HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-19, Page 7Paris Hos A Real Gold Mine In The Sky tOurists never think about such things, but the Eiffel Tower; that iron exclamation mark that points up the beauty of Paris, Is a fine business proposition In factthe gloriously grotesque structure on the Left 13ank of the Seine is a blue-chip corpora- tion that has become a bit of a gold mine in the sky for 3 000 Frenchmen, Only nineteen of them showed up recently for Societe de la "Four Eiffel's annual stockholders meeting in the handsomely dec- orated gray and green board- room an the ground floor of the tower's north pillar. Charles Vannesson, a member of the nine -man board of directors, ex- plained the small but congenial turnout thusly: "Holding statics in the Eiffel Tower company is like having stacks in tranquility — no worries, no problems That hasn't always been so with the engineering masterpiece that Alexandre Gustave Eiffel built for the Paris exposition of 1889. Parisian beauty lavers, condemning the tower as a mon- strosity, campaigned right up to the eve of World War II to have Its 7,300 tons of lacy iron dis- mantled. But when the Nazis talked about cutting it up for scrap iron in 1942, even the es- theticians suddenly realized that the tower was dear to the heart of every Frenchman. The world's seventh tallest structure easily outdraws such centuries-old classics as the Louvre Museum and the Cath- edral of Notre Dame.. Its three platforms — at 187 feet, 377 feet, and 899 feet — were visited by 1.8 million persons last year, a figure topped only by Lenin's Tomb in lVfoscow which drew 2:3 million reverent Com- munists. (The Washington Mon- atrnenT attracted 1.6 million vis- itors and the Empire State Building 1.5 million.) Although the tower is technf- sally the property od the city of Paris, it has in fact been privately operkted ever since Ziffel formed a company to raise the $1,6 million he needed to put it up. The city contributed $300,000 of the funds, was given title to the tower, then in what Is one of the earliest lease -back arrangements on record, gave the company the concession to operate it. The tower was such an im- mediate hit with sight -seers that Eiffel was able to pay oft his bondholders within a year, He later issued 15,300 shares of stock which now sell on the Paris Bourse for about $140 each. They are hard to get, en- joying so much status that they are often passed from father to eon a special legacy. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel's own shares now belong to his grandson, Rend Le Grain Eiffel. In recent years, the stock has paid a 5 per cent ($71 dividend. In 1961, gross receipts totalled $1.2 noillion. After cutting the city in for its share of the re- turn, then deducting the cost ocf operating and maintaining the tower, the company showed a net profit of about $89,000. Ad- mission tickets account for most of the gross, but. the company also earns a profit on space it leases to two fashionable res- taurants and from the radio and television antenna that have boosted the tower's height from 984 feet to 1,009 feet. As director Vannesson noted happily: "Everything just gets better and better." Alimony Is like buying oats for a dead horse, Bugs Baer. STILTED -- Fred Berry says that using stilts helps him to reach the ceiling better than scaffolding for touch-up jobs. Here's The Oldest Show On Earth It is the world's longest -run- ning and most popular play. It appeal to people of a 11 ages. Punch and Judy have been en- tertaining in Great Britain for three centuries and Britain'i showmen are celebrating the fact this year. The first recorded Punch and Judy show is thought to have been 300 years ago on the por- tico of the "actors' church" — St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Lon- don. A special tablet was placed in the portico at a service for Punch and Judy men and their dogs a few weeks ago. The traditional melodrama has changed little. Mr. Punch gets tough with Judy, outwits a beadle, an undertaker, a ghost and the devil himself, and hangs a hangman in his own noose. Although Punch and Judy shows in Britain can be traced back reliably for only 300 years, references to Mr. Punch have been found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. His must be the oldest show on earth, Mr. Punch has also been dis- covered in Italy at the time of Julius Caesar, when he is be- lieved to have been a red -nosed 'hunchback who earned his living as a jester, A legend says that Punch or- iginates from Pontius Pilate and Judy from Judas Iscariot. In most Punch and Judy shows Punch triumphs over everyone except the jester, hence the phrase "as pleased as Punch." Somehow, the play is always up to date, Wherever there is a Punch and Judy show, it attracts a crowd. The performers are all puppets, except for the dog, Toby, which is usually live. The showman produces the fa- miliar high-pitched voice of Mr. Punch with a "swazzle" — a squeaker which he places