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The Seaforth News, 1962-07-05, Page 5
THE li,A.1'olt'i'II NEWS, Thlireday, Jslly G, I9Q 1- 5 �y1 SUPERIOR SMITII'S ... FoodMarket ZIP DOG FOOD --- 6 15 -oz tins eldc QUAKER MUFFETS 3'7�e 2 9 -oz pkgs. J f PUREX TOILET TISSUE white or colored 2 roll pkg 25c Libby's Fancy Quality 25c Tomato Juice 48 oz tin Libby's Deep Brown Beans A 5c 2 20 -oz tins `f+ Aylmer Tomato Catsup 2 11 -oz bottles 39c MINETTES BEST CHOICE 43c TOMATOES 2 28 -oz tins CANTELOUPE each 19c ORANGES size 113 Sunkist doz 55c CUCUMBERS EACH 9c HENSALL Mrs. H. Neeb of Tavistock is spending a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Bill and Carol. Mrs. Dorothy Weido and Steve visited last week with relatives at Brantford. RECEPTION and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Laird Norris FRIDAY, JULY 6th in Seaforth Legion Hall Ladies please bring lunch. Music by Norris Orchestra Annual Chicken Barbecue Brodhagen Community Centre JULY 25 Hensall Grads Win Scholarships Presentation of $25 scholar- ships were made to Flora Lee Johnston, 13, and Bruce Forrest, 12, top girl and boy students of Grade 8 or Bonsai! public school. Mrs. William Clement, president of Hensall Kinettes, who sponsor this bnnual project, made the pre- sentation at a ceremony held at the school. Flora Lee is the dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer ,Johnston and Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Forrest. Attention Everyone The Reception for Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Williamson in the 'Walton Community Hall has been POSTPONED until July 20th Ian Wilbee's Orchestra Everyone is welcome and ladies please bring lunch LAST CHANCE) TU SIN $25.00 The Seaforth Chamber of Commerce is seek- ing a Slogan that describes in 10 words or less, the advantages that exist in Seaforth for those seeking a pleasant place In which to live, or for the merchant wishing to open a business, or for the industrialist looking for a plant site. A prize of $25.00 will be awarded for the winning slogan. The Slogan will be adopted for use in publicity material and on welcome signs to be erected at entrances to the town. Slogans will be judged on the basis of brevity, alliteration and aptness. Individuals may sub- mit as many entries as they desire. There is no entry fee, but each entry must be for- warded on an official entry blank. An entry blank appears below, and additional copies are available In a number of Seaforth stores. The contest closes 6.00 p.m., July 16th, 1962, and entries received or postmarked later than that time cannot be considered. ENTRY BLANK WM. M. HART, Chairman Civic Improvement Committee, SEAFORTH. This Is my entry in the Seaforth Slogan Contest: (Ten words or less) Name Address 1111111111111111111111111111111111111l l l m 1, l l n 111111111 ln u u n n u 11111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111, TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs. Alvlu ltaaunon of ,\1uurolloltl and 'Iter, J, lire an Mrs, Stewart were Monday c lsi Ore With r 1 k Z Or (Metall and 1'11' Britton and, family, Grand lien Mr, and Mrs. Fred 11, Parson London, were week end guests o Bee, J. Bre and Mrs. Stewart an Mr, and Mrs, Alvin l\loDonaltt Brijasels, Mr. and pees. Robert Rowe of Woodstock called on Rev. J, tireand Mrs. Stewart on Tuesday. Among those attending Huron Church Camp at Bayfieldtri week are 13i11 Boussey, Davi Longstaff, Panl Southgate, Jinn Snowdon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, McConney and family loft for Toronto where be will take a summer course a the university, Mr, and Mrs. Don Dale, Toro to, spent the week end with M and Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mr, and Mrs, Don Woods an fancily spent the week end in Northern Ontario, Dr, and Mrs. MaoLennan and fancily left on Saturday for a five- week motor trip to the west coast. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wright, John street, are holidaying in the western provinces. Miss Janet Fletcher, Graven- liurst, is visiting her grandmoth- er, Mrs. Elva Ellis, Miss Margaret Pow, who has been on the nursing stall' of Scott Memorial hospital for the past year, has moved to Grimsby, Mr, Milton Stewart, who has been confined to hospital for the past week, is improving. Miss Rena 'Fennell has taken a cottage at Bayfield for the sunc- iner• Miss Gladys Thompson is her guest this week. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Wright of Brampton spent the week end with Mr. Fred Cook. Wing Coin. and Mrs. Frank Col- osintone and family of North Bay visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thamer, of Walton, spent the week end in Sault Ste, Marie. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thompsonleft on Saturday for Moosejaw, Sask., where they will spend three weeks. They made the trip by 'bus. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie and Ron of Toronto and Mr, Gordon Rennie and Clive of Sundridge were guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie over the holiday. Miss Sharon Hallam, teacher at King Edward School, Brant- ford, returned hone on Saturday and left Monday to attend sun- nier school at Western university. Mrs. Mae Dorrance and Mr, jack Durance, St, Catherines, and Mrs. M. H. McKenzie of Osh- awa, left this week on a trip to the west and will attend the Cal- ary stampede. Mr. Don Treineer is taking a summer school course at London. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Caldwell, Moosejaw, Sask., were guests last week of their aunt and uncle, Mr, and NIrs. R. H. Sproat, and other relatives. Miss Joy Montgomery of Kala- mazoo, Mich., and Mr. Gordon Heiser of Anderson, Ind„ spent the holiday week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Montgomery, North Main Street, and attended the Lone -Crozier wedding Satur- day evening, Mrs. John R. Cronin of Wetas- kiwin, Alberta, is visiting her fa- ther, John Quinlan, Egniondville, who is 80 years of age. Mr. John Weber, of Toronto, is spending a week at the home of Mrs. Jean Fortune, and is leaving to spend two months in Calgary and Regina. Mr. Bruce Miller is spending 10 days at RCAF Station, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge left on Wednesday to visit rela- tives in North Dakota, Mr. Rout- ledge has two brothers and two sisters there. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Davidson of Toronto called at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Fortune on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Savauge spent the holiday week end at Massey with Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Mooney. Week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. James T. Scott were Miss Linda O'Connor, Mr. Douglas Scott and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bebee and family, all of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and family of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. John Daly and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McConnell over the holiday. d 1- 5. a, i s, . ure, iLoyd, utnel and BLlI 1larjorie 'Turner, Aun Stephen - sou; buys over 12, Paul Stephen- son, Billy Turner; ladies race, Marian,, 'Turner'; bleu's race, Kenn McClure; three-legged race, Mar - Ian 'Turnor rued with Willort, Mary M. and Linda Armstrong; Men's, Jim. Consilt and Ken Me- a t T 'i'aylor; kick the slipper, ladies Sharon Dowson; men's, Ken Me- Mum, Relay races: Unwrapping guns WW1 oven mitts, was won by Bel) Johnston'•s side; throwing halls into a basket, was won by Bill Taylor's side, Oldest lady present, Mrs. Em- ma McNeill, Stettler, Alberta; oldest gentleman, Mr. Wm. Mac - Laren, Goderich. Youngest boy, Paul Cousin, t Varna; youngest girl, Sandra n- Armstrong, Zurich. PeL•SOII coming farthest dist- r, is d a BORN Meikle -In Scott Memorial hos- pital, on June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle, Cromarty, a dau- ghter. Flannigan -In Scott Memorial hospital, on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garth Flannigan, Seaforth, a daughter. Neil -In Scott Memorial hospi- tal, on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Neil, Seaforth, a daughter, Matthews -In Scott Memorial hospital, on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews, Seaforth, a daughter. Scott -In Scott Memorial hospi- tal, on July 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott, Seaforth, a son. STEPHENSON REUNION The annual Stephenson reunion was held on July 1st at Lions park, Seaforth, with an attend- ance of 106, Relatives were present from Alberta, Montreal, Woodstock, Clinton, Seaforth, Hensall, Zurich and Varna, Sports convened by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs, 'Firm, Consitt were enjoyed. Results of sports; Pre-school children, Donna Tay- lor, Girls, 6-9, Bonnie Armstrong, Debora Stephenson, Boys 6.9, Paul Stephenson, Blaine Stephen- son; girls, 9-12, Linda Artstrong, Debora Stephenson; young ladies, mice, Mrs, Margaret Stowell, Big Valley, Alberta. Guessing candies in a jar, Mrs, Allah Armstrong Varna. A lovely supper, complete with ice cream was enjoyed, the com- mittee in. charge being Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson and 1Vir. and Mrs, Floyd Armstrong. The president for next year is Ralph Stephenson and secretary, George Dowson, CROMARTY Mr. and NL•s, Howard Eves, Dennis, Gladys and Caroline, of Moosejaw, Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Eve's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Laing