HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-26, Page 1The.. -Seaforth News
Phone 84
Serorth, Ontario, Thursday, July 26, 1962
113,40 a You
,Approval was given by Seaforth
town council to sell the building
formerly occupied by Seaforth
Shoes on Main street near the
ONE, to Mr. M. A. Conn, of Lon-
don. Mr. Conn is a director of
the Winterseal firm which makes
aluminum windows, doors, awn-
ings, etc.
The firm has a showroom at
London and, propose to do their
manufacturing at Seaforth. They
expect to employ about 20 per-
sons, meetly local help.
,The purchase was arranged
through Joseph McConnell, real
estate agent, who presented the
offer to council.
The agreement is for purchase
price of $7,000, $500 is to be paid
on signing agreement and $500
on possession. Balance of $6,000
Is to be repaid over 10 years at
$600 a year, -with interest at 5%.
Taxes on the property are $720
a year,
Council believed the deal was
In the best interests of the town
with the prospect of a payroll of
upwards of $40,000 annually, be-
sides the annual income from
taxes, etc.
"I will buy it from you for cash,
and hold the mortgage myself,'
Mr, McConnell challenged, when
councillors thought it should be a
cash deal.
Mr. Conn is making the pur-
chase personally. Some of the dir-
ectors had favored locating the
firm at St, Thomas. 'i1'Ir. Conn had
liked Seaforth,
"I made a lot of trips to London
to arrange this deal," Mr. Mc-
Connell told council.
Some councillors expressed
fear that clauses in the agree-
ment calling for the elevator,
heating plant and sprinkler sys-
tem to be in working condition
might leave the town liable for
unknown costs of repair.
The agreement specified in-
spection by a local qualified per-
.Mayor Daly telephoned Mr.
D'Orlean Sills who came to the
meeting and outlined the condi-
tion of the equipment for council.
The elevator is now actually in
use, he said, by the tenants,,Top-
notclt Feeds.
The heating plant had not been
used since the building was vacat-
ed three years ago, but the boiler
is in good shape. He had cleaned
the oil burner and it was in stor-
age at the store. The plumbing
he believed is ok, but there might
be minor repairs.
There is a 550 volt power line
into the plant. The building has.
its own 220 volt transformer. A
lot of wiring, panels and switches
are still there.
As the time limit for accept-
ance of the offer to purchase was
Tuesday, July 24th, council ar-
ranged that Mr. Sills would make
an inspection of the plant Tues-
day morning
ruin and authority
given to the Mayor and Clerk
k to
sign the agreement.
Possession date is August 20th
and it was understood this could
be arranged,
It was stated that Jackson
Aluminum is local dealer for this
Mr. McConnell told The Sea -
forth News on Wednesday that
the deal has now been completed
and the Winterseal firm will get
possession August 20th.
Mr. Harry Minett passed away
suddenly in Orillia on July 19th.
His first wife, the late Etta Box,
predeceased him in 1950. Iu 1952
he married Mrs. Bertha Box who
survives; also surviving are two
sisters in Orillia and a sister in
Toronto. Interment was made 'in
Maitland Bank Cemetery on Fri-
The real estate office of Harold
Jackson announces the sale of
the farm of the late Dr, Lloyd
Moffat at Varna to Mr. Harvey
Taylor of Brucefleld. with immed-
iate possession.
Mrs. Charles P. Sills wishes to
announce the engagement of her
daughter, Kathryn Ruth to Mr.
Edward Gordon Joseph Kennedy,
eldest son of Mrs. IJdward G.
Kennedy and the late Dr. Ken-
nedy of Belleville, Ontario, The
marriage will take place at 11
a.m., August 18th in St. James'
Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth,.