in his mouth, and must be careful not to swallow. A south coast Punch and Judy T LT -- Squeeze play takes place as workmen ease a garage ketween a house and a tree in Topeka, Kan, Mr, and Mrs. L, Meyer wutch their garage play the biggest part. showman who used to OM 0101.6 than 1,509 shows a season ou $lie beaeh says that he usually mai- lowed his swazzle about two qr three times every season, but al- ways managed to retrieve it, ll good clog Tobys must have stage sense. Some showmen say that training a Toby is the moat difficult and trying part of the whole business. One man bought a dozen dogs before he could find one that would take to it. One of the moat intelligent Tobys on record was 1311110, a Yorkshire terrier. It was stage- struck from the start, said its owner, and obviously loved its job. Billie lived to the age of four- teen and appeared in more than 5,000 performances up and down the country, writes Ashley Brown in "Tit -Bits," Some old records say that Punch and Judy shows were par-, ticularly popular in Britain in the clays of Queen Anne, In those days Judy was often called Joan. A clause in the Magna Carta per- mits Punch and Judy shows in the streets of any town, Secrets of presenting the per feat Punch and Judy show have sometimes been handed down from father to son in families for many generations. For years the strong -roam of a London firm contained a cen- turies-old book of words for Punch and Judy — complete with all stage directions. During the 1939-45 war a Czech showman made so many quips against the Nazis during each performance that the Gestapo ar- rested him. He was interned, and the puppets were locked in an underground safe. The effect of seeing Punch knocking his wife about in the traditional manner is questioned frequently. Many adults have complained about the violence of Punch, but most psychologists say that it does not harm young- sters. "The presentation in Punch and Judy of a man and woman quarrelling appeals to the pri- mitive in all of us, but it does us no harm because in such inci- dents lies the germ of domestic comedy," says an American psy- chologist. Teenagers Have A New MODEST Hero At 22, Neil Sedaka well re- rnembers his boyhood in Brook- lyn, where, as he says, "I was a social flop, A big*Squarel" The son of a taxicab driver, a bright boy with a gift for music, he wanted to be. popular. At parties, they, laughed when he sat down at the piano to play Beethoven and Chopin. "They wanted to hear things they could dance to." He opened last month in New York at Jack Silverman's Inter- national, a Broadway nightclub as large as some Catskill resorts. Performing such songs as "Stu- pid Cupid," "Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen," and "Little Devil," he whipped out a refined rock-and-roll charm that has sold some 8 million records and earns him a quarter of a million dollars a year, as well as a pop- ularity that is all but overwhelm- ing. He has had to abandon rid- ing in the subways, for,the kids at those old Brooklyn parties have turned into an adoring, omnipresent mob, He has had 5,000 fans swarming to meet him at the Rio de Janeiro airport, breaking down the police bar- riers and braving the fire hoses, and has played to 30,000 people a night for a solid week in the Philippines. Munching a wedge of pizza at Coney Island he over- heard one teenager squeal to an- other: "Look, it's Neil Sedaka and ... he eats!" What is left for him? The 140 - pound, green-eyed singer sat be- hind a: huge walnut desk in his Rondak Enterprises office and said baldly: "I want to be more popular. I want Sedaka to be a household word." The Manhattan debut at the International represents a turn- ing point. Sedaka wants to move up into the adult market, with ballads and folk songs, But he wants to keep the rock-and-roll numbers, too, with the heavy beat and. the triplet piano. Those will be for the teenagers. And he wants to write a Broadway musical. And he wants to keep up the serious music (he studied at Juilliard and was once chosen by Artur Rubinstcin to play on WQXR). The move into popular music, however; he judges now to have been a good thing, "not just financially, but namewise," Some of his peers at ilitilliard may have scoffed when he brought in "Stupid Cupid"' to play in class, but they were snobs." The hardest thing in ithe world, he claims, is to write a simple tune. Sedaka, pere, is out of the taxi (he is road manager for his son), and Sedaka, filo, is in a white Cadillac convertible with black leather seats, but he still wants to be popular. "1 want to be treated xis 0 normal human be- ing," he says, gesturing with a hand which casts a glint from a large tourmaline ring. "I want people to accept me for just the old Neil. But I guess it's impos- 'dible." ......