HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-07-05, Page 4HURON HOTEL, at Dublin, pictured above, was the establishment
involved in last week's vote on two beer questions, which failed to
carry by a narrow margin,
There has been some speculation about the future of the hotel,
following an adverse vote. Last week, the proprietor, Mancer J,
Brown, stated prior to the vote that be would carry on the present
business even if the outcome were unfavorable.
However, he would not build the planned additions.
Someone has suggested moving the hotel out of McKillop town-
ship, across the road into Ribbert township, but it is pointed out
that a beer vote in Hibbert would be unlikely to carry, either.
It is estimated that McKillop ratepayers stand to lose about $400
annuelly in business tax and gallonage revenue by not having the
beer outlet at the Dublin hotel,
As the law stands at presont Dublin will remain "dry" for three
years at least
Mr, and Mrs. Mancer Brown and son Patrick, are shown at the
Heron Hotel, Dublin, of which he is owner. Mr. Brown is a native of
Gaspe- Peninsula, and for 20 years was a C.P.R. engineer out of
London. Before coming to Dublin he owned the Royal Hotel, God-
erich, for two years.
Promotions of SS No, 4. Brod-
hagen school -..-
To Grade 9 --Maynard Hoegy,
Larry Kistner, Dianne Trutter,
To Grade 8—Donald Diegel,
Gloria Diegel, Ruth Ann Diegel,
Jack Jacob, David Leouhardt,
Donna Puschelberg, Robert Rock.
To Grade 7—Alvin Hicks, Rob-
ert Kistner, Douglas Leonhardt,
Robert Trutter.
To Grade 6—James Diegel, Au-
drey Hodgert, Bonita Hoegy,
Gary Rock, Beverley Sholdice.
To Grade 5—Phyllis Ahrens,
Donald Bach, Merle Hoegy, Earl
Leonhardt, June Puschelberg,
Dennis Smith.
To Grade 4—Wayne Ahrens,
Donna Leonhardt, Karen LeoilN
hardt, Kim Leonhardt, Lavern
Rock, Janet Scherbarth, Dean
Smith, Wendy Trutter.
To Grade 3 — Glenda Dickison,
Larry Puschelberg, Ronald Rock,
Sharon Rock,
To Grade 2 — Diane Bach,
Dale Bennewies, Dennis Benne-
wies, Carl Diegel, Elaine Puschel-
berg, Judith Rock, Nancy Rose,
Sheila Smith.—Donald Dunbar,
On Thursday afternoon the pu-
pils presented a program of skits,
kitchen band, step dancing, sing-
ing duet and piano solos for their
teacher, Mr, Dunbar and music
supervisor, Mr. Harley, and pres-
ented Mr. Harley with a gift. On
Friday afternoon a picnic was en-
joyed at the school with races,
'games and refreshments.
Piano pupils of Miss Audrey
Priestap, teaching at the commu-
nity hall, were successful in their
examinations held. recently, They
are: Phyllis Hinz, grade 4 honors,
Alvin Hicks, grade 4 pass; Ruth
Ann Diegel, grade 6 first class
honors; Ronald Koehler, grade 4
honors; Brenda Hoegy, grade 4
The wedding reception for Mr.
and Mrs. George Duncan (Ruth
Ann Trentowsky) was held in the
community hall here last Satur-
day evening,
A number of ladies from here
attended the trousseau tea for
Miss Gloria Boyd at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,.
Boyd on Saturday.
Flowers were on the altar of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church on
Sunday in memory of Mrs. Ed-
ward Smith, who passed away
three years ago, They were plac-
ed by her husband and family, A.
basket of flowers was in the
chancel from the funeral of John
Kahle, of Commerce, Mich., held
at First Lutheran Church, Logan.
Miss Jean Muegge, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Muegge, has
taken a summer position at Bata,
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Workman
have moved into the \Vnh, Riehl
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bennewies
and Wanda of NI indsor spent the
week end with Mrs. John L. Ben.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dickison and
!Glenda are holidaying this week
I at Niagara and along the St, Law-
rence River to Montreal.