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Boyd,
Walton, wish to announce the
engagement . of their daughter
Barbara May, to Ralph Edward
Bergey, of London, son of Mr,
and Mrs, Cecil Bergey, Bothwell,
Ontario. The wedding will take
place at Cavan United Church,
Winthrop, Ontario, at 7 p,m. on
August 18,
Mr, end Mrs, Rudolph Etna,
Seaforth r.r. 4, wish to announce
the enga.gement of their daughter,
Elaine Marie to William Van
Ooyen of Windsor, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Stephen Van Ooyen, Altforst
,Glad, Holland. The marriage will
take place Saturday, August 4,
et 10 a,m„ St, James' Church,
Council Recommend
N. Main Sidewalks
Inside Trees
North Main street sidewalks
will be designed inside the trees
by the county engineer, accord-
ing to a resolution passed by
Seaforth town council at the
special meeting on Monday.
There was a sharp difference
of opinion among councillors
whether the sidewalks should be
located inside the trees.
Stakes were placed along both
sides of the street recently by the
county engineer, located 30 feet
from the road centre. This was
done at the request of council to
let North Main residents see
approximately where the new
sidewalks would be.
"One lady called me up," Mayor
Daly said, "saying she would sell
her house and leave town if we
move the sidewalks inside the
The Mayor said that after he
had explained that the new road
would be right up to the edge of
the sidewalks if lei% outside the
trees. This would be dangerous
for pedestrians, particularly chil-
dren playing on the sidewalk. He
had also pointed out that persons
would get splashed in tvet or
slushy weather,
"When this lady fully under-
stood the situation, she was in
favor of moving the sidewalks to
the inside of the trees," Mayor
Daly said.
Councillor Cardno believed that
the trees would be killed by dig-
iaging far the new sidewalks,
Assistant County Engineer
John More, who was present, said
there was more danger from salt
than digging.
Councillor Dalton said he had
contacted several property own-
ers and found only two serious
objectors, one because the side-
walk would be against the front
of the house, and the other be-
Councillor Flannery said he
thought it would be foolish to put
the sidewalk outside, when one
considers the splashing and
dodging on Goderich street.
Reeve Ball said he was con-
cerned about the safety angle,
and therefore favored inside the
Councillor Bell said he had
looked at the street and had
thought it should not be changed.
.Councillor Dinsmore said put
them anywhere, so long as the
Department of Highways pays
Mr. More explained that the
regulations governing a develop-
ment road do not mention side-
walks, and so far no ruling had
been given.
Council decided it is willing to
have the county engineer develop
the plan with the sidewalks in-
side the trees, Later this can be
changed if necessary to keep
down costs.
Youths Recovering
From Crash
Two Seaforth district young
men were seriously injured about
10:30 Saturday night on the high-
way, west of Clinton. Neil Croz-
ier, 17, was taken to Clinton hos-
pital with a badly sprained ankle.
He left the hospital on Sunday
and is now able to be around,
Neil is a high school student.
Peter Kelly, 18, suffered many
injuries, including a broken jaw.
He was taken first to Clinton hos-
pital, It is thought his face hit
the steering wheel, On Sunday
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M.
Kelly arranged for him to under-
go an operation on his jaw in
London and he was taken to St,
Joseph's hospital.
On Monday afternoon at 5 o'-
clock he underwent an operation
on his jaw. Wednesday morning
his parents were preparing to go
to London to visit him. He was
reported coming along very nice-
The accident occurred on the
highway about a mile west of
Clinton. Peter thinks he became
confused by bright lights and the
vehicle hit several guard posts,
Dr. Goddard, coroner, of Hen-
sall, who was investigating a
fatality with Constable Bowening,
gave first aid and stitched up
Peter's chin,
Constable Alex. Twaddle of the
Goderich O P.P, investigated the
Winthrop Drops One
To Centralia
Winthrop lost a close game to
Centralia RCAF last week 01 HFA
action, The score was Centralia
3, Winthrop 2, Winthrop carried
most or the play throughout the
game and led until the closing
minutes when the winners scored
Winthrop scored first with Tom.
Love being the marksman, Cen-
traits, tied the score ,fn the last
minute of the first half..
