HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-19, Page 4r3snNu111nA1u,1,11ulll,W 111,111u,q1„l,lla,1,,1111n11q„pu"",1,1,"W u1„luu,uun ”" n"0.1uUP11, The ONE and ONLY LOUIS ARMSTRONG America's No. 1 Goodwill Musical Ambassador AND HIS ALL - STARS ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY9 JIJLY 20 Casino Lakeview GRAND BEND 9-1 A.M. Adniis•sion $5.00 Each Advance Tickets Now On Sale 4 u w u l l l I I U 1111,,1,111111111111„1„1111111,,,1111011111101111011111111 „I , I I, Q 111111111111111„1111, 4,,,1 a 11,1, ,11,,, s Notice WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR, SEAFORTH WATCH REPAIR FACILITIES AND CAN NOW OFFER THE FASTEST AND FINEST WATCH REPAIR SERVICE EVER SAVAUGE'S Opposite the Post Office 2 CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS FRED (TED) SAVAUGE (C,W,) GORDON JONES (C,W.) "FREE ESTIMATES" BARGAIN Massey -Harris 92 Self -Propelled Combine, 12 -foot header, flax roll, pickup and scour - clean, and straw spreader. Excellent condi- tion. Approximately 3 years old. Trade or terms HURON TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone 235-1115 John Deere Dealer North of Exeter on No. 4 Highway WALTON Members of the UCW enter - tallied the =there and their small children of Duff's United ()Much at the home of Ma's,' lA, Mitchell, Friday afternoon, Jury 13th. ” The meeting was held on the lawn, Mrs..N. Reid welcomed all the mothers and their child- ren; also thanked tdrs. Mitchell for the use of her home. She ex- plained that since the inaugura- tion of oar new organization there' is no more Baby Band but it. comes under another name Nur- sery ROTI and Kindergarten. in Christian Education, The first. two verses of hymn 584 "Can a Little Child Like Me” were sting. The scripture was taken by Airs. T. Dundas, follpwed by a 1 s devotional talk by M1 Alvin Mc- Donald and a poem "Back to the Fold." Mrs. Wes. Haokwell chose for her talk " Train ftp a child the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it;' She told of a little carefree girl, 'who after the 'home was broken up, lived with first one fancily, then another, and this soon caused a discipline problem. It shows the importance of proper child care. The care of children is distinctly a Christian attribute, Mrs. Gordon McGavin read three poems -What Heaven is Like," "Wonder" and "Grand- ma's Version of Heaven," The meeting closed with hymn 614, "When He Cometh," followed by prayer. Enj.y HOT WATER With a Flat -Rate Electric Water Heater SAFE — CLEAN — MODERN — FLAMELESS We invite you to enquire about our plans to give you adequate hot water service at low cost. Perhaps we can save you money with our flat -rate service. You can rent a 40- gallon tank for: $1.75 per month gross plus flat -rate energy charges. Flair rate for 600 watt heater 32.16 per month , 750 watt heater - 32,56 per month 1000 watt heater - 33.20 per month Inspect new tanks available for purchase. CALL AT THIS OFFICE TELEPHONE 472 SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Th McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company ri1 �1L1iiP MET � UAt FIRE INSURANCE C0•MPAliY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH insures • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Prope • Summer Cottages o Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, eta) is also available AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V, J. L a ne RR 6 Sea forth; Wm, Leiper, Jr., Londesboo; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin: Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth Y Dorothy and Wilfred Waite. 