The employees of Mr. Ford
Dickison are on holidays this
Mrs. -Manuel Beuerman spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Beuerman, London, last week.
Mr. David Sehellenberger of
Mitchell is spending the summer
holidays at the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bennewies Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Covert and sons
of Peterborough with Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Herbert for the week
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kressler of
Stratford with Mrs. W. L. Quer-
Master Marcel Wolfe of Kitele
ener with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe for some
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens
and Kimberley of Hamilton with
Mrs. Rachel Ahrens,
Mr. Clayton Ahrens of Camp
Borden with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens,
Master Dale McLaughlin of
Kincardine with his grandfather,
Wm. Diego!, for the week end.
Visitors at the home of Mrs.
John E. Siemon over the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Eisler, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gris,
Lana and Bradley of Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Madge, Cyn-
thia and Sylvia of Th:orndale.
The Morenz reunion was held
at the community park on Sunday
Jul;' 1st and the Mogk reunion on
Monday, July 2nd.
A number from here attended
the Diego! reunion on Sunday,
July 1st. held at the home of Mrs.
Geo, H. Leonhardt, RR 2, Walton,
Bible vacation school will be
held next Monday, July 9th from
9 to 12 o'clock at St, Peter's Lu-
theran Church. All children in the
district are welcome.
Brodhagen Band Social
The Brodhagen band held their
58th annual band social at the
community park on Wednesday
evening with a large crowd at-
tending, A parade of four bands,
St, Marys, Thedford, Atwood and
Brodhagen, their majorettes and
flag bearers, led by Mr. and Mrs,
Ross Leonhardt and family, Kim
and Kathy, all on their own
hoses, Mr, Kenneth Elligsen, the
president of Brodhagen band,
made a welcome address, and
Mr, Leslie Baler of Monkton was
Master of corenonlee, for a pito'
gram which, followed, featuring
the Paul Brothers and Shirley 01
liirktoll,jnnlol 5110810 da0010g by
Mrs. Stor'ey's eines;. Jean, Jane
and Janet Osborne,, Janice Dietz,
Merle Hoegy, Darwin Dietz, Rod-
ney Hinz, Dennis Bennewies, with
Clare French and Gary Sholdice
uceo upatlists on the piano and
1101111. Ladies' quartette, Pauline
Osborne, Ruth Davey, Leila Rith
Reck, Linda Parrot with Clare
French the accompanist.
Games of chance and the re-
ireslunent booths were well pat-
Dancing was held to the hall to
Desjar•dine's orchestra, The draw
Col' ten prizes was held at mid-
night with Arthur Diego! announ-
cing the winners as follows;
Bedroom suite, Allan Siernon,
rr 4, Mitchell; set of silverware,
Joe Smith, Stratford; floor polish-
er, Gary Ward, rr 2, Monkton;
movie camera, Elsie Rose, rr 2,
Walton; floor lamp, Leonard
Clark, 'Seaforth; coffee table,
Cheryl Wagner, Monkton; set of
door chimes, Gordoit Miller, rr 2,
Walton; bathroom scales, Harold
Colqultoun, Ieloidkton; travel al-
arm, Mrs, John Braecker, rr 2,
Walton; eau of paint, Larry
Ward, Monkton,
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Clark and Su-
san 01 New Hamburg and Mr,
and Mr's, John Clark and Ray
mond of Mitchell with Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Sholdice,
Mrs. Robert Wolfe, Cathy, Car-
ol, of Stratford and Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Wolfe and family with -Mr.
and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe,
Mr. and Mrs, Laube and Mary
of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Mil.
ton Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ahrens
of Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Eickmeir. Mrs, Emma Ah-
rens went to Ottawa with them
after spending about a month
here. Mr: Louis Kahle of Detroit
visited at the same home.
