cottage at Blair's Grove,
south of Kincardine and then at
the Saugeeu Indian Reserve, near
Southampton, where for three
weeks they had charge of the
United Church missionary work.
Mrs. Simon McKay and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Irvine Eedy of Dungan-
non were Wednesday visitors
with Rev. J, Ure and Mrs,
Rev. Andrew Maloney, C.S.B.,
of St. Basil's, Toronto, Mr, Joseph
Jordan, Allan Park, Mich., Miss
Monica Byrne, P.M., of Dublin
are guests this week of Mrs. Jean
Fortune, ,¢ .
Mr. Wilbert Maloney is a pa
tient in Scott Memorial Hospital
at present,
Miss Linda O'Connor and Mr.
Douglas T. Scott of Montreal are
spending their holidays with Mrs,
James T, Scott.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Sproat of
North Bay were guests last week
of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat.
Mr, and Mrs. John Baldwin and
Phillip and Steven, Toronto were
week end guests with Mr. and
Mr's, Willis Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miller left
on Sunday to spend a few days
in Midland end Or'illia.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Eckert and
family, Fort Wayne, Indiana visit.
ed Last week with relatives here.
IVliss Angela Devereaux is visit-
ing in Niagara Falls with Mr, and
Mrs. Jiro Eckert and family.
Misses Mary and Margaret Mac-
Gregor attended the Shorthorn
Lassie Day at Guelph OAC last
Misses Mary MacGregor and
Wilma Dale spent Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday at Gratiot
County, Michigan,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald of
Midland, Mich„ visited with the
lattttr's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jamieson last Thursday
on their way to Melton where
they left by plane for British Col-
umbia where they will visit Mr.
Donald's parents and will later
attend the world's fair in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs, William Dale and
family attended Classic Guernsey
Sale held at Kingsfeld farm at
King City'on Wed,, Aug, lst. They
consigned the second highest sell-
ing cow of the sale. She sold for
"11350, Another cow sold for $525,
Mrs. James Medd returned to
her hone after spetlding the pass
two weeks with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Johnston of Grand Vailey.
Mr, and lairs. Charles Dexter
spent last week with Mr. and Mrs,
Austin Dexter of Blyth,
Misses Cathy and Cheryl Dale
spent a few days holidays with
their sister and brother-in-law,
11r, and Mrs. Don Glousher of
'tl t teed Larry and Kenny Jew.
I'rce (i 1100! hoit w' irk I>0 1
alk l,l,itltyriy tvitir Mr. (+nd
Ir ttli!(itn Dowmon •utd faintly
a Valle.
qr uu+i t!t �. ,cul Miley 111(1
MI'S. trial Riley left last Satur-
day to spend the holiday weekend
with lir. and Mrs. Robert \i'ootls
and family of Ajax.
Mr. and Mrs, hotly Bugg, San-
dra stud Margaret of Newmarket
sport several days last week with
Mr. and .firs. borne Lawson and
on Sunday tit feuded the Lawsou-
Clarke reunion. at 13oderielt.
Mr. and tins. Dennis Jewitt
spent the week eftd visiting iu
Termite and pointe north.
&D'. Anthony Lawson of Pieker-
1ug visited over the weekend with
Mrs. Annie Medd and attended
the l.awsan•Clnrke reunion at
Goderich au Sunday
1111. and :tit's. Ross £MacGregor
uud girls attended a family gath-
ering at the cottage of Mr, and
Mrs. Allan Farnham of Detroit,
at Grand Bend on Sunday,
Mr. and Stirs, Robert Jamieson
and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Jamieson
attended the Lawson -Clarke re-
union on Sanday at Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Ball and
family of Auburn and Mr, and
Mrs. lured Yungblutt, Maria, June
and Laura of Woodstock visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm
Jewitt and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Janes Atwood
and fancily of Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs, John Whitmore of King's
Lynn, England, and Mr. and 9Irs.
Dave Masters and family of
Windsor spent the holiday week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert
0 rimoldby,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Borden Brown and girls
were Mr. and Mrs. George Camp-
bell of Hanover, Mr, and Mrs,
Herb, Brigham of Desboro, Mr.
and Mrs, Clifford Brown and
family of near Walkerton. Mrs,
Sarah Brown who has been visit-
ing with her sen and daughter-in-
law for the past week returned
home to Hanover.