'pranks. WAS else passed along to Dorothy Dietz and her lunch committee and the sports coni, mitten :luoluding Ralph; Earl and Ken Salterbarth. The secretary treasurer's report was given by a recitation by .Janet Scherbarth and a musical selection by the Dietz and Elligsen trio. Mrs, Edward Seherbar'th Jr historian Or the . Scherbarth. Reunion, gave a most interesting talk on the history bf'the Scherbarth family. A number of old articles brought by the faittily were shown, much to the interest of everyone, The evening concluded with a buffet style Supper, The 1963 reunion will be held at tine eommunity park on June 30th. Master Lori Adonis of Mitchell. has been holidaying with his grandparents, Air, and Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz, Mr, and Mrs, Loiile Hulick and girls or Gadshill and Mr, and Mrs, Archie Babb of Carlingford with Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Buuck recently, Mrs, Elizabeth Mo'enz,. of Kit- chener has been visiting with Mrs. Rosana Miller, Mrs, Jan Van Vliet was assist- ed by Miss Eileen Williamson in conducting a number of motion songs and games with the chil- dren which was greatly enjoyed, The ladies served lunch and treated the children to chocolate milk. Mr, and Mrs, Doug. Fraser and fancily holidayed for a;Nfew days at Niagara Falls last week. Walter and Mrs, Bewley attended the 1Vlarshall Bowman wedding in Sarnia last Saturday Mrs. Jeff, Livingston Sherry, Doug. and Kevin of Preston are visiting with Mr. Malcolm Fraser. Miss Susan Bell of Fergus is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Bennett. Joyce King of Sarnia is visiting with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, George Jackson. Sherrill Craig has returned home after visiting relatives in Toronto last week. Misses Mary and Brenda Bew- ley spent last weekend at Clin- ton at the home of Mrs, Gerrie Bewley. Miss Ruth Ennis Reg. N., of ICitchener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rutledge and Evelyn of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bennett over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stutz of Wat- erloo spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, T. Dundas. Teddy and Jean Wilbee of Sea - forth are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coutts. Mrs, Walter Broadfoot is visit- ing with relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Ennis of To- ronto spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. D. Ennis. Mrs. Robert Pickering, Sandra, Kim, Bobbie and David returned home to Oakville after spending the past ten days with Mr, Geo. Dundas. Mrs, Geo. Dundas returned home after spending the past ten days visiting her sisters in Reno, Nevada, and Stockton, California, The Walton Unit ' of Dufi•s United Church held their July meeting on July llth at the home of Mrs. Sadie McDonald with 26 members present, Mrs, Emerson Mitchell opened the meeting with the Call to Worship and prayer. The meditation "Church's Place in Community" was given by Mrs. Ian Wilbee, Mrs. Herb Traviss gave the topic Old and New Can- adians, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. R. Achilles, Roll call was a Bible verse; for August it will be a Favorite Hymn. The scripture and topic for August will be taken by Mrs, Walter Bewley. Mrs. Rae Hueth- er offered prayer. Mrs,- Ralph Traviss reported on the menu for a coming wedding. Mrs. Jim Clark conducted the Bible Study period taken from Samuel. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs, Gordon Murray, Mrs. Luella Marshall, • The July meeting of the Walton Women's Institute will be held on July 25 with Mrs. Gordon Mc - Gavin and Mrs. Geo. Fox as co - conveners for Home Economics. Hostesses will be Mrs, H. Wil- liamson, Mrs, R. Williamson, Mrs, G. Williamson, Mrs, G, Corlett, Mrs. H. Craig; Mrs, Peter McDonald of Brock, Sask., is visiting at the home of John and Jim McDonald and fam- ily, and with Mrs. Angus Mc- • Cualg of Seaforth. She was ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Henry Regan of Edmonton, Alta. Mr, and Mrs, William Turnbull were guests at the Ontario Vet- ( erinary College centennial at Guelph. on Monday. Misses Janet, Christine and Eileen Turnbull of Seaforth and Mary Helen Buchanan are visit- ing with 1Ir•. and Mrs. E. Turnbull. Miss Donna Smith had the mis- c ,,tune to break her arm while playing ball last week, Aliso es Betty and Jenny Smith of 1Jerrt vide have returned home after holidaying with Mr, and Mia, George Hibbert, BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ahiens