Mrs, Jean Nichol and Robert of
Brussels with her granddaughter,
Mrs. Lloyd. Pfeifer, Mr. Pfeifer
and Karl on the occasion of her
82nd birthday.
A wedding reception honoring
Mr, and Mrs. Neil MoGavin was
held in the Walton conoannity
hall, Friday evening, June 27,
with a very large attendance, Du-
ring the intermission period Mr,
and Mrs. McGavin were called to
their places on the platform. A
congratulatory address was read
by Mr. Mac Sholdice and a well: -
filled purse of money was .present-
ed to them by Mr, Herb Kirkby.
Mr. McGavin expressed thanks to
each and every one, after which
"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow,"
was sung. Music for dancing was
supplied by Ian Wilbee and his
orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. McGavin
were guests of honor at a recep-
tion held in Bluevale hall Friday
evening, June 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryans, Lin-
da and Barbara, returned home
front a three weeks trip to the
western provinces last Friday.
Bobby remained in Walton with
811'. and Mrs, Herbert Traviss..
Mrs. Edward McCreath left on
Monday for Toronto where she
will take a summer course in Pri-
mary Methods. She has been en.
eased as teacher for the primary
class in the new Walton public
61r. and Mrs. Wm. Dennis and
Geraldine left last Friday on a
motor trip to the west coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMichael
of Preston visited with Mr. and
ND's. Robert McMichael and Aud-
rey for a few days.
Miss Jean Mills of Toronto
spent the holiday week end with
her father, Mr. Earl Mills.
Mr, Gerald Dressel of Toronto
spent the week end at his hone
prior to leaving for summer
school at Hamilton on Tuesday.
Dr, and Mrs. Glen Oliver of Ed-
monton are visiting with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mr -s. Les-
lie Oliver. Dr. Oliver, who has
been on the staff of the Univer-
sity hospital, at Edmonton tor the
past year, will further his studies
in London next year,
Mr. Malcolm Fraser spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs, Glen
Fraser, Stratford.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Lucan
spent a few days last week 'with
her daughter, Mrs. H. Traviss.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and
family of Napanee were week end
visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore of
Kitchener visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Goreein
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, W. Stutz at Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Wathke, Kit-
chener are visiting with the tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
chie Somerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Sholdice
and family, Cooksville, visited Mr.
and Mrs, David Sholdice over, the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs, Horace Rutledge
and family of London with Mrs.
Margaret Humphries and Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Bennett over the holi-
Guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Bolger recently were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Praff, Mrs. D.
Weber and Mrs. 0. Justison of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McDonald
of Detroit visited with Mr, and
Mrs, James McDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. John McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs• Edward Smith
and family of London visited ov-
er the week end with Mr, and
Mgrs, W, C, Hackwell,
A miscellaneous shower honor-
ing Miss Mary Kirkby was held
le the community hall Wednesday
evening, July 25 with about 175
ladles and children attending.
Misses Anne Achilles and Jean
Bolger were In charge of the
guest hook at the door. The gifts
were received by MIss Donna
Smith and Miss Shirley Bolger,
Pink and White streamers nnd�
bells formed the background on
the platform, botgllets of flowers
aud lace covered tables gave n
Kinney atlnosphere to the 10.11,
61rs, Ronald Bennett acted a0
1rlietress of ceremony for a short
program, which inclilded vocal
duet by germaft Connie Coutts
with Miss Eileen Williamson at
the piano. Veeal dont by Gail Tra-
viss and Sharon Marks with Mrs.
El, Traviss at the piano 'Twist
dance by Mary Helen Buchanan
and Ruth Ritchie, reading, Mrs,
George Fox, reading, Mrs, Jan
Van Vliet, Tell garner of bingo;
were played with Mrs, Nelson
Marks: and lilts, Herb Traviss in
charge. Miss Mary Kirkby, Mrs.
