HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1962-06-21, Page 5. .// X111 1 ,,i s 1� 1, 4C"QI' i,!ll.�/ i \ iii i,,,, SMITH'S SUPERIOR Food Market YORK FANCY CREAM CORN 2 20 -oz tins a 4 C VAN CAMP'S BEANS �9C with Pork 2 15 -oz tins m 2 St. Williams Assorted JAMS 4 9 -oz Jars 75C ROBIN HOOD POUCH PAK 25C CAKE MIXES 2 pks WHITE CHOCOLATE BANANA HEINZ TOMATO SOUP C 4 tins 45 5 CANTELOUPES each 17c AFRICAN ORANGES large, sweet doz �� CABBAGE each 9c PHONE 12 WE DELIVER When you need tires -see us! Complete range of long mileage Goodyear Tires e Generous trade -In allowance on your old tires ♦ Fast ,efficient repair service on all makes and types of tires BEST TIRE VALUES IN TOWN'ma_ ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Select Committee on Manpower Training BRIEFS INVITED On April 18,1962, The Legislative Assembly of Ontario• appointed a Select Committee to investigate and make recommendations concerning: 1. The Apprenticeship Act and the regulations made thereunder; 2. All aspects oftheapprenticeshlp system es presently established in Ontario and more particularly as It pertains to the training of persons in trades or crafts relating to the construction Industry and In industrial undertakings; 3. The training of workers and more particularly re• training and upgrading of skills; and 4. The roles of government, Industry and labour in this field. Public hearings are expected to take place in the Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, In September and October. Individuals or organizations Interested In presenting sub- missions to the Committee are Invited to contact the Secretary no later than July 16th, The Committee will be glad to supply a list of specific t(uestions upon which comment is particularly desired, as well as background information and advice which may assist interested parties In the preparation and presentation of briefs; J. R. Simonett, M.P.P. T, M. Eborlee, Chairman. Secretary, Room 262, Parliament Bulldrngs, Toronto (Telephone 365.19461 THE SbAFORTH NEWS Thursday JULIO flet, 1962 TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs, L, F. Ford and fa- mily were called to Wellington by the death of his father, Fred- oriek Ford, ou Sunday morning, The funeral was held there on Tuosday afternoon, Mr, and Airs, Victor Nlnno of South Monaghan, and Mr, and Mrs, Duneau Ninuno and Mr, Al- an Nimmo of Toronto were here during the week end owing to the passing of their brother-in-law and uncle, John C. Brough, Mr. and Mrs, T. Appleby, Curtis MacDonald and Douglas Fry left on Sunday on a two weeks' motor trip to Winnipeg. Mrs, Ross Murdie is confined to her home through illness, Mrs. John Campbell has return, ad to her home at Winthrop after spending the winter in Seaforth, 114x. Bill Roberton has accepted a position in London. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Owens of Victoria, B.C., visited with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Berger from Monday to Wednesday. Northside United Church Worship, Holy Communion 11 a.m.; Jr, church school, during worship; Sr, church school, 10 a.m, Please note that during the month of July the Northside con- gregation will worship at First Presbyterian Church. Organist, Mrs. J, Cardno (.temporary); Minister, Rev. J. Cliff Britton, B.A. LONDESBORO The W.I. met on the evening of June 6th with the president, Mrs. Dave Anderson, presiding. Mrs. Tom Allen will replace Mrs. Shaddick on the music festival committee representing the W.I. Project for 1962 is new floor for the hall stage. The roll call was items for the Tweedsmuir his- tory. Mrs. E. Josling favored with a piano selection. An interesting talk was given by Mrs. Phinney and Mrs. Ball of the Clinton hos- pital staff. Thanks were tendered by Mrs. Reg. Lawson. Mrs. Pipe gave a reading, "Friends." A piano selection by Mrs. T. Allen brought the program to a close. Hostesses served lunch. The Bercan unit of the UCW met on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The president, Mrs. Crawford, opened the meeting with a poem, followed by the de- votional period. A business item of the kitchen dishes to be bought will be discussed at the general meeting to be held this Thursday evening. The program was taken by Mrs. H. Hunking, who gave a story. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Griffith each gave a reading and Mrs, B. Allen took the study book. Mrs. Robt. Townsend returned home on Sunday from spending the past week with her daughter in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Fairservice and daughter Ann left Monday on a motor trip to Nova Scotia, also visiting with their son David who is stationed in Quebec. A number of the ladies from Londesboro attended the Burns' thankoffering meeting last Thurs- day. Guests were also present front Walton, Seaforth, Winthrop and Constance. The guest speak- er, Mrs. Brisco from Clinton, gave a splendid talk on "Home" and the many small ways that contri- bute to the making of a happy home life. The program was given by the Burns members, A delic- ious lunch was served and a soc- ial half hour was enjoyed. The June meeting of the Aim - well