HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-19, Page 8r SAVE NOW AT STEWART BROS. BIG ANNUAL, MID -SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE COMMENCES WED. JULY 18th •• ENDS AUG. 4th IN•BETWEEN SEASON LADIES' COATS, GREATLY REDUCED Reg. to 59.50 Coats Sale 33.00 Reg. to 39.50 Coats Sale 29.95 Reg. to 29.50 Coats Sale 19.95 LADIES' SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE Slims, Shorts, Jamaicas, Pop Tops,® Of discount Pedal Pushers and Cabin Boys, To Clear 114- MEN'S SUIT SALE Reg. 49.50 1 Pant Suits. , . • • • .. • Sale 39.50 Reg. 59.501 and 2 Pant Suits ........ , Sale 47.50 Reg. 69.501 and 2 Pant Suits Sale 55,00 NEW LAMINATED COATS TO CLEAR` Reg, 35,00 Coats Sale 23.95 Reg. 29,50 Coats Sale 19.95 Reg. 25.00 Coats Sale 16.95 ALL LADIES' BATHING SUITS 20 off TO OLE. Beach Towels Sun Hats Casual Slippers 20% TO CLEAR OFF REGULAR 2.95, LONG OR SHORT SLEEVE MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Good choice of patterns. 202Q 7: o clear J Poplin Rain Coats Regular 15.95 to 19,95 Sale .... 12.50 to 14.95 Laminated 'Car Coats Regular 19.75 Sale 14.95 ALL SUMMER 1/2 COSTUME JEWELLERY PRICE SEAM OR SEAMLESS NYLON HOSE Sale 77c C PAIR REGULAR 4.00, LONG OR SHORT SLEEVE MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS New patterns. New collar shapes. 295 Sale CLEARANCE OF LADIES' WOOL SUITS Sizes 14 and 16 only, Values 39.95 and 49.95 Sale 29.95 BRASSIERE CLEARANCE 97e Assorted qualtiesSpecial KNEE • HIGH NYLONS 50c pr. White and Colors To clear ALL MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Reg. 8.95 to 17.95. Regular or tropical weight. Sizes 30 to 48 waist. Sale 20% °ff THIS SEASON'S COTTON DRESSES TO CLEAR Wide choice of styles and colors. 8 80 Sizes 10 to 20 Sale o v� WABASSO, 42" SIZE COTTON PILLOW SLIPS Very Special Pair 1.19 ARROW AND FORSYTH, REG. 5.00 to 5.95 DRESS SHIRTS Whites or patterns, no -iron. 20% Off Sale �© SPECIAL RACK, SLEEVELESS AND SHORT SLEEVES COTTON DRESSES Regular 8.95 to 10.95. 699 To Clear at TOWEL CLEARANCE Bath size or hand size. All colors. Reg. to 1,25. Sale 77c MEN'S FANCY KNIT 'T' SHIRTS Crewl collars. j neck or 20% off rol Sale BOYS' KNITTED POLO SHIRTS rrrrJJJJ Reg. 1.49 to 2.9520% Off To Clear NEW SLEEVELESS COTTON SUN DRESSES Regular 4.95 Sale 3095 Straight and half sizes. SUMMER DRESS GOODS SALE All colors and fabrics. Off Good pattern range. To clear 20% MEN'S AND BOYS' SWIM SHORTS 20% off To Clear MEN'S AND BOYS COTTON SLACKS Chinos, cords, novelties. 20% off ALL OUR BETTER, REG. 15.95 TO 22.50 GREATLY REDUCED BY DRESSES 20% to 50% Sizes 9to20and 141f)to?4?/2 To Clear A5 MARKED SUMMER SLEEP - WEAR Ladies' baby doll, Capri, shorty and long gown styles. Good color range. 20% Off MEN'S OLIVE, GREY, GREEN, KHAKI MATCHING SHIRT AND PANT SETS G.W.G., Haugh's, Kitchen makes. 20�f��®® Off To Clear at ALL MILLINERY Reduced to Half Price MEN'S AND BOYS' SUMMER WINDBREAKERS Cords, corduroys, chinos and 20% Off novel checks. Sale SUMMER HATS and- CAPS 20% off Sale MEN'S Overalls Coveralls 1O% Off Smocks NEW COTTON, DUSTERS To Clear 20% discount REGULAR 3.98 TO 4,95 STEWART BROS. FOR SALE 15 pigs about eight weeks old. Doug, Hugill, r.r. 2 Seaforth. FOR SALE Toilet and sink, $5 complete; dining room table, bridge lamp, $5 each; 2 rangettes and 1 hot plate, 32 each; kitchen cabinet, oil burner and Victrola, $10 each. Phone 32437. FOR SALE Purebred I-Iereford bull, Dom- ino breeding, 3 years of age. Phone 654r33 Seaforth, John Patrick. FOR SALE 7 -ft. McCormick hinder, in good condition, Arthur. Wallace Phone 6551'25. FOR SALE Hospital bed with spring mat- tress, like new; good arm chair; small refrigerator; sheep rack, 10x12; trailer 8x21. Geo. Col- clough, RR 1, Clinton. Phone HU2 -3203. KIPPEN Mrs. C. Vaness of