Douglas Kirkby and Mrs. G, Tap-
for of Staffa, the groom's mother,
Were called to the platform and a
congratulatory address was read
by Miss Anne Achilles. Miss Kirk-
by extended her thanks for the
gifts and all who had helped to
arrange the evening, Lunch was
served by the ladles,
Delisa Kirkby was also guest of
honor at a miscellaneous shower
at the home of Miss Antie Achill-
es, when a number of her girl
friends and school pals gathered
for a social evening. Contests
were played.
Miss June Higginbotham left.
last week for Wingham where
she will be employed at the hos-
pital for the summer months.
A silver chalice was dedicated
Sunday morning In Duff's United
Church by the minister, Rev. A,
Higginbotham with Clarence Mar-
tin assisting. It was donated by
friends and neighbors in memory
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Davidson, who were devoted
members of Duff's United Church.
The sacrament of the Lord's sup -
par was observed with eight newt
members joining by certificate,
The service next Sunday morn,
Ing will be in charge of Rev. Ure'
Stewart of Seaforth and the fol-
lowing two Sundays Mrs. Orval
Struthers of Mitchell will conduct
the services. Sunday school will
be held in the church auditorium'.
at 10.15 a.m, each Sunday while
repairs are under way in the base-
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald William•;
son returned from their mo-
tor trip to the Western Provinces
last Friday.
Mrs. Robert Pickering and fa-
mily are holidaying at the home
of George and'Mrs. Dundas.
Mrs. Dundas and Mrs. David
Andrews of Toronto are leaving
Melton airport on Friday for
Reno, Nevada, and Stockton, Cal-
ifornia, where they are going to
visit Mrs. Dundas' two sisters.
Snyders - Visser—
,St. Patrick's Roman Catholic
Church provided the setting for
the wedding of Antonia M. Vis-
ser of Dublin and John M. Snyd-
ers of London. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Visser, RR 1, Dublin, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mss,
Laurence Snyders, Forest, Ont,
Rev. Renzi Durand officiated at
the ceremony and sang the nup-
tial Mass. White chrysanthemums
decorated the altars, Mrs. John
Nagle presided at the organ and
the soloist was Mr. John Van
Geffen. The bride was given in
marriage by her father and wore
a floor length gown of Chantilly
lace over silk, styled with a fitted
bodice, lily point sleeves and sa-
bring neckline, with iridescent se-
quins and pearls. A tiara of pearls
Veld her finger tip veil of nylon
tulle, She carried a bouquet of red
sweetheart roses and stephanotis.
Miss Mary Visser, London, sister
of the bride, was maid of honor.
She wore a cocktail length dress
of light green silk organza over
silk with a white lace bodice and
matching accessories. She carried
a bouquet of red roses. Gerard
Snyders was best man for his bro-
ther, Peter Visser, brother of the
bride, and Joe Snyders, brother of
the groom, were ushers. A wed-
ding dinner and reception were
held in the Legion hall, Mitchell.
For a wedding trip through Nor-
thern Ontario, the bride donned
a beige dress and matching jack-
et with white accessories and a
corsage of red roses. On their re-
turn they will reside in London:
Guests present were from Forest,
London, Stratford, Mitchell and
The June meeting of the Dublin
Women's Institute was held on
Tuesday evening at the home of
the president, Mrs. Andrew Whet -
ham. There were 16 members pre-
sent and each answered the roll
call by introducing a guest. Plans
were made for a theatre party in
place of the July meeting. Tick-
ets have been reserved for the
Taming of the Shrew at Stratford.
A. report was read by Mrs. Harold
Pethiok on the district annual at
Staffa, Mrs. Charles Friend read
an article, Can the Women's In-
stitute Meet the Challenge, urg-
ing the women to be abreast with,
developments. Money saving hints 1
on food shopping were given by
Mrs. Emby and an interesting ar-
ticle was a display, "Gimmicks
Are Inexpensive." The motto, No
one Is rich enough to be without
a friend," was given by Mrs. Pe -
thick. Mrs. Burchill was appoint-
ed delegate to the Perth County
Historical Society. Mrs. Nagle
made courtesy remarks and lunch
was served by the hostess assist-
ed by Mrs, Pee and Mrs. Dorsey.