Barly in the second Stall Tom
Love out -raced the Centralia
goalie to a loose ball and made it
2.1 for 'Winthrop, This lead stood
up '111 late in the game when Cen-
No Hog Cholera In
Huron or Perth
No hog cholera has been, re -
Ported in Huron or Perth counties
the Health of Anitnals Depart-
nmentin Seaforth said on Tuesday.
Dr, R. G. Leibold, who is in
charge of the office while Dr. J.
C, MacLennan is on vacation, said
a close watch is being kept on
any possible contacts here with
this disease,
Cases have been reported near
Tavistock and every precaution
is being taken, The hog popula-
tion is large.
As advice to farmers who have
pigs, Dr, Leibold recommended.
that at any sign of disease farm-
ers should contact their veterin-
arian at once, or to call the
Health of Animals branch at Sea -
Asked how an outbreak of hog
cholera begins, Dr, Leibold said
that it was not known how this
outbreak started, Most epidemics
begin from feeding of uncooked
garbage by an unlicensed feeder.
The uncooked garbage sometimes
contains American pork which
may have cholera germs. Hog
cholera is quite common in the
States and control is not as ef-
fective as in Canada where out-
breaks are traced down and
stamped out, -
Rabies has not been found
near Seaforth, said Dr. Leibold,
but there is always a little in the
eotinty. A couple of foxes have
been found with rabies this sum-
The wedding took place in
Cavan Church, Winthrop„ on July
21st, at 2,30 p.m., of Marjorie Jean
Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Boyd, r.r. 2 Walton, and
William Laverne Hamilton, son
of and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton,
r.r. 1 Hensall. Rev. J. C. Brittou
of Seaforth officiated. Decora-
tions in the church were stand-
ards of white gladioli and pink
carnations and lighted candel-
abra. Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor
length gown of silk organza over
french taffeta. The fitted bodice
featured a lace yoke dotted with
iridescent sequins and lily point
sleeves. The bouffant skirt was
appliqued with lace motifs and
bands of lace extending to the
back. The double silk illusion veil
was held in place by a headpiece
of seed pearls and iridescent
sequins. She had a crescent
bouquet of pink sensation roses
with white stephanotis.
Miss Edith Boyd, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor. She
chose a gown of pink peau -de -
sole and lace. The fitted lace
bodice had cap
sleeves. Thep
de-soie skirt featured u ed a double
row of shirring at the back held
in place with two pink rosettes,
Her , flowers were a nosegay of
baby white mums interspersed
with blue tulle and blue ribbon
stephanotis. Her hat had a pink
straw crown with a soft pink
flower nestled in pink net.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Law-
rence Eyre, St. Marys and a sis-
aer of the bride, Miss Joan Boyd
who were gowned similar to the
maid of honor, also similar hats
and flowers.
Mr. Robert Millar, r.r. 1 Hen-
sa11, was best man. Ushers were
Mr, Jim Hamilton, r,r. 1 Hensall,
and Mr. ,Gordon Dale, Clinton.
Organist was Miss Eileen Smith
of Walton. The bridal music was
"I'll Walk Beside You" and "The
Wedding Prayer" The soloist
was Miss Margaret Hallen, of
The reception and wedding
dinner were held in the church
parlors of Cavan Church, Win-
throp, decorated with pink and
white gladioli, carnations and
lighted Candelabra. The bride's
mother wore powder blue silk
lace over taffeta, matching blue
hat, and white accessories, with
corsage of pink carnation`s:; The
groom's mother wore a dark blue
figured organza dress with white
accessories, Her corsage was of
white mums.
The young couple left on a trip
to the Western Provinces. The
bride travelled in turquoise bro-
cade sheath with matching three-
quarter length jacket and white
accessories. They will reside in
Seaforth. The bride is a graduate
of Stratford Teachers' College
Guests were present from
Goderich, Exeter, Hensall, Lon-
don, Milton, Centralia , Brussels,
Quebec, Lucknow, Guelph, Grand
Bend, Walton, Winthrop, St.