and Kimberley of Hamilton with Mrs. Chas. Ahrens, The ninth annual Scherbarth Reunion was held at the Brod• hagen community park on Sun- day, July 8, commemorating the n anniversary r• l.Oth aunt ersar of the Scher. Y harsh family in Canada. Follow- ing a delicious dinner of barbe. cued chicken, the president, Nor- man Mikel thanked' the hosts, noon was spent, in gamma and raee evente, Belole the lunch hour, Mrs. Carl hock, the pt'esi• dent, was 10 charge of the busi- ness, The eeeretarytreastlter Was Gary Sholdice in the absence of Roger Sltoldiee, The 1960 reunion will be on the Sunday closest 10 the 151 'of July et the house of. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 10isior, r.r,4 A'liteltell and officers and cont- rnitteeS for it are: President, Wil- fred Drager; vita pres., Mervyn Leonhardt: secretary - treasurer, ]!red W, Kintner; bingo oonmrit- tee Mr, and stirs, Geo, Wright, Mr. and Mrs, David Davis, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Drager, Sports committee, Mr, and. Mrs. Norman Ahrens, Mr , and Mrs, Dalton Steinbach, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice. .e e Booth committee, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rack, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rapien. Lunch committee, 1VIr, and Mrs. Chas. Getke, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Hinz, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Quer- engesser, bit, and Mrs, Ed Kress - ler. Horse shoes; Henry Diegel, Sr, Ball game, Richard Leon- hardt. The oldest geut was George Diego!, SS years. Oldest lady was Mrs, Geo, Leonhardt, 78, .Longest married, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Leonhardt Sr., 56 years; latest married, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Drager, 1 day, June 30, 1962, Youngest baby, Douglas Earl Rock, son of Mr, .and Mrs: Harold Rock; youngest grandmother, Mrs, Gordon Eisler, 41 years. Coning the farthest, Mrs. Liz- zie Bauer, Stettler, Alberta; lar- gest family, Mrs. Martha Drager, 8 present. One minute silence was obser- ved for the late Mrs. Wm. Diegel. Highlights of the past 25 years were read by Mrs. Russell Shol- dice. Mrs. George Rock read a suitable address commemorating the 25 years of the Diegel Re- union which was written by Mrs. Edward Scherbarth and Mrs. George Leonhardt, the hostess, was presented with a gift. How- ard Querengesser thanked Mrs. Leonhardt for her hospitality and also the executive and commit- tees for their fine work. 'Air. and Mrs, Henry Leonhardt, Sr., attended the Poland -Drager wedding. Masters Randy and Bradley McKenzie of Detroit with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Leonhardt, Kathy and Leslie visited friends in Strathroy recently. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rock of Kitchener with Mrs, Albert Querengesser. Mrs. -Rockremain- ed for a week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs, John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mrs. Aug. Hillebrecht, NL•. and Mrs. Ralph Scherbarth, Edward, Gary and Larry of De- troit with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Scherbarth Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Scherbarth of Trenton with Mr. and Mrs, Aug Scherbarth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth of Detroit with Mrs, John L. Bennewies, The family of the late Chas. Scherbarth held a reunion at the community park on Sunday. The wedding dinner and recep- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Masse (nee Ryan) was held at the community hall on Saturday. Darrell John Dietz, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dietz was bap- tized during the Sunday morning service at St, Peter's Lutheran Church with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Paulin, the sponsors, along with the parents. Flowers were on the altar of the church in memory of Mrs. August Bauer who passed away 005 Year ago. They were placed by her husband and family. Mrs, Ross Leeming, Linda and Randy of Norwich are holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Tait, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bruder of Montreal and Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Broughton, Deborah, Richard, Ro- bert and Gregory of Atwood with Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Rock. Sherri Hicks celebrated her sixth birthday with a party on Thursday afternoon. Patricia and Beth Querengess- er of Mitchell are spending this week with their cousin, Beverley Sholdice. Vacation Bible School was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church with 112 children enrolled. The teachers and helpers: Nursery, Gloria Muegge, Joyce Rock, Diane Trotter, Judy Trot- ter. Kindergarten, Glenda Miller, Cheryl Wurdell, Mrs. Ross Leon. hardt Jr, Primary, Barbara Hoegy, Mrs. Gary Sholdice, Mrs. Jack Gloor, Carol Mogk, Phyllis Hinz, Junior, Mrs. Charles Scher- barth, Mrs. Edgar Elligsen, :Airs. Oscar Young, Clare French. ' Intermediate, Pastor Brill and assistant, Diane Beuerman, Registrars, firs. Russell Shol- dice and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen. Organist, Clare French. Refreshments, Mrs, Manuel Beuerman and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. Recreation, Larry Kistner and Maynard Hoegy, The Brodhagen Band flagbear- ers and majorettes took part" in the band tattoo at Ayr. The annual Sunday School and congregational picnic of St, Peter's Lutheran Church is to be held on Sunday, July 22 , with picnic lunch right after the mor- ning service. The members of the United Lutheran Church Women held their monthly meeting with Rev. Brill taking the devotions and topic on missions. Various re- ports were read and it was de- cided to paint the basement of the church and the congregation to take part in the work which started, Monday, July 16. The Stewards of the Christian Home (married couples) met Iast Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Buuck and Mrs. R. Sholdice in charge of devo- tions, recreation and lunch, The topic "The Fourth Command- ment" was taken by Pastor Drill, followed by a short discussion. A picnic was planned for the second Sunday in August for this group and it will be held at the Pinery, There will be no meeting during July and August, AIrs, Verna Walker and girls of Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Fred A Hist/ter. Rev. J. Arbuckle and Bi11y of Walkerton with Mrs. Albert Querengesser on Sunday. Air. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe and Martel Wolfe accompanied .lir. and 'firs. Donald Wolfe of London and David Rose of Mitchell to the Pinery on Sunday. AA', and Mrs. Laurence Rock of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Eickmeit' and other relatives; The 25th anniversary ersar • of the Diego! Reunlon was held at the home of Mrs, Geo, Leonhardt, r,r. 2 Walton on July 1st with about 150 attending, The after- DUBLIN Mr. and stirs. Charles Kraus- kopf and Mrs. Robt. McCormick, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. James P. Krauskopf, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, De- troit, with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Maloney. Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil- ton, with her mother, Mrs. Cath- erine Krauskopf. Mr. and .Mrs. Tim Regan, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland. Mr, and Mrs. Danny Costello, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. bitr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Carpenter. Mr, and Mrs, Martin Feeney, Wilfred Feeney and Mrs, Dan Costello attended a family reun- ion at Grand Bend in honor of their sister-in-law, Mrs. James Feeney of Vancouver, Mrs, Mary Ann Glidden, Clin- ton, with stir. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. Whetham are spending a month at Port Albert, Mrs. E. Jordison is vacationing at Lions Head, Miss Leona Krauskopf in Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kearns, Air. and firs. Vincent Miorrison, Kitchener, with MMr. and Mrs, Jas, Morrison, Airs. M. Shulman in Buffalo. MIr. and Mrs. John Frost and children, Dundas, with lir. and Airs. Joseph Dill. Misses Mary Margaret and Al- ice Ryan will spend a month in Germany with Captain and Mrs, Edward Taster. LONDESBORO The WI met July 4th. Pres, Mrs, Anderson opened the meeting and the secretary read the minutes and correspondence. A letter was received from the little adopted girl in China, acknowledging a parcel. A motion was passed to send another parcel. The kitchen silverware has been replenished, Airs., Glen Carter consented to care for the silver. Roll call was answered by giving household hints. Three 4.11 girls displayed summer costumes made by them- selves, and the W.I. presented each with a coffee spoon, Leaders also received a gift. Mrs. Whyte of Constance gave a demonstra- tion assisted by Mrs, Lorne Law- son, of a Sunshine Sister dessert, A solo by Donna Lynn Shobbrook was enjoyed, firs. Pipe introduc- ed the guest speaker, Hiss Isa; belle Gilchrist of Clinton, who spoke on the background of 4-H work. Mrs. Jim Howatt spoke in appreciation. Barbara Burns fav- ored witn accordian selections, Mrs. Fothergii conducted a flow- er contest. Names were handed in to take care of the travelling hos- pital cart for the next month. Sympathy of the coumunity is extended to the family of the late Sirs. Jennie Lyon who passed away in Hamilton. She had been a patient in St, Peter's Infirmary since last August. She was a won- derful neighbor and highly res- pected. The funeral was from Londesboro United Church, BLAKE Mr. and Mrs, Herbert itlusel- mnan were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich. :Hiss Emma Dinsmore of Lon- don is spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Dins- more and friends of this vicinity. Master Douglas Manson of To- ronto is spending g a fey 'holidays with1 'Mr. and Mrs. Newell .Geiger and John and Mrs. Mary Manson and Robert, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McBride crm S, T rade , Jul 0, i2 bt o.' are ape Mrs, Minnie Weide. of 7+arielt and family of Winds a p lig a few days at tired* foram onvisited ane day Inst week with Mt's. Archie Mustard And boys, lie TO" t Line. Mrs. .1111,,„11,11111,111,1,11111,1,111,11„,11111111111,1,,,,,mwesen111,lemenomU eeelesee11„11,,,,,,,,,1,,} OFFICIAL OPENING. of "GLEN - MAC” Seaforth Boy Scout Camp THURSDAY, JULY 26th, at 8 p.m. The Seaforth Boy Scouts Association invites the parents and friends of Scouts, Cubs and Guides and the citizens of Sea - forth and District to attend the opening ceremonies of the recently completed ramp, Vila is your opportunity to iitspeot this Catnp and see What the Seouts have achieved with your donations, REFRESHMENTS'WILL BE SERVE] .11111,11 otiiiiiiim llllll011111111111111114;1101111113.411010101 lllll 1 l 111111 111 1111 „ , ,111111111111.11 lllllll llllllllll,�� ANNUAL, CHICKEN BARBECuE BRODHAGEN AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE WJULY. E. Barbecue 5.30 - 8.30 Adults : $1.25 Children : 65c Bingo Games of Chance PROGRAM and DANCE Stars of CKNX Radio . TV Johnny Brent -- Earl Heywood Al Cherney and Westerners Admission to Dance : 75c Crop Improvement Twilight Meeting TUESDAY, JULY 24th 7:00 P.M,—Glen Weido's Farm, rr 1, Zurich, Parr Line, Hay Twp„ Lot 27, Conc, 6. 7:30 P.M.—Ian McAllister's Farm, rr 1, Zurich, Parr Line, Hay Twp., Lot 23, Con. 6. 3:00 P,M.—Delbert Geiger's Farm, rr 2, Zurich, No. 84 High- way, Hay Twp., Lot 22, Conc. 15 1:30 P.M,—Leonard Merner's Farm, rr 2, Zurich, Hay Twp., Lot 17, Conc. 15 Watch for Signs on Highway 84 North and Kippen to Drysdale Road, South at Hillsgreen George Wheatley, President D. H. Miles, Secretary FIRST MORTGAGES Farms -- Residential Commercial The Industrial Mortgage Se Trust Company Contact our Representative: W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 Seaforth planning : za trip 9• Enjoy yourself • all the way 11 -'call ahead •w: At. ,,r for reservations! It costs so little to phone ahead and snake sure— with Bell's reduced rates on STATION -TO -STATION calls between pouts in Ontario andL Quebec. The day rates are low... yt,to„oNF there are bargain rates t 1 t after 6 n a da Sunday! da! Y ., Y 0 . f4NP U