unit met at the home of Mrs, Neville Forbes, leader. Mrs.Don McNa11 presided, opening the worship with the theme "One Lord—so many churches." Ed- ythe Beacom and Mrs. Forbes offered to help Mrs. Lee pack the bale, the articles to be brought in by the end of June. Mrs. Forbes conducted the Bible study. The study book was given by Mrs. Don McLean. Piano sel- ections were given by Margaret Stewart and Bonnie McLean. BRODHAGEN On Friday the teacher, Mr. Donald Dunbar and pupils of the Brodhagen school, accompanied by the teacher, Mrs. Peel Boyd of SS 10 (,Jar'mutlr's school) and a few mothers enjoyed a. bus trip to the Detroit zoo and mus- eum. Brodhagen band, majorettes and flag bearers took part in the parade and band tattoo in At wood on Friday evening, The flag bearers are Barbara Hoegy, Darlene French, Carol ;VIogk and Joyce Rock. The majorettes are: Brenda Eickmier, Beth Queren geyser, Beverley Sholdice, Pat- ricia Querengesser, Phyllis Hinz Susan Querengesser and Donna Schneider. There are about 30 active band members, being led by Clare French and Gary Shold- ice, Kenneth Elligsen is presid- ent; Robert Ahrens, secretary, and Larry Muegge, treaeurer, Brodhagen band are making all filial arrangements for their an- nual band social next week. Tick• ets are being sold on a good ar- rangement of prises, to be drawn that night Different committees have been appointed for the var- ious jobs, Flowers adorned the altar of St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday In memory of Larry Tran- towsky, Who passed away one Year ago. They were placed by his parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Trentowsky and sister Shirley. A student of Waterloo Semin- ary was in charge of the service at St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday in the absence°of Rev. Brill. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt, Kim and Kathy, visited In Det- roit last week. Mr. Norman Bur- nett returned with them to visit here for a few weeks. Mrs. Charles Bauer of Stettler, Alberta, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Binz and Gerald and Miss Francis Work- man visited Mr, and Mrs, Kenn- eth Hinz at St. Catherines and attended the Sippel family reun- ion at Lutheran Camp Pioneer, near Buffalo over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sawyer and son Vern and Mrs. Chris Leon- hardt, all of Kitchener, visited with AIr. and Mrs, Alvin Leon- hardt and Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Leonhardt and other relatives. Miss Cheryl Bennewies with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drager, rr 5, Seaforth, for the sunnier holi- days, Master Brian Drager, Sea - forth, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies last week. Mr. Clayton Ahrens of Camp Borden spent the week end with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of London with Mrs. Elizabeth Rock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leeming, Linda and Randy of Norwich, and Mrs, Thelma Mantel of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait on Sunday. Mrs, Lorne Wolfe and Miss Shirley Soper of Kitchener and Cpl. Bernard Lerner of Camp Borden with Mr. and Mrs. Lav- erne Wolfe recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz and Mrs. John Hinz Sr., Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diegel. Mr, and Mrs. John Clark. Ray- mond and Janet, and Mrs. Barb- ara McLeod of Mitchell with Mrs. Rachel Ahrens on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and grandchildren Alvin and Sherry Hicks with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Toronto, on Sunday. Mr. Warren Sholdice, Guelph, at his home here for the week end. - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buuck and David of Milverton with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Potter and Karl with her father, Clifford and Mrs. Marks on Father's day and with her grandmother, Mrs. Jean Nichol and Robert Nichol and with Mr, and Mrs. Ross White and family, all of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuerman, Larry, Diane and Susan of Sea - forth, with Mrs. Louise Hille- brecht. Larry and Diane are spending the summer holidays with their grandmother. Mr. Albert Hinz has returned home from Stratford hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Miller and Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller, all of Galt, with Marie, Martin and John Meyer Sunday. Bruce is spending the summer holidays at the Meyer home. WALTON Walton Unit The June meeting of the Wal- ton UCW unit was beld at the home of Mrs. Walter Bewley last Wednesday evening with the pre- sident, Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, in the chair. Meditation was follow- ed with a hymn with Mrs. H. Brown at the piano. The scripture passage was read by Mrs. Ronald Bennett followed with prayer by Mrs. Luella Marshall. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Mary Bewley. The topic on The Rural Church and the Value of the church in the community was gi- ven by Mrs, Geo. Hibbert. The minutes were read by Mrs. Jim Clark. 