Mrs, Jim Newcombe, Port Cre'
611, with Mr, and Mrs, WIlliam
Mr. and Mrs, J. Ackroyd, Toron-
to, with Mrs, M. E. O'Rourke and
Mr. and Mrs. Len Steinbach and
Rita, London, with Mrs, Kathleen
Mrs. C. Trott, Clinton, with her
mother. Mrs. A, M. Looby.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Evans and
family, Chippewa, With Mr. and
Mie. Frank Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. Len Gaffney and
children, Smiths Palls, with Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend and
daughter's spent the week, end at
Lions Plead.
MisS Karen Dill, 137,911, at 1101
Mr; Gerald lIawlte, lbauk of
Colnnjorce staff, at Midland.
Peter Maloney is remodelling
the Tont Murphy residence which,
11e recently purchased.
Mrs, Roy Du1'clllll has moved
to the home purchased front Mr.
and Mrs. George Coyne,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Costello
and Alin Marie, Toronto, and Mr,
and Mrs. John Krauskopf and
children, of Woodbridge, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Neil Stapleton, Ottawa, with
Ms parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed.!.
M1', and Mrs, Alfred MacDougall
of London, with Mr, and Mrs, Jo-
seph Jordan,
Haggerty Reunion
A reunion was held at the home
of 11'Ir. and MIs, Jack O'Reilly on
Sunday for the member's of the
Haggerty family and relatives.
The following were present: Mrs,
Michael Haggerty and Leon of
Monkton; Mr, and Mrs, Albert
Schaefer and Ken, Sebringvilie;
Mr, and Mrs, 01ei11 Paxton and
Larry, Guelph; Dl'. and Mrs,
Frank Stapleton and family, Galt,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Haggerty
and family, Windsor; Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Haggerty and fam-
ily and Miss Kay White, Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dev-
ereaux and family, Mr. and Ml's.
Frank Haggerty and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Walsh and fam-
ily, of London,
Miss Loretta Barry, Sudbury,
with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barry.
Mr, and Mrs, Glen Butters, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
ice Mlelady,
Rev. Father Thomas McQuaid,
81. Marys, and Mrs, Mary Mc-
Quaid, London, with Mr. and Mrs,
Joe Burke.
Mr. and Mrs, John O'Leary and
Cathy, London, with Mr. and Mrs•
Sohn Coyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Col'riveau
of Kitchener with bii', and Mrs.
John Flannery,
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Reynolds
and children, London, with Mr,
and Mrs. J. V. Flynn,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer
and sons, London, at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Vincent,
Dawson, with Mrs. Vincent.
Cochrane Reunion
The Cochrane clan met for
their annual reunion at the cot-
tage of Bill Fuss on June 23rd.
After a bountiful picnic supper,
sports were enjoyed by all pres-
ent. Prize winners were: Lucky
table number, Bill Fuss; guessing
beans in jar, Jack Cochrane; per-
son coming farthest 1VIr. and Mrs,
Cleve Cochrane, Agnes Cochrane,
Nlargaret and Marlon Chamber-
lain; guessing number of articles
in egg, Ethel McMurtrie; oldest
person present, Jack Cochrane.
Boys and girls running race, 5 to
10, Linda truss, Kenneth Jones;
boys, 10-15, Grant Jones, Morris
Abram; young men's race, Wayne
Love, Morris Abram; married la-
dies, Ethel McMurtrie, Margaret
Jones; married men, Bob Madge,
Stan Love; 3 -legged race, Wayne
Love and Kenneth Jones; Morris
Abram and Grant Jones; men's
kick the slipper, Wayne Love;
ladies, Agnes Madge, Ada Love;
breaking the balloon contest,
Wayne Love, Bob Madge, Offic-
ers for the coming year, Presid-
ent, Alex, McMurtrie; secretary,
Margaret Jones; treasurer, Ian
McAllister; table convener, Mrs.
