HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-19, Page 2TABLE TALKS
i}rinks suitable for serving to
a trewd.range from fruit .puncta
to. homentaele ice cream sodas,
coolers, or freezes. A big bowl
of citrus punch• with lemon and:
orange slices floating on top is
always refreshing, Orange and
lemon juice -- .and eoneetines
cherry ,juice --sugar, ginger ale,
and ice make a good punch; add
lemon or orange sherbet at the
last minute for a special t)•eat, if
you desire. A really eperial• ice
cream drink is the following:
1 quart chilled milk
4d eup honey
2 cups crushed fresh straw-
berries or 1 pound defrosted
frozen strawberries,
is teaspoon ahnond extract
3 •pints strawberry or vanilla
ice cream
Combine milk, honey. straw-
berries, almond extract, and 1
pint ice cream. Beat or stir un-
til well blended. Pour into tan
glasses; garnish with ice cream
and sprigs of mint. Serves 6-6,
. R
8 cups fresh orange juice
1 cup fresh lemon juice
4 cups water or ginger ale
aa cup SLeraschino cherry juice
l.e cup sugar
1 lemon and 1 orange, sliced
C n bine all ingredients ex-
cept lee cubes. Place ace cubes
in punch bowl .and pour first
mixture over them. Float orange
and lemon 'slices en patch,
Makes 25 `.mull servings
Every day of the year, :t is
est misted we eat 100,000.000
car Cyt t}:es. Because they can be
made :r, so many fcrm:s, sizes.
shapes, aad flavors, they appeal"
to pract t al ` everyone and can
be ;.,sed for both for a: and
referral occasion.. For .netamce,
the teenagers in your f" -'y.
rragin, enjey
eandw:c: party outd, or s en the
pati-. There's a _ _m- :m_ of
before: endrepays .. ani al-
most ne cleanupafterwards.
writes Eleance $,";,:ley jahmeton
i:. the Ch:._ . ar. S%e::ce :y!o^.-,.r.
Foy this eerty. you'll need an
assay of sausage. Inneheme meals,
cheese. sardines. _nes. smoked salirtom
piked herrir.g. pick:es o:fres,
are:. spreads, and salad dress-
L'.g Fetal: need several. kinds of
F:i:ed :yea.s and buns and
v.:..'.e y_..re shopping,for these,
re.t . er y. itll want the xak-
ins _ . salad and several
d L,s. Perhaps
tere a_ :• `e chipstri
lcthe o pee .:. , c the
Yz _parry. t, s
T- tie re _ .-- eiseawiea
neei laree :ray C7
meat and ,cheese e>
a _:. gn
the .s:ey sprtzs. On
a :•they -.1-ay. have
-.:re :Gaye:.
Arrange • and
let :yserve
bread • �_.. _c C.
ttray ec
Seree ealad hall.
ISSUE 26 — 1962
Jelly roll type sandwiches are
made this nay: Cut crust from
• a loaf of unslieed bread. Cut
lengthwise into be -inch -thick
slices. Spread surface with de -
shed spread; roll up tightly as
for a jelly roll. Wrap in waxed
paper, foil, Saran wrap, or a
damp cloth. Chill Just before
serving. cut roll into Ve-inch-
thick slices,
Before ging into the subject
of spreads that you may want
to use in the Jelly roll sand-
wiches let's talk about open-
faced sandwiches, for you may
want to use the same spread for
both. This is the way to make
them: Remove crusts from bread
slices: tightly butter the surface;
eut in desired shapes with a
sharp knife or with cooky cut-
ters, Top with desired spread.
7 A . A
z: eup butter
xa cup drained, chopped
1 tablespoon grated onion
Cream butter until soft and
fluffy. Stir pimiento and onion
into butter.
a •-•.
1 package (3 -oz.) cream cheese
r2 teaspoon grated onion
cup dairy sour cream
can ti -oz,) pitted ripe olives,
drained and chopped
Beat cream cheese and onion
until mixture is soft and smooth;
stir in sour cream and olives.
s r .
1, cup butter
2 tablespoons mayonnaise or
salad dressing
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
ae cup drained sweet pickle
le pound Canadian cheese,
shredded (lt» cups, loosely
Cream eam .butter until soft and
fluffy; blend in mayonnaise,
mustard, and re's-... Fold in
If you're using nut or orange
bread for exile of your sand-
wiches. or if you have just nada
date bread, here is a filling you
will enjoy:
ra cup well -drained erushed
1 3 -ounce package cream
2 finely chopped hard -cooked
Salt and pepper
Bleed pireapp:e and cream
cheese: combine with
the chop-
ped egg.Seas:n to taste with
• art pepper.