and many other rela- tives. Mrs, Will Hamilton is a patient in forth. Scott Memorial hospital, Sea. Mr. Henry Eggert, Rostock, is visiting' with his son. -in-law and danerugh.ter, Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Gar - Miss Carolyn Christie left last week to take a position at the Bob -Inn restaurant at Bala, Mus- koka, Mr, E. Luxton is a patient in South Huron hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, W. Crawford, Mr. Alvin Crawford and Miss Mary Crawford were guess at the fift- ieth wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. George Pullman which was held in the Orange hall, Mit- chell, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamond at- tended the 100th anniversary of Kirkton Anglican Church on Sun- day and visited afterward at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Theron Creary. Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker, Caroline, Valeria and Marlene, visited on Sunday with cousins, Mr. and NIrs. Glen TufIiu of Rondeau Park. Miss Wanda McLaren and Miss Mary Parkhouse of Hamilton are motoring to Nipissing, Ont„ and will spend the summer doing church work. Mr, Harry Norris, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey of Winthrop have gone on a motor tnip to the West and will attend the Calgary Stampede, Many relatives and friends at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs, David Gardiner which was held at the Heath -Leslie funeral home in Mitchell on Thursday. We extend our sympathy to those bereaved. Miss Alice Walker has taken a position in the office of the Mur- ray Selby Shoe firm in London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and girls of Goderich spent the holi- day week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace. SS No. 6, Hibbert, Picnic The annual picnic of SS No. 6, Hibbert, was held on Friday af• ternoon at Lions park, Mitchell with 40 in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow were the sport committee and Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. M. Dow convened the lunch. Results of races were: Pre-school race, Carolyn Walk- er; Grades 1-3, Brian Dow; Grade 4-8, girls, Carol Ann Dow; boys, Alec Scott; three-legged race. Bruce Dow and Alec Scott; lad- ies race, Joyce Dow; men's race, Bruce Dow. There was a peanut scramble and relay races. While seated at the supper table, Mr. Eldon Allen read an address and Mr. T. L. Scott presented a beautiful desk clock and pen to the retiring tea- cher, Miss Wanda McLaren, who declared the gift very lovely and thanked the parents and pupils for the gift and also for their kind co-operation during her three- year term as teacher at SS No. 6 Hibbert. Earlier in the day the pupils presented her with a set of steak knives which were also much appreciated. Miss McLaren will be teaching next term in Ha- milton. ST. COLUMBAN Mrs. Jack Cronin, Wetasklwin, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin, Miss Agnes Bicknell and Peter Bicknell, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bicknell, - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and children and Misses Anne and Helen Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hagerty and John, Brighton, with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor in Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Faulkner. Jim Lane, London, with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters and baby, London, with NIr, and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Mr, and Mrs, Bob Murray, of Stratford, and Jack Malone, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mr's, J. L, Malone. Miss Cleo Bowman, London, with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Bow- man. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello, of Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle of Toronto, With Ted Doyle. Miss Catherine Ryan, Waterloo, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Sir, and Mrs. D. 'Brady and Br'. an, London, With Mr, and. Mrs, Jzunes Sloan, Miss Joan Coyne and 1'Iiss ltita Kennedy, London,at their' homes. 