•••• • •• • • • •••••-• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANY CHICKS 40dual purpose end Amos a$lIejolo, anipment. Also broil, to. a hnow your requtromentsi ice oast moot. or write Orgy H %% et - ere, 120 John North, Hamilton, oat. BOATS CATAMARANS DEMONSTRATORS AND 3'&.4D5 -ON • thitboarde Volvo Ounirives Bargains 17' Cat es Low as 91 300 AERO MARINE INDUSTRIES LTD. 21 Walker St., Oakville, VI. 43381 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUILDING for sale oz. lease in town of Foreet. Suiteble for almost any kind Of business. Approximately 8,200 sq, ftselling space with about the same for storage, Air mInditioned, Will remodel to suit tenant. Situated be. side post office and across the street from new IGA suPermerket For more Information, contact Ted Roberts, For. est IGA, Ont, GOOD family clothing business for male at sacrifice price. Reason for sell - Ing, owner moving to another city. Forparbieulars, particulars please write to Box 121. Port Starifey, 0111, HOTEL, 12 -bedroom, concrete hillock; exterior complete, interior partially; 11 acres land, 8 cleared, 400' scenic frontage, sandy beach; surrounding property value 92000,an acre. Swirl - Bee quick sale. 111 health. Invested 921,000. $25,000 would buy it. Proxi- mity of Trans -Canada Hwy. makes valuable investment for summer bust. ness new. W Stepovik. Batchawana flay. Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GENERAL Store Business with large living quarters - stock - fixtures, Jelly equipped -oil heated; gas punIps, also P.O.Secrifioing due to disable- ment. In good hunting and fishing dis. trict. Write C. J. Hoffman, Golden Valley, Ont. WELDING end machine shop and rest. dance. Full complement power tools, goocl business, in rich southern Ont farming area Box 55, Melbourne, Ont. A thriving general store operating on a cash basis offers a golden opportu. pity to secure a splendid living: Be. sides a well equipped store it has ex. eellent modern living quarters, a corn- pletely modern comfortable brick home. You will enjoy this spotless home which has all modern convent- ences, The property includes store, house, garage, b a r n, store fixtures and half an acre of choice garden and lawn. Wonderful business potential. Failing health reason for selling, You must see this property to appreciate it, Priced at a sacrifice for quick sale. Box 251. 123 • 18th Street, Toronto 14, Ont. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. MODERN floor covering and uphol- etery shop. Floor space 40'x30'. Good living quarters upstairs. Ideal bust. mess location of any sort, Full price $28,500, down payment $10,000. Town population and district 40,000. GRO. CERY, meat and confectionery store, 2.bedroom home and store on 1 lot, including stock and equipment. Aye prox, turnover 540,000. Full price 028,. SOO, down payment 910,000. Owner has other interests. Please notify Mr. W. Schwenek, 544-C Princess Ave.. Med, Wile Hat, Atte. CATALOGUES SEND for new free Illustrated catal- ogue and Twaddle Monthly Money Saver, You save money On men's, wo- men's, children,s and baby's wear, also electrical appliances, summer furnl' ture. and hundreds of other Items. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING COMPANY FERGUS 11 ONTARIO CONS AND STAMPS JUST.released June 6 edition of "Cash for Your Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain & United States Coins", 50 pages, 500. Now paying 911.00 for Cdn 1923 cents; for 1925 cents 97.00. For Cdn. 1948 dimes 54.25. Countless others The Guidebook of Cdn. Coins, 224 pages, 2300 full illustrations, 2nd Revised Printing, April, 1962, with latest prices Collectors will pay for Canadian coins in all conditions, 91.50, REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS $$$ SAVINGS $$$ 28 different American spin cast fishing lures $11.95„ reg. 922.70. World re. nowned battery portable transistorized tape recorder $34.95, reg. $49.50. Bat. teryless rechargeable flashlight 95.95, Superb battery razor 914.95. Amazing new pocket lighter, men, ladies 92.05. 7 day money back guarantee. Postpaid. Dealers Interested send $1.00 for par- ticulars. Ontarlo residents add 3% sales tax Send cheque or money order. Trans Canada World Traders. Box 217 Station 0, Toronto 16. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE - FLORIDA -Orange Grove NEWLY planted, 91,150 per acre. 1/2 down. Capital gain opportunity. Exce1. lent for retirement income. H. SNOEK REAL ESTATE BROKER 4938 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT. 222.2581 Yau can tell how healthy a man is by what he takes two at st time—stairs or pills. Abe Mar- tin. HELP WANTED MALS irVVO tag press operators wanted im. peediutely, by well established subtn, n printing coMpany, experience on w lLris, YOung or International tag fiMatta valuable, but not essential ood starting salary, with opportunity or eelVeneeinent, D•day week, all bone- te. If you aro ambitious, have a roxe, ohanical aptitude and want a steady b with a future, Apvly in person to r. :Cannata, Atlas 'lag Company ox anada Ltd., 72 Bayly St., Ajax, Ont. INVESTMENTS 50/ Interest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 3 4 OR 6 -YEAR TERM 5100 MINIMUM AND UP Sterling Trusts - CORPORATION 573 BAY ST., TORONTO EM. 4.7499 GUNS SHOTSHELL reloading components et lowest price. Reload your own shot- gun shells for as little as 91 per box, Morton Bros. Limited, Mt, Albert. Carry full line of TOols & StIPPliett. Write for price list. LIVESTOCK I have another herd of registered Ser. say cattle foe, sale. W111 finance on terms of 36 months, so they will pay for themselves. Apply immediately to Ross Butler, 742 Pavey St„ Woodstock, or telephone LE. 7.8165, 1Noodstook. MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA 51.