Lloydminster, Alberta, is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bourque. Saturday they spent the day at Niagara Falls, Ont. Monday visitors with Mrs, E. Dowson were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Franks of London and Mrs. L. Schultz a.nd Lloyd Dowson. Mr. Robert Brown, Q.C., and Mrs, Brown, Detroit, and Mrs. Alvin Ulch of Windsor, visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Long. BORN Berube -An Scott Memorial Hospital on July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Berube, Seaforth, a son. Whitelaw - In Scott Memorial I-Iospita.l, on July 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitelaw, Seaforth, a son, Evesque -- In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 6, to Mr, and Mrs. Bert Evesclue, 1'.r. 4 Clinton, a son. Kramers - In Scott 'Memorial Hospital on July 5, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kramers, Dublin, a daughter. McLaughlin - In Scott Memor- ial 'Hospital on July 8 to Mr. and Mrs, William McLaughlin, Sea - forth, a son. O'Rourke - In Scott Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. William O'Rourke, r.r. 1 Dublin, a son, Valkangoed - In Scott :Memel, nal Hospital on July 10 to Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Van Valkangoecl, 1'.r, 2 Dublin, a son, Mooney -To Mr, and Mrs. Wal- lace Mooney (nee Winnifred Sav- auge), of Massey, Ont., a chosen danghter, Ellen Louise. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of McKillop Unit- ed Church Manse and contents in the village of Winthrop, Saturday, July 28th, at 7 p,m. Property -Part of lot 25, con. 9, McKillop twp. 7 room frame house with asphalt siding, new roof; 3 piece modern hath, full basement, furnace, drilled well with pressure system; garage (like new). Household Effects -6 piece oak dining room suite; 3 piece sec- tional chesterfield suite (like new); rocking chair, chrome kit- chen set; glass cupboard; book shelves; library table; 11' frig. with deep freeze (like new) ; Clare Jewel 4 burner electric, stove; modern walnut bedroom suite; vanity bench, chest of drawers, bed springs and mat- tress; brown iron .bed, small chest of drawers; wash stand; 4 pairs drapes; axminster rug; 19 ft. steel gate. Other articles too numerous to mention. ,Terms -Chattels, cash. Property, 10% down; balance Sept. 1st, when possession will be given. Prop., McKillop Manse Trustee Board. Secretary, George Camp- bell. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Auction Sale Auction Sale of household effects in the Town of Seaforth, Goderich St. East, on Wednesday, August let, at 1 p.m. sharp. 3 piece, chesterfield suite; din- ing room suite; buffet; china cabinet; table and chairs; walnut dinner wagon; hall tree; maga- zine rack; rocking chairs; pede- stals; small tables; antique wal- nut oval table; small gate leg table; mirrors; electric lamps; chrome kitchen set, like new; footstool; 2 furnished bedroom suites; scatter mats; quilts; blankets and pillows; chest of drawers; kitchen utensils; an- tique china; cut glass; bridal wreath Limoges china; drapes, cushions; rug 8' x 10'; 2 popper boilers; flower pots; garden tools, and other articles too numerous to mention, Terms -Cash. Proprietor -Walter Murray, Auctioneer-Ilarold Jackson. Clerk -Geo. Powell. GET THE FACTS Let us show you how we have helped others become financially independent selling Rawleigh Products, Good locality now avail- able In Tuckeramith, McKillop and Fhillett., . Write Rawlelgb, Dept, 0-364.911., 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, FOR SALE 1 zigzag sewing machine, $51, Box 127, The Seaforth News, ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale at lot 27, con. 9, Morris twp., 1''A. miles north of Walton and half mile west on Tuesday, July 24th, at 1 p.m., of property, machinery and household effects. Middle