30 members answered roll call, The treasurer, Mrs. A. Ach- illes, reported a balance on hand of $46.09. The roll call for the July meeting will he answered with a favorite verse of scripture. The Walton unit will he in charge of the flowers in the church for July. Mrs. Herb Traviss will have the topic. Scripture reading, Mrs. Rae Huether. Prayer, Mrs, E. Marshall, Coppers for the first six months of the year amounting to 3100.10 were handed in to the two contest leaders, Mrs. Jim Clark and Mrs. Gary Finlayson. Mrs. Wm. Thamer gave the life story of David and Samuel. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs, Douglas Ennis. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP ON ELECTION DAY ERNIE FISHER LIBERAL CANDIDATE, HURON CONCLUDING SERVICES TURNER'S UNITED CHURCH CENTENNIAL SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 2.00 p.m. --Afternoon service, Guest—Rev. G. G, Burton, M.A., B,D., London, Special music by Tamer's choir 7.30 p.m,—Evening Worship Guest—Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, B.D., Dresden. Special music by former choir members and old time quartet. Fellowship Hour at the close of the evening service. EVERYONE WELCOME The regular mon▪ thly sleeting of Grey Township School Area No, 2 was held at the home of Wilfred Shortreed on lime 11tH, All members except J. .Bryans were present along with Inspect- or Kinkead and Architect Mr. Dunlop. The following' motions were carried: That Grey Township School Area No, 2 Trustee Board enter into contract with Mr, Frank Van Busse' of Lucan in the amount of .$75, 416 to build a school that is detailed in the architect's plans and specifications. This contract doesn't include the septic tank. That three teachers, Mrs, Dor- een McCreath, Mrs, Margaret Robertson and Mrs. Marie Toll be hired for Grey Township School Area No. 2 commencing Sept. 4th, That all accounts be paid. That we accept the bus tender of Russel Marks and Nelson Marks at $5,000 a year for provis- ion of 2 buses for transportation of approximately 90 pupils, The meeting was adjourned by D. McDonald. Sec.-Treas. is A. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis visited with isIr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Hamilton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Porter, Mr, and Mrs. Ross McTaggart visited with friends in Toronto on. Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. W. Stutz, Water- loo, Mr. and Mrs, C. Stutz, Welles- ley, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas on Sunday, Mr. Ernie Stevens has disposed of his farm to Mr, Jerry Ryan with possession in the Fall. Mr. and Mrs. Neil MoGavin have taken up residence in the Marshall house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs, Alf, Anderson and Nora moved on Wednesday to -Seaforth where they will reside in the Kerr home on Main steet north. Prior to their leaving a plate glass mirror was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and an aluminum tray to Nora by the neighbours and friends. BRODHAGEN BAND 58th ANNUAL SOCIAL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th Community Park, Brodhagen Parade of bands 8 p.m. Program. Games of Chance Dance—Desjardines Orchestra Draw for 10 prizes. RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Angus Brown in Seaforth Legion Hall SAT., ,JUNE 23 Wilbee's Orchestra LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend DANCING ! LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Every Saturday HEY KIDS! Starting Wed., June 27th and EVERY Wed. dance to "THE CRESCENDOS" with Dick Williams, Emcee, of CFPL - Radio Thanks, I-iuron Elston Cardiff BILL CAMPBELL SEAFORTH Phone 486 Would you be interested .. . In having 310,000 in cash 20 years from now ? It's easy, the Investors way. i 1 Investors synanoote S/ •AAA•A. (sire• Notice SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES Effective June 25th Obtain your copy from your Local Agent or driver The Western Ontario Motorways Limited Kitchener Ontario .I1 A A A A A„A 1 ,AAA , ,11111.11 A A, ,,,"„ A„A, A,,,,A A, A,,, A„A A, A„A,,. A„A A A A A A „A A A A A A A, A, A A A A A A A, A A A A„A,,,, A A A A11111111111111111111111t, I * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE 19th Otrt daa KEEP INSURED! Separate premiums are required for your insurance from now on. Obtain application form at a bank, a hos- pital or the Commission. an g Jobs? iiiiiiiiiii KEEP INSURED! The Family premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell your group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notify the Commission. KEEP INSURED! Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required to give you. Always keep your ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Hospital Insurance ( 2155 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Certificate handy. AS NEAR as your P lenty of sires H aving top ratings On type and production N ow available to E very farmer For service or information weekdays call from 7.30 - 9.30 a.m. For Sunday service call Saturday eve 6-8 p.m. Clinton Hu 2-3441, Seaforth 96, or for long distance Zenith 9-5650 Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used”