E. P. Ta -ler WaS hurrving to -
a w reetcr uree•: 'n
s - in S:._nt
rne day ;r;.en hewas areeseed
fee seeeeline. "Let's see yrt
`_ee" demanded -de«` the cep
Waien ::aw ...e narne situ e
... _. h at henta.kes arc et:
• ._ .—.._._- .... Abe )fa. -
LITTLE COSMONAUTS --- Like tine r ccunterpnrts n other
lands, these Mcseow youngster e cre sncce-age enti'iusiasts.
Here, at the Moscow 'Place cruse R uss'an bays and curls
examine an irnpressi' e S.'. et scielt +e serlicy to Sputnik ill.
Neyt•speper Enterprise .Assn.
Madrid — The tourist conies
to Spain in search of sunshine,
bull fights and flamenco sing-
ing. He conies because every-
thing is dirt cheap.
The tourist comes to have fun,
not to do social research. He is
not looking for poverty or
slums, though he can hardly
avoid a few beggars. Nor is he
looking for -evidence that :he
Spanish people are• fed up with
Generalissimo Franco and his 23-
y ear -old dictatorship.
For this evidence the tourist
would have to stray from the
tree -shaded ramb,as of Barcel-
ona and the bright lights of
Madrid's Puerta dei Sol and
plunge into dark alleys and by-
At the menen: the back
streets of Spain ere in a curious
Spain In search of the ageless
and the archaic. One tan drive
for hundreds of miles without
seeing telephone poles, hot• dog
stands, billboards. motels or gas
Here are a people who appear
not to give a fig for the material
comforts of the machine zge.
That woman in black with the
pitcher on her head might have
strayed from Biblical times.
But nothing could be more
misleading., For Spain is in rhe
midst of vase social changes.
And one of the greatest agents
of change is the impact of Ame-
In the past 10 years. the
United States has contributed
$1.1 billion to Spain in various
public and private aid programs
that are transforming it_ icon-
omen This is in addition to 6503
million in American military
FOR TOURISTS — The Catholic religicus procession, such as
.:tis .re in ccieea, is an intirncte cse.ecr of Spanish life and
C am:nate rt z:eta:on for v.sitors.
salla C_ t. with ev ne
a e
- As: . - .bre
Z.4 B:2" c ^e :aa a
pay. Skilled warkees
yea:. eserage leas than aItal) per
Eat .e e
t- _ free
trade the
free- c4 =,=`_c:"�•. 2
L ▪ =c -teeineal.
A:: =:h= he crese : wave
of =: ever
e_ Spa... rep-
._._: .:e:e3: chaelenge :o
'What melees s soc:4: Dace
• different " :.e medey"cion
that ..a: t= n 7.sp eyed cnbeeh
Dem -nee:: - e res 1y students
and :y_a:e been cd :he
pa e s :a -. 'i eased
ere, r _ y are .-
wrzt. a 'L- N: ':s nave
..E, iiiercei the :ere .: .e
gave ;, to thel'; pa;..
c:, ...they have paved the
way .fee .. .. e - ..:e,:: e~ -
;ga..:rg, as :e g.• __._...e-_ta:?-
Span roust modernize or die.
I; :he es birth rate in
Eitteope i .er par:mach. has :n -
creased by 5million since the
War,, and one of the low-
est agricultural! Yields.
it - A
i.e. than five years ago-
Spain was an :he verge of bank-
rcp;cy. . Her total experts in 1957
,were the same as in 1935 and
one -chard than in 1928. Her
bala=nce of trade at :he end of
1956 was :he woret in her his-
tory. Ae ic,s.tural production
had declined worst of all. Olive
oil had been one of Spain's chief
exports, but she had to import
edible oils.
an this emergency the United
States stepped ba, and a $400
mi lion ir. eraational loan, main-
ly to aiaaree imports, was nego-
How Well Do You Know
�x t
r~ m.GY:.NG
Z� v ,.r iUSAN
tiated in July, 1959. The loan'
was made by a consortium of the
International Monetary Fund,
the Organization of European
Economic Cooperation and cer-
tain American banks. Spain, in
turn, was required to devalue
the peseta, balance the budget,
end restrictions an foreign in-
vestment and reduce govern-
ment spending.