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainlees, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they Seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES WANTED One Matron with knowledge of X-ray and two General Duty Nurses required immediately for 15 bed Hospital. 40 hour weekstatutory holidays and reg. alar vacation. Room and board $40.00 per mth. Beautiful location Apply with full details. salary B.C. Staedards, Administrator, Arrow Lakes HosPltal P.O. Box 87, Nakusp, B.C. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 6E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages rhousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Blom St. W., Toronto Branches, 44 King St W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa 'OLD COINS WANTED COINS WANTED! Paying 51 00 for 1942 brass rrombac) Nickels. Buying other coins. Tell me what you have. Coleman Coins, 545 "E" Street. San -Bernardino, California. - - • -- PERSoNAL A modern way. to help you reduce. Eat 3 meals a day. Lose pounds and inches fast. Clinically tested Slim -Mint helps satisfy your craving for food - Slim -Mint plan makes reducing easier than you ever dreamed possible $2.00. 2 weeks' supply. LYON'S DRuGS, arc DANFORTH, TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE CRYSTAL Beach. 7 room house, hath, gas furnace, possession immediately. Price 04,995.00. 2.1 Lemont, 285 Lan- caster W., Kitchener, SHerwood 2-5355, $32,000 - Beautiful location on Perry Lake, Kearney, 22 miles northeast of Huntsville: custom.bulit family red. dence Insulated throughout Spacious living room, native stone fireplace, din. ing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms 3-plece bath on main floor, 2 bedrooms, 3-plece bath 2n1 floor. Full size basement with bedroom and storage space. Oil heat- ing garage and boathouse. 80' front- age on lake and suitable for exclusive home or lodge. Terme. Call G. M. Deans, Broker, Sprucedale, Ont., 05. ISSUE 26 — 1962 PONY SALE CONSIGNMENT PONY SALE at Clinton Sale Barn ON SATURDAY, JUNE 90, AT 9 P,M. For Information or consignments suite 400 COREY, RA. CLINTONONTARIO Phone HUnter 2.9689 TEACHkRE WANTED A Protestant teacher for S.S. 4 and 14, Viler and AmeliasburE. UTIEE to commence in Sept, APPLY In writing, stating spialifloa. dons and &dare to: C. K. BLAKELEy, SEC..TREAa. CONSECON, ONT, R.R. NO 2 VACATION RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABINS BOUSEKEEpiNo cottages; acoonuno. date zs; all conveniences, cabins for • 4, 940 weekly. centrally located. Write or phone 24, M. Douglas, Grand Bend. MINNEHAHA CAMP Dousehesping cottages on Pickerel River waters. Running water. refrlgera- Don, showers, beach, boats, zoo ash. leg, Write Hartley MOore, Loring, Ont, PAIGNTQN HOUSE Motel and Cottage Units Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. Open June 23rd. For complete information on summer vacation write for free colored folder or Phone Port Carling, 765.3155 Le Montclair IN THE LAURENTIANS, P. QUE. MOST OUTSTANDING RESORT IN FAMED STE. ADELE VILLAGE 1, LARGEST SWIMMING POOL IN THE LAURENTIANS; 3 DIVING BOARDS, 1. SCILLIDUREMT.I.NATED RUBICO TENNIS 3. MEALS BEYOND COMPARE. 4. RIDING, BOATING, MOVIES, GOLF AND DRIVING RANGE NEARBY, REASONABLE RATES WRITE FOR FOLDER T. S, COUILLARD LE MONTCLAIR, STE. ADELE, P.Q. VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE DEER PARK COTTAGES Bayfield, Ont, is COMPLETELY FURNISHED RENTAL COTTAGES, and OWNER'S COTTAG located on a beautiful site just north of Bayfield on Highway 21, 300 feet of private sandy beach, excellent motel site and play area included. Numerous guest reservations now made, will be transferred to purch- aser. For complete information and appoint- ment to inspect. Call or write. HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE 13210212121 38 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH - PHONE JA 4.7272 COLLECTORS' ITEMS— Three special 5 -yen stamps of the Olympics series go on one- month sole in Tokyo, with 5 - yen surcharge for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Fund. From top: Judo, dark red; Water polo, durk green; and Beam, printed dork brownish purple. • EMPTY CELL ALCATP.AZ — These photos show different views of a cell in Alcatraz Prison whero thiee bank robbers mode an escape. At left is a guard's view 'of the cell showing a dummy head on the pillow. At ri ght a guard looks at hole through which the convicts escaped.