The Rev, John R. Boyne oftiet-
ated at the wedding ceremony of
Margaret ' Arlene Hoggarth,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jolla
Hoggarth, Cromarty, and Eric
McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex, Pepper, r.r. 3 Seaforth, at
Cromarty Presbyterian Church on
Saturday, July 31st, at 3 p,m.
Baskets of mauve and white
gladioli, ferns and white candel-
abra formed the background for
the ceremony and Miss Agnes
Bray, Kirkton, cousin of the bride,
accompanied the soloist, Miss
Dorothy Parker, Hensall, who
sang "The Wedding Prayer" and
"I'11 Walk Beside Yon," The bride.
given in marriage by her father,
wore a floor length gown of white
silk organza, styled with fitted
bodice of Frenal lace, lily point
sleeves and round neckline
accented with seed pearls; front
and back panels of lace over peau
de sole, and back panel sweeping
to a brush train, A crown of seed
,pearls held her elbow length veil
of white illusion lace. She carried
a white Bible crested with a
mauve orchid with trailing steph-
anotis and ivy.
The bride's cousin, Miss Jane
Hoggarth, Dorchester was maid
of honor, wearing a street length
gown of orchid organza fashioned
with cap sleeves and rounded
neckline, accented by orchid and
lilac inserts. A crown of pearls
held her eye length veil and she
carried a semi crescent of white
and lilac baby alums. Miss Nancy
Pepper, Miss Marion Bell, Hen-
sel], as bridesmaids and Miss
Christine Turnbull, Seaforth, as
junior bridesmaid were costumed
identically to the maid of honor
in colors of aqua, yellow and deli-
cate pink. Barbara Kerslake as
flower girl wore a full skirted
dress of white nylon with green
sash and carried a basket of
yellow and mauve baby mums.
Ring bearerer was Gary Sararas.
Alex. Townsend, Seaforth, was
best man. David Stevens, Wood-
stock, and Ronald McIntosh,
brother of the groom, ushered,
Following the ceremony e. re-
ception was held in the church
ropers, The bride's mother wore
a two piece ensemble o@ blue
chiffon over printed blue and
pink flowers, matching blue ecees-
sor'ies and corsage of deep pink
roses and white stephanotis. The
groom's mother chose a. blue
chiffon two' piece dress with white
accessories and yellow rose
For travelling in the western
provinces the bride donned a
beige two piece dress with green
accessories and corsage of yellow
roses, The couple will reside at
r.r. 3 Seaforth. Guests attended
from Loudon, Dorchester, Hamil-
ton, Woodstock, Listowel and
'1 -fu' W.I. held i lra August meet
... last \Vedw•+day cvenhr;c With
tit g,l+Id :+t.t(`rldalrre. A eeltr3(41' Ol'.
ladies Irani OW Myth and Auburn
IEra+E1 ut+%
Were preseet. Business
was taken, tale of by the presi
dent. iairs. Anderson, Alis, Pipe
demonstrated table decorations.
Mrs, Vincent favored with It
couple of solos and it trio of g'ir'ls
gave tap dancing. )ir. Fred SloIn
tui gave an interoeting talk on his
school Work at Capreol. A bake
sole whlcll Was quite snceessf111
W'as held at the close of the meet-
ing and a dainty lunch Was served
by the hostesses.
Air, and airs. Willows Moun-
tain entertained their danghte,,
\I r. Josling and grandchildren,
also Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Jefferson
and children of Westfield, the
occasion beiug Mr. Mountain's
birthday en Sunday,
The Robert Tbompsous spent
Sunday in Moorefield.
Mr. and lMI'a, Tom Allen, Karen
and Sharen Jackson spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Wayne
Jackson in Ridgetowu. The girls
remained for a week's visit.
Mrs. Townsend, Miss Dorothy
Little and Mrs, Bentham are on
a week's vacation in the North
From The Seaforth News
August 1937
Town council were discussing
advisability of keeping the drink-
ing fountains on Main street. Zest
was added to the talk when some-
one in the baitdroom struck up
"How Dry I Am,"
Mr. and IM's, Hugh Campbell,
Hullett township, celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary.