Marys and Londesboro,
Seaforth Women's Institute will
hold their annual picnic at Strat-
ford park on Sunday, July 22, at
2.30 ism. Institute members
family and friends are cordially
Invited to attend. They are asked
to bring a picnic basket.
traria scored two fast goals to
win by a 3-2 score.
Winthrop lineup; Goal, Hugh
Flynn; defence, Mervin Pepper,
Bill Herr; halves, 1ton McClure,
Albert Doyen. Nell Dolmage; for-
wards, George Love, Torn Love,
Wayne Mintage, Ron Little, John
Beven; alt., Glen McClure,
Plan Substation On
Welsh Street
Seaforth Public Utility Cont
Mission is liurchasing land on.
the north side of Welsh street (at
the north end of North Main) to
establish an additional substation
to take care of the increasing el-
ectrical load in Seaforth accord
lug to information given council
on Monday night by Mayor E,
The landis located on, the west
side of the Dennis praperty and
comprises 444 acres.
Pullman Horses
• Are Doing Well.
A couple of three•year-olds
from the. breeding stable of Gar.
don Pullman, Seaforth, have
shown exceedingly goad promise
this mouth.
Gordon received a call front
Batavia, N.Y., Tuesday night say-
ing that the horse he ball sold
last year, Storm Knight, had turn-
ed in an excellent performanee in
the races there on Tuesday,
While Storni Knight carate in 4th
on Tuesday the time for the race
was 2.04 4/5. The race was ob-
served on TV here and Storni
Knight held his position until
near the finish when he dropped
back to fourth. The owner is con-
fident that with a little further
training Storm Knight will devel-
op into a consistent winner.
Gordon also had word that an-
other horse he sold last year was
a winner on Tuesday in Toronto.
-Under racing rules now in
effect, breeders of horses which
are sold are entitled to 5% of the
winnings of a horse during its
The property has been sdrvey
ed out in such a way that the
first two or three lots are on the
gravel road and are saleable 60
foot building lots, The P.U.C.
plans to use the central portion
of the property,
Mayor Daly said that when the
survey was made, he asked that
stakes be placed to indicate the
previously unmarked part of
Welsh street. Gordon Pullman
has horses pastured in the field
and would he willing to share
half the cost of erecting a fence,
It was not intended to grade or
gravel the end of Welsh street at
this time, but merely to mark
where it is, There is presently a
gate across Welsh street and west
of the gate' is open field on one
Asked if the town intends to
connect up Welsh street with
West William street, Mayor Daly
said that was for the future.
Fordwich United -Church was
the setting for the marriage of
Ruth Elizabeth Hibberd and
Robert James Campbell. The
bride is the daughter of Mr,' and
Mrs. Robert Hibberd, Fordwich,
and the groom's parents are Mr,
and Mrs, Allan Campbell, r,r,1,
Rey. J. W. Herd, Gerrie, officiat-
ed at the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Ken Graham, Fordwich,
played traditional wedding music
and accompanied the soloist, Miss
Georgina Little, Winthrop, as she
sang 0 Perfect Love before the
ceremony and The Wedding Pray-
er during the signing of the re-
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride chose a floor length
gown of nylon net and rose
patterned chantilly lace over brid-
al satin. The fitted lace bodice
was styled with lily point sleeves
and a sabrina neckline trimmed
with seed pearls and iridescent
sequins. The bouffant skirt feat-
ured lace inserts extending to a
V-shape front and back, a tiara
of seed pearls and iridescent
sequins held her elbow length
veil with matching lace edge. She
carried a ohscede of red• roses
and stephanotis.