1 y, Wire. BlancheBlancheReynolds, ISit( h. enor, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc - Ivor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme, London with Nlr. and Mrs, Aug' - L1510 Ducbarine, STAFFA S.S. No. 3, Hibbert, held their annual school picnic on the school grounds on Thursday evening, June 28 with a good crowd in at- tendance, Supper was served at 6.30 followed by the sports. Mrs. 14, Kemp and the children had their work books, art, crafts and hobbies on display in the school room, Results of the sport are; Races, pre - schoolers, Warren Moore; girls 5-6.7, Barbara Roney, Karen Taylor; , inPull- manat•e, Freddie MboyscCaughey;Jimv girls, 8-9-10, Annie Evans; boys, Randy Moors; girls 11 years and over, Carol Evans; boys, Hugh Mc- Caughey; young ladies, Sharon Agar; young men, Robin Daynard, married ladies, Leona Elliott; married men, Lorne Elliott; three legged race, Joanne Templeman and Heather Daynard; ladles kick the slipper, Margaret Wor- den; gents kick the shoe, Clar- ence Taylor; balloon throw, Bon- nie Miller and Randy Moore. Re- lay races -Sponge and bottle, Ro- bin Daynard's side; ring toss, Ed Dearing, Ronald Agar, Randy Moore and Linda Evans; paper bag race, Mildred Barnes and Russell Worden; milk bottle con- test, Carol Evans; inner tube contest, George Roney; guessing the jelly beans, Annie Evans and Norval Elliott, a tie, Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan of Egmondville, visited Wednes- day evening with Miss Margaret and James Miller. Mrs. Ernest Templeman is vis- iting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and fancily, of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Norris, Jud- ith, Douglas and Garry, Bramp- ton, visited over the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Norris, Eric and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, Patti and Susan. Darlene Templeman visited ov- er the holidays with Gail Agar. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Miller and family visited on Sunday with .VIr, cull Mrs. Jack Bunter, Strat- lord, and called to see Mrs. John Miller, t patient in Stratford Geil- i'te1 hospital. WINTHROP Teachers and pupils aro lug forward forward to Bible vaeatien sett Irol at Cavan, Winthrop, fr Pyr July ' th t i 13 9, 4 tri, closing with a. picnic Iruseh 00 Friday noon, 11,111111OJ11111.1 11OIu11111,11.11111,111111,1111111111111111111,,,1111,11111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111 a1 St. Columban Dressed Ham Supper and Summer Carnival WED., JULY 18th PROGRAMME -- 7 to 8 p.m. Games Wheels Bingo SUPPER - 5.30 to 8 p.m. Admission: Adults $1 Children 50c Everyone welcome !111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111,111„11 1,11111111111111,1,111,111111111111111,11111,111111111 NOTICE OF Worship Service The Federation of Agriculture will hold their Annual Worship Service, SUNDAY, JULY 8th at 3 p.m. at the Salvation Army Camp, 2 miles north of Bayfield on the Blue Water Highway. Guest speaker to be Captain Newman of the Salvation Army, Wingham. Salvation Army Band will also be in attendance. Ladies, please bring sandwiches or tarts. Chocolate milk and coffee will be supplied. Would all directors' wives help with the lunch We hope for a good attendance as the executive have taken the responsibility of arranging for The Worship Service. ELMER IRELAND, President liCTIM 7o JL©TF0 THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLE CCIDENI CLAIMS ACI Underthe new law establishingthe MotorVehicle Accident Claims Fund which replaces the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund with effect from July lst,1962, it will be an offence for an owner to operate or permit the operation of his motor vehicle on the highway without being able to produce either: (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured under a liability policy for. bodily injury and property damage. . � OR (b) Proof that the $20.00uninsured motor vehiclefee hasbeen paid. -� if your vehicle is insured, be sure you have an insurance certificate. If you do not have one, see your insurance agent at once. Ifyour vehicle is not insured, make certain your motor vehicle permit is endorsed to show that you have paid the $20.00 additional fee.• o:aY., t Yn"s vkrh xa`rr i t Rf Ifyour vehicle becomes uninsured, atanytime because ofcancellationorexpiry of the policy, you must pay the $20.00 additional fee immediately at your local office of the Ontario Department ofTransport. , THE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE PROOF OF INSURANCE OR PAYMENT OF THE FEE, OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE PROOF, IS A FINE OF $50.00 TO $500.00, If you have a claim for damages as a result of an accident with an uninsured driver, make application for payment to the Director of Claims, Ontario Department of Trans. port, 10 St, Mary St., Toronto 5. You may make application personally or through your solicitor. Claims will be dealt with promptly. For further information ask for a copy of the pamphlet explaining the operation of the Fund from your local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. BE SURE TO CARRY YOUR LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF OF HAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 UNIN• SURED MOTOR VEHICLE FEE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon; H. L. Rowntree, (2.C., Minister A, G. MacNab, Deputy Minister