aged Clyde gelding. V-2 plow Case tractor, excellent condition with mounted plow; 6 sections of harrows; 13 run Massey Harris fertilizer drill; Cockshutt 6 ft. mower; McCor- mick Deering binder; McCormick Deering drop head hay loader; McCormick Deering side rake; scuffles; 2 walking plows, 2 stone boats; steel wheel barrow; grain wagon box; farm wagon and hay rack; 2 furrow disc plow; John. Deere manure spreader on rub- ber; ladders; 2,000 lb. scales; steel water trough; 2 wheel trail- er; Viking cream separator with motor; steel pig feeder; pig trough; set double harness; 6 cord of dry wood. Oil drum and pump; 1947 Chevrolet sedan; 24 inch power lawn mower (like new). Grain and IIay - 2,000 bales f mixed hay; 150 bus, mixed gr: in; some clover seed. Box of tools; electric motor; electric pail; weed, sprayer; rope. wire stretcher; forks, shovels, chains, garden tools. Furniture - Studio couch, 17 inch television; mantel radio; l'hilco automatic Frig, with deep freeze (like new) ; MoClary 4 burner stove; electric washing machine; cook stove, sewing machine; extension table, chairs, sideboard; rocking chairs, small tables; gramophone; 4 furnished bedrooms; toilet sets; bedding; electric lamps; bedding quilts, blankets; kitchen utensils; dish- es; glass cupboard; • floor cover- ings; clocks, sealers; step lad- ders. Property - At the same place at 3 p,m., the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. 92 acres of clay loam land; 8 acres of hush; well drained; drilled well with wind- mill; large bank barn; implement shed; 8 room frame house with asphalt shingle siding; hydro; garage. Terms -Chattels, cash. Property, 10% clown, balance l.st of Nov., when possession will be given, Prop., Estate of late Everett Wright, Executor, Charles Finlay, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, George Powell, FOR SALE Dark walnut dining room shite; buffet, extension table; chair's; china cabinet; antique sideboard; Westinghouse Frigidaire; kitchen table. II. G. Meir, North ,Main st, CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all our kind neigh- bors, friends and relatives who assisted us in taking off our hay crop and for all other acts of kindness to us which was deeply appreciated. -Hubert and Jessie Johnson. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Joseph Francis Melady, who passed away July 4, 1955: "Sunshine passes, Shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlasts all. And though the years be many or few, They are filled with rememb- rance, dear of you." -Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Marie. FARM FOR SALE 129 acre farm, 1 mile west, of Varna on paved county road, 9 - room brick house, bathroom and furnace. 45 acres in crop, 50 acres in hay and pasture, good bush. Overflowing well, good L- shaped bank barn, silo, driving shed, henhouse. Priced right for quick sale. Possession immediate- ly. Apply to Rachel Johnston, Varna, Ont., or J. P. Johnston, Varna, Out. NOTICE Custom combining and swath- ing, Apply to J. L. Ryan & Sons, Dublin. Phone 40 r 5, FOR SALE One Hart Junior Grain elevator, 18 foot; also shaft complete with bearings, balance wheel and pul- ley, suitable for saw mandrel'. George Flewitt, RR 3, Seaforth; phone I-IU2-9239. FOR SALE 1955 Plymouth 2 -door hardtop. Eight, stick. Phone 491W after six or see Loris McNichol. FOR SALE Girls' bicycle, 15 inch frame, 20 inch wheels, like new. Phone 470M, Seaforth. FOR SALE Costume Jewellery now on sale to clear - Brooches - Necklaces -Earrings - Bracelets, Only 59o, Anstett Jewellers. HONEY FOR SALE Clover -25c lb.; 50 lbs. and over -220; 100 lbs, -20c. In your own containers. Wallace Ross Apiaries, CUSTOM COMBINING Prices reasonable, We are also equipped wit Feed Rolls and special sourcleaner, sieves for Flax, Contact Lyle