Thet'0 was a Mild epidemic of
broken bones, with eight fracture
cases being treated at Scott Mem-
orial Hospital.
Dr, and Mrs, Cecil Johnston
and sou Peter, of Wallkill, N.Y.,
visited his parents at Kippen.
The barn of Robert McTaggart,
lath con. of Grey, was destroyed
by lightning,
Ales McKenzie, formerly of
Iiippen, was renowned in his day
for his skill as a maker of collars
for horses,
1Ir. and Mrs. Onesime Masse
and their 21. children, Ontario's
largest family, were honored by
a papal blessing conferred at
Drysdale Church,
Miss Cordelia Sperling of Tor-
onto, daughter of the late F. G.
Sperling, salt manufacturer, re-
visited Seaforth for the first time
since she left as a little girl. The
Dr, Scott home on 'West Goderich
street, was the Sperling home -
geed. A street and survey in
the west ward bear the Sperling
Seaforth Boy Scouts will camp
at Paint Farm with the Goderich
Mr. \Vn,. Church, who came
last Fall to the 10th concession,
2IcKillop, front Russeldale, was
brought to Seaforth hospital after
a fall in the barn.
Serforth football team elinin
ated Clinton by a 1-0 score, Art
Nicholson, Seaforth manager,
played with his three sons, Allan,
Jack and Harold, together with
the three Sills brothers, D'Orlean,
Frank and Tom, also J. Flannery
and J, Consitt. Other Seaforth
team members are George Kruse
and Cyril Flannery.
W. Farquharson, Walton, was
brought to Scott Memorial Hos-
pital with a badly fractured leg
when a crusher bin gave way at
the gravel pit.
Car stealing of the present day
had its counterpart in horse
stealing of earlier years. An
article by Harry J. Boyle recalls
how a ring of horse thieves
operated in the county, and by the
use of dyes altered the appear-
ance of the stolen horses.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wasman of
Kippen are moving to the former
W. L. Keys residence, West
William street.
The residence on George street
of the late Mrs. John A. McRae
has been sold to Mrs. Alex.
Cuthill and Mrs. Simpson of
Mrs, Herbert Whittaker and
baby of Hamilton are visiting
her mother, Mrs. E. S. Chapman.
Electric fences were a novelty
in 1937.
Stewart Cudntore took over the
management of the Red Indian
service station.
Misses Dolly Carlin, Mary
Ilolmes, Jean Dungey, Joan Dev-
ereaux, Mary Broadfoot, Dorothy
Golding, Helen Crich and Helen
Finkbeiner are spending two
weeks at Mrs. Langford's cottage
at Bayfield.
Mr's, l-I'arold Parker and Patsy,
Mrs, Edna Corbett and Cindy
Parker are holidaying at, Grand
Bend this week.
Mrs, Grace Harpole left on Fri-
day Por Stittsvillti where she will
spend several weeks with her
eon -in-law and daughter, Mr, and
Mrs, Dong Peacock and family,
Miss Jarvis Peacock returned
borne after spending a month
with ]ter grandmother Mrs liar.
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Rennie end
Joanne of Toronto, and Miss
Maryanne Rennie of London were
week end visitors with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rennie.
Mrs. Dorothy Weido and Steve
spent the weekend with relatives
in Brantford,
Mrs, Bert Horton and Mrs.
Mr. aid Mrs. Laverne Hamilton, who were. recently married. The
bride is the former Marjorie Boyd.
Peter MaoNaughton and memb-
ers of their taurines are camping
at Shady View, Lake Huron.
Master Rod Chapman is spend-
ing this week holidaying with his
uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, 5.
Hollingsworth, and also with his
brother-in-law and sister Mr, and
Mrs, Don MacLaren in Toronto.
so -
Miss Betty Parker of London
is holidaying this week with her
mother Mrs. Eva Parker and bro-
ther Bill.
Mrs. John McEwen and Mr. and
Mrs, Albert Keyes of Exeter vis-
ited recently with relatives at
Wide Variety of Sizes and Models
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A Wide Array of Used
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