Miss Glenna Hibberd, Kitchen-
er, sister of the bride, was maid
of honor and the bridesmaids
were Miss Clara Buchanan, Wal-
ton, and MI's. Stan Zabrigg, of
Gerrie. They wore identical
gowns of aqua silk organza over
taffeta. They carried cascades of
white shasta mums and pink car-
nations. The flower owe ,
'irl Sheila
Campbell, sister ofthe m
p groom,
wore white nylon over taffeta and
carried a nosegay of pink and
white mums. Wayne Dolmage,
Seaforth, was best man. The ush-
ers were Ronald Campbell, Lon-
don, brother of the groom. and
Ronald Hibberd, Fordwich, broth-
er of the bride.
At the reception which follow-
ed in the church parlor, the
bride's mother received the
guests wearing a blue lace over
taffeta with white accessories and
a corsage of pink mums. Tho
groom's mother wore a beige lace
over taffeta with brown accessor-
ies and a corsage of yellow mums,
For travelling the bride donned
a two piece aqua linen sheath
with white accessories and a cor-
sage of red roses. On their return
they will reside at '.r, 1 Seaforth,
Guests were present from Lon-
don, Brantford, Kitchener, Toron
Kruse Reunion Held
At Belmore
The Kruse reunion was held on
July 22 at the home of .lir. and
Mrs. Ken Chambers of Belmore
with 51 in attendance, Sports
were held in the afternoon under
the direction of Bill and Clara
Brown with Eva Brown and
Leona Oldfield assisting. Winners
were: Races, pre-school children,
Billy Brown Jr.; 9 yrs. and un-
der, Joe Vanstone; 12 years and
under, Jim Brown Jr.; 17 yrs.
and under, Norah Brown; blowing
balloons, girls, Ruth Brown, boys,
John Racho; 2 legged race, girls,
Ruth and Norah Brown, boys,
Bill Chambers and Jim Brown Jr;
bean relay, Norah Brown's team;
life saver relay, Bill Chambers'
team; paper cup relay, girls and
boys teams tied; wheel barrow
race, girls, Norah and Ruth
Brown, boys, Bill Chambers and
Jim Brown Jr., A fish pond was
held for all children 0 yrs. and
under; mystery gifts were found
by Brian Oldfield and Jim Brown
Jr. Raisin relay, adults, Winnie
Nott's team; milk bottle relay,
adults, Jim Brown's team;
throwing 0's dice, winners, Bea
Chambers, Jacqueline Racho and
Leona Oldfield; unwrapping gum,
women, Leona Oldfield, men
Harry Kruse; nail driving, wom-
en, Winnie Nott, men, Ed. Neu-
bauer; mystery bag contest, Bea
Chambers; lucky chair, Winnie
Nott; lucky cup, Diane Oldfield;
lucky spot, women, Anne Oldfield,
men, Joe Vaustone; lucky car, Ed.
Neubauer. Pictures were taken
and at 5,30 pan. a beautiful pot
luck supper was enjoyed by all
on the lawn. Officers for 1963
were elected: Pres., Shirley O'-
Shea and Dorothy Park; vice
pres., Bea and Ken Chambers;
sec: treas., Winnie Nott; sports
con., Jacqueline and Doug Raeho.
The reunion for 1963 will be held
at Jim and Eva Brown's in
Egmondville on July 21st. Guests
were present from Hensall, Dub-
lin Egmondville, Seaforth rm-
leyandNew ' G
Janmaat — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on July 18 to Mr. and
Mrs, John Janmaat, r,r. 2 Sea-
forth, a daughter.
Aubin — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on July 20 to Mr. and
Mrs. Andre Aubin, Seaforth, a
Kruse — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on July 21 to Mr. and
Mrs, Geo, Kruse, Seaforth, a son.
Wilhelm — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on July 22 to Mr. and
Mrs. Emmerson Wilhelm, r,r, 2
Brussels, a son:
to, Seaforth, Gerrie, Fordwich,
Wroxeter, Winthrop, Walton,
Markham, Jamestown, Clinton
and Monkton.