The result has been what the
Franco people call "the Spanish
Miracle." From showing a de-
ficit in 1959 Spain now boasts
over $1 billion in foreign ex-
change reserves. Inflation has
been halted and the cost of liv-
ing stabilized, though at the
price of austerity and hardship'
for the Spanish industrial work-
Foreign investment in Spain
amounted to $110,5 million for
the six-month period ending in
May, 1962, as compared to $37.4
million for the entire year 1961.
n *
Spain . has applied for asso-
ciate membership in the Euro-
pean Common Market, which
has revolutionary implications:
Common Market countries are
sure to insist that Spain estab-
lish free trade unions as a con-
dition for membership.
But the biggest revolutionary
agent of them all is the foreign
tourist in his quest of bull fights
and flamenco singing. Ws num-
bers have increased from 2,018,-
687 in 1957, to 5,495,870 last
year, and he is now an import-
ant source of foreign exchange.
More important is their mere
presence which gives rise to
such questions as:
How is it that this bus driver
from Coventry, England, can -af-
ford a two-week vacation in San
And this factory worker from
Dusseldorf, how can he afford
to drive a Volkswagen?
And this schoolteacher from
California. why does Ile have
enough money to travel 6 000
miles to Madrid while our
schoolteachers earn only 3,480
pesetas (about $58) a month?
But the tourists, camera shut-
ters clicking like mad, breeze
through Spain totally unaware
of the -questions they leave in
their wake. They are looking for
sunshine, corridas and guitars—
let others worry about the so-
(Next: How Franco stays on
The prestige you acquire by
being able to tell your friende
that you know famous people
proves only that you are .your-
self of stnall account. - Somer-
set Maugham.
Sioux Indians
And Their Children
The first Indian that I remem-
ber was far back in my child-
hood, soon 'after I learned to
walk. I wasvery shy with peo-
ple but apparently I had the tod-
dler's daring and fondness for
exploration, I liked to slip back
to something I had been shown,
perhaps a bird's nest in a thistle
or the first brush roses. This day
it was the wild plum thicket
clown the slope, with the fruit
ripe and sweet, that tolled me
from my grandmother's side. I
recall some uneasiness about the
wasps buzzing over the rotting
fruit on the ground. Then some-
thing startled me—a face peer-
ing through the fall leaves. It
was a brown face with dark eyes,
and although there were braids
like my grandmother's, and no
such beard as my father wore, I
knew this was a man.
The face was down at my
level, the murmuring sounds of
the man friendly and laughing.
the hands reaching for me with
no anger in them, I felt shy but
I let myself be drawn out of the
thicket, lifted high up on the
man's shoulder, and given a
braid for each hand, like reins.
Then the man made the "Tchlch"
sound that started homes, and
prancing a little, but gently, he
went up the slope toward our
house, where there were more of
these brown -faced people, a
whole confusion of them, as I
recall now—men. wrmen with
babies, some as large as I, on
tiMir backs, and many boys and
girls running everywhere. Sud-
denly I became shy again, per-
haps of all the people, and was
clutching the man about the head
with my arms so that everybody
laughed. But my plump little
old -country grandmother hurried
up, as excited and alarmed as if
I were being scalped. The man
stooped so she could reach me. , .
Later I saw much of this
amused and playful way of the
Sioux with sinal' children as the
Indians came and went from
their olcl camping ground near
our house, They liked to return
to the place that they said was
already smooth and warm from
long living when the tribe first
reached the Niobrara country al-
most two hundred years before.
The Indians 'Tiede narn,ss fct•
us children in their teasing way.
Because our very busy nether
kept my hair cut short, oke my
brothers', they called me Shcrt-
Furred One, pointing to their
hair and making the ,Ern ' for
short, the right -hand with fin-
gers pressed close together, held
upward, back out, at the height
intended. With me this was about '
two feet tall, the Indians laugh-
ing gently at my abashed face.—
Freie "These Were the Sioux,"
by Mari Sandoz.
Which Way Does
That Water Rurl?
During a recent meeting of
geophysical scientists some of
these savants got into a discus-
sion as to how bath water runs
out of a tub—clockwise or coun-
The debate apparently dates
back to 1955, when a member of
the Imperial College of Science
in. London announced after study
that water pours out counter-
clockwise in the Northern Hem-
isphere and clockwise • in the
Writes a gentleman actually
crossing the equator on his way
to Australia: "I experimented by
running a bath and letting the
water run out as we crossed the
equator. The vortex swirled
CAT ON A HOT TINTYPE .-. Fuzzy picture above that re-
sembies a cat is not 0 ruder photograph Cif a hurricane. It
1S a cut. In fact it's a block eat in a coal bin at midnight.
A new infrared device „sees" objects by sensing the faint
infrared or hetet rays they give off These rays are normally
invisible to the human eye The detector tube is intended
primal ily for rrulitory uses, such Cts missile 'tracking, night
aerial mapping.