Montgomery, phone HU 2.7231, Clinton, Ont, FOR SALE Six German shepherd pups,,all male, Larry McLlwain, phone 606w1, DISCOUNTS ON MEN'S FURNISHINGS All neckwear, hose, underwear, belts, G�®� Off sweaters, pajamas, etc. Sale •2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a personal Thank You to the Superintendent, assistant and supervisors and their staff of Clinton Public hospi- tal and Dr. 3, A. Gorwlll of Sea - forth for their constant care while we were patients in the.hospital for the past six weeks. To friends and neighbors, especially Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley, who were so kind to our daughters at home, also to those who helped in the store; to all who sent flowers, gifts and cards, and to the many who visit- ed us in the hospital. To mem- bers of Constance U.C. Women, and Rev. Funge for all his visits and prayers. To members of Court Constance and Court Con- stantine L1842 of Canadian Order of Foresters, for their remem- brances, also to remembers of LOBA and LOL, Seaforth, and to Murphy LOL and RBP of Clinton, as well as to members of County of South I-Iltron. To Mr, Box for ambulance services; to everyone who helped in any way to make our stay more comfortable. Words cannot he found to exprpess our appreciation at this time, Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for fruit, cards and flowers sent to me while a patient in Sholdice Clinic, Toronto. -Robert M. Scott. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Andrew John Swan All persons having claims against the Estate of Andrew John Swan, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. who died on the 23rd day of May, 1962, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the loth day of August, 1962, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 17th day of July, 1962. McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the executors, NUNN TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will he receiv- ed by the undersigned until 6 p,m, Monday, July 23rd, for the installation of a furnace 145,000 B,T.U., #4 School Hibbert. Fur- ther information may be obtained from Secretary. CRCSS, 2, 3, 4, Hibbert, McKillop #1, Mrs. Wm, O'Rourke, Sec: Treas. RR 1, Dublin, NOTICE Prompt watch repair service at Savauge's, opposite post office. All work done by certified watch- makers. FOR SALE No. 6 White Threshing Machine, with drive belt, 6 years old, good as new. on rubber. Reason for selling, owner has ill health. Hubert Sohnson, Walton rr 2, Lot 12, Con. 11, McKillop. FOR SALE 1 bedroom home, 2 blocks from Goderich and Main, new bath- room, gas furnace, newly decor- ated. This home is in perfect condition, Very low down pay- ment. Balance less than $50 monthly. Farms in Mitchell, Seaforth and Clinton area. Joseph McConnell Phone 266 Seaforth Realtor AND . FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 28( We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil Willis Dundas Phone 573 or 71w maatmmarsim Arnold Stinnissen R R 6 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1962 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 Be warmly contented with Texaco Stove Oil or Texaco Furnace Fuel oil CALL US TO -DAY WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Real Estate Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. " offices and 26 salesmen to serve YOU NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ• ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from a to 5.30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or ear bodies permitted J. I. McIntosh Clerk Donald G. Eaton GENERAL INSURANCE PHONE 75 SEAFORTH Office in Jackson Aluminum Bldg. M".'n .o'1'" The Seaforth News: "Authorized as Second -Claes Mali by the Post Office Do- partment, Ottawa, and for payment of Postage In cash."