C. A.' Reith Elected
South Huron DDGM
Clare A, Reith of Seaforth was
elected District Deputy Grand
Master for South Huron District
at the 107th annual meeting of
the Grand Masonic Lodge of On-
tario, held in Toronto last week,
South Huron district includes
17 lodges extending froln Tavise
tacit to Goderich and Carlow and
South to Ailsa Craig,
Insalletion took place on Thtu's-
day. Besides IJr, Reith, attend-
ing the Toronto convention from
Britannia Lodge, Seaforth, were;
Rt. \Vor, Bro. Ross MacGregor,
Very Wor. Bro, Ross Scott, Very
Wor, Bro, Andrew Petrie, \V. M.
Bro, W. Dalrymple, Past Master
Bro. Jing MacDonald, Past Mast-
er Bro. A. Whitney, Past Masi'
el: Scott Cluff, Past Master Gor-
don Wright, Bra, Art, J. Wright,
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Coleman Families
Gather Here
The annual reunion of the Cole
man families was held at Lion
park, Seaforth, on July 21st, wit
an attendance of 89,
Officers are: President, Ceci
Oke, London; let vice pres„ R, J
Doig, Dublin; secretary, Mrs. E
Cameron, Seaforth; treae„ Mrs
W. H. Coleman, Seaforth; sport
committee, Mr, and Mrs. Bruc
Coleman and cam.; lunch cam.
Mr, and Mrs, Francis Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mr
and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mr. an
Mrs. Milton Stewart.
Sports under the direction o
Mr. and Mrs. Berne McKinley
Mrs. Ross Chapman: Pre-schoo
age, Bruce Malott; girls 6-8, 1 Sa
dra Coleman; boys 6-8, Bradley
Malott; girls 11 and under, Sand-
ra Coleman, Cathy McKinley;
boys 11 and under, Tommy Cole-
man, Doug Hildebrand; girls 14
and under, Cathy McKinley, Di-
anne Finlayson; boys 14 and un-
der, Gerald Coleman, Larry Mc-
Kinley; young ladies, Roba Doig,
Dianne Finlayson; young then,
Jim Finlayson, Larry McKinley;
married ladies, Mrs. Evelyn Me-
Kinley, Mrs. Grace Chapman;
married men,
Berne McKinley,
Hildebrand; George Ideb and; boy and girl
3 -legged race, Karen and Larry
McKinley, Jim Finlayson and Ar-
lene Coleman; girls sack race,
Raba Doig, Sandra Coleman;
boys sack race, Larry McKinley,
Tommy Coleman; shoe scramble,
Cathy McKinley, Tommy Cole-
man; married ]hen's nylon race,
Stewart Cudmore, Frank Malott;
ladies' kick the slipper, Raba
Doig, Anne Cameron; water re-
lay race, Fred McClymont and
John Barker's side tied; 1101101.
ing contest, Fred McClymont;
women's cow calling contest, Mrs.
Francis Coleman; oldest person
Present, Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan;
youngest person present, Brett
Finlayson; birthday closest to
the day, Mary Lou McKinley;
bald headed man, Lorne Lawson;
bean guess, Anne Cameron, A
candy scramble was held,
The picnic will again be held
at the Lions park, Seaforth on
the third Saturday in July, 1955,
Alex. Townshend, Mrs. Vic Har-
ireaves and Miss Marjorie Turn-
In the afternoon the guest book
was in charge of Barbara Mc -
0 Clure and Linda Anderson and in
h the evening Janice McClure and
Nancy Consitt.
Mrs. Mel Graham, Mrs. Ray
• Pepper end Mrs. Clarence Steph-
' enson assisted in the kitchen dur-
ing the afternoon and Mrs. Ian
e McAllister, Mrs. Anson Coleman,
Jlrs, Harvey Coleman, Mrs. E1-
mer Turner and .Hiss Irene Turn-
' er in the evening,
a The bride also was the guest of
honour et several showers prior
to her marriage.