Bill Puss; sports committee, Mr.
and Mrs; Bob Madge, Mr, and
Mrs. Stan Love. A vote of thanks
was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Fuss and they were presented
with a small gift in appreciation
of their hospitality. The time and
place for the picnic next year is
to be decided at a later date.
The UCW and Sunday school
picnic of St. Andrew's United
Church, Ktppen, will be held at
Lions park, Seaforth, on Tuesday
afternoon, July 10th.
Mrs. Adams and her daughter,
Donelda, of Seaforth, visited on
Saturday with Mrs. E. Dowson
and Sunday visitors were Mr, and
Mrs. John Pepper.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller McConnell
and family of Bristol, Penn., are
visiting Miss Mabelle Whiteman.
Week end guests with Mrs.
Reid Torrance and Mlss Jean Ivi-
son included Mr, and Mrs. .Rob-
ert Hanes of Severn Bridge and
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Williamson
of London. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Alexander, Hensall, visited on
A trousseau tea is being held on
Saturday evening, July 7th at 7.30
p.m. for Marlene Riley, bride el-
ect of July 14th, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Riley. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to everyone.
Mrs. John Gibson and Mrs. Tom
Bourke of Wroxeter, visited re-
cent with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Meli s.
Miss Audrey Priestap and
friend, of near Mitchell, visited
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert
Promotions of S.S. No. 14, Stanley
To Grade 9—Douglas Hyde,
Russell Talbot, Brian Triebner,
Janes Wright, Bonnie Robinson,
To Grade 8—Ann Clifton, Gwen-
neth Hendrick, John Robinson.
To Grade 7—David Campbell,
Wendy Jones.
.To Grade 6—Barbara Gridzak,
Biliy Henderson, John Hoogenes,
Jo -Anne Imanse, Lois Wright.
To Grade 5—Donna Clifton,
Gayle Henderson, Karen Hend-
rick, Kathryn Hendrick, Michael
Gridzak. To Grade 4—Randy Grid-
zak. To Grade 3—Robert Camp-
bell, Gordon Wright. To Grade 2
--'Leslie Coleman, Linda Gridzak,
Mr', and Mrs. harry Connors
and Hal of Albany, N.Y., are holi-
daying with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne
Chapman and family,
!. TIIE SEAFORTI-I NEWS, Thursday, July 0, 1902
The Dolmage family held their
picnic at Jowett's grove, Mayfield,
on Juno 2.111. It was decided to
meet at the same place next Year.
After dinner- a short business
session chose John Agar of ri11t-
ellell as president for 1902.3. The
secretary - treasurer is Harald
00110. Mrs. Edwin. Dolmage and
Mrs, Helen Agar are the lru1811
committee. The sports committee
is Wayne 00101age and Neil Del -
About 70 persons sat down to:
dinner and supper. People were
Present front Detroit, Wayne,
Mien., Mitchell, Kitchener,
ton, Seaforth and Winthrop,
Following are the 100ults'of the
:mute; (Jit•ls, three-legged ra00,
Carol and Marlene Dolitl.agel boys
tllree•loggecl face, Ian Dolnlage
olid Tony Christensen; ladies
kick the slipper, June Dolmage;
boys kick the alilzper, Ian 1)OI-
mage; girls volley ball throw,
Linda Ailu Dolmage; boys volley
ball throw, Rlcherd Dolmage;
111011'5 blow the balloon thee, Ed
Saldiwar; ladles, Elizabeth Turn-
er; cortples throwing balloons RA•
eel. with water, Jean and Edwin
Dolmage, Penny scrambles for
pre-school children and also for
the 6-7 year olds. Oldest person
on the grounds, Robert Dodds.
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