Mrs. Alex. Townshend enter -
1 twined a number of girl friends
of the bride at a miscellaneous
Mrs. Al Mey was hostess at a
surprise shower at her home in
Clinton entertaining the wives of
the HEPC employees and other
Mrs. Wm. Bell, Kippen held a
shower for her at her home when
the Thrifty Kippenettes present-
ed her with a. hassock and mag-
azine rack.
A shower was also held at the
Kippen United Church when the
congregation, S.S. No, 7 Stanley,
and Varna community presented
her with many lovely gifts.
M'rs, Ralph Turner entertained
at her home on Saturday, July 21,
at a trousseau tea in honour of
her daughter, Marion, prior to
her marriage to Mr. Ken McClure
of Walton on July 28th at St.
Andrew's•United Church, Kippen,
The guests were received dur-
ing the afternoon and evening by
Mrs. Turner, Marion and Mrs,
James McClure, Walton, mother
of the groom,
In the dining room, pink and
white crams with tall white
candles graced the lace covered
tea tables. A three tiered wed-
edding cake was displayed on the
Pouring tete in the afternoon
were Mrs. Robert McAllister,
grandmother of the bride and
Mrs, Clarence Parke, aunt of the
bride. In the evening, Mrs. Mar.
yin Johnston- and Mrs, Russell
Consitt, aunts of the bride, and
Mrs, Garnet Taylor and Mrs,
Henry Michell, aunts of the
gr'ooni, were in charge of the tea
Serving in the afternoon were
Mrs, Robert Taylor, Miss Marion
Forrest and Miss Shirley John -
01011, In the evening Mrs, Don
Bell, Mrs. Allot Hutchings, Mrs,
Jack McGregor, Mrs, Lyle Carter,
Mrs, Edgar Willem. and Miss
Jean Turner served the guests,
Displaying the bride's trolls -
scan, shower and wedding gifts
in the afternoon were :sirs, Don
McClure, Mrs, Wnr, Consitt and
.firs, Eric Anderson, In the even-
ing Miss Margaret. Skov, Mrs,
In a game played in Londesboro
on July 19th, Winthrop lost to
the Londesboro girls by a score
of 23-12. S. Wightman and V.
Fowler led the Londesboro attack
with a homer each and R. Ritchie
and J. Thompson each gained a
homer for the losers. Lena Dough-
erty was the winning pitcher and
Williamson the loser with relief
from Buchanan.
The second game was played in
Winthrop on July 24th, Brussels
downed Winthrop 23-13. Win-
throp Wingers took an early lead
the game but Brussels came back
too strong for Winthrop to over-
take them. For Brussels D.
Machan and D. Engle led, with
Machan a triple, two doubles and
single and Engle with two triples,
double and two singles. Irene
Johnston gained a double and 3
singles for the losers, G. Machan
was the winning pitcher and 13.
Buchanan the loser.
Winthrop plays host to Clinton
on Thursday, July 26th at 7 o'-
clock at the Winthrop Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Oanter, Niagara
Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Rev. H, F. Feeney, C.R., Kitch-
ener, with itis mother, Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney. He and Monsignor
J. A. Feeney, London, attended
the funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
Nellie Feeney, at St, Columban.
Building permits issued this
week by Building Inspector Har-
old liIaloney were: Walter Mur-
ray, second apt, in former Peck
store, $3000. Albert Baker, re-
pairs to former Cooper home
$1000. Verdun Rau, repairs to ver-
andah 9150, Peter Httybsn, adding
kttchee and apt. to residence on
George street. Gordon Nobel, In-
stil briek siding of former Munro
Home, $500. Lloyd Bedard, bath-
room, George st., 9+150, Mal Stef-
fen, remodel verandah, $200.
All the Boy Scouts are asked to
attend the 000111ng of Glen -Mac
in uniform.
All the Boy Scouts are asked
to hand in their application
forms for camp, The date is
Aug. 18 to Aug. 25. The applice-
tions may be handed in to the
Scoutmaster, Ron Eyre, or to
Assistant Scoutmaster ,Iim Dam